Thread #157260
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Yes amine.
clockwork kiss note tsuki ga kirei saekano Have we seen Jan tonight?
I'm not seeing
him anywhere I can reach him.
A few /moe/s, including possibly Bang, are having Cloudflare issues though. So he might not be connecting either.
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Oh, I see. Well we'll see if we feel like saving Saekano for him at the end of the evening. I'm trying to get Ika's attention at the moment.
How nice of you to show up.
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okay clockwork! okay let's start
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Oh, they fixed her last episode? I remember them working on her but I don't remember her waking up.
Yeah I don't recall that either.
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Well we definitely watched episode 9. So I guess they just jumped ahead or something?
Maybe we'll jump back to before she was fixed. Or maybe not.
For an android that was formally a grizzly man, he's gotten into talking like a slut awfully fast.
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Well I think he kinda talked like that before. It just seems slutty now because ?she's a pleasure bot now.
Hm, maybe. I don't really remember what -how it talked like before it got beheaded. Was only around for like, ten minutes or less, after all.
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Yeah, he kinda spoke like that before. You'd think he would find some new clothes at least though.
Now she's got a giant mecha bodyguard.
a zaku
Akibahara? More like Atsuibahara.
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His hands seem to be doing a lot better though.
I guess that's a roundabout way of saying "don't put rings on the hands of any other girl".
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okay kiss note okay let's start!
Oh it's another imouto episode.
Or maybe it's a let's fight off sexual advances all night long episode.
this will be a fun ep
The kouhai is really getting a lot of focus time this episode. That looked really delicious. I'm already kind of hungry.
Wow extendo-arms.
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>>157302 Looks like it was this kind of episode.
Ara ara
>Don't even think of attacking us in our sleep I think the one that should be saying that is MC-kun.
Also if you think about it, Akane got to bathe in Seiji's bathwater, and Yuzu got to bathe in Akane's bathwater. Both obsessors got a happy en- The fuck.
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Yeahm she's the one to worry about.
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he forgot to turn his swag off
You can bring a tomboy to the water but you can't make her drink.
Oh no.
Penguin rape.
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That is a really messed up penguin.
That was not the imouto episode I was expecting.
guri is gonna become evil now
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Oh wow. The ermine from Negima made a reappearance in UQ Holder.
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okay tsuki ga kirei okay let's start!
rip jan also that akane scene was nice
Oh no relocation.
I wonder how many aspiring authors end up with that kind of spiel when they submit serious novel ideas. Either way he is kind of young to be tackling serious writing.
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Serious writing isn't profitable like it used to be, anyway.
Oh no.
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Both leads do stupid things that make me mad sometimes. He should have gone to congratulate his girlfriend.
Isn't it nice, vicariously reliving teenage years through them~?
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>>157348 I was not anywhere near as stupid as either of them.
Considerable doubt.
Man the sound effect of that train was kind of heavy on my right audio side. I thought something was running around on my back deck in real life.
the losers are licking each others wounds
Maybe soon they'll be licking each other's [REDACTED].
At least with Japan, being in a long-distance relationship isn't really, y'know, much of a long distance. They can see each other pretty easily still.
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>>157350 That's just because needless doubt is your default position. Most of their stupidity stems from their lack of being possessive. I've always been a jealous person so I've never made these kinds of mistakes.
Jealousy can make for plenty of stupidity too though. You may not be the same make of stupid but that doesn't mean the stupidity isn't similar in quantity!
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>>157362 Yeah, but not the kinds of mistakes these kids are making. If one of them were being possessive and making possessive mistakes, I'd be siding with that person.
Well it's not like I was making the same kind of mistakes they're making either. But it's still a little fun to remember what it was like being a teenager.
the shorts were short but funny
wanna watch the zesty finale?
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Oh, let's save it. I need to sleep pretty soon.
Want to start watching SaeKano from the first season Squid. I'll start it with you!
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh kokay we can do one ep wow yeah are we doing 00 or skipping lets do 01 ready? yeah. go
Oh geez man I was joking but sure. Do you have the series? Lemme just make sure I have it, hah hah. I think I saved it but I'm not sure.>>157372 00 has no real plot significance but it has cute girls being cute. Yeah, I'm good now. You?
mc looks boring
Yeah he's got a pretty normal looking look.
What kind of middle name is Spencer. Especially for a girl.
Tsundere girls sure are tiresome.
plain-chan will be the student council pres or something ib et
All you need to know is ME GU MI is best girl.
Don't fall for Rika's deceit and false words.
Sempai is pretty great too though.
It's kind of weird how he ends up so close to these high-class high school professionals though. Awfully convenient.
the designs of the heroines are pretty good mc's is bad though
He's kind of self-insert-y and boring. But he's got a great character! Well thanks for entertaining my silly impulse.