I played DotA once with Squid and then he decided he hated me and never played again. But some times he throws random gibberish at me when he wants my attention. Among other things.
wait are we in the past again?
He looks grown up so I don't think so? Fuck the chronology of this series is needlessly confusing.
what's not-deadchan's power shes supposed to have foresight but how does she resurrect
I think MC-kun is gonna have to keikaku a way to bring her back to life.
The things I would do for a flawless and complete memory like his. Unlimited database within your own head.
I think bringing her back will be the climax of the show.
Yeah. It's either that, or a major climax of a mid-series plot. I can't imagine what other major plot aspects would exist once she comes back to life though. But at the same time, I don't know if waiting around to the end of a twenty-four episode series is a good idea for a climax like that.
Oh, is this a 24 episode deal? I guess it will be a mid-series thing then.
Oh wow, resetting and not knowing why must be pretty disorienting.
tfw have same voice as your dad
>>155591 It really strikes me as something that would mess with your sense of cognizance. But he said around the start of the series that he's been noticing the slips backwards for a long time now. So maybe he's also just had a chance to get accustomed to it.
I guess in a world where everyone has super powers it's easier to deal with. It's lucky for him that the person with the power to reset lives nearby.
If they bring her back for the end of season climax, I wonder what the second half of the series is gonna be. There's still loose plot threads, like making Robot-chan human. Yeah and the MacGuffin. And we need some kind of closure with the Agency or whatnot.
Chouka is still kind of cute. I didn't expect her wigless self to be cute.
Twintails is a fun character too.
shes kinda funny
She's talking too much here though. Totes gonna lose to the Empress.
The Empress seems kind of game-y though. Like the other characters have a kind of respectable skill or training with their weapons. But she's just "lol I beat everyone just 'cause".
Hard to believe they did a cliffhanger ending in this show. We all know it's going to be something silly.
I think there's been a few soft cliffhangers so far. Each girl's arc has taken two episodes to resolve, so there's been a bit of a "what comes next" for each mid-arc episode. This is the sharpest one we've had so far though.