Thread #147314
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Three news shows tonight. Machiavellianism, Sagrada, and Sakura. We could also maybe do Zestiria, but eh.
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I'm not really feeling zesty. Lets do Sagrada, Machi, and then Sakura Quest.
Good by me.
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sagrada play ;et s start
Is this still two years ago? Are we back in the latest time frame? This show can be really confusing on when it is some times.
I'm pretty sure this is back two years ago still. Probably shortly after that girl died. But this show is still really obtuse with when things are.
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Did she cut her hair before the other girl died?
I think it was about the same time? She cut it after they did the story with the little girl clone. And then they learned that the girl died like the same day or something.
Fucking marketing. I like Kit-Kat though.
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kit kats are okay.
Euuuugh. I was wondering if they were playing with the English tag phrase for Kit-Kan and then they went and said it anyway.
reset reset resetto
the op and end are pretty good they might be my favourite thing about the show
I like them too. The follow-up lyric thing some songs do like Sagrada's OP is a nice touch.
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okay let's machiavellianism! okay let's start!
it'd be lame if it was his riichistick that helped him live
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This OP is better than either Sagrada's OP or ED.
this op >= reset end > reset op
I like all of them. Why do you have to be so abrasive and act like your opinion is law.
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>>147377 I'm not being abrasive about it, I'm just stating my opinion. If I was being abrasive I'd add something like "if anybody disagrees with me they're wrong" But I didn't say that!
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i like starting stating* my tierlist i always do it
that being said empress > green > big blonde > oni >= small blonde > white
Onigawara > Green (with unvoiced lines) > Small blonde > Green (with voice) > Big blonde I skipped episode one and there hasn't really been any character introspection with the Albino Miko so I don't know what to feel about it.
i dont like small blondes design that much but her personality is pretty kakkoii
Oh wait right she wasn't just the Albino Miko he was -she was the Albino Daredevil Miko.
I wonder what Chouka's normal hair is like.
>>147384 she seems boring so far>my ears can see everything
She's Daredevil, man.
Well that misunderstanding got cleared up surprisingly fast.
i bet its the small bear wearing choka's wig
Cute cub.
Oh she's kind of cute in Nippon mode too.
I had a friend who drew girls with a hair style a lot like that short one.>>147394 The girl with the hockey goalie mask that backs up Satori. I think they're probably sisters.
who is that
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/01 (木) 07:16 No. 147395
Woooow, I cant believe you guys started anime without me.
>>147393 ohhhhh her
>>147395 it was tildes fault
I can harden my heart to anything.
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Wow, Empress is jelly.>>147395 I announced it in the main thread any everything!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/01 (木) 07:17 No. 147400
>>147399 Yeah, but I didnt show up in this thread and say I was ready.
Also Small Blonde has actual bear cavalry that's gotta count for something.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/01 (木) 07:18 No. 147403
>>147401 I bought a Warhammer Bear Calvary figure last Thursday.
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>>147400 You need to be on time for anime.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/01 (木) 07:19 No. 147407
>>147405 Okay, I'll try to make it on time next time I anime.
What a weird way to determine blood relation.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/01 (木) 07:20 No. 147414
Once I set up my extra monitor in the basement Ill be able to shitpost and watch anime at the same time!
RIP Satori.
>Woman and beast as one
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I thought bear girl would be a bitch but she's like the coolest girl.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/01 (木) 07:23 No. 147426
>>147424 That sounds sort of lewd.
That's why I pulled it out of context.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/01 (木) 07:23 No. 147428
>>147427 Sasuga
Oh Albino Daredevil Miko is a lot younger than the rest of them. I thought she was just tiny, since y'know. Onigawara and Small Blonde are high school students.
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sakura quest! okay let's start
Kuuesuto sutaato
That was the most normal we've seen that guy all show.
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Wow, protagonist-chan's outfit is super cute this episode.
P.A. Works always finds ridiculously /fa/ character designers for their works. Hanasaku Iroha, Shirobako, this show. I would kill to find a good artbook for Shirobako's character designs.
This old mechanic is pretty cool. The walking tea dispenser was the most realistic project of his yet.
the designs are real good
>Going to France to study French cuisine to improve French toast- Hah hah Riri beat me to it.
what do you do when a bear blocks your way
Honk at it loudly and scare it away.
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Everyone has changed clothes but the tomboy.
She kind of has a specific style and sticks to it. I can appreciate that sort of autism.
what time are we
14:45 14:50 14:55
I guess the calendar is also why Bear-kun got his chances with onee-san screwed up.
Saabisu saabisu
That's a bit too active of a meal experience for me.
who doesnt like noodles being shot at you
Shiori has a nice voice. It gets a little airy at times, but when she's curt, there's a nice tone to it.
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It's strange that you like Shiori's voice but not Satori's. They're similar even though Satori's is a lot more exaggerated.
Satori's goes off the deep end for exaggeration for me. I like drawn-out vocal tics, but there's a sweet spot they need to hit.>>147469 Shiori is the one who just had the character arc. The brown-haired one with the onee-chan.
which one is shiori im not good with names
is she the black hair one?
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thanks for anime!