Thread #1462
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so tonight rewrite idol jihen 3gatsu zesty>>1466 I don't see anything like that
there already was an anime thread why did you make 2/
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Oh and chain chronicle if Jan wants to.
sorry i was reading about storms in florda im getting rewrite and then chain chronicle
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okay no activity oh there he is chain chronicle?
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well let us know when you're ready.
okay what i have rewrite i actually got chain chronicle before ika showed up wait which one are we doing okay chain chronicle opened
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chain chronicle! oh okay rewrite not chain chronicle tilde and ika seem dead though okay just ika now okay yeah let's just chain chronicle since ika is confused tilde are you not watching this oh okay let's get it out of the way then lets start
cc>>1477 why
Not watching.
Too much effort to catch up.
the princess is best girl btw
no wait gilbert is best girl
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>>1478 You should just jump in sometime. There's not much to know other than that they're fighting an evil army.>>1483 I don't see it on my list but I guess I can hunt it down.
There's also Little Witch Academia out by Asenshi tonight.
let's watch little witch academia after this
i dont think its not ok to jump in whenever
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>>1485 That's a double negative.
>>1486 yeah it's fine to jump in whenever
i've watched tons of episodes of random tv shows before why can't anime be the same sometimes watching an episode later in the season makes me want to watch a show
the communicator is some kind of magic mirror that reflects your face into the other peoples' mirrors i remember that from the game for some reason
oh shit
dusty the jew
come do my dailies kid level that shitty weapon up
he was a strong free unit
dusty is a cool guy i hope my main man HOLY KNIGHT OF JUSTICE ARIES shows up more
i dont even remember my main unit
i had a bunch i don't remember too i remember my boy aries and teresa the demon waifu
if i had a list of names i could probably pick which ones i had out
burckhardt isn't trying to be a dick but he's succeeding
oh no yuri has darkness cancer
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he thinks his boss thinks hes too weak to defend her atm
the edge is consuming him
oh buckhard is an original character i think
Oh I remember these two
yeah him and aram are fanfiction
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Green boy is always having a tough time.
hes blackening
im so smart
buckhard noo
rip in rip
>>1502 >>1509
straight up what am i fighting forrrrr
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they made it so edgy i love it
me too
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okay tilde are you still here?
Still here.
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>>1516 wow you can't see but i'm high fiving the air i hope you can catch my five also i like how it's an original story based off the game instead of an adaptation of the game
let's do LWA
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okay LWA okay lets start!
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She sucks at magic at least er she sucks at magic except for when it's crunch time.
she has talent but no potential tfw
i love this op
Oh boy Amanda. The secondary trio from the second OVA are pretty cool too.
amanda is my fav character
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There's lots of bullying at this witch school.
>>1530 of course there's tons of bullying it's an all girls school
She cuts to the chase quick.
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just the best
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It's going to be hard for her to win this.
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>>1536 she'll figure it out!
Constance is great. Her magitechnology is cool.
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Time for the shenanigans to start.
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If you're gonna be dumb you gotta be tough. That's my motto too.
akko is the dumb-best
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She failed, though!
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That was a good episode though. It felt like it was a lot longer than 24 minutes.
Felt shorter to me.
this is basically AOTS duh
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seems like it so far oka let's rewrite okay everyone is orange lets start
wait pee
>>1551 basically but i just finished and now i'm ready so just waiting for squiddles >>1549 i have the magic ability to detect AOTS when i watch it i've done it like a jillion times
What a terrible fate. Cursed to forever babble on about inane facts.
dont worry i dont know wha thte hell is happeng too
d-did the VN cover this part
maybe but maybe not
ok i kinda remember
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Talking dog!
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She's going to be mad that he was touching the lines while she wasn't looking.
what if she likes when he touches the lines while she isn't looking
what's it like to love life itself
Probably very exhausting.
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It's probably a lot easier than loving some individuals.
How charming.
This bit of the show is a bit tiresome just with his narration non-stop. I guess it can't be helped considering it's just him and a silent Kagari but it just feels kind of bland.
i wonder if it's going to be 2deep4u for the whole second season
their time alone is gonna end real soon
i guess you were right
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He's going to go fetch his harem, huh?
>>1577 he's summoning his round table of bitches to smite evil
rewrite of za rife next week i hope
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okay thanks jan! I hthink we're out og jan shows let's watch idol jihen and stop there we can save zesty for a slow day>>1582 oh yeah 3gatsu we can do taht instead of idol jihen if you guys want to.
What about 3-gatsu.
i watched like 4 episodes of it and then forgot about it i remember liking it though ok arigatomato for animengo
I'd be lying if I said I was more interested in Idol Jihen than 3-gatsu.
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well we can do 3gatsu instead 3gatsu okay let's start
Time for Kiriyama to get wrecked.
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Well, he completely fell apart really quickly.
Wow that poor kitten.
what a LOSER
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His brother seems like a good guy.
More weird title cards.
Er endcards.
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Unique art style!
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thats the guy who did suicide island
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well thanks for anime!
thank you