Thread #134560
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Bottom Identity
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Yes amine.
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yes aomine
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SnK actually no SnK bahamut twin angel danmachi hinako note zesty saekano
Something like Danmachi or Bahamut to start with?
lets danmacho okay we'll do uhhhhhhhm Danmacho twin angel bahamut hinako i like bahamut
actually maybe we should bahamut first then danmachi then angel then hinako yeah
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Let's Bahamut. OKAY let's start!
All right.
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im ready for demons to suffer because female erectile disfunction
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if she falls for it that'd be so wow
Desu qua
It really is Kaisar's lot in life to suffer.
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Something big is going to happen soon, I wonder if this episode is going to be all building action or what
Azazel looked really conflicted there.
>i thought she was a boy
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erectile disfunction
More like Azazal just ain't a pretty boy. And he's got to come to terms with that.
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She's getting used to boys.
Though it's being played as comedy but really she's now likely damned all these demons to death.
i wonder if she'll show up and see the pirnce then transform i dont get the part at the beginning before the opening maybe she kills everybody
The music video for this ED's full version is weird.
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>>134591 Basing your whole plan on someone you haven't even asked to help you is a bad idea.
Yeah, totally. Her inaction sealed their fate, but the blame lies entirely on them.
Holy fuck.
That wasn't the kind of helping hand she needed.
they all died because of azazel he must feel super emo
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He should. Basing the whole plan on someone he didn't even ask to help was a terrible idea.
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twin angel? or danmachi?
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either i thjink twin angel
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okay twin angel
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oops twin angel okay lets start
All right.
twin angel
I wo nder who's going to be the one attacking probably oniisama
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Yeah, it's going to be onii-chan.
I didn't entirely expect her to get the hit on him earlier.
you know if this were a shounen it would be like them realizing each others identities while fighting and then stuff happens and boom
She's getting stolen away from her best friend by this girl.
i like the twins maybe the most
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The silver girl is getting tempted.
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okay danmachi okay let's start
There are kind of parallels here between her and Bell.
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She's not quite as broken as he is but she's pretty strong too.
Oh here he is again. I wonder how scrubby he is at the moment.
Getting the perspective from Ais' side is nice though. She comes off as a bit dull in the main series but she's kind of an adorable autsy character here.
He gave the Shotacon Signal.
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how strong is Bell at the end of the first season?
I can't remember at all.
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Bell is like the strongest person alive by the end of the first season. The point we're at in this version is the point where the squirrel girl is tricking him.
Oh I remember this stage of the main series.
bell is lvl 4 apparently
at the end
That's still pretty high. It feels like power levels in this series are more of a logarithmic thing than a linear one. So a level four is still considerable stronger than a three, which is considerably, even, stronger than a two, which etc.
i think bells specialty was his speed of growth or something right
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Yeah, he broke the rules when it comes to growth. I want to say he broke the rules somehow when it came to magic, too.
i thnk so ais mentioned he didnt need to channel anything
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okay hinako note okay let's start!
Hina Konote
i dont like this opening you know what other opening i dont like? hinako notes
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>>134842 This is hinako note.
I like that one-piece style she's picked out but I don't like that kind of pattern.
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this is me at any given moment
Short and flat?
This show is getting less and less in the lewd undercurrents and more into the opencurrents.
Oh they kind of tone down her microbikini. It also doesn't have the cameltoe in the anime.
Or tone it up, I guess?
this anime is kinda lewd
Yeah it's kind of nice.
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Some comfy shows have some lewd elements too.
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Konata really likes bullying.
She's a good girl.
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Oh, meido picked a nice bathing suit. It looks nice.
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This was the swimsuit picking in the manga, with particular attention to detail.
This little girl-teacher is a real enigma. Is she really as young as she's said to be?
>>134868 wow mega lewd
She's eerily close to what almost happened.
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I was wondering if her animal trait would act up this episode.
And then they missed their stop.
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when people finally acknowledge your onee-chan power
It's a damn shame you'll be stuck vicariously living the moment through fiction.
Domo arigatou Motto raishuu
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The OP and ED for this are both a little too generic. The best ED this season is bahamut.
I think the ED is pretty good. It has this stop-and-go gimmick to it that's fun.
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yeah bahamut might be the best
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>>134884 The visuals are fine but the song isn't really very good.
I don't really agree, I think it's good. They punctuate some parts of the song using the tempo of the music pretty well and it makes those parts a little ear-wormy.
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I don't really like it too much, but it's a matter of opinion.
thanks for anime
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thanks for anime! I noticed that Coco and Mimi are chasing him in the ED, I wonder if that means Cerberus will show up before it's over.