Thread #126596
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I have a lot to watch. I need to know what you all have gotten to while I've been absent.
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The list for tonight: granblue snk recreators boku no hero hmm is that all ika did we watch the latest lwa?
yes ,we d id
Smaller than I hoped for. Rika are you still interested in watching Saenai?
leftovers Sakura qwuest reset Shuumatsu Noise (ep 5) we watched ep 4 zestiria
Oh I see. There are a lot of leftover shows.
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>>126609 Yeah but only after we clear out some of this backlog. What do you guys want to watch?
That's fine. Keeping it on hold for Jan to appear is good too. I'm fine with watching Re:Creators or GranBlue if you two want to but I wouldn't mind doing some of the leftovers instead of them tonight. I've only recently started on the backlog I've built up. But I'm good for Hero Academia or Shingeki.
you choose whjeres floop
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in a bag
i would like to get to Shuumatsu if possible. Do we want to start with either Shingeki or Hero Academia?
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okay Let's start with SnK then okay let's start
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last week was fuj
Did -that- happen last episode?
Aw shucks. Guess I'll have to go back and watch for It.
dont worry you'll see CG colossal
It's more for the reveal than the actual events that happen afterwards. The way they revealed it in the manga was so silly, and according to my imouto, it's just as silly in the show.
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I heard it kinda goes increasingly high levels of full retard.
Yeah there's a lot of absurdity to come. We might even see the high point of it as the climax of this season.
is legit
yeah do you want to anime we're 8 minutes in on the eoten onslaught
>>126642 They don't always have the torrents for shows from the past two weeks since they're still getting up to speed but they're endorsed by HorribleSubs so they're good from here on out. You're looking for Giant Attack episode thirty-two. Also grab Hero Academia twenty.
yes i will download eoten fighto and skip to wherever you are
Eren can't do anything right.
time pls
i'm just going to assume you're right after eren getting fucked up
11:15 11"20 11:25 11:30
i did it
Caat fiiiight.
>implying anyone is stronger than mikasa
Giant naked wrestling
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>titan judo
Fuckin' disarmed.
>>126661 >>126661 >>126661 >>126661
>run away eren just be a little bitch fuckin armin
guess what's going to happen now
Was it ever made clear if Hange is a man or a woman.
hange is bae
The textures on the titans are pretty poor but the motion of the bodies actually has some pretty fluid animation.
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I'm glad they got rid of the meme lines from season 1>>126673 the thick ones on everyone
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Eren is actually doing something right. I'm sure he'll screw it up in the end though.
>>126671 it's a battle of who is the biggest buster eren or reiner
>>126670 What kind of lines were there? I don't remember anything from the first season. Oh you mean lines in animation. I thought you were talking about dialogue.
>>126670 i liked the thick lines they toned it down a lot in this season though it looks better this way i think
now the thick lines are only on parts that make sense instead of all around every character like something from Paper Mario
They're all just standing around gaping.
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and then eren died the end
ok what's next
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That looked pretty cool at the end. Wanna do boku no hero next?
Kinda. Jan do you know if Roc is working tonight?
>>126682 yeah he's probably at work right now
Catching up in Re:Creators and man that brat of a mecha pilot is pretty funny.>>126683 Okay then let's do Hero Academia.
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okay any chance rook will be home later?
what does floop watch should we do recreators first
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>>126686 he'll probably be home in like two hours tops
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hm does tops mean like the maximum time he takes will be two hours? i think that's what it means
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it means i forgot if he gets off at 4 EST or 4 CST and the "like" is there for extra insurance if he doesn't drive straight home
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well whatever it's hard to think about time how about recreators? Do you watch that floop?
i do
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lets do hero last recreators granblue hero
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recreators okay let's start! wait no i forgot tilde be orange again OKAY lets start
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gosh golly not drinking a shitload every day for like a week has done something to my tolerance
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Hah hah hah. You should have just gone I started on time. I was trying to squeeze every last second of last week's episode of Re:Creators as I could before starting this one.
fug ok ㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁ
>>126700 you only need to watch the last minute of it the rest was boring infodump
>>126703 Well gee how am I supposed to know that without watching the episode.
Long sweaters and leggings are a nice outfit.
Especially when the sweater is a turtleneck.
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oh fuck satan-chan is cute
i just noticed she does the roy mustang thing too best girl
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I guess she's the evil side's wild card. Like how Stand-kun is the good side's wild card.
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satan-chan is a good girl she would never side with EVILDOERS
Well I'm using evil just to label Violin Sword-chan's group because there's no shorter shortform.
i wonder whose side satan will go to
She's getting awaaaayyyy
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>TECHNICALLY I didn't kill anyone
The foilage between February and red-hair is pretty heavy. They both come from crapsack worlds and resent their authors for making it that way. February is throwing more of a temper tantrum though.
Alright I'm fuckin toasted but seriously I love y'all See you in a bit
>>126728 she has like 10 int dude what can you expect
A modicum of maturity!>>126729 Glad you're having fun, nerd.
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Everyone knows how to fly. That guy just uses a gun, what reason does he have to fly?
>>126733 to stalk badguys
Shit man he's got gravity bullets.
is she defecting
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I wonder if the magical girl is going to switch teams.
they're all going to switch sides eventually i bet
I think she's gonna stick by February and I doubt February's gonna be rational and cozy up with redhair.
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>neato t. satan
this ep was like 20x better than last ep
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okay what was next granblue?
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i need a few minutes to take care of business
yeah granboob are we done after bokuyhero or are we gonna deo Sakura Quest
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We'll just see how everyone feels.
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i feel like i want to put a ring on satan-chan's glove
also when are we watching saekano
After Squid passes out since he never got around to watching season one, probably. Let's just do GranBlue.
you had ONE JOB
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one day
Yeah after season two wraps up and you're watching all of it ALL ALONE.
i'll rewatch saekano with you squiddles
is this the anime thread
yes hello i would like to watch one (1) anime please rika come back
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Are we ready now?
i've been ready since i professed my undying love for satan>>126763 yeah but then i came back WHAT granblue is first also there was four whole minutes inbetween those posts 4 minutes is definitely a few minutes oaky
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You said you needed a few minutes. Don't advertise it if you aren't going to take it. okay let's do boku no hero oh is rook not here yet? okay granblue we need tilde oaky everyone is orange let's start
no lets granblue first
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io is fucking dumb just for the record
i always miss the episodes where they actually fight the boss oh well
They'll probably fight the island's elemental boss this episode or the next.
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they're giving away a boss drop per anime ep its neat
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that game won't let me play it i tried and it hates me
wai what episode is this
I keep wanting to call her "Li-rya" but the actual pronunciation is "Lu-rya".
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Vyrn is a weird looking thing.>>126773 episode 7
what else is there to watch before hero academia we have to waste an hourrr
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Can you identify the problem with this image?
>>126777 she has six figners on her left hand
it has io in it
>>126779 >>126779 >>126779 >>126779 >>126779
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Io seems like she should be cute but she's not. She has everything she needs to be cute but she isn't. I wonder what's wrong with her.
>>126776 sakura quest sakaneko fukumenkei noise sagrada reset shuumatsu
>>126782 sakura quest and fukumenkei noise it is
and then hero academia and then SAEKANO
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wow you want to watch a lot. Do you watch shuumatsu?
i've watched a couple episodes we can do that instead of sakura quest
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Tilde said he wanted to watch that.
wait what is that sakura quest or shuumatsu
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>rackham keeps trying to shoot the giant metal colossus with his dinky little gun
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>>126788 shuumatsu Tilde wants to watch Shuumatsu.
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Wow she's helping Io summon something. Gran is getting cucked. Looks like Gran is a darkness type.
I was also planning on heading to bed in about an hour.>>126798 Lemme rephrase that. I WANT to head to bed around that time. If I stay up too late I'll get stuck sleeping in later and later and I don't really want to get stuck in that cycle.
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>>126796 you can do it pull through for your buddies
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oh i guess we can just do like hero quest or something
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no see i'm trying to stall for time because rook he said we don't have to wait for him but i want to keep everyone up super late so i can watch it with him too
We can just watch Hero Academia another day.
i dont think jan rook and floop can tmr
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We'll do shuumatsu next and hope rook shows up.
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i also actually want to watch autism noise though
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We're way overbooked though! I guess we can do noise next and shuumatsu tomorrow.
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but then tilde will have to wait clearly the only way is to pad it out as long as possible
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Tilde did you watch autism noise ep 4 Jan can you watch tomorrow we can do autism noise 5 tmr
I'm also not really able to enjoy myself right now. All the stuff I was putting off until I got back in town is piling up on me again and it's putting me in a super-high stress mental state at the moment. Enough that it's actually clawing its way through anime's ability to distract me. So I don't really care what gets watched. I'll watch whatever until I head to bed.>>126818 Didn't watch but like I said don't care either way.
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oh no i actually don't want to keep you then let's do hero academia tomorrow>>126818 yeah i'll be here tomorrow i shouldn't actually be up too late today but i was going to do it anyways the dream is dead
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Lyria is acting like she's the main character again. I guess it's true to hte game.
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>>126819 dont lose your way take stuff one step a t a time>>126821 okay we'll do noise tomorrow something then boku hero
>>126824 I don't know which step to take first. So I just keep staring at them all and continue being intimidated.
They started clocking through the islands faster than they were at first. At this rate we'll hit Vira's island by the end of the series.
we might
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I want to see anime Vira!
>>126825 try your best
>>126825 Gomen Ganbare
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So what are we watching now that everything got shuffled?>>126825 sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do okay shuumatsu what episode is this
>>126832 shuumatsufukumenkei noise boku hero
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episode 5 why is this title so long i had to move the bar to see the name
i need to use the little jan's room though
not watching this
>>126830 >>126831 Thanks.
Shuumatsu five, right. There should have only been one episode out while I was away.>>126840 There should have only been one episode out while I was away. There's Jan.
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Everyone bumped me up.>>126838 Are you caught up? well orange for >>126838 okay did you watch it though? okay are we all ready? okay well everyone is unresponsive okay let's start
tilde watched last ep with us i believe>>126836 could hop in its an average show secret edgy show wheres jan>>126840
>>126844 i'll catch up to it on my own maybe
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shuumatsu nani shitemasuka isogashii desuka sukutte moratte li desuka episode 5 i have chestnuts that's right chestnuts they are pretty good
i've never heard anyone grow nuts on their chest
Oh wow they can make organic mecha.
It kinda looks like an Eva.
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No so sneaky edgy anymore.
>>126851 they're not nuts on the chest they're soft and delicious
Cutholly is the one crushing on the MC but Lilac-chan is the one sitting on his lap. Oh they even bring it up.
That was Pac-Man. I mean I get all the beastkin and other animal types. But Pac-Man?
As a side note I'm also feeling really hungry and those pitas look really appetizing.
>>126881 i have roasted chestnuts and some pretzels do you want some amigo
I'm more craving something like those pitas from earlier but I guess that would be good too.
These police golems are cute.
Wilhelm's got the right idea.
i think i have a bit of a grasp on making anime webms
Oh there it goes.
all these furries
I like the way they do the eyelashes in this show.
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Okay, what's next? Is something next?
i cant make your text speak
Sakura Quest or Hero I guess? Sakura would be comfier to end on but I don't know who cares for it.
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okay let's end with sakura quest then!>>126925 how long is a minuto>>126923 even with no rook? okay so what are we even watching
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wheres rooooooooooook are we stilll doing hero after htis its kinda late or should we do hero now rook is too late floop probably cant hero tomorrow>>126921 lets do hero now i thjink its probably the last show>>126921 is this the last show it probably is right
>>126921 a minuto is as long as uno momento which is as long as i need
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when you said you needed a minute and I waited too long you complained and now you're saying uno momento and taking forever what are we even watching
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can rook even watch tmr i think floop can so we can just save hero for tmr since rook is taking long>>126930
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ok i am ready for whatever it is >>126931 you see it is different between minutes and momento >>126938 nah he's not off until tuesday
can rook watch tmr jan
where is roooooooooooook
I'm sorry but goodnight. Watch whatever.
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goodnight tilde we'll probably do one show only or none ok>>126943 we'll probably do one show oh you could watch taht watch that short show then if rook isnt back we'll do one or the otehr quest if not hero if so
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we have to watch something i got more snacks our battle can't end here
>>126943 are you up to date on that short show
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>>126941 bye bye
>>126942 okay that sounds good
>>126944 kenka banchou otome>>126953 let's watch ep3 then that's the one i'm about to watch anyways>>126955 hai hai 3 2 1 go
>>126952 i'm like really behind last i saw was ep2
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nice we're eually behind ready
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can they literally not recognize the uniform of the school that beat them
>>126960 i can only assume they are not very bright
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>>126963 actually this makes sense it's a delinquent school no one wears the uniform so no one even know what one looks like
>people just starting fights outside of the 7-11
>undefeated after 153 fights this guy has a better record than muhammad ali
attack of the clones!>>126972 i bet he's a wuss that just picks on the weak all the time and only fights fights he can win
>>126977 he was just waiting for a badass background for his fight he had to make sure it was raining
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ep4 now? ready? 3 2 1 go
if rook doesnt show by the time you finish we'll call it a night
actually maybe 2 minutes
>>126984 okie dokes>>126984 not quite ok ready now
she's been FRAMED
nice moves
kawaii onii-chan
rook isn't going to make it i wasted everyone's time for nothing sometimes life is like that
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her hand is so SMOL
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the smaller the hand the easier it is for punches to go past your defences
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well ep5?>>127018 hai haiii ichi nii san
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sure ready nii-san
wow nerds
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they might not know it but they are in a girls room kyaaaaaa
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>>127022 >tfw you go over to your best bro's house and you go in his room and there's a drawer for his bras
>>127023 clearly they are the bras of all the women he conquered
spaghetti all around
I'm here sorry for causing problems from now on if I'm not around at the start of the anime thread don't feel the need to wait for me
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tfw girl spaghetti
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>>127029 it's ok i'm the one who fucked everything up #yolo
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that's all
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what a shame i wish this was full length
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we watched 3 episodes so it's like a full length one but with 3 openings and endigns
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but now i have to wait three whole weeks for the same kind of experience
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>>127029 >>127032 Nobody caused any problems. Just relax!
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posting reisens hih huh i'm afraid the bunny cartel is gonna come for you and bust those kneecaps
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All cute imagse are my territory and that image is cute.
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>>127052 wow nice picture of you being mature
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>>127046 what if i am not relax i'm thinking things gomen
i probably cause trouble here too haah i won't anymore
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no trouble! don't worry.