
Thread #124971

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Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
gonna watch a movie with SK
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oh boy oh boy
OK, I'm ready, so just do the countdown
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
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let's jam
It's time

Also netflix is inconsistent on whether their logo has that soundclip or not
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
fuck trump is so scary
He's pretty great at speaking to crowds
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah in a mussolini kind of way
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
trump is incapable of not talking about himself
He also only knows how to hyperbole
He can't not exaggerate

But exaggeration is good for public speaking
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
he's completely superficial
it's crazy
how the fuck do you go into BILLIONS of debt
Just how does a private person make decisions that lead to that
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
you don't he's lying lol
Like I think it's insane for someone to be $50m in debt
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
lol bring it back by destroying the country
Hey once the country is in ruins, everyone's equal again and the dream is back for a while
This song creeps me out
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
it creeps me out too
it gives me goosebumps
It gives me flashbacks to the fucking Hitler Youth
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah me too
Like what other politician has had schoolkids make a song about HIM rather than an idea or something
Like who DOES THIS
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
past is fucking prologue

what did he mean by this
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah of course i've never done it since then
Sure Roger
Would it be illegal to do something like that?
As a guy at or outside a shop or something
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
he was influenced by goldwater
that makes everything make sense
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
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In psychology, we have something called the Goldwater Rule
It says that we don't diagnosis /// diagnose politicians and stuff without seeing them and evaluating them in person

He was basically Donald Trump
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
nixon bongs
Holy shit that's a lot of Nixon
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
what the fuck
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
roger stone is super scary
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He's everything wrong with American politics and I love it
Or to president, evidently
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
a fuckin cigar
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What I wonder is how much Stone cares about politics
He knows how to win the game, but does he care too much what side he's playing for?
There's something really off putting about rap music at a republican rally
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
fuckin stone
Trump has always had a really big head, holy shit
What a sheltered shit
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah seriously
have you ever seen the commercial for the failed donald trump board game?
"it's not whether you win or lose... it's whether you win!"
I think it's a fun commercial
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
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This is the price you pay for freedom, I guess
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
definitely a scary dude
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I really like this guy
I don't like what he's doing, but he's playing by the rules it seems, it's the rules that are fucked up
...or not, I guess
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
is roger stone the mastermind
It's a group effort, but Stone is influential from what I understand
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
fucking trump never stops talking about himself
Of course he doesn't
He literally doesn't know what's happening more than 10 meters away from him at any time
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
i wonder if any of trump
trump's businesses successes are actually his successes
maybe he's been taking credit for things that others did his entire life
I mean the evidence is piling in that the guy is actually fucking stupid
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
oh hey fort lauderdale

it sure is a sunny place for shady people
Trump makes a good figurehead, and I think that's all he is
We need to kidnap Stone's family and tell him to work on Bernie's campaign next time
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
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haha i was just about to say we need to kidnap stone and get him to die
If Bernie loses your wife loses, make sure you don't fuck up no pressure
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
bernie would never want to win like that
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
i guess this is why stone hates the media
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
oh fuck it was real?
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
so roger stone is basically responsible for the last 20 years
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You gotta give Bush one thing though
He was much better at actually talking to human beings rather than crowds

Bush fucked up, but he made sentences
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah that's true
Unlike Trumpo
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
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Holy shit the media was throwing shade at Trump all the way back then
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah trump has been unlikable for a long time
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What the fuck
Political panelists had SOME SORT OF AWARENESS back then?
They don't even know what the fuck is happening right in front of their eyes anymore

Humanity has declined
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah man
they used to actually do their job pretty decently
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Roger Stone did the 2party system
By making Bush win he likely did 9/11 too
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
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Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
he's so fucking weird
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
what if he was so upset about being outed as a cuck that he made cuck into a meme to undermine the meaning of it
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oh my gooood
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
haha what
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This man understands what pol understands!
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
maybe he's behind pol
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This segment sounds like the commentary track on the Spider Man game for the playstation
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
wow we're like at modern day already but we have 50 minutes left
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Oh my god this is why he talks in third person so much
Because Stone's the one saying "trump will do this" in group meetings
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah haha
oh my god trump
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
oh no did roger stone kill jeb
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
haha sasuga stone
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
oh no
How did he think he could be president
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
trump is so forceful in his words
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>the best vote counter
What did he mean by this
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
Means he's good at figuring out which congresspeople will vote for what and which voters will vote how
Oh I see
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
love trump's hate
God that was such a bad slogan
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
ted was so bad at words
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
>people believed this
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
haha that dude
Actual racists are so retarded
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
the stone zone
Alright Trump I dunno if I'd say in the history of politics I think maybe one or two other people throughout our time on this planet did worse maybe
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
so dangerous
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See that joke didn't make any sense to me
What a lame joke
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
it's because politicians are corrupt and buy prostitutes

it just wasn't a funny joke
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
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Such a circus
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The dangers of a 2 party system: the fucking movie
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
scariest thing about stone is that he does it for fun
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Oh shit yeah

He's like Spacey in House of Cards during the first episode!
He's just THERE in the background during every big thing that happened

I fucking love this guy
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
this is quite the gathering
Aw they didn't show the angry llama moment
What a shame
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
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Even knowing he's president now, I see this stuff, and it's like
how did he fucking manage it? it looked so bad for him
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
>i don't spread disinformation anymore
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...he IS a conspiracy theorist
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
He's also literally always trying to peddle stuff because that's how he makes his money
He sells vitamin pills and water filters
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
trump voters got scammed so fucking hard
the american people got scammed so hard
bernie got scammed so hard
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>fringe allegation

This is like looking at a forest and going "SOME allege there are TREES here"
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Do you NOT believe he did, woman whose name I don't know?

You think he settled out of court for all of them because he didn't do it?
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
trump firing comey was a bad move
fbi is swarming like a kicked beehive now
i wonder if this was stone's plan
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Watch it be planned
>Stone was working to get PENCE elected all along
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
that's not keikaku doori enough
it's gotta be paul ryan
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>he intends to get some no name who happens to actually share his views, FAR down the Trump cabinet into the position
>he did this by having everyone else implicated in Russia dealings, so they'll just have to go down the list and strike people off
>this also lets that no name person establish an entire cabinet on his own
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
scary shit
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
i hope pence or ryan or whoever reinstate comey
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>widely condemned disclosure
That's American
That's the phrase equivalent of a Big Mac
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>glass ceiling
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
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my stepmom talked a ton of shit about bernie and thought hillary was amazing even after i told her about the contents of the emails
and claimed that hillary did nothing wrong

but she hated trump so much that as soon as he won, she started talking about how evil hillary was and how bernie should have won and how he could have beaten trump
there are a lot of people like that
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I really don't like people
Are they gonna show us the autistic screeching from the inauguration, do you think?
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
no but they gave us some rachel maddow which is just as good
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>rachel maddow
Ayy lmao
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I saw someone looked over her broadcasts and she's spent more on RUSSIA in the last like year than EVERY OTHER SUBJECT PUT TOGETHER

Will Trump prove he's controlled by Putin by not INTENTIONALLY STARTING A NUCLEAR WAR?
Hot takes with Rachel
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I used to think her show was one of the decent ones that wasn't 100% Democrat propaganda
I looked at some of it before
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
everything is propaganda my man
Yeah of course, but not everything lines up 100% with whatever some other entity is saying at any given time
Even TYT will sometimes go against the Democratic party

But she's seemingly just parroting them
Well it was a good movie at least
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
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dwayne the rock johnson is probably going to run against trump
he was talking about it recently
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He's gonna run against Zuckerberg, not Trump
Zuckerberg will run against Trump

He's the golden goose, dude
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
nah zuckerberg won't run
it's a scam
What the fuck else is he running around the US doing photo shoots for then?
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
it's designed to make it look like he'll run
he's not going to run yet
he knows he can't win yet
Who isn't running against Trump?
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Oh so he's priming us?
Or you, really, not me
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah basically
wants us to consider it for a little while
Hm, that's not a bad move
I can see that

But running against Trump might be the easiest gimme of an election that will ever come anyone's way, so I dunno
I'd go for it
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
right now, people know him for making facebook but NOTHING else
people don't know enough about him to be okay with him
the problem is that he can't challenge trump because he won't get through the primaries
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yeah but he just needs to not be Trump

I guess the primaries can be hard
BUT, it's not gonna be a career politician who wins that race next time, so

I guess waiting is the smartest choice overall, but if you can make it through the primaries this time, you have already won the general
It's gonna take the hand of god to lose against Trump now that he's been in office for a few months, let alone 4 years
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
there is a lot of dirt on zuckerberg out there i think
it's probably better to wait for him
it'd be too easy to disgrace him
he's an internet-era guy, everything he's ever done can be found online, unlike politicians
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I don't understand how all these famous types do so much shady shit
Like, dude
Just... don't do that

Like how EASY would it be to make president if there's literally no dirt on you?
You're already famous if you're super wealthy
Just don't do shady shit and you can WALK UP and get the nuclear codes
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
because rich people are fucking stupid
i don't get it either
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Like I'm 25, and I've not done anything shady enough to be mentioned
Like "oh he broke in somewhere at 13" or something
Big deal dude I was a kid

I didn't SELL NATIONAL VALUABLES to a foreign power or take pictures in a photo op with a fucking dictator, I win this one
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
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what if you were running for president and the opposition was like "yo this dude likes pictures of cartoon girls getting beaten up"
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I'd use it as an opportunity to signal that the world I stand for is one where all sexual kinks are fine and acceptable as long as you don't hurt nobody
Massive leftie support for me

I'd make sure to run on a republican ticket because then I already have their good graces, and they'll accept that sort of thing from "one of their own"
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
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the left doesn't support that kind of stuff and neither do the republicans
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Sure they do
It's like BDSM
BDSM and cucking have both been big lately
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
big but not acceptable
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
especially BDSM
which is still seen as extremely freaky and degenerate
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Yeah but here's the thing
Nobody with any real voice will speak against it
It doesn't matter if it's not OK, someone like John Oliver would never in a million years condemn someone for their sexual kinks
That's his AUDIENCE

So I'll be gucci
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the right won't like me too much, but I'll appeal to their shared values, or maybe I'll just bring up immigration at all
Hm, I dunno
I think there might be blowback from the really sex positive feminists who will likely assume it's a BDSM thing taken out of context

What I wouldn't be able to recover from is the ANIME
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
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i bet he'd talk shit about someone that likes to see cute girls get hurt haha
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
anime is mainstream now, it'd probably be fine once people get used to it
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Yeah but politicians aren't supposed to anime
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
sean spicer is anime and he's press sec
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Is he?
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
he goes to anime conventions and enjoys gundam
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Holy shit he's /our guy/
He's the /a/ of the white house

He gets the shitty position, and he's awkward all the time
I want to see a sort of post-career documentary of Sean Spicer where he just goes full honest about the Trump administration
Like "Yeah, well you see the thing is my job was to communicate what they said, but Trump was kind of dense and didn't really say anything concrete to me, so I had to improvise. Then this other woman gets on the news and CONTRADICTS what I just said because, again, Trump is fucking vague all the time. It was such a mess, but I'm hoping life on Mars will be better. A fresh start, you know, new name, new identity. Thinking of becoming a farmer"
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
Please tell me this is a real place
It is

there's a Gaylord near where I live, too
the outside looks very nice
I'll never know what the inside of a Gaylord is like though
It's an expensive hotel
Gaylord Hotels are super nice
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I wanna go some time
Oh my lmao
I know it's probably not pronounced gay lord and more like geilord, but sti-
No really?
Yeah it is
That's some GTA universe hotel naming
there's a street near my house that's called Gay Road
Let's stay at a Gaylord Hotel
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I'm here speaking to Thomas Gaylord, owner of the Gaylord Hotel franchise
That's a rough last name, dude
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
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It's not an uncommon one
You'd think people would change it

I can understand keeping it if your family has an actual legacy, but if you're just a guy, you should change it
Yeah well it doesn't anymore

I wonder if "faggot handler" was a job sometime
Someone who just collects woods \\\ wood for whatever event
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
Well gay meant happy until recently
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
>A kind of murder on netflix
i thought this said "kind of a murder" at first
I am Not A Serial Killer isn't on my netflix
>I'm a professional faggot collector
Wouldn't you want to just let the meme market itself?
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
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Whenever there's a big event like a concert, I'm the guy who gets all the faggots together and sets them on fire
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How many sticks do you need for it to count as a faggot anyway?
Considering the current use, you'd think 2, but I dunno if I'd call 2 sticks a bundle
I dunno enough to bundle them together I guess
I've probably tied at least a hundred faggots up in my life
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
I love this political reality
The press secretary is a weeb, and the former president's brother is the dankest memer on twitter
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dutchfriend and a britbong friend didn't believe me when I said that actually IS Obama's brother
I had to prove it to them
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
why does netflix still have stuff that is only on DVD
Obama's bro seems pretty cool
would hang with
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I think he's likely an actual authoritarian muslim, though

He's funny and hip to the memes, but I think he's genuinely a bad person in real
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
he doesn't seem very cool to me
oh shit brobama
I'd hang out with him as long as it's here and only for a few hours
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
he's a dangerous person i think
he's probably legit dangerous
I bet he would actually kill me
would meme with though
I don't think he's dangerous for anyone outside the country he's in really
He seems like the kind of person who, if given power, would fuck shit up
But as long as he has none, it's fine
That sounds pretty dangerous to me dude I dunno
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
malik does stuff like create counterfeit birth certificates and post them on twitter claiming that the president of the US is illegitimate
i think he's a dangerous person
malik is the kind of name someone who's going to send your ass straight to the shadow realm would have
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
he tried to become a governor in his country and got like 1000 votes out of like 200k people
very comfy bang
you know we call honey natural because bees make it
what about stuff humans make
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
this isn't the main thread
very comfy bang
blame chrome for androi
This is the movie thread turned political shitposting hub
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This cat just showed up again for the first time since a few months after this picture
Like a few weeks back
And that went in the wrong thread wow good job SK
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>what makes Get Out different is it takes aim at an unlikely target for racial criticism: white people
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in saint louis i'd go to the deep ghetto to get good fried chicken sometimes and man people would really get riled up at a white person being there
white people take plenty of criticism too ya know
now if i fr*cked this model
and she just bleached her butthole
and i get bleach on my tshirt
imma feel like a butthole
oh this is a movie thread totally sorry
i just jumped to the top thread
yeah me too
