oh yeah i don't have any pictures of day 1 day 1, it was rainy forever and we drove through Florida and southern Georgia, so all we really saw was despair and suffering I got a ticket for driving too fast for conditions in Georgia Driving in Georgia sucks especially not on the interstate
We saw this cool looking town called Rome, Georgia and decided to stop and walk around. They were having some kind of festival so there were people everywhere.
We didn't know what city we were in at first so we asked around and some old guy with bad hearing and bad memory helped us figure out we were in Rome after like 10 minutes of prompting
Then we went and did an Escape Room game It was Jan, Tilde, Rook, Notso, and me We made it out with 1.5 minutes remaining I had to hold Jan at gunpoint and make him do the macarrana so we could get a hint that got us out just in time
The next day, we went to Roanoke, Virginia. We went to Murphy, North Carolina along the way. Murphy is where Teacup lived. We made a bunch of stops along the way to Murphy because it's a beautiful and long winding road
we went to an antique store in Murphy Jan bought a Reichsmark And got stuck in there for like an hour since he was talking to some dude lol
Jan has this ungodly ability to talk to anyone for extended periods of time. And then get to the exact same degree with the next person he bumps into. It's amazing.
after murphy, we started heading up to Virginia We went through this amazing long-ass, winding road along the mountain it was really great
Oh yeah forgot to answer I use 16:9 cause it allows higher pixel amount, without being stuck with too big filesize *high pixel amount the 6:4 mode on my camera is kinda shitty in terms of compression both current and previous for that matter
>>124044 Nanthala Gorge, in case we're ever looking for it again.
>>124050 That was the part along the gorge we pulled aside to check out the riverside. Found stuff like >>124051 that. And that one rock we all jumped to in the middle of the water.
Though I am planning to upgrade to a bit heavier shit since my father is planning to get rid of one camera and he drove me a good bargain but that stops my "running with camera in pocket" since then I will have a bloody lense as a pain in the ass
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>124053 yeah, that was a pretty nice path back there
Well Roanoke was crappy, it had a bunch of evil looking banks and we went to a ghetto wendy's and got ghetto service The hotel was nice but it didn't have free breakfast!
Oh yeah I got a Wendy's burger from the airport when I landed back home. There was probably less than a fifth of the grease on the wrapper on the one from here than the one in Roanoke.
Harper's Ferry was pretty neatly designed. I think their attempts to retain the historic feel wasn't all too well-done; a lot of the building materials they used in the fixing up felt way too modern. But the layout of the town and the architecture was really neat.
eventually we made it to bensalem after terrible virginia driving and lots of traffic notso picked up blue and we all met at the hotel then we got dinner and went back to the hotel where we fucked around until going to bed
We walked around for a long time We were going to go to the African American History Museum but it was closed Then we started heading to the Jewish History Museum and ended up going into the Federal Reserve for a tour instead And then we basically sat there and made fun of the Federal Reserve's videos and trivia games
Yeah, they were talking about how great Republicans did at fixing the economy several times and then showed Bill Clinton and said that new challenges appeared
And the videos were all about how prosperous things became after recessions even though it only talked about periods of time where rich people prospered and poor people suffered more, after the 50s
>>124126 I think the first sentence becomes more amusing if you remove "the"
>>124126 And they tried to claim the breaking of the Berlin Wall as a victory of the free market. Fucking twats.
eventually had to leave museum because it closed so we started looking for food and went to a tiny restaurant called little negril wasn't that great but it wasn't bad or anything
blue and i went into a comic book store after that and then we started walking towards the station so jan could leave
but we didn't know that jan had NO TIME and we strolled there so the train he needed to catch left at 7:20 and it was like 7:15 we got him to go to the counter but one of the booths at the ticket counter was closed so he thought the entire ticket counter was closed and didn't talk to anyone eventually jan bought a ticket from them and ran down the platform just in time for the train to leave without him
so he was like panicking and he's like JIMMY NEUTRON IT, MAN and i didn't really know what to do because i misjudged distances but blue said we could get there if we drove so we all quickly returned to my car and recklessly drove to the airport like 25 minutes before his plane left and he managed to make the flight then we went back to philly and walked around more
>>124139 Curious looking church how old is it, ya know?
I have a bunch of photos of it but I'm not sure if they'll help with the date.
I only got pictures of the gate since I was too stingy to pay for the seventeen dollar entrance fee. And I didn't know you were paying for people because YOU'D GONE ON AHEAD WAY TOO FAR.
So did they add the red part later or did they seriously construct it as it is in 1890s? ALSO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH Even on the "stony side" the architecural styles are just all over the place what is this gothic neo-gothic classical neo-classical I want to bomb it
>>124155 Instead I just tried to take photos of this really bright moon behind thin clouds. But there was a streetlight you can see the fringe of in the upper-right corner that was messing with stuff.
Yes I will be the Bad-Architecture Terrorist I preach my evil message of "build shit in just one style that makes sense and don't call non-castles castles"
I think it was the birth of a goddess or something Blue might rememeber
I don't reall know old chinese mythology that well just went with confucianism and went "this is crap" and then fell in love with taoism should fill that gap someday
>>124190 it was really good got to see them roll it up and stuff too
Blue has good taste you have shit
>>124190 The rolled aspect of it wasn't anything special, but they hand prep the ice cream if you want a flavour that has stuff mixed in. Like I chose something called Snickerdoodles to be mixed into my ice cream, so they took a bunch of basic icecream and ground up the additional ingredients by hand and mixed it in. The ice cream was pretty high quality.
I don't think the strawberries I had were a good pairing with the ice cream though.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>124192 to be fair i didn't get what i was expecting to get
Actual rome would be fun to visit but... Have you experience on going to big tourism cities? I guess Vegas is a good example of such and wherever Disneyland exactly is
>>124236 Yeah but the tourism is the point big citieas always have lots of people, but the sights might be easy to get into, cause no lines but when you actually have a tourist spot... there are 6h lines to Eiffel tower at times
>>124016 >notso spending 10 minutes staring at tadpoles Yeah, I can see that happening.
Pink Autism
>>124250 Like the crazy "Who is Jesus?" signs and all the wonderful signs that are just there to tell you you're going to hell. In the middle of nothing.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah like billboards fucking everywhere that just say JESUS IS STILL ALIVE and JESUS IS RESURRECTED
it's the official number from the US government so
people can just wear contacts.
>>124324 yaeah htat number is common throughout the world but it is "one type of eye correction always or at times" like me who only wears when I read or am on computer
>>124331 what's the difference? i don't need my glasses all the time i just wear them all the time
tilde doesn't wear his glasses at home for example needing vision correction is needing vision correction
>>124332 that building once again I just ask myself "what exactly is it trying to be?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it was covered in spires and shit it looked so evil it was a bank too
old people need vision correction to see nearby things or read them more like. they can see stuff from far away just fine.
>>124334 It was a Wells Fargo bank office. At night it had lights rimming the terraces and lighting up the name. And the fact that it absolutely dominated the skyline made the nighttime view of it look positively >>124335
>>124337 Yeah, but I am more about the style Like I can't say big buildings are done better, usually worse since we did a lot of soviet functionalism back in the day But you can kinda see a building and "oh it is an office" "oh it is a government thing" "Oh it wants to look menacing" "oh it is ment to be innovative" but that like up to the near top it kinda follows a constant pattern or design but then PYRAMID ON TOP AHAHAHAHAHAHA
>>124226 It's ALL over Old Louisville. It was a common building material in the 19th century. Then in... well, at least for Louisville, the 1910's/20 saw the introduction of the classic shotgun houses and the like.
All in all, it looks like a interesting trip. I showed mom the pictures of the chinese lantern festival and she really liked that. We both thought the snail was really cute. What all can y'all tell me about the festival anyway?
>>124369 Why wouldn't you? 15 dollaroos for one is a bargain
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
>>124376 I don't know too much about it, it just seems like an annual event they do in Philly. Probably because there's a large Chinese population there.
Pink Autism
>>124376 We kinda rushed around it, and they were taking pictures. Since Tilde was outside the event and it closed in an hour, and Blue had to get on the bus.
>>124377 >>124378 >>124380 Makes sense. Since I showed my mom them pictures, she now wants to try to find one in san francisco or something to go visit. Philly looks pretty crowded, but it doesn't look NEARLY as bad as washington D.C. with their crazy traffic laws and sudden street closures.
But that is the danger of taking pics of reflective stuff you might appear on them takes bit of muxing with settings or positioning to avoid it
Some times you just get blind-sided though. We walked past this gym or health goods store and Jan or Kirara got a picture of the logo on the window. But the window, which was clear to the naked eye, was PERFECTLY reflective by a camera's lens.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it was a magic window
>>124410 just takes practice but yeah with phone cams, it is way too easy to happen
I mean I get what you're saying but I'm pretty sure this window 's glass was designed to do that.
Might be can't say
i wasn't able to post anything here since i was asleep but it looks like you got the gist of it i really like that reichsmark maybe one day i'll have a FULL SET
>>124096 I got to see him on Wednesday. Then I went down to the Neshaminy Mall not too far away to get ice cream at Cold Stone.
Ice cream deitos were finally achieved.
>>124860 I hope you got rum raisin I didn't do so good when I saw him probably looked really embarrassing I know I felt pretty lame but there was a lot of pent up emotion to describe it with a meme I burst into treats
>>125147 Nothing lame or embarrassing about it. I was an absolute mess myself.