Seems like a real nice way to treat new users to your site, pretend the whole phone thing is optional and creating an account is easy and than bam suddenly your account is violating 'some rule' and the only way to rescue it is give up your personal details.
>>122629 he didn't consider going any other direction than straight into the one place on the ENTIRE VEHICLE where his bike could get stuck with him on it?
>>122629 basic chima. Everything is made of explodium there
>>122691 Okay yeah, that's what I was figuring I could do. But now I've got like, just under three hundred dollars USD that I've got absolutely no use for. Even taking into account the money that should have gone to you, I really overshot how much I was gonna end up spending.
>I didn't pay anybody a damn thing and completely forgot. $25 for the dinner $24 for the first night in the room. That's all I can remember. Oh, and the museum. That was $17, I think?
>>122710 Even if marriage was something on the table, aren't the two of you not exactly in the best of positions for marriage. You're in grad school and her job prospects aren't favourable.
>>122712 I don't have any plans for anything like that >>122713 I'm certainly not interested in marriage right now But her dad kind of implied some stuff when I talked to him on the phone the other day and was talking about where his money will go when he dies
>>122715 Uncanny koilley >>122716 No really, welcome to the family of resident fish
>>122726 You know it may have something to do with her not being good with money, not her being female. She's a completely different ojou archetype than I am.
A conservative thinkong ,an wants a male heir, even if it is in the form of son-in-law
>>122730 What kind of ojou archetype do you think she is?
Did she buy something insanely expensive? You mentioned her being the kind of person that would reserve an entire restaurant Did she do something crazy?
>>122730 By that reasoning though it doesn't need to be a man, it just needs to be a partner who's suitably better with finances. Either way I know exactly what was being gotten at there. But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna point out the absurdity.
>>122736 Some overwhelming percentage of women are heterosexual and that is obviously the case here. I don't see the point in splitting hairs for no reason.
>>122737 Buying a shark would be awesome! But I can't give you a hint! She'll probably bring it up soon after you see her again though.
>>122740 How am I splitting hairs? I was just pointing out that her dad's statement was probably because she is bad at money not because she is female. It's obvious that she needs a partner that can handle money and since she's obviously straight it's going to be a man.
You're the one splitting hairs. I just tied them all together.
>>122739 There's as much evidence to one side of that as the other. So there's nothing really "probably" about it.
I have a belly still but you can't notice it. I am at that very ambiguous body type The haircut felt necessary. First impressions and all that. If you show up in NY, you're more likely to see Krazy Koi than True Blue
>Cutting your hair before meeting someone Wow look at this PLEB.
>>122763 If I didn't get a haircut, that conversation that I had with my mom would have been twenty minutes longer. She'd be bothering me the whole night asking to let her cut it for me. Besides, I got to enjoy shots of Henny at my barber for free. Added bonus.
I had a haruka [idolmster] moment today. I sat down at a table with a file and started writing down notes, but I accidentally nudged the table with my foot as I was sitting down at it. Which caused a big folder sitting on the table to slam down on a spill proof cup, and it launched the spill proof cup at a million miles an hour into the chair on the other side of the table. Spill proof cups are only somewhat spillproof. To make the whole thing more goofy, I unconsciously said "ohhhhhhh I've caused an incident" as I scrambled to grab the cup out of the chair. All of the onlookers were amused.
>>122757 And CF is super cute. That picture just happened to be a new picture so I figured I could show it. It was pretty but the cute side is more of the unscripted, unseen, 21:30, can't-be-bothered, on her bed watching Teen Wolf kind of moment.
Though I guess last year I did get a bit of a haircut before I went on the Philly trip. It was also the last haircut I got.
Yeah, she loves it. And Vampire Diaries. And that other show that's like a Vampire Diaries prequel or something? About some kind of vampire family. She'd watch it and I can't talk to her while it's going on and then she'd explain all the things I don't know during commercials and oh boy I am rambling about the past Let me collect myself. I'm sorry.
I stopped to get gas at one point today in the middle of nowhere and a cop pulled in behind me to also get gas He started talking to me and just wouldn't shut up He was a cool dude I guess it gets lonely in the middle of nowhere Apparently that town only has seven cops in it
>>122774 I mean it's more a wow of "wow I can't remember the last time I met someone who likes television like that and I'm pretty sure it would have to be in high school." But yeah I'll gladly take a gander.
He said only 1 or 2 are usually on duty since the town only had like 1000 people or something he was like, "ain't seen your face before, you passin' through?" in a super southern accent
It's like you fell into a movie or a television series scene for a moment there.
He was pretty friendly! He said that the gas station is close to the interstate but people don't usually stop there because there's a sign that says there's gas at the next exit, one of those digital ones He encouraged me to check out the town but I didn't have a lot of time so I had to turn him down unfortunately
his police car looked nicer than the ones we have where I live Maybe they get a lot of income from speeding tickets
My hotel this morning had two different waffle irons a big one like normal and then one that made 4 tinier waffles Pretty good breakfast Some young southern lady was talking shit to me about the FBI though
>>122786 Really? I guess it's different in Florida. I've seen local cops ticket people on the interstate. My only real speeding ticket was given to me on the interstate by a local cop.
>>122785 It could be different in Florida. It is a by state thing. Or it could be that shenanigans are happening where you live. Some towns are very carefully zoned so that they can claim that a certain stretch of interstate is within the actual limits of their city. In those cases, the local police can sometimes be active on parts of the interstate.
The interstate typically has to be actually on city land for that to happen, though, not just in the area called the city.
That whole area was kind of weird. There were like three sex shops and two of them had a bunch of bondage stuff in the windows and then there was that comic book store, and then some restaurants.
>>122828 We're still friends! It's nothing bad. If you were headed for the cliff I would let you know.
>>122828 I know a couple areas in my city that are like that. Maybe not as densely populated with sex shops, but everything else is pretty much as it is.
I am still laughing internally about the race to the airport. Everything about it.
Yeah. I saw something like three or four subway entrances on our way to the rail station. Could've mentioned them to Jan but he was so dogged about following his phone. And then we had to haul ass double time to fix up the mistake.
My favorite part was watching two people who have probably collectively taken a train less than the amount of fingers on one hand talk about how it might take longer to drive than ride public transit.
I actually just have no sense of direction or distance when it comes to large distances and thought that the car was way further than it actually was Plus I had Jan shouting at me, "Jimmy Neutron it!" haha
Yeah. I was so confused that he thought it was closed that I couldn't put thoughts into words. I was thinking "just go up to the lady in the counter and ask if she's open." But everything was happening and I couldn't process fast enough.
>>122841 Haha! That was really funny. I thought talking to them was so obvious that when he said they weren't open, I assumed he meant they wouldn't even talk to him.
Jan 's on a train leaving fort worth right now i think This time the train was late for him instead of the other way around though
I have to know what was going on in his mind there but I never asked since I had to activate my Stand as send you people on a New York Minute pace. >>122845 Yes.
>>122845 Yeah, they're all shortstacks, even at age 7.
>>122844 haha Next time we'll have to make sure he's on top of things
I will say the sign talking about fare collection did confuse me properly though. We don't have any public transit 'round here you can board and ride without paying first. So I was trying to figure out what it was saying.
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
oh yeah i thought the sign was confusing too I guess you need context of the septa for it to make sense
Boarding without paying is possible but the difference is that it will cost you more. Although, I think that sign said you weren't allowed or something? That was the whole reason I told him to talk to the lady at the counter. So he wouldn't be wasting money. But those were the last precious seconds in the coffin wwwwwwww
>>122850 I get that. But when you start to add additional rules on top of that, I get thrown for a loop, since there's no exception scenario like it I can relate to.
would you cosplay with horns like that or is that too out there
>>122850 As he was rushing down the elevator, I went to the window right beside it, and saw a train pulling away. Right at the end, I could see it's sign saying "AIRPORT". It was so perfectly set up you'd expect the director to stand up and shout "AND CUT" after it.
>>122873 You revealed your willingness to kidnapping and Fish is like an hour late and isn't answering her phone! The only logical conclusion is that you kidnapped her.
>>122877 Oh yeah, we did an Escape Room with Rook in Chattanooga. We almost didn't make it out in time, I held Jan at gunpoint and made him to // do the macarrana so we could get a hint and then we finished it with like 1 minute remaining.
>>122880 Let's do one together next year It was really fun
>>122879 That's quite an extrapolation! All I said is that I would kidnap an individual that doesn't exist and isn't really a person in the first place!
>>122881 Some people just have inanimate objects that hate them. Maybe yours are trains.
I'm thinking that next year we should start in Philly, take the bus to NYC, spend the day there with Blue, then bring Blue back with us to Philly Then we'll spend a day in Washington DC and then philly days
>>122892 we're gonna be way more lit than that festival
Pink Autism
>>122894 Are you saying we go to Philly, then NYC, then DC, then Philly? Like, meet in Philly and go from there?
This dumb shit of a dog got up on the counter and ate the cheese I was planning on using for a sandwich. Fuck my sister for being too fucking stupid to realize she can't fucking take care of a dog and a cat all by herself. And fuck my family for taking it in when it came to that. Fucking fuck.
Well, we We'd be staying in Philly and we'd take buses to NYC and stuff Like spend the day in NYC, go back to Philly, then go to DC from Philly, then back to Philly, and then Philly days
Although it might be better to do NYC -> Philly -> DC -> Philly
That's generally my plan when I go on trips. We used Bensalem as our hub last year. We tried to use a town outside of Vegas as a hub when we went to Nevada but I got sick and ruined it wwww
Pink Autism
>>122897 So, more or less everything the same but using Philly as a sort of hub?
My phone STILL doesn't know where any of those Chinese Lantern Festival photos are but when I'm in a Social Media app, it sees them. I have no idea why
>>122896 why did you leave cheese out on the counter long enough for a doggo to get up there and eat it
>>122900 Because I'm not used to dealing with there being a fucking dog in this house. And maybe because I expected my family to have half a brain amongst them all to train shitty habits like this out of it.
Pink Autism
>>122897 So the real question I have is, would we still do the trip up? Or would we just all meet there?
>>122901 well i hope you learned your lesson don't leave food around where dogs can get to it and dogs won't eat it
Pink Autism
>>122899 I'm assuming you've restarted it since? What a bug.
>>122903 Yeah, I'll do so by making sure the dog never gets to leave the basement, where there isn't food for it to go after like this.
>>122906 The problem there being that you have to get to those other states first. I mean, there's more shit in the states that we went through, so there are other routes to be planned.
>>122906 let's start in NYC and stop by washington and go to seattle
>>122908 Sure, but I've already driven through all of those states. Making the same journey twice is boring even if you see some other stuff.
>>122906 I'd like to revisit Tennessee again some day though. Maybe take a different Interstate, or maybe even stick to the back roads and not highways.
>>122911 yeah same chatty nougat seems like a really cool town and rolling down the highway at 110MPH was fun!
>>122935 sweeto burrito i could make an imgur album but there are so many photos to look through sounds like too much work >>122937 if you want i can send you 1248 disorganized snaps of random crap from orlando to philly
>Why don't you fire him? >He's black. The white guys have done worse shit. If we fire him, he'd sue for racism. >Why not fire the white guys too? >We need the white guys. >sued for sex discrimination
What a weird situation. It's loss-loss no matter which way you turn.
I mean sure people could have just not been shits from the beginning, but still. Once you get to that point in the progression of things, there's no good way out.
There are endless hordes of people looking for jobs with good money. Especially in tech. Just fire people.
Even if that's the case, there's no guarantee they're the people they would need. If the people employed are doing what the company needs to produce a product, keeping them onboard the company is an asset to the company.
Pink Autism
But if someone is making people uncomfortable, that will limit the others' will to do their job or create a distraction in the environment.
>>122959 Yes, but if the people employed are doing what keeps the company from making their product reach a wide enough audience simply through the state of company culture, then keeping them onboard is holding you back.
The whole reason they even hired her was because they had no idea how to make the thing marketable to women outside of "make it pink"
Mmm.. I got my phone fixed so I wanted to ask if someone still plays FGO and knew if the BB event is still ongoing. also might actually get into Grandblue as well..
>>122950 I've been having that happen a lot lately
One of the issues at play here is that when you hire someone to "remove the barriers to make the company more female friendly" You are essentially hiring an employee who's job it is to wander around and find things to be upset about. I'm not really condoning the CFO's behavior, but this is a story that was not fated to end well in the first place.
Tech companies and society in general just seem to struggling with the idea that women are not very attracted to jobs like coding or STEM and that it's a fool's errand to shoot for a 50/50 gender ratio. It's not really something you can force because it's a consequence of choices that women make for themselves.
Pink Autism
I know it's a thing elsewhere, but does anyone here play 100%OJ?
>>122961 Well that's the deal with it being a loss-loss situation. There really isn't a happy option here for the company. It's all pretty much assessing the consequences of either action. Either you risk face or risk loss of quality.
>>122965 I touched it but it wasn't really exciting for me.
>>122964 There's a lot more at work there though.More than just being attracted to tech or STEM in general, there's a problem with retention. And that problem is often caused through tension in the work environment. It's the kind of thing that you end up working backwards to see how it flows.
So why was there a need to make it more female oriented?
>>122967 it's probably going to be a thing during this generation and next one. There are too many people who grew with that "success oriented" capitalist mindset which can't actually see that empathy on the workplace is as important as goals. He saw "keeping the girl" or "keeping the black guy" in a mathematical loss kind of way and for him keeping the other guys was more useful. >>122971 Mm, i can totally see this. Numbers are shit, after all.
Wow demons souls is really fun
Pink Autism
>>122966 Some people just find it a lot of fun, and I can see it. But some people said they were bored and it sounded like a good pitch.
>>122967 And part of the retention problem is that girls get bombarded by people telling them that STEM is cool and that girls should code and then they actually start doing it and they realize it's autistic numbers shit. The average girl is a social creature, she doesn't want to sit in the dark coding all day long.
>>122971 No, no, I'm losing you. Not there. I'm not talking about the ones who aren't interested. Retention as in the ones who are interested and do keep up with it. The ones who are actually qualified to land STEM jobs and have taken the time to learn those things. There's a retention problem THERE because of company culture. The ones who don't take the time to learn it aren't going to cause retention problems because they don't get into companies to begin with. Tjat That's why I said it works backwards. It's //Women in STEM want more women in STEM because if they had that, there would be less culture tension for them. The 50/50 thing is a lofty goal but that's more like a dream scenario. They'd LOVE to have that so they hold to it. But having more women for the sake of improving tech culture for the sake of improving tech advancements is the heart and soul of it. Relying on white dudes who don't know how to respect people, even in person, isn't helping.
>>122972 Be that as it may, going for the 50/50 ratio that society as a whole seems to be aiming for is a fool's errand because women aren't going to make the choices to allow that to happen. That's what I was saying.
>>122972 Is like that boss who fires the competent guy because he has a tatoo or a weird hairstyle. it's backwards mentality as you said.
>>122973 I imagine ratios are a mixed blessing with more against it. ratios make that people are forced to hire girls and thus get a bias against them. they "have" to do it so it's automatically a drawback. but they already internalized the minority quotas according to blue's example. so maybe it can be helpful.
As for company culture, I've never experienced tech culture and I believe people that it sucks. But working with mostly women sucks too in a different way. People just suck. You can only sue when it's men that suck though I guess.
There's some careers and jobs where being a guy is a drawback. is just how society sees things. they are closeminded.
>>122975 While true, those kinds of things suck in far simpler ways. From an economist's perspective, I'd prefer to work with more women than men. They catch shit that you don't.
あああああ fish got pulled over and then autismed all over the cop and there was a big misunderstanding but she has a little card in her wallet with emergency contacts so they tried to call me but the wrong number is listed but the cop knows me (sort of) so he managed to get my address and someone came over to ask me if i knew anything so then i had to explain autism to a cop who apparently thought she was on drugs now she's all freaked out and nonverbal
How does america deal with stuff like women's social security things like maternity leaves? >>122981 I'm not sure if it's a thing there.
>>122982 When I was at Samsung, it was rare, but the days where it was just my boss and my boss's boss's boss where pretty intense. Also, the group projects I had in school, except for final project where usually primarily women (which is statistically strange considering the population of the school).
Allow me to go on a sexist rant for a moment but I'm entitled to it so here goes
Most women are absolutely worthless in the workplace and it's very maddening! It's always just one or two girls doing 90% of the work and everyone else is just trying to cause problems. The worst is when two lazy bitches get mad at each other for being lazy bitches but it's really just a thing where they're cross at each other because they want the other one to do all the work. Literally had a girl bitching at me the other day about another girl playing some stupid bejeweled thing instead of working, but the whole time she was bitching about it she was just browsing stupid shit on facebook. I was, of course, working because things have to be done.
Pink Autism
>>122985 I feel like that assessment goes both ways. Less a male/female issue and more a shitty humans issue.
>>122985 mm.. how do they get "away" with not working and making the other do the work? I had few experiences on group projects at school with girls. but the ones i remember the girls were super bossy and organized the whole thing. Which was weird since usually I am the bossy one who organizes the whole thing. Of course, I'm likely biased. The girl I had work practice with had all kinds of excuses and tried to ask me to "do this for me i have to go to the doctor/ i forgot/ i dont understand" which was problematic. My boss there who was also a girl was extremely efficient and they got into a lot of trouble.
>>122985 I am going to cosign >>122986 primarily because you sound EXACTLY like I do when I dealt with my coworkers who weren't my superiors. All the management I had to deal with were women (except one), but the two people on my level were guys and it was essentially that every day.
>>122982 yeah it was just her taillight was out but now everything is not really great
>>122991 The method might be different but the outcomes are the same. Two unproductive people going back and forth at each other for last place. And then having to explain to the Best Buy manager why my coworkers are being lax. And then having to explain to my boss why she was angry at us. And then having to go on a call with my boss's boss's boss and explain that to her too.
Pink Autism
>>122991 I mean, I've heard that women tend to be competitive in a sense, but I don't have any confirmation of that.
>>122991 Yeah She's pretty upset I guess he was pretty aggressive and made her step out of the car She couldn't explain anything because she was freaking out it's lucky she managed to show him the emergency contact card
cops always ask to search i'm just naturally jittery and anxious so they always think i'm on drugs
I always do something stupid and they're like "if i search you, i'm not going to find anything illegal am i" and i'm like "i don't think so" even though like i totally dont have anything illegal my brain just shuts out and i do stupid things
>>122993 Well, all I'm saying is that when these tech companies put entitled people in positions and tell them to "root out problems" it will never not end badly.
>>123002 not authority just people in general "thanks for shopping at kroger today" "thanks you too" dumb things like that
>>123003 I was thinking that they should prefer girl cops to search girls, but i wasn't sure if that was a reliable practice.
>>123003 Yeah and some sensory overload She's responsive to me but she's nonverbal and won't make eye contact or let me touch her
Pink Autism
>>123004 I try not to focus on that, and I imagine more people do it than realize. But in the grand scheme of things, people with authority make me more anxious than other "common" people.
>>123006 Well, I'm going to try this and hopefully it will be helpful and will not ruin anything for her. You should ask her about that vacation she wants to take with you.
>>123005 The cops just roaming around looking for trouble seem to usually be men.
Pink Autism
I dunno, I saw a woman had pulled someone over on the trip and I was just a bit more attentive to that detail. I don't really know what the demographics of the police force looks like.
Those girls are both nice though. I feel bad for ranting about them. There are definitely some issues women are much more prone to having than men though.
>>123010 Yeah, too good a job. The practice is just creating a recipe for failure. As they astutely realized, they need the white guys because those are the guys that actually do most of the coding.
I guess they just have male cops roaming in case they need to deal with some tough guys doing trouble. it probably works because of them being less nice. >>123014 I wonder, people are usually nice to me on the street and i've had some asking me for directions or some other stuff. wonder if they find me more reliable than years ago..
Pink Autism
>>123012 Are they really nice, or are they just nice to you?
>>123012 Then they should have stuck to their lot and made a product just for guys rather than opening the can of worms of how terrible their company is so that they could sell it to women too.
This cop is a decent guy Cops aren't trained for this kind of thing so he just had to use the training he had which told him she may be drugged out
>>123016 I mean, with a coding venture, is there any getting around the fact that most of the guys writing the code are going to be white dudes? Most nurses are going to be white girls.
Pink Autism
>>123015 Very much so. I'm sure many of the people in Philly are nice to their friends and especially so to any superiors but they're still assholes.
>>123023 How? Most people in the US are white. Coding is something men tend to select for and something women tend to select against.
I don't really think that even if you run "coding girls are cool!" programs in all schools starting at a young age that you will be able to get girls to select coding at a rate anywhere near that that guys do.
You probably could. A lot of it is socialization towards particular things. But even outside of 'code', there's lots of things that go into tech. You've got designers of all kinds (product, graphic), marketing, etc. >>123026 Who knows? (Someone does. Just not me.) Kids are going to choose what they want to choose. Getting them interested in something they otherwise wouldn't consider is a start but it's not going to pull them all, or even most, I would think.
do they need that many people in coding? of course having the good ones is nice. but feels like putting it in every school make it seems like it's an ideal career when I feel it's not.
>>123021 Normally I'd say just hug her but it sounds like she doesn't like that! I don't know how to deal with someone who gets sensory overload like that, I don't have that happen.
Pink Autism
>>123021 Is there anything you can get her that she will find in comfort? Find comfort in.
>>123024 have you seen those zines by sailorhg they're getting pretty popular over on the west coast they're really cute
>>123028 she will have to readjust herself now that the situation is gone unfortunately i can't do much >>123027 It'd usually be okay She doesn't want to be touched right now though I tried to hug her and she pushed me away
Pink Autism
>>123026 I'm going to guess there's a lot more coders than jobs for them.
>>123025 Yes, a lot of it is socialization. And that's why the problem is hard to change. Girls are naturally going to want to be teachers and nurses unless you change the way that they are socialized from the ground up. It's not just an issue of bombarding girls with stuff about how coding and STEM is cool. You'd have to completely change the place of the female in society, because girls will naturally gravitate to that kind of nursing/teaching stuff if left to their own devices.
If you can even do that. You can't really ignore biology I believe, I think girls are instinctively more likely to enjoy caretaking tasks than men are.
>>123029 I took a quick look at it, it does look cute!
>>123034 There are lots of female doctors already. There's not a gender problem in medicine.
I've heard you can use hugs. but ... maybe hold her hands..
They can be teachers and nurses, or they could be professors and doctors.
Eh, I don't think the instinct of caretaking will really matter that much, if it is even true. I'm more inclined to believe that children just need to know what is possible and why it's important to them.
>>123033 it's designed for younger girls to introduce them into coding concepts in an organic way she's a software engineer and based it off the doodles she'd make and concept-building in a fun way i think it's pretty cool i want her job
very comfy bang
hi friendos is there tilderboy here
Hello bang. Why are you so comfy?
>>123037 I'm here. A mutual friend just gave me a shout.
very comfy bang
aoi-chan is requesting your presence in The Fuck House
I had to get up for a minute even though we were having a good conversation!
Anyway I guess my point was that I think it's a greater evil to try to trick/manipulate girls into doing things they wouldn't normally due just because you want to meet quotas!
It's wrong to trick or manipulate anyone into doing things they wouldn't normally do
No, I'm sitting in the car with her Luckily my wifi reaches my parking spot Just sitting here playing with my phone and idly talking about nothing to a nonresponsive autistic girl after driving 9am-6pm
>>123087 You're crazy >>123088 She's been officially diagnosed with autism She's very high functioning but she has a lot of symptoms that interfere with her daily life Plus she has some kind of social anxiety
Pink Autism
>>123088 From the description, it's legit. Just sounds like she's usually higher functioning.
She's generally pretty normal She is probably more obviously autistic in person She has trouble with eye contact and isn't very expressive She also has trouble looking at things from other people's perspectives which I'm sure you've noticed She also doesn't like to be touched suddenly and stuff I can usually touch her as long as it's not surprising though
Autism and sad are a bad combination though I'd bet the social anxiety is more obviously online
Pink Autism
>>123091 Common mistake people make. A girl I knew seemed mostly normal aside from just generally being strange, until you did something like tap her shoulder.
>>123096 Yeah. That's why there's not really anything i can do but wait for her
I think I've mentioned that she's autistic before She's high functioning enough that it doesn't really matter most of the time She just comes off as quirky
Nope, she's the real deal She started getting treatment when she was pretty young so she can do enough to not look autistic But you can't train out a problem of biology so some stuff can't be helped
No, she's not asleep She's just not responding to outside stimuli in a proper way All she'll do is make an exhaling sound and squirm away from being touched right now She's no longer in the situation so she'll recover soon
wait what happened? I was looking but only saw that she had a sensory overload of some sort? Was it from a lot of noise, or was there just too many people or what?
It's actually not that hot outside though. I'm just sweating a little because both my body and my room are in winter mode. I need to take some of the blankets and stuff out of here.
very comfy bang
>>123131 wow i just realized that's kotori that's a good kotori
>>123193 that would be quite a journey to implement!
Pink Autism
>>123194 Good journey or bad? If Wulf could merge some of the changes and had free time I'd tell him to make it happen. If I weren't stupid and lazy, I'd make it happen.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
well HTML doesn't have center floating so either center posts would have no horizontal stacking or if you did want center posts to be able to share space, you'd have to write some fancy javascript layout or something
Pink Autism
I'm sure there's a stupidly hacky workaround.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
almost certainly!
as for the code, yes... I should polish it up and release it hmm hmm
Pink Autism
>>123198 Oh, even if you did, Wulf has hacked away so much and not used git, so when we lost all our data to my poor setup on the first go 'round we had to have one person killing the DDoS process while the other FTP'd everything down good times...
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>123199 rip that's painful to read man FTP, so oldskool
Pink Autism
>>123200 If I told you half of the things we do, you'd cry. Like using a bash script in cron to start everything in screen sessions. Or the fact that my first nginx config had separate entries for each path. Or that we fell prey to that telnet backdoor thing in redis. Or that our web user initially had root access
well hey i've run doushio in screen sessions too not sure about launching from cron though, more like systemd
sounds like a lot of fun times
Pink Autism
>>123202 We have a bash script that starts everything we run on the server, and we have to do restarts to fix some RAM issues, so we just have cron run said script on startup. And that launches screen sessions for both instances, as well as the two redis servers, teamspeak (which came with its own bash script to start the service). It's pretty rough, but... It works, so we don't try to improve it.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>123203 sorry about the ram issues i probably should have not designed software constrained by RAM lol
but hey if it ain't broke!
Pink Autism
>>123204 Actually, it's not so much that as it is the way the host does things, I think. When webm was implemented, it would quite often start crashing the instance and I suppose FFMPEG was eating RAM. Otherwise it wouldn't be a problem.
There's a word I'm looking for, but the concept is disk cache.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
oh, yeah. even my imagemagick code has all these random tweaks in it to cut down on peak RAM usage
that ffmpeg code is a bit of a beast, it's designed so that the ffmpeg process can be run from a different user account or even on a different server but like I bet I'm the only one who actually uses that feature, considering how badly it was documented
having a separate image processing server would be pretty sweet tho
Pink Autism
>>123206 Then you're limiting the people who can run servers. But hey, it is your code, you probably didn't plan on a bunch of people running with it.
I need to get to learning one of these days.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
well it's a totally optional feature i think it's important for security though should definitely document it... grrr ok i'm gonna try and release some of the new stuff
Pink Autism
I think at this point though, most people will be attracted to Lat's thing. He's made it so painless even an idiot can do it.
And as an optional feature, yeah, but can you keep it optional and keep the other issues from appearing.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah, it's good they packaged it up nicely and figured it all out i hardly maintain the site anymore, obviously except this recent spurt ho hum whisky
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>123209 "other issues"? do you mean ram spikes? hmm
Pink Autism
>>123210 I mean, you did well enough and if it isn't that interesting to you anymore, why should you be obligated to keep working on it? It works, ain't broke, don't need to fix it.
>>123212 yeah, not much I can do other than let RAM get cheaper and cheaper! most VPSes come with like at least 1 gig these days I think? easy every time
Pink Autism
>>123213 I got 2.5 GB for $19 every six months? I mean, you can shop around and get some good deals.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
maybe the word you were looking for was "overcommit"
Pink Autism
>>123215 I wouldn't know. Especially not right now.
>>123221 Actually, yeah, I was gonna say. DPH is anti-histamine. DPH is not worth it. I think I might've overdone it in the handful of times I did do it.
But I hear so much better about DXM, and I've got all this stuff for being sick laying around and I'm not sick. Just gotta not take too much of the other shit in it.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
damn dude so wait is the stuff you have now X or PH?
Pink Autism
>>123224 DXM. I won't do DPH again. The Greek statue lookin' face was yelling at me, and I couldn't hear him, but I knew I had fucked up.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
ho boy that sounds bad
on my second attempt i got super nauseous and at that point I knew it was make it or break it time
one toke cleared the nausea right up, amazing feeling
Pink Autism
>>123226 Did you get something with straight DXM or did you get something with... I think it's the guaifenesin that makes you nauseous?
Sadly I don't have much other than nicotine with me. So if I get nauseous, I'm screwed.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>123227 straight dxm hbr 300mg + gel coatings no guaifenesin
Pink Autism
>>123228 Well, if the rest of the userbase is anything to go by, you're a lot lighter than me. So what, second plateau?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>123229 probably? i don't have the experience to know
i probably won't be trying anything again for awhile due to my roommate who is in law enforcement etc but one day i'll be back
Pink Autism
>>123230 >The first plateau generally occurs around 1.5 to 2.5 mg/kg >With the second plateau (around 2.5-7.5 mg/kg Got nothing for the third.
Come down here Sam I'll make some dmt
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>123232 oh man i tried that once that was when i became acutely aware of suffering
Pink Autism
>>123232 izzat smokable and is it potent in one hit? Because that joint I had once, no blunt, wasn't just weed. There's no way.
Then probably not. I haven't had a lot of experience, I never knew enough people for it. For better or worse.
I haven't tried any yet because I believe in having a guide in case you get lost So I'd have to ask someone
Pink Autism
I don't believe in doing anything too intense unless you're in the right place for it. Which is why I turned down an opportunity to try "acid" (which, the legitimacy of is unknown)
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
golden gate park easy every time
V.root with hops is a pretty calm blend that's just a mild hallucinogen at large doses Just like a strong tea
>>123295 me because I'm only watching like three shows
>>123296 no it's me because i'm watching ZERO i have to fill out an application to the job i currently have so i can keep having the job i already have because of a change in management then i'm going to BED FUCK
>>123297 wow that makes absolutely zero sense sounds like a good time
all that code you pushed around back in high school is gonna go to the gym and then at the class reunion have it's revenge
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>>/watch?v=Z-vtOKppCjc >>123350 if it ever comes back i'm ready i'll hold back the tides i'll hold up the digital arch the three pillars of Wikkit >>123352 yeah man! #1 trending what a man that wurtz
Digimon aren't exactly robots though They're like, digital things that achieved sentience or something When they're moved to the real world, I think they're biological, even
Though there's no way to tell cause I don't think they ever bleed outside the digiworld