For a while now I feel like I've been losing my passion it's hard to stay up with shows I end up dropping everything
I had felt that there was tonal shift in anime over the last years and that it's just been less satisfying but I do sometimes feel that same intrigue when I do take the time to watch them I think I just get too distracted, nerves and stresses from the real world that distracts me from enjoying what i enjoy i don't want to lose anime
do you guys go through those phases too and it'll come around?
i dont want to lose anime it's the only stable thing i have in my life
i kinda have phases like that in my case i shift from different forms of entertainment, so i kinda get a feeling of getting tired of anime and start playing games instead and then get tired there and go back last time i think the switch lasted 8 months so maybe it's just some fatigue of the medium
Occasionally I get that sorta phase, in which case I'll do something else and come back to anime later. I think it also pays to concern yourself less with what's currently airing. There's decades of anime out there, so I don't get why someone would just watch shows that are airing.
I still love it, after quite some time. If you are having trouble staying interested, your problem may be that you are too distracted. Try to defeat the habit of watching for 5 minutes and then alt-tabbing to do something else. Watch shows from start to finish. Also, if you have a big TV available, try watching on that. Watching on a big screen makes it more interesting.
>>115640 Buy blurays so you feel like you have to watch it or you're wasting money
>>115640 i still love it i've just become so impatient -- the frustrated kind of impatient i don't like seeing myself be impatient with the hobbies, people, things i love and care about it's distressing
What if that makes it worse It feels like having a boyfriend whose earlier charms are now starting to get on your nerves You look forward to his boys nights out so you don't have to deal with him anymore I don't want to break up with anime