maybe, it depends on which ones some were pretty bad but many were epic af started off with atari, I remember how much fun it was like being at a vid game arcade in your living room and playing with fam and extended fam at thier cribs played a alot of Nes after that every console has thier strengths and weaknesses vid games these days kind of lost that vibe but have a new vibe thats as good in it's own way...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds like you miss a time in your life
evryone misses something at some point it's not hard, esp with things how they be these days more or less do the best to look on the bright side things
> ( 1145584 ) > rad algo kindly specify which algos you mean? because there are many around I've reasonobly tried to filter some, but I wonder which ones not noticed
the game is the same across all severs and players can hop between them at any time. But yeah, they put pronouns in. bit of a shitshow from all sides. I just tune it out. you don't have to pick one if you don't want to.
I am thinking about the flaws inherent in the modern transmission of zen my day was okay. very busy, many meetings
how many documents you usually send to a firstimer/beginner and how many pages are there or something?
黄雪 🙡/人❒‿‿❒人\🙢 🍁 !kYOmpkuZvI!!zzKl1.Z/50
some people say or think particular EEG dominant wave is important. maybe. but there is more than that. from my expirience particular emotions could be important, or aftermath of emotions
I also feel sometimes, there is different vessel pressure constriction, bloodflow, metabolism that can play a role. sorry that I look from my med perspective.
recently heard (studied) in pfc, right section is responsible for inner monologue speech production, and left section responsible for inhibition.
>>1145685 Books on meditation are written to be mysterious so they can trick you into giving them money. Zen books are written to be confusing to ruin your life unless you sit zazen for ten thousand years.
Rika keeping her memories between loops gives her a big leg up on Battler, but considering how long she's been at it, you gotta wonder if maybe she'd have preferred to be in Battler's situation, not retaining any information at all
Depends which Battler you mean. Piece Battler? Absolutely. But he's just a piece. From the beginning, a piece can't match someone like Rika. But meta-Battler absolutely clears.
Yeah but Rika is also a piece in higurashi! She's just both And yeah I mean meta-battler actually did fairly well, considering he only had a handful of loops But Rika is also literally, like, 9
True, Rika would be limited by her brain development no matter how many loops she does. The world's most experienced 9yo might not be able to survive something an 18 year old would.
Not to mention her opponent was WAY more cruel than Beatrice Beatrice followed the rules!
>>1145762 That's because Beato is motivated by love!! And love is the most powerful thing in the world. Maybe Rika should have tried that.
Rika should have just smiled more, really
it really is kinda wild, since I'm watching that guy stream umineko, how ez it is to get the "who" from episode one, just by realizing it's a mystery novel, battler is the detective, and like... that's it The "why" is literally not possible from episode 1, but still
I mean you're unlikely to get it entirely right, but you're gonna land on the right person for sure
I think you can get it right by chance. There's not really enough information in the first episode and that's by design. The benefit of our existing knowledge fills in blanks for us.
There's enough to pin Kanon or Shannon down as the killer Kanon dies when *everyone else* is accounted for, so that rules out everyone Battler has seen dead, and everyone currently alive that's everyone except Shannon and Kanon
I mean you're unlikely to get the details right, but you can kinda... easily hone in on the main suspect Like that alone doesn't solve the closed rooms or anything, but it's a thread you can begin pulling on
Just because information is there doesn't mean it's actually solvable, though. A detective needs to be able to identify things like motive, method, etc. Processes of elimination is not enough to justify an answer. It isn't conclusive evidence. It doesn't hold up on its own.
that's why I say "when you realize it's a mystery novel" It's not much of a mystery novel if there actually is a witch
this said, obviously I didn't solve it myself, certainly not that early but I think I could have begun unspooling it if I'd revisited the first episode again after maybe finishing the second one
Umineko tells you from the very beginning that it's a detective story. It was marketed that way. One of the central conceits of the story is whether or not magic is actually real and the implicit understanding is that magic is essentially metaphorical.
Yeah, but this is kinda why Kanon's death in particular is so significant! He's the first time we get an extremely big hint that the narrator is unreliable and will lie to us basically every time we're not looking at Battler Up until then, there's been no actual indication the narrator is unreliable, not explicitly anyway, but he fights a magic swarm of butterflies and they kill him
obviously realizing all of this while reading is another thing I just went on to episode 2 and then 3 and so on and so forth, myself, more invested in the story than the actual murder puzzle Which probably goes for many who read it
I mean I did try my hand a little bit at it while reading, but I wasn't stopping the story to puzzle it out for hours on end
I kinda wish I had But, can't undo that one >>1145780 Yeah, it's real impressive Really when I say you could figure out whomst doing the murders from episode 1, that's kind of a long way around praising it because you kinda end up not doing that Even though all the clues are there, episode 1 is labeled easy obviously whodunnit isn't enough or satisfying on its own, but still, that's really all episode 1 can give you You'd have to be an insane person to sniff out the motive, much less the how of the final twilight, from episode 1, if it even can be done
apparently doki's team won that marvel tournament, eve n if she wasn't actually part of it by the end
Yeah And that's even with at least one of the teams who were complaining about her being too good cheating by using players who were clearlya higher skill in these kinds of games than their in game ranking indicated to get around that teams had a net ranking ceiling in order to participate
I mean, using the rankings in a game so new a large amount of the potential participants hadn't even installed it prior to the tournament was always gonna be kind of a scuffed way to organize something with a prize pool that size Like, sure, there's some game specific knowledge, but someone who's fucking cracked at overwatch or whatever is going to do a lot better than some random newbie, from the moment they install the game stacking a team really is just a matter of reaching out to your scrim buddies like "hey have you tried this game yet? no? wanna join my team for a 200K prize pool?"
A passing trade caravan in rimworld had a female and male grizzly bear pair for sale, so I sold just about everything I had and barely paid for them, only to realize none of my colonists have the skill to keep the bears uh, tame So, one of them has spent the last month taming everything from rats to raccoons out in the wilderness, in a desperate race against the clock to hit level 8 before the bears go feral again Turns out I did have a little bit extra time though, as the two of them had 2 kids in the meantime, a female and a male, so even if I lose the parents, I've got the offspring
I might breed them for leather, it's certainly less real estate expensive than devilstrand, even if slightly worse quality crafting material Even if I don't though, they eat corpses (always a big plus, the primary reason I keep pigs in most runs) and unlike the aforementioned pigs, grizzlies can fuckin' fight, man Tough motherfuckers
I cans \\ train them to haul as well, I guess, which would certainly free up some labor, just move stuff into a shed set to accept anything and everything at low priority so a human moves it further into the actual storage room It's not ideal to have hauling animals running through the base, they spawn filth so you end up spending more time cleaning than youn would have just hauling it yourself
Rimworld is a lot easier when you don't bite off more than you can chew, a lesson I keep having to learn These bears are gonna be an issue long term, they're REAL valuable, but for now my wealth isn't too bad, so the raids are manageable None mechanoids yet, either, knock on wood
in other news the whole "raise bears in rimworld" strategy did not pay off actually backfired quite drastically, as they require an utterly absurd amount of upkeep, and do not eat hay or graze So as my wealth kept piling up due to the value of the bears and all the extra food I had to produce, I didn't have the labor time left over to actually do the productive stuff that needs to be done
So a new run No more bears I'll just get pigs again for this one Pigs are always a good animal to keep, steady food and leather, next to no upkeep, and they eat corpses, which really is the primary benefit
well, time to enter the rim once more naked and alone, as usual Starting out with a whole group just makes the early game so overly simple, and it's so time consuming to roll for good starting pawns, better to just roll for one and recruit as I go
I keep having a dream where I'm in my own home but the layout is different every time so i keep rediscovering stuff like "oh yeaahhh i forgot i have a view of the beach out this window" or in a different dream "oh yeah I forgot there are like 5 secret rooms behind this secret door" what is my brain trying to tell me
That you want a secret swinging bookshelf
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that i do maybe i just need to throw out some junk tbh
> till the room stinks. till my throat hurts. till my back aches. till my knees give up. till my hands cant hold it no more. till all my hair follicles get removed from my scalp. till the lining of my esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines gets filled, till the sky turns dark till the bed breaks till the sheets rip till the room stinks the walls crack and the glass shatters till the mirror fogs till the neighbors knock till my back breaks my knees weak and till i cant move
it's kinda crazy how games have like, standardized prices The production cost varies extremely drastically for games, but the roof is generally agreed to be like, 60-80 bucks?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yep thats where the DLC comes in gotta add hidden costs because no one is gonna pay 100 up front
i saw urologist today they're gonna take apart my balls and put them back together with a knife and then theyre gonna staple my tubes into place so i never get torsion i'll finally be immune to those wizards
yeah but at least my balls will be back to the normal size apparently the only pain after the surgery should be incisional pain maybe a few weeks of swelling
They should call me to schedule soon. But I'm hoping the last week of February. If not, I'll have to do the second or third week of March. I have a sesshin in April so I want to be fully recovered by then.
sankyuu My right ball is like the size of my fist because of the hydrocele. So life has been hard in a lot of ways lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the manspreader pass!!
>>1145884 yeah im in north carolina with my potential partner im waiting on lawyers to clear a check like always hopefully ill have a settlement offer by next week
clear a check isnt the right words but you know legal things
hopefully that will carry me through another year of this mortal coil how many more must there be?? can't we end this loop once and for ever
my new colonist is genetically depressed, that is his genes carry depression however, he's a trooper, he adapts and overcomes, developing a taste for human flesh to combat the dark cloud of reality I didn't even notice he was a cannibal when I recruited him, but that's pretty fortunate Why have pigs that eat the corpses when this guy will do just as well?
turns out by butchering one of the raiders, he pissed off my original colonist though, so that's not gonna be a long term solution A possibility in a pinch if his mood gets real bad, just butcher a corpse and feed him a cooked meal for the mood buff, but he can't be eating humans every day taht's for sure I was hoping it would be fine cause he's the one who butchered the guy, but naw, original colonist and leader of the gang ("the gang" is just the two of them) does not approve of any step of the process other than the cooking itself. She's fine with that, she's even the one who does it they immediately got in a fistfight afterwards
the default rimworld run is "oh how nice, nature and fresh air" for about a year or two, then it gradually devolves into "And here is where we keep the captured and amputated raiders. We feed them raw rice. Why? To feed the vampires in the next room over."
why is it funny to me that i knew what he was going to say and yet because the delivery was so pronounced so intentionally it felt like delivered wisdom
0.5% chance of food poisoning happening when cooking a meal *three in a row* gave the colonists food poisoning literally what are the odds
all three of them got bodied by salmonella and campelobacter
well I guess the odds have to factor in every meal cooked, not just the specific sequence 3 out 3 being poisoned is a lot less likely than 3 in a row in a series of like 200 being poisoned
it's still kinda confusing what the innies in severance do and do not know Like it seems a little inconsistent It doesn't matter too much for the story, but it's still irking me
I really enjoy it at least Not really sure where the plot is going right now, but it certainly handled the followup to the s1 finale in a way I didn't expect (complimentary)
holy shit kingdom come deliverance 2 is out?? I didn't even know it was about to release
>>1145941 I wait & you should to till the last Season episode get's released. aka final
I also think for people who are in to bci/neurotech/cyber - there is better realistic tech & ideas out there. the point of S-nce is allusion, allegory on society sort of, probably, and not so on sci-fi.
I also don't know if the upcoming season will be last (final)
as alternative you may find & grab some book
S-nce is pleasing fans of the Office & white collar jobs (which I like, ngl) ... if you are in to such things and like them ... ?
>>1145891 have you considered to reduce your testosterone and dopamine by bit, to releive some pressure down there. inculding HPA. maybe utilize fitoestrogens,
>>1145947 The problem is that there's a literal sack of fluid surrounding my testicle. Nothing will make that go down except for draining it. In my case, they will remove that sack to prevent fluid from filling it again. There's no other way to treat a hydrocele that won't dissipate with time .
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
have you tried umm putting the milk in the cup before the tea to shrink your balls
have you tried recycling your ball fluid by drinking it with a straw it wont completelt resolve the problem because piss is stored in the balls but at least you can manipulate it
Do you wanna see? I showed a picture to the boys finally the other day and they were all freakin out because it was so big. Jan's girlfriend couldn't believe I've been walking around with it for a year now www
>>1145877 good thing thats not EVER going to happen to any of us moe/'s
>>1145956 Suit yourself. You totally missing out, though. Seeing before and after pictures is always exciting.
My buddy had a penis pump put in after his prostate was destroyed by cancer and he was showing me pictures of his dick after the surgery. It looked so painful!! I've never seen such a bruised cock. Apparently my surgery won't leave me too bruised or anything, though.
I mean actual answer; I follow an OSRS streamer with pretty good shitposts and he joined a community group called "Guys With Fat Nuts" so I see all of those.
>>1146023 I've been using a Nikon D3400 since 2017 or 18. What I'm calling a macro lens is technically a micro lens but they're more-or-less the same, a micro is just capable of extra magnification. I use the AF-S DC Micro-NIKKOR 40mm F/2.8G for most stuff.
I've never had a single complaint about it! I have a 70-300mm lens too but I rarely use it unless I've traveling. I like to do scenery photography so usually I can just get closer to my subject but when you're climbing a mountain or whatever sometimes you really do just need to zoom in lol
>>1146039 I spend anywhere between an hour and two hours in zazen every day. I do zazen first thing in the morning and then I often find a time to do it during the day and I often do it in the evening as well. If I didn't have a job, I'd do it more.
Everyone has their own natural sleep schedule. If I go to bed naturally, I naturally wake up between 3:30 and 4:30am. So that just happens to be when I wake up. I don't think there's any inherent value in waking up so early. If anything, it's a problem having to go to bed early!
how much hours do you sleep in total? e.g. in what time you go sleep?
On average, I spent 27% of the night in REM sleep, 42% in light sleep, 22% in deep sleep. My average REM is a bit over the benchline for people in my age group.
Both. Maezumi, the founder of the White Plum, had transmission in both. And my teacher's teacher also had transmission in both - Soto from Maezumi and Rinzai from Soen. My teacher primarily leans towards Soto, but I lean towards Rinzai in many ways. My mentor is also more Rinzai despite being my teacher's dharma brother.
>>1146021 thats a good sign it used to be like that takes a while now maybe like a few time ever couple weeks, have a fierce hunger
>>1146041 >>1146039 I used to wake up and meditate for about 30mins that worked well for a getting about your day with still have time in meta's
>>1146053 A lot of life changes, some that are unwanted and some that are good. Atempting to get back too the state of life and mind that I was in at the time of that peak. And not having being absorbed by others negitive or my own. As for why life has changed I have not at the core fabric of my being.
wow the hood looks pretty cool if you put your finger over the top part of the truck too cover the roof it kind of reminds me of a Holden Commodore Truck Holden Commodore have a tonneau cover though but it looks cool like you could fit lots of parcels in it.
Henry of Skalitz has invited the clumsiest girl at the high class wedding to a dance, and I am treated to a first person view of said dance, Henry making minecraft oof sounds all the while as said girl steps on his feet
Yeah it's this kind of stylized version of art called "anime' that comes from the country of Japan. One of the hallmarks is the big eyes. Not very realistic proportions but the style is very popular in Asian and even increasingly in the West. It kind of grows on you.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
*asian countries
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
takes notes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
can't believe i watched streamer fling a shuttlecock at a spinning racket for 2 hours straight today absolutely brainrotted