>>1140861 (OP) I won't post my voi d f arts() {} >>1140862 cool bat, I wanted to tell that earlier >>1140865 wow woah that way too lewd, an bat in front of African continent >>1140861 (OP) ofc you won't need my comments or critics, but consider to work just a little bit on facial expression, mimics. eyes & mouth shapes wrong. u use kinda low res fett pencil making it not expressive, lacking details
>>1140871 (faces have always been a weakness of mine)
>>1140870 this better. But the pencil thickness makes impression of hybrid between pixel art and lo-fi low-effort art. >>1140872 wow that's really cool, I like the lens, angle, pov. almost like fisheye your traditional art & sense of volume shapes is better. I like trad art, and prefer to practice myself with pen, pencil, paper. excuse my English, it's ASL
*pencil size on tongue. makes it stand out like cell shaded. when it's doesn't have to. other brushes, elements are fine.
>>1140874 Speaking of varying pencil sizes... Also a lot of these are older works as they either do not fit into /moe/ (do not depict cute girls) or are too NSFW. Also what is the stance on nudity (provided no sex is going on). Censored her just in case.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's a sfw board, no nudity, no panty shots
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
many times it's just down to taste
>>1140885 Any boards for artists / nsfw / both? >>1140886 So like "artistic nudity" / "good is (ERRATA) "Tasteful Nudity" is fine.
very cool censorbar I think if something is [REDACTED|CENSORED|BLURRED|PIXELATED] it should be considered sfw & safe for consumption that's exact point of censoring some parts, to make it safe & legit >no panty shots why is that it is allowed in tv ads, supermarkets, billboards ... showcasing pantyhose also why and how it is considered an sfw board when you can discuss how suspect (Luigi) shot a person, but not allowed to talk about beauty of anatomy, cloth
you know, when you get assignet to that special task force splatoon, you don't sometimes have a chance to pick your alpha charlie bravo nick, and there are ton of stories of folks ended up in terrible situations well, at least at doushio dojo you can pick your code mastering the art of tripcode