>>1137748 Fuckin crazy Soooo good. The opener Squid Pisser was amazing too. Dark Funeral was the second opener and they were good but they're a little too traditional for my tastes. I posted a description of the whole GWAR concert on tano
truly the funniest thing thats happened ina while lookin forward to their content
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> The satirical news site intends to turn Infowars into a parody of itself. But the court overseeing the bankruptcy put a hold on the sale pending a hearing next week.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
turns out people are depending on me we're so back?
man nathalie emmanuel is such a babe even if she spends most of the movie just being in a entirely different location than the rest of the cast scheduling issues i assume
>>1137764 when he says yeeeees it can be seen ever so slighty might need to look it up manually so you can fullscreen but if you look at the comments someone points it out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ooo i saw it nice
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ya opening on youtube helped
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man i should pirate it and watch it again if only for Adam Driver losing his shit after being exposed as a cheater
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or wait after being exposed as a spoiler of virgins
does he give a bad performance or is it just the flaws of the script
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's all script he does fine he recites shakespeare, he stops time, he freaks out, he adam drivers the script is just insane
more like adam drives the damnd plot! i do have a few days free i should watxh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if anyone drives the plot in that movie it's aubrey plaza almost everyone else just seems to be along for the ride
Creepy if you're touching yourself in public while doing it Probably the same if your're at home by yourself but it's your abode, who am I to tell you it's creepy
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
What do you know about women
Not enough yet looking to change that with degrees in womenology
you want to hear my hottest take of all time? speedrunning is kind of dumb. there i said it. but imagine spending years and years of your life to shave a few seconds off some bullshit retro game that nobody cares about.
>>1137813 I saw a guy did a speedrun of that one game where the whole gimmick is it takes a whole year to finish it Because the victory condition is a clock ticking down from the moment you start I did not watch the whole video about how he did it but there's apparently some stuff in the game you can do to speed up the time, so a lot of it seemed to be routing efficiently to like, unlock all of that and probably some other stuff like apparently there are some one-time use interactions too that you can do, but they're not passives for the rest of the game or anything
seemed interesting but also lmao I'm not watching that
>>1137813 What nerd, do you think you can do it faster?
I've had it since my surgery in February. They said it'd go down on its own but it hasn't. Sometimes they can aspirate it by sticking a needle in and suckin up the fluid but it usually comes back if that's the case. And I want to just get it fully taken care of because idk if Trump is going to crash the health care industry or not and make it impossible to get help.
somehow won this game despite their having 4 pieces pointed at my king, and didnt lose my queen either
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
At the weight rack opposite me there's a nerdy kind of doughy looking guy there with his girlfriend(?) who seems a bit fitter than he is and she's showing him how to Deadlift My guy is living the dream
I'm also in the process of speccing a bit into lightning (read: buy lightning spell books when I see them) because there's one particular enemy with a BUTTLOAD of HP who's weak to lightning, and more importantly, when killed, a little girl emerges from the mechanical body If you kill and eat said girl, your level multipliers, across the board, go up by ~ 4%
>>1137861 I'm not watching the fight, did he turn Paul into paste yet?
hanging yourself in Elin is actually a viable strategy early game, because your buddies all beat the shit out of you while you do it, but they don't kill you, so you gain good defensive exp
Another very popular strategy is to find a crab and beat on it with a weapon made out of paper because its high defensive stat and the paper weapon's obviously abyssmal damage output means you won't ever kill it, but crabs are also too weak to be a real threat to you after the very, very early game, so you can just stand there wailing on each other you get defense and offense trained at the same time that way
Though, in Elin, everyone actually has levels and does gain exp meaning you're not the only one getting stronger in that fight
>>1137869 well if you fight side by side you could only get stronger, mofrigity frack weakness.
I really, really gotta get some more mutation potions or spell books ideally spell books because then I get to train up some magic while I'm at it that and a spell book allows for more mutations than a single potion does
that's a situation where you just resign to be honest
If the other guy is able to start doing the equivalent of ascii art on the game board without losing immediately, you just gotta give up and accept you're playing against a superior specimen
>>1137891 hope you mean rooster, cus thats the farthest thing from mi mind while playing chess
I have every positive mutation now, though there are two I'd LIKE to flip, but simply can't easily Maybe once I've got an enormous stockpile of blessed water I'll give it a go though
as in, I'd like to get the reversed variant of two of them specifically I'd like fire resist rather than cold resist, and nether rather than holy but they're not categorized as negative mutations, so it'd require a LOT of potions to grind out, and it's not THAT big a deal either way
so fliping a reversed variant makes a holy resist? I wonder if you could be all at once ?!?!?
yeah, all the mutations come in two variations, and you get one of the two only the fire\cold and nether\holy are the only ones that don't have a strictly beneficial variant, since they come with a drawback and a positive
>>1137944 ya like a pairing of variation, so different combos make different strengths and weaknesses. sort of like in dnd can cancle out a spell or card with another spell or card. can running or jumping be incorparated and me modded as a variant?
it's just those two though my list is the complete set of mutations in the game, the remaining ones are just one reversed variant of each of those So you could have -9 STR instead of +9 STR, no benefit whatsoever except I guess maybe you train STR faster that way cause it's lower on the stat sheet, so you could strategically keep your stats low for a while and then get rid off the mutation But by the time you can do that easily, you're already so lategame, 9 stat points in either direction doesn't move the needle that much
thats elin?
oh cool ya I looked at screen shots of it it's looks like rpg gmaes games* of old. neat that it's not just a text game but text plays a big part rather then just read what npc's are saying. Assuming that it's not multi player on line, cuase that would be cool to play against or with a crew or fren
yeah, it's by a single dev, following up their previous game, which this is a prequel to
no multiplayer but there are moongates you can get basically at the start (good luck moving them to your ba\\ nevermind you can just have them delivered) that lets you visit other people's bases, at least Not with them in it, it's just like a "look at what the other players did" kind of thing
There's also BIG farming it's a real big part of the game, getting the right food And that means breeding the right strains of each food
So I went on the wiki to check what stats foods already have, and referenced that against the recipes I have access to, so I'm growing the right foods with the right stat boost strains that combine into truly incredible foods
Winter just ended, or I'd have dealt with all that stuff already
man I wish red peppers can be that fun and grow that size irl. cool bun kicking it in the garden.
OH those are mobs Kumiromi, the god of the harvest, gives you a scythe when you've been real devout, which I have, and every time it kills something, or rather anytime an ally kills something, while you are using it, there's a chance one of those things spawns in their place, as an ally
Which as an end result means I not only have crowd control for fights with a lot of mobs, it's actively beneficial for me if I'm not fighting something that's solo
ya just sticcking with growing would be ideal. But you can aquire plants with out and killing of mobs?
plants or/ mushies right?
yeah plants and mushrooms but naw, I have to kill SOMETHING to get one and they don't follow me around, it's not a summoning build type deal, they stay more or less in place and engage anything hostile, so they're good for that particular fight and general area of the dungeon, but once I leave, they just stay there
But that's fine in the base, because well... the base is static
shit, my bed is actually bad or well, the one in my tent is, I must have put the wrong one in the base
not only is liquid pretty quik he's pretty entertaining too
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
he needs the :HUH: emote though because so much is that >I once jerked off to a doorknob because it looked like a nipple >>1137973 ill show you some liquid
I was talking to this cute receptionist earlier. And she's like >are you getting Ken for Christmas
And I was like.. Lolwut. Wtf. No. I wasn't sure how serious she was being because it was such a weird thing to ask. And then I realised she said >Are you getting KEEN for Christmas Like looking forward to it. So I guess I just came across as some kind of grinch
nothing wrong with being a grinch
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
They call me THE GRINCH cus it grows 3 sizes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sorry brother you failed the shibboleth you will be disbarred from the kingdom of penthouse boardroom
I think because community moderation and blocklists are implemented into the system itself, it never will see the Discourse of twitter For better or for worse
Because enough people will be using blocklists to not see horrible people or be seen by them, the fighting can't really reach critical mass But the fighting is what makes social media actually churn, so I dunno what bluesky is gonna be like long term
It's better, at least as far as what we think we want goes, but I'm not sure it's actually what we're using social media for, so it might not actually be what we want, and bluesky absorbs the userbase, then dies off
fun fact in real life if you put yourself out there your dream girl eventually falls out of the sky and lands in your general vicinity you just have to be ready
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also dating platforms suck ass and you should really just join clubs and shi thats the key
but everyone says you shouldnt join clubs or activity groups to meet partners because its 'creepy' and exploitive?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wtf are you talking about just dont be a creep and ur fine
hi samu, marsh i'm probably going to buy my plane ticket in the next couple weeks just have to plan out a little more with my brother and get one more paycheck
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
>>1138029 I mean that was one of the many reasons I took up yoga
>>1138029 I mean I'm not a huge fan of the platforms a Nd that's one reason I've been off it for years but I gotta be PROACTIVE and find something different
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah irs good to try shit and ostensibly its a free action so you might as well get free leads from it
>>1138039 ?? how is that "incel" when I saw it all through college and when dating afterwards
>>1138045 >a very simple system of equivalences so its not perceived like that by most people? because in IRL friend circles I've seen dozens of times of both girls and guys describe a person as creepy, when they were ugly, but never for someone attractive
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my anecdotal evidence supports the narrative!! the world is exactly as i say it is!!!!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just because a person says a thing in a situation according to someone doesn't mean shit man we're all just vibin and saying whatever corresponds to our mental at the time
wow no one is judged by their looks, discrimination has been ended
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you are so incel posting get yourself to a place of softness
I made one statement about something I've personally seen often, again how is that incel when Im not even a virgin
oh yea you wont get many matches without a subscription but its fine just resist the temptation every time you open the app
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
I found a gym mommy who likes yugioh cards and I couldn't even Super Like without paying $5 what is this scam game
MF Ghost really is fun as hell An actual sequel to Initial D, never thought we'd see the day
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1138062 thats a real thing? i thought it was a meme
no MF Ghost is really good
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
isnt it like. a skeleton on a motorbike
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no wait YRA
No that's ghost rider
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what about Mf doom
yo i played Job Job and The Enormous Wheel w my parents hits different when you play w people who dont know the meta they liked the Wheel tho spin it to win it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we have like a Drawful 2 night every few weeks drawful always a good time
ALL CAPS when you spell the mans name
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sorry sorry my phone is a heathen
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Daniel Dumile[a] (born Dumile Daniel Thompson; /ˈduːməleɪ/ DOO-mə-lay; July 13, 1971 – October 31, 2020), also known by his stage name MF Doom or simply Doom (both stylized in all caps), was a British-American rapper, songwriter, and record producer.
time for Romulus Then maybe more reading Can't be gaming all the time, brain gets fried
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
alien:romulus ? have funnnn
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
uts funny playing jackboc w my dad he wants to spoil his answer sooooo bad he'll complain and drop hjnts and mutter under his breath about funny fake answers and still lose
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my dad is so old he enters his nickname as corpseman i havent asked him why but i assume
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Some things are better left unsaid
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he's 69
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it is nice
the nice is real
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i assume he'll live another 10 years judging by his track record buf hey u never know right
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Real talk: I hate seeing my parents getting old it fucks me up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sorry man but just live in the present
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea theyre old as shit thats life
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
brings a tear to me eye too ngl
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Anyways emsorry for the vibes man we just recover and we just keep carryin on because we know its the only ways the abyss can't support it otherwises
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i do need a northstar to weigh me down there is DS2 someday next year (?) and the promise of a new job after im done w this one or a new life and japan in april-may and skiing this winter
its funny playing chess irl so many Human factors abound i played against some people who should have creamed me every time but squeaked out ties here and there idk will have to go again and see how the score styless
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean mostly i lost dud to lack fo skill lets be reeel
We're on the Internet we don't have to be real here
yeah uhhhhhhhhhhh let me get the biscuits and gravy two eggs sunny side up side of the roasted broccoli and carrots and a flat white with oat milk the perfect breakfast
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holy fuck that's incredible
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1138110 we love a pair of innocent astronauts locked in the airtight room with the Aliens
I got sold a new phone subscription on friday, but when I searched up the number I got the confirmation text from, it had a lot of reports for fraud, so I promptly went and blocked all credit check companies from running one on me, so at least I'm somewhat safe despite the misfortune And today, I got an email about a failed attempt to register a new subscription for my number So I call them up, apparently this mfer is using my actual mailbox, and even using my own email address which is strange cause obviously I'll be notified then And also it turns out that number is not fraudulent, it's in their list of numbers they do use
False alarm, my ID is safe, their number is just for some reason reported as fraudulent online I've been worried as shit all weekend man Thought I got my ass fucked over
I did miss out on a good deal as a result though, which kinda stinks but whatever man
finally i understand why i can't stand unreal engine games they're a blurry mess whenever you move the camera bruh we didn't know how good we had it in the PS3 era
this is a crisis. Won't somebody please think of the Gamers
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
umm it's actually about ethics in game engine rendering pipelines
idtech and sourcechads win again
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
truly it's a shame so many proprietary engines have been phased out in favor of UE4/5 at least Death Stranding is in Decima Overwatch is its own engine breath of the wild/tears of the kingdom are their own things, as are all first party nintendo games uhh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol valorant uses UE4 because of course it does i doubt valorant uses temporal anti aliasing though being a competitive CS-like and all
I remember vaguely trying to learn unrealscript for a game mod a long time ago, it was frustrating
>>>/@zeta_globin/1858258628387434710 waddaheck good thing i drink pre ground anyway er whole bean anyway it's got the freshness you can't get from pre ground
the female lead killed a villain in a standoff set to Morricone esque MIDI music by shooting her nails into the other chick's neck it's hardcore for a kids show and also a shit ton of cultural references the protag has a big glow up between s2 and s3
yeah ive seen shots of the later seasons but don't think i had those at the time
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
the whole thing is on YouTube
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I plan on actually watching it at some point instead of just having it on a secind screen
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
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It was a good show watched it tons he had cromatic hair though, from what I remember don't remember him looking like a Hideo Kojima video game character...
apparently the kids you get from eggs in Elin can be fed milk, and they inherit stats from the one who made the milk
long story short, I've got a potential pet with ABSURD damage resist, but exactly 1 hp but it CAN lay eggs so I'm gonna powerlevel the endurance on a different animal, and when the glorious day of an egg comes, I will feed it HPmax juice and have a fucking beast of a companion on my side
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean i agree with the yt comments thats a pretty good title
Elin's morality system is incredible, because you can pickpocket entities which are actively attacking you, but if they catch you, they scream "GUARDS! GUARDS!" I don't think you lose karma cause they're monsters though
wondering if i should upgrade my CPU and maybe even video card before 47 gets to office idk how electronics prices are gonna change here afterward but man i could use a cpu upgrade on my gaming pc
his french is p bad but he's better than me idk he speaks it like an englishman
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> A perfect storm is brewing in 2025 which may cause the price of computers and other electronic devices to increase significantly.
> In October of 2025, Microsoft will no longer support the Windows 10 operating system so many companies are in the process of upgrading those older PCs possible
> Another factor that could increase demand and tighten the supply of PCs and laptops is the anticipated refresh cycle of the systems purchased during the first couple of years of the COVID-19 pandemic. yep thats me
> The biggest potential driver of increasing prices is the tariffs on imported goods that the incoming administration is promising to impose. ya but doesn't that mean that americans will face more sticker shock and therefore reduce demand i can't imagine it's so straightforwardly linear like that tho
what counts as "a listener" though? Cause there's no shot you're in the top 3% with a listencount barely above like 6-7 total listens
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holy fuck they actually used the pokestop scanning data, the madmen
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> While AR glasses with 3D graphics are still several years away from the mass market, there are opportunities for geospatial models to be integrated with audio-only or 2D display glasses. > Over the past five years, Niantic has focused on building our Visual Positioning System (VPS),
My kid might be going to jail. I'm not really sure. I went over to her house this morning at like 7am because she had cut herself overnight. She had like 30 cuts all over her body. After I stabilized the situation I left and then I got a call again an hour later from her mom saying she'd stabbed her in the throat. That my kid stabbed her mom, that is. By the time I got there, the cops had already picked her up and hauled her off to the hospital to make sure she's medically stable before sending her to a psych hospital. Her mom had a laceration on her neck right above the collarbone. Not really a stab wound. Apparently she tried to grab something from my kid aggressively and she swung at her mom while holding a pencil and got her. Her mom wants to press charges so once my kid is out of the psych ward, she might go straight to jail. I don't know yet. But I spent pretty much every second from 630am to 4pm dealing with all this. Shit sucks so bad.
Yeah. The mom is so restrictive that this was pretty much unavoidable. You can only keep a person in a cage for so long before they get desperate to escape. I just have to do everything I can to prevent her mom from ruining her life.
I often feel like I'm the only person who is willing to take the role of an adult when it comes to dealing with kids. Nobody wants to help them grow or protect them so they can. Everyone just wants kids to be good and if they're not good, they throw them away. It's really disheartening.
Nobody cares about the youth. I guess it was that way when I was a kid, too. I didn't have anyone really supporting me other than one highschool teacher.
smashing my head against a desk until i achieve enlightenment
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
everything keeps like browning out briefly are we having power issues or is my brain having spawms spasms or has my brain become decoupled from my blinks somehow i need a physician
hook up a non simulated sinewave battery backup to your brain
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
easiest way would be gettin a camera on a battery recording and then check after any seeming outages i suppose
One does have to wonder though, how did a facehugger ever implant on a predator? I mean the predator's gear alone makes it completely invisible to facehuggers, they just detect heat And surely they'd be very careful about facehuggers in particular, really all xenomorph biology, seeing as they're probably one of the most dangerous vanilla organisms in the whole universe
I don't remember that really being detailed in this movie, but I might be wrong
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my hot take is predators are subject to the same bell curve that we are for every elite there's a dude who ignores the rules and yolos everything
>>1138366 Oh yeah true And it's on earth, where I think it's established they send like, basically the kids looking to prove themselves and become real adults by hunting like, a spetznaz guy or whatever the fuck We're kinda like the proving grounds for the predators Not exciting prey, but proof of competency, so occasionally there's gonna be one dropped in here who would get his ass beat by a xenomorph I guess
Imagine the fucking SHAME you bring on your family when you get flatlined on TELLUS of all places man, even if you miraculously survived you might just stay to not have to face your dad afterwards and tell him how you managed to lose a fight against a human
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow i can't imagine an upstanding moe poster posting magnet links for torrents that's craaazy
>>1138368 ah gomen I have to do stuff for an hour I'll catch AWP 2 and just watch a 15 min recap of the first one
they really didn't pull any heavy hitters for this one, hu- IS THAT WILLEM DAFOE?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just saw another blackout the room did it not my screen i think the windstorm is doing thigs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1138373 no thats not no motherfucker looks like him
well that motherfucker does! I mean, I'm not certain it's him, which I guess means it isn't him, but man that's close
I honestly kinda respect them for having a full cast of literal whos probably not ideal for the quality of the end product, but it takes some stones to pull bottom-listers for the maiden voyage of the shared alien-predator universe
it is pretty rad to see a predator acknowldege and take a human under its wing though That's a part of this movie that kinda doesn't make sense, but is real cool
though I'm not entirely sure how to square the lore of AvP with like, Predator AvP clearly takes place after Predator, but in Predator they're hunting like, soldiers in Vietnam But in AvP this planet's only real use is as a host for xenomorphs to prove themselves, so it's kinda strange that way
>>1138408 they were in latin America soldiers in Vietnam.
>>1138409 oh, they were? It's been forever since I watched it
>>1138410 I thought it would have been more central but the movie takes place there but they filmed it in Puerto Vallarta Mex...
Korea was honestly my second guess But it wasn't very important to the story at all, other than its time setting
I've finally gotten around to doing some actual base organization in Elin too It's only been 1700 days! I've got an actual kitchen and a storage room with a separated food room Granted, this is entirely for aesthetic reasons >>1138425 PINGWING!
Storage building It's not got lights yet, but that's mostly cause I'm undecided if I want to have torchlight or electrical lights, or what And if I want electric lights, I'm gonna have to get a generator Which I could Wish for, but you only get maximum one wish per year, and I dunno if I wanna burn this year's wish on jennies or maybe a better secondary scythe
Apparently there's a free generator somewhere I could grab too, so I might go get that
The bed's just here temporarily cause crafting all the floors and walls eats stamina like crazy, usually it's in my tent
yeah, one is divine gift from my god, who you can see I've also got the body pillow of
neat, the pyramid shifts like in Cube
I gotta change out all those bookshelves too, maybe even make a proper library instead of having them in the storage room like this Lumber is just so tedious to farm cause it's heavy as heck and doesn't grow very fast
This is my farm, too It needs expansion, but I've just left it a bit half-done due to fertility limitations, and besides I'm gonna redo it now that I've expanded my build area
That golden statue just appeared one day in my base, not even my god, but I figured I may as well put it up cause they're REAL heavy
oh yeah that's an effect of the scythe Any time an ally or I kill anything while it's equipped, there's a chance one of those little guys spawn moderately useful in dungeons, but excellent base defense cause they just stick around Hell, if they live long enough they even level
oh wow I can pickpocket my plants endlessly and they seem to carry a LOT of money
The base is getting better, got a crafting room set up now A little spartan, needs a bit better placement of stations and stuff, but overall alright so far
Now I just gotta whip up a communal sleeping area, and a master bedroom for myself Not that I'll use said bedroom all that much, but it'd be nice to have a little spot for my own use in my own base
gonna need a lot of lumber for the floorboards though, god damn
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
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>>1138581 ya some will use the sleeping quarters more then other I suppose
>>1138580 ya same should be good they should have made more by now not sure what to expect with mib in it but independence day was pretty good so what they should have done was do it like the first pred and have wide range of the actors and wrestlers and maybe some more god dame sexual-Tyrannosaurus's
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why i bought flamin hot cheetos what daheccs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what was I THINKING hmm i have a copy of cities skylines now
well I mean it's not MIB it's just will smith
well imma catch some zzzs been up for quite some time