
Thread #1136614

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「a nu-thread?」

come for the thread
stay for the posters
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Rei !p8eYCadcMo

wow a new thread
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i would make more more on Centrelink bennies than they used to pay me at my old job
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Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (876 KB, 3840x2160, Screenshot 2024-10-31 193559.jpg)
look at my kamioshi
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i am minted out
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minty fresh
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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mint is the best
im so lucky to have such an insane kamioshi
4 years of mint it's crazy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what is mint
a V tuber, also a OpSys
it's also a organic plant that can cure illness witha cool flav
ya it's good to have on hand
Search [iqdb] (456 KB, 711x1049, crockodile.jpg)
linux distro
mint is pictured above
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you should plant mint in your backyard garden
simply foster a mint plant you will not regret cultivating a simple unimposing herb like mint
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i should go to the Xorg meetups one year just to see the mac linux witches in their element
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its even in Canada pog
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
I'm worried about your addiction to witches
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i can handle it, ribbit
*hops away*
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i greatly enjoy when NL goes for the fist spyglass
as yt commet
er said, it's so whimsical
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 1003 3/6

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sleep difficult
fuck it we ball
it was only the one visit this halloween I guess
I guess just one group
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do you have a lighted up display
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I don't do decoration
I didn't even prepare any sort of candy or nothing, but I grabbed a bag of candies I had when the bell rang and just handed some out
most people don't really do any particular decoration here
I mean some do, sure, but it's not super common

Kids just go door to door based on the ol' "are the lights on?" rule
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh well no wondee
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea it's an american holiday anyway like what da hecc
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if some of the houses are doing decor im sure they get the brunt of visitation
back when I was littler we'd ring every doorbell on the whole damn street
But I guess a lot has changed since back then
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
life has changed
ya I remember going around yellin halloween apples
and trick or treat and shiz
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when I was in like the 4-7th? grade, we'd go big
we had roller skates, so we covered a LOT of ground
damn, those were the days
well we had bikes too, but a bike is harder to use in costume, so
that and rollerskates are a lot more fun than bikes
it's all about the rocket candies
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whats the implication /moe/
librarian is going crazy lately
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is that about librarian's chastity belt
I'd imagine it's more not opening the door until the day is actually over lest the trick or treaters zerg rush you
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh just locked all day lol
like this
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what a strange larp
so strange that its probably REAL
the librarian schroedinger wife situation is crazy
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fucked up I write schroedinger
When I know how to write and pronounce Schrödinger, which is his actual fucking name
granted oe is easier to type than ö because norwegian keyboards have å in the way
I could always use ø which isn't correct but basically correct
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
A Møøse once bit my sister... No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"...
i went trick or treating :)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i went beer or beering
in fact i'm still doing it
did they give up all Japanese candies?
tell the beer i said hey
my k*d got 1 candy per person like a good boy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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smashed in the face with HI-SOFT
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you will never have nostalgia for a caramel cardboard box semicolon underscore
good times
;_ ?
take me to snurch
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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what a spicy posish
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
rip old thread in 1 minute
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Time to catch up on Trillion Game
Surprisingly fun show
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not sure what this player was thinking but
knight put the king in check in 3 moves had the king running accross the board
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A hacking tournament like the one in this show seems strange
A simultaneous attack and defend server hacking game?
Like what are you supposed to do, write up security software for your box before the other teams manage to type in the shell connection command?

Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i assume you start with the firewall closed but to achieve your objectives you need to expose some ports
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Yeah, it seems all the servers come prejacked with security software, but also various holes, so you gotta try to patch those before the others exploit them, and also exploit them in others before they patch them
Still seems kinda weird for a tournament, but it is an anime so
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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knight c4
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whats the point of having those rooks and bishop if they're just gonna chill on the backline while your king is sitting next to a giant hole in the wall
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I mean yeah, it's one of those traditions that aren't actually family events, so it won't be reinforced familialy
Once it disappears as a media trope, it disappears

I didn't realize it had, though, but I guess maybe it has
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its decentralized now
my friend in toronto got a bunch
very true
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its all about piece activity
how many squares can your pieces attack
what potential do they have
= piece placement
(in other words)
what piece to put where for maxium damage.
Are the rules stockfish follows public, or do they keep that under wraps?
For evaluation I mean, the "rules" for depth are pretty straight forward conceptually, even if computationally expensive as shit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the chess rules are extremely standardized
i dont think the rules have been updated since like the 1930s
"keep the horsies off the edges of the bort"
as me best pal, an Irish grandmaster always said
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so really stockfish isn't special in any real way beyond its sheer depth?
I mean it's still very impressive, but I kind of expected them to have some more sophisticated evaluation metrics under the hood than the standard
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
knight on the rim is dim
i think modern stockfish has adopted neural nets
theres plenty of variation between implementations
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wdym standard evaluation
engines are the closest thing we have to a "standard" for evaluation
What a chess engine actually does is it takes a board state and goes "this is better for black\white according to this rule set", right?
And for evaluating a potential move, it runs that across the potential moves following that move to generate an overall evaluation of that move
Oh sorry, I should have used a different term,
I don't mean the rules for chess, I mean the metric for evaluation
Like "if the knights are near the center, that's more points than if they're near the edge" and "if the queen is threatened, that's worse than if she's not"
That sort of thing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the rule set is a constant
unless you mean variants like duck chess but like for the purposes of argument we concentrate on one game
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
chess is not a solved game so there is no objective metric
the standard evaluation is like points and centipawn loss
assuming a pawn is 1 point, knight/bishop are 3 points, rook 5, queen 9
but in reality these are approximations, piece value depends on the context
and generally bishops are considered to be slightly better than knights
right but it does have to use some metric to evaluate, and it can't JUST be piece value
Well I guess with enough depth you literally could just use piece values
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the metric is literally "do you have forced mate" when it comes down to it
everything else is a vague approximation, well not really, some positions are obviously better than others
True I mean there are ultimate board states that make a move just the categorically correct one, but the engines are still able to evaluate moves at points in the game when there's no way to say you've got mate in x regardless of how high you make x
because there's way too many moves left that can counteract it

And it has to use some metrics for evaluating that, those are what I meant
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea engines are good at evaluating unclear positions
but even then there are lines where stockfish fails to understand
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>there are way too many moves that can counteract it
chess is mostly statistical like that
but there can be situations that are very "sharp" where there is a sequence of moves that upset the expected outcome
are there any good vids showing top AI vs AI tourneys?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
not that i know off hand
chess engines are better than humans so its kinda like who cares
I'd be interested in seeing a sort of battlebots with chess AI where it's like, you've got a neuron count restriction and you've got some amount of time to train it, but otherwise you're free to figure out exactly how to train it or what to reward and stuff, and then they all duke it out in a tourney

That'd be fucking kino
yes ,B/C there are sometimes combos that say a knight can make
so it's piece higharchy VS multiple piece advancment.
I guess you would need a cycle limitation rather than a time limitation for training, technically
Because you know, obviously if you've got 5000 nvidias to use, 10 minutes for you is a LOT more valuable than even an hour for someone using their 1080i
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess you could give each contestant a fixed amount of electricity
oooh, that would be a cool restriction too
But ultimately not a big fan because I think it would also very much favor people with a lot of money to throw at expensive but cost efficient hardware
Maybe not as significant as a raw time limit, but still

Maybe just a flat "training episodes" limit?
So you're free to do whatever you want, but you can't train it on more than this many refinements, basically
I bet you could get somewhat around that by demanding logs of the training process, like extremely granular, and if that doesn't match up with the network that you used, you're DQ'd

Cause I mean, you may not understand what each bit does, but if the log says "and this weight was changed to x" at the end, but that weight isn't actually x, you know it's bullshit and they either didn't log properly or they cheated, either way DQ
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well standardized hardware provided too if its gonna be a competition
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the main issue is making suee no one sneaks in a usb drive with a model on it
are there any good at Fischer chess/960? as it seems that would be better training for the networks and stuff rather than emphasis on opening strats
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
surely some one has made a 960 model by now yea
i mean
aybe they made 960 separate models for all i know
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think stockfish is pretty good in general at evaluating arbitrary positions as long as there arent like 40 bishops or something
yeah I imagine whatever metrics they follow are gonna get a bit loopy once there's way more than standard amounts of actual pieces on the board
Or more clearly, unusually many promoted pawns
mite do a wordl
#8ball (git gud)
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Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
very respectable
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
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Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 1254x1771, e4d3e3c00d8bd221df9d0c8d924075(…).jpg)
Penny with black hair
Surprisingly nice
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (154 KB, 1446x1080, GKTXqMYb0AA0wAx.jpg)
hawktimus prime by teslua
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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dont you dare
free movie
(in usa)
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Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I saw this in theaters at a aold out show.
it's kino
age restricted
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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I'm really mad that Juror #2 isn't in theaters anywhere in Florida.
It's so stupid!
Every single exec that's sabotaging Clint and preventing me from watching what could be the film of the year needs to die!
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Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> Releasing the film in fewer than 50 theaters, Warner Bros. is expected to not report box office results; the decision to give an Eastwood film a limited release was described by Variety as "a peculiar approach for a filmmaker who still has commercial appeal"
dang whats the story here
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (2.3 MB, 2402x2149, GToI80DasAA8gRJ.jpg)
The CEO, Zaslov, has a long running vendetta against Clint Eastwood.
Clint made Cry Macho and it didn't turn a profit (it wasn't meant to) and Zaslov started raging about it, claiming that Clint was cooked and not worth keeping around.
After that, he allegedly started harassing Clint angrily.

And this is part of Zaslov's sabotage of him.
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Clint probably would have done this film elsewhere but Zaslov and Clint were stuck together for it by contract. Clint will probably leave Warner Bros now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oic thats the tea eh
seems like it might come out on streaming quick at least
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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That's true but I want to see it in theaters!!
It's not fair that I have to miss out on seeing art on the big screen because one of the worst people in the world has a bug up his ass about his profits.
weird yuyuko
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i hope you get a chance
dang it i s minecraft hallucinated by an AI as you play it, wild
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
manga nese ducks
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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graphic design is my passion
what happened to your left ear, whats that tape?
Injurd it?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk man i got that from r/bicycling
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found samu
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lmao ive seen that post before
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
perfect rage bait
> why didn't you plan to drink and drive??
thats why women that ride bike are = to gold (or anything valuable)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea a woman that doesnt know how to ride a bike doesnt pass the sam test
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hhmm odd infinity pattern middle board
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he wanted to put your light-square bishop in JAIL
didn't take the bait
was going to move the bish too support queen on D1 but player resigned

move moved ** pawns first and castled early
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why are your queenside pieces still undeveloped I can't even
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sorry sorry i'm bein toxic
yea moving pawns first is tempting but more important to get pieces out if you can
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 1004 3/6

Rei !p8eYCadcMo
According to a recent interview, Robert Smith from The Cure raises sheep.
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don't move the knight to the rim
unless you have a strat that in a couple of moves
garentees that win**
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Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
knight on the rim is dim
very true
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and rooks love to chill on the seventh rank
endgames with same color bishops are draw-ish
opposite color bishops means a fight
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
(crungo now that i look at it)

*individual positions differ
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
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Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
*Beautiful Rat Music*
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
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Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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Rei !p8eYCadcMo
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very tame
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
demure, mindful even
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Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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oh my gawd you guys it's the league of legends worlds grand finals in london who else is hype?
Best in China vs korea's reining champs
packed stadium
each team has 1 win in the best of 5 it could go either way.
let's get excited
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh my gawwwd
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
You 😬 ... got a z'tar 😥
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Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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2 hours 20 for my first half marathon. Not amazing pace but I'm pretty happy with it considering I'm not really a runner
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats pretty good!
how are your legs doing
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (137 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dumbbell Nan Ki(…).jpg)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
last time i ran i was sore for a week
had to sauna up
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 1005 4/6

Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 1,233 5/6

there's a burning little factory inside each of us
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ba-dump ba-dump
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
back to the forest
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found a new interesting game
Seems to be some sort of base-building and adventuring thing, except on top of that there's permadeath, or at least there is on one of the oaths you can take when you start
I saw no reason not to, so here I am, a chaos entity sprouting extra limbs as I get further into the game, building a base and adventuring
it is real brutal though, I've had to start over again quite a few times by now
Last time I was assaulted by numerous puppies and just died AT HOME
the time before that, a demon of some description just kinda showed up at my home and killed me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
muder pups
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It is a bit annoying you gotta start all over, with all the tutorials and also shuffle around the widgets of the UI every time you die though
I mean you CAN just not take the permadeath oath, but I don't WANNA
just gotta be more Good at the game
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that is annoying they don't save the Ui
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 720x720, cipTTo7.jpg)
I'm in a vtuber discord full of Lispers and functional programming obsessed people, its seriously making me want to try working through SICP again.
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its almost my kids bday i got him his first hotwheels track i hope he likes it :) im excited to see him open it
cool hot wheels cars rock
enjoy the excitment!
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i got ur hot wheels right here
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lol (lots of lizards)
front page
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 1006 4/6

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toga borgir
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
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Not certain how I'm supposed to generate all the money I need in Elin, but at least I'm able to pay my dang taxes reliably now
Magic's getting p strong, too
123456 was that on purpose
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same digis again
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
oh naurrr
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (137 KB, 1920x1080, [DKB] Bocchi the Rock! - S01E0(…).jpg)
I just had this crazy urge to go out and get drunk. Even though it's been five and a half years.
it hits you at the strangest times.
your not the only one
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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drinking puts me in psychical pain
don't know what that's all about
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Puzzle #512
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i got
Puzzle #512
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bit trickier than usual but not too bad
Bandle #811 1/6 🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜
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I leveled up, so now I have 15 HP
Being a lich is tough, I'm fully glass cannon build by necessity
You start with like no vitality at all, but you've got magic out the ass
Though, very early on, magic isn't easy to come by, so it's a rough start

But now... now I am power
I've got a shitload of spells stacked up, and I made a cane out of lapis lazuli that causes blindness and does decent damage too
And unlike my spells, the cane doesn't have a charge counter, so I can spam it as long as I have mana
And if there's one thing I do have, it's mana
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Oh hell, I've developed a taste for human flesh now
did not know that could happen

Guess I'll have to find some way to farm humans
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Everything I eat, my girl is like "I would have rather eaten human flesh..." and then she gags like she's gonna throw up
Truly, I am embodying the nature of the lich
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Liches don't need to eat
well true, these ones do though
Not a lot though
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when I inevitably die, I'll maybe try a different start
Still wanna make magic work though
being a lich is rough, but man you're powerful as a lich as long as you've got spells
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I got over the human flesh addiction after a short while, so at least it isn't permanent
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Are we still talking about video games?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we're in the end times now
locusts in my cereal box
babyeaters on main
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (327 KB, 1179x1175, IMG_2389.jpeg)
the perils of leaving one's king in the center
#8ball (Help)
Well I restarted in a cave
Might be fun
I don't actually know if I can grow food in here or not though
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 1007 2/6

Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
drawing a flow chart of how my doomscroll-dissociate cycle manifests
surely this will cleave the gordian knot
front page
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (170 KB, 1290x1470, IMG_2393.jpeg)
I found Marsh's leaked DMs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
reading about the rolex buying experience is p funny
basically a gatcha game
you gotta farm rapport with the authorized dealer until one day they randomly drop the gift of the opportunity to spend 5 digits on whatever model
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (181 KB, 1170x821, IMG_2394.jpeg)
brand loyalty is a helluva drug
Cheetos® Crunchy Flamin' Hot® Cheese Flavored Snacks
how about you cleave my gordian nuts
now your talkin, Ωmega? I would opt out for the (gentely pre owned) market.
some ppl lease them like cars, not sure how that work. But I guess you could try out a bunch of diferent lines before buy out and settleing on a desired model. Vintage rolexs
1960's submariners and yatch masters are preaty cool and the pie pan line.

But it's all about the Ω seamaster.
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the new run is coming together
turns out things do grow in the cave
it's weird, but I'll take it

Fungi I understand, but I'm growing tomatoes in here
Granted, I'm mostly eating mushrooms for now, but it turns out tomatoes give bonuses to magic because they're sweet, so I may well pivot to a tomato based agricultural economy
They also give Charisma bonuses, which is very helpful for me as a lich
Liches start out with utterly atrocious charisma, so a boost from my food to that isn't bad

My pet girl though, I gotta feed her meat
Both because she fucking LOVES meat, and because meat gives STR based bonuses, which is good for her tank-capabilities
And these aren't like, buffs
They're how you grow your stats
Food selection isn't a situational decision, it's a long term strategy to max out your gains

Honestly I fucking love how varied and impactful the food is in this game
It's something I've whined about before, but one of my big gripes with a lot of games is how low-impact food selection is
Like in minecraft, there's like 500 different foods, but every experienced player is eating beef exclusively, until their econ gets to the point they can start eating golden carrots
There's just a literal best food, and that kinda stinks

In this, sure there is a best food, but it's dependent on your build
If I was a warrior, I wouldn't be farming tomatoes, I'd need protein
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah im GS or bust
fuck da swiss
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (712 KB, 1179x1237, IMG_2396.jpeg)
Kwisatz Haderach incoming next year
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not the selection of subreddit I'd make for that question
I'd go with like
askdoctors or something, I dunno what subreddits there are
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
askdoctors def infiltrated by the honored matres
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder is some hippies out there have experimented with this
i'm sure they have back in the day
wonder what the outcomes were like
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 1410x2048, 023a0ecaee040901b070374dd8d4b0(…).jpg)
I'm sure informal experiments have been done on this, deliberately or otherwise
from many walks of life
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
an oddly diplomatic response
they know too much!!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this account is like an NL reply guy
can't tell if AIbot
ya, American made watches are all good
they don't make um like they used to, though....
Whats GS stand for?
Gshock? then in that case I would agree
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its grand seiko
gotta get that Spring Drive one day
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just kiddin
id rather just get a citizen solar w atomic and call it solved
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
SBGY013 kinda sick tho
Search [iqdb] (193 KB, 945x1200, citizen-skyhawk-eco-drive-prom(…).jpg)
the band is buget
but other then that, ya.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
don't get it twisted
the universe is made of pixels
Search [iqdb] (118 KB, 1280x720, wdj313208h.jpg)

not sure about the band either
but this reminds me of a watch brandished that has a similar
crystal radiusing to it, that is very delicate on the eyes.
very classy from this angle.
some of those promasters fetch like almost 6k
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah the skyhawk is sick
im thinkin more tsuki-mono
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
right, that fisrt typo didn't make much heads or tails
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its a pretty basic watch but its a cool meme idk
the blood moon
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nomos tangente also kinda cool but idk about the lugs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
really depends on how it sits on the wrist tbh
would be a sweet dress watch
kind of reminds me of swatch, or even some lower end Jacob
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ive seen it irl its kinda slick w it
if you're an architect
Search [iqdb] (185 KB, 1500x1000, Nomos-Tangente-Sport-neomatik-(…).jpg)
looks like this one has a gaurd
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sport? havent seen that before
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess if you're an industrial designer you probs already have a junghans
ya some of them look like wall clocks
Search [iqdb] (2.6 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20241105_040759.png)
Aw hell they got CASINOS in this game
>mod is disabled
This is vanilla tho
well, only the slot machines are disabled
I can still do blackjack
maybe they'll play balatro
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Cheetos® Crunchy Flamin' Hot® Cheese Flavored Snacks
it's so over
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
have you any interest in ?

i'm not sure what it is really
assume some cultural stuff and fireworks and lightshows?
Cheetos® Crunchy Flamin' Hot® Cheese Flavored Snacks
i have no idea but i'm down
Cheetos® Crunchy Flamin' Hot® Cheese Flavored Snacks
it looks like live music, art installations, lots of exhibits
oh there's all sorts of cool events that go on during
most of the days have something to do with specific countries
like april 24th is Denmark, 26th is Thailand, and there's a lot of days that this runs
we'd be there during the opening couple weeks
it runs like half the year what the hell

4k JPY????
yeah i'm down for sure
ppl still rave about 86
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeeee we can pick a day mite b cooool
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
denmark would be pretty nice
Rei !p8eYCadcMo


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I feel like he's mocking me, but I'm not strictly speaking human either
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (386 KB, 1900x1140, playboy-carti.jpg)
see >>>>/@NorthernIion_LP/1853630192503451706
> google carti
> google Playboy Carti
oh man i did not expect him to look like that
that is a hero image alright
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

holy shit, the pillars that spawn around holy altars are not only possible to pick up, but they're worth a SHITLOAD
Sure I can only carry 2 at a time, but I can just go back and forth
the altar itself is too heavy to even move with though
I wonder if I could still grab it and use a return scroll or something...
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 1,235 5/6

Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
That old /fit/ meme. Get stronger, girls don't give a shit. Compliments from other dudes. It's so true

>... Thanks bro
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
This one is a funny.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
at the gym or outside?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
voice acting is my passion
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Usually at the gay bar
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok that's cool
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean idk i think it'd be thematic for a bunch of bodybuilding men to hang out at gay bars and fish for compliments
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Excuse you I'm into Powerlifting not body building
more like powerbottoming
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
waddaheck, it's me?
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Alright that's funny I'll give you that one
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The base is looking good as hell now
Really impressed with Elin so far, and I've only ever gotten barely past the early game, if even
thanks babe
notices ur pb
Wordle 1,236 3/6

Bandle #812 5/6
Found: 11/12 (91.7%)
Current Streak: 2 (max 5)
#Bandle #Heardle #Wordle
Puzzle #514
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it seems someone ran into the back of my car
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im looking forward to driving home and being done with it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wtf who would just do that
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somehow it feels like the magic loses power real quick
I can compensate by just respeccing into some melee stuff to at least beef up those stats a little, but part of me kinda wants to just reroll as a chaos creature and mutate hella limbs while going full melee mode

every level, the chaos entities have the option, in place of a perk, to grow a new limb, and levels are NOT capped in this game
there isn't even a softcap I think, beyond the fact each level takes more exp than the one before it

meaning there is potentially a world where you have 15 arms and 7 heads
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
magic is draining out of the world NOOO - the elves
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very similar to caves of qud in that way
though in qud the actual meta is to go psychic-mode, or at least partially psychic mode, so you can rig all the rolls associated with various buffing substances
there's built in savescumming but that doesn't work for rigging rolls cause they're seeded
But, if you CLONE YOURSELF, the clone has a different seed
And as a psyker, you can mentally project yourself into your clone, and if your original body dies in one hit, you are stuck in that new body
Possibly, but it's hard to argue with the sheer utility of 7 pairs of arms wielding greatswords
well that's true
But nobody said all the arms are coming out of one torso
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel like there are diminishing returns to adding arms willy nilly
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the utility is only there if you have enough room to wield and swing otherwise you're hackin' off your other arms
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i mean if you become a Elden Ring boss and get hueg you might get some constructive coverage from all angles
Fuck it I'm starting a chaos creature run, just to see how it goes
I can fairly easily knock out a good amount of levels early on by just abusing the training dummy you get pretty early on

Because unlike in other games, that thing gives EXP
and all EXP is created equal in Elin
your actual "main level" exp counter isn't gradually ticking up, it gets chunks of EXP every time you fully level up some skill or attribute like STR or whatever
which means you can just pick up some skills you've overlooked for a bit and start grinding, and you'll get more levels
Your HP and mana does seem to scale, somewhat, with the main level, but they also scale based on attributes which can be leveled on their own, so you can conceivably become an actual demon creature with like 1m HP because you went REALLY hard on farming
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you know how in LOTR the magic is slowly waning out of the world, i wonder what other fantasy epics there are where the amount of magic is steadily increasing
thankfully while there is permadeath, you aren't limited to one save, so I don't gotta restart as much as start a new game
>chaos shapes start with actually none HP
that's \\\
none charisma
but also none HP I guess

But hey
unlimited equipment slots
actually hold on, priest run could be fun for this, depending on how holy magic works
OK looks like I can do some shit here as a priest
Crazy utility in holy spells, and sound as a subdomain gives me even more utility, and I just focus on traditional "beat 'em with metal until they go quiet" for the actual combat
oh.. I start with only one hand and a torso
> Chaos Shape may acquire up to five additional parts without penalty, but each additional part after the sixth is accompanied by a -3 life force, -5 speed, and -3 charm penalty which replaces the complicated body penalty from Elona; the cap is -45 life, -75 speed, and -45 charisma at 20 gained body parts.

I guess I'll just have to be a tank
Crank that life force
No shot I'm offsetting the speed penalty, and the charisma penalty is rough but not THAT big a deal
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 2592x2000, GbiH1VkaMAAT8SM.jpg)
at least the econ is PUMPING early on here, because I found out I can steal the pillars from holy sites and sell them for LODSA money
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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You know the thing about the song Tomboy by (G)I-DLE
dancing around in a cute dress and make up isn't really tomboy like behavior.
Still, good tune tho.
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in real life news
I am straight up fucking broke for probably the rest of the week
Like actually broke
the damn bank login dongle thingie ran outta juice so i can't fill in a damn form and until it gets filled out I'm not getting a red cent
anyway all this to say, while I was preparing some classic poverty food, macaroni with butter and some pepper and other random spices, I noticed i've actually prepared for situations like this anyway
So once I finish eating this, I'm making some actual food
some fuckin' snurring
snurring being, basically, some ground beef and pork, rice, beans, and a few other things
commonly referred to as "canned german" cause it came in cans before they went with the new cardboard packaging, and from what I understand it either literally is, or is very similar to, the rations the army used back in ww2
It's also the kind of thing where,
if you add vegetables, which could be acquired fresh if possible or more likely in separate cans, basically form a well-rounded meal
that doesn't explain the nickname at all
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Took too damn long to 日本語 to the polls. And the bus driver gave me bad directions so I had to walk even longer. It may actually have taken less time to just walk to the poll station.
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didya vote for that squirrel?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
cops shot a tiktok squirrel or something like that
the maga boys are convinced this wins them the election

I don't understand it either
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (253 KB, 1446x2048, Gba4yrGaIAAqQu7.jpg)
A gay pornstar conspiracy theorist had a squirrel that he refused to get vaccinated for rabies.
A raccoon too.
The state took them and had them euthanized because he wasn't following the law. He said that he didn't want to get the squirrel vaccinated because he was worried about autism, is what I heard.

Anyways, the animal was killed and he cried online about it.
JD Vance heard about it and got obsessed and now legions of incredibly online losers are talking about the squirrel nonstop and thinking it's going to win them the election.
buck angel had a squirrel?
"gay pornstar refuses to vaccinate squirrel over autism concerns" is honeslty the most insane thing I've had to mentally parse out in the last like, several weeks, man

Rei !p8eYCadcMo
that's extremely funny
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I mean its sad that they were euthanized
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Vance is such a freak
nothing the republicans did after picking that guy could have won them the election
all that remains to be seen is whether the democrats flew too close to the sun by going "hey hillary, what do YOU suggest?"
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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It's going to be bad, either way.
The fact that Kamala had great momentum and wasted it all really annoys me.
Even their current strategy, they're not doing well.
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I still remain convinced she's got this sown up
I don't think they made any blunders big enough to actually fuck them

it was a terrible campaign, but anything other than a catastrophic fuckup would have been good enough
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (625 KB, 3240x4050, GbNrpUGW8AAoj8B.jpg)
If Kamala wins, I firmly believe it's solely because of the comments about Puerto Rico at the Trump rally.
Kamala did not run a very good campaign and shot herself in the foot constantly. She failed to educate voters on her policies and failed to champion policies that are popular.

Her best policy is her housing policy and she never took the time to explain it to anyone. All she ever did was say she's going to make more apartments. She completely failed to mention the important parts of that policy.

She failed to advocate for medicare for all - one of the most popular positions in the country.

It's just a mess. If they had kept up with their antagonistic strategy where they just talked shit about how fucking disgusting the GOP is right now, they could have gone far without policy, but they gave up everything that made them worthwhile.
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I mean I'm not even gonna pretend I know shit about her policies at all
my prediction is extremely based on vibes

but it is fucking astonishing how from the moment she announced, she actually had communists going "oh fucking HELL YEAH THERE IS HOPE" and she felt the need to go "no, no, don't get excited. there's no hope"
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (295 KB, 1694x2000, GayAAKTWEAAEhmV.jpg)
I think her decision to embrace endorsements from the Chaneys and to advocate for Republicans on her cabinet had promise. I obviously don't like those policies, but she failed to capitalize on them.

The easiest way would have been to say that she's going to remake the Democratic party as a centrist party of American unity, giving a place for the Republicans who are alienated by Trump while maintaining Democratic values.
But she didn't do that. She just said she is going to listen to Republicans and left it at that.

She never outlined a vision, she never spoke of transformation.

The people want change. She never offered that.

there is a certain insanity to running a dual messaging campaign of "the republicans are literally, unironically nazis" (which is true) and also "I'm gonna put some of them in my cabinet"
Like what are you doing
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well, despite all of this, I really do think this one's going to madam president
the american median voter is a very unpredictable animal, to be sure, but I dunno
my gut tells me they like her more and will vote because she's not the other guy

you don't need to put too much effort in when the opposition is running your public outreach for you
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (650 KB, 2560x1440, GaqZ-3waUAAmmAE.jpg)
I'm simply not convinced.

And I also don't think that if Harris wins, she'll necessarily be president. I think the GOP have an insider coup planned.

And besides, the Democrats aren't doing anything to ensure the election goes down fairly. Florida's election has been rigged already.
well that's somewhat alarming
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (755 KB, 780x1260, GaqP2UbaIAAnyHX.jpg)
The federal election monitors have been banned from Florida polling locations and Biden won't do anything about it.
I loathe that man. He's such a coward. Democrats won't do anything to protect their treasured democracy if // even if it means the democracy ends.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
So dramatic
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (326 KB, 1462x2048, GaZk9hibsAAt7t8.jpg)
It's a pretty dramatic situation, after all.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dumbest political system
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
don't they have all sorts of shit where they can send a team of lawyers in to badger the people doing recounts and shit like that
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (961 KB, 800x1868, GaJC1uKa8AAren4.jpg)
Yeah. I mean, that sort of thing was basically used to do a coup in 2000.
It's terrible. Democracy is a farce here.
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone

Damn u guys are cooked
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (197 KB, 1200x883, GaLrHrUbcAAnY8Z.jpg)
I think the funniest thing is when non-Americans act like they're not going to be affected by it.
Search [iqdb] (447 KB, 780x1200, f342f766366d5a30c89fc87b607813(…).jpg)
we do that to choke down the pain
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
I might run out of popcorn
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (504 KB, 1345x2048, GaPrxjrasAEKpDB.jpg)
Yeah, it's hard to not have much control over your future.
America can just completely tank the global economy if they do some dumb shit like, say, put a 200% tariff on everything.
I do think there's some level, and I am not myself immune, of a kind of genuine apathy now though
It's kinda like "yeah sure, whatever, do a 1000% tax on lumber imports, who cares man, let's see what happens"

Have none control, gonna get fucking screwed one way or the other, and many things are getting screwed the same way either way
So fuck it, it'd be kinda funny to
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get to see everything rip apart at the seams

I'll suffer too, but at least if I make it through I can look back at it like "damn that was funny as shit"
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I mean we're not even truly innocent either
The US is like, days out from determining whether the klan gets the nuclear codes, and we're sitting aroung like "well, those crazy americans"
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
What else are you meant to do about it
I dunno, but I'd have been more comfortable with some sort of response
I wouldn't expect one, but I'd prefer it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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I think that people could come together and advocate for the UN to send people to oversee the elections.
But they're afraid because if Trump wins, anyone who advocates for that is going to become his enemy.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
UN is short for Uninvolved
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 1008 4/6

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mad police chase unfolded on the highway
saw the guy at the end of his rope, appeared to be attempting a carjack only to be flung out
(no pics)
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 811x552, Screenshot 2024-11-05 221343.jpg)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
It's Joever
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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what a shame
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dang a cheater at a humble rating
must have flipped the switch on for you
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Everyone who is better than me is cheating
when you provide the pr oofs
beliving will take place :P
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they cheated by spending more time playing and thinking up better moves
the time spent on cheating could have been spent on playing better movments
and more games
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who knows why, really.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i sure don't!!!
want to play a game?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i gotta get some foods
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 1080x1038, 1730698914441.jpg)
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 1,236 5/6

very tempted to text my brother in law from a pay phone @ 2am just becuz
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
how do you text someone from a payphone???
can you read me now?!?!!?
with the keys
dsl rotary...
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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can you text me tomorrow morning so i know our magical night together wasn't just a dream
we woke you but tyou were dreaming
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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AP called it, Trump wins
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Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Here's how Biden can still win:
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Bandle #812 6/6
Found: 43/49 (87.8%)
Current Daily Streak: 0 (max 6)
#Bandle #Heardle
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what in the FUCK

"we hate life and ourselves" fr
>5 full hours of mario party
Today's stream is gonna be insane
burger nugget
nugget burger
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (215 KB, 1472x2048, Gbbgku2a4AACmi-.jpg)
starts in a few minutes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
NL is lovin' mario party
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
annnd she's gone
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
awful speech
weird youmu
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wonder if America will elect a woman in my lifetime
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I've decided the chaos shape run is boring, so I'm just sending the lich run instead

I'm just gonna have to start dumping some points into survivability stuff so i don't get onetapped by everything more powerful than a goblin
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part of me DOES kinda want to reclass into a priest instead of a wizard, just becasuse I don't have access to Holy magic as a wizard
Or rather, I don't just like, GET holy magic for free when I sleep
I still get holy magic from books and scrolls and stuff, but I don't get freebies in my dreams, which kinda sucks cause that's by far the most cost effective source of magic in Elin
But, whatever
I can at least respec my two extra domains later, and I want sound for sure
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Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Paying taxes in Elin usually involves going all the way over to a city and dumping it in the tax chest with the payment
But, I got some *furniture tickets* from my questing, which allow me to pick up a furniture in the associated city and claim it as my own
So I just went over, paid my taxes, and took the chest, which I'm gonna place in my own home
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
bruh i should have gone to one of those sports betting sites and put everything on Trump. could have doubled my money.

we live with our regrets
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea get it twisted
bet your net worth on a 50-50
Cheetos® Crunchy Flamin' Hot® Cheese Flavored Snacks
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Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wholesome and grounded in humanity
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Drank a little from a well out in a field
My body mutated twice
I got a +5 charisma mutation and one that makes me resistant to holy damage, but vulnerable to nether damage
Which seems like a kind of win-lose thing, but as a lich I'm already very resistant to nether damage, so it's actually a big boon
And my charisma was already in the toilet, so a mutation that makes me more charismatic is very welcome

I actually have 4 mutations plus an ether mutation (different system) and only one is strictly negative, which is I'm partially colorblind, giving me a pretty sizeable perception hit
But I don't really use perception much, so while I do wanna remove it at some point, it's not a priority
My ether mutation is a heavy carapace, making me slow as sin, but very tanky

Oh and my blood is actually boiling too, so I'm very resistant to cold, but unfortunately I'm even more vulnerable to fire than I already was
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
future humans are gonna look back and be like 'lool those cavepeople just put whatever in their body and let their gene expression up to the phase of the moon lmaooo they didn't even receptormaxx or mutate at midnight'
"Life must have been so tough back before everyone was genetically engineered in the womb, man, how did we even make it as a species"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they'll be engineered but i bet there'll also just be dynamically altering their whole DNA on the fly by methods we can't even comprehend
we only know the slightest things about how gene expression and epigenetic memory works
drank some more well juice
First sip, my legs are lighter, I have increased speed
I've got so much luck stacked up, I think I'm rolling with an insane bias towards good mutations cause I've only gotten the one bad one, and that one was before I even knew mutations were a thing in the game so I was sipping well water for the ambience
Another few sips, the mutation has advanced, my legs are EVEN BETTER
they almost cancel out the carapace debuff now

Who needs HP when you can just mutate into a super human
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they got unicorn blood in this well source or somethin
all the wells in the game have a table it rolls when you take a sip
Can be basically anything, from mutations, temporary paralysis, upping or decreasing your stat gain modifiers, all sorts of shit
But ever since finding out you can get mutations from well water I've been sipping every time I'm in a city cause fuck it, get it twisted, if you gamble you WILL win
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how uh discrete and precise is the biology simulation
do you have individual organs like DF
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Absolute specimen
I mean the game \\\
I don't think it actually counts each body part or anything, you just have a flat HP, but I wouldn't be surprised if at some point in the game I get a notification like "your arm got crushed, get healed or suffer"
But so far, no such happenings
*my body is purified*
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
blood boiling all the time seems healthy
thats why ya need the *purified body*
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My blood boiling is real bad cause I'm already weak to fire lmao
what with the undead thing
I MIGHT see about getting rid of that mutation, but it's categorized as a positive cause it's one of a pair you can get one of, the other being the reverse
For strictly negative ones like the colorblindness, you can use a blessed antimutation potion to target it for removal, but for positives you gotta just roll the bones with a regular or blessed one, and I don't wanna lose the other ones
did you try pepper (ground), acv, and tumeric?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is pre-ground tumeric ok or do you have to get it whole
do as you please
may if it's ground your self can save $$$$
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i always hear the benefits of such herbs are greatly diminished if not obtained fresh but idk how true that is
idk sounds right
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Howl do be throwin a tantrum
he's greening out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
despite this bein one of my fav movies of all time i realized I haven't watched it in like a decade
so here we ar
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
omg the two old women climbing stairs scene i forgot lmaooo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also god damn the square is massive
what a view
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Well yeah but now I know the outcome so
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 1009 5/6

Got a stinky ether disease
-15 life, -8 STR

Those were already low to begin with, so this is a rough one
But I can cope with it
If anything, low STR is arguably somewhat good in a fucked up way, because weightlifting only levels while I'm overburdened in the first place
It does impact a bunch of other skills too, so I gotta raise it for sure, but I'm producing a lot of good foods now
Hell I might need a new fridge
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 1,237 5/6

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big ol' base renovation project has begun
Turning this cave into a proper home
There's no natural light, of course, so everything has to be lit with candles and the like, though sooner or later I will get up the tech tree and I can start putting up electric lights
I already have a fridge, after all, cause you're just given that for free in the cave start, presumably because the game takes pity on you seeing as your base location will never naturally grow any food or anything
It's currently powered by the exercise of a single dog
It's not hooked up to a generator or nothing, it just kinda generates enough power to run the fridge by running around in the base
Though, man the resources are gonna be a pain to get
Wood is easy enough, you can chop chop like crazy very quickly
But finding the stones I need is a different matter
That and the grass, as stupid as that may sound
It sounds like a a productive cave, no scratch that more like a lab. Sounds like the dog's on a tread mill
Maybe alot of produce can be grown vegis are very important. A wood stove can be very radiating.
Gotta keep the temp at a very comfortable pitch. Big candels are good for long burning and, it would be helpful if there was a library. Screen are lame to look at al the time. Just wanna read some books again in
good ol' paper.
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I do have a bookshelf actually, yeah
It's mostly just scrolls in there though
Books I just read as I find them, assuming my passive identification skill at least confirms they're not cursed
Don't wanna read a cursed book in a dungeon, can and will straight up kill your ass
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before anything though, i gotta set up the kitchen and stuff
I only have a bonfire and a small pot over a different campfire for now, but still
Might appropriate a BBQ set later, no idea how to get it "legitimately" so I'll have to either save up influence to grab it, or straight up steal the fucking thing maybe
On permadeath mode you've got the mandate of heaven, and as long as you're above 50% of your max stamina, you can't die, it just dinks your stamina once you hit 0 instead
So you can safely do lethal stuff at home as long as you sleep first
>>Don't wanna read a cursed book in a dungeon, can and will straight up kill your ass

well some books are better off not read then, in that case.
Luckly not being able to die and or not being able to be killed are swell perks can.
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 2632x4096, Gbhdn8LbcAAjXHK.jpg)
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Good post
it was a good post
pago le fronte
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
look if the book is more grimoire than book, with iron rivets and chains and a massive padlock, and the book is levitating and straining against the ancient stone dais it's isolated on in the deep reaches of the library, maybe you shouldn't read it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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I told my boss yesterday I was working from home, which isn't usually a big deal.
9 times out of 10 it's like
>no worries.
>I'm working from home today also

But yesterday she was like
>How come?

and I'm like damn dude suddenly i need to justify it?
and then i was cc'ing her into every single email I sent out and issuing meeting invites like
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's some engagement bait alright
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh nooo trust depleted
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
surprised it took this long tbh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we can rebuild
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I want out anyway. I'm thinking in 2025 I start looking and seeing what other alternative careers options are around
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds good
i bet they'll sense your pulling-away vibe and try to promote you
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (874 KB, 1852x1044, Screenshot 2024-11-07 at 1.10.50 PM.png)
> AI for Real-time Fusion Plasma Behavior Prediction and Manipulation
this is literally the plot from Spider-Man 2
use a neural chip to contain the fusion plasma
just need the octopus arms
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (8.1 MB, 1501x2800, 106932164_p0.png)
lately I've been watching videos about people living off the grid in their tinyhomes. honestly maybe that's the move
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no not the van fluencers
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
stay cucked, house-cel
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'll let the municipality suck away my sewage like a good citizen
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
your addiction to plumbing traps you as a slave
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so true
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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I'm gonna see GAWR on wednesday
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
