>Wallpaper-kun posted as follows in a general circulation newspaper on Monday: >Wallpaper-kun thereby offers to pay 9,000 moe-coins to anyone who provides Wallpaper-kun in person with proof beyond a reasonable doubt of Anno’s true name. >A private investigator named Amelia read the offer and immediately began working. She spent the next 52 hours doing everything she could legally to find Anno’s true name. >On the Friday morning after the offer was made public she obtained fact checked proof that Anno’s real identity was Marsh. She scheduled an appointment with Wallpaper-kun that day at 5:00 pm to provide her evidence and collect the monetary reward. >However, Marsh also has a 4:00 pm appointment that same Friday, during which she confessed to Wallpaper-kun that she was infact Anno. >Amelia met with Wallpaper-kun at 5:00 pm and offered her documentation and receipts. He listened contemplatively before congratulating Amelia on her detective prowess, but then informed her that it was too late, as the offer was no longer available. >Wallpaper-kun is or is not liable to Amelia. Why?
>a) Yes, she accepted and fulfilled the offer by providing Wallpaper-kun the evidence before he publically revoked it. >b) Yes, because she accepted terms of the the offer when she began her investigative work. >c) No, because the offer had lapsed before she could perform contracted services. >d) No, because Wallpaper-kun's posting was only an advertisement and thus merely an invitation to negotiate.