you know what else is interesting about the guys who showed up at my yoga place yesterday who are kind of friends of friends a couple of them do MMA fighting and they said it was one of the hardest things they'd ever done.
yeah I think that's accurate they do mma cause that's more difficult than yoga it's true
no wait, other way around
whatever I'm gonna go get even more food, hopefully I'll get back up to a satisfied level again I guess this is payback for being so irregular in my eating habits, sometimes not eating anything all day
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bandle today? OHHHHhhhh got it in one
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i gotta go do more jiu jitsu it was a good time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Redactle is fuckin' hard man i feel like my arms are chopped off trying to grok the text
i guess i'll have to resort to my message history with Marsh
absolute territory enjoyer
speaking of i don't think i'll be able to make christmas work with the amount of vacation time i want to use so i'm booking my flight in a couple paychecks and i'm looking at the end of april / beginning of may for tohkeeyo
oh my god you guys last week was the EU League of Legends esports finals This week it's the North American League of Legends esports finals. Who's gonna win? Flyquest or Team Liquid. TL is already down a game.
sam, I'm working on unfinished project to educate people against such self harm. risky side effects: ahedonia, reduction of pain tolerance, dysregulation of gaba, fog, etc
preaty much down for hover skates for geting around, and a hover board
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1130873 dont you just put the days in with commas instead of @weekly you put like 0,5,6 or something idk dont know cron syntax off the top of my head
ya something. like that so 0 8 * * SUN,FRI,SAT
cant wait till my phone just chaperones me onto the bus and says "you got 15 mins to sleep don't worry i'll wake u for your stop" we could be sleeping even harder thru life apple event tmrw
dang there's a startup making chips with ternary logic for faster AIs that's pretty neato model weights that can be only -1, 0, or +1
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we def need ai accelerators that do quantized formats well so much power to be saved when not multiplying all those extra bits ternary is great because you don't have to multiply anything at all
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Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the wrost The worst! and yet the websocket gets thru???
I'm not a regular driver nor car mechanic :') particles or parts of
I'm more familiar with intrinsical works of particle accelerator than a car.
I couple of times was a passenger to cars who really smell bad, maybe due old carburator problems or something. And having AC on with a closed windows was like smelling a fart with closed windows, with rapidly decreased oxygen, but colder. Idk if smelling a colder fart mixed in with aromatisator could prevent folks from being drowsy or puke or vomit. In theory colder temperature could decrease the body temperature and that could impact CNS & vagus nerve , and in theory make things feel easier, but still not solving bad polluted & contaminated air problem. But damn cab drivers usually don't notice, like they get used to it, and I'm afrait to complain to them and explain to them their shitty car problems if they didn't understood them enough to resolve them in first place. More clinical research needed, but I don't wan't to be part nor participant in that hell.
If some one is car enthusiast they and their congresswoman should lobby for more methane gas stations. what you get is longer mileage than electric, cheaper than benzine. or maybe each continent will develop stations based on their internal market availability of natural resources. for some one it may be hydrogen, for some others methane.
lets hope we dont get to the point were we need horses to pull cars
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
uhh if you have a horse just ride it jump on it my saddle
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway in that chart ppm is indicating the concentration of CO2 in the car anything above 1000 ppm and you start to have cognitive effects
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have an air quality monitor in my kitchen and it gets pretty uppity whenever i start using the stove
fuggin wild fies air quality was bad here tonight in the ppm
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yeah this weekend was a bit smokey you could see the orange in the air that haziness
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i like music with 5/4 and 7/4 time signatures and idk why but it's explained in this balatro ost yt comments >>>/watch?v=OnGQeVTt4KI
>I think it could be a tension thing. My ears aren't musical trained, but I can't hear a part of the song that feels like a resolution, you know? 7/4 adds to that, seeing as the 8th beat is a common place to throw resolutions, outright skipping it keeps the feeling of tension going. It's a very chill tension, but it's there
>A thing you'll notice in odd time signatures like 7/4 or 5/4 is that because we generally expect pairs (i.e. 2) of stressed and unstressed beats, and because the time signature literally has an odd (i.e. not divisible by 2) number of beats per bar, you end up getting a sort of "flow" from one bar to the next as your brain tries to map an even pattern to an odd number of beats. It's like the odd-numbered beats in bar 1 are stressed, and then the even-numbered beats in bar 2. Makes things feel very trance-like
>>1130996 horses are not for rides, horses are for love
I've done a little bit of music, wrote and compose without releasing it out. Spent money and time learning music theory as part of my psychotherapy. I wish I could have more money for a guitar n drum kit station. I had dozens of day mornings when I woke up and just can't control nor help myself but just go and play instrument or compose. Usually this happened in winter, and it probably stopped me from dying. I wish I could get back to music, (probably on retirement/pension, or hopefully earlier?) but I need to solve other issues first that going on with me, like mental health and work. I had times when in the bathroom or when washing the dishes I come up with melody in my mind and then go pick it up and write notes. Or that I hear tune and recognize chords. Tbh for my whole life I've been mentally fascinated about music %) Like since the first time I've heard it. and obsessed about it. But I didn't knew I was able to do it, nor until 30's I saved money & time to buy instrument and start composing as well. I've thought it ? I've thought of music as secret language only for some 'special talented' people that are born with knowledge of how do it. And making/doing music is expensive & costly. Norway been a pillar of humanity hope - giving inmates full recording studio with instruments. But, here, prisons only humiliate and make suffer. Or in asia they can send inmate in to labor camp to make 'those' cheap affordable instruments. music. yes. idk about US much, how it differ from state to state, do they give inmates music instruments? or in fed prison? I do know they give death penalty, and 100 year life sentences, but don't know about music instruments.
(I just browse boards as poor habit of my OCD, some times unconsciously, browsing boards like smoking cigarettes. same dopamine hits as from other types of social media interactions. people get addicted mindlessly.)
but thanks for helping me to correct my behaviour. maybe I'll make/compose something and upload audio later to doushio. idk. we'll see.
but one thing we do know. free will not always exist in 100% cases of 100% of time for 100% of population. just SOME percent.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all i want to convey is like don't wait for the perfect day don't wait till you're retired grab life by the balls and don't let go
and like, you seem nice person, but don't ditch your responsibility of distributing addicting brainrot content, like you admitted before, ITT included. one of the first complains of Anno before was that there are better boards, e.g. more
e.g. more productive on-topic communities, that do help users strive. but idk why I'm stuck here. I keep justifying and validating my doushio participation like : it's not so bad, there are way worse boards, seems like a fine board community. but at the same time, there are better places on web, web3 & co etc stuff. and ofc not only web limited.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
trueeee you got me there
I'm just lazy (or impaired) to go mileage/distance to do the 'hard work' of installing & configuring web3 & other non-web spaces. same goes for other things and sides of life. I live with a lot of broken things, that I don't fix (yet). ok, it is time to close browser tab. may'be I'll vent later, if it's allowed. it seems help to being self aware, like dialogue with therapist.
>>1131011 this reminds me of a story of a first time depressed drug buyer, buys powder from an undercover cop. Y: what' my fault? X: you're criminal now! you gonna get beaten up in jail, and get sentence equals to 1/3 of your lifespan. enjoy hypocrisy.
I'll rant a bit. So I'm doing this brand new Funk-tianal Type Safe (TM) programming language (with gc & optional linear types in future versions ala rust).
And it doesn't have NULL. But it does have some sort of Nil, None, & coder can define NULL from scratch. I mean.. I'm on the x,y chart there - type system can be safe as long coder is safe, but no type system will ensafe you from unsafe programmer + unsafe algorythim, e.g. human/design mistake. that's +1 egg to your busket, dynamically typed special olympic winners. but that's doesn't mean that strongly typed fp doesn't come with all other benefits and perks.
but on other side of the moon, I'm trying to make something pure, but it heavily relies on lower lever on impure C+C_buildsystem and throwing me all errors like, the person who made very beautiful pure fp lang didn't thought about ide, tools, environment, installation process. :/
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 954 3/6
⬜⬜🟨⬜🟨🟨 🟨🟨🟩🟨⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
me, an squid, 1 hour later, trying to fix some one else type errors in some one else code, due interpreter/compile/language version changes (I assume), insted of having things JUST WORK I should have listened to Guide von Ross
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i try to avoid working with any legacy C C++ build systems that shit is so crusty i used to tango with that stuff when i was younger but i've long since come to appreciate the hard work modern languages have done on sane build systems and packaging
weird limbo. for that $insert_new_lang_name they use and rely on C, GCC, LISP (and I have to solve their issues before setting up toolchain to compile lang compiler and get it work) and they wrote AN BRAND NEW AMAZING THEIR OWN package manager for their lang, (source based probably, that relies on mentioned toolchain before), with only 10 developers, from scratch, not super maintained/tested/supported across various platforms & configurations .
and my fucking cat just tries to fuck and hunt and break my last ethernet and power cables!
if this shiet continues I'll just accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour and go to church, fuck that IT bullshit. Terry wasn't sick nor wrong, he was misunderstood.
and listen to uberboyo podcast for him telling me who to vote
this grocery was selling like pre-carved-out coconut flesh so i bought it it also has a lime wedge holy fuck im chewing for hours without the coconut milk this is just a fiber chew feat fest
I've compiled lsp server for my $researchlang. And it's been so slow, that I'm starting wondering looking at Rust in the future. Like that dude from a picture who walking holding hand with partner and looking at another person. I haven't tried to learn rust, but I think I understood well ideas of fp, purity, type systems, borrow checker, linear & affine types ... etc
also this post meant to diss all lsp. cuz they advertise it on main page as ide feature of $lang, but in fact just non-lsp plugin has more functions and better support there, with repl, eval selected piece in place, highlights, etc. so lsps are do seem overhyped, and I've ejoyed good editor plugus before lsp, and there will be after lsp, lsp is not an panacea, but it took 48h of my life :<
Rust... just seem uncesserary verbose with al Vec<<>> & co bs. I kind of prefer haskellish readable grammar + syntax. I've seen some Rust dev boys began to work on less verbose prototype. I'm ok with Go readable syntax & C. but not ok with Gc nor mem+type unsafety.
I mean idk, world is waiting looking at me to come up with better $LANG, $OS and other tech. .. but there been so many good failed langs, and no one seem interested in my research work.
I've been known to use the everything app though it's really the lots of things app for me cause I don't update the thing, meaning I don't get the New Features cluttering up everything
you can't X Call me or whatever, for instance, cause that came after I stopped updating
I guess I should be somewhat happy elon hasn't caught onto what discord does, where they force you to update every time you restart the fucking program
*only if you are 32 years+. rules, terms and additional conditions apply. GPL licensed withour guarantee, without liability.
what we do need is home fab farm plant, to grow gpu on trees. because we do targeting energy independece & sovereignty with wind turbines, solar panels. but no calculation independence been achieved yet. and I'm talking about households, not states. don't thread me. so those 3D printers should be able to print calculators and gpus. I don't care about size, how big mainframe room techprocess it'll take. I just don't want to depend on single point of production supply chain and they don't meet my requirements. I want assemble and design my tech how I want and be able to produce it in garage/farm. I could live without car. but without own digital device? is it year 700 C.E.? 999Mhz single core will be enough!