i haven't seen Once Upon a T... can't be bothered to write it out, but can be bothered to grouse... OUaTiH sus capitalization
anyway i assume it's tarantined into a lot of cool dudes doing drugs and shooting guns and talking smack i guess, but i wonder if it has actual themes and morals
There's surprisingly not that much drugs happening there is some, but not a whole lot
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Dan Schindel of Hyperallergic wrote of the symbolism in the film's nostalgia. He wrote the detail is almost "microscopic", in its use of "hundreds of period ephemera" across various mediums, most of which is unrecognizable to most viewers. Schindel writes that these forgotten memories surround the character of Rick Dalton because he too is a piece of forgotten nostalgia. ah ok its a movie for film buffs
well it is literally about an actor and his stuntman, in hollywood
It's a film about people with delusions of grandeur getting fucked up and stopping the Manson Family from killing Sharon Tate.
>>1123730 This is probably why the movie isn't hitting for you. Sharon Tate was a very famous actress who was murdered by the Manson Family when they were attempting to start Helter Skelter.
Well, all of that exists to set the tone for what happens. What actually happens is subject to a lot of discussion and there are multiple interpretations of what happens. But everything in the film is important. There's no "filler".
I went into this movie entirely blind, I didn't know this shit on the screen right now was even coming
The fact that they're the Manson family is made clear pretty early on but maybe it's something only Americans would get Since the Manson family is part of our cultural zeitgeist
A few of them have the names of famous Family members. That, plus Sharon Tate and Jay Sebring being in the film, it sort of ties it all together.
I actually thought that actress lady was just fibbing to get into the theater for free, man, I didn't know she was supposed to actually be the real deal It's all so disconnected up until the end, I had no clue what was going on
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i love the part with bruce lee
Oh yeah that was cool as shit Though I don't know if I buy this stuntman actually being able to beat Bruce's ass in a 1v1 But he's clearly fucking CRACKED at fighting, as I'm seeing right now Goddamn
man i didn't even realize it was a tarantino movie, but I guess with dicaprio it usually is I just saw the movie mentioned in a youtube video, went "Oh, I never got around to watching that" and pirated it, then watched it
how do you climb a mountain does it involve ropes or just scramblin up
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
You can draw a distinction between mountaineering and trekking. Mountaineering is when you're roped up with all the technical equipment. Trekking is just a long walk in challenging conditions up a steep slope. These expeditions have been trekking.
god, trying to coax pipewire into doing what I want was PAINFUL, but I think I finally got it working even setting it up in the first place was a pain really
att front page
I wonder why they even spam here I mean I guess it doesn't cost them anything, but like why bother
>>1123768 >:] :> >:> gosh, what's your font, doushio?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is pipewire the newest linux audio hotness
I dunno about new, but it's certainly capable of stuff pulse isn't Most importantly for me, the ability to route individual software into specific audio outputs
Now that I've got the sound hooked up to the VR set properly, and actually managed to get vrchat to work again, I might get back into that again Cause I mean, the reason I stopped was I moved to linux and couldn't get the audio to work
vrchat native linux support when I'm getting like 30FPS at max over here, in VRCHAT, but Into The Radius runs perfectly fine, aside from a stutter now and then when loading into the level and stuff Which seems backwards, cause VRchat is, you know, vrchat
Really it's the kinda thing where pulling 30fps wouldn't even matter, it's not like you need incredible refresh rate for this, it's not a competitive shooter or something ...but in VR, 30fps is actually painful Turns out, the human eye CAN see a lot more than 30fps
I'm pretty convinced it's an issue with vrchat specifically, because like, the rest of the interface is doing just fine, another game that by all rights SHOULD be more resource hungry than an empty vrchat world has yet to be noticably poor, AT ALL
maybe I should get a new gpu though assuming it is a gpu issue it's hard to say
updating proton seems to have remedied it a bit I'm still not getting much more fps, but it's smoothe nough to not REALLY matter
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what kinda GPU you got
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
vr chat always seemed like a kinda decroded unity game i'm not surprised it performs funny in weird conditions
I'm rocking a 1080 from 2018 lmao it's bad by today's standards, but honestly it's still fully capable of running most things as long as I take the graphics settings down a few notches Probably vrchat can pump out some more frames too if I do that I'm gonna have to fiddle with all the settings in alvr too, it's kinda bumped all the way down now and I dunno if it REALLY matters that much, since the issue seems to have been proton rather than strictly performance Like I'm still pushing about 45 fps in the trans academy world, but that MIGHT just be that world rather than representative If I just bump up the resolution a bit I can probably crank down the graphics settings in the game a bit and still get about the same experience, except with text I can comfortably read
Not that reading in VRchat is very comfortable in the first place, or more accurately, reading with the vr set I have, because I need glasses, and wearing glasses gets really painful on multiple parts of my head after a while due to the limited space inside that thing Might look into prescription lenses for the quest, if they're not super expensive Cause I HAVE TO use my glasses when I play ITR, or I can't properly make out the iron sights and the stuff I'm trying to aim said iron sights at
you'd think the damn thing could emulate glasses prescriptions in software
oh, 3050s are actually fairly affordable But it's a 50 model, so maybe it's not even much better, or better at all, than the 1080 anyway? the 60 is also at least like, POSSIBLE, but lmao a 3080 is 2 months rent
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn taht sounds like a real decroded VR experience
I mean, it's not ideal, but I've never really felt like "oh I GOTTA get a better gpu" until to some degree now, and even right now it's more like I kinda do want some more frames but it's not dire GPU usage has kinda peaked already, there's not a lot more juice to squeeze in ways that matter
it might even be more reasonable to double my ram and get a better cpu instead, it's not like I'm certain the issue is the GPU in the first place, a lot of games will give you ass frames and then it's like "yeah it's a CPU issue, fucking thing barely knows what a GPU is in the first place"
>>1123858 Check comparison sites, but I think anything in the 3000 series is a considerable improvement over the 1000 series
a 4060 is at least an improvement worth mentioning, but it's also pretty pricy actually shit, this is a Ti which makes it less of an upgrade a 4070 super seems like it might be the most cost effective upgrade it's like $900 or some shit though, which I just can't really afford... I think But I should be able to double my ram for like $100 which is very doable
The 4000 series in general is a pretty minimal improvement for a considerably higher cost compared to the 3000 series It might be a big improvement over the older series, but if you're looking for the best bang for your buck, the 3000 is currently the Nvidia peak for that
>>1123863 Are you sure that RAM is your bottleneck, or your VRAM? If VR is heavy on graphics rendering then a GPU with higher VRAM might be better for the task than just adding more RAM
true I do kinda need more ram anyway though I've only got 16 which was pretty damn good back when I put this together, but it's real stinky now VRAM might alone be worth upgrading too yeah, the main issue is GPUs are expensive no matter how you slice it, so
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ya a used 3000 is good
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i got a used 3090 for playin with AIO
I could do a monthly payment for a 4070 super I guess Well, maybe if a 3000 series in the like, 80-90 range is cheaper, I could do that dunno if they're in stock anywhere though
the crypto gang have harvested all the 3000s I think, the 4000s are bad for coins from what I vaguely remember
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah crypto mining is over plenty of used ones for sale
very hesitant to buy used hardware honestly often something wrong with it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
really? people in the local AI movement have been buyin used nvidia gpus quite a lot and they seem to work out fine people upgrade or they sell because they aren't using it any more
I mean that does make sense, yeah I'm just real cagey about it cause it's a lotta money and hardware is kind of a consumable item
I'll look into it at least, but just going by these comparisons on this one website, the 4070 super outperforms the 3090 anyway And I can afford those monthly payments, just gotta be a little bit more careful with my money it's \\\ >>1123876 I mean that's also fair yeah the issue is the 3090 at least new is 2x the price of a 4070 if their prices and availability was the same, I'd go for it for the extra vram since the upgrade from what I have is pretty sizeable anyway
uuuuuuuu hardware is so fucking costly
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea there's always risk that's life
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
3090 is the ideal AI machine from a VRAM vs price ratio get that if you can
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
16 gb ram acceptable i wonder if nvidia will finally break the 24 GB barrier this year
I've asked my mother about similar potato-related concerns before I think for whatever reason or another, a lot of people got stuck learning how to do normal independent functioning things without having ever being taught and feel awkward about asking people they know personally about it Adulting is hard and a part of adulting is learning how to cook your own meals and a part of cooking your own meals is identifying what foods are still good and which ain't
Personally I just shave off a bit more of the potato to get rid of the black spots, just because they're unappetizing to look at you end up throwing out some potatoes one way or the other anyway, in my experience, so it's not a big loss
As someone who is personally fairly anxious in an obsessive manner I would much rather have assurance that the food is safe than be stuck being worried about it Thankfully my mother is always glad to give me advice on that, although my family does have a higher tolerance for "It's not too far gone" than most people I talk to And in lieu of her help, Google is honestly usually pretty good at telling you what dark spots or other miscolourations mean for food quality
A big issue for our generation I think is really that we grew up in the Good Times when money wasn't so fucking tight anymore, but our parents grew up in the Bad Times, so their actually good habits of not wasting food came off as being entirely out of necessity back when they didn't lop off the mold from the bread like "cause it's not that bad", but because that's the bread they had But we were spoiled and disregarded their lessons, for we could always just get more bread
Much wisdom failed to reach across generations for this reason, I think
of course I'm just fucking stupid, so I don't go get more bread, I just go "I won't eat today then" instead, because I don't wanna leave the house more than once per day if I can help it I do not like leaving my home
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i give credit to my iron stomach it can take a lot of abuse sometimes i give it trash just to test it
just detox every once in a while by drinking poison mixed with kale juice and you're golden get plenty of coal to soak up the Bad Vibes in the system
>>1123884 Well bread is a bad analogy because unlike more dense foodstuffs, if a loaf of bread is showing mold, there is a very high chance that the spores have started to spread all through the bread While like with cheese or a potato, you can lop off the moldy bits, bread is usually a lost cause by the time you're seeing mold on the surface
is mold even really that dangerous anyway? I mean it's probably not GOOD for you, but it's not like it's gonna fuck you up THAT much right?
yeah spending the whole day shitting is probably not the best way to save money on food still there's gotta be a certain amount of mold for it to be a problem, surely not that I intend to try, I don't fuck around with that stuff. If my food seems a little off I'm not touching it, I'm getting something else I've eaten just a bowl of rice and that was it because the ground beef's vibes were a little off and I didn't wanna test my luck
It's not going to kill you but it's going to make your life for the next day or so miserable And probably give you diarrhea, which if the point of you eating moldy food is to survive on poor food to save yourself money, is probably not conducive to keeping up with that intention
honestly rice is fucking great poorfood Goes with just about anything, lasts effectively forever, very easy to prepare, and surprisingly nutritious for something so unassuming
same with spaghetti or pasta in general but you can snack on spaghetti so you don't even gotta cook it macaroni is also real good as a budget snack you just boil those suckers and put some butter on it, some pepper and maybe a little salt if you wanna, and you've got a pretty good and filling snack, even if it doesn't really count as food I think
>>1123889 Well it's definitely a nuanced area Fermentation is a process which uses bacteria and other microorganisms to change the nature of food, and that can some times result in mold or other kinds of food spoilage which is safe for consumption Blue cheese, for example, is the famous "moldy cheese" after all And a healthy gut biome full of bacteria which form a symbiotic relationship with your digestive system, can help with suffering the worst of the issues that come with eating food that's gone off or started to mold And fermented products seem to help the bacteria in your gut biome thrive, so in a sense there is moldy food which is good for you
But all that said you probably shouldn't go around eating molding bread or other spoiled food if you can help it. Stick to the fermented products which humankind has already done a job of proving safe to eat
yeah it's probably best not to test your luck on stuff like that unless it's absolutely necessary, but that's like an end of days scenario, and my ass will be dead long before the food runs out in that sort of event
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mold is dose dependent i think dont wanna fuck with that exponential function
30 fps? It was never a hardware problem to begin with. try another unity games as benchmarks. try change graphic settings via command line arguments, resolution, etc. usually shaders are heavy. try profile % of hardware load in resource task manager. it's possible to unlock uncap, capped framerate, make sure vsync off, or you are not capped by screen refresh rate hz. you can also try Neos, webgl webXR in firefox. hardware companies been milking you by decades conspired with AAA gamedev studios publishers. after 2019, they went nuts, by not making enough money from gamers, so they decided to increase prices and went to new ventures.
here is what I propose, an affordable open hardware diy gpu that should cost not higher than 100$ and that you can assemble locally, that should provide 160-240 fps. at resolution 1024x768 >>1123945 if this comes true, we could feed the world and prevent ww3 by the end of 2024 world does have 10 billion people, so we need to scale this up to 10 billion pony clones, can't wait until some Albuquerque startup offering a solution. Or what, you gonna nuke internet cables and pretend it's not your business, to increase starlink stocks?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah really dang
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no doubt anyway i already watched it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bro VR imposes all sorts of weird rendering constraints i dont find it surprising the perf is decroded
p.s. don't do that, seriously, can't live without cables
Hi, Becky! Annum
as for fps... write a render engine in rust+vulkan for amd igpu
Hi, Becky! Annum
oh btw you can turn off shit like FXAA MSAA and other in Video Control Panel Settings. you MUST take back control of your life and fight for your rights, or they will be tipping -5 fps each year with driver updates. or unity gone rtx and you running rtx version of it.
Ngl, I've been expecting affordable chinese gpu, but they seem only sold on their local market. Maybe Marsh can bring some across from India border.
vrchat really is very nice I should venture into modeling and stuff again sometime
Money to be made there too if you get anywhere decent at it too
true, but really I just wanna make a nice looking avatar for myself It's a really longterm goal with little to do in the interim though, so I don't really see myself managing it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
delayed gratification goes kinda crazy with it
the issue is I'm either not wired for it, or poisoned by instant gratification very bad at sticking to stuff that doesn't dispense little treats along the way towards the goal
thinking I might go get a burger then hop back into vrchat again the trans academy rolling instance is really comfortable to be in at least it seems basically to be a rolling instance, it's usually the same crowd from what I can tell, and I've yet to look at the listing and not see it there with like 9+ people
sorta I talked a lot with one person earlier today, which was neat we had another trans girl kinda hanging around us without saying too much, too, but she seemed to be warming up a bit by the time I left cause even without glasses on, the headset does get uncomfortable after extended use
I'm not really good with larger groups, though, unless I feel like I can add something to the conversation So when more people joined into our little group, I usually went a bit quiet
mutes just overall get ignored is the thing I mean sure if you're just mute but otherwise talk through text or communicate with either inworld writing tools or avatar tools or hand gestures (advanced) then you're not gonna be ignored, as often anyway, but I mean, that's usually at that point just because you've got some problem with actually using the voice comms
ways to communicate: - talk with your dress, socks, makeup - talk with a dance. - talk with your eyes, or mimics expression - talk with emotes, emojis - telepathy - neuralink or brian johnson kernel, eeg or similiar stuff. (need to buy one controller! for full immersion) - publish your open API Gateway specification, and let me push and pull raw data, in and out
I mean I don't have issues actually talking, for the record My issue is I'm a walking bundle of nerves with very little ability to initiate or keep a conversation going
I'm still patiently waiting for screens from academy world >>1124012
also. you never had a problem speaking your mind and talking what you are in to. like that time you done a few games. I mean, don't focus on talking, on convo, that's just an excuse of people be around and be not lonely. the most amazing expiriences I expirienced with others, weren't talking. but walking, or playing games, or watching, etc etc
I only have screens of the avatar I fetched when I got back on again
I mean I still have my own avatar too, but it's not very good qualitywise, and there's no audiolink in the trans academy world anyway, so the stuff I've actually customized on it doesn't do anything at all there
I have screens from like way back too, like 2 years ago, but I'm actually not entirely sure where they are in the filesystem they're mostly the same thing though
rn imma watchin storm behind the window, usually at this time it's sunny here, beautiful sunset, but not rn, not today, it's too much clouds, cloudy dark sky, unusually dark. even after rain & thunder already finished, occasional lightnings. 20 years ago, we with my friend used to gather after pine forest, on abandoned garages, and just watch lighnings without rain on the skyline horizon. during last few years, clouds I've seen been just crazy and amazing
@S C, creating something is cool. like shaders, or painting what you may do is - you may stream worlds. wondering around casually. but since we are on board, and we do have principles, I ain't gona register any accounts - and because of this, you should choose streaming via OwnCast.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Safe Superintelligence Inc. >Superintelligence is within reach.
the EU is tryna pass some chat control bill waddaheck
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh it's to snuff out CSAM and groomers oh ok yknow what we could use some of that in this website
Hi, Becky
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/19/24181214/eu-chat-control-law-propose-scanning-encrypted-messages-csam >The European Union is getting closer to passing new rules that would mandate the bulk scanning of digital messages — including encrypted ones.
>The law, first introduced in 2022, would implement an “upload moderation” system that scans all your digital messages, including shared images, videos, and links. Each service required to install this “vetted” monitoring technology must also ask permission to scan your messages. If you don’t agree, you won’t be able to share images or URLs.
An 8yo was showing me all his pokemon cards today and he was saying he wanted Lapras' first form. So I told him Lapras was the first form and I don't think Lapras has any evolutions. And he got upset and started saying that all Pokemon have a 3-form evolution tree. I told him that there were plenty of pokemon that only have one or two and he got so mad he threw a table at me.
oh neat, xsoverlay lets you just draw out stuff in your environment manually, like make lines around it basically real nice for games that actually involve some movement Just having the wall and desk and monitor and other stuff you really gotta not hit displayed at all times is real helpful, and they're just lines so they're not really in the way
>>1124053 Might want to clear the furniture out before you tell him that because of Mega Evolutions, some Pokémon technically have four evolutions
Eevee has a LOT of evolutions
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1124053 poor kid about to be slapped in the face by reality
He was also trying to tell me that gen 1 pokemon cards are all incredibly rare even though he had 38 of them. I was like, these say they were printed last year man. And he got upset and said that they were older than me. I wasn't even antagonizing the kid, he's super sensitive about it for some reason.
No way. I get to discharge his family soon. And then hopefully I'll never see this kid again. He loves to play pretend but he's fucking awful at it. He doesn't let you play, he just gets upset unless you become an actor in whatever his plot is. Like one time he wanted to play hospital and I said I was there because my arm had fallen off and he said "No! You're here because you feel like you want to throw up but you can't!" And then he tried to feed me a script of exactly what I should say. That's not how you play pretend, you little shit.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah poor kid is egoizing hasnt figured out how to get out his own head yet
Yeah, and I think he's a few years away from getting out. His mom won't really participate in the treatment. She just goes to her room when I'm there and she talks to her internet boyfriend on the phone.
>>1124053 When someone knows more about something more then an other, based on the facts gathered prior, and out come of how someone may react, I guess it could be easy for someone to lash out. But like if it was competitive, in the first place maybe it's a sign of strength, if someone does not get out of sorts.
Anno wants to be the one that dosn't get's irritated easily.
The point is reciprocal unity. How to atain that after the fact tho?
Wonder what would have happened if it was a holo card that was in question.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
busy attaining reciprocal unity with an 8yo dont call the cops
i am going to wage war on these fungus gnats come watering day mosquito dunks... sticky traps... air currents... maybe even nematodes maybe just hydrogen peroxide and cinnamon? the damn things have a month-long four-stage lifecycle you gotta get all the different forms it's like a dang boss battle
holy bursh Knightfall: A Daring Journey is back and f2p? that game looked sick
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>EU Council has withdrawn the vote on Chat Control >The EU Council did not make a decision on chat control today, as the agenda item was removed due to the lack of a majority, confirmed by Council and member state spokespersons
i took lazarus to the vet they gave him some nasal spray and antibiotics and charged me $200.44
maybe thats alot? worth evry penny if it cures the fury fren
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's kinda crazy politicians can be like "hmmm this votes not gonna pass let's withdraw it" like you started the process. have the vote! see it through! why do you get to keep marinating it indefinitely
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1124094 pets ain't cheap 200 bux is 200 bux but like for a vet's time that doesn't seem completely out of the ballpark to me idk maybe inflation has broken my brain
you can definitely make a killing as a vet it but talking to a sample size of one vet you probably very depressed for some reason actually that guy also was suffering from a divorce from his also vet alcoholic wife so he was probably carrying a lot of trauma hope they're doin ok
one emergency vet in this area makes a lot money because they are notorious for charging out the ass for procedures
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's an ad on this telephone pole for pet massage and acupressure waddaheck what is acupressure you aren't even gonna use needles?
i give the family cats neck and shoulder massages they seem to enjoy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we had this other cat (which disappeared a year or two ago after being bullied by the another cat) and she would see me and actively meow and flop on the concrete for rubs
man, imagine being outdoors under the open sky there's just empty vacuum for eternities up there it's so exposed anyone coild just fire a mass at oneself and annihilate their pattern couldnt be me
>>1124136 understandable you have been quite through The rigrigamole I
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 1,098 2/6
⬜⬜🟨⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I might've gained weight on it
damn my one weakness besides working too hard
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn didn't think the IDF fan would be so quick to hop on the genocide bandwagon
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bro i bought way too much korean spicy chicken and for some reason this chain serves it to go in a Pizza Box??? so if you get it in a bag the bag holds it sideways and the gooey spicy wing sauce gets all over the place inside the box it's not a big deal but why wouldn't you just serve it in like a normal to go box lmaoooo
typical landlords man if theres water leakage that could be a lot of damage
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1124141 I'm not an IDF fan, I just support the the continued existence of the state of Israel. I don't condone their senseless slaughter of civilians.
>>1124081 everyone is a streamer, some just don't recognize it
everyone is not a streamer, unless they start OBS
>>1124081 you asked for a solution to talk with people
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
streaming isn't even talking to people!! it's radio broadcasting the social format is totally different
>>1124124 true. I only recently learned how to eat them correctly and enjoy. Here is a secret: when I first time tried, they were bitter, and I abandoned idea of liking them, the juice was also bitter (bcuz it was incorrectly made!) so the correct way is to peel everything off, even white stuff and skin inside, and try to eat ONLY red capsules filled with juice.
I mostly just struggle with inviting myself into a conversation anyway or starting one, or keeping one going I like talking, but I'm bad at keeping the vibes going
well whatever, my issues are mental Iget really anxious real easy, is all, so I only really do well in small groups where I'm actively included, and that's not a common occurance even among actual friends
you should draw a comics or write a short stories about protoagonist characer
ah I want some nostalgia and stream from Summer Solitude , sadly I don't have money so I unable to donate
at good times, people had acoustic guitar concerts there
I did have someone add me to their friendlist yesterday and invite me to a world a bit ago though But it was real awkward, they complimented my voice and came onto me so i just kinda panicked, besides I was doing something else at the time anyway Just all-around very weird thing to happen
maybe that's just how it normally goes? I don't know maybe I should have given them a chance to at least talk but I get really spooked by that sort of thing
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1124154 no I mentioned that my friend who works at Raytheon (on amti ICBM technology) said he would give me a Raytheon polo. he never followed up on it
>>1124177 yea idk its like chicken egg thing right your anxiety about ruining the vibes is the very thing that will ruin the vibes so you have to be relaxed and open to whatever might happen
i told the people im within vrchat about my issues cause the conversation was going into my PROBLEM areas, and they didnt get mad and I don't really know how to process it but im calming down my heartrate is too high
they're still talking and I had to just mute cause my head isn't in it but they just told me its ok and we can change the subject and I don't know how to process it cause I should be getting ejected I'm not good at this how do I enter back in when I just forcefully moved everyone on i don't know I'm calming down but my pulse is still real high
>>1124184 yea i get you you're holding on to something people have already moved on so you just gotta breathe and practice non attachment let it go and move on, everyone else already did
>>1124187 vrchat isn't stressful I'm stressful overly anxious, extremely paranoid, no confidence I assume the worst and don't accept alternatives, so it's difficult but this time it went well, and everyone was very accomodating and accepting and supportive and it made me cry
I showed up in an old buddy's session too and he actually remembered me surprisingly and everyone was nice and we had fun laughing at memes and stuff
I do make a much bigger issue out of stuff than necessary, and I do know it's entirely my own mental, but it FEELS real, and if you think you can just ignore that and push through it you honestly don't know what it means to FEEL something to be true
At least my hangovers are not that bad I don't have a headache, ny muscles are just kinda scuffed and I get dizzy if I don't lie down But you can spend a day mostly in bed it's fine
Bandle #675 2/6 🟥🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜ Found: 64/69 (92.8%) Current Streak: 0 (max 7) #Bandle #Heardle #Wordle https://bandle.app/ actually the easiest bandle and they rated it 5 difficulty >>1124218 oh, you had a bit of a drink huh rip
yeah it wasn't to the point I blacked out or anything, even if I got a bit moody by the end I don't remember having rebooted the computer right before going to bed, but that's it I think I probably didn't intend to go right to bed afterwards, but realized I'd been drinking too much
the bad effects are mostly gone now though I had some water like 4-5 hours ago, slept as it washed out the system