Now to be fair - and you guys should understand this better than anyone as fellow degenerate weeaboos - I have wanted to go to japan for a very, very long time. It was always on the list. BEFORE IT WAS COOL.
though been there all ready with parents? didn'y ya type that before?
I made an instagram account for when I travel around taking pictures of my Yuno figma in front of various world landmarks.
woow things are really diferent
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nice i guess moe threads arent social media enuf for travel pix ganbare
>>1122367 there's like 4 people left on moe. I need to spread my wings and broaden my horizons. Move on to greener pastures. don't worry. I'll remember my roots when I make it.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1122369 join one kf of the vtuber discords im in
>>1122365 Give me your Twitter and put the photos on there too I attempted to make an Instagram account the other day for reasons and that app and service is so utterly dogshit I am never touching it again
>>1122400 I've heard rumors of OLED being organic natural bioluminiscent, therefore healthy. look at it is like glowing fluoriscent caterpillar at night in the woods.
>>1122377 >so utterly dogshit oh yup pages won't load "some bad error happened" bs utter evil can you imagine something even more sinister? Like for example a merger of Twitter with Instagram, that can be named Twattergram or Instatitter.
I've been reading Bible this morning, and encountered Elon there, been mentioned there. Totally biblical figure. Right, Kirara? Just look at this genious UI design, need an GDPR bar as well, to occupy 69% of screen. I wonder when X implement AT bs protocol
>>1122436 aww need pro advice owo, what's this? galil? uzi?
>>1122445 yeah, ofc, Jack Doersay been totaly in to NGE & being angelical figure himself, AT protocol will provide something in exchange of dividing and splitting people making them feel lonely, so everyone , each individual, gonna be playing own personal NGE rpg bs with it, finally removing AT fields gonna collapse & merge world in to one consioussness planetary
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sooo trueee
Blink thrice if you need help, Samu
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i am loving ... life... huamnity... my flesh mecha
My first weird little Indianisn I was bottle water from a corner store near the hotel room and i only had larger notes because i just hit up the ATM So i tried to pay with a 500 rupee which is like $10 and thr guy made a big thing about not having enough change. He have me some but not all of the change and then I'm like hang on where's the rest of it And he's like 'I told you, i don't have it' and I'm like 'you're telling me this entire corner shop doesn't have any more 10 rupee notes? ' and the difference is like 40 rupees, so not a huge amount. Anyway the guy pulls down a bag of potato chips from behind the counter and puts them in the bag and he's like 'ok, that makes up the difference' Now i don't want or need amy chips but T at this point it's just whatever. And om the way out he asks "Do you like my Country" And I'm like "Yeah, most of the time mate but i also like it when people give me right change"
So now i have a bag of chips.
that's just a tourism thing tourists get fleeced basically no matter where you are by self-owned stores
oh, if it was that little then yeah he probably just didn't have the money
still you got a REAL cheap bag of chips out of it, all things considered, no?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I guesso. Probably won't eat then though A tip for the maid.
Doesn't it get hot as shit in India? You're gonna want the salt
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I've playing Runescape mobile so I've got all the salt i need.
yeah but you're crying that out I meant you're gonna want to put salt INTO your body
>>1122470 One time I was walking through downtown with Jan and a guy drove past us and shouted "Fag!" s We weren't even doing anything gay! But it felt good to really be seen.
>Grokfast: Accelerated Grokking by Amplifying Slow Gradients
>One puzzling artifact in machine learning dubbed grokking is where delayed generalization is achieved tenfolds of iterations after near perfect overfitting to the training data.
>our goal is to accelerate generalization of a model under grokking phenomenon. By regarding a series of gradients of a parameter over training iterations as a random signal over time, we can spectrally decompose the parameter trajectories under gradient descent into two components: the fast-varying, overfitting-yielding component and the slow-varying, generalization-inducing component.
uh oh they're figuring out how to accelerate learning a c c e l e r a t e
unsure if I want AI to actually become good and useful or not On the one hand, if it's a big success, it's gonna obviously see massive adoption with all the issues that come with that On the other, if it doesn't get much better than it is atm, then we've just been increasing our already excessive energy usage for no fucking reason
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1122472 It was probably the ball gag and dog leash that gave it away
Well, I at least tried my best but I ended up having to go home 2 hours early head's too noisy, whole system's panicking stocking shelves gives me too much time to think and nothing to drown it out with
i had a pretty wacky dream where i was like sneaking into the Oscars, goin around backstage getting into hijinks up in the ceiling, a tiger chased me for a while, i got out of there, knocked an old lady down the stairs in the audience, also managed to get seats in the audience somehow, pretended to be a janitor with my buddy wacky
>>1122491 from a far distance I've thought I saw Marsh from the telephone posting some indian curry from restaraunt.
Advice to Marsh: get only clean, sealed, bottled watter.
>>1122494 I would avoid at all cost. >undertaking uh, so, that's where famous game originated.
>>1122566 so much is written in english is it because a lot of westerners go there or is it just a common language between a lot of regional ethnic groups
absolute territory enjoyer
or i guess it could be both or maybe effects of former colonization idk
It's so weird how the popular view of what Laios is like is basically just... whatever the other characters think of him, rather than literally how he behaves in the story
Like aren't you mfers watching the show or reading the comic? Why do your views of this man match the views of other people in the story basically 1:1 when the whole point is they're actually wrong about who he is as a person?
If you're talking about how the fandom kind of kid-ifies him, I don't really think that's how the other people in the story treat him Overall the other characters in the story treat him as this absurd weirdo, because that's what he is He's a considerably intelligent guy with a surprising degree of perception, but he's also kind of out of touch with what's normal and has an almost unhealthy obsession with monsters
He's really not THAT weird though I mean he's absurdly into monsters, sure, but that's like the only really weird thing about him, and god forbid men have hobbies
He's weird in other ways Like how he needs to be firmly told by Marcille to not eat the fishpeople Or how he can perfectly imitate a dog's bark down to the point where it inspires terror in a canine's natural prey
well i mean They are just... animals that sorta look humanoid they're not actually "people"
But yeah he does have some other weird stuff, but I mean like, offputting weird stuff, not just like quirky weird stuff But he's not like, totally devoid of humanity, he's not some sort of lunatic He's emotionally kinda numb, hyperfixated with monsters, and kinda weird in some ways, but he's overall kind of a normal guy
Yeah and that's my point, the characters in the world treat him as off-puttingly weird, where the fandom treats him like he's a kid in a grown adult's body
>>1122582 Really he's just a very autistic person to the point where his autism creates social issues between him and the normal people around him When he's treated properly, like with Marcille appealing to his sensibility not to eat the fishpeople, he reacts properly
it's REALLY weird to treat him as a kid though Laios is very clearly an adult, not just in terms of chronology, that's an
adult man
The actual lunatic devoid of humanity is of course Kabru
I thought you were gonna jokingly say it's the divorced man in the crew
I like how when Chilchuck goes off on Senshi about everyone having their own job, he doesn't even mention Laios having any particular role Since, really, Laios doesn't have a role. He's their boss. He hired them.
granted, not since the manga starts, since the entire story is a pro bono adventure, but still
Chilchuck is just kind of an asshole Laios absolutely has a role, he's got an encyclopedic memory on monster behaviour and regularly plans the tactics for overcoming a situation Watering his role down to just being their boss isn't doing him fair credit
Chilchuck is by miles the single most reasonable person in the whole crew Not just in terms of like, how he acts in the story, but also he's very clearly the one with the most levelheaded approach to what they're even doing. He demands payment up front, he unionized the hobbits, he handles a lot of behind the scenes stuff to make sure his party and his people aren't getting skullfucked by other people's greed >>1122590 Well no, I mean of course Laios is indispensible, he's not JUST their boss. But in terms of their actual relationship so far, he isn't in the party to fill a role. He's the one who put a party together, by paying the members to join. Only Falin and TECHNICALLY Marcille are really there like, as just buddies, everyone else is a hired hand
I'm not saying he's unreasonable, I'm saying he's an asshole His kneejerk reaction is to think the worst of people and snark about them rather than be nice or keep his mouth shut That's asshole behaviour
And it's not like Chilchuck says Laios doesn't have a role, he just doesn't mention him cause well, he isn't in the party to fill a role, is all The others are in the party specifically to fill a purpose
what, it's like sunbathing naked or something, it's a crime if someone can see it?
still that owns, I wish I could grow pot legally Instead I gotta do it illegally, once I have the living situation for it hypothetically
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk if its a crime per se to have it visible more of a bylaw violation
like a HOA thing?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
municipal perhaps idk the specifics no ones going to jail for having pot plants on their balcony, its just a nuisance/eyesore in the view of society i think
yeah I mean realistically nothing will happen, and probably if anything does it's just the cops showing up and telling you to move them someplace less exposed maybe with a fine
it is fucking stupid though If you don't like what's in my house or how I decorate my yard, stop looking at you you're the problem, it's my yard and my house
stop looking at it*
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
as much as i dislike HOAs I also like that my neighbors aren't allowed to paint a giant neon furry on their wall or have a rusty boat hanging off of their patio
I mean as long as it's not porn I couldn't care less what my neighbor draws on their wall if it's not something obscene, I just don't see why anyone would care
same with their yard or whatever, just have whatever in there you wanna havea christmas tree all year long, go for it, I'm the weird one if I'm upset at what's in your yard
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we live in a society there's a balance to be struck between individual and collective wants
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway i bet the real reason for the pot plant restriction is smell and maybe some crime prevention
well yeah, but I mean that balance shouldn't be at the point where "I can see something IN YOUR HOUSE, I'm calling the cops" or "your grass is too long, I'm calling the cops"
well yeah I mean maybe painting your outside wall is a bit too far I mean honestly it depends, though I guess as far as enforcability goes, that sortof vagueness isn't a good idea, so you gotta just strike it all out it is one of those things I wouldn't really raise a fuss over if it was removed though, ultimately it's not like I could see myself giving too much of a fuck
home of andy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
everyone's for individual freedoms until a drummer moves in next door
that's different the sound is entering my home if he keeps it the fuck down and doesn't play loud enough for me to hear it, I would literally be psychotic if I said he isn't allowed to do that in his home
damn what a rig altho all the armchair watercooling enthusiasts are pointing out it would probably perform better if you mounted a beeg heat spreader on the chip instead of just cooling its smol surface area directly
it is a little bit stupid looking due to the little lego robot arms and dinosaurs feels kinda weird
like the build itself looks cool as shit, why would you add those things and bring the coolness down? don't make sense
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea the marketing and branding takes it down a notch idk it's at a convention probably better to have some attention grabbing things and conversational pieces rather than a cool understated build in that setting
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't get how the giant water reservoir is cooled by the fans tho is plexiglass really a great heat conductor? maybe there are metal fins on the back of that cylinder
the back does seem to be a lot thicker than the front like the metal parts there but can't see well, since it's the back
I guess the tank isn't actually where it's cooled at all, it's just a display piece
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
last year's build i guess idk where else does the heat get dissipated must be in that circular tank or in the tubes leading to/from it
My guess is it's the like, big cylinder Or in the various tubes yeah
honestly the big tanks seemingly not being a functional part makes the whole thing look really stupid cause at that point all you've done is make two big water tanks with a cool design and put them next to the computer Like at least integrate them into the operation, that's what would make them COOL
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh duh there could be tubes in the bottom part mega radiator
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
having a big water reservoir makes sense just for more heat capacity and extra time between refills due to evaporation
well true, but I don't really know if that kind of size makes a big difference there Also if you've got the water evaporating I think your water cooling has issues that shouldn't be solved with a bigger tank it shouldn't be leaving the system
it's a bit of a 'late start' kind of culture here, as in places are open late in the evening, but things don't really start to open up until around maybe 10:am. and im stil on Aus time which is about 4.5 hours ahead. MEANING THAT i have to wait until about 2pm to get some god darn breakfast. life sure is hard
>>>/@unusual_whales/1798449463008149617 new pandemic incoming i'm glad we all figured out our shit and will take reasonable precautions to curtail its prevalence
>>1122696 it's wild how that's still a real thing there's even some laws about that stuff from what I hear, but they're kinda not enforced that much
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its crazy i saw another tweet that said they tried to outlaw it in the 90s but in response for whatever reason a bunch of young people self-immolated in protest? some crazy strings bein pulled behind the scenes
man i got like a facial for the first time while i was in the US a couple weeks ago wjich was a neat experience and i went for the chemical peel so they essentially brushed acid on my face to exfoliate like two layers of skin which tingled pretty nice anyway two days later i look in the mirror and there's like big flakes of skin just exiting my dermis next to my nose kinda surreal just like a parallelogram of gray dead skin that's been pushed up thru the layers that image kinda stuck with me im still thinking about it and i dont know why skin's healthy and back to normal by now of course
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im exfoliating and applying toner and stuff you dont even KNOW
Bruh im eating alone and the guy brings out two forks what the hell is he trying to say
>>1122711 YA Thats big in Korea, removing layers of dead skin cells
>>1122711 is stratum basale where we keep all the basalt?
also aren't those layers of dead cells like, supposed to be there? like they help shield the actually living bits from damage and stuff
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea its our mecha shell in a constant cycle of replacement and regrowth >>1122715 yea
life really is a big gundam
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what was givin me mind jerky to chew on earlier was that like nerves and cells and everything they operate at the molecular level like that german guy who made the sphere of silicon, his nerves are interfacing with the surface on the scale of 10nm to 1 micron thats crazy and yet its the reality our proteins are like binding themselves to substrates and enzymes at the lowest level of reality they could possibly work on evolution, maaaan
In the mood to do some cooking, to get some frustration out... Feeling a bit on edge at the moment after I was too much of a pussy to handle another site..
depends what you're like
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this place is a friggin' concentration camp, tread lightly comrade
you're cooking, and a woman blindfolds you... you wake up, and about 33 jars of ingredients are around you... the only ones you recognize are cabbage, soy sauce, onions, and some invisible spice marked "DO NOT EAT"
uses chllis inplace of "invisble spice"
"that's not very proper of you, Anno... our patients can't handle chili..."
yes, the userbase of
They follow a special diet regimen and need you to make something from these unknown ingredients...
if you can go to your fridge and tell us the name of the first thing you see, that will be the first ingredient in the stew..
"Although Turok is adept at using high-tech weaponry, he is also deadly with the weapons of his heritage. If Turok slays an enemy with his knife or standard arrows, a special 'mortal wound' pickup may emerge. If it does, grab it quickly! This pickup will raise Turok's hit point level by 5 points."
>>1122781 not pictured: her bashing in the vending machine with a crowbar to get to the tasty prizes inside
Ingredients (1 serving) Cabbage 300g salt 1 small amount Canned tuna 1 can 1 egg 1 egg flour 50g water 30cc Sauce Appropriate amount dried bonito Dosage Aonori (green laver) Appropriate amount mayonnaise Appropriate amount of mayonnaise Directions 1. Cut cabbage into thin strips. Cut cabbage into thin strips, rub with a quantity of salt, and let it wilt until it is reduced to about half its original volume.
2. Add canned tuna, water, flour, egg and mix thoroughly.
3.Lightly oil a frying pan with a little extra oil and when warm, lower the heat to medium and pour the batter into the pan.
>>1122784 4. Cover and bake for about 5 minutes, then turn over. If you are not good at baking, you can slide the batter out onto a plate, cover the plate with the pan, and flip it over.
5 After turning over, bake uncovered for about 5 minutes, then sprinkle with sauce, mayonnaise, and floral bonito.
>>1122788 I believe in her! She'll make it through!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hit me with that spicy korean seafood pancake tentacles and green onion pokin out
>>1122793 That's what the japanese love, mayonnaise... but the two 1 eggs part must just mean to add two eggs, unless it copied wrong... >>>/watch?v=NjmqBvRQ8tI >>1122794 ganbare... >>1122792 You have to try japanese mayonnaise, "KEWPIE" brand... >>1122795 Oh, I have some reserved kimchi in the fridge...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah i see it was a tabular format cabbage - 300g salt - small amount - 1 egg - 1 egg
im not sure what type system allows you to measure one egg with itself
>>1122787 that would be like accusing someone of injesting many calories
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh ok i guess okonomiyaki does have the plaid mayo mmm gotta go back to Osaka some day
>>1122799 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA it turns out I had to dedicate all the oil to the new deep fryer... I'll have to siphon some out for my okonomiyaki... At any rate, yes, the Osaka style is the best... though the Hiroshima isn't without its charms... harder to make, though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jesus christ you're deep frying that must be a hot affair
>>1122801 I got a new deep fryer for free for reasons I won't elaborate here..
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how tf you gonna deep fry okonomiyaki dont you need basically a large hot flat metal surface to grill it on
>>1122803 you misunderstand, I ran out of all my oil and had to use it in the deep fryer... But I'll have to take a tbsp or so out from that deep fryer shortly..
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok just spoon it out i guess
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
everyones using air fryers and sous vide these days
>>1122806 I much prefer red hot oil - the boomer's choice.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have neither for what its worth just saute pans, a dutch oven, gas range and convection oven
I think air fryers will have staying power, but sous vide normies will never adopt
>>1122808 I'm jelly of the dutch oven... what do you make with that bad boy?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ostensibly chicken but in reality it just sits in storage
i should really make a stew w it one of these days
I mean I handle just not being home poorly, so I'm not poking fun, it just seems unlike him might be k8 was onto something about there being something in his brain worrying about like "what if something happens and I gotta be responsible for Luna in a place I don't speak the language"
How many legs does an office chair actually have? Does it count as one, or is each little protrusion with a wheel countes as a leg? Is it even truly a chair, as it has wheels?
How can, en Français, a potato be pomme de terre, when it is in no categorical way, an apple? For the same reason, the words we use to identify things are an abstraction of the identity of the thing under a lens we are already familiar with
weirdly memorable nightmares these last few sleeps I mean the details escape me, but it's unusual to remember the overall structure so well some of the details aren't entirely unpleasant though
I was able to break it by looking first at the outermost circle, the one that's partially broken off by the image edge Traced it around its circumference with my eyes and the others fell into place
>>1122951 Much of it is corn propaganda... From what I can see, soy when consumed with a balance of other proteins, fats, and carbohydrates is extremely nutritious and extends your life
ya wont see anno hating on fermented soy ant time soon
>>1122954 fuck yeah, fermented soy actually BOOSTS your testostero ne lol
>>1122942 It's really a forced meme, some might say a psyop, even... But I'd say msor o Typo. Most of the people who evoke the stereotype of "soy" eat primarily processed foods... It's not the soy that makes vegetarians hormonally imbalancee, but the nutritional deficiencies brought on by retards who think processed carbs and vitamins replace whole foods. Do you know any vegetarians? What do they eat? The ones I know eat fried food and overprocessed food with "organic" labelling on it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if mapo tofu is wrong i dont wanna be right
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we're all suckin down plasticized water and blaming beans
>>1122975 Not enough. Guess you could live on nuts and plants and be mostly alright, but I can't think of many high fat fruits/vegetables except maybe avocados
>>1122993 They probably weren't! I know there's this enticing myth of simple lives being the most fulfilling, but that presupposes that a peasant's life was simple in the first place Farm labour was hard work, and the large bulk of your produce was taken up by taxes or tithes to your ruling lord or the abbey who controlled the land you worked on Peasantry were effectively slaves who had the slight benefit of not being hunted down if they tried to escape the lands they worked on, usually So that means that peasants were consistently underfed and overworked, and were far likely to live lives riddled with sickness from malnutrition which made their waking lives a painful hell And their lives were always at the mercy of whatever powerful force governed their lives, which means they weren't really free
There may be a lot of parallels between that and the corporate life of western cultures today, but there are more opportunities today available to most people than were ever available to a peasant in the 1130s
>>1122998 there is tbf a difference between simple and easy your life can be tough as shit, but still not particularly complex
Not that I necessarily buy into it either
Repetitive manual labor allows you to completely pass out when you come home to your hovel at night... Is that happiness, not really... But, hmm... Probably religious faith and community got people through and it was all they had back then.
What constitutes banned content on doushio other than obviously illegal material
Being a racist shithead Posting anything which would get you fired from work
Easy foe Hmm... The first one is easy, but the second... not so much.
>>1123000 Sure, but there's this ideal of "simple, rustic life" which you can trace in Western culture all the way back to the writings of the Romans, which envisions the simple life of being a self-sustaining farmer, or at least rural landowner as being one of strong moral fibre and philisophically superior And through the pursuit of that simple life, you attain happiness And realistically, there has never actually been an environment where such an ideal is actually stable and attainable If you live a simple life, you live hard, and probably die young, unless you have the kind of wealth and property to get other people to do the work for you, which hardly meets the ideal of self-sustenance
>>1123007 In my limited experience, rural poor people, farmers, manual laborers, tradesman... These people often do seem very content, they seem to be low in the neuroses of modern life many people fall into now
I think homeless people and drug addicts also have suggestions of this, which is precisely why they are marginalized out on the streets
They are healthy people damaged by a sick society
>>1123007 It's not stable, but seeing the fruits of your own labor and seeing where the life comes from... Where the food comes from, there must be some sort of purpose and satisfaction in this. Yes, it's romanticized, but let me put it this way: even restaurant workers at least provide some sort of essential service... What do office workers, college educated people with "bullshit" or "non-jobs" do for anyone else? Nothing. People with university education get the rope
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
society has always been sick as long as society has existed its the same dang story over millenia me exiled for ba d behavior me cant get what i am attached to like people attach too much importance to the structures and not to their own expectations
Which is why it's the perfect place for a sicko like me
>>1123011 Okay I think you're the kind of shithead that there's no value in arguing this with
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
We're all Diogenes jerking off in the town market.
>>1123014 You do nothing for "society" when you sit in an office doing idle tasks or completing busywork in a classroom
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jerking off in public is the purest expression of philosophy
Samu when are you going to add a /moe/ filter so I can hide specific usernames
most of life is "unknown unknowns", no? Things you don't know that you don't know
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
literally 99% of life is unknown unknowns but hey civilization is rather predictable despite that models dont work in the long run uiu // you area a machine that manufactures more machines ideas are just mental footholds
i moved something leaning against this and two more panel fell down
>>1123082 update, it was very tasty! fairly strong grapefruit taste, but nice and refreshing \o/
Bandle #662 2/6 🟨🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜ Found: 60/65 (92.3%) Current Streak: 3 (max 7) #Bandle #Heardle #Wordle got the artist first guess didn't think the bpm was that fast for that song