>>1121769 if you belive strong enough you can achieve anything! everything! (c) ... that what Walt Disney & Holywood taught us.
I can compress 1 file that been copied over 200x times, and takes 200x space on drive, in to 1 file size. Am I winning, Elon?
The compression is not interesting. XZ is best thing we have now. even with it's status, it receives exploits.
What's interesting and good, it's the fact boys provided raw data.zip , hopefully with file specifications parsing parameters (where?). and that gives hope. like developing apps for this thing and their device. a whole new market.
as for compression .. idk what's the deal with it, they could have 1TB/s fibre channel link connected.
Hopefully nobody wastes their time and resources on developing for Neuralink haha
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean if there is a systematic regularity to the neural data it's possible in theory but i doubt there is, this is brain waves we're talking about
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
e.g. suppose you could take a photo of a DNA strand with an electron microscope then if you had an algorithm that could convert that photo into letters of base pairs like GATTACATAGGATTTAGGA that would effectively be a like 10,000x compression algorithm
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
however since we haven't established a base individuated alphabet for neuronal activity, and i doubt we could turn it into anything so simple, they're going to have to find another way... improving the signal quality and/or bandwidth
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/watch?v=8vJiSSAMNWw time to finally pack up and get over there i was gonna do this early morning but i guess we'll have to settle for afternoon
Also I absolutely love how the banners you equip actually are physically present in the battle And it's not just floating above the formation or something, it actually makes one of the troops in the squad hold it. It's not an extra guy for the banner, it's just one of your regular guys holding it
Obviously, for these guys this is technically suboptimal, as archery is a twohanded affair, but this banner gives them 30% extra movement speed during combat, which is VERY handy both for saving time against smaller armies, and for positioning midbattle
For instance, 30% extra movement speed against a hypothetical enemy composed of only infantry is effectively a guaranteed win by having my guys just back up after shooting until the enemy is terminated They run out of ammo, but missed shots can be picked up again And each guy has like 48 arrows, plus these guys barely ever fucking miss, and few troops can keep standing after 2 arrows, most struggle after one arrow
The art of the deal I'm just one mercenary band, and I've made an actual kingdom willing to pay me to end hostilities
But I'm gonna find the top dog, cause this is just an underling The 5000 is exactly 5000 cause that's this guy's whole bank account (due to my harrassment) I expect the sultan has a lot more gold
No actually he's FLAT BROKE The sultan has 0 coin
as part of the peace negotiations, I got him to marry his daughter to my brother
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im in the blade runner hotel again er tiny perfect cyberpunk rooms hotel again its so cute
that would be cool if thats how they list the add for the room about cyber punk that is
cant find my chopsticks how to eat these cheeto puffs
with toes as per usual?
>>1121816 maybe you can put a player up in the casa looks like it could use a pool tho, kind of airid
I've got my brother's wife governing it, cause I fenagled that marriage specifically for that purpose She's of the culture I appropriated the joint from Which gives + loyalty, SOMEWHAT counteracting the - loyalty stemming from my culture being a different one
getting them to just let me have the castle cost like 100K though, which did hurt the bank account, but I built up a good buffer
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1121815 the shower pod has a toilet half and a shower half i doubt much steam is escaping it
i snjoy it it has the whole integration which is nice it even has achievements i wonder if every hotel has the exact same room setup worldwide for this brand
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its a pretty efficient use of space so i bet it is i bet they got the german autist globetrotters on lock
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
spaghnum moss me suck a fuckin ho me i love it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ill try it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
god i hope the car is ok i decided to try driving down here instead of training but man having to deal witb parking suxx id rather just be freed of that anyway its just in a sketchy parking towerr
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the insurance premiums for this car went down this year cuz i drove it so infrequently i wonder if the drive down here is as far as i drive it all year probably not but a good chunk
im tryin to find thw words to describe this girl w/o being disrespectful, etc
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
seattle feels like a video game there are zombified people everywhere also there are electric scooters everywhere so you can fast travel easily
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just walked by the city's gayest bar
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
most lesbian bar*
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why arent cass colorful anymord
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man the fact that all these hotel rooms are exactly the same layout makes them feel like some kinda respawn
>>1121786 let me fix it for you: (improved version 2.0)
Gambling addict flag. • stripe for martingale strategy • an stripe for slots • an stripe for CS/valorant/LoL skin trade • a stripe for casino & roulette to not hit the zero • an stripe for sport betting leaked games that been totally arranged & faked • an dopamine addiction stripe • a gambling becomes gaming stripe • at this point flag could totally be an layered pyramid • an stripe for those who get dopamine hit from an idea to become successful streamer & receive donations • an stripe for fakes & scams • forex trading stripe • an internet & media addiction stripe • (an stripe for bright side node pathway) • an stripe where Kirara, S C, Marsh, Samu & Capey help & guide healing & recovery aka NGE Congratulations Ending.
my dang pseudo-kingdom is BLEEDING money I'm legit only kept afloat by hunting down enemy parties and selling all the shit they drop I am not in the red, but I am not in the green I really need that next fief so I can start printing some money
ok, back to work ... >>>/watch?v=d_9DYfRMycI so you connect neuralink with star link and ... as for compression challenge, in theory they could build archive dictionary to suit their needs, and store it on chip
N1 implant generates ~200Mbps of eletrode data (1024 electrodes @ 20kHz, 10b resolution) and can transmit ~1Mbps wirelessly. So > 200x compression is needed. Compression must run in real time (< 1ms) at low power (< 10mW, including radio).
>wiressly? but we all now about current, modern, wireless standarts delays, lags, high latency, loss of packets
ok, I got ya, we all want it wireless, but.. you don't come up with cutting edge implant and wait ages for wireless technology and compression algorythms to catch up. while your product not being pushed in to prod market. you make the POC MVP out of what you have, available on market, ready for consumers (e.g. fiber optics?) and then wait for wireless compression enthusiasts to catch up without delaying a product.
Wouldn't be the first time he made a big lie to try to disrupt the market and increase his investors.
>>1121858 xcuse me, let me intervene and interject you for 5 seconds and insert my 5 cents between 2 pieces of your skin.
*tips fedora* _tips_ _her_ _fedora_ (when markup be fixed, Samu?)
ok, back to discusssion. wait . . . h o w? hmm OHIsee Thank you! nodsgenerously let me try again one more time from the beginning
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
You gotta do one word at a time likethis
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
with the asterisks
>>1121858 xcuse me, let me intervene and interject you for 5 seconds and insert my 5 cent coin
Elon being a polarized figure. I am supportive of his companies. Especially that we share core common interests in business areas. But the problems come from his politicalgestures ... let me phrase it this way? It's not like I am having problem with his political opinions, he have all rights to express himself. It's more like we watching le Grand Stage with human actors.
And some times, as we watch people, we see contradictions, like their business contradict their politics. You know, confusing things. And, oh boy, I know, history is unpredictable thing and not set in stone. In past 10 years, we seen quite a radicalisation in media & masses. IMO for any global leaders (including busuness ventures, & Elon) is to be a little bit more toned down & polite to peole with different opinions.
Elon has a loooooooong and widely documented history of lying. I don't like his politics, but his major problem is that he's a compulsive liar who will do anything to get ahead even if it means sacrificing others to do. He has 11 children, 9 of which he has abandoned completely and has previously denied the existence of. His Neuralink is being investigated for violating animal rights laws because it killed more than 2000 animals and didn't properly document the research, and this was only discovered after they provided erroneous documents to the FDA to get permission for human testing. The reality is that they performed horrific crimes against animals and tortured them to death - this is documented. He sabotaged a Ukrainian submarine in the early part of the Russian invasion of Ukraine after a close conversation with Putin and right after he agreed to help Ukraine. He's been hit with fines for stock market manipulation multiple times. He's been successfully sued for slander/libel before after spreading falsehoods about a guy who rescued kids from a cave being a pedophile. He lies about where he got his money - which was of course from literal slavery in South Africa. Oh, he sabotaged high speed rail in California and has admitted he did so by lying about the feasibility of Hyperloop in order to be able to sell more cars. He's lied about the quality of his cars and every single Cybertruck has been recalled. There are probably a hundred other instances that I can't think of off the top of my head. Oh yeah, he has lied a lot about Twitter's business dealings and moderation practices too.
He's also never invented anything so he lies about being an inventor, too. He just buys patents.
Bandle #649 5/6 🟥🟥⬛🟥🟩⬜ Found: 52/57 (91.2%) Current Streak: 1 (max 7) #Bandle #Heardle #Wordle https://bandle.app/ now here's bandlewall
My game crashed directly following this :< thank god my medical skill is really high, otherwise I'd have lost so many men. Instead they got knocked out for the most part Not that it matters since it crashed before it saved, but at least I know my group can do it
There's always something a bit neat and polished feeling about anime like Mushoku Tensei and Overlord where the main character's got separate voices for their internal thoughts and their like, actual speech Granted, it's something that just about only makes sense for isekai, but it's still pretty cool how they stick with it
>>1121867 Thnx, Kirara, it's nice to see your support. My character developed just giving up on world, often. It's nice to receive some motivation from anonymous stranger & especially from you.
I asked ai sd to generate poster with text "do it for Kirara", but sd don't generate text on images properly yet
I wanted to bring Bioshock as an argument in defence of Elon, compromises for progress. But Kirara kindly & gently reminded me that in reality there are people who contribute to progress without making a trouble.
But again, Kirara, what would you say to the facts that at many times we do not have an free choice, not having an alternative. Example is on many levels, from duopoly on computing hardware market, continuing to software monopolies, and then extending to a State government, unfair laws systems in place.
In other words some times, there are no viable alternative to the system in place, and we can't make our own. So the only choice we have is to be part of the BORG.
>>1121880 A better world is always possible if we fight for it. We just have to keep moving in the right direction. If we never stop moving forward, we'll end up at our destination no matter what.
>>1121884 idk thnx for trying to argue with me and playing a role of advocate of an angel but, aren't we living already in dystopia? it's just quite obvious how wrong are many things with the world. But I solely don't have enough resources to fix it. Neither, doubt, you. And even if thousands of people sign some petition or make some contribution to cause, that's still not enough resources to compete with globally wrong things. Like, for example, we can't stop war in Myanmar or whatever place variable you may insert. Or solve the world hunger. And some times system in place is already rooted against us or good things. And some times it's just a question of personal responsibility. How broad, wide or limited it is. And for the question "can we work and cooperate with person(individual)(entrepreneur) who have bizzare opinions on social media?" answer might be "may be, yes?" cause it helps humanity & economy.
>>1121885 Think of it as ten thousand candles. Yours is the only one lit, but you can light them one at a time. You can't light them all up by yourself, but if you just keep spreading light, things will get better around you. Isn't it enough to just light up your corner of the world? I'd like to wrap the entire world in my robes but I can't no matter how hard I try. So I just do what I can.
Just do the best you can with what you have. If everyone does their best to make the world around them better, the world will get better. It's all we can do.
I've tried to find a screenshot where Mamimi made altar of cigs and candles, on ground, praying, but was unable. But you got the idea. Lighting up more candles will still require to register own private church, religion. And by the time it gains traction, the movement will require compromises and won't be slick as initial origin.
Some times I think of world as a scene stage, and some Players or Actors (how would you say) are being pushed to play their roles by script writers. E.g. if we were at higher position or place, it could be ouroboros, like remember the ending of Gurren Lagan.
Man. That's all planetary expiriment about rising awareness. But being "awake" is not a guarantee by itself per se, to have happy life & prosper.
the average norh korean is not going south, because the cost of action is so high & the hard journey involves lethal risks, it's easier and comfy just to stick with dao, status quo. same for average african. the world is a candle, consist of human lifes candles.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we'll have bizarre celebrations let's pretend we don't exist let's pretend we're in antarctica
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just want a brunette with curly hair and strong eyebrows
>>1121950 I saw a comment about it on another video that was something like >You can portray me as a coomer, but don't you DARE portray me as a fat coomer lol
It's like a Maccas ad instead of showing a bunch of friends having fun at the beach or whatever. It's a fat cunt going there alone at 3 in the morning and cramming a burger down his throat while sitting in the car.
my freakin server motherboard only has one nvme slot reeee the case is so huge i could put 12 HDDs in it i wonder if you have to add more sata ports via PCI-e or a separate controller? or are there splitters idk anyway the used motherboard having only one nvme... man what am i DOING guess ill have to lod up on 2.5mm ssds
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah we're the halal guys, pf course we garlic hot sauce criss-cross
>>1121977 There's an old lady on the subway I ride in the morning who will, at about that frequency, do a very loud throat-clearing "MMHM" I think she's just got some kind of congestion problem, maybe this old man does too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ya i assume just old people tings
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
took. random exit drove a bit randomly wnr // and ended up at an archery range at the foot of a mountain guess im doin archery today
I got some good looking filets cause it was on sale, but I'm too tired and lazy to make proper dinner so I'm legitimately just frying two slices in a pan and gonna eat that as is
I was gonna do rice with them, but again, too tired to deal with it
I should get some garlic marinated potats tomorrow on my way home from work Maybe actually get a garlic as well and fry that together with the whole thing, you can always add more garlic to foo d
and yet, when you order something with garlic, they're real stingy with it I guess it's cause a lot of people somehow don't really like garlic? I chalk that up to some sort of neurological condition, but whatever the case they should just not order the garlic stuff then
I think it's one of those things that's hard to gauge in large-batch meals Like salt Restaurant food is chronically under-salted, and I'm pretty sure both that and inadequate garlic can be accounted to it being hard to measure out
oh, that kinda makes sense
There is some occasional cultural stigma against garlic, although I don't know how much impact that has in modern society Amongst a lot of European cultures, garlic was seen as "poverty spice", as if you were rich you could afford the luxury spices that came from other parts of the world, whereas the poorer folk only had garlic to season their food, besides salt And there is the term "garlic eater" which is used in east Asia, primarily by the Japanese, as a derrogatory term for Korean people You were an inferior race for liking garlic a lot Which is dumb shit, garlic is great, Koreans have that spot on
I wonder if that's how garlic became the anti-vampire item, what with vampires being basically stand-ins for the bourg Though, so is the cross, so maybe not, unless that was a sort of "the underclass are the real christians" thing
Well I'm pretty sure the idea of vampiric creatures predate the literary metaphor of the Draculean vampire being the bloodsucking bourgeosie As proper monsters of folklore, the santicity of the Cross and purity of things like running water were probably attributed to them, and later got folded into the mythos of the Draculean vamp
>>>/watch?v=lwsx-eByl1o its just so classic always gets me i guess sips was pre-recorded in this? he doesn't react to NL at all idk how this game works
Well I am sorry about my twitter homepage. I'm not sorry that I enjoyed watching ten korean nerds virtually beat the piss out of each other using fantasy moba characters as a proxy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ive watched OW before ehich is a pretty boring viewer experience tbh but at least its not league
ew i just tried to watch that league highlight why do top down mobas disgust me so theres just a paucity of action and dynamism just a buncha blobs sorta wiggling around
so do girls actually orgasm when you pat them on the bum?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I mean how realistic is this show? About fighting aliens. and then when your battle energy levels are depleted you need to increase your heart compatibility levels so you go to a pop-up love hotel in the middle of the battlefield. and they can't actually have sex so there's just a lot of grinding and dry humping and stuff.
lol turns out the neuralink sample data is just horribly sampled i did look at it and think"huh they're only using like 10% of the dynamic range" they really need to process it better on device before making aspirations for magic algorithms
I kind of just clicked on this out of curiosity but it was really well made and good and i watched the full think >>>/watch?v=ZRXKZSqvtrw im not even a runner.
I spent so much time preparing to assert my claim as god-sultan, the rest of the continent has been reduced to basically just two other kingdoms Well, 3, but one's Battania, and they're fairly easy to beat into submission anyway Sieging them may be a bit rough, but battles in the field are pretty easy cause all their non-archer units are kinda stinky They need immense numerical superiority to even pose a threat
though, their archers are admittedly the best archers in the game, and also one of the top-tier infantry units in the game as far as shock troops go anyway
pouring all the soda into a plastic bag and saying I made transporting it to the store a lot easier When asked "what about the fucking bottles, dipshit" I simply tell them those aren't necessary cause you can't even eat them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sooo true wait you can eat plastic bags?
necessary sacrifice
I guess you could use biodegradable plastic bags Those are TECHNICALLY edible, I think
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man little soda bubbles made of fiber that you can eat like soup dumplings
that might actually go hard
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
time to spend three years cultivating the perfect cubic celery
Once I finish conquering Calradia in this playthrough, I'm gonna start another campaign where I'm a lot quicker about it I'm really at the very edge of what's doable in this campaign, my enemies are too few and too consolidated
> The operation of the Neuroplatform currently relies on an architecture that can be classified as wetware: the mixing of hardware, software, and biology. The main innovation delivered by the Neuroplatform is through the use of four Multi-Electrode Arrays (MEAs) housing the living tissue – organoids, which are 3D cell masses of brain tissue.
Each MEA holds four organoids, interfaced by eight electrodes used for both stimulation and recording. Data goes to-and-fro via digital analog converters (Intan RHS 32 controller) with a 30kHz sampling frequency and a 16-bit resolution. These key architectural design features are supported by a microfluidic life support system for the MEAs, and monitoring cameras.
thinking rocks move over AI waifus based on little brain bits in petri dishes incoming
A girl, my age ish, at work didn't know what an orc was. I mean, she's a turbo normie and all - but even so I thought it was pretty CULTRUALLY UBIQUITOUS at this point. eye opening.
well not everybody saw harry potter or lotr I suppose that or have forgot enough to forget that
i mean to be fair, what an orc is changes a lot depending on setting the name is the same, but they vary a lot in terms of what exactly they are like in TES, they're god poop
or wait no, their god is god poop they themselves are uh, descended? from that guy, or something like that?
>>1122200 Yeah but it's not like she had a different interpretation of the concept. That would be understandable as you say She'd just straight up never heard of it. like "what is that?"
they're like the super mutants in fallout 3, except more pig-like
but yeah it is weird to be entirely unaware of the concept I guess if you're just entirely uninterested in fantasy fiction, it kinda makes sense, but even then you'd think just cultural osmosis would have introduced the concept
No i meant just women knowing more than men about fashion term in general. i didn't even make it over to the right side of the table. Just nutted and tabbed out after the word "strafe"
I never entirely figured out what kinda coloration pork is supposed to have when it's properly cooked hopefully I'm not poisoning myself beef is a lot easier, cause it's edible pretty much no matter how much or little you cook it you just gotta cook it to the extent any like, disease in there is killed, if applicable
honestly isn' it a little fucked up how we are entirely capable of eating meat, but we constantly have to cook that shit or we get fucked up? actual failure of a predator species
I think what happened is that we started cooking meat to derive more nutrients out of it and as a result, eating became safer, which meant that those with the defenses necessary to withstand eating raw meat were no longer selected for. So after a very long time, humanity just lost that.
But you've also got to remember that most animals are running around full of parasites pretty much all the time. Especially carnivores. Modern humans don't get as many parasites because we work really hard to avoid them, even before cooking.
I don't think that's real, animals in general seem to be just fine
>>1122257 Defining homo sapiens as a predator species is a little bit incorrect, even if by behaviour we act as one We're more of an herbavoric, prey-leaning species which discovered our evolutionary traits happened to end up being useful for hunting and pivoted towards a balance of herbavoric plant matter gathering and carnivorous hunting
>>1122261 You probably don't spend a lot of time around wild animals. They're all full of parasites. Ticks, worms, everything you can think of. When you're hunting and cleaning your catch, you have to work really hard to make sure you're not getting parasites. Some animals do resist parasites better than others of course, and many of them have defenses against them so they don't affect them the same way they do us. But like I said, we've lost those defenses. Early humans were probably more resistant.
But even if you look at chimpanzees, you see a number of endemic parasites. For example, many primates get malaria which is a parasite!
so cooking our food was a terrible decision in retrospect, and now we just suck at handling raw meat
We can also live for eighty-odd years because we don't risk the parasites and other complications due to consuming raw meat
It is always far, far safer to consume meat which has minimal risk of parasites, even for wild animals, it's just those wild animals can't control parasite elimination on their own And cooking meat is by far the most straightforward way of reducing parasite risk The fact that we've gotten worse at handling raw meat is by far a vastly insignificant downside to all the value cooking meat brings us
Cooking is a major factor in us developing the level of intelligence that we have. Cooking allowed us to absorb nutrients more effectively which drastically increased our ability to develop our body. We sacrificed some resistance to parasites but what we got in return allows us to even consider that there was a trade-off.
I was probably understandably really, really obsessed with misfile for a while If I knew what tumblr was I'd probably have had a very different trajectory in life
>The Dendra armor, one of the oldest suits of bronze armor ever found, had been considered a purely ceremonial piece. It seemed impossible to use in battle due to its cumbersome design.
>It took over a decade of research, elaborate numerical models, and 13 Greek marines fighting in it from dawn till dusk to prove it was surprisingly good at its job, despite its odd appearance. “This made the Mycenaean warriors some of the best equipped in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Late Bronze Age,”
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
absolute tank of a unit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
touching grass touching fern, actually
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
touching three-leafed vine
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
communing with ancient tree god
Commuting with ancient tree god
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Cum uting with ancient tree god
As expected of the Fauna fan
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
please do not stick your piece in 100 year old organisms unless they consent
pretty nice free game https://b0tster.itch.io/nmkart
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I was benching 112*3 And i was filming it for like.. Form analysis an stuff And you can see in the video some guy walk up behind me because it didn't look like I was going to finish out the third rep.
I did though The concern is unwarranted. But thank you for being considerate
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I have pinned myself underneath the bar in the past though, so maybe not entirely unwarranted.
But MOSTLY, I have a pretty good innate sense of my limits and how hard to push things
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what a kind volunteer spotter
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
It's perfect. Instead of going through the hassle of asking for a spot just look like you're about to accidentally end yourself and people will jump in to do it without any promoting