i didn't even know they did diss tracks anymore, but apparently drake got the gordon ramsay treatment recently
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i listened to it a bit this morning i am not super caught up on the beefs tho
all I know is he got called a pedophile, which really is the fucking nuclear option as far as publicly aired disputes go
It's not like that's new news though
honestly I've only vaguely heard shit about him dating technically underage girls or something, but I think anyone reaching for 'pedophile' when talking about someone dating a 17 year old or something is genuinely not mentally well
but, for all I know it's worse I don't know, I don't keep up with celebs much, I just get information dripfed through whatever shows up in my feed on twitter and I never really look into it
>>1119663 Yeah but preferring to date seventeen year-olds when you're in your thirties?
yeah it's weird and skeezy and whatever, but it's just not a word I think applies doesn't really matter though
I'm applying the minimum wage principle here If not for minimum wage, corporations would love to pay you less If this wasn't the absolute bare minimum you could chase girls at and not be actually called a pedophile, I'm not convinced people would go lower if they could
To some extent that is a fair enough way to look at it, but it is inherently kinda infinitely recursive It does track though, especially when dealing with like, super famous people and the like who, really, have a lot of fucking options and there's no shot they just happened to only vibe with the minor by pure chance
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1119663 mentally unwell? that's pretty normal discourse in my experience
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1119667 17 year olds and 12 year olds look pretty different and dating a 17 year old is still a bad look
in other news though, i made it through the afternoon\evening shift, and I was only moderately lightheaded due to being haunted by Thoughts which is good, that's better than usual I think I fucked up my shoulderblades by sleeping wrong though, so hopefully that's better when I go back in like 9 hours
really I think it's the ritalin too much of that stuff, and it redirects all the Bad Thoughts outwards, but with like, the actually prescribed dose I've got now, it just sorta, I dunno, muffles it all It's still going and going and going, but it's kinda like, not related to me It's like it goes from emotional and directed at me, to some sort of intellectual exercise I still can't disagree with me, but it's abstract and muted, so it doesn't fuck me up as much I do get kinda lightheaded still though, zone out a bit, lost my balance a few times
I don't really understand the mechanics of it all though Like why does it muffle the Bad Thoughts, but give power to whatever's in there telling me to stop taking that shit so seriously? I mean they're both actually bad thoughts, but the latter is a lot less distressing cause it's like, a defense mechanism basically The catastrophizing and scenarios of humiliation and betrayal stress me out and make me start thinking about stuff that really isn't good, so by just pushing that all down, I'm maybe not solving anything, possibly making it all a lot worse long term, but short term, it makes me more stable
that stable condition is gradually declining, sure, but really I'm just confused why that's seemingly made more potent, while the other stuff is made more quiet shouldn't it be both or neither? they're both ultimately harmful, self-destructive thoughts, and for that matter why would ritalin even do shit there when it's just a stimulant? In higher doses, sure, it makes me externalize it all, but that kinda makes sense because well, it's a fucking stimulant, high doses of that stuff amps you up and makes you aggressive and impulsive, so of course your inner mental is gonna be weaponized in service of that But why would smaller doses kinda even you out like this?
Sometimes the circling thoughts aren't even like, harmful outright, and those pass through just fine Like if I get tracked onto just telling myself I just gotta accept I'll never actually be happy, that sticks around, and it calms me down a lot
completely forgot i had a password for this phone and got locked out luckily I wrote it down somewhere
dang I hate that androids all good but the coompetitor such a drag if that call to the 1888 fails and being suck locked out and the phone operator giving the old "sorry can't help ya" routein stuck*
fr fr
>>1119677 It's good being able tell the differance between positive and negitive thoughts. rather then being only focusing on negitivity. It's a sign of mental growth.
none of what I described is a positive thought
like yeah comparatively, maybe But all of this is self-destructive the "positive" voices aren't contradicting the ones convincing me I'm utterly fucked and should just minecraft they're just saying it's true, but because I can't do much about it, I should be so stressed about it
it calms me down from a point of basically total collapse, not like, in general
I'm still convinced, intermittedly, all my friends\"friends" want to see me in pain and humiliated But I'm told by a voice that's more prominent than ususal that that's OK and I should just accept that because I deserve it
None of this is good I understand it's not good, but I'm not actually able to disagree with it emotionally because it's not external
all of this shit is ME speaking to ME well, aspects of me speaking to whatever the fuck this is it's not multiple persoanlities or like, a system or whatever, that's honestly kind of part of the issue Nothing up here, "me" included, is like, a fully formed person this just happened to be the one seemingly in control of the body itself so I get to say I'm me the only thing anything agrees on is the result of this whole thing is irredeemable
um those are definitely my family cats we put them on timed feeders, but the feeders don't go off at exactly the same moment, so you get some predictable fights for dominance
ohh i see its optimized for engagement like everything else a randomly generated AI recipe is more likely to cause intrigue and generate dopamine than your standard omelette recipe
>>>/@HoDaRaKe/1786667083159286227photo/1 i'll have a uhhh Two gourmet meats stirfried with a jar of curry powder, a bird egg and one massive purple mushroom
the introduction and translator's notes at the start, before the actual text begins, of this translation of The Prince are both actually way, way more interesting than the book I thought this thing was like, a Big Deal, but actually it's kinda stinky? Maybe it just speaks to how easy information has become to access with the internet, but none of this even passes as insightful
Bandle #631 6/6 ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟥🟩 Found: 43/46 (93.5%) Current Streak: 3 (max 7) #Bandle #Heardle #Wordle https://bandle.app/ the shit that bandle calls two difficulty is stuff I've never heard
Connections Puzzle #333 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟦🟩 🟩🟩🟦🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦 bizarro land where I do better at connections
>A look inside illegal drone deliveries at B.C.'s prisons >The Union of Canadian Correctional Officers says the number of drones dropping off weapons and drugs into B.C.'s prisons is "daily" with packages coming in different disguises, shapes and sizes.
hell yea Randle estimates there are five to 30 drone sightings, collectively at the institutions, per week, in B.C.
we're gonna have to build domes over the max security prisons
holy moly
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean maybe this is just scaremongering to get more budget idk sounds cyberpunk tho
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
edm 4 goals 14 shots van 3 goals 21 shots
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow they scored 2 goals in like two minutes lets go
look at em freakin out running back and forth they need more space
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>today, 58 years after the start of the program, there is now a large, sustainable population of domesticated foxes. These animals have no fear of humans, and actively seek out human companionship. The most friendly are known as “elite” foxes. wow they did it
but these foxes are probably wild rescues not the domesticated breed
>The tame Russian red fox is the only domesticated breed of fox, developed from selective breeding experiments in Russia. These foxes behave a lot like dogs and can be wonderful pets for those who can afford to buy and care for them (they tend to be very expensive).
apparently they can stink bad
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
makes sense potty training gotta take thousands of years of domestication
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>The problem is that most Vulpine foxes (red foxes and their close kin) have active scent glands and skunky smelling urine. Even washing them will not get rid of these odors, but neutering can reduce them. The Urocyon gray foxes do not have these odors oic oic
maybe another diet can reduce the odor like apple juice or some shit
another diet coke for foxy
that would be too acidic for a fox might as well be just regular coke a cola at that point
shilling? what do you think this is i'd like to be less consumptive and more creative but idk i don't think that belongs here, I don't have a moe project that would generate daily content
my emotions are crazy all iver the place these days probably because there are several things im super behind on also some days im super alone and other days im traveling
Hey Samu your good at stuff, i.e. (chess) probs up there on the site if someones good at something like really good and getting better (not chess) hows does one break thought the barrier and get pog on the net and become famed up as a creator?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bro pasting their question whaddahek
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no is this the gram schizopoaster again
typed in a text editor, sick of schizz dialog :P
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you want to get famed up ez sauce it's simple have rich parents
that aint gonna do it for real though shit aint got anything to do with but breaking through how does one do that? thats the question yo.
breaking through is easy first of all, be born with rich parents then get saleably good at something like being a singer songwriter in a band (super easy barely an inconvenience btw) then get your parents to pay all the hot people to show up to your shows
OR become the absolute best in the world at some obscure talent, then grind for 10 years
cuz like I beat Samu once and out of like ummm 30 game losses so not only do I know what thats like to have at least one maybe two victorys anno know the uffkin skill level that he's rollin on
but theres a method to start up stardom maddness don't really care about the fame, more or less just showcasing a skill set for others to enjoy
Probs have more success getting your parents too though at that point.
>>become the absolute best in the world at some obscure talent, then grind for 10 years
Ya thats more or less what anno's taking about, have no fear of reaching that potential max out. and getting some props for hard work rendered, thats what it's all about. there's gota be a way though, like not making some of these same mistakes that these talent agencys made in limmiting exposure by demographic. If hard works been already in the mix and experiacne gained then there should be nothing at all in the way. Like the hard parts done, sky's the limit.
yeah my brother just use your noggin find that edge and apply leverage
i mean i wouldnt try to become a youtuber hy youtubing just like build cool machines idk make something cool 90% of people dont ever create stuff if you follow your intuition and passion for what interests you then that is a path
it is so utterly fucked up that the whole northern hemisphere is lit up like a fucking christmas tree, but here I am IN NORWAY and all I've got is a bit of a bright blue tint across the northern edge of the sky this is not cosmic wonder, this is cyberpunk daylight
Unfortunate dog Xddddd I would put myself in your shoes kys <--- translation
It's the viih sou challange how many viih sou to get me my** acc banned low ranking any way should make a smurf and cook the books maybe then I'll be in the 1000 ranking and hold it there for perms.
>>1120029 It's so messed up, man People are seeing LSD shit in the sky around the world and here I sit in a country that actually covers areas that consistently get these things and I don't get SHIT
>>1120034 it's the same in every meme angelic looking image rave laser lights, shhhh.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i // sadly here the effect is not so pronounced maybe i should drive somewhere with less light pollution i wonder if there will be any more tonight
Yeah, I didn't really see much during the stretch of the night I was awake for Figured that was thanks to the fact that it was a bit overcast and there's a tonne of light pollution around here Although apparently some people were seeing a good show around four in the morning near where I live If I'd known to be awake at that time for it I probably would've stayed up or set an alarm
Me personally? I have yet to see them Too far south in the country
Well, I DID temporarily live far enough up north for a little bit I think, but not at the right time of year cause my ass dropped out Hell maybe you can sometimes catch it up in Trondheim, but I don't think so
>>>/watch?v=jGGtAt10ll8 what did she ask? >have you ever fired a second? i think like fired a coach
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nevermind super old chess memes hmmmmm i gonna become a basic human again and walk around under the sun
it is midnight it is 30 degrees uuuu
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1120045 I kind of like you better as an unhinged cave goblin
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what the hell man
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i do t hink of my apartment kind of as a cave in the sky its just like a U shaped bit of concrete really well there are some complications but mostly that's it feels very much like a primal shelter from the elements sometimes