finally, I return home in 10 hours, I go back into the breach evening shift followed by morning shift is bad for the morale, but otherwise it's pretty good I guess
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1119036 what kind of place is it? just general retail
it's just the local grocery store, yeah I don't really mind the actual work, though that could be said for any work that doesn't involve heavy lifting, which I just can't really do cause I'm weak I don't really care what I do the 8 hours (technically 7 presently, but this is like a work training program in name if nothing else) I'm at work I'd prefer to work the register though, just cause I get anxiety about my work speed, and that's easy to avoid when I have a very clear indicator of doing good enough
I've worked in a grocery before, I prefer the register You get to sit in one place and you're supposed to do that at most you gotta stock the stuff nearby the register and the tobacco throughout the day, but all of that's small stuff and really easy, and ignored when there's someone approaching the register
dealing with people is easy enough anyway, and besides you gotta deal with more stuff when you're stocking shelves not to mention the pit of despair that is jars of jam and stuff like that, too unstable to be shelved without their little cardboard tray, but the tray itself is also not solid enough to be stable so you're fighting to keep it balanced the moment it leaves whatever surface you have it on all the way onto the shelf
a significant detriment of having to work morning after evening is I get so little time awake at home I guess I should consider myself somewhat blessed I don't really need that much sleep, or more like the normal amount doesn't do much better for me than like, 4-5 hrs It's not like I get a full rest from that, I just don't get the full rest either way
well, lately Like all things, it comes and goes in waves
>>1119094 I'm not a politician. Don't worry about that then.
>>1119096 honestly it seems the most reliable way to have the nuclear waste signage would be as like, I dunno, a simplified diagram of uranium and a skull+crossbones "This shit is fucking dangerous, and also if you're still advanced enough to understand it, this is the shit we got in there"
I mean obviously it's not just uranium in there, but uranium is, you know, the shit we used in most of our nukes and stuff It's probably easy enough to figure out it's "radioactive shit" based on the skull+crossbones next to it
>A 1993 report from Sandia National Laboratories recommended that such messages be constructed at several levels of complexity. They suggested that the sites should include foreboding physical features which would immediately convey to future visitors that the site was both man-made and dangerous, as well as providing pictographic information attempting to convey some details of the danger, and written explanations for those able to read it.
nah you can't just slap a sign that says "uranium" on it people will be like 'whoa sick graffiti' or just ignore it people tune out shit all the time it's not easy to get a message across hence the fact they came up with architecture and an overlapping series of messages to really beat any primitive dudes 9,000 years in the future over the head with the message that yes this is actually bad, not just a Cool Place for Bad Bitches
I mean if the skull and crossbones doesn't deter, we're dealing with people who would kill their own ass anyway if they're at a point where a skull and bones have stopped meaning death, they've gotten to the point radiation probably isn't an issue
probably fine to just leave it in a steel cage anyway worst case scenario, like a handful of people pop in, melt, and everyone else goes "FUCK THAT" in whatever new language they're using at that point
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
source dude just trust me i am a nuclear waste containment expert nuclear waste is easy and fun to contain especially when it has been breached by randos
I mean that's fair but there is actually nothing that can be done to ensure nobody ever cracks it open If we found a big box in the desert with the messages involved here, even if we could just outright read them, WE would crack the thing open sooner or later
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sadly there are no bedrock blocks IRL everything can be busted open anyway i'd wager this was a fairly responsible try compared to just saying 'fuck it' and risking the groundwater getting contaminated for 5000 years
Like don't get me wrong, it's an admirable goal and I mean it is good to do But also like there's no way to prevent it on the timescale of "English has been erased from historical records"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you're using black and white thinking nothing is 100% preventable this is probably good
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway every catchphrase gets diluted over time all turns into corn perhaps some things should be held sacred, but that's impossible really
>>1119100 Either way, I don't really do "projects".
for what it's worth, its dilution can only last so long as our culture, the ones who made the big box, remains So I don't think there's a real problem there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow you hate children!!!
why are we letting children close to the nuclear box forget signs, for as long as we remember what that thing is, there should be armed guards
>>1119110 I wasn't the anno that asked, don't worrie 1119100
I haven't really seen anything that's outright opposed to canon so far, to my knowledge I mean it's a little weird they're using caps, but if the NCR fell, that makes sense Really it'd make more sense for ammunition to be the currency though, like in metro bottlecaps have no value beyond their limited supply, and there ARE working ironworks like the one in FO4 that could conceivably start printing them if they wanted to Meanwhile ammunition's value is its utility, it doesn't matter if people start printing them, that's just... them having a lot of ammunition to trade with also significantly harder to manufacture at the tech level the wasteland has been reduced to, and it doesn't just have utility, practically everyone actually needs ammunition
holy shit is that the FALLOUT 3 ASSAULT RIFLE? L M A O
that thing was always so utterly scuffed
the BoS being around isn't THAT weird though, they've got blimps and shit
Also is this thing implying the blue color of the vault suits is because they wanted this guy to advertise?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1119137 by the end of 2 the BoS is almost gone thats why in new vegas, they have virtually no presence they're nobodies which is what theyre supposed to be BoS are the bad guys thematically, they're supposed to fade away into nothing just like the enclave
>>1119140 fair I think holding onto 1 and 2 as canon is a bit futile at this point though Then again, holding onto there BEING a canon is kinda futile cause they can't ever decide on shit ghouls need to and don't need to eat, jet is pre-war and also post-war, etc. etc. like those are small things obviously, but that's kinda what makes them indicative because they're utterly insignificant and will never be something you gotta retcon to make a story function and yet if you WANT a story with the enclave, like 3, you have to retcon some stuff, because they're gone, so you gotta bring them back for that, and it's not easy to just make up a different faction from scratch but you don't ever really find yourself written into a corner like "oh no, this falls apart if jet was invented AFTER the nukes fell" cause you can just literally use another drug, or fuck it, manufacture a new chem that's just jet, or rather, what jet was made to imitate. Pre-war ACTUAL Jet, the GOOD STUFF some weirdo started huffing cow shit to replicate
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well a lot of the series verifies 1 and 2 as canon the problem is that todd and bethesda don't understand the themes of fallout which is why they reverse all of the progress of 1 and 2 and even new vegas
if you ignore minor problems all of the chris/josh stuff is really easy to square away and is all thematically consistent
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1119142 making up a new faction from scratch is the easies thing in the world bethesda has done it multiple times for 3 and 4 and enclave being in the capital wasteland doesnt even bother me. it's so far away from the west coast, sure, maybe there's some guys there. i can live with that, it's not a big deal.
No I mean yes of course you can House and the Legion are that But neither of those are, you know, the remnants of the US government who worked kinda with vault-tec in preparation for establishing the US once more post-apocalypse
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the biggest problem is that bethesda is doing what 1 and 2 criticize: getting stuck on the past and refusing to move forward
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fallout is not about doing stuff in a terrible wasteland, it's about humanity's drive to move forward and continue civilization bethesda doesnt want civilization, they want a terrible wasteland
Really that's kinda what makes New Vegas so much more beloved Like yeah obviously overall it's just better made, but the story is also... not just looking for your dad It actually has something to do with the fucking state of the world (very literally the STATE of the world) Like sure Father runs the institute, but what are you even really choosing in 4's climax? The fate of specifically Boston? Cool I guess, but even 3 had way higher and more important stakes, although the choices literally boiled down to kill EVERYONE who isn't a vault dweller, or do not do that
actually kinda funny how the Fallout 3 main quest's conclusion is the exact same as probably the first sidequest you run into, with the nuke a moral conundrum so nice, they did it twice
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its funny that fallout 3 only has like 10 side quests in the entire game and NV has something like 80
some of the side quests, or bits of content anyway, in 3 are real neat I liked the tree But the way you end up playing 3, I literally never remember where it is cause for whatever reason I managed to put into my head that the entrance is near the mart the survivorguide author points you to
I never even touched, and never will, 76, and the reason is kinda simple No mods It's online, no mods Without mods these games lose steam pretty fast
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
3 is just nothing happens 4 is honestly the same bethesda doesnt know how to write fallout unless its centered entirely around family 3 is easily the worst of the bunch though the ending is so poorly written, some of the worst writing i've honestly ever seen
76 is superior to 3 and 4 unfortunately although i may play fallout london (the mod) once they fix it since bethesda made fallout 4 unplayable again
I actually really enjoyed 4, but that's just cause I... ignored the main quest again and went ramblin'
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i actually never finished 4 because i tried to on release and the memory leaks in boston for AMD GPUs rendered the game unplayable
don't bother lmao It is okay I guess, but really the finale is like, just a big shooting fest Which is fun, but also you get that by walking around in the wasteland, and then you don't gotta deal with bespoke cinematic set pieces and other junk, you can just go WHEEEEE IRON MAN STRONG and unload your laser gatling with maxed stats full curl into literally everything you see because you've got 99+ fusion cores and your armor could probably withstand the war that brought the world to its knees
Really the way they did powerarmor in 4 is fucking cool as shit, and something I wish we could retroactively slot into new vegas It's just so FUCKING cool IT'S A MECH It's a tiny mech, not just like, plate armor And you can paint it! And strap a jetpack on it, and also it comes with its own bespoke HUD and the helmet limits your vision, and it RUNS ON ITS OWN AMMUNITION? God they fucking nailed that shit, and I don't even care if it makes sense lorewise because if it doesn't, the old lore was bad
the total inability to reuse enemies' power armor is kinda dumb though They give you a suit like, as the actual first quest anyway, there's no reason not to make them available for use
they should have kept in needing training to use power armor properly though like make the player able to literally use it, but you're gonna need some training to use it effectively
I like the way they're dripfeeding the vault Makes them feel a lot more like I feel they should It's not just the lone wanderer sprinting in, putting a few rounds in some raider heads, and typing MOON into the console to read the full, uncensored logs of literally everything about the vault
How did any of that shit even make sense for the chem vault, anyway No shot anyone in there knew that shit beforehand and just went "yeah sure I'm opening the chem room, that'll be fine"
it's also kinda cool to actually get snapshots from before the war, that aren't 'as written by vault-tec'
sliding car doors, now that's fucking cool Unsure how you make that work with the backseats though
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
only my railgun can shoot it ima sugu
probably the part that is a bit dumb about the story though is that vaults being fucked up isn't, in itself, really much of a story in a fallout story Like that's the baseline the only ones we've really seen that aren't messed up is like, 101 and probably the one in the original? All the others have some crazy shit going on
I mean it makes sense as someone's first introduction to the franchise, but it's weird to spend the whole first season on it Like are we even gonna get another?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well there are a lot of control vaults even in NV there are some control vaults, but theyve mostly been destroyed by raiders and stuff and some vaults really just barely had anything malicious in their social experiments i do think 31-33 should have been more interesting though
well yeah, I just think as The Story, it isn't all that compelling because it's not really like... that much of a story? It's a few of hundreds of fucked up vaults, and its fucked up nature doesn't really affect anything outside its own residents
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it seems like its mostly there to set up kyle mclaughlin's character stuff
true It's kinda weird to have the seeming protagonist be a vault dweller but actually the most interesting stories are some NPC ghoul and a brotherhood squire I can't say I care too much about Lucy or her story, she's more like the vehicle for telling the story of the other two
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah lucy is basically a plot device more than a character
she did have a moment after the ghoul... potion... place, though I really liked them having her give him the meds he needed despite all he did I wouldn't But I like that they had her do that, they didn't just decide she's BADASS now Very good characterization
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
agreed honestly the show is really good despite my complaints i'd say its probably the best video game adaptation ive ever seen
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well, as far as western stuff goes
What I REALLY liked about that short bit though, is that neither choice would be wrong or right, really You can make a good case for either Which is why it said so much about her as a person that she actually went through the trouble of helping this guy who's been NOTHING but a piece of shit to her, since the moment she first laid eyes on him having them release the ghouls and stuff, that didn't say anything about her, not really, other than she's not a monster but putting a bullet through that guy's head wouldn't make her a monster
I'm still an episode and a half out from the end, and hopefully the actual finale is similar even if it's no more complicated than that little bit, I'll actually be satisfied
OK I can see why the lorebeards are upset It's a good show, but really, we're supposed to believe the vault experiments were actually to see which one would end up best suited for the post-apocalypse? that shit stupid
like I dunno bro, i'm worried about these vaults maybe not making it to the other side of the nukes why don't we have one where everyone's dosed with random psychoactive agents including ones that make you go fucking jonkler mode and kill people. Maybe that one will be well suited to usher in a new era of peace and prosperity for humanity
tHE only thing thats gonna usher that in gonna be the frequency
I'm gonna watch the Nuclear Physics Cinematic Universe movie (Oppenheimer)
What I'm taking from this and Queen's Gambit is I gotta start destroying my brain so I can start ceiling-visualizing and running like 10x computations a second in the brain
I read all three volumes of Kapital IN the original German
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1119220 >>1119221 yeah hes the guy who is like A GREAT DEAL OF MONEY TO BE MADE HERE which is the opposite of house's thing
Also the whole thing doesn't make sense, at all What, in the fuck, is there to be gained for any of these corporations, in investing large amounts of money into essentially R&D that can only BEGIN once... the corporations, indeed the economy itself, is gone? >>1119235 sure but that doesn't make SENSE because they won't Other than House himself, none of these mfers are getting a fucking thing out of this other than the chance of, after their death, a milkman robot making the rules for a bunch of proletariats in a steel box It's fucking stupid
The generation ship research theory is way, way more sensible than any of this
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
basically what theyre being promised is a chance to rule the world
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1119234 house survived, all these vault-tec guys did its unlikely that everyone in the room believes theyre not going to see the next world
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what the series is doing is saying that the old world people are coming to fuck up the new world
well I mean sure, but if this is what the whole thing was like, VERY OBVIOUSLY, House and the others for that matter, would themselves be the computer overseer of their own vaults >>1119237 yeah, I mean messaging-wise it works, it just doesn't make any real sense taken at face because again these are literally heads of industry being sold on investing money "for a return" after the WORLD ENDS
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
which again goes back to bethesda's problem they cannot stand to move forward
it not moving forward is like, halfway kinda whatever as far as I care, I'm fine with the story being "actually this species is fucking doomed to keep wiping itself out until nothing is left" But it's gotta actually nail that one if that's what it wants
for that matter if vault-tec dropped the nukes, or had them dropped bro why is the ghoul guy... uh, you know, not in the fucking vault when it does? Why is his family out at some random outing, when she's SECOND IN COMMAND OF VAULT TEC
like they had the time to put the brain roomba in the vault, but they just kinda let it fly when it came to someone that high up the chain, a position she got by possessing the qualities they're specifically seeking out FOR VAULT 31?
overall I do like the story though, season 2 might be cool even if I feel like they blew their load on this first season, and really the ending is the kind of ending a fallout kinda should have anyway, so maybe there is no S2
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1119241 i'd guess that even she didnt know when they were gonna drop or maybe they purposefully excluded him because they figured out he was spying theres a lot of stuff that doesnt make sense
>>1119243 season 2 already announced and confirmed to take place in vegas
oh shit wait which is the canon new vegas ending? will we get mr house on the big screen in his big house?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we don't know yet but in the ending of the series they pretty much show vegas as destroyed so they might just say "lol nobody knows what happened!" or its possible that its not actually destroyed and they just made it look worse for effect who the fuck knows
well if it's entirely destroyed, I feel we can probably to some degree assume the legion is the canon ending, since the NCR doesn't really have enemies capable of that once the legion is gone, and House wouldn't necessitate that sort of force anyway, I think >>1119248 I mean I saw all the lights go up
I didn't take note of new vegas showing up, at least
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
did you see the ending where it showed the city?
also courier can nuke the NCR in a DLC so
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1119247 you must have stopped watching before the ending there's a whole thing dedicated to it
OH right yeah I did see that I mean I realized it when I saw it but I kinda forgot I guess cause it was just like, right before the credits
>>1119290 I hope your wrist is ok. Apply disinfectant+bodage. Try to control your ninjutsu.
also by "Projects" I meant various activies you might undertake, including part-time business, religious work with shrine, hobbies ... etc
>>1119291 {%relevant bible quote%} >>1119288>>1119286 Marsh out of control >>1119284 What's up with Nimbs + Boston dynamics? >>1119281 ye, there was a movie about person time-traveller in a loop. maybe few of such movies. >>1119275 yup >>1119272 noo ;`( how could you. was it sacrifice to Temple? axolotols in my mind. now build a golden calf statue.
>goddamnit no curses! $(relevant bible quote). curses punishable with spanks and whips.
I don't get it. I do enjoy drinking salty tea (trad mongolian recipe, I assume). But.. salt pushes water OUT of ur body! E.g. decreases retention. >>1119296 ah, thnx 4 compliment, Mister! I strive my communication skills towards the excellence.
back on topic. solution: purrffect gatorade, charged with ions, magnesium, manganese, minerals, hydrocarbonates. maybe some times high quiality mineral water.
296, 297 < rei in disguise.
u kno, thou shall be more inclusive, polite & respectful towards diverse individuals.
You know at first I attributed your weirdness to maybe you were an AI chatbot but by now I think you just must be absolutely deranged because no chatbot could be that incoherent
also as fucked as it is, Fallout 4 didn't actually, necessarily, remove the need for training to use power armor your character is a veteran, they already have the training before the bombs ever dropped
>>1119295 I haven't told you that you need to go away or to change what you're doing I'm just saying it's fucking bizarre the personality you affect through the way you type and what you say
I do posses neurodivergent personality. I remember since we were young, there was local city shop, named "Bizzare" on billboard, for scene, emo, punk stuff accessories, piercings.
>>1119299 had you (did you) read the Bible btw? gazilion ppl accepting it AS IS (according to it's ToS) and happy with it and don't compain.
me posting a msg, receiving criticism
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
judge not lest ye be judged or somethjng thats what it says right
>>1119301 The Bible is a piece of fiction, and a shoddy one at that, thrown together by a number of anonymous authors over the course of centuries and warped by translation into new languages over millenia There may be a few scant parables worth taking from it but by and large it is nothing to base your life upon
gamble not lest ye be twisted
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i gambad once and it took 10 years from my life
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1119294 this planet is so cooked they're doin rain ceremonies in thailand
At least they're using figures of Doraemon instead of actual live cats
>thrown together by a number of anonymous authors over the course of centuries so you telling that Bible was first actual text liveboard implemented
No, because anonymous writing has existed far into early human history, far out dating Christian faiths
Okay, it was not a "board" but a single "Thread" or collection of Threads in historic order.
There's no historical evidence that the collection of books that make up the Bible are arranged in historic order
>>1119332 Yeah but I don't reckon I would like that subway very much
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it was probably a bunch of rickety wooden constructions i bet rather than a tunnel bored underground or idk maybe it is i mean the tube is pretty dang far down
it's been a hot minute, but I'm feeling zomboid again I don't even really remember where I left this save off, other than I THINK I... accidentally sorta kinda drew every zombie in the city directly to my home So I may be fighting for a few hours to protect my DAMN CROPS
Dang sounds like you need an extra set of hands/keyboard not sure if zomboid is multi player or not.
I mean obviously it's not every zombie in the city it's Louisville, the zombies number in the tens of thousands, I'm maybe looking at a few thousand
zomboid is multiplayer yeah
played tons of zombie games some times diy is best unless you have the element of trust and or a good player
well, it HAS multiplayer it's also singleplayer
anno was really retentive with playing with others f-ing missions in the past, it's kind a an survilist thing I think.
wel that modpack sucked ass cursor disappeared on me, it started me with an NPC companion and the first raider combat proved how utterly shit zomboid is at melee pvp cause the NPCs, on a locally hosted game, kept lagging out, sprinting in place, and when I hit them I'd occasionally trip as though I went at them with a running start I appreciate the effort of trying to juryrig some NPCs into the game, but it's just not there yet
besides, NPCs in something like zomboid are just kinda iffy anyway the game is way too wide for NPCs to act in a sensible manner
>>1119403 what in the world What actually causes it to explode? Been a real long time since I played SM64 Is it like, a sort of event trigger that goes off when Mario comes out the top or something, and that spinning glitched it so he touched the trigger from the outside?
I'd imagine if it was reliable, it'd be part of the speedrun, since you don't gotta wait for the bird, seemingly At least I'm pretty sure the route doesn't involve blowing up the top of the pyrami- wait, the star is in the little cubby actually, isn't it? I guess the top of the pyramid doesn't actually matter, it's just a funny thing that happened somehow For speedrunning, that is, which really is how most people play SM64 at this point. Most people who actually do play it, I mean.
"intelligence" is too broad a term to make real conclusion from, really Like, IQ is what we generally use to measure it, but then you've got mensa members falling for ridiculous scams, like flying to I dunno, Malaysia with an actual briefcase of cash and stuff because a catfish on facebook "really needed the money" Not only are some of the coolest people around actually dumb as rocks, some of the "smartest" people around are also dumb as rocks
Really we're all just dumb as rocks in one way or another
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
The psa over the gym loudspeakers reminding people to use a towel is like >nobody wants to lie in a puddle of your sweat And im like >.. Idk man there are some fucking freaks out there
Don't worry Marsh I don't think there's anyone out there who wants to lay in a puddle of your sweat
midwit here AMA
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1119423 what's your opinion on artificial intelligence?
nah its just lighting or the dark meat that stuff is pressure cooked i think till its super tender
altho this wasnt as good as the real thing in malaysia ofc
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
seattle is so weird idk maybe im just dissociating its like nerds errywhere and everyone seems vaguely depressed buy also there are nice things and escooters available for rent literally everywhere
wow this place has individual urinal stalls with locks on the door, walls to the floor, a solid hook for your coat/bag and a tiny shelf for your drink NL would possibly pee standing up here
reviving myself with a breakfast sandwich called " the reviver" it was either that or the Split Hog seattle is funny there are so many extremely serious looking coffee places
is it still all yupie?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
no there's plenty of broke millenials living there
>>1119514 Well coffee is serious business in Seattle
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Own a Hamilton pocket watch for road defense, since that’s what the watch community intended.
Three ruffians break into a young lady's car.
“What the devil?” As I grab my travel roll containing the 14kt Lancaster, PA made discus.
Blow a golf ball sized dent through the first man, he’s chuffed on the spot.
Draw my Valjoux 7750 Chronograph on the second man, but miss him entirely because it’s wobbly as fuck and it nails a church minivan.
I have to resort to the Invicta in the glovebox loaded with purple Black Panther graphics,
“Wakanda Forever, bitch.” the 58mm case and 28mm bracelet shreds the man in the impact, the sound and extra shrapnel set off her airbags and check engine light.
customs can be so intende how do i know my friend? idk its a discord server
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean i am onitting the real purpose for the trip but whatev not like it matters i just wanna get thru quick without having to explain my job and prove its real
maybe the officer can tell im hiding something, maybe its just procedure to ask for some details to try to get a lie or a shaky word
also someone was definitely playing ace attorney on the train but i couldnt tell who i heard those blip blips and those trademark skewering sound effects
Yesterday I went to look at apartments. There was one complex that doesn't allow you to get your own internet setup. There's a building-wide network you have to use. For a building with 600 apartments. They couldn't give me any details on security or speeds or anything.
Right? I went to 7 apartment complexes yesterday and all of them were obsessed with community. One of them even had a MOVIE THEATER that you can RESERVE. You put a $500 deposit down and you get it back when you're done. It's fucking crazy out there now. I just want a place to live. I don't want community lounges and tea parties and game rooms.