i wonder how hard it is to generate vocaloid text2speech on linux
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sc pls figure that out for me kthx
I dunno, does vocaloid not run on linux?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it might but i need it to run from a command line and spit out a file without having to work a GUI
specifically vocaloid or what
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the best miku voice possible
hrm I'm not really sure vocaloid has a commandline interface in the first place
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
uhh or any voice tbh ideally able to speak english
any ideas you have on this are valuable
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
worst case i can run a VM and automate some mouse clicks if i reaaallly have to
well there's bound to be some vocaloid-like out there with a cli but I've not really emssed with vocaloid stuff myself, so I dunno Lauloid is a name I found with some short googling, but that's discontinued so I dunno how easy it is to find a release of it and whether it can do english competently
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
guh what if the easiest way to do this is train an AI voice bank
presumably you could first make a library of syllables and you just pull those in sequential order with variable pitch or something, but it's definitely a very jury-rigged "technically works, but it's also fucked" solution
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh pitch i can manage
putting emphasis on the right syllables is kind of an issue but probably fine it'll just sound a little funny
Really I think that's all BASICALLY what you do in vocaloid anyway Japanese is so predictable in pronounciation, you literally can have a seiyuu make a voicebank of each kana and you have vocaloid if you alter their pitch English is uh... a LOT harder for that, cause English pronounciation is a lot like a British museum Everything is stolen from random places across the globe
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea that's why maybe a pre trained AI would probably generate some more natural output
pretty difficult to make one of those, or rather time consuming difficulty in that is mostly just "do you know how to do it in the first place?"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
surely someone has made one i know how to do it in theory but i would have to generate a whole lot of voice clips
Depending on what you're using it for, you could trick one of those AI voice generators online to do the work for you Just send your request to them and get the result from them and use that sure you're limited to their voicebanks, but for some you can submit sample audio and it does its best (not incredible but somewhat passable anyway) to give you something useable
For the ones without an API though, which is... most if not all? this would require making a faux web browser to send and receive the input and result, though it's not like you have to render anything so
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah i'm not payin them to generate i can run my own AI models, ive already set that up for generating texxt
I'd be real careful with adding it, at least Considering how Certain Spammers here necessarily do that bespoke for here, what with the unorthodox posting method, it's definitely possible they'd implement that into the spam and uh.... that'd be less than ideal
She's not even an obtainable student (yet) and contrary to that fan art she's a tyrannical, extremely utilitarian no-fun grouch
Rio's idea of fun isn't scampering about at the beach with a water gun, it's scanning the Millennium security cameras from her fortified bunker to make sure no one is having unauthorized fun on the school campus and sending her personal attack maid to deal with them if they are
tomorrow, tomorrow I will actually start writing this dang code But I'm out of energy today first day of actual work in years,s o feet hurt, lotta standing and walking, and my winter shoes aren't really made for it
also samsam, is there actually a downside to just declaring as 0 every single variable you'll use in a script at the top of main and then just updating them all as needed? Obvious main benefit here is not having to deal with "apapap, you can't let that be anything, you already let it be something before!"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yes, as your script grows in complexity over time, you will yearn for small self-contained units of code
i need librarian to make a supercut of NL talking about loose coupling i can never tell if he actually knows about programming patterns or is just throwing words around for kicks
well it's definitely growing in complexity, that's for sure Pursuing ever greater heights of optimization in the mind palace before I actually put code into a .js file For example, why weaken a server if that takes longer than growing and hacking combined? Bad efficiency But I gotta figure out how to determine those values accurately or whether they can be booted up in parallel and still behave as I want them Like, if a server is at 0 money, but I run grow, and then wait until hack would finish after the already running grow command, does that result in acquiring money, or does it act on the state of the server when it was initialized? If it's the latter, I have to figure out the combined runtime of grow and hack post-grow If it's the former, I just need to know whether grow is faster or slower than weaken, and how much time is saved by running weaken I wanna make this thing so efficient I can't find any more places to extract extra $/s
figuring that out is real damn quick though, just make a throwaway script that outright tests it on n00dles where all the timers are less than a minute by now ns.hack("n00dles) finishes in like 7 seconds
what da heck apple released an AI training software i wonder if this just basic stuff from their research papers or a serious machine learning implementation its called CoreNet
hand hurts from the arrow keys <-- --> and spacebar
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
That anon who knows about cars can laugh at me again for getting fucking shafted. $900 dollarydoos And you fucking bicycle boys don't even start
I don't even need a bicycle living in a city with at least the basic requirement of public transit for a modern city
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i was drivinthe ol family car yesterday and it was like 1/3 of a tank left so i decided to fill it up 90 bux to top it up what the heck how do vehiclecels afford driving every day
My trainer asked me if I was watching some AFL game this weekend and I said nah and he's like >oh, are you more into Rugby. you watching. .. Storms v Rabbits (or whatever it was i don't remember) and im like.. nah Not really. last weekend I watched the korean league of legends esport finals. Does that count and then he's like >wow sometimes i forget how much of a nerd you are
if you want one thing to say to him about sports say; the usagis are absolutely fucking it up this year wooden spoon material
i guess that's two you get the gist
oh fuck knights taking a slog as well judging from ladder placement bunnies don't stand a chance against the storm
i was helping a client budget today and she was at about a $900 monthly deficit and she started talking about how her friend says she has cute feet and should sell photos of them lol i was like, no, client, he's asking you to sell him those photos. he has a foot fetish
>>1118488 Don't really want to get into specifics (not cus of you) just these thing reqiure silence obvi but I like the idea of
open world but if one had tech graffics big maps are kind a drag on memory. Can say this thoe dinos!
lol hey it may cut down those monthly bill nice feet are saxy! Peeps have to be careful though of getting taken advantage of and seedy intentions.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do you not want to get into specifics because someone might steal your idea (they won't, no one has the same vision you do) or because the idea isn't baked yet and silence serves as the foundation of creativity, an idea that is still being cooked needs to incubate
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have plenty of ideas for video games its easy to come up w a concept, very difficult to actually build one
for example for one i have had these dreams where i'm in a giant sphere earth like, you know mario galaxy, when you're inside a planet and you can see to the other side or like the Game of Thrones intro idk what you call it
anyway a game where you have sniper rifles and have to sneak around finding cover and take shots at the other snipers FPS style, inside a giant sphere world
>>1118494 I say the graffics like in fortnight are ( kind of as an i.e.) some what childish but I like the gaming engines of the past Ps1 Ps2 more dark anime looking are what I was thinking. I game I was thinking about would be an adventure game with ton's of easter egg hunting and stuff that be hidden.
Stuff when you open it or examine it there still something to read so the younger generation are still forced to read. huge fan of fps but thats not to say that there are not a ton of really good 3p pov games. I think open world game are most interesting those having multi player mode bleaned into game play makes crew plays more fun to play and brings in more reveune cuase ppl get a game that other are play at the same time real time.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
aww <3
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Southern writing, not often actually defined, means a deep-down knowing that people are beat to shit. An earnest suspicion of earnestness, a recognition and denial of whippedness. I am now spinning cornpone myself. End of the foregoing. Let’s go read some Flann O’Brien. Those brothers are whipped for real.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i miss old rpgs with real sekkrets although i no longer have the expansive free time to spend exploring a map for secret rooms and treasure chests behind walls
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and yea i don't think every game should just copy the fortnite aesthetic it's not easy to cultivate a nice unique anime aesthetic by itself though ... i guess the general anime shaders are mostly figured out by now, you can probably plop one into Unreal engine, but ideally you tweak it for visual identity
for me what really makes an anime cel-shaded game is if you have actually expressive faces
>>1118503 yes mostl in cut scenes, thats where it would be most essential. A good story line is important be puzzles are good to kind a game flowing. Haven't ever played it but I'm taking about the kind of maps that are in a game say like Portal.
Map where it a big room and stuff to climb or jump off, were gravity plays a whole role. Ithink showing off tech can be good for a way to generate some side cash flow, in product 's the are current to when the game came out, so as too show off gear and such and get the product designer some cred as well as make a but of loot adertizing there ish...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
portal 2 has great maps the rooms are so beeeeg it makes for nice views and neuron activation so airy yet contained
>I’ve wondered for a while if Spotify skews playlists in favor of cheaper songs. I have no evidence of this, but it’d make business sense to use the equivalent of store brand music
> I noticed Google Play do this with Soundcloud Rap. > Their amorality has caused me to enjoy SoundCloud Rap at a formidable age, now I cannot shake it. My kids listen to it, swear amorally, and the cycle continues. > All because Google Play didn't want to shell out an extra 60 cents per year for paid Rappers.
Really should try to expand my social circle Obviously not ideal for the mental to be like this
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea loneliness and isolation, the human brain was not made for it i felt pretty bad this winter having few to none friends around
It scares me a lot though, so who knows if I'll actually act on it I'm not really someone people gravitate towards, and I don't like it when I'm dorta forcing myself into a group
>>1118506wow thats how the graphics are ? look like a drawing if you had a game like this then you could have tons of memory for other things kind of looks like a graphic novle.
Not the only one, I've least sociable in my life now as I have ever been. TRying to get out there and interact with ppl again, I'm ppl person. Interact well with other most times. SC your not the only one, but then again all you
>>1118511 apparently the performance isn't the best surprisingly indie games for ya
>>1118512 cont... but then again all you do is hold down convo's on here so it shouldn't be too hard in the real time sitches.
It's all the if else chains
moe is easy because it's detached And I'm already here and somehow haven't been violently rejected yet
Besides it feels different cause I don't see it as being part of a group or something Everyone else here was here before me, I'm just sorta on the outside
Ya thats the cool thing about moe, you don't have to be something your not. Most times group dynamics are played out any way.
Big problem is I'm starting to lose track of what is the brain problems and what is stuff I actually do know, so things get really complicated and my emotions aren't very stable There's too many categories of belief up here And however much I try to have some sort of reasoned out moral outlook, reality is my emotions don't keep up either it, so there's a lot of things I just feel sre abhorrent and refuse to do because of that And I don't know how many of those are irrational anymore
But there's no real point in whining about stuff I can't fix It's just venting and crying, as though I can even really do that
>>1118553 Gallipoli we watched it at my highschool >>1118554 it's been alright I forgot everything opens at 1pm though and went home without the things I wanted from the shop also roomie's mother is staying even though she isn't working tonight for whatever reason can't be helped but it's awkward having her around the house you lit vigil // You light a vigil for Doug?
>>1118604 you guy says that automatically when you use the Dragon Battleaxe special attack
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ohhh that makes more sense i thought you had just been possessed by your 14 year old self for a moment there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh my god in order to use my nvidia GPU to its full extent i have to unscrew the whole thing and replace all the thermal pads on the backplate?? what the hell man
well that was a good alcoholic beverage I spent long enough on it I'm not really even buzzed though
holy shit NL threw shade on people drinking wine for dinner every day cause they think it's good for their health and I've never seen his chat this active
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wine moms (and me) blown out
>>1118602 I think lemon is a pretty common flavour for Japanese fruit-flavoured chu-hi drinks that you can buy by the can And here in North America we have Mike's Hard Lemonade which sounds pretty much what you were drinking there
I wanna try strong zero All the anime girls drink it
I dont want pepsi zero
really they should make more drinks, alcoholic or not, with lemon in it not lime lemon
It's not quite lemon even if it's sometimes localized as such But you can get jars of honey and yuzu in almost a jam or marmalade like consistency Just add it to hot or cold water and you can have a honey yuzu drink which isa real nice citrussy lemon flavour Unless what you really want is that sour lemon tang and aren't interested in sweetness, I can highly recommend it
I mean I do like sweet as well, but sometimes I just want the sour lemon taste for strong alcohol I gravitate towards sweet though but just for like, a drink, to drink instead of soda or something, I want that lemon taste
gin and lemon = bittrer and sweet great combo!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yea just squeeze some lemon into vodka tbh fresh fruit juice is always better than the canned stuff
ya thats good too
whats really good on a side note, is you take a dry merlot and a manson jar and add ice, cran and the wine the ice waters it a bit so the tart fades but you have to have more wine then anything so it's still stong tastes like seagrams wine coolers almost exactly.
I've never actually had any like, cocktail or mixed drink more advanced than screwdrivers screwdrivers are great though as long as you get ACTUAL juice, not the concentrate stuff
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
brother get you a pencillin stat just add extra lemon
or yeah a gin lemon cocktail
>>1118624 there a name for it tom colins or sum fin
part of what makes rum and coke and screwdrivers great is I don't need like, stuff to make 'em you just mix the oj and vodka right in the glass and stir if you wanna
having to go through a whole process just isn't suited for drinking alone
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats kinda true but really goin thru the ritual of whipping up a nice juicy cocktail is just part of self love
not that i do such things anyway don't want to generate some kind of self-reinforcing alcoholism loop
maybe once I get actual employment and the mental can calm down a bit, I'll look into it but I'm just passively debuffed from uncertainty, so it feels like too much that obviously eases up with alcohol, but it's not like I'm planning out drinking sessions when I'm already drunk
So I did end up buying Dragons Dogma 2. I know it's had its detractors, both for bugs and game crashes as well as for the inclusion of microtransactions. But apparently there's still a really solid game underneath that. And I loved the heck out of Dark Arisen.
I'm fucking malding, this tiny anime con in Raleigh has a way better guest lineup than Acen. https://www.animazement.com/guests/ https://www.acen.org/guests/
on the bright side pog, i found my PS4 controller finally should i go thru the hassle of replacing the controller battery
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just so i can play like the rest of horizon zero dawn or play journey again or somethin no way im gonna finish god of war or uncharted doubtful on the last of us
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or trade it in for 20 bux and get a ps5 for stellar butt
ive been watchin some vids of stellar butt i thought it would be decent but the animations look so bad that i dont think i could play it, they would bother me too much
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i can't find this cable AAAAAAAAAAAA this is the worst pain imaginable having more than 3 possessions was a mistake
cause I wanna give it a try I imagine it's not very good, hence I got ONE
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they came out after i got sober so i havent tried them but there was this guy who kept relapsing on them when i ran those sober houses a few years ago they always smelled awful
yeah it's not very good I dunno what I really expected, since it's just carbonated water with ethanol in it but this is disappointing even with that as the expectation
>>1118689 Peak surreal expirience, not sure if cat or Manhattan. >>1118704 I'm still waiting for next moon landing (in 2025 I guess?). Samu finally got his hands on ai gen .. ? >>1118733 gin tonic? >>1118730 hru Kirara. I don't wanna bug you, or be annoying nudnik, but still wanna know how you became surrogate etc. I was walking down the street today, smelling blossoming plums and cherry-plums, and they remind me of you. also, can you recommend any shinto literature?
Shintoism is a different faith structure from Zen Buddhism
...an actually competent translation of the assassin isekai
>>1118747 Thanks, Kirara. I can rest in calm now. >>1118761 cool armor almost Scorn met ww1 >>1118794 can you recommend any very short Buddhist text, maybe 2-3 pages. wanna read but have adhd.
I just wonder what "andagi" means, is it some pata\scsi obscure standart
I remember exchanging exchanging IDE cables with friends for repair purposes, since mine became dry n broke, and playing master\slave thingy in bios. Bios was better than uefi spyware.
when I was back in 9th grade, I had pair of spiked boots, kina black with dark velvet\purple tone, they were really trendy among metalheads, goth, scene. There were few known brands available like I remember Camelots, and something else, I forgor. were they comfortable after a year-two? not really, even vans were more comfy. the boots were too heavy and massive but ok mostly for winter\autumn. they were so overhyped, you were able to sell them used after a year-1.5, with 30-40% discount. so, they weren't actually super practical (except inner metal plates for protection that saved me few times), but they were sign of status, like you belong to higher esoteric clique caste. gosh.. now recalling... maybe they even saved my life, idk, depends on PoV. but still they were hard and painful to wear at later times.
idk, it seems the amount of fucks decrease progressively with age, Kirara, >>1118794 maybe according to Buddhism, maybe it can relate somehow. the younger we were, the more we paid attention to looks, and judged look, the older we grew, the less fucks were given about looks. some times, I just wanna walk close to the face of some one who brainwashed me in earlier life to give fucks about non-sense bullshit subject, and ask them with soyjack face how do they feel later in life, according to their values.
You, Kirara, should establish and Buddhist\Zen board. because there is no such good board.
whole thing made me recall, how once upon a time, in 2000`s I ran away in those boots from gang of far-right skinheads. when I was 16 approx. running for life.
>>1118822 you mean like cyber security soyjack? like infosec soyjack? like basically MentalOutlaw thumbnails? I don't know ... on the surface idea seems interesting, I need to go to sleep now,
>>1118824 I know he stabbed those guys but do they really need to call him a dummy?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
some car collision happened in my area and as a result everything is gridlocked looool i had decided to drive across town on a whim instant regret instead i parked and got sushi
if you had to choose between sushi and elimination of cars what would it be
oh man there's even a 4D level editor this is so good
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I saw my parents last week and I was a little bit sick, so my mum texted me today asking how I was feeling And i meant to write back 'Much better, thank you' And with auto correct i wrote her >Much better than you
it is incredible apparently there's a whole series of youtube videos by the dev on how they made it or somethign?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's like you can re-orient your view into viewing the walls of the course as a 3d volume and then slopes appear as walls, but as you putt at the slope, the wall recedes as the ball gains potential energy and travels up the slope?? somehow gravity (or maybe just the plane at the altitude of the ball?) interacts with that particular projection
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
But does your custom waifu bring you raw fish >>1118815
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1118816 i dont think a zen board is a good idea it would just make me frustrated to watch a bunch of people discuss zen wrongly all day
well, I finally got outta bed I did purposefully just stay in bed longer than needed though, no particular reason to get up early today, even if I do have some stuff I gotta do throughout the day it's all at home and there's no deadline or nothing
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chanSearch [iqdb](375 KB, 1738x835, Sub Page.JPG)Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
It would also be the nature of the game they're playing not just raw popularity. Like all the X members have higher view counts because they're like.. special powers or something in the Cops and Robbers group event or whatever is going on idk
I guess Kaela's also kind of popular for a very different kind of gaming, so that's part of it, maybe this kind of like, party game isn't really where her popularity stems from
https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/24139147/suvs-trucks-popularity-federal-policy-pollution >The reckless policies that helped fill our streets with ridiculously large cars
imagine living in max mad idiocracy just because ford and gm realized they could subvert civil planning using legalized bribery and superb owl commercials
Oh my god you got him started. Don't ever mention the 'c' word on /moe/.
>>1118857 blessed Constantine 2 trailer released. I still haven't seen Dune 2, because I don't have enough time. Let me guess, in that "Part 2" they don't take back Arrakis, and it is implied "to be continued ..." that they will take it back in "Part 3" ? O.k., thanks, so that what I've thought from trailer. I guess I might postpone watching "Part 2", on hold, until 3 gets released on Blue-ray. Same way my friend postponed all NGE\Eva movies, until final one. I've tried "Foundations" (I liked og Author), but 2nd season was meh vs 1st season, and Dune still was more stunning. Some times I miss good Sci-fi chan\forum, if ain't Buddhist. anyway...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i touched a gas pedal once and now i have leprosy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yes exactly anno they just crawl around in the sand for 3 hours and do drugs no significant military conquests
Hi, Becky! Annum
Sam, I wish you happy birthday, God bless you, have a comfy time. I had a blessed day today.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1118894 much like your friend you are gonna be waiting many years for Dune Messiah
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1118897 thanks i dont believe in Yahweh but i do believe in this pair of jeans i treated myself to this morning its gonna hold my thighs in check like moses held the red sea
world's finest assassin reincarnated as an aristocrat
started off fun enough, but the whole "assassin" bit was quickly abandoned and he's just the second strongest being on the planet now, not counting probably the demon lord, and it's the 3rd novel
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
oh yeah that one git boring fast
it also does that annoying harem thing where there's actually none romance, the girls are just all over him like, by default
I guess it should be expected from the same author as redo of healer, though, maybe But the initial premise was interesteding It just feels so stupid to have the protagonist talk about how an assassin has to be underhanded and stuff when it's been established he's second only to the Hero, and even that's just in brute strength
So these guys I know from uni, right, one of them was in town from interstate and they were going to get dinner and they were posting about it in a group chat and then I'm like 'oh, hey I'd be up for it too' and then they're like sure come along. And then one of the guys had to cancel. I then this other person I know who's... Fine, I guess. I don't hate her. But she's like... yeah. Probably rather spend time with other people. So then it was going to be one of the original guy and this girl and so then I made up some shit about having to stay back at work to get out of it. Was that rude? To first invite myself and then cancel? Maybe.