also holy HEKK I am actually improving the script I have made for myself in this game It is no longer so basic for one, it now calculates how many times it has to run weaken to achieve the desired result, and fucking sends it
NOT sure how to make it not do that again until it's done, but at least it frees up some computing power for the actual money generation It's ugly as sin, but it does function
Doesn't automatically include new computers as you buy them, but that's fixed by just restarting it uses more ram than you have at the beginning of the game, but you can always just get the money for your first ram upgrade or two and then you're golden
a buncha shit is commented out because I have no programming hygiene whatsoever, and instead of cleaning up the damn thing, I just go "Oh ok that was a stupid idea, I have a better one" and // that shit out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats a lotta sleeps
it demands I sleep at least once, and the sleeps are so short, I just kinda ended up adding them whenever there was a related error, and didn't take them away again helps with troubleshooting too, just go in and add another 0 to one of them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i'm sure it's fine in the game scenario
IRL if your code is full of random sleeps to make stuff work you just know there's something brittle and unmaintanable goin on
well yeah, if this was something I was gonna like, release or something, I'd go over it and clean it up, but I'm actively creating this so it's nice to have all these stopgaps to make sure
And for that matter, PART of why the sleeps is non-problematic is those hack\grow\weaken commands take time to complete, so the script sleeping for a bit before it goes again is actually kinda ideal (because I don't fucking know how to have it remember they're running lmao)
anyway I just spent like 10 minutes troubleshooting something that ISN'T a problem it was working as intended, I was just fucking up MY math while looking at it
it is abhorrently ugly, though, as far as code goes, there's no arguing that
Once more, an insane mistake, where I had targetWeaken print during the growing section, making me actually go insane wondering why that motherfucker was saying ZERO despite actually working perfectly
I do actually enjoy scripts and programming in general, as an activity, I just have no Things I want to actually make, that can be accomplished at the level I am So games like this tickle me a fair bit
Has me reminded of fucking with configs in tf2, I made some real complex stuff with that despite the limitations I even sat up a whole like, folder for people to just drop into their config folder, with a single config they add to autoexec, and the thing boots itself up and does a ton of stuff, most notably it bound a key of the user's choice to spout a line into allchat, to taunt people they killed primarily, and that INITIALLY keept shuffling on a timer by making heavy use of the wait command The WAIT COMMAND WAS SCRAPPED HOWEVER, BY VALVE So, the next step was of course to construct an EXTREMELY elaborate fucking system by which EVERY input the player makes in terms of movement or combat shuffles the fucking thing once This was not an easy task, but I got it done
It was pretty clean stuff too, cause I made it to share and boast a little
it even let you add in a ton of lines on your own, I made it have space for like, a fucking absurd amount of lines by default, but by clever use of a command you just slotted in appropriately, you just had the amount of lines you wanted Add or remove, just slide that one command as you do so
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that sounds like a p crazy workaround
it started because when I first began playing, there wasn't actually an option, which now exists and actually kinda broke my scripts for a while, to have the medic beam just... stay one, without holding the button So I reversed how it worked, so it was "held" when I released the button, and "released" when I held the button, to swap targets Of course, why stop there upper thumb button is now switching to and firing the needle gun lower thumb button is switching to and using the saw
I had that stuff so customized, I actually don't know if I could play the game as well without all my scripts
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i had some basic macros for common actions but nothing too crazy mostly just tryna make pyro combos work better i think that game is so jank
a lot of people said rocketjump macros didn't work after they killed wait, but that was weakness just alias +rj and alias -rj 4head you don't need the one input to do the whole thing, you can time it yourself
making puzzle raffles in the /vg/ thread was real fun too hiding the url in images, in audio embedded in the image, in the spectrogram of the audio embedded in the image Lotta fun with that stuff
I'm watching a guy basically do a guide for bitburners, and really it's a programming course in disguise Not much of a disguise, seeing as it is literally javascript, but still
>>1117490 I train newcomers to the zendo on etiquette, how to do zazen, maintain the zendo, keep the altar clean, wash the Buddha statue, clean the candles, ensure there's incense, make sure the zendo is set up and clean, make sure people have sutra books, etc. I often lead the chants, do the bells, keep time, etc. During sesshin, I transport our altar and all our cushions to the monastery we do them at and set up there. Once there, I ensure everything runs smoothly by teaching the newcomers about the schedule and where everything is, how to do dokusan, stuff like that. I also keep track of the samu (work practice) assignments. During service, I often do bells, lead chants, or serve as my teacher's attendant. Right now I tend to do bells because the monk who used to do them is going blind and I'm the only other person who can do bells competently. I'm sure I'm missing some stuff. In a few months once I'm shuso, I'll also be responsible for giving dharma talks occasionally and sometimes officiating ceremonies such as funerals, weddings, and service. Potentially I could do exorcisms, but we don't really do that.
Thank you for reply.
does anyone here had any mystical expiriences? no jokes aside
Anno een Anno been reconected with ones inner, elder, spiriual Buddha, ages ago the soul goes way back and tapped into reconecting with ones higher vibrational self in many diferent ways on the path to enlightenment. Just remove your self from ego. Let it flow, yo...
>Object that slammed into Florida home was indeed space junk from ISS, NASA confirms >the offending object was part of a cargo pallet packed with 5,800 pounds (2,630 kilograms) of aging batteries jettisoned from the ISS in March 2021. >The cylindrical piece of space junk is made of a metallic alloy called Inconel, they added. It weighs 1.6 pounds (0.7 kg) and measures 4 inches (10 centimeters) high by 1.6 inches (4 cm) wide.
inconel is the hardest metal known to man
>>1117504 ya inconel has a high heat stateration benifit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you worked with it?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 1,031 5/6
⬜⬜⬜⬜🟨 ⬜🟨⬜🟨⬜ ⬜🟨🟨⬜⬜ 🟨🟨⬜⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
>>1117506 It's a main part of forced induction in space travel propulsion. Indy car turbo manifolds are typicaly made from these materals due the high heat factor.
It's very expencive compaired to Stainless steel, so Anno has not cut or welded it. Would another mushroom poisoning
It just occurred to me that, because bitburners just uses javascript, I don't need like, tutorials and shit I can just have chatgpt on the other monitor and ask it shit like "hey could you explain how I'd do this thing in js?"
Cause I don't have problems coming up with the solutions to stuff, generally, I just literally don't know the language I'm interfacing with
which is what I'm gonna do, once I get back from a meeting in like 2.5 hours Job stuff, I might be getting another Job Training thing, but like at an actual grocery store rather than a social dumping corp
my math is so bad, dawg, I spent an hour trying to figure out why this script was acting wrong, and it turned out to be cause I had a > instead of an < in there somewhere, and also I was using the wrong variable in another calculation That second bit wasn't me being bad at math though, it was legit just a typo
coding sure is a bit of work, but I'm making some progress This doesn't strictly DO anything yet, and I'm sure it's one of those "if 1 then, if 2 then, if 3 then" type deals, but it does function and spits out info at the end
specifically it gives me this I've left some prints uncommented up there too, which I'm gonna fix Really I can just remove them now cause it works fine
thinking through my approach though, it seems a very inefficient method I'm going for Hmm, I guess I could have this as a sort of background script, or whatever Like, whatever threads it has left over, it starts another script with, tells it like, "Use this amount of threads total then be done" and that script can just focus on weakening stuff hm hm
I should just get some damn paper and draw out what I want this thing to do so it's easier to manage right now I'm just taking a break cause I gotta disconnect from the process so I can approach it again with energy and motivation
>>1117524 wow... so soon there are be the Type Errors discovered in js-bitshifter ... wow.... woah.... and syntax checker won't help.... so .... you could write it in TypeScript or Rust and then compile to JS
I feel like I'd get actually shot if I went to a compsci class because I regularly discover a new function and instead of doing the proper thing of like, putting that shit into a new function or something, I just go "oh, in this part of the script, I'm already calling for what I need here, so I'm just gonna squeeze the whole fucking thing in over there"
Granted, I'm doing this with the old script, not the one I'm actively using It's just running in the back, hoovering up cash while I PONDER THE ORB (new script)
neat to now have two separate scripts trying to buy stuff though In one it doesn't like, wait to even see if the money's available, it just fucking try{ that shit } {catch}
though, that is the one that's basically just a sort of "While I'm working on the actually good one, this shit runs" It functions, it does what it's supposed to, even if horrifyingly inefficiently
I do at least know what I need the good one to do, it's just puzzling out exactly how I'm gonna trick it into doing it I basically think I need to implement timers, which means I have to learn how to use arrays and stuff and I gotta carry them back up to the start of the damn while-loop, which i mean I do actually have an idea for, but it's a bit tricky to figure out the implementation of this stuff when you don't even really know the language I'm learning though, and it is pretty fun
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
theres probably an easier way to do it, but it might require some more advanced jnowledge of how Promises and async works idk if thwy expose all the lanugage facilities to you in the game tho
I think it's cause the game is a programming course in disguise also holy SHIT I really beefed up this basic hacking script by focusing on a single target like I'm doing now Still very inefficient, but I 10x'ed my gains in a matter of minutes
can confirm i lose all control over my mind and body when i see a tapped maple tree
I use maple syrup occasionally for cooking and whenever I have the open bottle on hand there definitely is an impulse to take a swig right from the bottle that I have to persuade myself to not do
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder if there are any bits like that in anime i know theres that one canadian girl who comes into the classroom with a joint and says "this is quality BC bud!l
yaya >>1117557 I'm trying to do uh I dunno how well this explains it but
const listActive = []; while (true) {
for (let target of targets) { if (target is an xhair in listActive) { if (timer of current xhair <= currenttime) { remove current target and associated timer from listActive } } } }
code that decides what to add in as xhair and timer goes here
something like that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you probably want a Map for that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
const activeTargets = new Map(); while (true) { for (let target of targets) { const activeTarget = activeTargets.get( /* or something idk some kind of identifier here */); if (activeTarget) { // okay we know the target is in the map... do some timer check on it // ... activeTarget.delete(; } } }
idk i'm just conjecturing here but it sounds like you have an active collection of targets and you want to remove them as they become inactive so using a hash map is probably more suitable instead of having to find and splice out elements from an array
but idk this might be too much extra complexity to take on all at once
>>1117567 yea exactlh that loop iterates backwards over the list of targets and splices out anything whose timee has expired (backwards so that the indices dont shift as you splicw) the Map solution is more "natural" you could ask chatGPT to rewrite it later im sure
>(backwards so that the indices dont shift as you splicw) Oh fuck I hadn't even considered that part would probably FUCK everything up lmao >>1117570 well, I'll likely dump some stuff into a library at a later time for cleaner code, for a v2 of this, but for now I'm keeping everything in the same .js file so as long as it's readable, it's fine for it to be a bit dirty >>1117572 well not really, cause the "target" is every server that that's "legal" for me to target (that is, I have root and my hacking level is higher or equal to the minimum to run code at or on it) So it's gonna end up scanning the same amount of steps either way
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and yeah because it scans all the targets every time it seems a bit inefficient if the targets were sorted by expiry then uou could save on scanning
The huge chunk of code I've got following this though, I only want to run if the target is NOT in the list, which I'm not entirely sure how to do if (target == i) { code } ?
uh, != no, no it has to... fuck
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if (list.indexOf(target) < 0) { // target is not a member of the list
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can probably just use .include(target) er sorry list.includes(target) more modern JS
so later , after I exit the for loop to remove stuff, I can do uh if (ns.hasRootAccess(target) && (listActive.indexOf(target) < 0) ? and it won't do a thing if the target isn't in the list\\\ if it IS in the list
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ya you have an extra paren in there, but ya if (ns.hasRootAccess(target) && !listActive.includes(target)) {
same thing
and to add a xhair and a timer, i just do listActive.push [{xhair, timer}] I guess? Or some such
fuckin' sick it's a lot to learn, but it's fairly intuitive once you actually know what the commands do
well it probably helps that I've got experience poking around with code Never done anything SUPER complex, but I have made a few basic python scripts and stuff, and I fucked around with batch scripts a lot in like, late elementary to the end of high school
it's nice because you can easily get to a javascript console in the browser and mess around
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
compared to like C or Java which takes so much setup just to play around in
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> I've more gotten the sense that Lynch doesn't like people asking him what the "correct" interpretation of his work is
man it must be so annoying as like a film director or book author to spend all this time crafting an artistic work with a certain amount of symbolism and mystery and show-don't-tell and all
and then have journalists roll up and be like 'okay but what does Eraserhead actually mean'
it doesn't seem to actually like, add anything when I do listActive.push[{xhair, timer}] printing listActive afterwards just gives me []
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well your syntax is wrong listActive.push({xhair, timer}) sorry i shoulda pointed that out i thought it would be obvious
OH, it's parenthesis I thought it was blocky bois
well yeah it usually is that, but I vaguely remember that gpt used blocky lads for it, but that might have been me misremembering or just seeing wrong
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
blocky bois are only for indexing into a collection array[0] array[1] etc
or for creating an array inline const numbers = [1,2,3];
[{"xhair":"johnson-ortho","timer":1713306792425}] This is the expected result, and what I want, right? it's not supposed to just be the raw name and timer number?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't know that looks valid 2 me looks like JSON tbh but i am not sure what you are expecting
i just mean like, it will work like this
I think I fucked something up earlier in the code though, cause it just runs that same one forever lmao, tiem to go bughuntin'
Last night my 14yo, the one I'm basically the surrogate father of, got arrested because she got mad at her mom for trying to break her computer and kicked her. The mom called the police because she thought the police would tell her to obey her parents. But they arrested my 14yo instead because the kick constituted elder abuse as the mom is 72 years old. So today I spent the entire day, running around, going to the court and convincing the judge to let her out of jail. I managed to get the felony charge down to a misdemeanor but hopefully the lawyer can get it dropped altogether. Then I had to go to the jail to pick her up when she got released. It was extremely long. I hate talking to judges and cops!!
And while that's all going on, my boss has developed an unhealthy obsession with a 15yo client, the one who went missing and I had to find because they detectives wouldn't do their job, to the point that she is spending $300 on birthday presents for her birthday tomorrow. So instead of being available to help with all that, she was busy thinking about this other kid. She wants to adopt the kid.
Yeah. But she finally got over that after like a year. She's finally figured out I'm not interested and hasn't pushed it with me at all for months now.
>surrogate is it like you are a donor or you are a step >72 did she used surrogate mother as well, to deliver at 58? how old are you, Kira?
I kind of can empathize. That's what people in good faith should do, thanks for handling that. I had troubles communicating at her age too. Like, some one is provoking you, gaslighting you, and then calling a police at you. Well, I don't know what's your case is about, and I don't know all details, but maybe you should take her to the temple and teach her some wisdom. At first, I wanted to suggest psychotherapist, or psychologist, but even from my expirience, many psychologists suck unfortunetely.
Parenting is a hard job and skill, for which people should get education/qualification. That's the way you solve overpopulation.
Don't get harsh on them, it seems like they both at extreme age and it's hard for them to understand each other.
I was walking out of store tonight, it's on small hill, and there was person walkind behind me, and I've though :"Gosh, can I at least once relax and look normal?" because usually I'm anxious , so I took a deep breath, looked at beautiful pink sunset horizon, fixed posture, and tried to be fine. Worked for a while.
It feels pretty cool to be able to actually read this code I've written I mean obviously, I could have just copy pasted an optimal suite of scripts that just let you start up one and it plays the game perfectly for you, but that's kinda defeating the point The point of the game is making those scripts, if you just get them and run them, you've removed your own fun
spent an hour troubleshooting an issue that made the "available ram" like, constantly just plummet, in the script Like the counter for it
Turns out, due to not using A FUCKING VARIABLE FOR IT, I had the uncounted ram higher in the part actually counting it than the part USING it, meaning it was using ram the counter was told to acts as though didn't exist, resulting it getting a negative number Not a big deal, in itself ...but it adds that to the total available effective ram counter which is used for calculations later in the script
This caused no issues when I was LATE game, but after the soft reset, this basically killed the script as it was operating with ram values it couldn't do shit with
lesson learned though use variables for anything and everything, even if you think you're only gonna use it one time in one place Just stick it in a fucking variable so IF you use it again, changing it won't fuck the whole thing up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yes good ol javascript defining things for you in whatever scope it pleases
well no, this was literally me putting a -20 and a -50 in two operations that were supposed to be the same, because I changed one after upgrading the ram I'm working with entirely on me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ahh okay
a DRY violation Classic
>>1117629 Ya if you max out ram the scripts dont run I found an issue (in the game) where it sem like if you write one and save it it, it, doesn't and some time it does. Not sure why, it's fustrating after finger blasting a large bash.
>>1117631 well the script is such that the issue isn't the scripts not running, it's that the master script doesn't TELL them to run, cause it thinks I'm at negative ram, so it just sleeps waiting for more ram to open up
Master script is starting to become chonky, too 15 of god's own gigabytes
I'm sure I could do it more elegantly and shave off some of that, call stuff from outside and stuff >>1117631 One trick I used early on was I had one master script, I mean I do this still, but because I used it to push, and then run, bespoke scripts for the hack\grow\weaken operations, I didn't have to reboot a script to have the changes take place, if I changed one of those 3 Granted, atm those literally JUST do what it says on the can grow script runs ns.grow(ns.args[0]) and that's fuckin' it But that's cause the master script is very advanced now I've got a hacknet script as well, but honestly the amount of money it burns makes it kind of meaningless to use It is absurd how much money you end up burning away just to get some tiny dripfed money from hacknet
yeah pretty much Well, it still needs a lot of work, but for now it's efficient I do have a fair amount of things I wanna change about it, but that's basically gonna require a full rewrite of the whole thing For one, I wanna bring that 15GB weight down a fair bit not that it matters, I'm working with 512GB total atm
But IDEALLY I'd like to have a script I could bring into a completely fresh save, and just cruise ...which is what, 4GB? I don't remember if you've got 4 or 8 on a fresh save
it is satisfying watching the terminal output though all the shit in brackets is the servers it's currently attacking, and their timer so it ignores them in all future checks for targets until the timer is done
it basically figures out how many threads are needed to completely cap the security and cash reserves, and once those can't be improved anymore, it directs whatever amount of hack threads is necessary to drain 50% of it at the thing and because it attempts to cap that stuff, additional ones on top would be an issue, so it stores it in the list for the time the attack takes, going after other servers in the meantime Prioritizing servers with the most money that require less threads than are available to saturate
But, I would like some further optimization on it, for example I can make it a lot more lightweight by having a separate script actually DO the attacks, rather than initiate them directly from this one, and it'd let me do a few other very handy things, too
it's also, every go around the while loop, buying another server if I'm allowed to and can afford it and every time it checks one of the servers I own for their ram, it first attempts to upgrade their ram I'm basically stuck at none money as a result, but that'll eaven itself out over time as upgrades get more expensive
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well done maybr ill try the game sounds a lot like it would distract me from work tho
it's free, hell it's open source would be interesting to see what you come up with, since you're at least more experienced with all the programming stuff than I am
One thing I'm definitely doing once I start working on v...4? at this point probably 4 v4 of this script, is deploying bespoke scripts for those bits like taking the security down to the desired level and stuff Because it's not working quite like it should, due to probably just some oversights in the code and stuff And also, it would give me a "set it and forget it" type option I launch a script, I tell it how many times it should run a thing on a specified server, and it just counts itself down until it's done I'll just need to run a little monitor bit for those scripts so I opick it up when they close down after finishing their job
I wouldn't need to fight with the order of operations so much if I just went "this bit, that's someone else entirely doing that, doesn't have to be fenagled into here at all"
in my hasty editing I seem to have broken the part of the script that actually... hacks I fixed it though, nay, IMPROVED it
I dunno if it's good or bad programming habit to, instead of figuring out what the fuck kind of check you have to make to get the desired result, you instead just go over to something that is in essence what you're trying to check for, and you throw a "let thisShitHappened = 1" on that fucker and just check for that instead
that's mostly because I've been worried about knowing how to even use functions properly But for the next one, I'm doing that, for sure, this shit is hard to go through and edit cause everything's fucking scattered
I wonder if it actually does simulate scripts while the game's closed
i DON'T like how there is no select or copy all function in script editor
that's cause you're in the browser I imagine
you might be on to something, at least write in a text editor and then copy and paste works.
You can be real creative with it, but I legit just slapped a "if I have the money for it, try to buy a new server, and try to upgrade the ram of the current one" at the start of the loop I could do the same with the home computer, but uh, honestly it doesn't really need the upgrades at this point
By the time I have the hacking level to need more ram, or rather make use of it, I've already got servers out the ass
really you should just grab it on steam it's free anyway
the script has nearly finished it's prepwork and it's huffing in 0.7M a second on average now I really gotta optimize this fucking thing, it's got a lotta inefficiencies taht I know like, without even thinking about it the timer is a little scuffed so scripts keep doubling up I shouldn't have it INSIST on perfectly minimized sec rating cause that wastes a lot of time ideally it should just completely drain the server, grow it again, and reduce security once it reaches a threshold but I just haven't gotten around to rewriting shit to make that happen I'll put it in the next one
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah shit i ran into my time limit oh well stream's over that's kinda neat i find the mental model a little foreign but i guess that's part of exploring and learning the game
time limit? oh, work and stuff I guess
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my computer literally blanked out all my windows and said your time limit has been reached i set that up around noon today
yeah, pretty much It's all about efficiency early on, until you actually get your footing, you're gonna be pulling fairly small amounts of money, like 2K/s or so on the high end with very, very rudimentary commands I mean, you CAN already run the script I'm using if you just hoist it onto another server with the memory for it and change a few lines of code to account for being hosted on a different server, but you'd have to write it, and that's time you could be siphoning coin
before I had a real master script, what I did was a tiny script that just shunted a drainage script onto the server it was fed, and ran that from that server on itself at whatever amount of threads it could support It's NOT efficient, but it'll get the ball rolling so you can get a little bit of upgrades and stuff obv it also nuked the server, and well, if that didn't work, no harm no foul, it just errors and who cares about that
to run connect you either have to be adjacent or have a server backdoored, but that doesn't go for script commands I'm not sure if it's an oversight or intended, but you can run any script command that takes a hostname on any server in the network, whether you can even see it with scan-analyze or not
just run tools.js hostname in the commandline and it spits out some baseline information, quick and easy
looks like you broke the 2mili barrier before the stream ended
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i hacked like four neighbors and siphoned some cash from them
'member to get some more RAM sticks unless you already did and I just didn't see
you take the coke zero
there is no turning back. You take the pepsi max- the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the coke zero - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes
We've been watching you. Your skills are very impressive. But you're wasting your talents. If you join us, you can put your skills to good use and change the world for the better. If you join us, we can unlock your full potential. But first, you must pass our test. Find and hack our server using the Terminal.
For whatever reason the damn splice isn't splicing the first entry in the damn array anymore It might have not been doing that for a while, I don't know, but I haven't a clue why it isn't
for (let i = listActive.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const { xhair, timer } = listActive[i]; if (timer <= curTime) { listActive.splice(i, i); } }
I mean it's not a complex code
ah that second i in the splice should be a 1
This... this also explains why it's been duping random fucking entries, it's been killing the timers at random lmao
sleep deprived 30 year old accidentally codes incredibly robust rng
i cant believe they actually released a sisyphus pushing boulder game with the guy having only a loincloth on but didnt make him bald the suffering cinematic universe is shattereed
>>1117702 It's an established series running in one of Shounen Jump's magazines or online publications, that was popular enough to get an anime even before Twitter got the streaming rights Also it is airing on Japanese television like any ordinary anime I'm a little annoyed that it has this reputation of being "The Twitter Anime" just because they bought the streaming rights to it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
massage time sitting outside a locked door hoping someone shows up in the next 2 min and invites me in this is like the old days where you would just agree to meet at a specified time
just watched a guy walk past wearing a leather jacket, a helmet, tinted goggles, some kind of black mask or bandana, holding an acoustic guitar and a skateboard
how do you guys think a foreigner-owned pizza place would do in fukuoka the idea for the place is something like "world of pizza" where the menu consists of pizzas that hit stereotypes of different nationalities' and regions' cuisines like a mexican pizza with salsa for the sauce, chorizo and oaxaca cheese or a n indian pizza with indian -esque curry sauce and butter chicken and paneer
i know they be lovin some stereotypes over there
>>1117736 Probally pretty good concidering Japanese ppl love American culture. It would be cool to have a resteraunt that had uniqie items like that.
i feel like to start any business in japan uou need to know the local area extremely well either being japanese or having a japanese business partner from that place
nuts on da table moe
absolute territory enjoyer
>>1117741 you basially have to have a japanese local sponsoring you you can't get property on which to start a business very easily otherwise in a literal legal sense you need that yeah but i think if the idea is sound enough it's financially much easier than doing business in a lot of the US purely for cost reasons
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
interesting whys the cost so low i know the zoning is super friendly for small ground floor biz
absolute territory enjoyer
it's also like food cost is pretty low in japan labor costs are also much better than in the US compared to the rest of cashflow demand for food is also pretty high in the sense that a lot more people have disposable income to spend on eating out i don't think the average japanese person cooks at home as muh as the average american is basically forced to for economic reasons rent is also a little different and establishments don't necessarily have to exist in the same paradigm as ones in america do also iirc fukuoka is home to a ton of what we would essentially onsider food carts non-permanent or semi-permanent fixtures
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oic oic and pizza is a pretty good business, cost of ingredients is low
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 806 4/6
⬜⬜⬜🟨⬜⬜ ⬜🟩🟩⬜🟩⬜ ⬜🟨🟩⬜🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'll take the PS5 cuz it don't get in my car and tell me how i should drive
take the damn ps3!!
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 1,034 4/6
⬜⬜🟨⬜🟨 🟨⬜🟨🟨🟩 🟨⬜⬜🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
im gonna go to this shindig in cosplay cosplay as a salaryman
yes ive become an old grandparent who just posts cat videos
tried out songs of syx for a while very interesting game
very intricate
but it also sucks complete shit and I'm never playing it again because I trained up an army to use bows, have more bows than tehy could possibly use, and when actually drafted, a total of 0 of them have a fucking bow I do not know how to make them actually USE the fucking weapon they've been assigned
Iunno, whichever is the one after dark yumiella got restored to the formerly cursed timeline I dunno if that is out yet, that might be why I didn't read it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1117798 I didn't know that came out, I need to read it then
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
oh yeah it is out I forgot I started reading it and got distracted
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
next one comes out next month
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
nvm I only read the preview available from th English publisher, full book came out in February
>>1117807 I come from the field that numerical linear algebra was developed for and I don't like it when people do quantized
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
how many bits are the quantized values? I might just be mad cause I was thinking of a particular compute product that did like quantized as 8 bit onts or something
It involves a lot of self sacrifice to get up that early and that's really not in keeping with the spirit of the day.
@wp-kun are you down for another movie not FnF but has a good chase scene
>>1117819 once you've been getting up at 5am you get used to it over the years
now getting up at 4 to bake bread that's a real sacrifice s/o to our boys in white
once you get in the pattern it's not rough any longer take takes dedication* like many things that require disapline now wearing white may be something anno would concider
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1117816 bruh neural nets are perfectly happy to run in 8 bits i usually run around 6 bits they have file formats now that have variable bit rates so you can have models that are like 2.33 bits per weight lol there have even been 1-bit quantization methods proposed
>>1117817 >What did those boys ever do for me anyway well if I recall 30k or so aussies and kiwis fought in the wars(while 40 million troops were involved in other theatres) as for what they did it was an unfortunate circumstance of allowing the central banking cartels to continue their debt enslavement of almost all the planet
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe i should get up at 5 am so i can do Child's Pose for an hour before work
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
The real child's pose is slouching in front of the tv and eating cereal while you watch cartoons
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
woww who talked
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i am no longer a sloucher my neck and shoulders have given me too much grief i will no longer hunch instead ima stretch the crap out of the cords
yoga once in a persistof Once in a persistence of doing yoga it becomes routien** Put effort into it and it paid off, gota get back in sync again.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are you saying that my actions, words, deeds, habits and self-talk are within my sphere of control??
samoo i forgot how to use AT command and cant find my cheat sheet txts help
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what's AT precious?
oh i figured it out you have to ctrl-D to close it tehepero
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what da hecc is anno talkin about
/usr/bin/python some version /usr/local/bin/another python ver whyyyyy do they do this
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
software was a mistake
from software? i sure hope it comes from there
ive never meta ai i didn't want
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
instructions unclear, genatalia stuck in binder of printed source code
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pretty good analysis of seed oil health claims
whoa I thought substack was kinda... chudland will read though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bruh it's just a media platform
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/watch?v=-9EM5_VFlt8 o7 goodbye terrifying gas powered humanoid robot that's getting stronger day by day
hello new terrifying humanoid robot that comes preinstalled with muscle memory on every type of gun that has ever existed (probably, i haven't gotten to the end of the video yet)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yup here he is at the 2 minute mark he can pick up a foldable chair we are fucked
>>1117853 i dint actually know if that model was i think the dogs used to be (still are?)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok nevermind it was only their super old wildcat robots that were big enough for ICE makes sense everything is batteries now and the new ribot no longer uses hydraulic fluid
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we livin in the robot age give the neural nets a sec to figure out how to control em to be safe on the street
>>1117856 Interesting. Theres a quite a few heavy lift/long endurance rotodrones that are gas hybrid cause of weight the ground gundams can be heavier
Really wanted to see fnf, and finish what was stared. Stoped it at that part, specifically Had SEEN a machine that would be good for a chace. Need more then just a good movie.
>>1117859 I already have Wizards(1977) paused halfway. Need to to finish that hehe.
She also has the impulse to use brute strength and violence to solve her problems But she's a nice girl at heart who likes to watch fluffy romance movies and keeps a memory box full of trinkets which mean important things to her
I fired up another songs of syx game, because aside from the snag with the combat, the rest of the game is really satisfying Playing as the most xenophobic race in the game, they don't tolerate ANYONE else
They don't even really like immigrants of their own race, so I'm raising the whole city from a starting pop of like 25
The first native born to reach adulthood (5 years old) is "renowned for seeing the future" and "hears the voices of the gods" a good omen, possibly
Maybe I should just restart as the bugmen They're generally bad at everything, but while the lizards I'm currently playing as have a maturation age of 5 years, the bugs are adults at 1, don't have much in terms of demands, are cracked at combat, and are good at mining too
I like the sort of faction where I just DEVOUR Food might be a bit of an issue, but if I can get my hands on some lizards to fish for me, then I should be pretty well set
Kirara, how does the one converts to Buddhism? I've heard it is not a religion, but a sets of practices, traditions, and there is no beleif in G-d, therefore it must be quire compatible with some "classic" monotheistic religions of Mediterrania.
S C, have you done with bitshifter? I'm looking forward to watch you building an Startup Business. Or maybe progressing towards Competitive Programming World Contest, but the business imo better.
Rei, I asked due my part time occupancy in Neuroscientific research, no offence. E.g. imo NRI not a typical classical anxiolytic, but ofc your Doc with You may understand better, I'm just 3rd party doing researches.
not s much done as got interested in songs of syx so i'm playing that for a bit I may enjoy the process of programming, but it is mentally taxing cause the language isn't second nature for me It's like, active entertainment, and sometimes I want something more passive, like a regular video game or book or anime If I actually end up learning js properly though, it might become a more passive activity
1. the law is dumb 2. justice is (not) blind 3. ass implants shouldb e free
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1117912 For once the Americans got it right and the Euros got it wrong In the context of balancing free speech against the potential for harm on the internet
>>1117914 first amendment / section 230 are things I am somehwat familiar with case law for this isn't internet related but its very good precedent that is useful even today
ehat today is bicycle day? i forgorrrr noooo it would have been perf
>>1117914 Personally I think both of them get it wrong There's a need for adegree of protected speech; there are obvious choices and uses of words which are both malicious and not conducive to any kind of fair and equal dialogue A lot of the EU goes too far with obstructing use of language even in non-malicious and informative uses, but America both does not provide enough protection for peoples who would be abused with such language, and also enforces what protections it does unfairly and usually with bias to the people already in positions of power and wealth
>>1117925 Did you pass the test? I'll tell you what, your image almost didn't. It's meant to be a SFW board. You can be a horny as you want but no nips allowed. Thems the rules.
>>1117924 Well someone woke up on the grouchy side of the bed this morning
can someone quote marsh's post and post a tasteful soyjak
and the replies who are like 'ykno she has a point i have to slow my car down just to make sure to get thru the poles' this is some good moral highgroundin
chocolate vines? what will science come up with next
somebody tell zucc that when I want to search I want to search, not get meta ai to search for me maybe he's handed the keys over while he's gone through whatever transformation
>>1117979 i should just pivot to eating food solely off vines
problem: lizardmen hate immigrants, and they hate every other race even more, they also breed slow Solution: hire mercenaries to go visit the surrounding regions for plunder and slaves My society is geared almost entirely around sheer food and war equipment production But I've got poor resources so I've had to supplement them with a little bit of plunder and also subjugation of the surrounding pigmen
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
POV: you are the united states
samu rocking
POV: you are soviets
>>1118000 solution is in vitro fertilisation & surrogacy. still waiting for Kirara to explain his expirience with it.
li-ds, been ruling flat Earth for thousands of years, since Pharaoh dynasty and interbred humans, that's how you should locate and consult with nearby Illuminati chamber. >society is geared give them Metaverse. >problem: lizardmen hate immigrants they are UFO migrants themselves Have you learned nothing from the History channel?!
the lizardmen are lizards, they lay eggs anyway They just don't do a lot of it
also Metaverse unlocks The Matrix road, pathway
also, you don't have to go through new pandemic, neither nuclear ww3, like in Ready Player One suggested, but you could just progress in to AR/XR iRL, and save the Markets.
the problem I face is the price/high cost of devices. yes, maybe first phones were expensive. but now market should have affordable 100-200$ new HMD, from multiple producers/manafacturers, with FLOSS drivers. But there are none like that, and no one trying to bring mass affordability, every company seems aiming for selling more expensive edge stuff. Only Meta trying to make them somewhat affordable, but it's still heavy and bulky, who need all that in Quest? There was a company who developing slick goggles, light, with just hdmi cable connecting directly / or usb3. no internal cpu, no heavy hardware. but even their item considered to be cutting edge on market, got excited Linus, at a price of something 999$.99c.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea VR headsets have a ways to go yet
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
when you have lived with mediocre chicken wraps your whole life, the moment kf revelation is a shock
perfectly toasted in a panini such that the wrap is crispy. the ingredients are hot and not waterlogged or dry. pockets of hot aioli lubricate the experience
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think theres pickled onions helpin out too all this needs is daubs of momma lizza's hot chili oil
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>mama liz's chilli oil was discontinued in 2021 sonnuva
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we need footsoldiers in Sydney scouring every last bougie corner store and patissorionette
I mean that's done through active monopolization and constructing walled gardens >>1118026 I dunno, you're the one who made a distinction for "the early web"
is web monopolized?
maybe internet is monopoly?
each one runs own site or server.
ads used to be ads ads are google ads
I remember the pipeline evolution
The Blogger The Youtuber The Streamer The Miner
and soon it could become The Metaworld businessman entrepreneur born in 1984 (or 64)
you can earn money in many ways there, S C, you could write code for some one in their environment, make stuff for worlds, or provide & sell services.
realistically, I will never become proficient in programming, for the simple reason I have nothing I want to make In the abstract I'd like to learn, but learning requires doing, and doing programming means you need something you're trying to make
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just want an internet that isnt infested with ads and bots and also html needs to be replaced its too busted privacy wise and functionality wise third party cookies, why are they a thing so yea an open source encrypted metaverse
since I only watch NL, the wider streaming world is actually so fucking bizarre, man most of them either play exactly one game, forever, or they barely play games and instead just watch youtube while ""reacting"" to it or having the absolute most braindead takes on Issues imaginable True, NL played a single game for a decade, but it's not ALL he did, it was just the main gig
oh wow, they actually only did street hacker and seemingly kept maintaining it until 2019 at which point they released it as freeware because they were about to shut down, encouraging their fans to continue sharing it going forward
im not a fucking koreaboo i lived there when i was a kid ok
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no one was gonna accuse you of that
>>1118033 gemini, gopher:// >its too busted privacy wise and functionality wise proceed to host and spread js
have you guys seen those beautiful ANGULAR/REACT/VUE SPA, that is simply incompatible with html-only text browsers?
>>1118040 but she has not released any app. she is still simply vtuber.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nothin wrong with writing an app in react just use Remix you get server side rendering for free
I'm not even go to argue with front end dev. never again.
Ok.Ok. cool down. I have plenty of boards to go with html only, if you'll ban me. I did not wrote the liveboard. My problem with not a liveboard engine per s.e. I don't do front ends, for religious reasons, you won't(don't) understand. I do not think it is wort explaining PoV with arguments. excuse me for mistypes, etc
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dont shitpost if you cant bring the heat
if i were writing doushio today itd be in react or preact with remix this jquery xodebase is a joke
Also, jfyi, it is worth mentioning, I do not like general concept of boards.
I shitpost to vent
I like it here, because quality of conversations, on average, is better than on 4chan. and the beautiful afterglow of posts. and subtle schizo vibes occasionaly.
>>1118062 if she is not willing to defend her PoV and compete in natural environment (of job market?) idunno how she'll strive if she doesn't like work environment/private business, in academia requirements are basically the same. wihtout smart asses, there wouldn't be any innovation at all, and she'll be stuck in cave with no fire and no wheels. well... I have bright idea right just for her! She could join Communism in Non-Compete!
buy some google ads traffic to have more better annos
real shame how things went with noncompete a warning to us all about propaganda
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I've got all this expensive powerlifting gear but still only putting up mid numbers My trainer was like >if you're gonna get this stuff eventually you may as well get it now Which is fine and a good point
But i do feel like a real tryhard Being all FITTED AND KITTED
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I've got the knee sleeves . I got the $400 belt. I got the wrist straps. I got the liquid chalk. I got the expensive premium pre workout. I got the flat soled shoes.
doing HDD archeology from my dead PC (2011-2020) with most of my stuff in it that I have ever acquired over the many years of me owning a personal computer
and sadly I must inform you all, that I didn't actually have DUWANG on me
it has become apparent I need to design the new script in broad strokes before actually writing it if I am to have any hope in improving it, so that's what I'm doing Up until now I've just sorta been improvising in the middle of it all, but I'm taking a step back to lay out what exactly the damn thing has to do
learning about the history and truth of the universe, humanity, and indeed love itself, watching a series of summaries of the Happy Science documentary anime
In the afterlife, if you ever have a "negative thought", you are immediately sent straight to hell That's good to know Before you're even told what's going on, like first stop after you die, you're taken to a big cinema to watch a movie of your entire life, and you're then judged by every single one of your ancestors, determining if you even get a crack at the good stuff or you go straight to hell
Needless to say, I can probably skip orientation and just go directly to hell
oh, "negative thoughts" include disappointment at not getting to go to one of the tiers of heaven above where you got dumped If you get the bottom tier heaven and think "man, I was really hoping I'd get the second tier heaven", you go straight to hell that very moment
> "Unknown" is a mysterious enemy that suddenly appeared a long time ago. As a countermeasure, the "Evolutionary Railway Development Agency" (ERDA) has developed the "Shinkalion" robot that transform into bullet trains, to prepare for the threat.
but really, I'm okay with it being overly hot A lot of people get real uncomfortable when it starts pushing 25, from my experience, but other than having to take off my tshirt cause of, you know, the sweat and stuff, I don't really mind it too much I prefer it be closer to 25 or so rather than 30 though, 30 is pretty hot but it's fine
we'll be fine, just walk to the grocery store instead of driving and it'll sort itself out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean if everyone did that then yeah we'd make a pretty sizable dent in CO2
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway we're already locked in for 2C barring some kind of geo engineering but it could get a lot worse we could have like 5C or 8C warming by the end of the century at this rate which would be catastrophic
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
time to go buy some mass produced jacket shipped from china i guess
>>1118173 porduce them our selves and triple stitch the shit out of the seams
>>1118174 yes a grand ideer, the last time I did but a german arny jacket it had some blood stairs in it though, should be still good too go? :P
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i gues i could check out a milsurp
there no more A&N here any more, they turfed a Army base Mil 's becoming unfortanuatly non existant of this city what the fug
Been around a surp tons growing up, so got to at least know the culture in's and out's as rising up at a young age. Quality is hard to find, at least knowing of it, and talking about is keeping it alive in some way. Allmost everythang I hav is falling apart or out of seam, it's redic.
This, getting out of hand, just want a change already w/o a resident evil vunerability.
(attempting to ask a question in good faith for the first time since i was 12) have any of these bunny girl vide game physics 3d modellers ever seen a real woman's body irl
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
there are no anime bunny girls in real life you fucking idiot. don't you know the difference between games and reality? go out and touch some grass you schitzo, and learn the difference between Real and Make believe before you shoot up a school.
(that's what you get for trying to act in good faith)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
noooo i was being 100% real and putting myself out there and got told off time to retreat into my shell and nurse this speck of trauma into a pearl over the next 20 years
For all that pw2 you could just buy Marsh bunny garden on steam which would be infinitely more rewarding and satisfying for the soul.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1118215 if you do match make sure you use my line about balls. It's a winner.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
time to spend $4 on a super like just to meme at this girl who won't get it due to language barrier o7
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
doing God's work, son.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
made a cursed sando
bread was expired 2 days, but looks fine, so i toasted the shit out of it to make sure to kill any molds scraped off the black burnt parts with a butter knife put some butter in a hot pan to fry eggs, but the butter burned immediately so i poured out the brown fats into the trash cooked eggs ok sliced my finger cutting an avocado in half assembled it all and added a bunch of hot sauce bite into it cough up a storm due to all the toasted bread dust
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
wow u can't do anything right
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
blessing be
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dyed my hair for the first time in my life
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
damn dude, we're full on Midlife Crisis mode now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sooo true im still cool and young i can still hang copium
wait the english i syntaxed wrong wait no i fucked that up oh god
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
what the fuck dude that's gross...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bro you got a ganyu tethered to some kind of economic instrument? do you sell derivatives
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
listening to some dont drink and drive radio commercials this shit is so dunb if you drink, dont drive NO SHIT and yet here we are
absolute territory enjoyer
i think the biggest problem is that the people most likely to drink and drive are also the least likely to care that they shouldn't in the first place so the adverts just kinda don't help them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea what a dumb sitch
absolute territory enjoyer
the real problem is that our society has built itself on the idea that people should be able to (i.e. are forced to) drive everywhere, instead of there being good mass transit systems if there's a way to fix that, we'll never find it though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
till we vote for it tide is slowly turning on zoning in some areas we're qorkin on it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i cant stop listening to this chris hansen impression its so good
I dont' like bike lane if ppl on bike are savy enough to ride with cars if they want safety it would be cool to have levels aove the trafic |above* then bike riders are at least away front the carbon a bit as well.
that shit doesn't make sence
I dont' like bike lane ppl on bikes are savy enough to ride with cars been that way for ever. if they want safety it would be cool to have levels above the trafic. then bike riders are at least away front the carbon a bit as well. how cool would it be if the platform for the bike riders was pererated steel and you could see the cars under you when you look down.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bro tried to edit their post ICANT
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how cool would it be if you didn't need a car at all
all ways need cars, just for that Samu's not aloud to drive vintage chevys, naw flying cars are the ticket a device that could go into a trunk that can make it so you can fly any car anywhere. Got too a level of meditation that was like that levitating to where you want to go. access to the light tunnels/tubes in the mind.
absolute territory enjoyer
new idea for a gameshow "adult male on hallucinogens or AI-written"
it was a good year as well. I heard something derogatory about the year 84 today in the background my subconscious picked up in the background in a song or something not fully true 84 was a good year as well
Haven't seen 86 maybe a epi here or there or clips, it looks good. Was way back in 2017, seems new then that, kind of suprized.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
banned from the imageboard? this is literally 1984!!
I already did that because this is like, several months late by now, if they actually needed someone to come help them replace it, which I know is a real thing for some people, they either already got someone to do it, or the damn thing has been without power for probably a month at least