Thread #111472
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Yes amine.
alice LWA hinako note zesty? saekano
There's also Tsugumomo if you're still watching it.
I'm here for the little witches
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>>111486 Yes, I just missed it and forgot to list it. Jan which of these shows do you have?
I'm not Jan but I'm pretty sure everything except maybe Zestiria. Which I'm kind of indifferent on finishing by now anyway.
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i can join in on alice and hinako but not as the first show
what the fuck is even happening over there
>>111491 alice lwa and saekano
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>>111506 Samurai is having fun. okay let's start with LWA since everyone has it. okay that's everyone let's start
>>111506 thread got tang'd it's been a while since the last time it happened try to enjoy it okay actually ready now
lets LWA Alice Hianko then Im do ne and you do Saekano lwa alice hianko
Uitchi Actibity
okkkkkkkkkkkkkk>>111515 that show was actually great
I never watched it but the ED is mimetic.
it was a pretty good show overall not amazing but I liked it
Huh there's going to another word this week. They're gonna get knocked out faster than expected.
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>>111519 i thought it was at LEAST 8/10 maybe 9/10 it was pretty good
Amanda's a first year, so assuming they're following Japanese grades she's like, fifteen? Fourteen? What age do Irish broads start hitting the clubs.
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this is a best girl episode
>>111528 all this time I knew you were my nigga
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>>111529 time and space may separate us but you'll always be my nigga>>111527 my delinquent neighbor was going to clubs and parties when she was 14-15 i think she's living with her boyfriend or some shit now she's 17 still going to school tho and probably still smokes weed what a life
Oh wait fuck this is ANDORU's school. Which means this'll probably -YEP. ANDORYU EPISODE.
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>andrew You were right, it was a best girl episode.
All these best characters in one episode. Now they just need Contanze to bail them out with some crazy mahoumecha and it would be GUREETO
I guess this is Andoryu's ribaru.
we had the rats extermined to KEEP THE COOTIES OUT
He can see right through her disguise like it's nothing. How romantic.
>i don't give a rat's ass
Oh no he missed his chance for TANOSHII.
>JUSTICE way to count cards
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Doesn't Louis have a crush on the frumpy one?
no that's andrew's other blonde friend I forgot his name
Hah hah she got haughty.>>111560 Frank. Also I don't know if Louis can be considered a friend, hah hah.
ah, I was thinking frederick so close
These outfits are kind of... Something.
>>111561 yeah I suppose not
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these fancy academies always have the weird stuff going on
Some how I doubt it would break so easily if it were the real Holy Grail.
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>>111569 I love these pictures that portray her as some jilted old lover.
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That one's less interesting to me. Maybe I've just seen it too often.
This brat is kind of scummy.
amanda for marvel vs. capcom infinite
sweet he got cool possessed armor he can be an edgy MC now
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Wow, his school had magic statues the whole time!
I think the statues have just been possessed by what's-her-name's magic cubes.
This got pretty Dark Souls all of a sudden. Even these stone brick bridges are pretty Dark Souls-y.
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this is literally a dark souls boss
Old Monk only you have to use the boss's moveset instead of just being your own build
>>111595 i would invade as the boss 24/7
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this is so fucking cool
Andoryu is pretty cute.
hes the best
he's pretty cool
I guess it is a Word every other episode then.
looks like it I'm looking forward to seeing where this ends
er, how it ends
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okay next up is Alice thanks for watching rook! okay let's start
Weekly dosage of ojii-san moe.>>111645 HIGHLANDER THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE
is froop here
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yes where flop
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why are you posting so much in the main thread
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yes its time>>111633 this whole fight was so amazing
ok]>>111647 danke
thank you anime night
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that made me check my phone dammit
shes strong
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ichijo is kakkoi
You have to be strong to be a SEIGI NO MIKATA
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just want to be happy
Happiness at the willful suffering of others is never deserved.
Mr. Hands.
kitsuni kitsuni taida jitsuni*
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He has really big arms.
attack on hands
Unlimited Hands Works
Gates of Handylon
It's a Snickers bar.
Like it's not even a Znickers or a Zackers bar or anything. Er Snackers.
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eat like you mean it
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Those things really do have a billion calories so she'll be fine.
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>can summon infinite number of items >make one of them a snickers bar this girl knows what's up
Rest in peace, Minnie C. Tachibana. Oh I guess she's not dead.
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she's like card captor sakura!
Minnie C. was a bit of a bitch but it's hard not to feel a little bad for her. That doesn't validate her action but it isn't something easily put aside either.
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minnie did nothing wrong
I dunno man she shot Sena in the leg hard enough to shatter the bone.
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she's just on the wrong side
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>>111703 you can't shoot someone hard or soft if you shoot someone it will likely break the bone if the round hits the bone firearms are much stronger than bones
Fair enough but she still shot in a way that the bone would shatter. That isn't something "right" to do, considering how she was already under absolute restraint to begin with.
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>>111706 as far as she understood Sana wasn't even really human or capable of her own feelings or emotions that's of course not true as far as what we've seen but she's been fed the bullshit from the wrong side of the story
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>>111706 though she was mainly doing it to threaten zouroku i think? she was under the assumption any damage done to sana would be pointless, which she was even more right about than expected
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Wow, they dismantled the evil organization already. I thought those guys would be bad guys all season.
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i wonder it was a joint america-japanese one the japanese branch is dead not sure if the american will follow not confident that the good guys are totally good either
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i'm sure this show won't stay peaceful with a character who is a literal walking arsenal
>>111714 Well even in that case, inflicting damage on something precious to an old man just to intimidate him isn't exactly a noble action either.
>what's "play" poor girl
>>111724 It's a rather dismal thought, isn't it.
>so peaceful. nothing to do. i wish something TERRIBLE WOULD HAPPEN t. me
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okay let's see, what was next Was it Saekano?
hianko hinako
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okay hinako note>>111752 I don't think Jan watches Hinako Note.l okay are you guys ready? okay let's start!
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Ready. I'm still here.
wheres jan ok lets go Jans gonna watch Saekano anyway if he doeds watch this he can hop in
Still tsuntsun.
this opening sucks
Every week until you love it.
Why do they all need to be in their gym clothes for theatre practice.
>Only nine No nine-year-old has breasts like those.
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Wow, I thought she was going to be an adult. She's only nine?
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how do you know maybe it's a really tragic story
i thougth she'd be an adult that looks like a kid
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stage fright so bad that she's even afraid of other actors
9 years old
Maybe it's all an act.
is she some sort of disney princess that spent her whole childhood singing with animals
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>>111781 That would be a good twist.
>>111786 When you spend day after day standing around with animals gathering around you, what else do you do?
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become a master of petting
She got the knack of that song down pretty fast.>>111791 Petting wild animals is kind of unsanitary.
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Just wash your hands after!
>Cheese doria set: 1080yen
Though actually that's probably a decent price for a full-set meal.
we will fill that hole in your heart BOOM
Hitotose is a nice name. I like the flow of it.
wow so easy
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I wonder how they'll trick the blonde girl into joining the club.
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okay saekano?>>111811 thanks for anime okay let's start!
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that's all for me
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>>111808 ok
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i didn't mean to close my post
Okay ready. ME GU MI ME GU MI
You can't be on edge with her around.
i like how izumi just dropped the act with megumi immediately she's just like eh fuck these losers my homie is here
I bet it's just embarrassing to keep up a chuuni act like that with normal people aroun
Around, even.
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a real chuuni could even keep up his chuuni persona at the courthouse
He's pretty gutsy to keep up the rant to the end even as she's shinning him.
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>>111825 Episode 3?
We're watching episode three RIGHT NOW.
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>>111829 yeah? isn't that the newest one or did i get it wrong again
No that's the one I'm watching too.
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I am watching episode 3 but haven't we already seen this?
I don't believe so. Either way on Nyaa, the latest episode anyone has uploaded is episode three.
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this is the first time i have seen this. i was gonna watch it by myself, since i couldn't on friday. but then i thought we could watch it yesterday, since you said you still had it. but then you said we should wait for tilde, so here we are.
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Maybe I'm just crazy. Didn't we already watch one where he went on a date with Utaha and the other two shadowed him?
Yeah and then he got her revised script for their game. But while he was agonizing over whether to use the changed script or not, ME GU MI was playing the demo for this Rouge en Rouge game. And then >>111840 this happened.
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>>111836 yeah, that was episode 2? it ended with the edgekids posing cool on the top of that fucking hill that's shown up a billion times in this show.
Cat fight.
Ribaru-kun has a good point. A game is more than the sum of its parts.
Two people have responded to Megumi's dry remarks in similar fashion this episode.
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>>111843 it should be clear by now this nigga knows what he's talking about they should probably recruit him before it's too late
But he's Ethical-kun's RIVAL. You can't just go and get your RIVAL to work for you.
Oh now it's time for more Most Irrelevant Girl screen time.
I really envy that sort of life though. Staying up late into the Friday night playing games and shooting the piss with friends. I haven't really been able to enjoy that since a few years back.
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>>111852 most irrelevant girl is actually my favorite she's just like me she might as well not even exist
I think Roc really liked her too. She's all right but nothing special to me. Utaha and ME GU MI are the ones I like the most I think.
Wow poor Freckles-chan.
Being an artist is suffering.
Oh my PC locked up or something. Rika you weren't planning on watching anything after this were you?
Either way don't pause SaeKano I'll finish it another time.
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>>111864 That's all for me for tonight. Sleep soon.
All right. By the I restarted you two would probably be at the ED any way.
I do want to remark however, that the music that was playing during the composition montage reminded me of the Donkey Kong Country theme. So now it's stuck in my head.