i have three incisions the first is about two inches above my pOnOs the second is about an inch above that and the third is on my belly button my balls are swollen but they didnt actually do anything to my balls other than shake them around a lot when trying to fix the hernia
SC are you also unable to get stimulants? I didn't know that the shortage was affecting anyone outside of America. I kind of just assumed that there were drug manufacturers in Europe who made the same stuff but sold it for less.
>>1113151 nah I mean smooth muscle relaxants operate on your smooth muscles and relax them like your lungs you don't want your lungs to relax too much because they'll just stop breathing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds like a skill issue
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1113153 This mother fucker wrote his master's thesis on Freddy Got Fingered! https://academicworks.cuny.edu/gc_etds/1351/
I don't really know where the story is gonna go, but I imagine it's a fictionalized account of the last shogun of Jap pan I'm not too solid on Japanese history, so I don't know a damned thing going in here, but I'm excited about it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i imagine there will be a lot more dudes pissing on other dudes i don't remember much from the book other than that
i think this period is covered in about five seconds in Bill Wurtz's video the five dudes are like "who's gonna be the next shogun? well it's not gonna be this kid, it's gonna be one of us. probably that guy."
I might read the book after watching the show, too
Though really, does "the last shogun" make all that much sense anyway? I mean in terms of the exact title, sure, but "emperor" is just a warlord who no longer needs to wage war
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it was a joke i don't think it's really anything like the last samurai other than white man in foreign land
maybe "the first brit-murai"
I don't remember the last samurai beyond the fact I've seen it, actually what's the general gi- Wait is it the one where they make the last stand at Shiroyama?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea they make a last stand and everyone cries as tom cruise rides the struggle bus in slow motion, very honorable
Shiroyama was like, actually a fucking insane power differential in real Absurdly outnumbered and also the guys with the most numbers have guns and uh, fucking artillery ' Ignoring what the actually stood for, there's something a little romantic about their dedication to their way of life and willingness to fight to the last man against such odds
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
japan does love fighting an insurmountably impossible war because ideological/honor reasons
To some degree I can't help but respect the dedication and will required to stand by something like that If I could flatly see that not only will I die in the attempt, but accomplish nothing except potentially being recorded in history as having tried, I think I'd just surrender, however important the fight might be to me
Like there's no reason to try if you already lost
granted, surrender also certainly meant death anyway, so I guess that makes it easier to go "fuck it, I'll die and fail, but I might kill ONE of them and that'll be something"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
war is hell man so many people dying just because of some guy's ideas sigh
Well at least when there's something at stake beyond simply who gets to be king, I can at least somewhat respect it, even if ideally there'd be no death
The new way for society to function usually comes through bloodshed, after all It'd be best if the old way just stepped down, but why would they do that when they've got all the power
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's the last resort usually a blood revolution fails to fix anything and results in a long period of turmoil sometimes you gotta go and kill hitler but usually it's not worth most wars are just a horrifying waste of resources
>The commonly held belief that most revolutions that have happened in dictatorial regimes were bloody or violent uprisings is not borne out by historical analysis. Nonviolent Revolutions came to the international forefront in the 20th century by the independence movement of India under the leadership of Gandhi with civil disobedience being the tool of nonviolent resistance.
well yeah, but on the flipside, it's significantly more rare for a more democratic world to come about otherwise The monarchy rarely ever just gives power to the people without at least the threat of getting their heads liberated
The threat is sometimes enough to get shit moving though, at least a few concessions that can be built upon That's obviously preferable, if for no other reason than the lack of corpses
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea the french revolution kinda realized that you get democracy and equality but also decades of bloody war
History doesn't have to be on repete, mostly when new alliances are formed. Respect threw compromise.
you ever wonder how exactly the locking mechanisms in post-oblivion bethesda games function? I mean, forget how picking the lock that way works, how does a KEY work for a lock where picking it like that is even sensible? you turn the key, but somehow it has something keeping itself rigid in the lock's orientation How's it work?
The oblivion minigame made a lot more sense, even if that was a bit shonky too
I need the lockpicking lawyer to reverse engineer a skyrim lock
i interviewed a candidate who opened up the interview by telling me that she's an empath and that she left her last job because she got secondary PTSD from getting too close to the clients, and that when parents don't do what she needs them to, she yells at them then i had to man a booth at a county-wide provider fair thing where i met a lot of people INCLUDING an old friend that i worked with in like 2018 and talking with her was a lot of fun then i had a client and this 8yo set up care bears all over his house and turned it into a shooting range with a nerf gun, and he had this whole story line about how the care bears "dominicate" the world and the evil king stole his name and killed our clan and now we have to kill his generals and drain their blood into the Master Bullet so we can kill the king with it i ended up teaching him how to aim the nerf gun properly and then we saved the world
( ・ิω・ิ)
coughing bomb vs hydrogen baby
does the lock to bottom thing on moe just not work anymore for anyone else, or is it clientside?
maybe it's because it's so zoomed in that seems like it might do that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hmm looks like it's broken when pressing [Reply] what the hell man
it doesn't really work in general for me Even when it shows up, the next post that comes in breaks it... pretty much every time?
not that it always shows up in the first place If the last post is my own, it doesn't, for one
I wonder how chatgpt is as good as it is when it comes to RP I can't imagine it had an abundance of written stuff to assimilate that matches that sort of interaction Like it's one thing to respond appropriately to questions about random stuff where it doesn't have a direct comparison, at least it has definitely consumed a lot of both question and answer format stuff, weighted towards the answers that match outside, accurate information, as well as general information on A LOT of subjects But how does it manage to respond to "hey let's do a ttrpg type thing where you're the 'player' and I'm the worldbuilder" so well, and keep that up without too many issues?
That sort of thing is what impresses me the most, cause it's something I doubt there's a lot of raw data to train it for
>>1113210 RP is basically text completion and openAI started out by training text completion models first, only later introducing question-answer models
I really like the little romance-y bits of the 7th time loop story Romance is nice, it's a shame it's often so poorly done
7th Time Loop really feels like a shoujo-coded show And not just because it has a female MC, because you can draw up comparisons with something like Hamefura, which is more neutral on the gender scale
And one of the perks of being more of a shoujo-y show is that they take the time to really care about the emotional weight of the romance, rather than something more shounen-side where it tends to be less so
Shonen can have romance to some degree, but it's usually very stupid or handled in an extremely different way Like Gon and Killua, to the degree one accepts that's a romance, the language is very different Approached from a different, less sappy angle
I kinda like how Zero no Tsukaima does it though, even though that's kinda shonen-y It's sappy in its own way, at least to my memory, but I watched it A LONG time ago
It's just kind of interesting to me, because shoujo in Japanese pop media has almost entirely vanished from the manga scene and by extension, drastically reduced in content in anime as well And stuff in anime which is more aimed at a female audience rather than being shoujo-poi has for a long time been more VN adaptation reverse harem stuff, which tends to be much more in line with the vibes of a shounen standard harem, and BL material But in the realm of web novels and light novels, especially in the isekai and its satellite genres (I'm including 7th Time Loop in this broad fuzzy category) there's been a bit of a resurgence in stuff that is much more in the vibes of a shoujo series 7th Time Loop really reminds me, in terms of shoujo vibes, of Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou desu, even if the material is pretty different
I wonder how large the female readerbase for these VNs are in Japan
I liked where LVL99 was going with its romance very early on, too, but it kinda fell off because the author insists on Yumiella actually being a musclebrain to an absurd degree There was potential, but alas >>1113219 OH SHIT right I was actually kinda watching that but I dropped off somewhere Maybe I should pick it back up again
I enjoyed the first season quite a bit, and was intending to watch the second season, but it was really hard for a long time for me to consistently watch anime It's still hard but I have been juggling a handful of shows this season Maybe I can start going back and watching some of the stuff I've missed that I've been wanting to watch in the past couple years
that show about the horseskull magician buying a wife was actually pretty nice for a little bit but it quickly got just kinda boring to me so I ended up dropping it A bit too much episodic introducing a thing and she's blown away then calms down, and then repeat that next episode Lacked a sort of connecting tissue
mushoku tensei is kind of a middleground, I guess a sort of "it kinda makes sense I guess, but also really they were stuck on him for that long?" with the exception of Eris Eris obviously best girl who never did anything wrong or unreasonable
I really like how LN publishing culture is so permissive of aliases like "illustrated by Wan<starcharacter>Hachipisu" is the kinda thing you only see in LNs
I think it's driven heavily by a lot of LNs tapping online artists for illustration People from places like pixiv and Twitter, where they all have alias pennames in the first place It's why magazines from the Kirara umbrella will also have a lot of aliases too
In no small part, it's probably the authors themselves going "OH OH OH can we get one of my fav pixiv artists to do the art, please?"
as in kirara fantasia?
Kirara Fantasia is the mobage, but Kirara Time is the main magazine, and they have a lot of other magazines or online publication magazines too Or something like that, I never looked too deeply into it
Also Yuru Yuri, which doesn't run in the Kirara magazines, but namori is obviously a penname too
>>1113227 I don't know how confident I'd be in agreeing with that Generally I think publishing houses handle that kind of arrangement
hm, probably I guess there's a large amount of really talented people drawing for Online with some experience drawing doujin and that kind of thing to pick from, after all
Even just illustrations can get you noticed if you're good enough That usually means you've got to be able to set a scene and be better than just drawing really cute girls though Ina of Hololive English's personal alias regularly does illustration work for LNs and used to do a lot of stuff for Azur Lane She doesn't really do doujinshi but is a great illustrator
I gotta imagine the person doing Overlord's art has done other stuff in that past too, though I wouldn't know what I mea it's so damn good, it's hard to imagine this is their first like, official stuff
absolute territory enjoyer
>>1113212 i think it's just that they're intuitive to play
>>1113232 Well so-bin has been doing Overlord work for a while now, since the first volume came out in 2012 She could've been tapped because of her online public portfolio (eg. pixiv/Twitter), but that's too far back in the past for me to dig up what her stuff looked like before Overlord Considering the painterly style she uses I wouldn't be surprised if she has an art school background and so she had skills developed through that before having to look for professional work
I'm just glad she was the one they tapped for it, cause I utterly adore her Neia Every time I re-read those volumes, I end up pausing just to look at the Neia drawings
the world is so weird why are we bull market? because bitcoin halvening soon? how are we to survive the record breaking heats this summer? what the f is goin on
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe i just have some funny bacteria in my gut or i keep making the mistake of drinking the free coffee
>>1113250 Well you're never going to develop the discipline if you keep falling back on excuses and crutches It's a pretty useful thing to have for a variety of aspects in life
I mean you're not wrong
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/watch?v=EAPVinyAoWk damn being so good at chess and having a friend so good at chess you can both play just verbally sharing the board state mentally
I'm at one of those "make your own soup/pho/hotpot places Don't know what the actual name is Where you fill a bowl up with as mush stuff as you want and they weight it at the counter and cook it for you. Initially i was scared off
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
By the complexity and uncertainty of how the ordering system worked But we persevered. Now they're cooking it for me.
yesterday i played with that kid way too much so today i'm really worn down and it a bit of pain in a bit* also the glue is starting to come off my incisions and it's pretty irritating but i am getting by just alright, thanks for asking!
regular person and has to do grocery shopping, too? Something feels just sorta weird about that Though it's probably normal as far as they care, it has strange vibes ' Though maybe most of the richer people have people who do their shopping just because they can? I feel like that's weirder though, that's just so detached
Like you don't even go to the grocery store yourself and grab a few extra bags of chips just because you want some on impulse? Is that even a life
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
not everyone runs their life on fast food impulse
absolute territory enjoyer
it really depends on where you live and your income level, as well as your interest a lot of the very wealthy use grocery delivery services or have cooks that are responsible for that or assistants or au pairs or what not but a lot of them also do their grocery shopping because they enjoy cooking as a hobby and shopping for ingredients tends to be a part of that in the US, anyone who makes 6 figures and up likely does not need to grocery shop on their own for financial reasons, and considering 100k is quickly becoming the middle class standard that is to say that most households could afford to Instacart or Shipt or otherwise have their groceries delivered a lot of people still grocery shop because services like that aren't exactly cheap so the value proposition becomes much more of a personal decision especially when weighed against the fact that a lot of people don't mind getting groceries i personally love grocery shopping
but yeah i'm rambling basically keanu reeves might grocery shop if he wants to but he definitely doesn't have to i think my landlord gets his groceries delivered about 60% of the time
oh i guess the knees arent inverted the ankles are still
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>If you look at cats, dogs, and horses it looks like their knee bone is pointing backwards. That bone pointing backwards is actually the calcaneus or heel bone! All these animals are actually walking on their toes!
well it's an understandable mistake, since it being on the front like that would very obviously impede their ability to run If it was beneficial, sneaker soles would be rigid
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
heelys should be standard
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
horse wheels
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why didn't evolution evolve perfectly flat convenient pavement connecting livable areas together and then also evolve animals with wheels checkmate atheists
you somehow managed to evolve with a perfectly smooth brain
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
smooth brain is good less wrinkles fewer bad thoughts
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
john protagonist sitting in the back of the car at the end of Tenet, shooting priya in the back and then saying "mission accomplished" to himself is such a nolan line
>>1113416 I wasn't there, but my friends have a great story about a mutal acquaintance who hired someone. Apparently she was so...off putting in both physical appearance and personality nobody wanted anything to do with her.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeowch if you're ordering someone for coming to yiur party yea youd better have a solid reference ordering ... i mean inviting idk
>>1113410 ive seen strippers at a bucks party and ot was kind of boring maybe I had boring strippers though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my guess is either it gets glamorized in hollywood and usually kinda sucks, or you gotta have a group of insane womanizers with massive amounts of drugs and liquor to make it fun
well yes, hence why it appears to be some sort of very potent stimulant, or at least that's the closest analogue to spice we have Obviously spice does more than just get the brain cranking, it improves it outright
But like, there's not a shortage of spice exactly, other than the harkonnens seeming to have embezzled a bit of it for underthetable sales and stuff >>1113467 I guess it's possible something like a shortage is brought up later, but in what I did read, and the movie, there's no indication it's too low on supply. Sure it only comes from one place, which probably would result in a shortage sooner or later since production can only increase so much, but still
Certainly spice production isn't capped by order of the emperor or anything, the top dogs would love nothing more than an abundance of spice
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I barely remember Dune, its been almost 20 years since I read it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there are spice reserves but the issue is spice production dropping due to guerilla attacks
oh, right, the damned fremen You right, that's why Paul's old man even got Dune I actually forgot the reason the transfer was made
Though, actually I think that might have been a pretense in the first place, cause didn't the Navigators tell the emperor to do that shit? Bit fuzzy on the details here
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the emperor saw house atreides as a threat and set them up
Yeah, Paul's father, Leto Atreides, was literally too good of a man In all honesty he probably would have never mounted himself a rebellion against the emperor, but the emperor (probably rightly) foresaw if political tensions grew too fraught and a rebellious outbreak did occur, that the rebels would likely prop Atreides up as the next ruler because everyone liked the man aside from the Harkonnens
BIG ew the increased caffeine level is enticing though But I mean, here it won't be so there's no chance I'll ever see it
Obviously still buying one if I do I will try at least one of every energy drink I see
I love me some Fuzzy Peaches
sugar dust muh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
shortly after drinking that i realized i could see all possible futures in all possible universes the game of chess is solved
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm kinda tired of the deafult unreal engine lighting like it looks good but every game looks kinda samey slightly blurry HDR brightness of the scene constantly varying based on your camera angle
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe i'm just gettin old but the constant HDR adjustment gives me eye pain give me old games with consistent brightness levels
>>1113519 we did our best but ante 12 is usually the run ender
that was definitely my best balatro run so far i really like the magic deck and just using tarot cards in general i think the tarot system in this game is what makes it such an interesting roguelike the build and path diversity in this game feels crazy good and i think the tarots are what enable it and hold it together like almost all of those kings were made from Death cards and almost all my tarots came from an early Vagabond the thematic element of modifying your deck of 52 using tarots and different jokers is pretty cool too this game really came out of nowhere and surprised the hell out of me really cool little thing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tarot removal is pretty key for some kinds of decks at least i like gambling on a spectral card and getting like 12 hearts all at once
absolute territory enjoyer
spectrals are fun i like getting a suit or rank spectral early
balatro dev said he doesn't even game or play video poker just came up with the game after playing some games like Luck Be a Landlord it kinda makes sense maximize the interactions decisions required and a big dash of RNG they claimed they didn't play Slay the Spire at all which seems kinda surprising
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>LocalThunk explained that the game which game Balatro started out based on the Cantonese card game Big Two. Then they encountered videos of Luck Be A Landlord and became, in GamesRadar+'s words, obsessed with it—but without playing it.
>LocalThunk told GamesRadar+. "I don't know the tropes. I only played Slay The Spire last May because I wanted to understand what they did with [gamepad] controls. If I'd played that game before designing this one, it would have infiltrated the design quite a bit. I didn't want to subconsciously take design elements from those games
i feel like they must have played some MTG or something at least
absolute territory enjoyer
i mean, honestly, it might one of those things where >>1113528 this actually is exactly the point i was about to make where playing other games that are similar is actually kind of terrible because fresh eyes are only fresh once the blind/skip/ante system seems like the kind of unique thing that only someone who hasn't played another deckbuilder roguelike could come up with it's like, the more of a specific niche of content one consumes, the more difficult it is to create in that space without that other content bleeding in i would probably have a really hard time creating a pen and paper rpg campaign that isn't heavily based on established fantasy settings, for example
gonna watch Netflix's Avatar this is bound to be fuckin' trash, but oh well
well, for one, they've completely done away with the whole "bending is kinda like martial arts" thing Which, you know, is fine I guess, it's not super important to the story, but still
BUT THEY KEPT IT IN THE INTRO? Lads you just kept 5 minutes showing there is NONE martial arts aspect of doing the bending People were just throwing out bending while at a full sprint, the fire emperor guy literally just grabbed a man's hand and made him light on fire without moving an inch
also this isn't about the netflix show but why are they called the "air nomads" when they very clearly have a singular permanent settlement? That's not a nomadic people
OK well I guess they have multiple settlements, but they're clearly permanent settlements, they're not like, on the move or anything
I also like how they talk about the avatar, not Aang specifically but like, the role, in this version Cause it's like "If Aang doesn't learn these things, responsibility and sacrifice and virtues of that sort, he may not live up to his purpose" When actual canon is the last Avatar was essentially a global tyrant who straight up beat everyone into submission to maintain the peace
for like hundreds of years
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1113567 i got through episode 1 and hated it so much couldnt watch more
I'm kinda enjoying it so far But it's only like 15 minutes in
I can't imagine it is overall good though
I actually don't remember if the extreme lifespan is just part of the avatar package or if that avatar did something in particular to get so fuckin' old I'm guessing due to Korra, it's not something that comes free with your avatar subscription
HAHAHAHAHAHAH HOLY SHIT THEY HAVE JETPACK POWERS Regardless of the rest of the story, that's just cool and nonsensical enough I gotta give it credit
I don't really remember her name, but lemme check real quick
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the air nomad lady?
Kyoshi Died at 230
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh she got some longevity thing from some spirit world shit if i remember right
makes sense
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you know after korra dies its gonna be so fucking hard to find the next avatar now that they all live together and the benders arent as segregated
oh yeah, globalism screws humanity again! we must return to tradition (segregationist racism)
though, you could also see it as there not needing to be another avatar, since the avatar was only really needed because of the strictly segregated bending nations
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well the avatar came about a long as fuck time before the nations were segregated the avatar is just generally supposed to be oriented towards peace wan got the spirits out to bring peace and then the humans just fought each other instead and he died trying to stop them from doing that
>>1113577 oh no is this some superhero style change where everyone can just fly around show up randomly with portals and only use powers whenever the plot demands it
naw it's just the firebenders shoot fire out of their hands to have them work as jetpacks Which, you know, physics wise doesn't make ANY damn sense because firebending doesn't even have recoil in the first place but it's COOL
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
looks like a rocket? must be a method of propulsion
>>1113600 It's so fucking dumb, but honestly I can't help but enjoy the sheer ridiculousness of it It doesn't make any sense, at all, on any level, and in itself makes a lot of the rest of the world come off as extremely weird
Also, and I think this was kind of a thing in the regular cartoon too, but how come firebenders are the only ones who can just manifest that shit? the other benders need to bend something, but firebenders just sorta pull it outta the ether
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fire is just potential energy stored everywhere ready to be unleashed with the right conditions rapid chain oxidation
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah basically the lion turtle told aang that bending just comes from internal energy in firebending that energy becomes fire
OK but earth benders don't MAKE rocks airbenders are busted good anyway just cause anywhere and everywhere is air if it's not something else waterbending also kinda the same cause there's a lotta water in the air most places but fire is like, you know, a reaction it's not a thing in itself
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk how do earthbenders turn earth into magma how do waterbenders turn water into spirit
I mean you're not wrong I guess, but it always seemed fucking weird that the firebenders were the only ones who just sorta figured out how to never need, you know, a zippo lighter or something You put the entire population of the earth kingdom on a metal ship out in the ocean (Toph notwithstanding) and they're paralyzed You put a firebender anywhere, they'll burn the prison down
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
making rocks out of thin air would require converting nuclear amounts of energy into matter
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i think sam is right its just not feasible with other elements i think you could probably say water should be able to do it with humidity but waterbending is based on push and pull like the moon so it doesn't have the precision to do that, just like how bloodbending is so hard for them. they need water in a greater concentration, like a cloud at the minimum
I dunno, based on how every cop in Korra is a metalbender, I think a lot of that shit is just "nobody thought of doing that" more than it being too difficult But yeah
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
only a few of the cops are metalbenders technically, they have a bunch of nonbenders and firebenders and all sorts of stuff but most of their stuff is made specifically with a high degree of impurities so that it can be metalbended later in korra people start producing metal that can't be bended
huh Airbending still seems absurdly OP though It was a wise choice in the cartoon to never show how the people who CONTROL THE AIR YOU NEED TO BREATHE got mercd by people whose whole deal is fire (which needs air to exist)
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you're a psycho, airbending is fucking crazy if you're normal its honestly not that good but people like gyatso and zaheer are fucking insane and extremely dangerous
the catch is that to be a really seriously good airbender you have to do Self Work and Meditate and Let Go of Attachments and shit like that
it's a self-nerfing discipline what a shame
also there was something really funny about Zuko threatening to "burn down everything" in a place where there's literally ONLY shit made out of compacted snow Brother, I don't care how cracked you are at firebending, you are not burning ice and snow
but I ain't watching the rest of that show I just had to see if it was passable, and honestly it had me bored more than anything by the end of the first episode
i tried it the day og my surgery after i got to my mom's house since all i had access to was netflix on her guest room TV i just couldnt do it so i watched uncut gems instead and then the next two days i just rewatched all of korra
I think Imma watch that heron movie with the boy, also by the guy who didn't make the movie
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
avatar makes me want to play a kineticist in pathfinder
Miyasaki apparently doesn't wanna do interviews about it despite like, winning an oscar cause he feels bad for lying about not making more movies and honestly
fuckin' mood, dude
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are you gonna watch it in JP or robert pattison ver
>>1113624 maybe making up for being snubbed for howl's moving castle
Yeah I still don't know how I feel about The Boy and The Heron Dissatisfied? It's not that I didn't enjoy
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i didnt get to see it yet either i wanted to see it in imax but life got so busy
>>1113633 it and I don't think it was a bad movie, but it wasn't a very satisfying movie and was kind of lacking a strong catharsis
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the oscars sucked this year they usually suck but this year was especially bad
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
actually isnt there an avatar movie coming out this year with aang and the guys in their 20s or whatever
I think it's slated for '25
absolute territory enjoyer
>>1113636 let me guess oppie takes everything barbie gets some scraps marvel movie gets at least something there was a marvel movie last year right i don't actually know
is there ever not a marvel movie?
absolute territory enjoyer
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im mad because jimmy kimmel made a bunch of jokes about addiction to belittle RDJ and then emma stone won best actress for her performance in poor things as a literal fetus in the body of an adult who has a lot of sex over lily gladstone
absolute territory enjoyer
oh killers of the flower moon looked cool one i was actually planning watching
winning best actress for playing a fetus is uhhhhhh interesting to say the leasty
>>1113642 ...I am so glad I don't pay attention to this shit
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
killers of the flower moon is one of the best films of last year, easily it was my second favorite film well, western film
poor things is basically a story about a fetus who gets brainswapped with an adult and then has to learn philosophy from a bunch of pretentious losers and has a lot of sex there are probably 20-30 sex scenes in that film
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the scene where the fetus learns that there is inequality in the world is when she goes to a very rich hotel and looks out a window and sees a pile of dead babies and homeless people crying and it makes her Feel Bad
Ah yes the local pile of dead babies Every rich district in every city has one
absolute territory enjoyer
i know i'm not saying something original but holy fuck hollywood is cooked
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that drivel won like three oscars neither scorsese nor fincher won a single one
Really the oscars are just good for hearing about movies that you somehow missed and can go check out other than that, I mean, it's an industry awards show, it's kind of nutty how many people seem to really care about it Like it doesn't, you know, matter, actually
It's not that far-fetched Plenty of people watch enough movies to be familiar with some of the movies featured but don't interface with media critically enough to form their own opinions on things For a lot of those people I imagine it takes on elements similar to sports games where you're cheering for your team, except instead of team it's favourite movie of the year
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
only 11 films won anything most of them are just whatever was popular
the only good thing was zone of interest winning
I hear the zone of interest guys went full antisemitism mode by saying they're not fans of genocide or something
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
basically they said that as jews who made a film about the holocaust, they feel extremely disturbed that jewishness is being used to justify a genocide and so a million zionists took it out of context and claimed that they "refuted their jewishness"
Didn't Godzilla win best SFX
wait there was godzilla last year? Time doesn't mean ANYTHING to me anymore, man
>>1113656 If I didn't know they're soulless fascists, I'd argue there's obviously something a lot more offensive about "being a jew means I support mass murder and genocide", but whatever lmao
OH RIGHT Minus one is that digital yet?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it was a decent godzilla film 3/5 probably it has a lot of problems that make me actually dislike it pretty severely but its somewhat competent technically if you ignore the part where it // well you'll see
a decent godzilla film is still a good film!
which godzillaverse is minus one anyway? shin godzilla or king kong godzilla, or is it yet another?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's another its supposed to be like an anniversary project for the original
man we have A LOT of kaiju series going at once now, and Godzilla is in all of them lmao Truly the king of monsters!
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also im mad about -1 because they put out a really stupid black and white version of it very stinky
oh yeah lmao I saw that at least just film it in black and white don't just slide the saturation slider to 0 and call it a done deal, dipshits monochrome has to be SHOT DIFFERENT
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
RIGHT? but these people don't know how to shoot in black and white there is virtually nobody left alive who understands lighting to the degree that they could competently make a black and white film ofc you can't do it properly with digital which makes it even harder i bet david lynch could do it?
Like I appreciate the intent of it and all (beyond the obvious cash grab) but like if you're gonna do an homage, you gotta actually do it, too
and color is just such a MASSIVE part of how literally everything in a movie is put together, you can't just pretend it's the same god that's stupid
I mean I think many people making movies could probably do a good job making a black and white movie But like, to make it look good, they have to do different stuff And see what they're making through the black and white recording, you know With digital that's easier too cause they can look at it and go "that doesn't look right"
that said there is a terrifying lack of lighting, in general, in modern film
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nobody knows how to use lights anymore
shogun goes hard on that front, though but that's like one example
99% of hollywood probably saw that shit and went "lmao they forgot to turn off the lights before filming, wha t a blunder"
movies that gave color, are much more entertaining then drab greyed out productions, i.e. some psace movies and stuff wigh magical moments but not limited too movies with colorful ensembles and backgrounds.
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they don't even do anything with color anymore everything is dark and lifeless i miss the days of technicolor
colors are for cartoons, like tom and jerry reality is a film noir with technology in it
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they should make movies that i think are good instead of ones i think are bad
60's movie have a bit, and movies of times of old like 14th century pirate, or Civil War period and cowboy fliks b-fast @ Tiffany's is a good I.e. of what anno's indicating though.
the original Fast and Furious is just like street racing its jot really up my alley
yes but many scenes are a nuanced criticism of cars and car culture like the oil weight interrogation part or the downshifting in a drag race scene if you watch it with that in mind it is more interesting
have prepared my stealth matcha had to unplug every other e device and shut off lights to turn on the kettle and have comp running at same time didn't want to to flip a breaker
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
uhh what kinda power supply you got in that box
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
a hungry one
>>1113708 dunno prob draws 6-10a not busting out the multimeter
holy fuck this 55mg juice on a 2 sec draw makes me dizzy ribcage hurtin when breathin in deep shud see a doctor eventually
pardon ment to say holy fr*ck
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh that's just your heart valves vitrifying
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i left a bottle of vodka lying on part of the ice cube mould tray and the parts that were under the bottle are all half melted and watery those scientists didn't lie about phase diagrams
was a hassle to get the cubes for my iced tea quietly like doing surgery my heart valves might calcified too
ah, might have been from hitting the gym(have not gone in years) Rei how many pl8s do u squat
why not, its supposedly 'good' for you your body still a little, erm health problems etc? I recall you said you couldn't do pushups. hope you're feeling well.
and you could probably do more weight than me even without training cause BW ratio an opportunity for a 1-up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i use the silicone moulds for beeg ice cubes, pretty quiet, not always easy to get it out tho if you fill em up all the way
Is that good for long-term value, or should I be harvesting some gains I mean I'm already gonna put half my solana into ETH before restaking again, cause solana has gone like 4x and eth has gone like 2x, so even if it dips down again I've made some bank I'm not putting more money into the casino though, I'm playing with the chips I already have, I just opened the wallet on a whim today and I was up at like 1200 buckaroos from uuuh, somewhere around 200?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hmm halving is around april 20 umm easiest thing to do is look at how the crypto market moved during the previous halving events past performance not indicative of future results but that might help with timing
last time I tried timing I lost the whole bag, so I'm just moving this in 2 days when the solana gets unstaked Long term, small stake hodling and staking is how I gotta play it
actually maybe I'll move half of what remains into ONT instead the APY is higher
smaller moves, but that's overall good for staking, I feel like, so you don't lose too much on a downturn, even if you don't gain too much on the upswing
maybe cash in on that shibe coin I got too I put $10 into that and it's like $30 now BIG gains, on a small input
hmm there have been three halvings and they all look a bit different well the earlier ones are just "number go up" the whole time
most recent one has a run-up before hand and then mostly flat after
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1113755 yea timing based on one's emotions or feelings is pretty unreliable i have to admit i've tried to do that too and it just ends up being rudderless
what people recommend is making a concrete plan and sticking to it
yeah probably the best move And ETH is gonna start burning too, right, so it's a good move to put a little bit of chips in But otherwise I'm just sticking to staking the small coins overall follow the moves of the big coins after all, I just get more coins passively on top >>1113760 oh right I forgot about that The actual NFT project is dead in the water valuewise so none gains pretty much >>1113760 I only have guras
how did that minting NFT things exploit you did a year ago go btw i require some watsons and guras from you >>1113761 yay yes I have most of ur sharks i believe
I accidentally launched the streamplay thing on steam on my virtual machine one time and it was horrifying it streamed the virtual machine to the virtual machine and also captured the mouse
actually maybe I go for ATOM instead seems a bit more stable, and also it doesn't involve converting your gains to stake them and all that nonsense Still good yields, too