how the hell do people consistently crack eggs without having pieces of shell end up in the pan I can't get it done, man It's not a big problem, you can just scoop it out easily enough, but I gotta wonder if I'm just doing something wrong
break egg on a flat surface, not the edge of the pan or rather weaken the sidewall pull shell into halves gently pieces of shell should stay attached
oh, that makes sense I guess I'll give that a go next time
I've heard dropping an egg from about a foot in the air on to a flat counter is a pretty failsafe way to crack it in a way that doesn't get shell bits mixed in Never tested it myself since I don't use eggs often, and honestly the times that I do I've never had issue cracking it on an edge
I use eggs a fairly decent amount, cause a burger patty, a fried egg, and some beans in tomato sauce is a real good and I think fairly rounded meal Real easy to make, filling, and easy to clean up afterwards too
>>1110190 Surprisingly, a person is free to celebrate their birthday on any day they wish There's no law in place saying you have to celebrate it on the day you were born
might also just be a convenience thing So each one of them got a day about them in particular growing up, instead of having to share it that's the most likely reason
Well from a logistical approach, I'd also say, like, they may be twins, and they may share a channel, but they're still separate talents Having separate days allows for them to get all the benefits that comes with birthday celebrations in Hololive that all the other talents get It would be kind of discriminatory if they weren't given the same resources as other talents just because they're twins
>>1110204 I get that's the first impulse to reach for, but for starters, plenty of people cheat around the YouTube limitations on superchats to begin with, they wouldn't have to wait for two separate streams I see it more like, Cover provides the opportunity to do 3D lives once a year per talent, and prior to some recent changes, the general assumption was that would happen on a talent's birthday By giving the twins two separate birthday days, it treats them as individual talents in regards to that policy, which I think is just simple fairness
>>1110206 Yeah but are we talking about a biological birth or metaphorical birth Nothing about the word "birthday" carries any literal connotation as to which it is
well, so far yes But I'm not that far in yet had to pause for a bit there
the magneto bar scene for sure holds up
I like how the movie carries a few seeds, saplings of the ruin that would befall marvel down the line Like it's not bad in this movie, but there are Quips here and there
They're just not overbearing and "that's just happened"
It actually is kinda wild how the X-men series isn't particularly well regarded, when in terms of not just being a fanservice mess, it's a MUCH better put together bunch of movies than the MCU even wants to be, much less succeeds at
Like even just the student batch of muties are a lot more... sensible I guess, as characters Magneto and Mystique are both, you know, villains in x-men, but they get to that point in a fairly reasonable way
From what I understand the later X-Men movies go pretty shitty It's easy to be regarded as well put-together when you're only a handful of movies versus a few dozen Even the original Infinity Saga of the MCU is still considered pretty decent outside of a few outliers
>>1110236 if your necks still fuged, hit it wit ice, lower swelling at first when injured (obvi) then to promote healing, take a towel wet then ring it out our stuff it in a garbage bag. then toss in the nukerwave for about couple mins wrap in other towel then wrap neck lax out for about 30mins. ( Makeshift) heating pad.
you can't only be a genetic freak you also have to put an immense amount of work and discipline into it genetics might make the difference between a 700 and 1000 pound squat but i don't see anyone on /moe/ doing either unless one of us is secretly a powerlifter
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow way to crush marsh's dreams
absolute territory enjoyer
what 700 pounds is the kind of weight 1 in 100k people can do i'm sure marsh has respectable numbers but we're talking about gods here gods of strength now if we were talking about gods of sex appeal, marsh starts to become much more relevant
AHHH I COULDNT REMEMBER i couldn't think of a single johnny depp film how did this happen
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hahaha oh man
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pixar hole oof i think amy poehler is in that
absolute territory enjoyer
i haven't seen a pixar movie in a long time come to think of it is inside out good?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah its good
absolute territory enjoyer
damn that was a good one maybe i just had to spool up my mental hard drive
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yee good rally how did i not think of guardaians of thr galaxy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you madda fakka get us out of the cranstonverse
absolute territory enjoyer
oh no i'm racist
absolute territory enjoyer
i thought kevin hart was someone else
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man time pressure goes crazy
absolute territory enjoyer
absolute territory enjoyer
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha fuck
bourne legacy got me
absolute territory enjoyer
i thought for sure you'd do dafoe
i actually tried bourne legacy first because it was the most recent but matt damon wasn't in it and the i realized new matt damon tech
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ohhh duhhh
absolute territory enjoyer
the jackson ban is rough
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so hard to think of these conmections under pressure oh yea sorry
absolute territory enjoyer
ikr NL is fucking crazy
absolute territory enjoyer
u don't gotta change it though i have mean bans too if we ever find em
absolute territory enjoyer
absolute territory enjoyer
im high af so i celebrated way too early after earth is supposed to be the killshot but pursuit works too i banned jaden
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pursuit of happyness killshot what the heck is that movie
absolute territory enjoyer
i really like it when i watched it but i was young looks like it has decent scores feels weird saying it but i really like will smith's acting in it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hes a good actor too bad about his brand
absolute territory enjoyer
feels weird cause it's basically just him and his son i don't even remember any other characters >>1110306 i think it's weird how everyone freaks out about his outburst like he's evil incarnate getting slapped is pretty low on the violence meter i feel chris rock will always be a bitch for that i mean i'm not condoning violent outbursts esp at big events like that but i feel like everyone's response is absolutely insane
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea he do like slappin people haha
absolute territory enjoyer
why can't i remember who haley joel osment is
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ai sixth sense
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why cant i remember what else tom hanks has done
absolute territory enjoyer
wait the little kid?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea the smol boy
absolute territory enjoyer
oh wrong italian
absolute territory enjoyer
wait he wasn't in men in black wtf
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
bang wanna play in 10 minutes?
absolute territory enjoyer
wait WHAT
vin diesel isn't in 2fast?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dang tokyo dridt
absolute territory enjoyer
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think he is oh wait idk yea weird
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you guys can play ih wait 5 min okay one more
absolute territory enjoyer
oh no rei's gonna hit me with some obscure french cinema in the first 3
>>1110322 I'm not actually vwry familiar with French cinema other than knowing the names of some truffaut films and that other guys whose name I just forgot
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
does this game work on android phones?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
also I've never played it before, looking forward to it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
alright ggs!! that was fun i should play more gonna get foods me and samu only knew one actor from it was kinda funny, the game basically started with saving private ryan instead
absolute territory enjoyer
i picked a different starter
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
absolute territory enjoyer
there's an autofill but it's weird the keywords it prioritizes
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
ugh it was a really good one
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
how do you use lifelines?
absolute territory enjoyer
don't forget your oh it's in the top right drop down menu
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
oh there's a drop down? I tried clicking and nothing happened
absolute territory enjoyer
it's the little stars OH LOL I GOT GOOGLING GARIED for switching to moe
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
absolute territory enjoyer
there's like 3 little stars in a box under the top bar thing on the right side and it drops down a menu with the lifelines
I tried to put in his movie from last year but they didn't accept it
absolute territory enjoyer
tommy wiseau?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
yeah Big Shark Almost went to a screening with a meet and greet with him
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
every time spider man came up I kept trying to remember the name of the movie where willem defoe gets a nail driven thourgh his penis but I can't remember the name
absolute territory enjoyer
my mind kept blanking on a bunch of willem dafoe roles
absolute territory enjoyer
i don't know that one but i feel like i'd have a hard time forgetting a movie where willem defoe gets a nail driven through his penis
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I only know about it because according to people who worked on it they had to use a stand in penis for the initial shot because Defoe's penis was distarctingly large a vtuber I watch keeps talking aobut it
absolute territory enjoyer
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
it has christ or nazareth in the name or something
absolute territory enjoyer
platoon and american psycho are the ones i wanted to remember
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Ive actually been having a lot of memory issues recently so I'm surprised I did that well in the long game
absolute territory enjoyer
i'm ffuckin toasted and that definitely isn't helping but i'm also remembering things i didn't know i still had in me
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
one more?
absolute territory enjoyer
stan lee might be a pretty powerful ban, actually
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
fuck there were a bunch of movies I put in that it didn't even recognize like spike jonze directed jackass and jackass movies came up in the siggestion but when I clicked them it said "no such movie found" and then one of the songs in Shrek 2 was written by Pete Shelley who had a cameo in 24 Hour Party People but it didn't recognize that connection either
getting scarlett and stan lee 3x'd makes it crazy rough
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I figured you would've done Clerks from Mallrats and was banking on that and then after ghost in the shell 2017 I expected you to guess Ghost in the Shell (1996) so we could get into anime...
absolute territory enjoyer
i think he isn't technically the director on some of the movies
but also Jackass is a tv series >>1110372 yeah, that happaned to me with another movie but i think it wasn't actually a movie happaned how the fuck did i spell that happaned i am too stoned holy shit
>>1110370 yeah but it said "no such movie in our database" despite suggesting it as an answer >>1110370 I wish it had music videos too...
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
you done for now?
absolute territory enjoyer
ye it's getting late for me
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I have to go dump $100+ dollars on boardgame accessories
>>1110371 that was the movie he had to have a stunt penis >>1110365 endgame was his last cameo and a lot of people throw that one out there to catch any celeb possible
>>1110429 was learning more about brand strategizing today, long gone are the days of logo marketing. Seem's more driven towards using the targeted demographic to sell the products through social media interactions then a solid quality product.
>>1110449 i like that he somehow made decima engine look even better and somehow added a motion blur effect for a stop motion puppet that just works rendering all that stuff in real time is such a flex
The natural environments look absolutely beautiful Especially that at-night shot with the huge-ass moon taking up the whole sky I wonder if the open world will have a day/night cycle this time, or if that's supposed to be a Beach a la Mads' character's pocket dimension
bets are on will it make it back before or after >>1110465 that one chick that used to smoke is kind of growing on me ririka is good ye can't really remember any other new ones
oh read that sentence wrong guess i can't english agreed regardless
>>1110501 I don't entirely disagree, but Kyo has been pretty transparent that he never intended to be around NijiEN for long He'd stay as long as he felt he needed to and was ready to go when he felt the time was right I think it's a good bit different from some of the more prominent talents who have graduated in the past
really early nl doesn't even seem like the same person his voice is way off and if you edited him to be a bit more slightly uncanny you could probably convince me it was a deepfake
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
This girl at work was talking about how she does meal prep and so i said that was cool and i asked if she was tracking macros or anything like that and i think she might have been a bit offended like i was calling her fat
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I mean she is kind of fat but that's not the point i was just interested
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow real smooth like
to save money right? you're doing it to save money?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1110512 damn girl you must be taking on like 2000cal a day to maintain an ass that phattt
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do you shop at costco or do you arrange your own supply chain
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jeez i drink one beer and engage in fatphobia what the hell man
>>1110520 I recently sent my friend who works in HR a message complaining that the dividing barriers in the new building are too big and now we can't compliment the homies
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh wait the reply was to black history month he'ss jelly of some dicks out there
i mean i feel like you're trying to tell me something but in the most veiled and indirect way possible you can always send me an email if it's confidential
Or come back when you're sober and see if you can properly word it out
hey look mate if it was up to me we'd be posting topless anime girls all day every day until the sun goes down but that's not what the Administrator wants and I made a sacred promise to uphold the law when they gave me my badge and gun.
Well actually I signed up to do another intensive yoga posture bootcamp thing. Both days. Which is fucking EXHAUSTING. it's basically like 4.5 hours of drills and stretches and body calisthenics stuff. And it should be good and beneficial and worthwhile and i don't regret signing up for it but part of me also just wants to relax and chill and play video games after a long week of work.
I love that the Uma Musume do an idol live after winning the race. It's like the perfect blend of otaku culture and just sheer ridiculousness. It's great.
>>1110601 Well you know what they say You meet one contrarian a day, you met a contrarian If everyone you meet is a contrarian, then you're the contrarian
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i went to london drugs for a phone case and they're all 40-60 dollars wtf
i say but it would be just my luck to jinx myself and the poor guy dies under my watch i guess he's in good enough health that there's not 20 medications i have to remember
being a kelpie you really need to entertain and exercise them his owners probably do neither but we kinda picked him up on a whim better than his old life though which was just sitting out on a patio tied up
No, but the reason I was thinking aloud is that you can buy like an 8pk of schnitzel from Woolies for pretty cheap in the deli section and i was thinking about making curry with that because I CBFed frying anything myself
You can make a pretty good katsu/schnitzel even with just a shallow fry that uses minimal oil The bigger part of the cooking clean-up is more the breading assembly line you'd have to set up to get the meat ready to fry
>>1110794 Anno had a really good sleeping regime years ago, sleep 4 hours a night, and trying to get at least one 30 min nap and narowing it down to 15mins a day. Always felling refreashed. It would be ideal staying up for year w/o fleeing hagerd.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
The codpiece needs to make a comeback
>>1110798 Hey man, be the change you want to see in the world
im spinnin a ups in my mind and you can't stop me
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1110799 I've actually got the opposite problem, no codpiece i ever find is big enough and it ends up squashing and compressing. Really uncomfortable
ur not supposed to put an actual cod in there dude
I wonder uow many times in history that mistake was made?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dudes used to stash all sorts of stuff in there apparently either for size or storage or both
at this point every possible classic MMO role has its own isekai anime EXCEPT THE FUCKING HEALERS
No actually that one rape fantasy one doesn't count
In fact I don't even count shield hero as a tank-type anime
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a House-format isrkai show
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1110828 I don't know of any isekai anime about a bot or hacker
Arguably SAO is about a hacker, but yeah I guess Though there are actual bots in Log Horizon, even if they're not the main character
I suppose the MC of Log Horizon is kind of a healer-type, though, even if more general support really
both of those are just a result of those being the kind of Isekai where it literally IS a video game though "hacker" can broadly be manifested in any isekai if you're willing to expand it a lot, but bots are kinda restricted to only literaly video games After all, all the characters are NPCs effectively if they're not the protagonist
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1110832 SAO isn't isekai, its "trapped in VR/mmo"
>>1110827 Earlier today NIJISANJI EN announced they were terminating their contract with the talent who performed as Selen Tatsuki Of note as a termination, her time with the agency is done, abruptly, with no celebration stream to remember her time there >>1110837 Hold you're fucking pants, I'm getting to that
In accordance with a termination, they released a multi-page document detailing all the ways they deemed her having irrevocably broken the terms of her content In addition to how she would occasionally completely dance around company policies and bureaucracy when trying to get projects done, most recently she uploaded a cover song on December 25th, which management claims they were only made aware of on the 24th, and as such the cover had not cleared any of the red tape corpo Vtuber agencies have to protect themselves from legal liability, and as such they took the cover down, which Selen responded by encouraging anyone who had ripped and archived it to upload it freely, as the cover had been a project of love featuring a lot of paid commission artwork from artists in her fan community. Selen blamed management for taking it down, because they had, and when management asked her to make a public statement saying it had been her choice, she was unresponsive (more on this later) Citing this in particular, as well as her history of dodging the rules, and that Selen has claimed to them that internal bullying and harassment from inside the agency had made it difficult to continue her actions, they terminated her contract
Oh, so Selen is free now? I thought it was just more generic awful treatment, not full termination
>>1110836 Also earlier today, Selen posted on her personal account that, in the aftermath of the cover getting nuked, piling on the harassment and stress of working for NijiEN, that shortly after the cover had been taken down, she'd reached a tipping point and had made a suicide attempt which left her without her workphone and contact with NijiEN management, which is why she'd been unresponsive when management had been trying to get her to make that public statement. In fact they were apparently trying to contact her emergency contact to get the emergency contact to get Selen to do this, who understandably did not fucking comply
In addition to this, much of the termination document NijiEN management seems very much a smear campaign targetted at her, highlighting all the small ways she did not cooperate with management while ignoring the wealth of creativity and enthusiasm she'd brought to
>>1110838 the agency The part where they'd claimed they only became aware of the cover project on the 24th seems dubious, considering all the paid commission work Selen would have had to get done from it, under her official talent identity. She'd even put out public calls for interested artists well over half a year ago In addition to this, they outright lied, or at best heavily construed some extremely rare occasions, implying that Selen consistently was at fault for commissioned artists being paid late, or stiffed on the fee. This in particular has absolutely infuriated the artist community around NijiEN and Vtubing in general, as Selen, or Dokibird as she was/is known, has for a long time been very well known for paying well, on-time or even in advance, and even out of her own pocket when *NijiEN management were the ones delaying the artists getting their commission* I think everyone is pissed off at the disrespect management has shown towards her, but for the artists who have immense respect for her, this last bit is why I think you're seeing nuclear posts like the one above.
yeah, that makes sense I didn't know Selen was that beloved, even if I knew she was popular, but I did know about niji management for whatever reason seemingly treating her as a punching bag well, maybe it's just more well documented for her, hard to say
NijiEN as an agency seems to be a relatively comfortable job if, for lack of a better way of putting it, you're incredibly unmotivated or don't have big aspirations You do your chatting or gaming streams, you record for voice packs, maybe occasionally do a song cover or original song if you feel confident in your singing, and you get paid a pretty nice amount for your work, it seems But if you're a creative person or someone who wants to do big or impressive things, it's an incredibly constraining agency to work for. Not that it's impossible to chase big projects, but there's so much red tape and bureaucracy involved that a project takes forever to go from conception to realization, if it doesn't just flat out get shot down by management Management also doesn't seem to do much to help talents or work with their difficult ideas to tweak them into something the agency can help them realize It means that if you're someone with a lot of ideas that need a lot of behind the scenes work, or for the management to carry a bit of the workload, or ideas that might run up against a lot of this red tape, the agency absolutely stiffles you I would wager Selen is now the second talent (maybe third if my theories about Pomu are accurate) that the agency has lost because they have no interest in talents who don't want to fit in their narrow box of a talent who just streams chatting and video game content
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
do horse girls have human ears under their hair?
I hope Selen finds a better agency, if she doesn't just go into indietubing instead She seems to really have enjoyed it
It's a very bad thing when someone's talents are being wasted, let alone throttled. More over if there are Campaines to negate or undermind someone's hard work and talents, usually to overshadow hype, in place of someone else's successes. Suffering in silence, becomes a result of this, replacing quality content with a void?
Ishura is a pretty interesting show Kinda different in a lotta ways, at least so far it's not like it has a main character, it's 5 episodes in and still presenting the cast
There's actually quite a bit of interesting shows this season, and I suppose last season too even if they're still airing this season
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so much snow ski suki
Yuki yki ski suki
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Answer my question about horse girls
I choose to believe all kemonomimi have human ears, but they are covered by hair-equivalents of the sunbeams in hot springs and showers They will never be seen, but they are present
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Then why can't they show them?
they simply look wrong but it'd be even more wrong if they weren't there
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1110857 There are definitely some who don't have human ears It's an interesting look