The corporate buyback is LIVE baby starting small, but we'll be cranking out money with this Right now the corp is pretty fucking dry though, capital-wise
i am solely textboard user on moe funnily enough I am probably safer viewing other boards where anime girls filled with c*m are posted because at least i know what ill get
Not getting invited to weddings over years is a double edged sword. On one hand it's like a sort of diss to yourself on the other, there's a lot of costs involved that I'm glad I missed out on.
>; he is a shocking historian? due to anxiety. Seems he failed to be reviewed by GP who referred him to you. wow just what is my gp writing in this referral
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1105972 I have no idea what the first sentence fragment is supposed to be
it's what my doctor said about me to this specialist
wow australia banning all engineered stone counters because industry won't wear their PPE when cutting iy guess people will start gettin full real stone kitchen islands, that can't be cheap
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1106028 the boomer keyboard millionaires and their granite countertops...
>>1106028 yeah I dunno about that situation was under the impression it was fine with ppe but I guess the industry at large turned a blind eye so bad that everyone affected just flat out got it banned
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah pretty much lax enforcement was endemic i don't know if it was due to machismo or due to bosses pressuring workers to work faster, probably a combination
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also apparently some types of engineered stone are flat out dangerous to cut even when wearing proper PPE basically artificial asbestos
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this seems like the kind of job that they should bring in a robot to do
yeah you would think
roughly one week worth of work left for the year please just let it be over
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bring in za robot
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we need lil friendly robots everywhere just gotta train some AIs to safely operate them and navigate the world i think it's coming and i wanna have a little helper bot that takes my trash away and serves up glasses of water
aw man I don't go in for twitter drama or politics but the >Dead guy's sperm thing is hilarious. imagine jacking off your husband as he's lying there, bleeding out.
I bought some ore for 30 million that, when compressed, will net me somewhere in the range of 130 million compression is free I just gotta pay someone a bit to haul it for me later
>>1106079 The theme of making a building in house flipper was "dinner" So NL made a mcdonalds
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it was dinner?? vinny's didnt have anything to do with food its all simpsons references
well, all my shit is in highsec now at least, except that ore I got just a bit ago So now I just gotta pay the newbie in the corp to haul it for me The total value of it all is uh A lot A FUCKING lot
I need all of it just to cover omega another few days of huffing gas and I can actually go omega and have money left over to use as omega It's gonna be good shit, I'll be able to make mad stacks huffing wormhole gas with a covetor
I might even be able to swing 100% jita prices on that buyback program Not certain about it yet, gonna have to look at some price spreads But if I can do 100% then certainly a lot of people will make use of it, and if a lot of people make use of it I can expand it
I gotta really kickstart the corp econ cause we need money real bad CEO's starting to become poor, I'm looking down the barrel of poverty after going omega, corp isn't much better off at present
I gotta find a way to import live prices directly into the spreadsheet too That way I can accurately estimate expected profit from each member's contributions, and that'll let me do stuff like provide little kickbacks to the top earners Sure the service itself is convenient, but it should also have a little extra sauce to encourage its use on purely financial grounds
Probably gonna come up with some standardized payout for hauling, too There's a lotta fun in doing this kinda stuff for me
To some degree, my ideal EVE gameplay would be tinkering with these numbers to optimize profitability while maintaining convenience and financial sense for the members Just managing the logistics network we grow out
We need members too, so I gotta figure out that referral program, but figuring out how to do it is proving a little difficult
actually holy shit I think I've already got the value I need I'm still gonna hold off, for non-money reasons Basically, I wanna cap out my alpha SP before I go omega, and soak in a few more daily injectors
yeah I've got 3 Billion in gas I just need that hauled and I'm fucking GOOD
that nets me roughly 500M more than I need Granted, some percentage of that 3B is going to taxes But that should be about... 5%? I'm fucking GOOD, lads And I've made this in a very short time I've been playing again for about a month, but all this gas is like, 1-2 weeks?
This is gonna provide work for the corp too Hauling uuuh MY gas
Some of the profits obviously going into corp coffers, that needs to get fat too Shit I should just expand the corp buyback to cover all of highsec, this money will more than cover it out of pocket for me
it's possible to approach cloaked, if you've got hours to burn or an advanced cloak But you can't cloak the drones +\\\\ probes and you need probes to pinpoint the location you're going to And these clouds break cloak further away than the warp disruptors can target cause they're over twice the range of those in radius So if you pay attention you've got plenty of warning
There's also localchat in nullsec, so you know who's in the system no matter what Well, unless your chat DCs on you, which happens occasionally, but it's rare
Basicallty the combination of the cloud's size and the venture's alignment time makes you real damn hard to catch as long as you're paying attention that's only the case with these BIG clouds though, the smaller variant you can get deleted pretty fucking easily by cloaks
really what makes nullsec particularly dangerous is the ability to use warp disruption fields, forcing people out of warp so they can't get away People put them up around the stargates, trapping people, and then they destroy the stranded ship With enough tank and speed, you can try to retreat through the gate you came in through, but haulers are notoriously slow and also the preferred targets for obvious reasons the venture's a quick mfer, but it's also made of cardboard so it'll get clapped immediately
So there's a lot of like, risk mitigation involved with nullsec travel, you should in advance set up safe spots around that you can align to and avoid the warp disruptors or wait them out somewhere in the middle of nowhere They've got timers on them after all, so if you're moving a lot of value, you might be best off just logging off for a while and trying again later
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1106132 need to learn the one where you blow a heart shaped ring and shoot an arrow through it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dang apparently it's possible to make a smoke heart by snapping your fingers at the top of the ring
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
imagine you do that @t the club every babe asking for your IG on the spot
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1106140 that makes sense, they wouldn't make it pure Rust chaos killzone
well eve is always-on pvp But yeah you can mitigate risk most of the time if you keep your wits about you and know what's going on But the golden rule of eve is you WILL lose your ship, sooner or later someone is gonna light you up at one point or another, you're just trying to make that as late as possible
pod life in EVE is fucking cracked though you're immortal well, maybe you age, but you can't really be killed YOU are never actually flying any ships, it's a clone of you, controlled remotely
>>1106142 you have to air bend in down wards on the top and bottom. Liek a cupa coffee in a bistro.
some park i delivered to was sponsored by allen Bradley/ Rockwell made me wonder why some big automation company would sponsor a park in bumfuck nowhere tl note I delivered to the bar next to park dunno why I explained it that way
tl tl note I meant oval not park there's not a bar near some kids playground
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fbi yes this post
excuse me while I go blink out into the "empty" space across the road for absolutely no reason at all
we have these parks that are designated ok-to-drink-in zones but it's all like... only during certain months, certain times of day, and there's a certain carved out zone for it certainly not near any playgrounds which makes sense ofc
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but its a far cry from many countries where you can just drink wherever
the gas market took a bad hit and dropped like 20% overnight man what the fuck I'm hedging my bets trying to sell off SOME of my stash right now, keeping the other half hoping it bounces back
If I wasn't sitting on so fucking much of this stuff, I'd bully this guy who keeps undercutting me by putting new order after new order after new order up there it costs a new broker fee to modify your order, so if you do that every time someone undercuts you, you'll eventually bleed yourself dry "won't you bleed yourself too?" I'm glad you asked No, because I'd be putting new orders up for each time, with the older ones staying there So yes, I am paying the broker fee each time, but that's a % and would total about the same no matter what configuration I put it all up on the market in
I've burned myself enough doing it, I no longer just dump my whole stack up on the market, cause some nerd always undercuts you and then you gotta either modify or wait it out and neither is appealing But if you put them up in small chunks each time, eventually you hit the market's pain tolerance and know where you can dump the rest without being undercut too much
there is a limit to open market orders though, so I can't go too crazy with it
still gonna do it now and then though just not rapid fire bullying
I need to sell this shit OFF
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
What did Matsuri do in the GTA roleplay server that got her in trouble?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
open market orders are the way i aint gof time to set up careful limit orders
there's no API for actually making a sell order, partially because you have to physically be in the station\system\region depending on skill to do that, so you actually can't do limit sells or anything
If \\\ maybe I should just dump it all as a discounted sell order and get back to huffing No sense sitting idle when I could be harvesting more gas and make up the market-based loss that way gonna give it a bit of time and then I'm back into null I guess
the damn alpha taxes ate me alive so I'm gonna have to stay alpha for a bit more just to crank out a bit of extra money I need But once that's done, it's go time
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
reminder tax avoidance is legal, evasion isn't just dont pay lol
AI is taking all the good jobs the least we can do is take their women
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whenever i try to play cyberpunk 2077 i get a headache i turned off most of the HUD and screen shake and stuff but there's still just something too aggressive about their lighting and vignetting not to mention all the dang glitch effects just relax guys we get it HDR exists, tone down the contrast
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
apparently theres a mod to remove the vignette
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
that sounds like a You problem.
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I need to find that article about the bitchy "tech startup reporter" who loved to berate her husband about his failing startup man forgoet about the weird downer ending pitmommies/daddies are insane
supposedly there's a study done recently, well a mass survey, showing that the zoomers are wretches, unable to order their own food at a restaurant But I've yet to find anyone willing to even name the study, so I'm assuming it's false
i read that what the study actually said is that a large portion of zoomers don't feel comfortable going to a restaurant without looking up the menu first
it's both, but yeah but the inability to order for yourself is the only one I even think is all that weird I prefer knowing what a place to eat has before I go too, what if the place next door has the stuff I want, you know?
I can't actually imagine anyone literally is afraid of reading a physical menu, that's just not something I'll believe without having the study in front of me Though granted, I don't believe shit about this study anyway, because nobody's naming it, meaning none of these motherfuckers have read it either and could have easily just copy pasted a fucking stormfront article for all I know
>>1106317 It would be nice too not know whats on the menu in some cases. Then again it could be spicy or sweet even, may increase Appetite, knwing in advance.
oh man, it's such good shit to have a fleet of people just kinda hanging out in the system I'm huffing gas money trickles in, they scare off\eliminate anyone looking to get some of MY gas
>>1106346 rei my flen, do you ever feel that mathlers get boring when 90% of the time its a 2 digit number multiplied/divided by a single digit and then + or - another. is the hard mode better? its just feels stale is all.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1106352 hard mode is difficult because I cant do it all iny *in my head and it feels tedious
Even with all the skillpoints I've got saved up, it's gonna be a while before I can fly a Loki, unfortunately
getting the money together isn't TOO bad, it's relatively cheap But man training takes a hot minute in EVE, though a good part of that is me having specced into econ with my stats
someone lent me a skill injector too, so now I'm both in debt and someone is in debt to me for roughly the same amount
>>1106408 just get a membership at a range it's not hard unless your fascist government restricts access to such facilities
>>1106421 Well between the two of us, someone's gotta be the smart one
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
My own intelligence gets me euphoric
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
using a salt shaker to put extra salt on food is a boomer thing y/n
No? Restaurants infamously undersalt their food most of the time
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Down here salt is a way of life.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
salting food properly is important for flavor
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1106424 ah yes the canadian mounted police are hard at work shutting down fields of grass with hay bales on them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think the thing that is boomer coded is having smoked a pack a day for forty years and not having any taste buds left then just turning the scrambled eggs into a biblical pillar of salt
i ate some westernized chinese food from a steam table today always a mistake shoulda got sushi
Found myself a nice little c5 wormhole with plenty of midtier gas So now I'm taking a hauler ship and bringing a batch of containers in there to dump somewhere and fill up one by one, then I'll go get the rest later or rather, I'll go harvest the containers with an appropriate hauler
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what if they put factorio in eve
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess theyre putting vice versa
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
american chinese food is better than 'authentic' tbh panda express family meal > pangolin soup
It seems to have some... interesting game mechanical phenomena though, being this close
For one, if I warp to the other side of the planet, I immediately enter the "warp" visuals, like the little hyperspace wooshing particle effects and stuff, without actually being in warp yet ANother potentially not-allowed factor of it is that, at least while I was making the bookmark, warping to it from the otherside had me sort of.. hovering within the planet, my speedometer showing absurd speeds but my actual position remaining constant, for quite some time I'm gonna have to do some testing for that though
how the hell does shit just keep getting more and more fucking insane, man How are we this close to the end of the year, and actual Greatest Of 2023 shit happens like, this week, like the mayor of new york going "you know why new york fucking rules? because 9/11 happened here" like cut this man's mic
"if you're lucky you might even see another 9/11 when you wake up tomorrow" what does he know?
The part that was funniest to me was he was asked to describe the year in one word and explain his choice One word And his answer? New York
kinda odd they have that cut between him filling up the bottel and drinking it poision tap water
Some cities have pretty good tap water The city I live in, providing you don't live in old-ass buildings with ancient plumbing, has great tap water, I drink from the tap all the time Guess I don't know what NYC's tap quality is though
I converted one of the empty switches on my overhead console, probably where the heated seats toggle would go, into a "performance mode" switch. Opens the bypass valve on the muffler, does some little trickery to raise the boost pressure (just twists the controller with a solenoid), kills the AC (lel) and will eventually switch the ECU from economy to full performance, once I figure out how to do that. But there's another one, that can only be activated when the other is also on: The emergency eurobeat switch. It cuts power to the radio and turns on the squat Bose stereo in the trunk, which is connected to an ancient ipod shuffle holding only "Back on the Rocks - Mega NRG Man" and permanently set to full volume. I have never needed to activate the eurobeat, but now I must.
It's paying dividends though I have created a proper lookup for myself
Granted this is generally unnecessary, because I already have a fairly good idea how much money I make on this stuff, but the skills are valuable for later
I think yes and no You can unintentionally predict something by simple depiction of a hypothetical future that comes to pass, but that's just in a sort of "we now find ourself in that situation from the thing" kind of thing For there to be any power behind the prediction, it has to have been intentional to some degree, like a "This is what I think will actually happen" with conditionals (optional) If we found ourselves in a reality similar to what's depicted in 1984, you could say Orwell really did predict that society, but I think it goes for if we somehow find ourselves in something like Blade Runner, there's just no further information to be gleaned and it's more of a piece of trivia in that latter case, cause you don't learn more about it from that information But in a reality akin to ingsoc, you could conceivably draw wisdom about the world through 1984
Though For the moment, I just gotta build up capital as I tinker away and learn how to Market You need a lot of isk to start really making moves on the market that are worth much, right now even if I dumped all my net worth into it, it ain't gonna get me nowhere fast
Heck it, I'm just gonna expand the buyback program, I need to get the money flowing A lot of people just sell directly to market anyway so it can definitely be a bit of a draw towards joining the corp If we lose money on it, I'll just eat the cost and cover it out of pocket
The buyback program basically works by leveraging the increased volume resulting from combining the whole corp's shit, and my own big trade skills to squeeze as much money as I can out of it at Jita That, and as I've now set it at 100% Jita buy price, nobody, not even I, can get even the same amount by selling it directly to market at Jita You'd have to set up a sell order, and with that comes taxes, which for me is fine because Trade Skills, but if you're primarily selling to buy orders anyway, you're not gonna waste weeks leveling that shit Default sales tax is 8%, mine is 3.6%
Of course, to save on transport costs, I will be paying the corp members some relatively small amounts to consolidate everything in a few hubs around the galaxy, from where I'll contract the hauling out to professionals
Hopefully I can get people using the damn service, and it'll at the very least help out the newbies
Of course, if this shit works out, I might end up bailing on the corp to start my own corp, with profits and blackjack I might not, but I also might It's a consideration Sure right now I have full control of the corp finances, but I would like to have FULL control, you know?
I really do wanna have the corp be BEEG though Like, run be me or not, I want there to be mfers online so I can drop a "hey there's gas here, someone with a combat ship come over and bust the other guys up" and then have someone actually come over and fuck some shit up
Once I work up the money, I'm gonna get big into the spreadsheets, really get cranking on supplying shit at a good margin where it's needed Combat-focused players much prefer paying a premium for their ammunition and whatever to flying over to Jita, after all It takes a while to fly that far, it's a pain in the ass