i left some steak in the fridge for like a week so i had to slice the rotten brown surface off it's still good right sear the rest of the red flesh and i'm safe
I tossed it, but it you think its still legit grill it again, idk. Check it smells alright.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
seems alright i cooked it medium had to put it back on for a bit kinda lacks that beefy flavor tho hmm what am i missing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
probably onions and shrooms would have been good
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ngl a few bites of that didn't smell great hopefully nothing my gut can't handle
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i watched the super mario bros movie and it was as expected just a lot of "remember this? get this referene?" ah well at least peach is a girlboss the rock music selections were especially egregious
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
can we ban Holding Out For a Hero and all the other ones from polite society
My Omega ran out literally the day the EVE Tarkov released PISS
I'm close though I can take out a loan for what's left I worked this up in 14 days time with a lot of it being spent inefficiently With a month more to work with, it should be smooth sailing to pay back a small loan of a billion dollars plus make what I need
when you're trying to filter the twitter feed rather than just saying >I'm not interested You SHOULD be able to tell it >yes, this is what I'm interested in, it's just a bad iteration of it
we need an anime where the cute girls are anthromophized Algorithm agents they serve and protect to prevent users from ever seeing information that disagrees with their point of view the filter bubble enforcement team
man, I'm talking about shitty fanart. not DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow are you prejudiced against bad artists or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pilot episode, the squad hits the emergency button on a user who's about to churn because they haven't seen enough good content lately
they call in a favor from madame dopamine and the Irregular Reward Schedule operators
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>In operant conditioning, a variable-ratio schedule is a partial schedule of reinforcement in which a response is reinforced after an unpredictable number of responses.1 James RJE, O'Malley C, Tunney RJ. Understanding the psychology of mobile gambling: A behavioural synthesis. Br J Psychol. 2017;108(3):608‐625. doi:10.1111/bjop.12226 This schedule creates a steady, high rate of response. Gambling and lottery games are good examples of a reward based on a variable-ratio schedule.
>>1105382 it turns out I was just mistaken about their payment system I only received last weeks pay well, the November pay. December's first two week's pay is in a week or two I dunno their exact schedule yet
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
exciting stuff i'm gettin paid early for the last half of december due to equally exciting payment systems
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bought some metal shelves from home depot i hope these are big enuf
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dang i could use another foot ah well maybe i can put these down in the storage room or return em
But then you might have two left feet And how will you do your dancing that way
armoured jeep five fires of Rubicon i can't watch the sox game i gotta play armoured core fires of Rubicon
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Idk about having another foot but i already have a third leg ;)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
baby elephant trunk
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>The electric eel is the biggest power-making creature on Earth. It can release up to 860 volts, which is enough to run a machine. In a recent study, a research group from Nagoya University in Japan found electric eels can release enough electricity to genetically modify small fish larvae. wat there's a small chance that electrocuting cells breaks em open enough to let some dang random DNA floating nearby get in and splice itself into some broken strands? biology is crazy
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 674 3/6
⬜⬜🟨⬜🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩⬜🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1105391 yeah, it's used for uh fuck something vaccine making I think
>>1105402 Let muh have the PS2 back and anno shall finish it. I only play it on extream dificulty setting. It took a number of attempts to lock down a sucessful strat.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
probably low amperage just enough to bruise the cells not vaporize em
>Electrical disruption of a cell membrane causes the formation of pores through which nucleic acids, proteins, and other small molecules present in the environment surrounding the cells can permeate, gaining access to the intracellular space
>If the field strength is high enough, the induced cell membrane potential will surpass a threshold potential in which the cell membrane will undergo polarization and dielectric breakdown followed by an increase in membrane conductivity and permeability >These changes allow the creation of hydrophilic nanopores through which ions in aqueous solutions may pass >That flow of extracellular components will lead to the formation of larger pores allowing the passage of larger molecules such as RNA
>more pores will be created at the side of the cell membrane that faces the negative electrode, whereas, at the side of the positive electrode, a larger area of the cell membrane will be permeabilized
>When the electric field is removed at the end of the electroporation process, resealing of the cell membrane occurs. Contrary to pore formation, which takes place within milliseconds, resealing of the cell membrane may take from minutes to hours that's convenient
hmm apparently for mRNA vaccines they electrocute cultured human kidney cells to get the spike protein in there for mass reproduction then they somehow destroy the cell walls, mechanically or with some kind of detergent, then separate and purify the spike proteins out through centrifuges, filtration and chromatography
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
neat. i got 5 doses of that
So what you are saying is theres a posible process so too rempove the damoing affects of the vacines? remove the damaging*
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1105411 human *animal cells dont have cell walls lma
my pee is locally sourced small batch only made with crystal clear mountain snowmelt, carbon neutral charcoal neutral and pure canadian crisp apple juice
>>>/watch?v=ov3FffxF2nI mw when im in a skibidi rizz competition and my opponent is my car stuck in the track of a railway crossing and there's a train coming
didn't think I go from working on a sewerage project last night to actually visiting the area of said sewerage project just by chance because I picked up a shift at another store but here we are
there's an LLM model strategy called mixture of experts basically a bunch of smaller LLMs working in tandem to come up with the best answer anyway it's abbrevated as MoE and I'm seein it all over the timeline
I'm pivoting to combat Gonna become the protection the corporation needs, do mining and scooping on my own time, but fire up the battleship when we've got a group Just being able to muscle out other interested parties and protect the ventures will make it profitable as hell And I'll get to blow people up
Well we are the miners, as well Besides we need a combat focused division sooner or later, I might as well work up my competence as a player to lead such an outfit Of course, I'm not gonna get my practice for that in a damn battleship, those things are 350M a pop, without any equipment, and that's not really a pricetag that says "practice" But I'll be flying one in like 10 days and change, possibly sooner if I get my omega before then, cause you generate SP 2x as fast when you're Omega And until then I'll be chugging alpha sp jugs, which are actually real damn cheap, all things considered, you just can't use them without being alpha It's like the only item in the game ONLY f2p can use
i cant rest yet i have a meeting in 4 minutes and then tomorrow i gotta run the temple, then i have dnd, then it's my mom's birthday party sunday i have dnd and then i have to go to a christmas party and i have to find time to get some paperwork done! this week has been crazy busy christmas is GAY
hell I can use the battleship to run combat sites and stuff to generate some money that way, too Might even be able to kill the rats in wormhole gas sites and the like, and that'd increase money generation for the corp big time, as well
The CEO has the skills to do that kinda stuff, sure, but he's also not nearly as active as I am Like he put it, our hierarchy has sorta slid into me being the acting leader, while he's more of a founder\investor right now It's ultimately his corporation mechanically speaking, but I've got total access and am by far the most active member I think
I also do actually have SOME people skills, I'm not a total social failure despite how I conduct my life So managing people is something I'm actually kinda okay at, I've got some experience from playing TF2 and stuff competitively, since the medic is the one usually saddled with the in-game leadership, just because of how the gameplay shakes out Medic is real damn easy, which leaves you with a lot of mental bandwidth to consider tactics and such
I gotta spin up a few spreadsheets too, one of these days, so I got something I can easily reference for everything I often reference Mostly "which ship should be used for this? what should we mine in this situation?" that sorta thing
There's a lotta stuff I gotta figure out and implement, but I'm having fun with this EVE has a lot to offer for someone like me, greedy goblin that I am I might even end up making a second account to multibox, enabling me to run fleets as well as run security With a sizeable enough group, a bit down the line, we can probably have someone on scouting duty to find the gas sites while I and a few other guys sit on the gas we've already found, enabling us to go directly to the next one, and that's when the money is REALLY gonna come rolling in The corporation will need a system for generating profit off of that, too, but for the immediate future it can just be a portion of my share
On a personal level I might move into a wormhole sometime down the line Not ENTIRELY sure how to really do that in a good way though, if you lose your entrance you're kinda boned, but I guess I could have another character who only exists to sit in there and find the way back home for me if I lose my entrances
That's for way later though, a station is expensive
The big benefit though, is that by living in a wormhole, you are possibly very close to gas very often and you can just stockpile it at home, then whenever you have a good connection to kspace, you haul it outside and make a lotta fucking money It does mean none of my ships should ever leave home without a probe scanner though, cause you CAN get stuck out in a wormhole and then you just are fucking stuck
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/watch?v=YCAX_eC3rOo this sorta looks like a japanese culture valorant but i assume it's PvE based on the japanese goblins
Yeah, it was a nicely aesthetic teaser but nothing really useful as far as what the game is about goes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just want another mirror's edge i hope the parkour stuff isn't just for the trailer and isn't on long cooldowns
Big Walk from the devs of Goose Game looks like goofy fun
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ooh sounds like a game up my alley
It seems like a co-op game though So you might need to have to find friends
I really miss gaming, but if you want to have a good spot on the leader board, you have to join when it 1st comes out. Always find about, bout games too late in the season and it's a great challleng too get any sort of dececnt ranking.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
meh global leaderboards aren't important to me just play game have fun learn something about yourself
I gotta skill into hauling too So I can be the little market goblin of the corp You contract me, I haul your shit and sell it for you, take a cut The numbers on that will need to be worked out, of course, but it's a service the corporation can provide Because having to transport shit to Jita is by far the most annoying part of resource extraction And while sure a lot of people will spend some time to level up accounting, first of all you CAN NOT do that as an alpha, so free to players will get a big increase in profit this way, and also even if you're omega, training skills in eve takes time, all of it takes time, so the like, half a month you'd be skilling into accounting, you could spend skilling into something else And not having to do that cause the corp's got you, that's a good service
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
alpha go
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why can't an alpha account? i dont even know what that implies
dang just ran the weather, winds up to 30-50km per hour.
ny doc says i have an oral fixation i didn't even know i wa s sick
sorry to hear that. i know how you feel though. i was diagnosed with something called a comorbid condition, had no idea either. seems like it's really serious though, just gotta try to stay mindful of our healths
>Oral fixation is defined as an oral condition involving a person who has an unconscious obsession with their mouth.1 This obsession promotes the need to constantly suck or chew on something. The incessant desire to keep the mouth busy is an outlet to release nervous energy and to self-soothe
yeah that could describe me i wonder what shadow work is required to get past
>In psychology, a fixation is a persistent focus on an earlier psychosexual stage. A person who is fixated on the oral stage is so because the conflict hasn’t resolved itself. Oral fixations manifest themselves through eating, talking, smoking, alcoholism, thumb-sucking, and nail-biting. The constant chewing of gum, candy, ice, and toothpicks become habits. The traits of being overly talkative, gullible, manipulative, or sarcastic can arise from an oral fixation.
the second paragraph seems heavily over-reaching it seems a lot more like it's just scratching a neural itch with whichever of your senses has the greatest stimulatory reach and articulation i wonder how much being circumcised plays into it probably not as much as you'd think since the mouth is one of the first big developmental thresholds we have as infants when we start making sense of the world and things being things
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i mean these are just freud's theories, not exactly popular or accepted these days fun to talk about though lets see oral is the first stage, 0-1 years old then anal, 1-3 years heh, good old anal retentative personalities then phallic, latent, and genital stages
https://archive.bridgesmathart.org/2023/bridges2023-373.pdf what worth has a citation let me not be the judge
>>1105531 >good old anal retentative personalities wonder how sugoi is these days i hear he's in germany with a special gal he found
is that one of those single-fire disposables or does it just hold it i can't see where it fires is it pressure activated from the upper half of the "eggshell"
personally i would feel more comfortable if the holding flange were wider than the buttplug itself just so it doesn't accidentally get pushed in
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a single fire butt blaster yes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i can only imagine its sphincter activated imagine the internal damage
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1105538 wouldn't be as bad as the coilgun butt plug I can't wait for that case to go to court
im sure people in the future will chuckle at our clunky ass phones with the glass display that breaks and the keyd you have to look at to tap all these modern movies and tv shows are gonna look so datex dated
Unsurprisingly, it is the nature of media set in previous technological ages to seem dated Having to go everywhere on foot or horse is pretty dated nowadays
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hmm yea dated is not the exact concept i was lookin for you know how like the hitch hiker's guide movie has prominent product placement of some nokia phone i forget if it was candybar or flip
anyqay at least modern phones are a bit more elegant looking than that maybe the "sign of the times" smartphone movie era will be looked upon fondly idk
Honestly I've seen that movie like at least half a dozen times and I never noticed that Product placement isn't really effective on me, at least on the conscious level
ya phones have some a long way
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
zoolander is iconic for its itty bitty dumbphones with huge antennas
>>1105553 I think the difference between product placement and the prevalence of smartphones in contemporary media is a bit different though Smartphones are pretty critical to our capacity to technologically and socially navigate our time period, and I think, at least for people who have a general sense of history, they understand that stuff like that is just within the limits of the time period when looking back at them My point above was that we don't see travelling by only foot or horse as dated when we see it in media set from before the advent of trains and automobiles because we understand that was the technological limits of the time period We don't find it silly that a hundred years back, most of long-distance communication was done by written letters Actually we're starting to get deep enough into the 21st century that maybe I should say 150 years to be safe
It gets more complicated with smartphones because they're usually limited to a small number of brands, so yeah, there is some product placement tied into them, but I think still, I hope future generations look back at our recorded history and understand how critical they were to navigating our society, rather than some dated novelty of the time
anolog phone were preat cool though analog** and all the coding buttons
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah I agree i mean it's a different era of media phones have been around long enough to define that and change how plots are constructed can't be abandonded in the woods without at least destroying the phone or service cutting out
what i mean is just like a movie where they treat a Blackberry like its the hottest shit ever is funny
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also gonna be jarring to watch movies from 2020 and be like 'huh where did all the extras go?'
I wonder if that'll be the first time future kids look up the year of 2020 in future Google and discover that the entire planet more or less was hiding from a disease that was potentially going to rip through us indiscriminately until the thrown dice of evolution came up favourable for us
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow Metropolis had 37,000 extras i still gotta watch that some time
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mite do a wordle
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1105548 receive messages during a major disaster when everyone with cellphones are using up all the bandwidth
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1105562 it's kino I still haven't seen the fully restored version from the reel found in the barn in Argentina
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean text messages take basically no bandwidth they're slipstreamed into the cell network advertisement packets
>>1105552 Well with The Wire, it's not just that the tech is dated because of the period. It's more that the limitations of the shitty technology is central to a lot of the plot.
>duh, just record the drug deal with a video camera and livestream the footage then you don't need to have two cops lying on rooftops constantly on stakeout using their telephoto-lens film cameras to snap shots every time somebody walks to the payphone to call the boss.
>>1105568 As someone who has read a good bit of mystery novels, that doesn't seem that big of an issue though Like, so many mystery novels could have been entirely bypassed if the most advanced way of determining where everyone was last night was asking them the morning after Any period piece is limited by the extent of the technology (and in some situations social structure) of the time period
My shrink asked me yesterday if I thought I was allowed to be happy and then I asked him if he had played any good video games recently and then we talked about Yakuza for a while.
obviously, hauling it remains, and that's easily the most dangerous part But I only gotta get it into lowsec and I can pay someone to haul it to Jita for me well, highsec, not lowsec if I could get it hauled from lowsec, that'd of course be ideal, but obviously far more expensive due to the dangers involved A hauling ship lugging around several billions of cargo is a mouthwatering target for would be criminals
alpha is free to play, you're fairly restricted when it comes to the skills you can learn, the speed you learn them, and what ships you're allowed to fly (most of that as a consequence of not being allowed to use the skills necessary) Alpha has basically two major perks One, it's free Two, you can use daily alpha skill injectors, which as the name suggests can be used once a day, and they give you 50K skill points to spend on whatever you want. Those can be stockpiled as well, it's not like you have to use them immediately
Omega is the premium subscription, and unlocks absolutely everything except you can no longer use those injectors You can get omega either by buying it for real life dollars, or you can buy plex on the marketplace, as 500 plex gives you one month of omega time, with the price per month going down as you increase the amount of time you buy in one chunk. Bulk discount basically For a single month, 500 plex, you're looking at ballpark 2.5 Billion ISK, which is the ingame currency At today's rates Making that is actually not all too difficult, I mean I made 800M ISK today, roughly
Omega also trains skills twice as fast, and has no restrictions on how much you can train. An alpha account is capped at 5 Million skill points put together, at which point you can't train anymore. You can still apply and use injectors and their skill points, but your training stops Training is passive in EVE, you don't even gotta be logged in
50K skill points is actually very significant, too, that's not like a meaningless amount A large skill injector, which goes for nearly a billion on the market, gives you 100K if your total skill points are below 5 million, for example, and as you get more skill points, you get less out of those
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1105576 Lord of the board 2 https://cytu.be/r/vtleague
I'm kinda considering just saving up money for a while without going Omega, just to stockpile skill points with the injectors The way I'm making money, the extra boost from omega wouldn't move the needle all that much, though it absolutely would move the needle I just think the skill points might be a better use of my resources, especially since as an alpha I won't have a clock ticking before I run out of juice If we were working in larger fleets, then I'd bump up to omega to get as much of the stuff we get as I can, but most of the time it's just me and one other guy working together to scoop up gas and chat shit in discord as the wallet balance ticks upwards
For larger fleets, being Omega would be very preferable because it'd let me use better ships and also do some logistics for us, ferrying the stuff we collect back to a safe location
I'm kinda having to branch out skillwise so I can cover our blindspots, cause right now ALL we have is miners in the corporation Nobody's been recruited for combat or transport, it's all just miners
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its nice you can get the full experience for no money if you're good enough at the game
Really there are players who've played for years and just stay alpha outside the occasional free omega handouts, the game is entirely playable without even buying omega You're restricted, but surprisingly little It's not like a lot of other F2P games where you GOTTA have premium to really play the game It's preferable, obviously, but it's actually not necessary to enjoy most of what the game has to offer
I mean the gas scooping I do for my money, you can do that as an alpha, I should know I'm doing it And that's... basically the most profitable solo mining activity you can do in the game You can get roughly twice as much money out of it for your time with omega, because you can fly better ships, but even Omegas usually just fly the alpha ships for it cause losing them is utterly meaningless, they're so cheap You make like 120M isk in an hour doing this stuff, and your ship's worth somewhere aroung 17 million So losing it is kinda irrelevant, hell you're going to lose it no matter what you do, sooner or later, cause the pvpers come for everyone at some point
what we really need is some dedicated scouts for our operations, and someone to do security Just gotta portion out the money we make, and we can really start raking it in And I'm skilling into the security role Depending on the size of our fleets I might even bring out a battleship, we just need a solid fleet for that because frigates hard counter battleships apparently, due to their size and speed, so we need the miners to have drones they can deploy for that I really do wanna fly a damn battleship though, those things are rad
I mean anyone who'd want to would be welcome in our corporation But I don't imagine EVE is the kinda game many on moe would enjoy too much I really enjoy it, but it'd really not the game for everyone
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how are the devs doin i remember all that cobtroversy way back devs posing as players CCP monoclegate
As far as I know, CCP hasn't been in trouble for that for a while I think they might have a rule about devs not being allowed to be regular players nowadays, but I don't know that for sure
>>1105603 this is designed for aliens I don't see how a human with 2 hands and 10 fingers can use this in any way that's even like... useful Forget comfort, that isn't a factor here obviously, but just how do you actually use it
It seems unintuitive to those of us with standard human functioning, but a lot of these accessibility controllers tend to look a lot like this I don't understand it either, but for those who for whatever reason can't use their hands at the capacity of a standard human, it seems to help a lot
Of course I think there's an irony in an accessibility controller being 90 USD, but controllers are expensive these days
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess 90 bucks is a bargain compared to a normal accessibility device ah well you could play some nice walking simulators and suika games on that
corp member lost my 800 M worth of cargo so now I gotta pester 'em about that going forward WEH I don't like bothering people about debts, but it's too much money to let it slide
though this does give me a decent idea, I could possibly lend people money in the corp Obviously with collateral, but it's a decent idea I think Charge a little bit of interest and I've got a good income strea m
yes But it's also a good service to provide for the corp members There's plenty of times where it's like "yes I can make this money, but I'd like it right now so I could get this ship or booster right now while I'm in Jita anyway" And if you can just hit up the corp like "Hery \\\ Hey I need 100m, can I borrow it?" that's a great service I'll have to figure out what can be used as collateral for that kinda stuff, obviously, but really anything works fine
I'm not particularly tired so once I'm done eating, I'm going back for more gas in EVE I'm not too worried about the 0.8B I lost cause I did tell him before he started hauling I'd expect to be paid the value of it if it's lost But that alone won't be enough to satisfy my lust for coin I need more money So much more money
wow invoking goblins as bankers is only anti semitic when Rowling does it okay
the banks closed, rather make a gold withdraw
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm making deliveries in death stranding to get some roads unlocked i already beat the game on PS4, now playing the steam copy i got somewhere
"Where we are going theres no need for roads." didn't really think the tarmac was an option. thats why the ship change. shift* Day late, dollar short? Was think business hours, dang.
man one of my favorite moments in gaming was the first time i was walkin along with my stack of pelican cases and a yellow truck pulled up in front of me and four dudes piled out with their electric batons all wearing their orange getup it's so funny
well, -850M ISK aside, I cranked out 400M today, so it's not actually a massive loss even if he doesn't pay up If he doesn't though, he's not staying in the corp, but if he does he might be moldable into a hauler for the corp just gotta teach him how to do it semi-safely
For hauling it this time I'm hiring a professional though I don't care too much about the payment, haulers gotta make their money too I just want it moved, and safely
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Big boss wants to get coffee with me Doki Doki
Maybe it's finally your chance to get canned
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1105674 Let's hope Get that phatty Redundancy package
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
someone asked me to hang out and i had a panic attack for 15 minutes
>>1105675 You were thinking about moving on from that place in a while anyway, weren't you? As long as you don't get too comfortable with the NEET life it might be a good encouragement
>>1105677 heh. it ended up being kind of the opposite. She was like >We've spoken before about you actively looking for other jobs and I want to know what we can do to retain you. Guess it's nice to feel wanted. VALUED.
Did you have a reply in mind? Beyond just more pay Which is also fine Sounded a bit more like you weren't quite satisfied with the kind of work you were doing
And we did talk a bit about me getting involved in some other areas/aspects of the work which might be more interesting and internal career progression within the organisation and what that might look like.
But as I said to her, a lot of it isn't because there's anything "wrong" with the job..I'm just interested in doing other things.
AND they won't pay me more.
Well I guess you can look elsewhere if that ends up being a problem
>A Fijian man, who the ABC chose not to identify for privacy reasons, is in an online chatroom with 30 men who communicate daily over their shared enjoyment of porn.
Indeed, need more then that I think, but the Coronal mass ejection are reminding me of a psychedelia from the past. I dont if I'm accending early or...
tfw you say someone's joke but louder and librarian gives you a heart
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i kind of want new wired headphones for my PC even though i almost never use it these days but the fake leather is cracking and also the cans aren't big enough for my ears i think, kinda hurts my earlobes after a while i wonder if that's a thing
>>1105704 I've never really liked the feel of fake leather around my ears Whenever I get headphones I prefer the fabric that's more like velvet But the only semi-decent headphones that have that material for the cans are from Sennheiser At least size-wise they're pretty comfortable around my ears too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i used to have a pair of senns i wonder what happened to those probably tore the fabric. but solid headphones maybe i'll get some more senns
Twitch reckons I've watched 900 hours this year which is an absolute lie
But sometimes I'll leave the house or go to bed with something playing
I wonder if I even watched Oh wait I did watch The Game Awards on Twitch Besides that I can't remember if I watched any streams on the platform this year
honestly the worst part is the game itself considers this like, a "high level" nebula, but that just means it's rare, not that it's inherently more valuable the market has deemed this only marginally better than wormhole gas, which is very easy to find But It IS marginally better
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i lost almost my entire sunday to death stranding just haulin stuff around and building roads and ziplines
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's kind of like an extremely asynchronous slow MMO where everything's made up and the points don't matter
daamn this is my dream build four watercooled 3090s pumping heat to an external radiator 96 GBs of LLMs or what have you in there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh wait those are 4090s jeez what is bro cooking
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lmao of course >It's probably an ERP server for chatbots... and it's not hard to imagine making 20k/year+ serving up bots like that with a good frontend. You can't pay openAI for those kinds of tokens. They censor output.
OP: >Lol this is bang on, and yes, it makes much more than 20K usd a year.
Interesting Wonder how difficult it is to get the ball rolling on something like that if you have the capital to build the machine
i imagine there's a lot of monkeying around with different prompts and models but dang sounds like a licence to print money if you know how would probably be constantly tweaking params and outputs to keep up with the latest and greatest
i recognized it as a bruno mars song by the riff at the end of the electric guitar. i just couldn't put a name to it. coulda brute forced but whatev bandle spoiler above
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
honestly that's recognizable even from the drumline if you just have the patience to wait till the last bar
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1105754 I'd never heard that song before in my life.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you never been in a grocery store or a bar before?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe i should start doing anki on pop songs just so i don't embarassingly know the name to any song despite hearing it 100 times before aspire to eggness
well, I ended up getting SOME more good gas at least It's out in the middle of fucking nowhere so I gotta get somebody to haul that shit for me later, but whatever
I had a meeting at work that didn't go very well and I felt kind of silly in front of some senior, important people and now I feel kind of sad about it.
AND the meeting ran late so i missed muh yoga. What a shit day.
so it was this shitty proposal and then i had to write something on it and then everyone was askin me all these questions about it like it was my idea mate i always thought this shit was dumb, now suddenly it's my job to convince people it's a good proposal and they're criticizing it like it's something i fuckin came up with.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is that the proposal you spent alllll night writing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but yea that makes sense from their point of view you're pushing it whether you really did or not
for the uninitiated, the basic offer here is I pay this guy to sit on the cloud with me and putting down the competition, ensuring I get all the gas to myself And that's A LOT of money, so I can pay this guy quite a bit without it actually hurting my bottom line If I get a single venture as competition, that takes a sparking nebula from 1.5B worth, roughly, to 750M So I can easily pay him 200M and I'm still in the green by hundreds of millions Not to mention his presence will deter people looking to shoot ME
It'll obviously depend on how much he wants Too much and it's not worth the cost, obviously, but he can put the price pretty high before it becomes a bad deal
I'm really enjoying this part of EVE too, just building up connections for various stuff There's something a little Cool about contracting people to do the stuff they're specialized into, and it being a mutually beneficial thing I get the ancap mindset now
at least on a personal level, I've now got a hauler I can contact whenever he is actually doing that, and potentially hired muscle I am becoming powerful!
You get to live out your sociopathic, cutthroat corporation rung climbing dream, without all the devastation and unethical abuse of real life people
YEAH! Well, there's no rung climbing, the only position above me is the CEO already I already in effect am the corporation, I just gotta get some projects going to make us all some money I don't actually have production skills and getting those will take ages, so I'm kinda waiting on those who do have them to get their stuff together, an then I'll make a spreadsheet to handle the book keeping for payouts and stuff
I mean hell the CEO isn't online all that often I'm by far the most active current member But I'm reaching out to people I come across to bring them into the fold, bolster our numbers Very soon we can bring a big booster ship out to speed up the grinding by a damn good amount I might even do that myself down the line, but right now I don't have the skills to fly them
I'm gonna specc into combat first though, and then I can go for a porpoise later Sitting on the cloud with a combat shit ready to fuck shit up will in itself bring our costs down anyway Probably going for a Loki, which means I'll burn my skill points on that when I plex up
they're by no means cheap, but it'll pay for itself
nl hasn't even started stream yet and already the mcd sponsorship is working I want macdonald There's no delivery for it here though, so I'll have to actually go there, but I guess I will do that Just finish up this scooping, start another one, and get over there You shouldn't AFK in EVE because the moment you leave station you can and likely will eventually be killed, but this stuff takes a while and it's so profitable it doesn't matter if I lose the ship, it's real cheap, and I don't have implants either
Cooking up how I'm gonna handle corp production projects atm I wanna make it good value fo r everyone involved, so there's a bit of Maths and considerations involved
thankfully, getting podkilled no longer fucks your skills I vaguely remember you lose the skill progress you've made since you last synced with your clones or something when you got pod killed before
My act of protest cus I got done dirty at work yesterday: imma watch a full episode of anime before i even start getting ready and be deliberately late.
Alrighty, now that I've looked through the maths, I've come up with the best at-present money making method, which will make the referral program a reality
It's just highsec buyback, except the corp offers 100% of the jita buy price and sells it as a sell order after hauling in bulk We'll need a lot of capital for that to REALLY pop, but it can get cranking already, I just gotta get stuff set up
I really gotta get omega again so I can money more consistently I should be closing in on enough ISK to buy it It's all illiquid, stored randomly throughout placid mostly, but it should be close to the goal now
Uh, I dunno, never really looked into real money trading I imagine it's pretty inflated though just buying plex, you're getting roughly 155M ISK per euro
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
*inflates you*
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you need to beat marsh's runescape gold reserves in IRL money equiv! keep grinding!
well, running a corporation with an angel investor who is also the actual founder and owner will certainly help with that The referral program will go a long way to encourage a positive community too, with every new recruit essentially becoming a little efficiency project for their recruiter
I intend to set it up so I track each individual's contributions to the corp's profits, and their recruiter gets some percentage of that profit per month I am creating an MLM in a video game!
And when the corp profits, it can afford to do a lot of stuff like provide ships and whatever I'm gonna get this fucking thing running green like nothing you've ever seen
Generally speaking my hope for the corporation is for it to be like, actually profitable to be in, not just have a positive community I want it to be a good thing to be in this corp, and for that I need a lot more members, doing a lot more things So if you need someone to protect you as you mine high value stuff, there's probably someone up for it If you need something hauled, there's probably someone And we can run projects to have a common goal for what to mine and get paid for it And a buyback program that pays you alright enough, while still profiting the corp just due to needing to haul more stuff, which can be covered by the profit of doing that
I want an internal corporation economy And I want to sip from the goblet of profit produced
Eh, I'd like to see the AI bros try at best they can make a trading bot or something, I guess Any incursion into the actual gameplay would end up on everyone's KoS list And once it's known that AI are being used to automate EVE and fuck everyone's bottom line, they're gonna be sniffed out real damned fast
They might be able to appear human as far as how they play goes, but actual interaction with other players will very quickly become obviously machine rather than human replying too fast, weird replies, too generic, too robotic overall
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I bet theres already low key lots of em WoW is like 80% bots these days and harder to tell than you think
I wonder how many ppl know, or if they w ill catch on? Or how many know.
Pleasantly warm evening after the heat of the day. A little bit of light drizzle. Cookin up a tasty dinner And it was a good day at work where I fixed most of yesterday's problems.
>>1105894 >>1105895 its been scheduled, be there https://tanoshiine.info/gamenwatch/1216052
>>1105899 Last time a kun scheduled a movie watch it dun go down.
it was a racer flick too, if I remember corectly. :P Took some Imec paste, 1st time felt like anno in a long time. Cool elevator music while I made the purchase. ;)