you know everyone gives Mark Zukerburg a hard time for being a personal-information-draining lizard person (some of it desrved) but he's kind of chill when talking on podcasts. has some ok ideas
damn i keep dropping raw meat and other food behind the stove it must be fuckin rank back there But there is no way to get at it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
judge a man not by his chill podcast vibes but his acts
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1102425 theres some stuff that fell behind my washer dryer combo and its stuck in its own tiny closet so there's no way to get back there without removing both i'm gonna have to buy an extendo grabber thingy or use a vacuum cleaner or something
ecchi shows should be less ashamed of it and just do like strike witches or mermaid and simply embrace it "this is what the show is about, ultimately, and that's ok" is what the first episode should tell the audience
After much saving up of money and resources, I have produced my first station in Avorion It's nothing fancy, it's just a wheat farm, but I put it in a sector where, first of all, the local area around the sector has none supply of wheat, and also the sector itself has no less than 4 factories all using wheat as an input So it should make money, if nothing else
there's of course some startup costs with it, so far it's spend 3/4ths of a million on water and powercells, and only sold for half a mill But it's not like it sells immediately upon production, and for that matter I grabbed some out of its inventory to sell manually to begin with just to get the production to resume
Actually I guess I could set it to just autosupply the other factions' factories didn't realize that's an option
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 639 3/6
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though why would I do taht when I can simply take over the market by supplying my own carbon factory with wheat and selling that for cheaper than the others
>>1102477 Fuck off cunt That's the worst thing you could say to a writer
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like imagine you were writing a contract and meant to put: >"the new Owner shall have access to the Corporations infrastructure, clients, funds, and operations..." and instead misstyped- >"the new Owner shall have access to the Corporations infrastructure, clients funds, and operations..." and its too late they already signed it, and you've lost millions of dollars
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ayoo gottem
engy calling me at 5:00 for markups must be desperate
>>1102480 neither of those are valid because of missing apostrophes.
>>1102484 it's not actually I was just quoting the irate gamer it is kind of bad if someone is pestering you for markups almost an hour after work is finished though
you know what isn't bad though jolly ranchers bought a pack for Halloween
I think I made the cargo bay on these damn stations too big cause they're buying up half the galaxy's worth of trading goods to sell
I mean it's FINE, they do sell it for a profit or just outright use the goods directly themselves and paying me for it, so it's kinda whatever, it's just gonna take longer for the turbulence to settle down
>>1102488 No, that's not how it actually works - at least in an Australian jurisdiction. One of the essential elements of a contract is that you need to have Certainty - and often that requires a genuine "meeting of the minds". This means that both parties need to actually know and understand what they're agreeing to for the contract to be binding. It's not a matter of "tricking" someone into carrying out an obligation that never had any intention of agreeing to because of some minor typographical misprint.
Of course, this isn't a substitute for both parties actually doing their due diligence, and taking the time to analyze and understand what they're actually agreeing to ahead of signing - but if both parties carried out reasonable levels of diligence and were acting honestly and in good faith at all times then caselaw suggests parties wouldn't be contractually bound to something they had no intention of ever agreeing to because of a missing/extra comma.
The law isn't about trying to make parties do something unreasonable because of a minor technicality (although granted, that does happen). The reason the systems get complicated, and that there is so much scope for interpretation and evaluation of competing principles, is because at the end of the day the aim is to uphold a general community sense of what is "fair".
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
#not legal advice.
Isn't the letter of the contract how you can determine what both parties agreed to in the first place though? Like the contract is the proof of them agreeing to what it says, and if you can just go "no I never agreed to that though", then what purpose does it serve anymore? The only way you can prove otherwise is to go "but you signed the contract though"
Often yes but if that's what's in dispute, like the wording or something like that - you might also look at other indications of intentions. Things like what was actually offered, previous communications between the parties. like with the example above with the "Clients Funds" vs "Clients, Funds".. Is when - if you wanted to mount an argument that this particular part of the contract shouldn't be enforced in a certain way - you would look a things like what was actually intended.
But yes, you're dead right. often, when looking at what parties actually intended, it will just be what is written in the contract. Because that's the most clear cut, straightforward way of proving what was actually intended at the time. It's just the kind of unusual cases where both parties might have genuine grounds to dispute some interpretation of the contract that the Courts might look at other, external factors.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
#not legal advice.
>Your trading post just spent 4.5m credits on targeting cards O...Okay I mean it's making me big profits, but the inability to set a minimum balance for my stations to maintain is kinda annoying lmao
Well like everything in law, it's going to depend on a lot of other factors. There is no black/white answer. Some considerations will include; the type and nature of the fair ride -whether it was a County or a State Fair -the degree of sabotage -whether the people who were dismembered had good taste in anime.
We can start doing some background research and get back to you with a comprehensive letter of advice within the next 10 days.
I have to do a bunch of hiring stuff for work I went through like 12 resumes today and several of them listed cooking as a skill Very odd, considering it is for a admin assistant job.
One of the applicants I called today, when I told her she'd have to go out of town for a week for onboarding and we'd pay hotel, she got super excited, and was like "heyyy it's like a vacation!!!!" I want to hire her so hopefully she's good at the interview!!!!!
You could force and argument that cooking as a skill has some overlap with admin. err Precise and detail oriented while also requiring a degree of creativity good time management so nothing burns forward planning Consideration of the needs, requirements and preferences of others
>>1102541 i started watching Gus clips >>>/watch?v=3rCvdI0KLdM funny ass comment >Gus is so disgusted by the idea of girls, that he immediately goes to puke
oh man what a fuckin night ow my head i should not have drank a liter of double ipa jesus and then several beers after that i met a cute girl and then abandoned her because her date was throwing up everywhere what a dumbass i am
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i also dropped my phone, left my bicycle locked outside in the rain all night, salsa danced kinda, just what the he k happened
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my buddy got a subscription aw shit we gon be chess bros he has a lot to catch up but i bet he'll be beatin my ass in a few months
To become the "King of the Trill," one must understand the concept of being trill and work towards embodying its essence. The term "trill" originated from a combination of the words "true" and "real," and it has been popularized in hip-hop culture, particularly in the Southern United States. Being trill is about being authentic, genuine, and true to oneself while maintaining a sense of style, confidence, and respect.
Well sure but I don't expect you intended for this to be a campaign about hunting down a throwaway character Well, in any event you can make anything align
THere is some hesitatation involved in effectively brute forcin this campaign to happen and primarily be Gunk's, but at the same time, Gunk would not conceivably make any other choice than to hunt down Joe of the Mama cult at this juncture It's the only choice she can make
like I know "it's what my character would do!" is a classic cliche excuse for shit behavior but like It literally is and any other course of action would be complete nonsense
well yes, medium term this is true However, at present we need tog \\ to get this corpse away from this place and to somewhere else in the middle of a park populated by "thousands" of civilians
Though I DID specc into both stealth and deception
Sure, she's touching my penis but she's not even getting gang-banged by a group of orcs while her boyfriend watches how the hell am I supposed to get off to this
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1102613 yes we must strive to feel alive push the boulder
My mining rigs require upgrades, by which I mean to say I must create entirely new ships These buggers are gonna be using drones to do their work, which is pretty ideal for a simple reason: already at my current stage, I can mass produce drones within the ship itself, provided I have the materials for it
This is not the case with lasers, for the ship itself, this requires me to find positively disposed turret creation place with the tech level required No such restrictions on producing them in-ship, although it of course takes some time
id have to drive probably a bit out of town and I ain't wastin petrol on that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i gave that girl my number or rather typed it into her whatsapp but i think i typo'd it RIP should i go to the same bar tonight maybe she'll be there or i could post on missed connections lulz
Alright fellas, I'm in need of ideas here This is what I've got so far, for a drone-based asteroid miner But what do I do with the front, design wise?
Don't worry about general decorations, I'll come up with something or other, but I just can't leave the front completely flat like this
those two boxes on the side are basically gonna be "cargo containers" though obviously they'll house whatever I need, they're just left open to make it easie to put shit in there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh well you see the front fell off
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
can you put a carved wooden statue of a mermaid on it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1102648 there's a concert venue here with one of those
TECHNICALLY, yes the block count would be insane and I do not have the skill for it, but it is technically doable Well, "wood" isn't a block, but I could use colored stone or something
But I meant more in terms of shape
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
chatGPT carve my waifu's likeness into the dessicated cellulose
hm maybe something like this It doesn't serve any practical purpose, but it is a nice look It's obviously gonna be given some corners so it's flush, but still >>1102653 I was thinking of putting something like that on top, but maybe I could put antennae on these 4 protrusions
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how about making two antennae
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or giant beetle mandibles
OOH, mandibles is a cool look for an asteroid miner
Hm, now how to design those
Main issue design wise is it's already very much square, and that's just a bad look for mandibles I feel I could give it a little bit more space and have them flatter a little further in front I suppose
hm, filled in it looks a loot shittier needs to jut out a bit horizontally I think while still coming down towards a flat look >>1102661 These are the same one, this latter one is just with the walls filled But yeah it should have some beef sideways out from the overall hull, gimme a minute here
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
first one looks good just needs a bit more beefiness
Now to fill it with all the stuff it needs Still not entirely sure where to put the hangar opening though If I could make the mandibles open, that'd be a fucking sick place to put it, but sadly all ships are static
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the backside is also entirely flat, but I really have no actual idea what to put there Maybe an additional engine in a sort of helix protrusion? That could look cool as hell Though how the hell...
OK the helix idea turns out to be utterly awful in practice Maybe on a significantly larger vessel I could make it look nice, so I'll keep that idea in the back of my mind for my like, personal ship\mothership design Cause the idea of it is really sick if I can pull it off
I'm thinking like, a quad helix that comes out of the back end, wrapping around an utterly ridiculous engine But if I were to put it on something this small, it'd basically have to be single block strands and that just won't look very nice
Holy MOLY my stations have finally started REALLY pulling in the cash Oh my god While I was designing this, my actual liquid cash has like, nearly tripled
It took them a while to fill up with all the goods they consume in order to give me profit, but hooooly now it's kicking I had 20mill give or take when I sat down and began on this thing, now I'm at 50, and while typing this it bumped to 53 That's temporary though, most of that is gonna be used up to replenish again, but still
Actually I guess I can just put the hangar on the back, that's as nice a spot as any for it
Anyway, this is the finished skeleton Ignore the bits on the top that kinda look like a small city, that's just cause when running build mode without pausing, you have to give your crew somewhere to live immediately or they get real mad
it'll get some decorations and a paintjob and stuff, this is literally just the shell plus a few key components that basically have to be there
Once this is done, I can finally get started on a proper mothership, too I already have a basic idea for that one though, I'm thinking something akin to those mandibles in front, except WAAAAY longer, and the inside is gonna be hangar exits
that's basically gonna be the main part of the ship, really The backend can clare \\\flare out a little bit and have a little main deck on top I can cover in glass and stuff
ONCE AGAIN I HAVE BUILT IT BACKWARDS I don't know how I do that, but I only notice when it's time to fit it with engines
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
drivin around ass first
thankfull the game does have a "flip the whole thing 180 degrees please" button Likely because the devs themselves made this mistake many times during the designing of ships
Man these engines made of Trinium (the latest material I have managed to get a real amount of) are real good Basically all functional blocks (like, the stuff that DOES something on the ship) get better performance as you go up the materials, but Trinium is unique in that it is also the lightest material in the game, so the jump from the last material is really significant as a result
I'd love to make the whole thing out of trinium, but I just don't have THAT much of it yet (Part of this thing's job will be to address this situation)
Like that whole skeleton is real big, right But just by covering the very edge of the engine openings, like with a thin sliver of engine across it, it does actually move, and not horribly Not usably good, but REALLY good for being so little engine That's less total engine volume than I needed to just get any real performance from any of these other ships even at the skeleton stage
Granted, the miner rig is a lot smaller than the BIG BOY I'm primarily using atm, but still
that bluetooth do be pairing or not man I need a new laptop one of these dys
working with corners is always a pain cause I never know what shape to use other than through trial and error There just isn't a shape specifically for whatever I wanna do so I gotta combine several and it's a tedious process But the end result ends up alright
the buzzer sounds indicating the start of the game you reach into your pocket and pull out an individually wrapped xanny you begin to unwrap the xanny the stiff paper crinkles echo in the placid concrete chamber your fingertips have a light sheen of sweat the capulet turns and falls out of the wrapper onto the ground, rolling under your chair
Got back on, actually finished the mandibles They did not turn out the way I wanted, but it'd require so much reworking to get them like I want, I'm not gonna do it
I'll keep these lessons in mind for the mothership, I'll rarely even see these bozos
Honestly I'm kinda satisfies with this now It just needs a paintjob and outfitting with like... the stuff that makes it a ship rather than a scultpure, and I'm ready to send it off to mine
Shit I have so much money I may as well just convert the whole fucking thing to Naonite Which is heavy, but powerful and also I have more of it than titanium anywaay
>will only cost me 27K credits and barely any materials what the hell I guess it doesn't have much internals that are very expensive
Ah, of course Naonite does not have armor Like you can't make armor of naonite, that explains the low cost, this thing doesn't have "hull" pieces much, it's all armor
It certainly could be prettier, but I do actually kinda like it It's a mining rig, it's not exactly built like a ferrari or something, it's functional primarily with a little visual sauce just to land the contract Went with a basic 3color scheme of dark red, dark orange, and black Gonna add a few light strips on the thing though
Of course, right now I have the issue of my two most beautiful ships both being mining rigs lmao
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he roll up the dung ball he push the sun across the heavens
I tried at first to have the hangars just sorta close in immediately at their height, but soon realized the gap from the middle is WAY too long for that to look anything remotely not-stupid No idea what I'd put there and besides they're the damn hangars they can't be little floaties on the edge of the ship
It actually does look a lot nicer There's still a lot more ship left to design here, but I like this as a front bit Gonna need this to connect to some sort of backend though, and I'm not entirely sure how to make that look nice So I'm taking a little brake to ponder
The design with them to the sides turned out to be a total pain to make clean looking, so instead we're going with this, much easier to put on the front of a vessel and have it not look like a damn spear (It also has the added bonus of giving me the option to provide some extra cover for the hangars by slapping on a little bit of armor above and below them )
I think I'm gonna try how this works out without coating it in armor for once So far I've given everything an outer coat of armor, but that limits design choices For example, it's very hard to put a window in armor, since like... what's the armor for if you're gonna put a damn window in there? That shit's glass
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
And when you walk up on da dance floor nobody cannot ignore the way you move your body and everything so unexpected the way you right and left it
Also the hangar bays are like, hardcoded to be blue, or at least the color of the material used HOWEVER Because I am a smart bitch, I planned for this by placing a 0.25 unit sliver of lighting behind it So I can change its color Because the hangar bays are actually transparent
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so your hangar bays are actually a giant wall of light that ships punch through
Basically yeah The hangar bays mechanically only need to have clearance in one direction, it doesn't matter if they're literally incapable of even having a fighter in the block itself (though they do have a minimum size, but I think that's volume, not width\height restrictions)
Now I gotta figure out how to flare this thing out
I didn't QUITE realize just how fucking massive I made that nose, so uuuh the rest of the ship has to be absolutely gigantic for this to not look horrid lmao this is gonna take a while But I'm doing this having learned from my mistakes, I'm building it from one end and backwards, not as a full shape and then molding it further I'm 3D printing this motherfucker
>>1102750 I'm really depressed and trying to force some motivation to keep going through with the GRIND and you're just here making yuh stupid sex puns
alright the damn thing's so large now it's really lagging the game to add more blocks, so it's not gonna be QUITE as big as I wanted mostly out of fear it crashes on me Once I'm done the block count will be lowered via merging so it won't be a real problem while playing, but the building is a pain like this
Basically you want to build with smaller blocks because that makes it easier to edit stuff on the fly, but once you're done, you want fewer blocks because the game renders them as individual blocks (they each have 6 sides with accompanying polygons )
>>1102818 yeah i mean you dont even have to be stable to do the job you just gotta know how to get other people to be stable (and youll get trained in how to do that)
Sat down and made a little combat ship It's by no means the best thing I could have made, but I think it'll serve its purpose Just kinda meant to be an escort\system defense force anyway, not like, a war ship
Taking it to the area it'll mostly be operating in to test it out rn If it can handle itself, then I can start moving my base of operations into new territory
This ship can definitely hang A LOT of it is the BIG MORTAR, but still It's got enough hp and damage resistance to handle the area it's intended for I think I'm not quite there yet, but it's reducing the area just prior to it to cinders without issues
the mortar shoots like once every 5 seconds or something, but each shot does 1K damage (2K if it hits the hull directly) Which is criminal, since most guns do in the area of like 70 damage a sot shot sure they fire faster, but this pumps out \\ wait no, it's more like most guns have a DPS of around 70-140 this thing obviously misses more significantly since it really stinks when it does, but when it hits, it more than makes up for it
And I've got a bunch of these I'm gonna slap on a series of these combat fighters My empire will be inassailable
Alright, it's not quite strong enough to hang It needs more OOMPH
our neighbours are moving wonder who will move first me or them
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I have a tattoo of my late brothers birthday And so many people ask me if it's my own birthday It's fucking wild Like what kind of turbo narcissist wanker would tattoo their own birthday on themselves
I should just start telling people it's my bank pin
A serial amnesiac I guess you're too young to assume it's something like your kid's birthday
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a good opener question easily spoilt
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway that is pretty funny man i'd probably do same if my brother died
marsh is plenty old enough to have a kid
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 643 2/6
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Anno what funny doggies
the RNG in Avorion can go crazy The game hasn't explicitly said this is what happened, but it's the only connection I can see
Basically, I entered a new area, in said area is a faction I've yet to interact with They're not friendly towards me, but they're not hostile, overall not a problem, it's not like you get attacked just for being on bad terms So I explore the area for a bit Accidentally hop into a pirate controlled sector, and they as expected attack on sight Once I open the map to hyperspace outta there cause I'm fuckin' busy and don't have time to fight them off, the aforementioned faction has declared war on me
What I THINK happened is this newly discovered faction is actually allied with their local pirate faction
Of course, this now means I have to go to full on war against these motherfuckers, because when they come in to fight me in my little part of the local area, they cause my sector to be a "hazard zone" A "hazard zone" is a status effect a sector can be afflicted with. It lasts 2 hours. It cripples the economic activity in the sector, everything from traders entering to do trade to the actual drones moving stuff between your stations This is a problem because I set up here in order to get my turret construction going Which takes resources
If Conan encounters one murder per week, he should now be older than he was at the start of the story Which I mean is kind of an obvious statement, but I mean like Child Conan should now actually be older than he was before being turned into a child
I wonder how it decides on a video to just sorta feed a whole group of people like that It's obviously got like, categories or tags on the users it uses to do it, but I wonder what makes a video become that video
I guess it could be something simple like if a large enough group of people within one of the categories it uses watches the same video in a short time, it's eligible for being pushed to the whole category Which kinda explains how arbitrary it seems, it's basically just a sort of lottery of videos within some large anime-related discord servers
naw I don't have the mental faculties for learning to code I'm not too stupid to, I don't think there are many people who actually are simply too smoothbrained to learn it I'm just not able to focus and Stick To It enough to actually learn it It'd likely be a lot easier if I had something entry level I wanted to make, but the only things I can ever think of that I'd like to code are stuff I think is way too advanced for like, introductory learning
It's kinda like, if I was learning a language, I don't have any twitter posts I want to make in that language, all the things I can think of that I'd like to do with my new language is like, writing a book, or an essay, or translate fictional works Stuff that's simply not reasonable to use as learning experiences because it requires already having a fairly good grasp on the skill in advance, even if you can still learn more complex aspects of it in the process
Like I don't wanna program a terminal-based calculator I wanna program something like what accel spammer used back in the day, I wanna make something Cool like that, something exciting, even if I'd never use it I'd like to have done that But that's far too advanced for introductory learning material. It's of course possible to learn by doing that, but without a foundation of knowledge already existing, it will take an enormous amount of time and likely you won't end up learning all that much in the process as you're going to be doing a lot of copy pasting off of forums
Though I do think I have, I dunno, the sorta brain process that would allow me to design whatever program I wanted to make in the abstract Like, I can't code it, and I don't think I will ever find the motivation needed to sit my ass down for long enough to learn to, but I think I could lay out what exactly I would need to create in order to achieve the goal, if that makes sense
is there much food in pasta on its own? or is it mostly just filler for the other parts of a pasta based meal?
pasta is magic
>>1102944 Do you mean by "food", caloric content, or nutritional value, or something more abstract and subjective like satisfaction from eating? Because as far as calories go, pasta is pretty substantial, like 170g of dry Italian pasta is somewhere in the range of ~600 kCal As far as nutritional value goes, pasta is about as nutritious as any other heavily processed wheat flour foodstuff, which is to say, not very. If you're getting nutritional value from a pasta meal, it's because you mixed it with vegetables and protein, or other things conducive to a healthy diet I can't really speak for consumption satisfaction, since that depends on your own preference for flavour and what kind of pasta dish you're making, but pasta is a very absorbent foodstuff, so a dish of pasta will do a good job of making you feel full
yeah I meant "is my body getting what it needs to function"
The human body can go for a pretty long time on a diet limited in nutritious value, but you'll probably suffer from minor health issues and fatigue I wouldn't recommend a diet of nothing but bland pasta, but you'll get the caloric content you need to survive and be fine, at least for the short to mid term, before a lack of nutrients start to mess with your physical and mental health
should mix in some chicken or something and some veggies I guess? macaroni's just super easy to make and you can buy it in big bags
Protein and vegetables is always a good choice for meal building blocks If you have a rice cooker, or are comfortable cooking rice in a pot, substituting rice instead of pasta is another very popular poverty meal I'm familiar with, chicken, broccoli, and rice
You know if they come in hard on this ad-block and there are no good workarounds I think I will cancel my spotify subscription and pay for youtube premium. i hate ads that much you have no idea
>>1102963 The EU seems to be building a case that consumers have a right to refuse ads, or something like that, in response to this more aggressive push to get in-video ads through ad blockers and the like So don't start giving your money to Don YouTube just yet
My client missed the bus home from school today, the 13yo. She called me really worried so I went to go pick her up and it took me like 30 minutes to get there because I was at home. When I got there, she was with a teacher, and she was just a total mess, sobbing uncontrollably. She was afraid that she was going to get left alone at school. So I got her to my car and then I turned it on and my spotify connected. And Houshou Marine's Ahoy started playing. And she's just sitting there in my car crying out her whole little heart while I'm trying to get my music to stop playing.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Ahoy That one's a banger. Should have left it on .
now that i'm a bossu i barely have any work to do so i can just use our incidental funds to go to the zoo all day with a client living the fuckin dream
Sometimes it's worth it, I don't reget giving a younger kid from my hood, my last skate board deck too learn on so he could sakte with his cousin. Paying it forwards rewarding! The world needs more positive elders.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
lol imatts he called you old
>>1102961 seems to work fine if I'm not logged in I just open up and incognito window