yeah my boss is really bad shes been wild this week on tuesday one of my colleagues went missing, no contact in 24 hours so she sent me to his house to try to check on him and she was asking me to break into his home because he wouldnt come to the door when i rang the doorbell just walk right on in!!!! she was so convinced that he must have killed herself that she was almost crying she was like YOU HAVE TO GO IN and i just kept saying supervisor if he killed himself it's already too late to do anything so fucking chill
i just got a promotion last week so i want to wait a little bit if i can i really think she ought to step down though. its pretty clear this position is too much for her and that she lacks the coping to maintain her mental health
its so funny seeing how desperate she is last week she changed her hair color and i didnt mention it so she texted me "what did you think about my hair" and i ignored it and then she said "wow, is my hair really that bad?" like 8 hours later im your employee im not your portable complement machine
you know the only really bad thing about my supervisor is that we used to be work friends and now that she's in charge, it's a bit harder to be friends. a bit of a different dynamic. can't really just shoot the shit with someone who's also conducting your performance reviews.
>>1101972 but imagine how painful it must have been for her how many hours she's mulled over that fine, trying to figure out what it means, whether i like her hair or hate her hair i want her to understand that if she presses me she will get something worse to her than me ignoring her text
>>1101973 shooting the shit with someone doing your performance evals is great because they will become biased by how much they like you and you will become immortal at work
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
go into work every day trying to be fired
Maybe if I had comfortable savings, valuable marketable skills, and/or a work economy that was desperate for new hires I have none of that, so I have to be a little careful about not getting fired
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1101953 don't change your dose without checking with your doctor
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Don't change your doctor without checking with your dose
yeah that's not too hard to set up well, assuming you have something on your computer that can receive the command A lotta music players have that built in, so it shouldn't be a problem
I mean I did that with foobar back in the day gotta be like, at least a decade back
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
og my computer is a headless linux box so it loves commands but it don't play nice out of the wrapper
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but i mean automatically theme song on roll up maybe Shortcuts can do it
I mean you could always really jury rig something Use clementine as your music player, and you can use tasker on your phone to tell the clementine remote controller to send the start playback command when you connect to your home wifi I mean that's the most dirty method of doing it, there's a lot much cleaner options, but it is one option
There's obviously a lot of other options that are at least cleaner on a sort of "getting it to work" level, even if they're not as pretty to look at Like you could have a file that gets created on your pc by your phone when it connects to the wifi You have a script on your pc that constantly checks for that file, and if it finds it, it does whatever commands you want, then deletes the file
it's not pretty to look at, but it's laughably easy to set up that sort of thing
and the big benefit is you don't need to fuck around trying to interface commands from your phone to something on your computer, you literally just need a single samba command and the computer will handle it itself from there
Suika game, or as it is known in its native Japanese, Gamagori Chou-Suika no Densetsu Special, might enter the annals of history as an eminent foray into the nascent ecosystem of full-bore existentialist interactive media. Indeed, the punishing difficulty portrays a heightened sensibility into the nature of the mortal soul, a mirror into the qualities that furnish a lightness, a quickness and a headiness that pervades post-argo-technological life. One cannot enter that opulent arena and leave unchanged. It is unclear to the player whether their calculations serve to solve the quandries ahead, or if the psuedo-random number generators underlying the slippery, timeless numerical physics solver underlying the experience have more sway. Ultimately, Suika game serves as a meditation on the follies of youth, the perceived and experienced decay of one's temptations put into full swing, or a grave sermon that belies the collective trauma in response to the excesses known since the dawn of industry.
look before you hit me with the predictable "i bet your dad knows plenty about bottom cherries" let me set the record straight. my dad literally gave birth to me with his bare hands
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Cherry boy
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
want more croutons
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gimme some of that leftover thanksgiving turkey stuffing
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 860 3/6
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how big is a panera charged lemonade anyway? 260mg of caffeine sounds like a whole lot, but if it's like a full liter then it's really not that much more than an energy drink
I mean actually, 2 cans of any energy drink will get you above that and that's really not that bad That shit won't kill you, it's just like, 2 cans of whatever energy drink you prefer
if you hold down the mousbutton on a youtube video, it temporarily speeds up to 2x while you do so what is with google stuff and having all these obscure functions they never tell anyone about and people just kinda find out about it by accident possibly years after it was added in
i do a can of guru daily if there's one in the fridge lets see here 142mg caffeine sparkling water, organic cane sugar, lemon juice concentrate, monk fruit juice, stevia, green tea caffeine...
oh i guess we have that too commonwealth parliamentary stuff
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1102035 it kinda looks like a can of redbull but with diet coke-ish minimal styling, and its based on like guarana and gween tea extract and organic stuff rather than taurine and corn syrup
Huh so it's like a "healthy" energy drink?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea tastes okay kind of like a watered down red bull taste
huh sounds kinda like this weird like, I think australian hippie drink I tried was like, fermented tea or some shit?
man nothing like that feeling when you need a little strip of material to get your bell mounted on your handlebar snugly without moving, and you come across the exact perfectly sized velcro strip, just trim the length, hoarding random PC parts paid off
Well I dunno how to do that really Socializing is basically magic to me, I dunno how to do conversation with people in general It's one thing when doing something already together with someone, like I can chat shit with teammates in video games or something, but without that underlying connection I just sorta dunno how to Made me real awkward that one time I actually went to a drinking party though there were other factors involved there that made it real shitty Like for one there were underaged people who showed up, and my two buddies I went with got absurdly wasted, one started fighting with some other dude there, and I ended up just asking one of the guys who drove someone there if they could drive me home The other friend I went with who, to my knowledge, didn't fight anyone ended up losing his phone and thought I took it too, it was a whole fucking thing For the record I didn't take the dipshit's phone There was a cute girl there though, I just don't know how to do conversation with people so I didn't say much at all
It's not like I want to not socialize with people, generally, it's more that I don't want to, you know? The order of words there is important. I don't mind it, I kinda do wanna have a social network, but I don't have a drive to establish one Same with dating and stuff, it's definitely gnawing at me psychologically to be a loser at my advanced age, and it does hurt a lot when I see other people be so normal, but I don't have the drive or the knowledge to do shit about it
Basically I've resigned myself to the knowledge that I'm forever gonna live the incel life without the absurd belief that it's everyone else's fault The worst of both worlds, I suppose
Eh, maybe in an extremely meta sense, but the norm is to have a social life regardless Like society be what it will, my total lack of drive is what's ultimately at fault here I dunno how to change that, whether it's something I just rolled at character creation or developed through my youth, but it is what it is It is real shitty to live with this contradiction in my brain of wanting social connections, you know, dating, sex, whatever, but having absolutely no drive to achieve any of it Like it's just not there. I want the results, but I have no interest in doing the process, not even averse to it, just don't have whatever it is other people have that makes them "go socialize", it's just absent Not that I know how to do that either, so maybe it's for the best so I don't have that drive without an outlet on top of everything else
My virginity is definitely a real complex, though, and an unbearably embarassing one at that
it's not even the virginity itself, either I mean that IS embarassing, I'm 31, it's super embarassing, but more than that it's really embarassing and pathetic to have this much of a complex about it And it's just so normal for everyone else, no matter what environment I'm in, people talk about their sex lives with the same normalcy as a tv show or something, and I feel like I'm missing out on like half of human life So it's rough But it's pathetic to be so hung up on it, so I usually don't talk too much about it I mean I probably talk about it way more than I should as it is, but it'd be more if I didn't keep myself in check
I mean really the whole topic just makes me fucking dizzy and I lose focus, kinda go into a haze, so I avoid it outright pretty much all the time cause if I were to seriously engage it I'll usually end up melting down and go into a depressive spiral Right now I'm feeling talkative though, so I'm kinda just bearing with it, venting the pent up frustration and pain or whatever. Really fucking human waste behavior, being honest.
being single at any given time being the norm for the majority isn't at all the same as always having been single though I do have complicating factors in play as well, I guess, not that they make it easier to deal with mentally
I don't really I'm just embarassed about having no experience with this large part of the human experience, it effectively meaning I'm lesser, and I have complexes about it that are also embarassing That and it just feels really bad to be a virgin when I'm this old, not even for some sort of social status perspective, but just because it feels like at this point it's never gonna happen for me Especially when I lack whatever drives people to seek it out, despite clearly having a 'need' for it, which itself sounds fucking stupid. I clearly don't need it, my psyche is just fucked up about it
I'm missing out on something that's clearly a big part of life, and honestly more importantly to me, I don't have a relationship with anyone that would like, include it I'm lonely, long story short, and don't see myself as being viable as anyone's partner, and that's just amplified for each passing year And not putting in any effort whatsoever makes it all feel even worse because I don't even really have any right to complain since I'm not failing to get a qt gf, I'm not even trying Which is both a result of not having a drive, not actually knowing how to do that, and also just Gender Issues that make me kinda averse to seek it out in my current state. I'd have to date 'as a man' and I don't want that, and any relationship I ever managed to establish like that would fall apart whenever I actually get to transition
Whole brain is addicted to catastrophizing and self deprecation And it's just so fucking pathetic, everyone else who bitches about this stuff like I do is a downright awful human being, so I see that in myself, too
And people will go like "it's really not that big a deal", but then they talk about sex like legit all the fucking time, so obviously it is a big deal I mean moe was fucking unbearable for me a while back because it was actually constant, explicit, and every conversation ended up talking about everyone's sex lives, making me feel really left out I've chilled out overall since then, but at the time my emotions were really haywire too so I was angry a lot of the time, and that just didn't help
And because the topic screws me up the way it does, I can't even really like, participate at the level of just curiosity either, even when I want to, because I know it's just a matter of one or two sentences that hit different and I completely shortcircuit And it just hurts a lot, and being aware of how it makes me feel makes me feel pathetic and creepy and shitty Cause it's not fucking normal, it's disgusting for someone to be the way I am about this stuff I just don't have anyone, seemingly everyone else does, and people talk about this stuff I just have no experience with that makes me uncomfortable all the time
Either way, sorry about the outburst or whatever I have many brain problems and very little in terms of people to talk to as a result So sometimes it just kinda boils over and I do this
I don't even know where the terrible self image ends and reality begins I'm not sure if I'm annoying to be around, I don't know if I'm uninteresting or just not fun in general. I think all those things, it feels true, but I know I've got all this mental shit too so I have no real way to tell
I don't even actually know if I'm as pathetic as I think I am, but I know that anyone else I see expressing anything like what I have here is total trash, so it's hard to make myself belive otherwise
I hate having all these hangups and complexes, they really do hurt a lot emotionally, and I don't like how it makes me feel about myself to be hurt by stuff like this. I'm supposed to be better, in my own view. Not supposed to be the kind of person who feels pain over this.
I'm sorry I thought I was above these debates. I really did But there is absolutely no way Flare is "bigger" thab choco-sensei
>>1102081 If someone really changes from the negitive traits that hold them back, a new individual takes on a positive form. New types of metamorphosis are possible. We have the chance to redefine ourselves at any given moment. Sometimes, that's what it takes too rebuild for the future, that's free from the ways of the past.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well y'know acknowledging a problem is only step one of resolving it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
apparently theres a zombie bicycle ride in like 30 minutes MA where's the red food dye??
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dolmas are so fuckin good
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1102090 How about I just clip your back wheel as I'm driving past
i put some pale foundation and black eyeliner smeared on my face and man it looks scary i gotta either go crazy with the black skull eyeholes or none at all because right now it just looks like me after a bender waking up at 3 pm
>>1102115 my body is made of aerospace grade titanium i'm just built different
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1102115 this implies the existence of carbon cringed lifeforms
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
in suika game i notice the tiny fruit like strawberries and grapes that really gum up the works have evil faces on them and the cherry is just asleep or possibly giving side eye all evil motherfuckers the oranges and pomelos are fine, the apples are all good then you get to the peaches the peaches are terrifying
They're just fruit, Samu They can't hurt you
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
grapefruit do be squirtin
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1102122 i was go to do a drew gooden and say "carbon based? it sure is!" but you beat me to the punch gj
revealing takumi was kanata's teacher at the end of the episode as though they didn't already tell us that earlier hell, there's no way takumi's even particularly well known besides like, being a pro racer Or did he keep up his unbeatable streak even in the pro scene?
It's another one of them space games, but you can get cracking on establishing yourself as a REAL fat cat real fast I've got 2 miners and a trading vessel doing runs The miners are so-so, they at least provided some passive income early on but I'm not sure I can keep the ships for much longer without investing in something more beefy and sending them to mine more valuable rocks But the trading boy, oh man he's raking it in
In space, you can't hear people whining about the lack of aerodynamics
This is my Trading Vessel MK.II MOST of this is cargo holds
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 635 2/6
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of course, my fucking CAPTAIN died, so I gotta go hire a new mfer Once I've saved up enough resources, I'm building an absolute monster of a trading ship to REALLY haul wares and make fat stacks
200K profit per flight for this guy granted each flight takes 20 minutes, but that's still pretty good considering my total crew payroll is like 100K an hour and that's organization-wide, not just this ship
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nice you have read the Rules of Acquisition
I gotta expand my operation though Need to get one more miner at the very least, cause they're just not pumping out the sheer assload of iron and titanium I need But probably to support them I'll need some fighters, and to support those wages I'll need more income AAAAAAA
well I guess the miners could just be outfitted with hangars for self defense
It is my pleasure to present The Mantis Well it gave mantis vibes for a while during designing anyway
with my current income streams, this isn't even that expensive to build, either And it's real maneuverable NONE cargo space, but it's got everything else one could need, and the design is both aesthetically pleasing and functional (longer ships are ideal because the thrusters managing turning left\right\up\down get more gas by being further from center mass)
I can assemble a fleet of these if I get the firepower and captains together
Gonna need to boost my econ to support the captain wages, though
watched a really good movie a few nights ago It's called The Phantom of the Paradise. One of the characters' designs was super influential on other stuff like Berserk, Darth Vader and some Jojo character. But especially Darth Vader and Berserk.
The game still feels like letting me know one of my ships paid like 300 credits to use a stargate lmao brother that ship just made me 200K profit, the 300 is actually nothing
yea the male gaze in older literature can be kinda jarring to modern readers
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>"His penis pressed firmly against the tight fitting trousers, forming an outline of a rolling burm. It was impossible to ignore. Thick and aggressive like a poweful constrictor, yet still inviting and malleable as clay yearning to be sculpted by an Italian master. "Welcome to Best Buy, can I help you find anything?" His eyes pierced her soul as he spoke. A flash of heated desire permeated her entire being. Perhaps this trip could yield more than a mere ethernet cable, she mused, as the voluptuous burm beckoned in her periphery." lmao
>>1102211 i like Pointless, it's to find the most obscure answers to score amount of points least amount** of course it doesn't have Steve Harvey acting goofy it just has boring British people
>>1102215 fr though demonetization because of sounds is pants on head stupid whoever is the new ceo hasn't probably even looked into all the ways youtube monetization is just bad
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1102217 It's like they don't even know what Watame did nothing wrong.
not a day goes by without me thinking of the janky persona rotoscope this is so obviously nao btw danbooru uploader can't be bothered creating a danbooru account just to tag it though the twitter description even says kamiya c'mon
welp time to do another day to earn another dollar i guess reading a drafting standard is something to do rather than meandering around with python tutorials
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
The unit I'm doing for my Masters, we gotta think of our own essay research topic. I've got nothing so I asked the convener if he could provide some "topical suggestions". He just said No.
vercel is like the new heroku easy to deploy a web app just push it to their cloud i don't use em and now i'm much more likely not to happy to run my own VPS server and pay pennies comparatively for the extra maintenance burden
they make this fairly nice open source javascript framework that's popular and i've used that. but as soon as you start using it, it starts plugging vercel, opting you into analytics, all that venture capital backed growth hacking stuff. I think it's going to go slowly out of fashion but IDK it's still p useful
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
stayin inside all day ouchie it was sunny out too
Considering you're west coast you gotta take those sunny days when you can I don't think I've seen a proper sunny day in a good five or something days
dude for real though get me that joe rogan shirt for Christmas.
>>1102289 yeah. just gotta keep on keepin' on. hey look sometimes people create friction against the mat and it sounds like a fart Maybe it was one of those. (it wasn't, but they don't necessarily know that.)
So I've been designing this skeleton for my new BASIC ships, just because I'm not super creative and this shape is pretty cool for a ship The engines go on the right there, the front splits off, you know to facilitate more turrets and stuff?
Anyway, I built it the wrong way It's pointed 180 degrees wrong I think I can just flip it though, thank god
one of my clients' kid's femur broke under mysterious circumstances and the mother is not very intelligent so she gets easily confused so she's been struggling to navigate what's going on since DCF has to be involved... it's kind of complicated but she's just very angry and confused, and her case manager is really worried about her, so i've been talking to the CM and the client pretty much all day and then my favorite client had an incident last night and was admitted to the psych ward so i had to visit them today too and then i also had a training today! it was hard to fit everything in
i'm glad i was able to see my fav though their mom is super abusive but nobody will do anything about it i might try to become a foster parent so i can adopt them as weird as that sounds
I just really do like the sorta mantis-type ships where the front flares out like that
I kinda wanna make it so I have the engines at the back flared out to the sides diagonally, too, so there's 4 instead of 2, but for now this is just familiarizing myself with the process Designing ships is pretty time consuming when you haven't a creative bone in your body
But it's pretty cool how Avorion lets you make the whole damn ship the way you want, and the shape does actually impact gameplay Like an amogus-shaped ship is likely to floy worse than a jetplane shaped one, just cause of how the weight is distributed But that's also the only real restriction, so you can achieve comparable specs by just shifting weight around
It's starting to look like a ship now at least Still needs a lotta work, obviously, and it doesn't even have interior components yet, but I've filled it with frameworks that can be altered to accomodate once the shell is completed
I'm probably just gonna finish the shell, save it as a template, and use this basic design for a lot of ships for a while, whether they're fighters, freighters, or anything else
It was a pain in the ass, but I finished the actual shell It'll be painted, don't worry about that, I'm just satisfied because it was a REAL pain to get those gradual inward slopes looking acceptable They're still not GOOD But they're at least not horrid Now I just gotta pump some function into this thing, engines and generators and the like
Just the shell is 11K Iron Well, that includes the frameworks too, but those are so cheap they likely only count for maybe 1000 of that
Oh yeah this is a good ship now I was struggling with the engines for a little while cause uuuuuuh UUUUUUH I FORGOT I HAD LIKE 100KILOTONS OF IRON HULL
It had enough HP to rival god, yes, but it moved at like 75 meters a second as its top speed Well it's titanium now cause I noticed I actually have an absurd amount of that But still Uses quite a lot of energy, but that's fine
Might put some decorations on it later For now it's a functional ship that looks fairly good I just gotta kit my captains out with one of these and things are gonna get cracking real fast
Now, granted, it doesn't have cargo space for shit I'll need to make a new one for trading later But this fucker will make mincemeat of most pirates if given a gun
well... the engines still burn THROUGH the hull when charging, which I guess I'll have to fix
It's good enough Costs like 30K titanium when fully made out of that, which is ideal I think Yeah, basically all stats benefit from titanium So iron mostly exists as a money source for me now I guess
There really is something special about flying a ship you designed yourself It's not the best looking ship, sure, but I made that
Avorion is procedural, too I mean there are some hardwired stuff that you're guaranteed, like your starting system is very friendly towards you and you always start on the rim of the galaxy, stuff like that But the makeup of the galaxy is generated
With my new and improved ship design plus significantly better turrets courtesy of my main man the salvage captain, my single mining ship projects a yield of 20K titanium per half an hour For some amount of context here, that used to be the projected yield for iron with the previous ship, and iron is a significantly more common metal Basically I can very safely just never use iron again, which is pretty dope
Probably just gonna sell off what I have and see if I can afford a factory to REALLY start pulling in the big bucks
We going all out with this one This isn't the whole ship, I'm just putting the nose together This thing's gonna be HUGE
There's just something satisfying about a LARGE ship Another reason is that, essentially, the bigger your ship the better it'll perform cause you don't gain weight at the same rate you gain volume, not all parts weigh the same and not all parts need to be scaled up as much either
For scale is my other ship in the background and a space station
well, it's definitely taking some time to put this fucking thing togeteher At least while I'm doing this, my captains are bringing in resources for me, so it's not like I'm losing much by spending time on this
By default you're paused in build mode, but actually being paused is bad So I disabled it
I've changed my mind, that's not the nose, that's the ship I'm just gonna attach some engines to the sides By which, I'll add 2 cosmetic engines to the sides, the ACTUAL engines will be inside the ship lmao
The game's really struggling with all the damn polygons, since I'm building it from 1x1 boxes and well, so far there's 30137 of those 1x1x1 actually, but still
But it's just easier to build it then, get everything lined up and working like it should Once it's complete, I can merge all the hull and armor and the game will optimize it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
at least its not rendering insane detail like cities skylines 2
holy jesus it's SUCH a pain to make like, pointy stuff I've been at this for like 2 hours or something at this point Actually more like an hour and a half But still man This is just an engine house on the side of the ship but it's taken forever cause working with corners is a real pain
well it autosaves the blueprints at least, so while I might have to redo a little bit, it's fine And this is the last part, too, so once it's done I can merge everything that isn't frameworks
alright moment of truth I'm merging the fuckers Well, it at least brought the block count down
The PRIMARY block count culprit is the frameworks, but for now I can't really do much about those I'll merge stuff once I make them into systems though
Well, it's not bad at least A little basic, maybe, but I mean, that's fine isn't it?
god almighty I spent a long time on this though And it's still not kitted out with all the stuff I need like power and wh- a shit I forgot to put an integrity field in the dang engines
easy fix, though
OK so that last ship's energy usage is nothing compared to this thing MF burns 5.5 GIGAWATS at all times Granted, it produces 55 of those So I mean, it's alright
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
5.5 jigawatts?!?
OK so the 5.5 gigawats was before it had any real internals Now it's burning 37
holy shit I actually ran out of titanium This thing is EXPENSIVE
Oh well I can rectify that, but damnit
this is definitely not a "everyone in the squad gets one" ship quite yet though But it should be able to fucking body just about anyone
actually the paint can wait, I don't see myself swapping from this for quite some time so I could just add decorations over time and paint those
The production of it cost me like a million and a half in credits alone lmao
I may be at the starting area of the galaxy still, but right now I'm the big fish by a large margin so I'm gonna just hoover up resources for when I go to the next stage
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Wordle 865 3/6
⬛⬛🟨🟨⬛ 🟨⬛⬛🟨⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 smoked em 2day
New mining equipment installed on the mining rig As well as the new BIG ship with massive cargo space I previously had an expected yield of about 40K titanium an hour Now it's 176K Busted good
man like this guy's art but he's basically drawing softcore porn and then plugging his NSW for work patreon it's not.. super shocking that twitter doesn't give him high priority in the search suggestions
>>1102387 Someone did a good job on it, but ya somewhat of a decent design too. It's neat, how you can add in practical additions. Upgrades that facilatate proformance.
Yeah it's pretty neat It is a bit of a blessing and a curse that ultimately it doesn't matter if stuff is INSIDE the ship or outside it though Like literally my newest ship I put together for my trader has the engines in the very front, pointed straight into a huge cargo container The 2 engines on the sides are basically entirely cosmetic, they have none power in their own right, far too small for that (they're literally just tall and wide, and have a depth of 0.125 units
it's a blessing in that it gives you leeway to design whatever you want a bit of a curse in that it kinda detracts from the idea of the design being important
I mean it still matters for some stuff, but overall it's very much "I need more x, replace an internal framework with that component) "
taking away from something thats fully functional, is a bit like reinventing the wheel. Inovating something thats fuctional however, can change many dynamics, hopefully produce results.
These enormous ships I'm rocking do have some drawbacks though Primarily, manpower costs
If's there was way of angelic envestment, so too retain the Ssystems and Jturrets. It would also be ideal to have the boundry securied, so the advesarys dont have any sort of upper hand, or cause further damamge too mining and or other initiatives.
these corpo mfers nerfed my screensaver with system changeover this means war
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gorram corpos shkkshkk
love me spice simple as
>There has been a huge rise in QR code phishing in recent months. Attackers create QR codes that, when scanned, lead to a phishing website. Because you scan these QR codes using your phone, some layers of security in place on Blank computers are bypassed. To protect yourself from QR code phishing, always be cautious when scanning QR codes and never log into anything that is linked via a QR code. If you’re unsure about anything in an email, use the “Report Message” button in Outlook. If you do happen to click on a phish, don't worry! Phishing is complex and is designed to trick you. Just contact the Helpdesk. Remember, staying safe online is a team effort. By being cautious and vigilant, we can keep ourselves, Blank information and assets safe.