I told everybody with their respective jobs and questions "I'll get it to you by the end of the week" - and now it is the end of the week and I haven't done most of it. Doushio....
At least if I make it through today it's the weekend.
A ghost in wildmender, on top of a pretty high up place, opened their quest dialogue with "oh are you here with the worker bee statue?", and my dumbass didn't even bother reading the actual quest cause I'd seen one of those before and went "oh ok I'll go grab that then" Climbing with that particular object on your back is SUPER slow, so I spent and extraordinary amount of time bringing it over Turns out that mf didn't even want that, he wanted some fucking gear Like actually a gear, not equipment, just a fucking gear Why
my dad's got an eye thing tomorrow so he wants me to join him to drive him back afterwards, cause they might be doing some stuff rendering his vision temporarily Fucked which is cool and all but uh ...his car's an automatic, and I have never been behind the wheel of an automatic Maybe I should just use my car instead I don't really know how to drive an automatic
I guess so, I mean you don't need a license for automatic specifically if you've got one for manual But I dunno, it feels a bit spooky to be driving one for the first time and going basically straight onto the highway
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1101459 Mate if you can drive a manual yoyou 100 percent can drive an auto no issues. Its like playing on easy mode
I guess so well, he'll be driving on the way there so I'll just have to see how he does it I guess like I know it's easy, the problem is I literally have not done it before
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
You could go over early and drive around the block once to practice
I kinda wanna get a new controller For racing games Not that I have any racing games in mind, it's more that I sometimes enjoy them and a controller really is the best way to play them Well, barring super expensive stuff like a full wheel and pedal setup
Annoyingly though, very few racing games actually have manual transmissions GTAV was fun for racing a variety of car classes, but it doesn't have manual gearing, so it felt kinda stinky, especially since it has the Futo which is literally just Takumi's AE86, and well... drifting on an automatic transmission is obviously not the most precise of maneuvers What makes it more annoying though is that GTAV DOES have gears, like the cars aren't just gearless acceleration boxes, the cars all do have transmissions, which you could even abuse in a handful of the RWD ones (TECHNICALLY all of them, but not all of them had the particular specs to make it happen) The Futo was one of them, the other one that comes to mind was more of a middleground between a super and a sports car, it was referred to as doubleshifting
Basic gist is you accelerated until it shifted up, and then you quickly pulled the handbrake, and immediately gunned it again, which for whatever reason shifted you up twice and gave you an unholy speedboost You went from first to second, back to first, and then immediately to third, and while there ARE gears, it's not like the game actually simulates RPM, it's just like "from x to y km/h, first, from z to a km/h, second, etc." TL;DR, being spit out into third gear out of nowhere makes the game think you should be at the speed where third gear kicks in, so you accelerated insanely fast, blowing straight past the second gear's km/h range But it only worked properly on RWD cars, though I think you could conceivably do it with any type of car it just didn't work as well, and not all RWD cars had much benefit from it either
I had a lotta fun driving in GTAV because of stuff like this Obviously the same reason doubleshifting was a mechanic is why there isn't manual transmission in the game, since if you could just shift up on your own, then you'll blast off like a rocket
I did actually get moderately good at drifting down the one kinda snakey road down a mountainside in the futo though In one of the parts of the bank heist everyone did for the biggest payout per time spent, you actually have to drive from the city to the desert, and the route goes through that little bit, and because of that I'd very often actually beat the rest of the players to the objective in my Futo, despite them driving tricked out super cars, just cause I'd gotten good at handling it down that particular stretch of road (and in general, I guess) It also rains during that part, which makes it kinda ideal to be drifting cause you're gonna be doing that shit whether you wanna or not
It is a bit annoying that all the upgrades for cars in GTAV are literally just "the most expensive is the best, period, for all situations" It'd be cool if different setups were better for different types of driving, like one upgrade setup is best for drag races, one is better for a lot of turns, another for circuits, that sorta stuff But alas, there's just one singular best configuration for every car, and it's "the most expensive option in all categories" That and, well, being an arcadey type game, there are just... better cars, too It's not like any of the cars save a select few have any particular quirks about them or anything, they're roughly the same car with increasing specs as you get more expensive. When the Osiris was released, that was just The Best Car, hands down. And all the cars with quirks were well, bad. Like muscle cars are COOL, but they are just fucking bad cars for going fast cause they handle like ass, accelerate very poorly from low speed, and obviously are RWD which doesn't actually help anything The Futo was quirky in just being kinda stinky, impossible to buy, having 2 separate editions you could find on the road, and not always being in the load list of cars, so you had to spend a lot of time to get the good one. And then there's the FWD cars which suck
Also these subs for Initial D translate "rari" as "Ferrari" So the guy who drove the lightweight minicar against Takumi in the rain walks up to him like "Well, I'm a Ferrari driver, and we're not really used to chasing" like ...guys, guys I'm PRETTY sure he's a RALLY driver, not a fucking FERRARI driver If he had a fucking Ferrari and he "always drifts every car he drives", he'd have brought THE FUCKING FERRARI to this race
I mean don't get me wrong, Takumi is real fuckin' good at driving, but his AE86 can be as tricked out as he wants, he's not keeping up with a fucking Ferrari
just go around the block a couple times before you immediately jump on the highway, get your muscle memory calibrated with the acceleration curve of the car
I'm just halfway worried about stuff like stoplights and stuff, honestly Like do you gotta shift it down to neutral or something when stopping, or can it just be in "drive" or whatever and you're gucci? >>1101478 Huh Well then I'll probably be fine
I don't think I ever wanna have an automatic myself anyway though, I actually find the activity of shifting gears pretty, I dunno, therapeutic or something Helps me focus, too, I feel like I'd much more easily get distracted or lose track of my speed if I didn't have to think about the gear >>1101479 That's part of it too I suppose, but my car's a FWD anyway so it's not like I can actually do much with it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah generally you just leave it in drive and leave your foot on the brake at a stoplight
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean if you have the cool factor of driving stick why give that up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i made the mistake of eating a whole burrito and chips after like two weeks of eating light and basically intermittent fasting had to take a nap when i got home, woke up at 9pm with a craving for like a nice little sippa like just a tiny sip of energy drink or coke or something so i squeezed some lemon juice into some water hits pretty good sometimes you just want a tiny lil blast of fresh juice to wake up
For generic just driving, though, FWD is apparently just like, better But RWD does have a bit more Fun factor, I feel like For one, you literally can't actually drift in a FWD car, mechanically that's just not a thing you can do I mean you can powerslide, but that's not the same thing
Well, not that I'd probably have the guts to learn to drift in any event That shit takes a lot of skill and requires open space to work with, neither of which I really have
I consider myself probably above average when it comes to driving, but that's not a particularly impressive feat when taking into account the average actually being REALLY low >>1101483 I mean powersliding is kinda like a fake drift, and that's FUN as hell Wintertime lets me do it sometimes cause it's slippery and there's a fair amount of roundabouts here, so if I'm driving into the city late at night, there's usually no cars around and I can gun it around the roundabout
I obviously never even consider it if there's anyone around though, it's not like I'm trying to get into an accident But when it's entirely clear, it's fun stuff Don't even have to do anything, the FWD does it on its own cause obviously the back of the car isn't doing anything on its own, so it ends up sliding if you're not deliberate
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i drift a little bit on the bicycle when it's wet now and then, that's about as close as i get if i'm drifting in a car something has gone terribly wrong
i think i get most of my cool action slides done on the ski slopes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i dont go out of my way to do anything fun in a car it's kinda against my personal brand anyway i rarely drive and when i do im basically an elderly person exactly speed limit, shoulder checks like crazy, defensive
if there was something like a large open barren parking lot or something around here I'd probably drive to it sometimes just to go fast But we ain't got anything like that
I wouldn't do anything like that on the actual road, I rarely even speed at all Granted, MOST of that is because I don't wanna get fined, there's plenty of times where there'd be no chance of accidents or problems, but a cop could be in the bushes with a lasergun I just don't because of that, really, it's not like my old peugeot is particularly powerful anyway
it's a really good car for getting around, so I do like it a lot, but it's definitely just that, too, it's not a speedmobile
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they ought to have like recreational tracks outside the city for people to have fun i guess they do
It's my dad's car, I don't even think it has a CD player Man still listens to the radio if anything at all, and it sure doesn't have a bluetooth connection on by default Not that I'd hijack the sound system in his car either way though, he's not into the same music I am I mean we have some overlap, sure, but I definitely lean way more into the electronic side and he's more in the old-school dadrock shit like queen and whatever
I mean I like queen too, they bang, but I only really listen to electronic stuff or a handful of "normal" bands myself, like powerman5K and moscow death brigade
One thing I am actually halfway worried about though, is slamming the brake in an attempt to clutch I doubt I will do that, but I would be lying if I said the worry wasn't present Muscle memory is real
I went out to dinner with my friend, an old friend. I've known him since we were small kids. And it was nice. pleasant. good catch up. Chill
He locked himself out of his car though, and his car keys also had his house keys, so I had to drive him back to his house and help him break in to the back window with a screwdriver to get his spare car keys. uh I didn't mind. it was fun. in a way. lol.
KFC is the worst mainstream chicken chain though get popeyes instead
turned out my dad's car is in fact not an automatic Must have confused it with one of the loaners while his car was in the shop or something also turns out it was not really necessary for me to come along cause they didn't do anything at the eye doc so he drove home just fine didn't know that in advance though, so whatever
you can get the hang of a manual pretty quickly if someone just explains it to you it's honestly really simple. most people in the world are total idiots but they managed to drive stick just fine for decades
>>1101508 come to the US then we'll go on a chicken joint tour
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/D-uQtnvjrPw Ui really has conquered all
yeah I was mostly just worried due to unfamiliarity that and like, the vague worry that I'd slam the brakes when trying to clutch or something, since there is no clutch
yeah I mean that stuff is entirely automatic in the nervous system at that point, so like, I could see myself basically going "huh? no pedal? must be further right" I don't think it would happen, but I could see it happening
it's pretty neat I'm not entirely sure about the meaning of her halo though Mikoto's is obvious Hypnogirl is kinda idunno, I guess a hypnospiral is the only real option for her and it'd be a bit too on the nose? But Saten's not really processing for me It kinda gives 4leaf clover vibes, though I imagine they're just supposed to be hearts, I just don't really get why that in particular Wouldn't something more themed around cryptids or music make more sense? Or even just something like a stylized 0
though maybe there really aren't any particular meanings to the halos in bluaka and I'm just imposing it because, well, biribiri having what looks a lot like a lightning bolt design makes it seem that way
Kinda feels like a missed design space to have something like a halo ultimately just be a sort of pattern
like that girl with the sniper rifle and leaves mysteriously sticking to her, her halo's kind of like a raincloud, and while I don't know anything about her beyond the art I've seen, I feel like that halo conveys a little about her Not exactly 'gloomy', but maybe a little overall quiet, withdrawn? That could be entirely off the mark, but that's the sorta vibe her halo gives off
Kazusa's kinda like a cat eye or something, which kinda just makes sense with the rest of her design obviously, but it also gives her a little bit of a mischievous aura, y'know?
This is just what I'm getting from the halos (and obviously the art I see of them in general, that's unavoidable) cause I haven't even looked at Kazusa's wiki article or anything, and she's my favorite one
Cause I mean A halo has the sorta energy to it of being, I dunno, an expression of the soul itself Sure someone expresses themselves with clothes and accessories and stuff, but when you've got halos and everyone has a different one, it feels like those should be a sorta direct translation of their essense in a way
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
It's probably up to the artist who designs the character, honestly
I guess so I just think it's a missed opportunity
Though, I don't even play the game so my opinion isn't really relevant at the end of the day ...though I mean if they were gonna do that for mikoto they should have done something for all 3 of them IMO I guess you COULD see a zero in Saten's if you wanna, and I mean it is easily the nicest looking of the 3 railgun halos But the hypnogirl one is just kind of a shape
also a little missed opportunity for it to be misaka imouto since they give her a gun, but it's not like I don't see why they put the actual level 5 in there instead The imoutos are all inferior copies, powerwise, aren't they? not to mention obviously Misaka herself is more popular than her clones
To be even more fitting, Saten is the charity 1* free character of the event The other two are limited gacha who won't be obtainable after the event runs, I bet I mean Saten also wouldn't be, but you just have to be around for the event and run at most three story stages to get her
ah yeah I noticed that It's kinda fitting for her to be the 1star, yeah
I didn't actually know she was THAT popular, honestly I mean I know she has a fanbase, but I would have thought there'd be a lot of other girls before her in the lineup alongside biribiri and brainwash
They probably needed someone suitably "weak" to fit the 1* role Also this seems more like a Railgun collab than an Index collab, so that slims down the choice of girls to who featured prominently in that The 1* probably would've been down to Saten or Uiharu, and I think Saten is the more popular of the two
Oh true, they would need them to be someone they could actually put as a 1star without making people mad Wait aren't there more girls in railgun than index? I mean I know all of them are FROM index originally, but they're far more prominent in railgun, right? >>1101538 Sadly, you're right about that, Uiharu is underloved I have a bad habit of picking the less popular girls as my favorites
Index is a much larger branch of the franchise so it has more iconic girls by simple population count Railgun's cast is much more predominantly female, sure, but a lot of them are also small-time or bit characters
ah that makes sense Aside from the main cast of judgment, saten and misaka+clones\variations, I guess railgun is actually kinda putting most of the girls in the back most of the time Some do have major roles though, but I'm guessing more girls have bigger parts in index itself Railgun is a spinoff about misaka more than anything, after all
It's pretty normal with Blue Archive events to do a re-run in half a year's time, where they bring a new character to the gacha who featured in the event story But with the Railgun collab it seems like, judging by the event art, there's only the three girls from Railgun featuring in the story So a rerun is probably unlikely
speaking of collabs, kirara fantasy or whatever that game is called really got a lot of fanart when they included the yuyushiki girls I saw an absurd amount of fanart of that, so that must have been a big success as far as collabs go Hell I still see some occasionally, though it is pretty rare now, probably stemming from the outfits more than the game
It appears that way, way back in the day when I built this computer, I screwed up when connecting the USB ports to the mobo All this time I thought the motherboard just didn't do usb 3, but no, it does according to lsusb, I just... connected my computer's usb3 ports to the usb2 part of the motherboard This computer is old too, I did this a LONG time ago
>>1101561 >But what would happen if I just approached her and told her she was beautiful if you're over 1.89 meters tall, her pantsu drops under that, cops get called
isnt it crazy waking up every day and being like yesterday isnt real it happened but its not real i feel like i respawn every morning, eventually the memories of my life come back, but it takes a few hours to load in
YouTube doesn't my ublock on firefox android block my ublock** which is kind of a shame because I wanted to see if adnauseum worked I would try it on my laptop but it's my work one and I need to request it
>>1101629 saw a reddit horror story about the family dog making a mess and the roomba spreading it around the entire house hope they worked out those bugs
speaking of spaghetti idk what I'm going to do for dinner tonight I don't think I'm getting paid for this so I guess I'll just dig something out of the cupboards
The last stage is by far the strongest of the whole show, barring maybe the first stage Like it's really good all the way through, but it kinda leans too much on a few cliches and uses them every single race, so it gets kinda monotonous in those aspects
having absorbed some recent politics drama, I am now watching The Devil's Plan Which is... seemingly a Korean reality show that kinda tries to have Squid Game vibes? I dunno yet, but I guess I'll see
hahah one of the participants was introduced and they decided to highlight she's fluent in English Not just like "she knows many languages, including English" No they just mentioned English specifically and only English
Asia really is a whole other world, it's seemingly real uncommon to be fluent in more than your own mother tongue For the US and well English countries it does kinda make sense English is the dominant language for communication across nations, so there's no real need to be bilingual in those places, but like... most of Europe has English as a subject starting in like grade 3 or something And most people end up conversational, even if compared to nerds like me they're stinky
I guess Germany, France and I think Spain are oddballs like that though, at least for a while they didn't have English education like we do But that's just cope "We were the big dogs once, you know!"
They do! It's not just like they slap it on there like a lot of eurobeat edits by randoms on youtube, they employ it super well and the same way Initial D did
>All stories are about wolves. All worth repeating, that is. Anything else is sentimental drivel…. Think about it. There’s escaping from the wolves, fighting the wolves, capturing the wolves, taming the wolves. Being thrown to the wolves, or throwing others to the wolves so the wolves will eat them instead of you. Running with the wolf pack. Turning into a wolf. Best of all, turning into the head wolf. No other decent stories exist.
See I don't want gross disgusting men in my cute beach volleyball show either, but I reckon you have to sprinkle one or two into the background every nowandthen 'cus otherwise it's like a post apocalyptic vibe where half the world's population has perished.
Big brain move In Japanese class sensei always asks around the room in order, moving along the rows asking questions So i counted ahead, figured out which ones I'd be asked And figured it out how to say the phrase ahead of time rather than be put on the spot
gonna rewatch edge of tomorrow not even because it's particularly good, but because it's one of only a handful of time-reset movies I know of I mean seriosuly there's only one other one I can think of, and I don't remember its name
>>1101822 it's made of one of those smrt materials would be a good tray for whiskey ice maybe make a whiskey ice ball >>1101824 i can only think of snakes from around here maybe like an eastern brown or red belly rattlesnake cobra seems to obvious
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im deadly im a fighter a killer
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
knives strapped to every limb
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my limbs ARE knives
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my limbs are ramen noodles Min-Min mode
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i kind of want to get into making perfectly clear ice cubes apparently all you need is like a small enough insulated cooler that fits in your freezer
that is a cheap er way of doing it
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im gonna smuggle some candy into a psych ward today
>>1101833 jesus christ thats a controlled substance
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
soon ill control the candy trade
>>1101834 i think there's freezers that actually do the shaking wizardry probably not worth it unless you're doing a diy bar in cali where you charge a bunch