I do not have bandaids it turns out so I had to just go to bed with none coverage on the wounds
Really at this point it feels like it's the joint itself rather than the wounds that hurt, which is concerning But I'm sure it'll sort itself out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea just gotta move keep limber scrape will heal knee joints are fucked up but ive certainly landed on em and had knee stiffness for a few days then it cleared up put ice or heat on em
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh sauna sauna is the way to go for stiff knees
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think i still have those bags of frozen peas in my freezer too
>I see an animated character with long blonde hair, wearing a red outfit with some black and green details. The character has a bow in her hair and is posed in a crouching position. Would you like more information or have specific questions about this image?
>The character in the image appears to be Asuka Langley Soryu from the anime series "Neon Genesis Evangelion." She is one of the main characters and pilots an Evangelion unit. The red outfit she's wearing is reminiscent of the plug suit worn by the Eva pilots in the series.
Carlin has always had kind of annoyingly centrist views on politics His qualities as a digester of historical records to condense them for an audience are good, but I think it's best to not read too closely into what he believes
Also I don't think it's alt-right to say that opening up the voting block to a large population which has vastly different priorities and cultures to the current voting block is going to have a huge effect on how the country is handled That's not belief, that's just how the mechanics of voting work The hard right belief is that doing so is wrong, and he's not really saying that either, he's saying the Israeli people have a very human fear about that loss of control Is letting that fear get in the way of human rights for millions of people morally wrong? Sure, but you can't reason someone out of an emotional fear like that
I put too much lemon bubly sauce in the carbonized water so now it tastes rancid There really is a sweet spot for how much you can use Too little and it's, well, too little But that's at least still drinkable too much and it's just awful
I do have some sorta energy drink mix I can use though, since the reason I used too much this time was it was the last little bit in the bottle There's not that much in these things
the other day at my improv class, the instructor was asking us about character work we've done before and i mentioned being a DM so he had me do a bunch of characters there lol i thought it'd be embarrassing to do it but for some reason it wasnt
>>1101052 I enjoy sowing, haven't done much sowing lately. Moded a velcro zipper replacement. It's like gardening, being a part of the growth of our seeds! And them some!
It took some doing, but I got most of my zomboid base moved to the new place, so now I've got fishing opportunities right outside my house Calory-maxxing
knees are starting to settle a bit, too Still fucked up, but not nearly as bad
oops i made my encounter for tomorrow a level 1 encounter because i forgot we were starting at level 3 lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how big of a jump is it from 1 to 3
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the enemies you might face at level 1 are gonna do like, 2-4 damage the enemies you might face at level 3 are gonna do like 9-12 damage, or there might be someone who can do like 15-20 damage its a pretty big jump because at level 1, everyone dies super easily but at level 3, characters are starting to get their class powers that make them more survivable
These big bandaids are actually slightly too small for the scrape on my left knee I'm sure it's fine if some of the wound is just covered by the glue part of the bandaid, right?
Considering superglue is a hack for serious wound care, the adhesive on a bandage is probably a non-concern for a scrape
I've seen glue be used for sealing cuts, sometimes paint thiner can work too remove later.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
If you inhale enough paint thinner you'll forget you have cuts in the first place
I wonder if I'll end up with another patch of just perfectly smooth, scuffed pseudo-skin because of this well, two patches but I think one of the wounds went right over the one I already had, so it's effectively one more
h3h3 got so rattled over the whole israel thing he deleted 2 whole years of his tweets I guess he's not posting through it at least, but this seems like an overcorrection
I think you did fine. Everyone had a chance to shine. I think Yokai was unusually quiet for a lot of the time, so that might have contributed to you feeling like you were talking too much.
apparently there was an eclipse it should have been me 😔
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what is it like a coin draft or a raffle
like a fair ah well there will probably be one that will invade my newsfeed sooner rather than later
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
have you senn NCFOM, or at least the coin scenes
yeah I rewatched it a couple of weeks back
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
opinions on the ending?
>>>/watch?v=hEjQL-U1mOQ >>1101157 i liked it enough apparently the monologue is lifted from novel pretty faithfully been a while since I've seen a Coen brothers film but it's in true Coen fashion
another car loan payment will come out on Wednesday my rental car will be due back on friday i sure hope they figure out what's wrong with this car quick smart
in '95 two guys robbed a bank without masks because they thought covering themselves in lemon juice would make the cameras unable to see them some criminals really are just fucking stupid
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why did they think that
absolute territory enjoyer
false flag disinformation in order to keep hidden the truth lemon juice protects you from all optic and EM sensors and protects you from government wavelengths haliburton left lemon juice chemtrails and cloud-seeded citron rind dust on the day of joe biden's emergency broadcast "test" to make the zombified pfizer strains inert
>>1101190 dunno, apparently one of them convinced the other, but who knows how he came to that belief Maybe it was some extrapolation from how you can use lemon juice as invisible ink or something?
also, you seen Magical Destroyers? I tried watching that shit and it really felt like I was watching the show someone like Kirino might be watching in Oreimo Just stupid, and not even in a good way, it felt like they made a whole 12 episode show for the sake of showing it on the TV in a different anime
>>1101192 Frieren is SO damn good I don't watch too many shows anymore, but this one started out so strong I had to read the whole manga I'm still kinda baffled they dropped 4 whole episodes right off the rip
I like how MF Ghost does that thing a lot of shows do where the Thing the show about isn't just very popular, it's like THE thing everyone cares about Kinda like how in pokemon the whole of society is oriented around pokemon battles
the map generation in Rust is pretty impressive I wonder if they've just got a shitload of premade ones or if there's some algorithm making them Like it's one thing for the machine to just make A Map, but Rust maps all have a buncha stuff that's in every map with somewhat consistent placements across the map
Rust is pretty fun to watch Could never see myself playing that game on my own, but I'm really enjoying youtube videos of a few experienced players building their bases and stuff Maybe with a group I'd consider it, but alone it honestly just doesn't seem like my thing MAYBE on a server that had like, a timeframe where it opened at some time in the day and closed down for the night later, so everyone's online and offline at the same time Just seems kinda scuffed to log on in the morning and someone cracked your base open putting you back at square 1 I mean that's part of the game, sure, but it doesn't seem fun to me, even if obviously there's a lot of fun in doing that to someone else
she blew up about two weeks ago she was only middle of the pack because when she first started out, she got seriously injured and couldnt stream for about 4 or 5 months by the time she was back, hololive had introduced new talents and she got overshadowed but she's known for her ARK stuff and her Mukirose persona and with all the ARK stuff she's been doing, she really started to get big
She's also been streaming an absolute fucktonne on the VCR ARK server maps Like not to put any discredit to her interesting qualities, but if you're streaming like 8-12 hours of content a day, especially as a talent somewhere like Hololive, you're going to rack up high viewer numbers, through the simple function of "provide more to watch, get more people watching" Koyori in second place employs the same idea, really. Like, I think she's funny and a good stream host, but she's also a streaming monster who can comfortably do 7-10 hour streams daily
I kinda wonder lately if I'm becoming more deranged Just like, mentally kinda checking out and giving into my base, violence-oriented nature I mean I've been, for a pretty long time, possibly forever practically speaking, kinda emotionally, I dunno. Dead? Cold? Unable to really manifest genuine empathy? But it feels like the bubbling anger and 'fedupness' in my core is seeping into my overall view of things, as of late Like, stuff like, I dunno really, feeling like "we" should just embrace the violence, and not really care too much about being "the good guys"
It does sound kinda edgy I guess But like I do "care" about people, and stuff But I don't, like, 'feel' it? I don't have much if any visceral emotional reaction to a lot of stuff I think I'm supposed to I recognize it's terrible and bad, and I think it's bad, and I don't like it, but I don't have this like, internal reaction. I don't really know, I'm kinda flailing around in the dark on this topic cause I'm just trying to approximate what I think people usually experience But like, I know what it's like to be scared, I know what it feels like when an emotion like, HITS the system, just sorta barrels in and forcefully makes you think a certain way about something. But I don't get that sort of thing for a lot of things where I'm pretty sure people usually do.
Like when people see footage or pictures from gaza or israel, they get angry, right? Like they emotionally feel that, one way or the other, they connect to it on a level that isn't entirely intellectual, but emotional. Their whole system MAKES them feel a certain way about what they're seeing But I just don't really get that, that doesn't happen And I don't really know what to do about it Or if it's a problem, really, I mean I've always kinda been this way, it's just worrying when you see people having these deep-seated reaction to stuff and you just... don't It's just not emotional on my end, and I think it's supposed to be
bruh i'm using the new conversational mode in ChatGPT other than the part where it takes two or three seconds after you say a sentence to think, my god why bother going out and socializing when you can talk to an AI that always agrees with you the ai voice even puts little simulated breaths in still a little robotic but pretty good
moe takes two or three words to post
samu takes two or three words to fiyaaa
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1101257 Why would I want a conversation where the other source only ever agrees with me? I derive conversation satisfaction from being disagreeable and contrarian
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im sure they'll add an ornery bastard option too
actually you could probably get that already with the system prompt configuration, assuming the system prompt affects conversation mode
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\Search [iqdb](147 KB, 1169x1674, F8l4zYAWYAM3u4w.jpeg)Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
The guy who used the weight wrack before me left a whole mess of chalk everywhere And now im also using chalk It looks like IM the messy one But it was like that when i got here
one knee nearly healed The other is still pretty fucked up part of that is it seems it kinda like, incorporated the bandaid into the healing coverage so when i took it off, it started bleeding in a few spots not ideal
I gotta get more bandaids Maybe I should just get actual bandages or something, but I mean, it's gotta be healed up properly soon so it seems like a waste
who ever had my cubicle previously had a handrawn comic pinned to the wall that was captioned "pineapple is my safe word" i didn't have the heart to explain it to my esl coworker so I just got rid of it