- 10 point cage with Parachute - 3 piece discontinued JoJo frontend - spec-R full drag suspension - Fuel cell with -8 lines from tank to motor - 1 044 bosch pump - 1200 rc injectors - golden eagle sleeved block - cp 10:1 pistons - Eagle rods - arp headstuds - Balance shaft delete - competition clutch twin disc - Port and polished head - skunk2 valve springs and retainers - Str cam gears - crower stage 1 cams - aluminium radiator with slim fan - gsr transmission with itr lsd. - qsd h2k intake manifold adapter - qsd throttle body spacer ...
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cont. - blox 70mm throttle body - 4bar omni map sensor - 6al msd with coil and cap. 3 step launch control - hks bov - Garret 102mm turbocharger. - Custom t4 front facing turbo manifold with 44mm flange - 44mm tial wastegate - Custom water to air intercooler set up - aem eugo wideband w/ gauge - tuned on chipped p28 - 13 inch volks drag rims - 2 15 inch volks rear rims - arp extended wheel studs - 150 shots of nitrous
thus making 548 horsepower to the FRONT WHEELS because thats the only place the power should ever be
some hyways you could just keep on driving for ever.
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1100481 want to watch the new gran turismo movie with me wp-kun?
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
not right now but sometime over the next 2 months
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
$110 for 2 days of parking what a god damn scam
>>1100482 Indeed. Just flicked the trailer, looks really bomb. Would enjoy that, more then sitting around fuming over project cars that aren't going anywhere, at all, or any time soon.
nooooo bemoan cars you're gonna bring out the lycra pants brigade
https://www.dndbeyond.com/posts/1591-bastions-and-cantrips-build-a-base-and-test the new base-building mechanics in the latest 5e unearthed arcana seem really cool although they clearly need to balance it a little more hopefully they refine it through the playtest instead of abandoning it
it's ground beef and a stew packet once more Different stew today Which called for milk, so I had to buy that yesterday, too I mean I COULD always use water instead, but I like milk anyway and it adds a bit of texture
Deadly Premonition is fucking insane, holy shit, I never actually finished watching NL playing the first one Oh my god
I had a friend in high school who was a huge fan I never had a chance to play it though Maybe I'll go back for it in some beautiful future I have free time again
>>1100524 honestly playing it seems genuinely painful, so I'd say you should just watch someone else play it instead The actual game is total ass and the writing is honestly not good either But it's just so insane that when it's all over you can't help but just... be speechless I don't even know what to say about Deadly Premonition, other than "that was fucking insane"
and not as an expletive, I mean witnessing the story unfold makes you feel like your sanity is slipping away from you It's not "insane", it's diagnosable mental illness
>>1100500 A father dreams of the day when he can draw and paint with any of his children or wonderful family members!
>>1100531 PS and Nin be like, we play xbox all ready. Time for a super fun handheld consol. Jk kidding spandex = aloud in the future, as well as many other space age fabrics!
Just going to give myself a little PATRIOTIC pat on the back and suck my own dick off over how good aussie airports are. I can say that After being all over the world. We do it RIGHT. Smooth. Efficient
And then i get charged $7 for a coffee and all that fervour fades away
An FBI data analyst who, when served coffee, says it's so delicious he "nearly shat himself", and then proceeds to inform you he's actually about to fucking shit himself That's just inspired writing
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
You could tell Hemingway was an alcho even if you knew nothing about the man's life. All his characters do is get sloshed
You'd probably also be always getting sloshed if your author was Hemingway of all people
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1100543 Ayo are we going to have a problem here? Hemingway is one of the greats
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I like watames new outfit.
The version with the t-shirt is a real rocker chick vibe I dig it
I've got a new weight loss fad diet, it's called Living in Melbourne Because food is so god damn fucking expensive participants will naturally eat fewer times a day
deadly premonition 2 is definitely a lot worse than the first one it's still a wild ride, but the first one was really just a trip while the second was too eager to lean into it
>>1100582 This is a very astute observation, although in this context we are just talking about differing costs of living rather than any cultural factors
>>1100626 those stupid fucks can have a convention in Australia but not the midwest!?
feels vlad man
who even reads penny arcade though where's Ctrl Alt Del Con
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
note in a long time
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
also I heard from someone who still reads it that penny arcade got significantly worse after Mike was diagnosed with bipolar and started getting treatment so like 9 years ago
Egh I'll power through it in any case Maybe the antidepressants will actually start kicking in sometime this week, too, that might alleviate it a bit
But it's just how things are up in the domepiece, I'm stuck feeling like I'm just tolerated, not liked And telling myself otherwise feels like I'm just being full of myself and delusional
Oh, you're starting new meds? That's great. Be careful with drinking because alcohol can deactivate antidepressants.
I had a lot of fun hanging yesterday even though we all just chatted about the game a little and joked around. I'm looking forward to some wacky highjinks in the game! Hijinks*
yeah I started up the cipralex again like, I dunno, a few weeks back now I guess at 15mg a day now and I'm actually taking them too but they're not really kicking in yet, I think, it's the type of thing that has to build up from what I know
I kinda feel like I was just too loud, too, but it's hard to know if that's just the brain being fucked up or not Like I take too much space interrupting and stuff hard to do anything about cause I'm just impulsive
gotta help my dad change the tires on his car tomorrow, too cause they're taking a trip and the destination already has snow it's not actually legal to use spiked tires yet, except for when it's necessary for reasons like that it's a pain cause it's COLD these days it was 15 degrees in here when I woke up at like a little before noon Actually slept for a real long time for the first time in a while
Joanna Newsom comin in clutch as usual
it's still only like 20 degrees in here takes a while to heat the place up with just this one freestanding radiator winter is gonna suck
it's gonna be stew again today for other people it might be a bit depressing to eat the same thing every day, but I've never really been bothered by it
Stew is a very stick to the ribs, hearty meal. So good with pepper.
oh I forgot to mention last night I had to leave in the middle of D&D to go to the ER
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I mentioned the ER part but not that I left D&D
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1100683 glad you r ok please take care of your kokoro
>>1100682 I also have hade these sort of issues in the last couple of years, just knowing things are better is settling.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how many red bulls did you drink during the sesh
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1100686 0 I had two cans of coke my current theory is that the blood pressure was super high because of the stress of sitting down and with parents while they were super worried and talking on the phone woth a nurse while I was also angry at my dad if I had some serious blood pressure issue it would've been high when they tested it any of the 40 times it got tested there
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
please dont do coke
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
oof my nemesis in my. D&D group solved the puzzle the DM made for me after I left
>>1100687 have you considered eating healthier and moderate exercise once in a while?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
walking for too long (or standing) makes my Achilles tendons hurt
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do 15 minutes of pushups/leg lifts/squats 3 times a week if it makes your tendons hurt you can put a board under your heels
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok 5-10 minutes cause you'll say thats too much time taken
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
some guy at a patio across the street has a madman laugh e every 3 seconds or so i hear AHHH HAH HAH HAH! HAHHA HA hahaha! HAhaha! my god i want what this guy's on
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1100702 theres a stretch for that girls who wear high heels all the time do it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1100703 I cannot do pushups because of wrist and arm/elbow tendonitis
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so if you do basically anything it makes your body hurt?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
not exactly
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
the ankle thing and elbow thing are recent I'm seeing my doctor later this week
my younger brother fell for a scam so I think my dad thinks that I'm not properly wary of scams that or maybe he's worried he'll get scam and is projecting anyway I am now sending him scams to say "here's this scam, here's how they could get you" so he can say "soooo true" just need to prove im not a boomer
I have become a real Operator in zomboid I've got a lot of rifle ammo, but really can't find shells for the life of me Though there are a handful of police stations left to loot, and those usually have a lot of shells
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
see shells rifle sells on the shemilitarized shone
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hummus aisle in Trader Joe's was pretty tense today
The real threat in zomboid is impatience and carelessness Fucked up my arm climbing through a busted window, so now I'm stuck at home milling about for a while lmao
Intuitively, you'd think a neck injury would be the most dangerous in the game, since it bleeds heavily, and that's not entirely wrong, but you can still fight with a bandaged neck If your arm or god forbid your hand gets even a fucking scratch, especially the right side, you can just call it a week and go back to base, catch up on some reading or mechanics or something, cause your ass is not fighting
AnnoSearch [iqdb](285 KB, 1920x1080, 33962-anime.jpg)Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I have to move my zomboid base, which is gonna be a pain I mean I don't HAVE TO, but I'd like to be nearby the river so I can get some sustainable calories Munching cabbages forever is technically doable, but you end up having to eat A LOT and all the time just to sustain the calorie need Of course the map is full of butter and stuff I can always grab, but that'll gradually start going away as I eat away at it, and fish are... well, it's fish, there isn't a finite supply of those
>>1100806 You know when I went to that conference last week almost all of the talks were just copeium about how lawyers will still be relevant in a post-chatGPT world
scifi stuff has a trend where data storage is often done with crystals, but is that just "crystals are neat and cool" or is there an actual basis for it? Like are crystals a potential data storage technology we just haven't figured out how to use yet, but are aware could be great?
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yes, kirby the crystal shards predicted it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1100809 mostly tule // rule of cool but yes possibly a massive amount of holographic data could be stored in the structure of a crystal would be hella hard to write and probably would be write-once
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1100808 oh man ownage not like us coders we can't get automated away after all someone still has to.. uh... type on the keyboard and click the mouse... er
>>1100811 yeah, it does seem like a read-only type of storage medium But I guess potentially very low on wear and tear As long as it's not a reactive material, it's practically permanent
Though I guess that could be said for anything hard drives could technically be super resistant to wear too I would guess, if instead of spinning the plates, the reader was the spinning part Sure that'll wear down over time, but that can be replaced, and the data will still be there I'm guessing the reason that isn't done is just... it probably breaks down way too frequently and is super finnicky to get right ...oh and I guess there's the issue of layered discs, though I don't actually know how that works as is either
Like I get the basics of how a hdd works, there's a reader\writer laser and above it the plates spin and it reads whatever method is used to store info there But I dunno how it reads the different layers Does each plate just have a small section the laser can pass through, and it lines that up when the plate above is being read? That's how I'd do it conceptually
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its magnetic fields on the discs so there are little read/write electromagnets
Oh, so it's not lasers at all I always thought it was a laser, though thinking about it that would obviously make the discs about as re-writeable as a vinyl record
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or a CD-R also why you dont want to put a rare earth magnet on your HDD
Oh yeah, CDs do use laser writing Well, single use ones do >>1100817 I'm pretty sure there is one in HDDs, but that's obviously supposed to be there, and is used for the mechanism
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i copped some old music CDs from a thrift shop for the old car stereo but of course the CD player has long suffered mechanical failure
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1100809 There are some things kind of like that but the scifi trope predates that
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
speaking of digital storage my fucking half full 512gb microsd card ive had for less than 2 years is fucking dying so I gotta go grab a new one tomorrow the worst part is that I have a like 3 hours of commuting tomorrow
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
also I just downloaded hundreds of albums in the past few days and was dying to get the onto my phone
I don't even have any clue how SSDs and usb sticks and whatnot even work Really the same goes for RAM, though I think RAM and SSDs\USB sticks share roughly the same principles, the latter two obviously being more permanent in nature Though actually, I guess they don't, since SSDs have a limited, albeit higher than most people seem to think, amount of writes they can do before they crap out If RAM had that limitation to even a similar degree, you'd be swapping out your RAM sticks like, yearly at best Cause everything's shunted into RAM all the time
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
RAM uses a different kind of memory than SSDs/USB sticks RAM is volatile, flash memory (what SSDs and USB sticks use) is non volatile
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
volatile means when you stop supplying it with electricity then it loses its data
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
however flash has a lot of limitations that I kay kr may not bitch about tonight
speaking of SSDs though, mine might be about to need replacement if I understand things correctly, it's down to 28% of wear resistance or whatever, from use the wear leveling count is at 28, and from what I'm reading, it starts at 100 and decreases as it endures write operations The overall health seems to be at about perfect, though, but I expect that will crap out real fast once that count hits the single digits >>1100832 Good thing the things have an incredible write speed, I guess I guess this is part of why you generally shouldn't put stuff you actively use on them, or rather large stuff you use often The OS is obviously good for an SSD since it's not actively being read all the time, at least not in large chunks, but video games and such seems like a bad idea knowing this
Oh actually, this might be relevant for when I do replace it Can I basically just copy the entire SSD's contents over to a new one, slot that into the same port, and painlessly launch up linux through the new one like nothing happened? I would imagine I have to ensure it uses the proper filepath or whatever so the bootloader grabs it properly, but maybe I can just manually alter that?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 843 3/6
🟩⬜🟩⬜⬜ 🟩⬜🟩🟩🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1100833 yeah but I dont remember how off the top of my head maybe clonezilla?
my mouse's thumb button has been doubleclicking, or rather spamming itself, for a while now, likely a scuffed connection or something in there But instead of replacing the mouse, I have harnessed the power of scripting I've bound the button in question to launch a script that first kills the program actually doing the binding, then it sends the button press, then it unbinds the button entirely it then waits like 100ms, launches the binding program up again, and rebinds the button to what it should be
It's an incredibly juryrigged way of doing things, but it does appear to work
It took me an embarassing amount of time to come up with the solution of killing the hijacking program in the script If I don't do that, it obviously intercepts the button press the script sends, and well, that starts the script up again which sends the button again, which starts the script again
I'm sure there's an easier method of getting it done, but what matters it is that it works
are you going for the glasses guy in Falling Down look?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
not actually though, cause he doesn't wear a shirt with a corporate logo on jt *it anyways my job has a dresscode and unfortunately I couldn't find any IBM polos that fit me so I'm doing Raytheon, general dynamics and Oak Ridge national laboratory
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I was gonna get a CERN one but according to my friend who works there their polos are overpriced and low quality
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
textron or GD should have won the new army rifle bid they got robbed
i can't believe rei is moving to Israel to work at Raytheon
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gosh i hope he doesn't drone laser strike my favorite coffee establishment
Let's hope none of these otrocitys happen any more. Staying positive.
my damn knees got fucked up cause I tripped on the asphalt earlier tore open my jeans and scraped both my knees so they've been bleeding it doesn't hurt TOO much, but it does have that Fucked Up feeling when I move them
I mean they're old anyway, and I guess yeah that was the fashion a while back I don't think torn knees is in style anymore though, and besides I'm 31 years old, I can't be wearing teenager fashion
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
got // get a bomber jacket and a chain some spiky boots
actually looking at it with the pain settled down a fair bit, the bleeding isn't actually that bad it looks a lot worse than it is just cause the blood got smeared out by the remaining pantlegs
>>1100928 wearing long johns under them is still cool.
>>1100933 owie did you.. bandage them or just kinda letting em freebleed?
I was gonna put on a bandaid, but I just sorta didn't I'll probably put some on before I go to bed at least, but I didn't see a real reason to and also kinda forgot cause it doesn't hurt much when I don't move my knees
ya, had some preaty gnarley scraps bmxing. It happens.
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1100935 > ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ have never seen this before a first?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
not for me
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what shirt did u get
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
haven't ordered yet I did however find an IBM one that fits me and isn't hideous