
Thread #1095974

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Looking for a system or solution to correctly determine points by points in animation like walks or acting, how they balance or properly loop
So the motions are realistic or at least physically correct?

Something like simulation but less the 3d model but more to the three dimensional positioning.

Or at least a general theory but especially the correct coordinates based on the physics of the scene. Like diagrams and such. Also it s probably dont exist but i m open for discussion
Mate why don't you just enroll in art school
>>1095975 already enrolled
a diploma. i d have taken degree but uh finance. or just the school wasnt very, good
>>1095975 no i mean, art degree seems like only for... teaching and such.
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what is your native language I ask in a respectful manner
>>1095979 not relevant topic
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
have you considered working locally, as in not online at all
but with neighbors family friends etc
>>1095981 friends are a rare species. family and neighbours are not into , i mean, not in genre. communication is kinda hard. also, family so not a real job. again, off topic.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
brother its simple
you just look at the walk and say to yourself "hey that looks weird"
or "hey that looks smooth"
it's an basic intuition that humans share
i love myself
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>>1095989 well i dont like your lazy brainless thinking
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
brother, you're the one asking 1000000 questions
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you don't have this intuition in your brain yet, spend some time outside at a cafe or somethin
do some people watching
everyone's got their very own unique walk
>>1096106 oh and you are the retarded one?
>>1096107 nonsense. you are just to lazy to count. in math. not with your finger. meanwhile your solution then sucks because you will never have enough reference of correct for things that are too complex and rely on roto forever. stfu with your tracing you just enjoy the comfort

this thread is too hard for you
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Search [iqdb] (109 KB, 1280x720, FdMVa8nakAEcnhI.jpg-large.jpeg)
brother posting like hes on /ig/ or something
what did he mean by this
i typed a diferent one:
>>1096125 For a lot of things, how does physical corrctness in anime-tion happens? Like how things loop(cycles), move in contrast(walking), self-balancing(pelvis)

And also but not especialy, correct consistent form in 3d scene. From line to line,in frames or form to form.

But tis thread is more of how the human body is animated like the exact numbers of left leg moving with right arm and how the pelvis and body rotates towards/against that
And then vice versa or similar variation of those

Finally also then applying the same principal into other non looping actions of sort
cannot draw for morons
