>no marsh, it's not just about that. It's how you choose to see the world and perceive everything - whether the specific example is seemingly trivial or not
i mean probably, right? i wouldn't wish to illusion myself otherwise, i'd rather appreciate them for what they are, as they are and love them all the same
i love myself
>>1095676 you aren't bigger than e me i'm sorry you just aren't
i love myself
this enormous existence is a curse i live in disdain and loathing of the very nature of my physical magnamity
i love myself
even in a world where i'm at 5% body fat, i still barely fit in an airliner seat if i don't "manspread" my legs are in pain because chairs are not built for pelvises or thighs of my stature
>>1095661 Anyway, I don't think it's particularly cynical to acknowledge that there are multiple possibilities, one of those possibilities is more desirable than the other - but it's difficult to be completely certain.
Glad i didn't pay for these tickets it's just text on a a background
it dont't become free for a // until nother 20 minutes donit
>>1095703 All the lives usually have this thirty-minute period from "doors open" to the actual start
I dropped my watermelon slices. ;_;
i love myself
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dropped a plastic thing of grocery store potato salad on the ground the other day it fell face down with a plop, sealing the contents inside against the wood floor so i inserted a card under there and flipped it right side up scooped the top off and ate it
I'm going to get ready and get my bike to cycle to the shop for more watermelon slices
i love myself
good plan i think i might get some watermelon soon i've been neglecting watermelon all season
They did not add the cured ham slices on my pizza And yet I paid for it But it's not enough to make a thing out of, it's just annoying cause I really wanted that damn ham
i was trying to remember when it came out and that was my frame of reference and yeah it did come out in '16 hpw radically has it changed since then I wonder
Anno seen what happened to be one of the coolest sun sets of, well ever. these muave clouds kept blocking it and smoldering all types of diferent patterns. Looked like it was dripping sun rays.
bibits is a pretty neat little simulator evolution simulator with little guys who start out only knowing to turn towards food and speed up when food is in front, and each offspring has a random mutation chance to grow a new neuron or alter some parameter between neurons
I've got two big contenders for supremacy, one super slow and one having already developed pheromones (in an ecosphere without anyone sensing pheromones yet)
well, I say contenders for supremacy, but one of the kids killed of the slowboy prime, so their development has had a bit of a setback Just as it hatched, it went for the same food pellet as prime, so it ended up just killing its own parent, and then its sibling took off and got lost in the void outside the food zone But it's a highly efficient little bugger for the stage of evolution everyone is at, with a LOT of energy to spare, so a few generations down the line it'll be able to make use of whatever it develops without killing itself
the randomness is pretty incredible though having a pheromone usage neuron doesn't mean it's used in a way that makes sense, it's just hooked up to a random input neuron, in this mfers case, it outputs neurons when the closest food is to its right by a sufficient angle That's it, the only condition for it. At the current stage, it just wastes energy whenever food is to its right
>>1095880 The plot for AC6 has you, a surgically amplified human serving as a mech pilot, taking orders from a man literally titled your "Handler" while nearly everyone calls you one of his hounds, going around a planet disrupting it's essentially indigenous population for the sake of securing extractable resources The game really pounds hard at you just what an asshole you're being too
oh man at the company slack one of the coworkers posted about how their spouse just did CPR on another person and saved their life which is great, real big hero but halfway thru the story is just like >while at jujitsu a gentleman had a massive heart attack and died. lmao it's true he did die for a bit there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
she told another story about how her spouse saved a little girl who drowned what the heck you can't just say someone died or drowned in the middle of your story and then they get saved in the next sentence this is dulling the finality of suc h a word
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
save some heroics for the rest of us
maybe they had a defibrilator
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they prob did CPR until paramedics arrived
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh they grabbed an AED from a business nearby
according to the cpr course i did for work you may have to suck the mucous out of a babies nose if you're doing CPR i can't help but think in this moment i would not be prepared for that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bruh a bit of mucus is nothing
eat a tablespoon of mucus right NOW
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is someone's life in danger? no? i'll do it anyway
evolution sim things are so damn cool bibites is super simple, but you can get some real complex little critters if you leave it running long enough, just through completely random mutations adding a neuron or sensory input, or changing one of the like 15 genes It doesn't really have a method for developing a predator through natural selection yet, it's just not quite complex enough to encourage it naturally, but you can technically gene engineer one if you want or artificially select it by dumping a lotta meat around
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
(tim robinson voice) give me back the baby GIVE ME THE BABY
well they're parameters rather than genes like "size" is just one number, and a mutation can fuck with that value, likely within a positive\negative range from where it is same with most other stuff, like diet preference and stuff
The brain is also modeled like this This little guy basically always poops out a blue pheromone, and if he's hungry, he poops out a green one as well At present, to my knowledge (there's like 200 of these fuckers around the map, not all in the same local area due to food distribution) none of these guys actually like, DO anything based on pheromones, but selecting for that could come along quickly if this little lad survives
Easy prediction would be his local peers developing an aversion to green pheromones, since if they're dispersed when creatures around them are hungry, that means there's likely little to no food there Blue ones could work similar, but really only for his own descendants, encouraging distancing so they don't eat each others' food or kill each other
but at the same time there's no way to know for sure if these guys get real successful, something developing to actively hunt down blue pheromones could be very successful by killing off these little guys and taking over the local area that way
But it's random so there's gonna be a lot of stupid mutations like "in the presence of blue pheromones, spin forever"
>>1095926 She was asking something about the budget for technology and devices and i said we'd spent it all on alienware gaming laptops to play counterstrike
I left the bibites running overnight, and now I've got a lot of weird little guys I've got one species of little guy that, if I'm interpreting the brain connections right, starts producing pheromones as it reaches adulthood, but also as a child, prioritizes herding, that is following around others
it's a neat little adaptation, though being perfectly honest I think the herding neuron is a bit busted since it does A LOT of stuff for a single neuron Other neural connections are on the level of "if there's food to your right, turn right" and "if food isn't very close, speed up, otherwise slow down" EXTREMELY rudamentary if\then instructions But the herding neuron is like "if you're young, then keep close to and match the speed of other individuals, while maintaining some distance so that you don't kill each other, though you can grab food on your own if you want" it's just so absurdly advanced for a single neuron
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
noooo! you can't create life for your own amusement and leave it alone to become smarter! you will regret this!!!!
The most interesting part though, is that the herding behavior APPEARS to be a very like, minor part of that package Looking at some of the other critters, I think what made it a successful adaptation is that there are other critters around that, just through a sort of "this mutation does nothing, good or bad" situation, found themselves actively avoiding growing (thus reaching maturity and being able to produce offspring) in the presence of red pheromones
When no such pheromones are around, that mutation is entirely neutral, but when a competing species starts pumping it out, you can see how that new competitor gains a distinct advantage in the ecology
Bibites is real interesting like this It's all just chaos, but chaos orders itself when it's affecting the behavior of life forms
ALL of these guys started off from one single seed guy I plopped into the middle of 5 "islands" that drift randomly with slightly different food parameters, so they're all related, and that initial guy had no other characteristics than being a small guy who turns towards food and slows down a little when close to food, though never quite stopping
actually yeah, herding while young seems to be a real common adaptation in this soup, the red pheromone guys just reset the clock when they're close to them or something, I think? not sure, but it seems the herding itself really outcompeted basically everyone else Which makes sense, it prevents the number one cause of death which is to just gun it out of the food plot and into the void where there isn't any food Which happens at times when food is sparse wherever they're at It's super common throughout the whole map
it does take a LONG time for evolution to really get cracking though I mean this has been running for like 30 hours now (it ran at 5x overnight and crashed at some point) and the highest generation is like 27
one species is largely unchanged neurologically, mostly seems to have specialized in growing SUPER old and requiring next to no energy to pop out an egg just slowly drifting along grabbing some food and pooping out new kids super frequently But dumb as a rock
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
here lies bobby he died as he lived swimming in circles eating and eliminating
starting a new sim with different parameters cause the thing isn't TERRIBLY optimized, so the large map and small food pellets results in A LOT of physics simulation In addition to the high energy count resulting in a LOT of critters with like 8 neurons each
This one's got a lot bigger pellets and a lot of resource saving parameters in theory
oh, so it turns out the crash is likely related to just a bad crack So we're going again Mech games can be cool, even if I'm not sure about this one yet
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thinking about the brief post 9/11 yet pre youtube era
>>1095971 Armored Core is pretty great, but you're going to want a controller It's a pretty high skill level game, especially if you don't play a lot of third-person action games
I mean it's pretty easy so far, but I am still in the tutorial I guess
I am having some crashing issues though Hopefully I don't get to a point where it just won't progress
Kirara was having some endless load time issues when he first got the game, but I think he's found a consistent workaround for that If you have an AMD GPU, that might be causing some issues, I know there's been some compatibility issues Besides Kirara though, everyone I know who has bought the game has had zero issues with it
it's crashing on very predictable point, but seemingly at random When I buy something, when I equip something, and when a mission ends
>player of sacred games Is that what the kids are calling sex nowadays?
Just realized I don't actually already know what noblesse oblige means beyond vibes, and so I googled it >Noblesse oblige (/noʊˌblɛs əˈbliːʒ/; French: [nɔblɛs ɔbliʒ] (listen); literally “nobility obliges”) is a French expression that retains in English the meaning that nobility extends beyond mere entitlement, requiring people who hold such status to fulfill social responsibilities. For example, a primary obligation of a nobleman could include generosity towards those around him. As those who lived on the nobles' land had obligations to the nobility, the nobility had obligations to their people, including protection at the least.
Brother I think that's entirely ahistorical
I guess you could say nobles were generous to those around them, seeing as "those around them" were primarily... the fucking nobility
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i learned what noblesse oblige is from Code Geass LOL
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but yea i think the term is mostly used in a satirical way
I wouldn't say that's an atheism thing, since "the meaning of life" has been a mystery to basically everyone including believers since like, the dawn of the concept anyway Everyone's been concocting their own personal meaning forever
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea these are very old ideas nietzsche grappling with how to find meaning in a godless void
Yeah I know, I just mean the "godless" part is superfluous, since it wasn't exactly hammered out WITH god either
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
uh huh
Like you can go "live in service of god", but that's like being a loyal knight to a noble you've never met, who never communicates with you, and never does anything publicly You can't really... do that, in any meaningful sense, you still have no idea what you're supposed to be doing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think ancient peoples may have experienced god differently
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i can only guess tho
True, but they do have the same issue, the meaning part stays pretty hard to pin down
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
theres a book that stays with me called the Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, ever heard of it?
>Bicameral mentality is a hypothesis introduced by Julian Jaynes who argued human ancestors as late as the Ancient Greeks did not consider emotions and desires as stemming from their own minds but as the consequences of actions of gods external to themselves.
>The theory posits that the human mind once operated in a state in which cognitive functions were divided between one part of the brain which appears to be "speaking", and a second part which listens and obeys
> —a bicameral mind, and that the breakdown of this division gave rise to consciousness in humans.
Sounds like it's ambitious, though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its funny because like when ive taken psychedelics before ive seen glimpses of this kind of state
I mean, it's impossible to say for sure, but like That seems unlikely, what with "stoicism" being a thing and all That and it just seems really unlikely on its face to me, unless some crackpot came up with it in a delirium and somehow coaxed society into teaching it to all their kids who are pretty naturally inclined to not think that way
Like that sounds like species-wide schizophrenia
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah exactly this idea that ancient society was sort of ruled by a group hallucination like they would set up all these idols and statues and people would hallucinate voices from them (which was actually their conscience talking to them) also explains why they would like bury statues and mummies in the pyramids along with plenty of food and servants
I imagine there was probably a stronger tendency when you go back a few thousand years to be more open to believing intrusive thoughts and voices in your head and stuff being some sort of actual divine communication, and more belief in those who claimed it, but I really doubt it was commonplace, rather more common than now, and even now it's not exactly common
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think living in modern isolation is pretty different than the ancestral environment we're so alienated from one another living in a tribe all the time is a very different mode of cognition
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and then not having any science or ground truth to rely on, but just social structures and whatever the priests say
yeah true I just think that like, out of the gate as newborns, people were largely the same way as now, so it's hard to see them believing stuff that goes again the natural inclination without it being propagandized one way or another Like you don't need to teach kids their emotions come from them, you'd have to teach them it's actually spirits or deities meting out judgment
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1096011 yeah I've heard of this, it's interesting
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its a great read hes a good writer
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1095999 >>1096000 why does life have to have "a meaning"? what does that even mean? coming from my own perspective (as an athiest) I don't think life has a meaning or even a purpose
I think that's also been one of the things that make it hard to figure out what the meaning is A lot like the soul and it's function in the human being, it's not really hard down to pin down what it really means for life to have a particular meaning
But personal meaning is a bit easier Can be as simple as just optimizing your own happiness, or incrementing the little number on your bank account statement
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont think it has to have a meaning, like, the question doesnt really make sense
it's just a common behavior to look for meaning in things
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1096023 >the soul you don't actually think this exists right?
I mean it's not that based when you consider religiosity as it exists in for example the US literally doesn't exist here We may be less religious in a total amount of believers and stuff, sure, but if you actually compare the numbers of American Religious types, we've got effectively none >>1096033 In the US, being religious is real Like it's actually a super important part of people's lives, to the point you've got people going door to door, there's genuine bigotry at the rank and file towards heretics, and people will defend their opinions with their religion readily That's not really... a thing here I mean individuals like that exist, but the norm and the only type you encounter are the quietly, personally religious who may or may not go to church sometimes
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1096031 religiousness, not "religiosity" though that is a very good ESLism
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1096031 I honestly dont quite know what you mean by "American Religious" because there's such a wide spectrum of beliefs and intensity here that summing it up like that isn't possible
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
word wrogn
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1096031 all of that depends on where you live and people going door to door proselytizing happens outside of the US too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man imagine being an ancient dead philosopher and not even having access to DMT what a game changer
>>1096036 Ancient peoples got high as shit a lot though They've found weed among the belongings of buried vikings I'm pretty sure
Weak shit by today's standards, though, but like what other reason would one have for keeping that shit around
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah but only if you lived in toad region
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
weed won't get you there gotta have some good refined shit
True I don't think the berserker myth about eating flycaps or whatever they're called in english is true though That shit's lethal, and vikings were just... guys, they were just normal guys with families and a little farm a lot of the time back home, they were very much intent of making it back >>1096042 Oh yeah, I think you can sometimes just find that around here in some of the woodlands and stuff shrooms, I mean
We've got A LOT of untouched forest
>>1096036 Yeah but instead you lived in a building overtop cracks in the rocks which leaked toxic fumes that made you think you were a fuckin' oracle gifted by Apollo
I wouldn't worry about it, the democrats will stop using the space lasers once they win the election by rigging it in a mysterious, untraceable manner again
>>1096040 There are historical records of berserker cultures though, which engaged in rituals of imbibing potions and ceremonies to celebrate battle That isn't to say every vikinger was a berserker, you're correct that most of them were just career pillagers But like with any militant society, you get a subset of the group who just revel in the thrill of bloodsport and build a culture around it Like police gangs or the innermost SS
oh yeah that's true The fuckin'... Aztecs? I think were WILDING back in the day
And I'm sure the idea of a berserker who just goes hog wild isn't entirely unfounded, but likely it was the kinda thing they did when the enemy was like... peasants with a pitchfork at best, not a trained soldier or something Cause they'd quickly die in that case
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah they were lickin toads and doing blood sacs i can see it ive had some weird ideas on psychedelics
though also granted, vikings weren't doing conquest shit for the most part, so they were usually just up against peasants and the like >>1096051 No I'm pretty sure at least the aztecs were big into that, but it may have gotten a bit exaggerated by The Whites
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay maybe the blood sacrifice thing is just some racist trope from long ago idk
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i think seriously exaggerated to justify their own transgressions
The whole cannibal tribe though, I'm pretty sure is entirely fiction Like they just made up a tribe to get mad at in the royal court
There is an actual
tribe of peoples who the word cannibal is based of their name Who were accused of
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Some post-conquest sources report that at the re-consecration of Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan in 1487, the Aztecs sacrificed about 80,400 prisoners over the course of four days. This number is considered by Ross Hassig, author of Aztec Warfare, to be an exaggeration. Hassig states "between 10,000 and 80,400 persons" were sacrificed in the ceremony.
>The higher estimate would average 15 sacrifices per minute during the four-day consecration. Four tables were arranged at the top so that the victims could be jettisoned down the sides of the temple.
yeah that seems unrealistically high how tf you gonna get 10,000 people lined up ready to die let alone 80k
>Additionally, some historians argue that these numbers were inaccurate as most written account of Aztec sacrifices were made by Spanish sources to justify Spain's conquest. >Nonetheless, according to Codex Telleriano-Remensis, old Aztecs who talked with the missionaries told about a much lower figure for the reconsecration of the temple, approximately 4,000 victims in total.
okay 1000 prisoners a day still seems high but i guess manageable
>>1096057 of cannibalism It isn't certain if those accusations were made in an attempt by the indigenous tribes friendly with European colonizers to villify those accused tribes in some hope of getting European help in attacking the "cannibal" tribe, who are the time were a stronger and more aggressive local force Or if the tribe did actually engage in persistent cannibalism
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
your IP keeps changing sorry about that
>>1096056 1000 a day is at least something that seems feasible for a celebration, as well as just... it's possible they had that many prisoners 80K prisoners, not even sacrificing them but just having them at all, seems utterly insane just from a logistical perspective Where do you keep A CITY'S WORTH of prisoners?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Why did the Aztecs sacrifice the men and not the women?
>To some extent, this is a myth. That is, women were definitely sacrificed. However, it is true that far more victims were male than female. This is because most people who were sacrificed were prisoners of war - male warriors who had been defeated. When a whole town was vanquished, and women as well as men were captured, most of the women became slaves.
i took an adderall i got from a friend this morning i feel great not entirely sure that i will keep my energy focused on the work i intended to do tho
Yeah I got to try some of Kirara's Vyvanse while I was in LA and it felt great to have energy and direction to my daily motions Although it was also a blast to be hanging with friends and doing things I actually wanted to do, rather than droll and mundane work So it's kind of hard to tell what was energizing me
uplifting, positive moves! I want a similar story of success.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1096064 you have ADHD or nah? if so you could try to get a script
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i went to an ADHD therapist and had a great session with them then filled out the questionaire and sent it to them never got a response
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what i shoulda done is waited three months before sending the questionaire
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i also wonder about becoming dependent you know the usual thing it seems like i might be able to fix my life without supplements just by having some other shit taken care of
>>1096070 All power to you but I sure as hell feel my own devices are insufficient to actually being able to be a functioning human being
i love myself
i think i would benefit from a low dosage of some adhd meds but the dependency thing is a real fear for me as well i've heard there are non-amphetamine adhd meds now one of those might be a good option
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just need to hire someone to keep my place clean i think otherwise that sucks away all my agency
Look at Mr. Moneybags with the cash to hire a cleaning service
>>1096084 yo I found this sick non AMD/Nvidia ML learning accelerator platform https://www.cerebras.net/product-chip/
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1096084 I've decided to put off doing ML stuff until I have a beefy desktop and want to do training in the cloud. I'm planning on training an image tagging model (likely something like deep Danbooru) do you have any recommendations for resources on getting started learning this stuff? I'm aware that ill have to tag a shit to. n of stuff my self to be ae to train it (or have mechanical Turks do kt).
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i havent played with open source image models sorry training will take a lot of resources surely someone has already trained a model on booru data
yeah, I mean there's novelai (the leaked model is old by now, but servicable) But there's also a ton of community-made models on civitai
Recommended to first look for like, stuff you want to generate and figure out what models the various addons are compatible with, especially with characters and such
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1096086 dang thats a big chip how many millions for one?
balteus was a pain though, but really not THAT hard I feel like he's just there to go "hey, remember that you can literally just equip high damage output shit if you wanna, you don't have to run every mission as a jack of all trades"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1096092 ah yeah i see these model architctures move so fast there are some very interesting techniques around segmenting video camera data coming out but i guess that is not applicable to 2D
i dont htink itll be underwater until like 2100 but its gonna flood a lot maybe they just build a million levees
I think the overall height above sea level and extremely flat nature of the land close to the coast in Florida means even a sea level rise of a few metres is going to force them to reconsider the shape of the coastline It doesn't neccesarily mean whole cities will need to be abandoned, but it will probably make it far more trouble than it's worth to have houses where they are along the coast now And probably require re-routing whole roads and maybe highways
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fuck it bioshock time just build glass domes
Can we skip the whole Ayn Randian nature of Rapture though
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
The weak should fear the strong.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah fuck we built our civilization in glass domes under the sea and everyone is armed to the teeth with firearms what were we THINKING
>>1096136 mite b cool supposedly there's a fallout show somewhere in the works? it's difficult for me to get excited for anything like this like i want to be excited but the last 5 or so years of depressing letdowns has really ruined my ability to expect good movies or live action shows
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh heavens no i don't expect anything from these only thing i'm excited for is dune 2
well it made me do it 3 times, but I finally beat the sea spider and progressed the story It SEEMS the crashing was due to easy anti cheat, a common culprit of such things, and you can kinda disable it by just putting a copy of the game's exe in its place in the folder Since doing that, no crashes, but they're kinda random in the first place so it's hard to say for sure if it worked or if I've been lucky since killing the spider
the issue is neither temperature, cpu usage, nor ram usage In fact, baldur's gate 3 heats the computer up more than armored core
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im telling you coat the case in it
i love myself
if you aren't dunking your cpu and the entire cpu cooler into a vat of thermal paste like an oversized metal oreo into a glass of milk what the fuck are you even doing
On the bright side though, I did come up with a really easy way to body the sea spider Very safe and reliable, though it could be faster
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats gonna come in handy the next five boss rushes
Well I'm not sure how well the strat works for any future boss It's effective on the spider because it doesn't involve strategy too much, it's just s DPS check you have to pass
But by combining a bazooka, 2 songbirds... Actually no 2 songbirds, sword, and a gatling gun, you can just about permastagger the fucker Just hit him twice, unload the songbirds, and rev up the gatling because that's enough to stagger and you'll rarely get hit cause you're too close for it to target you proplerly
I'm not really sure how big a fan I am of the game based on this boss though Hopefully it's a one off cause the sea spider just sucks ass to fight and isn't any fun
>>1096198 But then how would you know what you need to buy next to keep the endless consumption and materialistic culture of modern human society in motion?
Running tetrapod legs with 2 songbirds and 2 gatlings is SO damn effective, man The tetrapod may be on the slower end, but it's still managing a very respectable speed for its size and weight, and the dual songbirds will stagger practically anything
It's kind of funny since you unlock tetrapod and tank legs at the same time, that tetrapod ends up being the more conventional "tank" choice Slow and durable
honestly the tank legs suck big ass treads are COOL as hell, but tank controls make you rely way too much on just facetanking everything Which is bad when especially some bosses can outright onehit even the tankiest legit tank build Meanwhile the tetrapod just owns a ton of bosses by virtue of "I am up in the air, half your attacks do exactly nothing to me. Oh, you flew up? Give me a minute, I'll keep up and stay 100m away from you for a minute straight in mid air"
Tank legs are great for arena fights, especially if you're small brain like me and can't always think in three dimensions in the heat of combat They're still sufficiently agile while on the ground and can take a lot of abuse, which gives me plenty of chances to get someone staggered and give a piledriver to the face
I just burn through the arena by hovering like 100m up, baiting some dodges with
one gatling, then I just burst 2 songbirds into the fucker, and the dual gatling melts them after doing that twice most of the time
I do wanna make a speedy boy that really leans into close range combat, but I haven't bothered farming money to keep all the stuff I want around yet, and besides as cool as the shotguns are, they're real lackluster when compared to the gatlings so it feels kinda stinky I only have 3 melees atm too
Jan has a shotgun build designed to stagger the opponent and then do a boost kick for massive damage Seems to be doing well for him
I do kinda dislike the HUD of AC6 though The overheating and ammo displays on the targeting reticule get lost in the noise so easily, they really should be a bit bigger and bolder And like... next to the actual targeting reticule rather than outside the big circle, cause if I have to take my eyes off the target anyway, and try to process which bar is which gun, it kinda loses its purpose It LOOKS nice, but it's actually not functional
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that trailer kinda goes hard tho ratJAM its got that bassy rowr sound they use in totk depths i guess thats probably an EDM staple
S CSearch [iqdb](104 KB, 850x981, vi0y6pbrxalb1.jpg)Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
dan gheesling died like 20 times on the tutorial helicopter His camera work is the most insane shit I've ever seen in a video game He keeps locking and unlocking the camera
Honestly people keep saying the controller is the way to go with this, but aside from a few edge cases of somewhat awkward controls, I really can't see anyone playing this game comfortably using a stick to control the camera
Like if I lose sight of an enemy with kbm, I just whip my camera around and there they are, but with a controller you end up shmooving it back and forth and it's SO much mental processing to keep things centered without the target assist (which is just horrible to use in a game like this)
The tutorial boss is pretty rough by most games' standards, for sure, but for someone expecting a soulslike of some description, it really shouldn't be that much of a challenge I mean I gave up on Elden ring relatively early, and I still found it super easy, died a couple of times before I figure out like "Oh I can literally just charge at it and slice it" Baldeus is genuinely hard until you realize you're not supposed to be finding a single optimized loadout, but actually customize your mech for what you need though
ahhh I see
But I mean, a chapter boss is supposed to be hard
some fame are extremely harder then others games**
some games are extremely harder then others, Anno trys to start always on hardest setting.
I don't think AC6 has a difficulty setting The bosses all just have some gimmick you gotta figure out and bulldoze through one way or another
The tutorial boss is kind of the odd one out, in that it doesn't exactly have a gimmick, you're just in the tutorial so you don't have any other way than your sword to deal the damage you need the tutorial doesn't even let you replay it with a custom loadout It's the only level like that
I wonder if there are any good fighter flight sim's up and coming, had a dream about one.
I doubt it, it's a super niche type of game that doesn't appeal to too many people after all
games haven't come to far along i n the last 5 years. Sort the same olde graphics.
really it's good that the graphics race has died off frees up resources for making those nice looking games also be good though usually it's instead directed towards "make them pay extra for that gun"
also I had no idea there's a baki the grappler anime I haven't read the manga, but I've always been somewhat fascinated by the existence of this story
what's the circle thing behind the blue archives' heads they all got one but what does it do
wouldn't it just like a halo thing idk i don't know a single thing about the game
i love myself
i figure it serves some kind of purpose i guess it doesn't have to but i feel like it should
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I downloaded the game and i still don't know
i love myself
is it any good what kind of game is it
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
It's a pretty shit game tbh. Probably delete. >>1096334 Did you ever play Princess connect? Kind of like that An auto battler Where you just upgrade the characters anf their gear and then the game plays itself
i guess i like arknights but i also guess that's not really an autobattler at all yeah idk genshin and arknights are the only gacha games i've really liked oh wait fire emblem heroes was cool
>>1096335 i've been seeing tons of fan art and porn recently so i'm guessing blue archive is really popular right now
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Yeah same
i love myself
there are some cute girls but they're a little samey imo
i love myself
i'm just not huge on the schoolgirl aesthetic maybe kinda played out
i still use danbooru i don't still know anyone besides other moes who do though >>1096351 yeah most anime boomers have moved onto pixiv or gone normie and don't stockpile jpegs anymore
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Pixiv gang
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Stockpiling jpegs is the only reason i get out of bed in the morning.
i'm sure i collected more jpegs from 2011-2014 than i'll collect for the rest of my life yeha yeah*
but yeah it's less important when we have a constant deluge >>1096355 this is a good point though if human civilization is going to rebuild from the ashes a millenia from now i would like if they worshipped cute jpegs of anime girls that would be kinda pog
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1096353 It's like doomsday prepping What if it all crashes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
then i grab a shotgun and head to the nearest basement dwellers' stash
i love myself
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Come on over. I'll dethaw the tendies
i love myself
dethaw these nuts
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no my bicycle is still parked outside minkus
coating my hdds in lead in case of the possible silar flare
for work i was supposed to go to italy but militsry people said eh nevermind ur going to 82nd airborne yeehaw cowboy
are u still in canadia ny wife wants to visit canada maybe u can meet my son
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea im here why canada lol
thats too bad italy would have been neat
cause my wife wants to travel and japs love canadia she wants to visit this one famous island from some book where a girl gets adopted but they want a boy but she doesnt want to go back to the orphanage so she does boy thing
yeah hes really strong and he likes to slap my computer keyboard and drum everything he can almost walk he can stand with something to suppott him rn plus hes a cowboy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holy bursh
does the starbucks girl got tiddies yeah she doooooo
turn away another way to feel when you didn't want yourself to go is that a compromise so what you want to do what's your point of view there's a party screw do you want to go
One of the funniest parts of ac6 so far is that the mini tank treads are, I think, legit the fastest legs you can use, while still having really good weight capacity The main issues with them is you're effectively glued to the ground cause you're heavy as shit and "jumping" isn't real, you burn energy the moment you start ascending, and also... they're treads, so like, actually using them in combat is REALLY tricky But man do you ZOOM
>>1096433 Yeah I like having the mini tank legs as a fallback in case I can't get a fight to work with a lighter bipedal build As a kind of "fuck it, I'm going heavy weaponry" Plus like I said yesterday? I'm kind of smallbrained when it comes to moving in three dimensions, so the fact that I'm grounded down to two because of the tank's poor aerial abilities doesn't really bother me
In my experience, the actual mech itself is usually only necessary to fiddle with if you have to go back to the well and bust out the dual songbird+dual gatling combo because you're frustrated
And you end up sacrificing survivability despite the massive speed and AP increase, because you're saccing so much maneuverability, you end up facetanking way too much
Though, more maneuverability isn't always top tier either, I for one can't get the reverse joints to like, click with my brain, can't really get my brain around them The tetrapod is what I usually use when I need to bust out the big guns, unless it's a fight where it's fine to stop in my tracks to fire, in which case I stick with bipedals Bipedals may be boring and normiepilled, but they really are the most comfortable to use
but man the tetrapod legs are hella fun and cheesed out though There's so many fights you just crush into fine dust by virtue of hovering
Bipedal mechs are like, the driving point of a mecha game The tetrapod and tank legs options are cool for build differentiation and to add variety, but in a game like this, the bipedal options are always going to be the most varied and most developed Piloting a giant robot has always been the dream driving the creating of games like this
I hope there's another tetrapod set that's just super fast and scurries across the ground like a damn spider
But overall for just a non-specialized "I'm just doing missions" build, the bipedals are goated They don't have any particular advantages, they're jack of all trades that just fucking work
I am a bit disappointed in the headpiece options though I'm guessing for PvP they matter a lot more, but for regular gameplay, I'm just using the lightest one Cause I get a little bit more speed without actually sacrificing anything important
One extra unit of speed is so, so much more important than 100AP and a little bit of stagger meter, it's not even close to being a choice
At some point while playing baldur's gate, I realized halflings are called that cause they're like half the size of a human At which point I both felt very stupid, and felt whoever decided that is a moron because they exist alongside gnomes and dwarves, both of which are very humanlike and roughly the same size Up until that point I'd thought they were halflings in the sense half-elves are, you know, half elves, half humans Never considered what the two halves were, to be fair, but that's what I kinda assumed it meant
I know in terms of fantasy etymology, halfling reaches all the way back to Tolkien, where halfling was what the rest of Middle Earth called hobbits >>1096453 It wasn't a slur, it's never used derogatorily Just hobbits was what hobbits called themselves, and the rest of world knew them as halflings Never really learned if there was a reason for that, knowing Tolkien I bet there was though Maybe halfling has further real life folklore roots, which is why it's a safe bet for other fantasy projects to use even when the race is virtually identical to Tolkien's hobbits
>>1096452 I guess so, but there's still something a bit iffy about everyone except like, gandalf and frodo's party refusing to call hobbits by the term the hobbits themselves use But yeah I guess it wasn't really a slur, it just has weird vibes
>>1096454 This one I could see as less weird than you might think, because in Middle Earth, hobbits are a highly insular and sedentary race It's considered highly abnormal, among the other races and hobbits themselves, to ever leave The Shire So in that case, I could see that halfling was the original term in the early years of Middle Earth history, that hobbits were known as, and the term hobbits developed colloquially over the years that hobbits for the most part happily lead their lives mostly isolated in The Shire The other races don't call hobbits hobbits because they almost never meet a hobbit
>>1096455 No, dwarves in Middle Earth are an entirely separate race from hobbits/halflings They also are supposed to stand a bit taller than your average hobbit, and outside of a close examination, the two dwarven biological sexes are near indistinguishable from one another
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but what the hobbits' tax policies was*
Probably something like "Everyone help out when something needs getting done"
elevs dont know of taxation, and don't want middle earth taxed
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how would uruk hai know what a menu is??
they do eat, so they're familiar with the concept I imagine
that and the entirety of the LOTR books are like, localizations of a real thing, lore-wise
Yeah, that's a pretty good take on it It's not like we're reading, or hearing, with the movies, the original things the characters in the story would've said in the suspension of disbelief that this is a historical event Localization and contemporary dialogue are valid in that case
They really should have just made a catapult or something and zeroed in on mt doom, launching the ring attached to a big rock straight into it from kilometers away Or for that matter, when the ring was first acquired, they should have just kicked that mfer into the lavapit instead of going "oh, you won't throw it in? alright then I guess"
>>1096470 I don't know if there's any steel-age engineering that could rig up a catapult to launch things kilometres in distance, and certainly not with the pin point accuracy and height needed to land it in the caldera of the mountain
For the second point, elves are notoriously cautious peoples, inaction is almost a genuine fault of theirs through Middle Earth history And I don't know if Elrond was ready to launch a political nightmare where he clearly just kicked the human king-to-be who just, to anyone who had been watching from a distance, had killed the vilest evil they had ever seen in Middle Earth
>>1096473 That's my point Elrond and Isildur go up to the volcano's rim, only Elrond comes back down Even if he lies through his teeth I don't think the surviving humans would have bought his story, and probably wouldn't have cared even if he was honest about it being for the greater good Because as elves are inactive, cautious losers, men are vain and act primarily in their self-interest
to my memory, there wasn't anyone but the two of them in there, but you're right about elves being hesitant "wait and see" cowards
that and I guess Elves aren't really THAT attached to middle earth After x amount of years, they just piss off to neverland and leave the rest of us to cope with whatever is going on A scummy race, by most accounts, honestly
Like the Ring surviving until it falls into Gollum's hands is definitely a tragedy that could have been prevented, like any good tragedy But I think when you look at the details, I think the reasons for why make sense not just as narrative for narrative's sake, but as plausible actions and faults by the people involved
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1096463 i cant find it but there was a whole tweet thread about how orcs and uruk-hai must have an extensive supply chain to keep their massive army fed and equipped they probably have orc restaurants in mordor, fancier ones for the higher ups orc culture going back centuries. orc art. decadence
Being realistic, like beyond it being a pain to have a war and all, were humans even a legitimate threat to elves at the time? I mean if Legolas isn't the equivalent of a legendary hero, then the elves would make mincemeat of human armies almost no matter their number, no?
Elves were always a race few in number, where as humans, as humans were known to do, bred like rats I don't think Tolkien ever publicly explored it, but as a man who fought in WWI and lived through the news of WWII, he certainly knew the limits of what human depravity in the desperation for victory could reach Where as elves probably wouldn't stoop to such awful actions for survival, being a race that were obsessed with holding their dignity so much that they'd rather yield all of Middle Earth to humans rather than wait for the inevitable competition We can only really guess what an actual full-scale war between elves and humans would've been
The boomers are represented by dwarves and elves One fucked the world up and doesn't wanna do shit about it, preferring to blame the young humans despite their entire generation having done nothing at all wrong the other just wants to grill and drink beer
I've been toying with the idea of learning to do MMD cause it seems like fun, but it seems running it through wine doesn't really work all that well There's probably some way to get it working though, I just gotta look for a howto It'd be pretty cool to tinker around with it, make 2hus do the hare hare yukai or something
> The white and green pills Beth takes in The Queen's Gambit are referred to as “xanzolam;” however, this is a fictional drug that is thought to represent tranquilizers like Librium, formally known as chlordiazepoxide, which was a popular drug in the 1960s for treating anxiety. She's taking TRANQS? I thought for sure she was doing stimulants
She pops these things and stays awake staring at the ceiling as her brain enters chess overdrive, is that tranq behavior?
also samu, you probably know these things What are tier 1-3 subs? Like what is a tier 3 sub on twitch? what's a tier 1 sub?
I assume higher number is more
expensive, but is there a mechanical difference for the user between them? The only benefits I know of when it comes to a sub is you don't get ads, and you do get channel emotes
what the hell That reminds me of that artist who was super common to see the art of on /a/ for a while, who drew like, completely disembodied boobs and stuff Like just the boob, laying on a table or something like a little balloon Not guro even, just... just a boob without any indication of being part of anyone
Am I interpreting Disguise Self correctly in that, provided the disguise has the same amount of limbs and roughly the same height and width, there's no specification that they be like, a guy? Like technically you could Disguise Self yourself as a real big squirrel, for example? (ignoring the tail for the sake of example here)
Probably up to the DM's discretion, but I think the ones who lean into sensibility, as much as you can be sensible when engaging with magic, would say you need to match the general body shape of the object of your Disguise Self spell Like if you were a human trying to Disguise Self as a really big squirrel, the best you could do is be some kind of squirrel Sasquatch abomination, as human anatomy and squirrel anatomy are really quite distinct
A more whimsical DM night -might let it fly though, or at least let you do a persuasion or performance check to see if you can convince people that you're really just a very large squirrel
Oh yeah, I guess they've got the reverse bend knees for one don't they? Still, at least rules as written, there's room there for like, a non-humanoid creature as long as it's overall the same in terms of body structure, right?
Looking at the spell, I think the "You can't change your body type" part has a lot of interpretive importance I think, assuming you are playing as a humanoid, that most DMs would say you must remain within the variety of humanoid species So nothing that the creature compendium and extra materials wouldn't label as humanoid
Yeah that's what's confusing me a bit It's elaborated on with "so you can't change the basic arrangement of limbs", but it's not really explained what "body type" means beyond that I mean the previous statement is taht you can change aspects usually categorized under body type, like your height and apparent weight, albeit only within a 1foot margin Maybe it actually refers to the mechanical Body Type, like small\large\medium etc. or even "humanoid" and such?
Speaking from a broad reading of the spell, as an English native, the impression I get is that this spell basically doesn't let you do anything more than some really good make-up or prosthetics would accomplish (with a small magical caveat for shrinking your body size or weight)
As a broad game
system analysis, I would also say this spell isn't very powerful so that it doesn't devalue the later disguise spells that would be available to you, such as Illusion or Polymorph No point in picking up those to become a giant squirrel if Disguise Self could accomplish the exact same thing
well polymorph specifically can't be topped by a disguise self in any case, seeing as it's not a disguise at all, you literally do become that creature But I see what you mean
well strictly speaking, you become an objectively superior version of that creature, considering all of its total HP pool acts as temp HP for you that can be healed with regular healing methods, and when you "die", you go back to your normal self at whatever HP value you were when the spell took effect
The trade off is you exchange your stats for those of the creature you have been polymorphed into Which maybe doesn't matter if you're not an roleplaying player, but I would argue being turned into a dumb as rocks bear, for example, would result in you not being able to make the most sensible decisions
The rules do specify that you retain your personality, so while your stats may be affected, you're still you, in most interpretations It depends how you approach your stats when RPing, I think
Some groups and people approach it like Grog in CR1, where low int means you're kind of a dummy, but it's not really wrong to play it as being overall like, normalpilled as far as intelligence goes, you're just bad at applying it (I.E for rolls and such)
It should be that way, by my personal opinion The player handbook even talks about lower Intelligence scores impeding things like language comprehension and simple arithmetic I think if you choose to play a stupid character, that character ought to behave stupidly
I do think that makes for more interesting RP too, don't get me wrong, but I do think it's still entirely fine to play it mechanically, so you're not a dumb ogre, but you do suck ass at actually accomplishing tasks that require int Kinda like how you don't have to be rude and abrasive just cause you've got charisma as a dumpstat. You're still an overall okay person, but you really can not for the life of you convince anyone to believe you or trust you
It's even weirder with wisdom Playing a low wis character straight like this would result in a player who really doesn't get to contribute much outside of combat because they're blissfully unaware of just about everything that isn't extremely obvious Like Nott has 5 Charisma when they start CR2, imagine that but for wisdom, that player wouldn't get to do a fucking thing as far as discussions and planning goes, cause while they might be sharp as a tack, they've got the situational awareness of a small child
i will behave stupidly on all my characters because im fuckin stupid
>>1096540 Charisma is a weird stat anyway, since real life charisma is, like, a nebulous combination of a likeable personality and physical attractiveness So you could argue that you're fine, personality-wise, but you've got such an unappealing physical characteristic that the average person is turned off
And also, in real life, what we would consider "being smart" would likely be a combination of both Intelligence and Wisdom Intelligence being the breadth of your learned knowledge, and Wisdom being your "street smarts" and shit like that
One thing I do think is stinky is Intimidation being a charisma check, exclusively You should be able to use strength for intimidation checks Like it's dumb as hell for a gigantic monster like a bugbear with 18str to go "hey, fuck off before we hurt you", but the bugbear's charisma is in the toilet so the other guy goes "hahah, I'm not afraid of you" despite the bugbear wielding the damn Berserk sword or something Like of course you'd be intimidated by that mfer whatever his ability to smooth talk the bar maidens is
good systems let you sub strength for charisma on intimidation checks somehow better systems dont use charisma for it to begin with
Pathfinder uses Charisma for Intimidation by default It was annoying for me since I'm running a dogshit Charisma Barbarian so like, I want to do bully intimidation Barbarian things but it would almost certainly be comically bad
I think using charisma for intimidation still does make sense It's like subset of bluffing or persuading If you're convincing enough, you can make someone believe you're a bigger threat than you actually are
I just think raw strength should ALSO be an option for a stat to use when rolling for it, because if you're rippling with muscles, you're obviously going to be intimidating as a result
yeah but bluff exists use bluff for cha style intimidation >>1096545 just spend a whole feat to get the ability to use strength :)))
>>1096547 True, and I guess you could just do it that way, but it feels a little wrong for there to be a separation as a result then Like two characters trying to do the same thing via the same method, persuading the enemy they're a genuine threat, roll a different kind of dice check based on their strength essentially, that's a little weird honestly >>1096549 well it's not always a bluff, either For example a warlock is often weak physically, but their high charisma directly means they could reduce you to a pile of ash, so sometimes it's also persuasion It gets a bit funky when the persuasion\bluff decision is made by whether you actually do pose a threat to the other guy, I think Or technically whether you believe you are, I suppose >>1096551 Yeah, that's a good solution, too honestly, probably the most sensible one The primary issue is that then intimidation is something everyone's fucking goated at and scales with everyone's level
It's a hard mechanic to incorporate well, I think, because a powerful mage and a powerful barbarian should both be able to intimidate some random guy, but actually only the warlock (and usually bard\rogue) are really gonna be able to pull it off despite the mage being absurdly powerful and the barbarian looking like he walked out of the pillarmen arc of JoJo
i mean ar // at a piint // point you either have two intimidations that use seperate stats or just encompass bluffing intimidate into bluff
>>1096547 See I came to that idea too, but when I went looking through the feat database for Pathfinder, I couldn't find one that let me do that Maybe it just got lost in the stupid amount of feats Pathfinder has though
>>1096550 Intimidating Prowess i think it technically uses both, though, iforget >>1096548 i mean at that point really intimidate should be scaling off your combat stat between str, dex, int, wis, cha
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
charisma your way out of this scenario (grabs wrist slaps on fuzzy manacle)
Intimidating Prowess is under Combat Feats i assume because it starts a feat tree for demoralization feats or something >>1096548 probably works best for something like pathfinder rather than d&d where your best ban for buck on skills is from class skills and skill ranks from levelling
one somewhat easy solution would be to give barbarians proficiency in intimidation by default I mean other martial classes may crank str too, but the barbarian is typically like, VISIBLY jacked like hell maybe they do, even, I don't know to be entirely honest, but I don't think they do
barbarians are literal Rage junkies the fact they dont have intimidate by default sounds stupid
right? their primary battle tactic is flying into a blind rage and just hitting shit REAL hard and they don't wear armor so you can see their fucking Schwarzenegger muscles basically all the time When unarmored, they should absolutely have intimidation proficiency imo
>>1096559 well, barbs in 5e at least get hit A LOT because often everyone has advantage on them but they have mad damage reduction and a health pool to sustain it, too
i don't think of intimidate solely as just "scare a guy" i think of it as making yourself seem more threatening than you may actually be plus intimidation in general is not solely a physical tactic
>>1096561 yeah my 5e barb i play rarely is a menace to my friend who dms because i crush everything with big axe and dont leave reckless attack on if i dont need it
>>1096562 well yeah, but surely you would agree that the visibly yolked shirtless barbarian should at least be as able to pull that one off as the guy with a flute and a little rapier by his side
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's why they can get proficiency on intimidation
I just think they should get that as a class perk Like for a different type of class it's kinda whatever, it's not as easy to tell how threatening someone with full armor and a sword is, but if Goku tells you to piss off before he hurts you while not wearing a shirt, you're gonna listen most of the time, I think
bold to assume a bard would ever use a rapier the spear is the real choice of the bard slap a flag on it and afk
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think you have to be convincing to be intimidating, and charisma reflects the ability to be convincing if a giant angry bugbear does not have the psychological capacity to know how to convince someone that they will actually hurt them, they won't be intimidating now, someone smarter might say "bugbear, show them what happens if they don't listen" which helps the bugbear to know what to do, and this would be reflected as an assisted roll because the bugbear would now have the capacity to know how to convincingly intimidate someone
Something like, you're not convincing them you COULD hurt them, but more that you actually would?
>>1096568 Oh actually about that situation, would you generally rule the bugbear is the one who has to roll that, or would the one directing the bugbear be equally viable as the one making the skillcheck? They may not be the one actually about to hurt the person, but they did just sicc the big guy on 'em?
i think you could do it either way. the bugbear might be the one helping the person to intimidate by showing strength or the person might be helping the bugbear intimidate i would allow for whichever makes immediate sense in the moment
if your goblin is trying to get someone to back down, the bugbear might help them by smashing something on the goblin's orders but if the bugbear is the one trying to do something of their own volition, and is being helped to do that, the bugbear would be the one making the rolls and the helper would be giving them advantage
I guess it comes down to which one initiated the confrontation, maybe?
that makes sense The one actively trying to intimidate is the one making the roll, more or less Typically a help action would be very clearly "passive" in a sense, like for example the goblin coming up from behind the bugbear and going "I really wouldn't piss him off"
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah, pretty much
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so at the end of the day i can understand the argument that intimidate should be strength based but i think that actually is overly limiting and doesn't really understand what the intimidation skill is for at the end of the day it's utilizing a relationship to another person and therefore people skills you need to understand other people to intimidate them at some level
True I guess for a lot of lower-stakes stuff you could just give the visibly roided up guy advantage because they look dangerous as hell and the other guy isn't like, someone all that important Cause I mean, sometimes even if you're not entirely convinced someone would actually hurt you, you might just go "you know what, not worth the risk here", at least if it's not really something important and you just happened to see something you maybe shouldn't have, y'know?
>>1096575 I feel it lends itself to my thoughts that Charisma is kind of weird as one of the "brain" skills alongside Intelligence and Wisdom in that, there is a credible notion that Charisma does have a physical component Or that certain things that subtract from Charisma shouldn't necessarily impact your ability to be intimidating Like the race I'm using for Aoife, specifies that they are a naturally abrasive culture, and as such suffer a Charisma penalty But like, your abrasiveness doesn't really have a direct impact on your ability to be intimidating in real life, I find Or at least it doesn't diminish it Likewise being particularly ugly, something which is also going to incur a Charisma penalty in a lot of TRPG systems, would often be as usual for being intimidating as it isn't So because of the nebulous mental/physical combination of the Charisma stat, it doesn't always make sense that it should be what governs your ability to be intimidating
I do wanna mention I'm fine with however you wanna run it anyway, though, I just mean as a general interpretation of the game's system, I think something like that would make sense to do Cause I really do think visible power should give you SOME kind of benefit towards making someone reconsider out of fear
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1096576 yeah or a coward might have disadvantage against intimidation
I mean even if you're successfully convinced someone would actually attack you if you don't do what they say, it's a lot less of a concern from a tiny little green creature than a jacked monster that somehow gained enough sentience to verbally threaten you
Like, just cause one is significantly more imposing than the other
OH also this is something I wanna ask I know that as far as PCs go, only rogues really know how to do thieves cant, unless there's some hidden method of acquiring it But that being what it is, are people in Forgotten Realms still aware thieves cant exist, and can they tell it's being dropped even if they've got no idea what the details are?
Kinda like, you know how mobsters talk about stuff? People may not always entirely get what's being said, but they can tell and do know that mobsters use euphemisms and codes for a lot of shady stuff, you know?
the average person doesn't know what it is so they might assume it's another language, a weird dialect, etc some with high insight might be able to determine that there's something strange going on or they might have high history and be able to recognize it from that
>>1096577 yeah, i do agree with that i think that intimidation is something varied enough that boiling it down to charisma does oversimplify it but that's what happens when you boil all of human experience down into like 6 categories
I was actually thinking I'd do thieves cant by just utilizing a lot of very specific and emphasized vocabulary, obviously then telling you what it was I was trying to communicate afterwards But I mean, thieves cant takes 4x the time as just saying something plainly, so I was thinking maybe the average person at least knew that more shady people sometimes talked like that, and that it probably was some form of code even if they haven't the faintest clue what any of it really means or which parts are significant
well i guess to also be fair you technically dont always have to roll on something you do, you just roll on the GM's discretion
Sorta like how gangs generally are, with people having a fairly decent idea who is in a gang, and realizing they speak in codes in public for obvious legal reasons and to keep people's noses out of their shit
But I suppose Thieves Cant evolved from different concerns, more about maintaining actual secrecy rather than keeping oneself legally clean and just not letting people know exactly what's being said
Different DMs might flavour Thieves Cant various ways too Like they might make it be finger language that the theives can subtly communicate in while making completely unrelated verbal conversation Or have it be like symbols, kind of like hobo code or the markings they used a bit of in Skyrim for the Thieves Guild stuff
yeah, there's a lot of ways to implement it by the rules in the rogue section of the player handbook at least, unless there's some more detailed stuff in the DM guide or somewhere else in the player handbook The only real thing specified is only the shady people understand it, and that it takes 4x longer to communicate with than regular conversation
I'd just like to know how to handle it for the upcoming game, so we're on the same page about it I'm fine with any way of doing it as long as it's mutually understood
>>1096587 I think the symbols and stuff are part of it explicitly, though I don't have the stuff directly in front of me atm stuff like an indication that "this place is trapped" or "this way to a safe location to lay low", that sorta stuff, maybe scrawled on a fencepost or chiseled into the wall in a sewer
Another likely use of it is a sign on a shop or other establishment inidcating fencing services are available there Which can be real handy even for stuff you haven't actually stolen or anything, just because fences usually have the coin and willingness to take most anything off your hands, albeit at below market value, provided it's at least somewhat valuable
Like someone running a random gear shop may stock magical items, but that doesn't really necessarily mean they're interested in buying whatever magic junk you found in a fortress somewhere if it doesn't fit their typical merchandise and customer base Or for that matter, they might just not have the coins available to give you a decent price on it, maybe they're not all that liquid, you know? They could have most of their wealth in the stuff they're selling, that's not entirely uncommon if you're not super established and just trying to expand inventory and build a customer base
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Thieves%27_cant_dictionary theres a whole dictionary for it too
kinda weird how there isn't a SI in japanese I mean shi does kinda double as it, but there isn't a straight si
it's not strange by itself for some particular sound not to be in a language, I mean we've got æ ø and å, which aren't their own letters in non-germanic languages, but japanese not having si is kinda weird cause it does have ki, bi, hi, mi, etc.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah, baka gaijins, always using more resources than they need
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
fuck I missed the intimidation and charisma discussion
I wouldn't worry about it, I'm a master at nitpicking and going "this don't make sense to me", so you're sure to get other similar discourse to participate in as we actually start playing the game >>1096605 Well I'm still here!
>>1096604 lemme go read the stuff I skimmed over first
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
wow, that's a lit *lot of words anyways so I played this barbarian a while ago right she had like +25 to intimidate under certain circumstances sometimes more anyways charisma is (at least in 3.5) force of personality now I'm pretty sure there was a skill trick or something that let you add strength to yoyr intimidation bonus but DMs are supposed to give conditional bonuses on lots of checks even if the rules don't explicitly state "give a bonus on y when they do x" so it's reasonable to take that into account when setting up the roll though maybe its not you just being there and looking strong maybe you should make a show of strength by making a strength check and snapping something with your bare hands
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>she had like +25 to intimidate under certain circumstances was your char a hot muscle girl?
but also I was abusing a magic armor enhancement from BoEF years after this campaign ended I found another item in rhe book that are basically dominatrix books that give an additional+10 or something
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
*boots technically it was on all charisma based checks where you can somehow make it involve sex so by saying "I'll crush your balls" ut automatically got a big bomus to intimidate
>>1096607 Yeah I mean, although maybe my posts indicated otherwise, I don't necessarily think just looking strong in and of itself should be enough, but I do at the same time think that SORTA it should, in a way Like, uh A really brawny mfer won't be telling you to mind your business, for example, by just like, saying that, you know. Just by virtue of who they are and their physique, they're going to be communicating a lot of "I will fucking pulverize you" with their body language, consciously or not, if they actually mean what they're saying and aren't just blowing smoke >>1096613 >>1096614 There are edge cases, yeah, but would someone build like a tank actually make the decision to try to intimidate someone if their mental is that bad? I get what you're saying, but I feel like that's the domain of RP and not really stats
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1096612 how do you know? you're certainly making a lot of assumptions about a person's personality based on their physique
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1096612 like what if they have serious social anxiety
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1096612 also a brawny character who is afraid of eveyone would be great roleplay
when every intimidate by playing pathfinder and having a gun allowing you to hit Touch AC
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1096612 characters are more than just their stats
yes, I know which is why it makes perfect sense for such a character to be stinky at intimidation for sure But baseline, the beefy boy is likely to unconsciously project a lot of power with body language, provided they're being serious
It definitely is the kinda thing that comes down to the DM though, for sure, I just personally am unsatisfied with the idea that some scrawny guy who's really good at getting laid has a WAY better shot at intimidating someone into submission than the beefcake who's so yolked he doesn't even wear armor when he goes into battle, letting his raw muscle mass and sheer anger deflect the damage for him
It's just a situation that leaves me unsatisfied
But like imats said, or rather the interpretation he had, where it's about convincing the other guy you're actually going to do it, not just that you could, that does ease it a lot That makes a lot more sense, even if I still think it makes RP sense to either silently or occasionally explicitly give the strongman some sort of buff on those checks, just because you're less likely to take the chance when he's threatening you, even if you don't fully buy that he'd put you in the ground. Just to be safe. You'll require a lot more convincing from someone who at least physically appears weak than someone who's OBVIOUSLY way stronger than you, that's all
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I don't think this has a mechanical equivalent in D&D 5e, but in GURPS for example you >>1096618 actually a great counter argument to this it that they should have no flat bonus to intimidate that they don't pay for >>1096621 GURPS has this
>>1096624 While I do actually like this analogy a lot it fails beyond the "Linux is only free if your time is worthless" part
no see the analogy is that the diehards for both are obnoxious
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
GURPS definitely isn't for everyone it just happens to be good at a wide variety of things if you put the effort forth to play it
>>1096601 Japanese is pretty well-known amongst the languages for being one of the ones, if not The One, with the smallest library of phonetic fragments Not that really explains your question, especially since other languages in Japanese's geographical neighbourhood, and ones it either descended from or shares a parent root language from will use the SI phonetic fragment But because of Japanese's extremely limited phonetic fragment library, your base question could be used to substitute for a variety of "Why doesn't Japanese use this common phonetic fragment in my language?" questions Maybe someone who's actually seriously studied the anthropology and linguistic history of Japanese could explain it
JJBA TTRPG truly the goat system 0 flaws
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
my GM is letting me have a stand in his GURPS campaign and also Hamon
I mean it goes the same for the players when an NPC threatens them, too Though no dice are rolled, the players are far more likely to bend the knee when someone who's OBVIOUSLY strong as shit, or has a lot of political power, or whatever, threatens them, than if someone who, as far as they know, isn't anything special does it They might decide to fight the powerhouse, and they might decide to go along with the other guy's demands, just like you can still roll snake eyes with advantage or double 20s with disadvantage, but the trend is obviously going to be to more easily cave when the powerful guy demands something of you
Like whatever those two's charisma score, that's probably gonna be the case, even if the powerful guy just sorta grunts it out with little in the way of eloquence, to some degree that might even increase the chance of the players not wanting to mess with him
Maybe overall intimidation checks are one area where the dice abstraction kinda breaks down because it's so contextual, in a way most other checks aren't Even a persuasion check, while an abstraction, is just seeing how well you were able to make your point >>1096633 Yeah, I know, I was just using the snake eyes and double 20s as points of reference It makes absolutely no sense for an NPC to roll social checks against players, all that does is rob them of agency except in very niche situations where some sort of magic makes it appropriate for the NPC to roll, but in those cases it's usually the players rolling a saving throw
Generally a DM won't do a roll for an NPC when it comes to intimidating the player character, aside from maybe, maybe establishing just how intimidating the exchange actually is It's like, trying to use a Persuasion roll from one player character to another player character The one trying to persuade the other can roll as high as they want, and it can demonstrate that the attempt may have been highly persuasive, but in the end, you can't convince another player character to do anything they are absolutely deadset against doing And it's up to that second player to decide how their character reacts to the persuasion attempt
or a demoralization move in pathinder's case though there aren't many enemies with access to those i dont think
>>1096632 Not no sense, it's reasonable for something like Sense Motive from an npc
>>1096635 Well yes, spells\skills are reasonable to roll for like that, I can agree there, but I mean just straight social rolls It would suck big fucking ass for the DM to roll a persuasion check and just tell the players "you believe this man" That just robs them of agency, except in instances of magical fuckery (which again, usually that involves a saving throw from the players)
A good DM would probably phrase a high persuasion check by an NPC more like "This man is making a very convincing argument" or if the NPC is trying to lie to the player, say "You believe this man is telling the truth" Those are different from the persuasion check compelling the player to do something because the NPC is convincing
>>1096633 player on player persuasion\insight\deception checks are very reasonable to me it's only NPCs against players where I think it's conceptually not reasonable, because it takes away player agency and gives it to the DM
The way they do it in CR is a good way I think, where Matt just goes "okay, roll insight, and you roll persuasion or deception" And if the insight beats the other roll, the player who was insighted goes "yeah I'm full of shit" or something >>1096639 well yeah, it's not as clear cut with player-on-player, that's true But failing an insight check doesn't necessarily mean you believe them, it just means you're not able to tell, outright, if they're being honest or not, so you're still free to believe what you want, you're just not getting word of god confirmation in either direction Succeeding against persuasion basically is just "yeah, they seem to be telling you the truth, that's for sure, at least as far as you can tell" ...or something, actually I'm not entirely sure how you'd really handle persuasion v insight among players
Yeah but player on player persuasion checks still can only work if the one being persuaded believes their character could be persuaded in the first place If they're forced to be persuaded because of a high roll, that's still their agency being taken away from them
Overall this is why persuasion is better left to roleplay segments You can use dice rolls to help with being a convincing liar, or seeing through lies, but persuasion between players ought to just be a straightforward dialogue
>>1096638 I think you're conflating Bluff and Persuasion Unless 5e doesn't have Bluff, I guess it's been a while since I saw the skill list for it Most of these systems separate "Convincing someone of something you believe" as Persuasion, and "Lying to someone" as Bluff or deceit or whatever And I think most player groups won't engage in Persuasion between players because it is either a pointless roll or will build pressure or force someone to make a choice without agency But you should be free to lie as much as your character would to your party
I might just be getting lost in the word salad, persuasion as I understand it is when you're claiming something you believe to be true or at least not being deceptive, but making an argument for something, in cases where you're not making a truth claim
insight checks among players do gotta be handled very carefully though, I think, cause it does result in very weird situations if you apply it the same way as with NPCs
the only reason persuasion checks among players even really like, makes any sense at all, is because they have to exist in order for deception roll-offs to exist Otherwise you know, by virtue of there being a roll at all, that the other person is bullshitting, whether you win at the dice or not your character might not, RP-wise, but you absolutely do, if only deception results in a check >>1096643 I know But that's why they have to exist if deception checks among players are to exist At least if you're not playing open-book where all the players know the truth anyway
But no deceit is happening during a Persuasion check, the point of persuading is that you yourself believe in it So no roll-off is necessary >>1096642 Most groups I've watched operate open book at the player level, because in good faith they know to keep separate what player knowledge and what character knowledge is In fact I'd say to do otherwise is creating an unnecessary power divide between the DM and the players If the players start getting suspicious that their DM is deliberately misleading them, then that's not a particularly healthy game environment That's different from employing mystery or suspense to keep the players engaged, creating this concern that you can't trust what your DM is asking of you is actually what it is, actively disengages the player from the immersion and will pressure them to start thinking at a meta level So that's why playing open book is best. Trust your players to not metagame
I don't disagree with playing that way, but I also do think there's some interesting RP lost that way At least conceptually I'm sure among experienced players it's fine, and it's not like there has to be mystery around any of the player characters anyway
Well, I am speaking from inexperience, but to me there is something alluring about not actually knowing all there is to know about the other player characters, and discovering it as my own character is through interaction. Sometimes they might lie about stuff they don't like talking about, and not necessarily knowing what they lied about I think adds some engagement with the other characters
I might just be entirely off the mark on that though, obviously, I really haven't played much at all after all just conceptually, I find that sort of dynamic more interesting
Of course, a lot of this does come from me having absorbed ttrpg through watching CR and such But some part of me does think that for example Nott\Veth's interactions with the rest of the group would have been diminished if the players already knew all of that stuff, even if consciously they can separate it from their character's knowledge, it bleeds into decisions whether you intend to or not, I think
though that said I don't think the parts where everyone but one player was shooed from the table were good gameplay wise, even though it was very good for the audience Which they did after a while decide to stop doing
That sort of thing can work I think, but it's kinda gotta be something you do between sessions, not during a session
Well also remember there's a difference between knowing someone's lying versus knowing what they were lying about Nott could lie and say she's been a goblin her whole life, and someone who beats the Bluff/Perception roll-off would be told they know she wasn't being entirely truthful with that statement, but beyond knowing that, they would have had zero context to work off of before her halfling backstory reveal I'm fairly confident most of the whispers that take place in deception roll-offs and insight checks are mostly just verifications like this, confirming the whispered to could tell Sentence X was a lie
>>1096650 yeah, that's the kind of thing I think is good but consider failing that roll-off Not the result of that specifically, that's rather immaterial But for the player not to realize it was a lie despite failing the check, the roll-off would have to happen if it's true, as well
Like if Nott just threw out "I'm a goblin, I've always been a goblin!" as a joke from Sam more than anything, and another player went "insight check", Matt going "okay, roll insight" would immediately tell them Nott either isn't a goblin, or wasn't always a goblin, unless the roll-off would happen whether it's true or not
that said, in Nott's case specifically, the insight is virtually guaranteed to succeed because Nott has literally 5 Charisma lmao
a -3 to charisma is fucking brutal if you're trying to lie about significant parts of your past, which I think is also a large part of why Sam was very coy about saying too much about her past Up until Nott turns into Veth to go demand to see her son, Sam was VERY lowkey about it all, even though there were hints here and there And I think that's partly because Nott has 0 rizz
>>1096651 Well as a good friend and a good DM, I bet Mercer would have sidestepped that After all if it was clearly a comment meant as a joke, the fact that it's a joke kind of removes it from the spectrum of truth and fallacy
I do think that's what would likely have happened, but I think having the target of the insight "roll deception or persuasion" is also a good way to do it, which is what he does That way, the roll-off doesn't necessarily mean there was any deceit, it just means there was an insight check And a failure on the insight just has Matt say something that contextually makes sense, like "well, she certainly seems to be a goblin" or whatever in this particular case if it was true, that makes sense, she does appear to be a goblin, since she is if it was false, it still makes sense, that's all you were really able to glean succeeding against a persuasion is a bit harder to do, but in this particular case if Nott wasn't lying and had always been a goblin, Matt could either say that same thing, or just go "yeah, she's definitely a goblin, and there's no indication she's lying about always having been one either"
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1096611 are you going to get a domgf to step on you https://is2.4chan.org/tv/1693610165321578.webm
it's basically the same with NPCs If insights only get rolled against the NPC if the NPC is lying about something or other, you know immediately that they're being entirely honest if no roll-off happens, and whether you succeed or not, you know they lied about something if there is a skillcheck
So you gotta have both for there to be rolls against deceit Even if the outcome of those is the same whether you succeed or not, it's just there to maintain the possibility of a successful deception The player doesn't know more than their character through meta, unless they know they succeeded and it was true, which is the point of it anyway cause that's their character being confident through their skills
of course in Nott's, or other bad-charisma\deception characters, it does make it hazardous to open yourself up to insight checks that cut through you like that, which is why Sam avoided that
maybe I just poorly worded myself in the beginning though, I think in broad strokes we're kinda trying to argue mostly the same thing depending on the campaign and group of course it's possibly preferable for everyone to just know right out of the gate that, for example, Nott used to be a hobbit named Veth It's a group vibes decision, ultimately
On a related note to the above, baldur's gate 3 does a lot of stuff very different than how I at least thought they worked in Proper DnD The easiest example is drinking a potion being a bonus action rather than an action. Personally I think that's just outright an improvement with no drawbacks, serving only to improve the game by making potions... useful A potion being an action means you would never drink a potion during a battle outside extreme edge case scenarios, unless the potion restores significantly more damage than you're likely to take during the time until your next turn, which is... very goddamn rare
Other examples I'm just not sure if are rules as written or not though, are things like In BG3, you choose whether to sneak attack, as well as reckless attack, AFTER the attack either lands or not. I was under the impression that, at least the reckless attack, was declared before rolling, not after missing In BG3, disguise self and seeming also do not have any restrictions except the disguise being a playable race, so a gnome can disguise as an elf, and the other way around. This I do know is outright against the rules as written. Guidance also, I think, is a little weird but this I think is how the rules are, in that it can be applied as a reaction to making a skill check. Personally I think that ability is so powerful, it would be more sensible if it had to be applied in advance, and perhaps occupying a position separate from, but mechanically similar to concentration. As in, you can cast it at any time, but only on one person at any given time, but it lasts until they make a check. The alteration being that it can't be applied once the roll has been called for, it has to be done in preparation. I think it'd work better that way.
Because it is busted how you get a flat 1-4 bonus on every single skill check throughout the entire game provided you have a cleric, or the amulet that gives the wearer the ability to cast guidance it's not like, a cantrip
>>1096663 it's not a cantrip, in terms of how it feels. having it available is just always having a significant bonus every single time you roll a skillcheck, without fail, regardless of whether you knew it was coming or the circumstances And that feels kinda cheap
Maybe that's a sorta problem that permeates the system overall though, in that before too long everyone's kind of competent or really good at just about everything Which guidance just adds onto, without being the cause per se I just think the inability to roll a 2 at any point in the game, for any character, is kinda stupid 1s autofail no matter what in bg3, which I think is a commonly ignored, optional rule, but no party with a cleric has ever rolled a 2
Rogues getting the ability to never roll below 10 is fucking insane, too, obviously, especially because it eliminates the possibility of rolling the only real way they can fail at the stuff they're good at, namely a 1, but I think that makes sense for a rogue to have Kinda their whole thing is they're maybe not the best in combat (though because of bg3 including actual LoS rather than passive total awareness barring obstructions like in actual dnd games they're insanely powerful) but if a rogue's good at something, they will consistently perform that task, giving them a good niche in any party as the reliable character who's good at a decent range of things, and when that needs to happen, they're very likely to pull it off I think that's a good spot for a rogue
And kinda significantly, the rogue gets that ability at like, level 11 It's not like they're just a dicemaster right away
But clerics have guidance... really early at least, I'm not even certain when, it might even be literally level 1, which also happens to be when it's the most impactful by far Naturally checks are going to be lower DC generally speaking for level 1 characters who are just Some Person who risks death if they take on one too many rats at once, so a +1-4 is absurdly impactful, right out of the gate And you have that EVERY time anyone tries to do anything at all, provided the cleric is nearby
I just don't like guidance as a mechanic, I think, it's one of those things that either busts the game balance by having an incredible impact on skill checks, or is rendered moot by the GM just sorta raising DCs to account for it being a factor in every one of them
I'm rambling, but I just have small annoyances like this with game mechanics at times
also, man Brennan Mulligan is such a great, I don't even know, I mean he's obviously a great DM, but kinda particularly he has a knack for making a lot of moments that mechanically are kinda mundane into something super damn cool
Like how in the Exandria Unlimited minicampaign, he went into great detail about Lou's character noticing an invisible person because no matter the power of invisibility, you do still need to see, which means your eyes have to be, to some degree, visible, otherwise light passes through them and you're blind, which is something Lou's character knew to look for, allowing him to notice In reality he just like, rolled well on a check, but the elaboration makes it feel so real and grounded
One of my favorite bits of that whole campaign is how the betrayer god described the place they were at (this is a prequel, mind) as "the smile of exandria" In the moment, that was just a sort of flowery, throwaway line to describe the place as exceptionally beautiful and unique in the world But as everything got all fucked up, and the particular area in question getting destroyed, it clicked into place Because that particular place is what's known, in the time of the rest of critical role, as Shattered Teeth And it just tied together so smoothly
I was actually blown away at how he pulled that one off
>>1096732 with enough time i can lower your sanity to such a low level that you'll be able to experience joy even in the most unfortunate of situations!
I wonder when I'll get my car back from the shop probably late monday, I imagine
what broke?
uh, the brakes on one wheel are fucked, and a spring above another is loose, those are the big ones like 2-3 other smaller issues, too, but those are the really important ones
early in critical role campaign 2, the party spends the night in a particular inn, named "Feed and Mead" and I'm so poisoned by online I can't help thinking Matt's sneedposting