It's ok The real seditious material is smuggled safety somewhere they'll never find it - inside my brain
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>one sees minkus within the pog, the fear of change, the stress and possibility of failure. yet there is pog within the minkus, the excitement, the unbridled human spirit: hope. beautiful.
Breakfast buffet This is where i get my money back.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
All these skinny Europeans - the other guests - nibbling on their fresh fruit Meanwhile I've got my second plate of potatoes and sausages.
I'm gonna be first up that mountain son and the gamer needs fuel
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Also, i still fuckin hate tipping culture but I will acknowledge that sometimes its warranted. Like my driver yesterday was exceptional. Young guy, spoke good English, basically gave me a bonus commentary tour with all the farms and villages we were passing just talking about culture and local life. Really interesting. He was funny too. Plus, there was some screw up/miscommunication with the flight times so he was waiting for me at the airport for like 3-4 hours So i gave him a fat juicy tip at the end and he was happy and I was happy.
>>1090265 are you prepping fkr the day when all new dishwashers use DRM for their soap?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
there's also this problem >>1090271
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
also I wasn't joking there really are dishwashers with drm
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my dishwasher just has a soap flap
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess theres anoyher colpartment for some other substance probably some kinda sparkly glass finisher idk modern dishwashers have so many tricky little features that millenials dont know about like there are all sorts of different configurations and things
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
although the DRM for the only two dishwashers I know of with drm has neen circumvented.
Another night, another fucked up dream I wonder if my brain is preoccupied with something and it's bleeding in, cause I feel there's been a trend in my dreams, though I can only remember fragments of tonight's Just feels like there's a trend
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
somehow I have some guy's gmail account?? I set up a "brand new" but there's leftover emails?
cheapest low grade hot doggers with breading around them if you strip the "corn" outer shell off its a very skinny thing
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hm i sensed that someone lurked @ my post
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1090303 I finally got interested enough in finite state machines to stsrt reading about them. mainly because they are equivalent to regular languages (as demonstrated by Kleene's theorem).
This director guy is just having like, an actual conversation about the entertainment industry with a child who, a year ago, was going "babu babu" and sucking on a pacifier sat in a stroller Is he okay?
the kid is THREE?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1090315 okay yeah but remember, this child is smart
Sure but by all accounts the boy is like, a prodigy among prodigies just for being able to read Even being capable of holding a conversation, it's weird
especially considering the absolute state of the japanese written language
It is very japan how Ruby's first friend at the new school at age 16 is a pin-up model though
the girl with the horns in the OP is p cute too hopefully she shows up soon
the eyes in the show are also really great it's one of those aspects of some anime shows that at least makes me interested Steins;Gate also has great eyes
maybe I will But I've got a lot on the reading list at the moment slime isekai, neet isekai, spice and wolf, and MAYBE the assassin isekai but that's really a maybe because the translation I was able to get my hands on is pretty awful (unless the original writing is just fucking awful) really was Sylph, huh? I mean I suspected as much reading the LNs, but I don't think it was confirmed as far as I read, more like heavily implied by various things
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
god dammit i shoulda got an EATX motherboard i bet this thing isnt gonna fit two 3090s not that i have two but one day maybe. maybe
Uuuuugh, I'm fucking stressed Barely slept Moment of inattention got me into a car accident yesterday, 200% my fault
nobody was hurt thankfully, and the damage seems to be limited to just his driverside rear door, but still fucked up and I'm not good at handling this sorta thing emotionally
I'm just glad I didn't actually hurt someone the car can be repaired, it's just like, a thing, you know but if I actually had hurt someone I'd probably carry it forever
well it was slow and like, the only actual fuckup on my part was not checking my right properly, even though I thought I had (clearly I was wrong, or I wouldn't have hit the guy) So like, it was super slow and really I'm just emotionally a bit fucked up because I messed up like that I'm usually so careful when driving, too
At least there won't be a copay or whatever for it, apparently, which to me seems absurd, I can't imagine replacing a car door is cheap, but that's what it says hasn't been processed yet though, I guess my monthly pay will obviously make a jump, but I mean, that much I realized the moment it happened anyway
amazingly, my car is entirely fine, just fucked up the little plastic thing that holds the license plate, and bent the plate a little bit but not enough to mean I even like, have to replace that Could probably get away with just duct taping it in place, but I'll get a new holder thingie, can't imagine duct taping it in place is above board
worrying about it anymore isn't gonna help anything I guess Just gonna have to wait for it to work its way through the system and see how it shakes out
it's been a while since I read any of neet isekai so I'm re-reading it, and man The anime sure does take some liberties to change some aspects of it The anime never mentions that inscriptions are the common way to do summoning, instead just saying incantations are the most common, like full stop And in the LN, it's a known thing that some people's mana grows with them, though most are stuck with the amount they're born with Weird to change that last one, though
the magic manual in the LN also does mention that some people do use magic without even incantations, but in the anime, Rudeus thinks it might be taboo which is another strange difference
huh, he does think that in the LN too strange maybe the author just sorta brainfarted or something
ohhHH one of the fins near the fan is slightly bent thank god i won't have to disassemble this thing it is refurbished and just went through like three weeks of shipping thank god all i gotta do is bend the fin away fingers crossed
why did they even put this tiny bit of fin here its so dumb lol
Melbourne great grandmother breaks powerlifting world record - ABC News goals
>>1090426 I'll probably be doing that, too, but I'm also gonna read my neet isekai LN well, until I decide reading on the train sucks ass, anyway it's like 4-5 hours on the train, after all, and like an hour by bus on the way to the train, AND an hour to wait FOR the train at the train station So I've got a lotta time to burn
well, I'm pretty much done preparing at least got a lot of time to spare, so I can relax a bit
Fuckin $32 bangers for a Kenyan phone charger that I'm only gonna use once in my life Still It beats being bored for 15 hours. I would have had to read my book Heaven forbid
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah that sounds dire af fr
I bought the novel of The Tatami Galaxy while in LA and read it all during the waiting for and flight back home Was really happy with it I'd bought the translation of Night Is Short, Walk On Girl and had a hard time with it, although it's hard to know if that's the original material or the translation But I could really feel the character of the prose through the translation of The Tatami Galaxy this time around Definitely a recommendable read, even for people who aren't really weebs
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Yeah i can see Tatami Galaxy being good in novel form.
You shouldn't be recommending anything to people who aren't weebs though. Spit in their faces
It was originally a novel! Tomihiko Morimi has written a bunch of novels, three of which, the above two and another, Tatami Time Machine Blues, all take place in the same Kyoto Tatami Time Machine Blues was recently adapted into an anime series too He also has a handful of other novels which don't connect to the others, but I think they all take place in Kyoto Since the man really fucking loves Kyoto
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
How many burgers do you bet i can eat during this layover?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1090530 Is the time machine blues adaptation good? How does it stack up to the original tatami galaxy? >>1090532 Wow. You ruined any chance I had of pulling of an impressive feat by guessing way too high. I was thinking like 4
I've only seen the first episode, it's kind of a made-for-streaming series so the episode lengths don't conform to the usual twenty-four minute runtime But it was very comforting to return to the characters of The Tatami Galaxy Having now both read and watched The Tatami Galaxy, Time Machine Blues feels more like it wants to be a cohesive story, rather than a collection of smaller narratives that connect together to make a final message This means it does introduce and play with the whole returning cast from The Tatami Galaxy right off the bat, rather than the one-by-one method it did It's a proper sequel to The Tatami Galaxy I feel, in that you are missing something by not being familiar with these characters from having watched or read The Tatami Galaxy I would say despite the differences, it still very much feels the same way The Tatami Galaxy did, the narrative voice has remained the same, and while there's more of a plot this time around, it still relies on the fun absurdity that the original was so steeped in
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
It's been a hot minute since i saw the original I only remember fragments I *and recall it being very good.
>tfw no Rose Coloured campus life
The Tatami Galaxy lives in a corner of my brain that it will never evacuate It is probably one of a few handful of media that I always come back to every now and then to turn over and remember I'm long overdue for a rewatch
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
The OP is classic Remember that too
The OP and ED! Both tracks are fantastic I'd heard Asian Kung-Fu Generation a few times before, since they did Naruto OPs and such But it was the The Tatami Galaxy OP which made me a huge fan
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Oh my god i thought I had forgotten the ed completely but something just clicked reading that and i can hear it. Those opening chords.
Memory is funny like that
AKFG returned to do a song for the movie adaptation of Night is Short, Walk On Girl, and the OP for Tatami Time Machine Blues Both are very good songs in the same vibe as their OP for The Tatami Galaxy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kami-sama no Iu Tōri is a goated ED
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
AH Hot sauce is hot
Suck it up, white boy
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I'll suck you up, cunt
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I paid for my third burger with some leftover USD. Peak american
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
My haters be all like >Marsh, you can't stay up all night eating burgers at the Nairobi international airport And I'm like >just watch me
I do believe your haters are mostly imagined
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
That's the most insidious hater of all The ones in your own mind
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
They're also the ones I desperately need to prove wrong.
Mushoku Tensei novels sure are short though I was finishing up vol 7 when I left on friday, and now I'm 20% (roughly) into vol 13 At this rate I'll be done by the end of the week, there's only 10 left, this one included