Thread #108780
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bahamut danamachi twin angel break hinako note haine I think I want to watch Bahamut + either Angel or Haine
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i can bahamut i guess what's haine
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Bahamut is good, let's watch that. I don't think I can handle Haine, especailly as a last show. Haine is really dreadful.
we can do haine or angel first then
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I'm really thinking about just dropping Haine. I really do not like it.
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does bang want to hop in on any of these shows?
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bahamut is about a girl who turns into a dragon when around pretty boys does that sound good
>>108787 i dont mind
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Bahamut is taking a minute to download for some reason. I'll be read y in a minute.
are we watchiong twin angel
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Yeah, that's fine for a second choice. I guess I am going to give Tilde a little talking to tomorrow.
what is twin angel
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A magical girl show that isn't nearly as good as Bahamut. I'm ready for Bahamut now. Bang are you watching this/
okay>>108804 we can watch Twin ANgel first if youwant so yo u can cawtch up
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oh i didn't watch last ep oh well this day doesn't really feel like it has good shows
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So do you want to do what Ika suggested, floop?
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no there's a recap at the start of the episode good enough
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ehhh i think you should just do it its not like Twin angel will disrupt the comfy thing its not comfy>>108810 whaaaaat no way bahamut is so fun>>108808 >>108812 r rage of bahamut>>108812 I Think you'RE WERONG horriblesubs = crunchytroll FOOL
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okay bahamut take 2 Trying to get Ika to pay attention. wait bang okay everyone is ready well maybe not are you ready bang?>>108812 Shingeki no Bahamut - Virgin Soul>>108807 No, it's Shingeki no Bahamut - Virgin Soul so are you giving up, Bang? okay let's start
Search [iqdb] (592 KB, 1280x774, __reisen_udongein_inaba_touhou(…).png )
ready >>108807 but twin angel is the better show i really don't like the animation style on bahamut >>108807 crunchytroll
oh sure why not opening it up oh is it not on crunchyroll? does it have another name in english? yeah go without me i don't think it's on CR
it might be on Daisuki instead of CR or Funi yeah it's not on CR and I don't have a torrent client installed just go
this PC is fresh as fuck
yeah it's on amazon, fuck that
dark lucio 2018
oddo eye
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wow is he a titan hunter
W O W or not? looks wow
kyaa so bold azazel come on wow did they gattai
he's lying right he shouldn't do that
they gattai'd
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Wow, the other dragons made fun of her.
how is her father a dragon wait i even have an image probably
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oh wow dangerous
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Zombie girl always gets roped into shenanigans.
Is that Jeanne?
poor jeanne
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I'm surprised she's still alive after what she did.
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what did she do?
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She had an edgy phasea and went waaaay overboard.
she became dark jeanne
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yeah but what was bad about it
betrayed teh gods
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Mostly the part where she killed a ton of angels and tried to end the world.
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then why is she parying now and isn't the king into killing angles why is she locked away
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She's probably locked up because of that time she went berserk and killed a ton of angels. Even if the king is into killing angels she did try to end the world by working for Bahamut.
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naisu end card grey
bahabahabaha soru
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okay let's twin angel okay let's start
ok Rip oniisama
how embarrassing
wow he's turning lolicon
oh no
joke about uniform cherry boy
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This guy is stupid.
i bet he's gonna fall for the trap
his uniform looks tiny
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Nope, he fell for the brocon.
this guy is dame dame
t r a s h
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You shouldn't use your phone in the bath like that.
>i could carry the organization alone wow he's like a dota plater
what what the hell
this guy
wow what kind of teacher is she pure evil you can't do that
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Well she's a villain that sucks the energy out of people. You can't really expect her to keep info on her students confidential.
he would have better chances to recognize them from the face why did he have to look at everything else
well that trap got involced either way
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You can never discern someone's secret identity by looking at their face. That's one of the rules.
Search [iqdb] (167 KB, 777x520, __inaba_tewi_reisen_udongein_i(…).jpg )
i guess he's a trap and day too
uh oh
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>this is surely a trap
so what's the deal with medals
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well it is a good strategy it sure is forbidden
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I guess floop was right. In the end he fell for the trap.
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oh she didn't crush his dreams by telling him it's a trap he looks like a gate guy fate
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Wow he had a carrier pigeon in his jacket. And they didn't search him and find it.
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i wonder if the guy is gone for good or there is now a trap love side story
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I suspect that we'll see him again.
thanks for anime i guess