I guess it's easier than having to juggle your Tims Card and credit card around Although these days everything has phone integration so I dunno if anyone would adopt something like that anymore
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
seems like it was discontinued rip fun gimmick to get tim's diehards to switch banks hut i bet the cards wouls break constantly
Just finished watching like, what amounts to a 6 hour breakdown of one playable character's story in Pathologic, split into 2 videos I am thoroughly educated on this game that I will never actually play because the gameplay itself is fucking awful
but like, on purpose
i love myselfSearch [iqdb](181 KB, 850x1809, buki.jpg)Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/watch?v=roS4ZooHzN4 idk why the first 60 seconds of this stream hit so hard even though its just a normal streamer mcdonalds discussion
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
streamers don't talk about breakfast cereals and different brands of fast food for 24h challenge (impossible)
It's all pretty great common ground material to talk about with your viewers though Everyone across North America can share their opinions on fast food or cereal
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean yea exactly haha idk its just funny when you have like some elaborately designed half centaur half infernal succubus vtuber and she's talkin about wendys chicken sandwich
its kinda crazy that NVLink has evolved from tiny little strap between two nvidia cards to make crysis run faster, into some kind of scalable cascading interconnect architecture making bigger neural nets possible
Oh is that where this has its roots I am familiar with it as a tool to dual-run GPUs, I didn't know they were working on making it scalable Although like most things, in retrospect it kind of makes perfect sense
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay the actual product line is discontinuoua it used to be SLI but that was discontinued and NVLink is deprecated on 40xx cards(?) but it's in the big boi accelerators?? idk im confused anyway the spirit of linking a bunch of GPUs together persosts
>Addressing reporters following the launch of the flagship GeForce RTX 4090 GPU, Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang confirmed that the company is doing away with its NVLink bridge. Replacing NVLink is PCIe Gen 5, which Huang and Nvidia claimed will be sufficiently fast to connect multiple GPUs together, and in the place of the NVLink connector is freed up space to handle more AI computing.
"The reason why we took [NVLink] out was because we needed the we needed the I/Os for something else, and so, so we use the I/O area to cram in as much as much AI processing as we could," Huang confirmed and explained of NVLink's absence.
idk man
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
theres soemthing called NVSwitch which aggregates NVLinks together too i dont know. anyhting beyond the marketing materials but seems plausible i guess nvda 2da moon etc etc
it looks nice now a few months into use, it looks like fucking ass, with mos t of the design having worn off
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's engraved metal it will only improve with time
oh shit, then it's pretty fucking sweet honestly Still, I wouldn't wanna put anything expensive on my keyboard for cosmetic reasons I don't fucking look at my keyboard
imagine spending thousands on keyboard cosmetics and you're still search&pecking like a boomer elon musk hours elon probably searches and pecks, right? he has the vibe of someone who does
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so true maybe he dictates to his bitch
the most terrible job in the Musk empire: the poor sod he dictates his tweets to
I'm actually still in awe at how the farworld pioneers publisher paid NL to play it on stream when there's a known bug that makes the game effectively unplayable There's just an enemy type that shows up early in the game that's bugged so it's immortal, and all your colonists will engage it in combat, which they will always lose because it's unkillable, unless they have something in particular to do? At least give it another day so you can patch that one up, you know? I can't even justify pirating the game like this, you can't get anywhere
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol oof i had to go after baseball, i can't imagine the cursed rest of the stream
I mean it still seems like a very enjoyable terraria-like, but that bug just... screws you it's not a very aggressive mob, so as the player you're fine, but it puts you in a death spiral as all your buddies die trying to kill the eldritch being whenever they complete whatever tasks you've got lined up It also makes raids fucking stupid because the raiders ALSO engage the fucking slug
I expect it to be patched very quickly, but it definitely left a suboptimal first impression
I really hope the gang does some baseball tournaments or something together now that SMB4 is out The golden goblet was great content, as was NL and Malf playing a tournament together
Also very thank for the sub gifts The ads have gotten real aggressive lately for some reason It used to be maybe like 10 seconds the stream cut off to hide the ads once an hour or something, but the other day I had like fucking, 4 ad breaks in 20 minutes or something, making it practically unwatchable
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yw yw
product launches are hard theres a million little things to get right
true I can't hold it too hard against them, like obviously that's gonna get patched, it's just a very unfortunate kind of bug to have in a sponsored stream because it's an early game enemy and basically screws you entirely Late game bugs aren't so important for a few hours in a sponsored segment, after all, cause the streamers won't get there (in the time they're paid for anyway) Malf kinda broke the mold on that when he kept playing Shadows of Doubt WAY after the sponsored time was up because he just fucking loved the game
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
aww thats wholesome
It really is a great game, so I fully get him It's a bit unfortunate that it's still a bit shallow, but the scaffolding for something really, really great is there It's not even all that buggy, aside from a few particular bugs that don't matter TOO much despite happening consistently Well, some of those are probably patched by now, but for example the zoom on the pepe silvia corkboard was screwed on release and would be unusable after some particular window was open or something, permanently, for the rest of the session Some stores would get bugged after a few days into the game for reasons I never managed to nail down, and as a result never have employees in despite being "open", and that wasn't for the session, but for the save, so the only fix was a new game Some quests were undoable, that sorta stuff A fair bit of bugs, but none of them actually completely game breaking Zooming the cork board isn't necessary, just quality of life, the stores aren't exactly necessary even if it makes the game a lot more cumbersome and kinda kills immersion, and the quests it fucked up you can just abandon because there isn't a line of Story Missions beyond the tutorial and I think the first one you get after the real game begins (and even that one I don't think you technically have to finish, besides I never saw it get bugged)
I'd still be playing with it with the bugs if it was a bit deeper, but it's super early access so I can't be upset about the relatively shallow gameplay loop. It needs more sauce, but they gotta have time to make the sauce
Kinda the same with Big Ambitions, honestly That game's real great too, but it has way too little stuff to really do atm, or at least it did when I played it Once you've got a few stores set up and find the formula, there's really not much left to do for the player beyond repeating the steps you already did, it caps out in stuff you're given to play around with real quick Basically an indefinite gameplay time, but a super short tech tree, like if minecraft didn't go further than stone tier tools Sure there's a whole shitton of stuff you could conceivably do, but there's one best way to do it, and no difference for you when you do them suboptimally other than getting less money per day
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pepe silvia?!?!
yeah its hard to make enough content to keep players engaged
For shadows of doubt, it comes down mostly to the amount of methods you have for figuring out a crime, as well as a lack of background stuff like the motives of the killer and incidentals like that It kinda lacks urgency, too, which really clashes a bit with the game's overall vibe
For big ambitions it's really about content in the most literal sense though, and I don't really know how they can solve it at all
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you should be able to build IKEA
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
supply chains n shit
You do, basically You set up import deals, your own warehouses and supply routes from those warehouses to your various stores etc. you hire people to manage it, you got someone managing your bottom rung employees, calling in temps, all that shit
But the big issue with it is that, kinda paradoxically, you do reach an end game where it runs itself, and you reach it relatively quickly It's kind of the big contradiction in automation-type games, the player always wants to Get To the point where everything runs itself, but for the game to remain engaging, they can never be allowed to fully get there, because then the player has nothing to do anymore
Satisfactory actually does this stuff REALLY well, because it takes a REAL long time before you actually get to a point where you can go hands-off There's always more stuff to do, something to optimize because of a new unlock in the tech tree, something that makes you go "I wish I had a better way to do this" (which you will get) Like from the start, you can't automate your power production, which is necessary, so you're always running around gathering plants, and then a little bit into it, you can make that into bio fuel, then automate that, then improve that further But all the way until you get coal power, you have to both gather it manually and put it into the power stations manually, so you have this constant, slight annoyance that makes it really rewarding when the game goes "you can now mine and use coal for power production" But then, you suddenly need A LOT more power because now there's more stuff you can do with it, too So it has this constantly reinforcing gameplay loop making it so you always have something to do, striving towards total automation, and never quite getting there
But in big ambition, you reach total automation very quickly, comparatively Hell, in some ways you reach it almost immediately because TECHNICALLY you can just buy from costco and leave that running forever Your profit margins won't be optimal, but you can legit just go hands off and sleep forever as your mooks sell gifts at the gift shop forever and get weekly resupplies
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it seems insane that the thing runs itself real businesses don't just run themselves, shit going wrong and having to be fixed happens
>>1087511 Well, it's a video game, it's abstracted And really, anything going wrong would probably just have to be something you can't really do much about, and just gotta power through
Mostly I just wish there was More, even if I dunno what it would be Like, something to strive towards, a reason to rack up millions, and particularly a reason to rack them up as efficiently and quickly as possible, beyond personal challenges (because those never add much to a game for me)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
seems like there is potential for more obstacles and mechanics is what i mean
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
employees go rogue, have to be managed, theft, arson, hostile takeovers
>>1087517 Something like an adversary doing the same thing you are would also be a great addition Like, make the goal to hoover up as much of the city's income streams as possible before the opponent does Then you could extend that to a multiplayer option
Granted, I dunno how you handle the flow of ingame time with that in mind, because while I say things are quick, that's IRL time, ingame time it still takes a long time, it's just that you can snooze through large chunks of time and speed up time when working and whatever
a second employee has gone rogue
Somehow The IRS returned
Oh yeah that's another thing in big ambitions actually, there IS a tax, but it does only happen once a year ingame, which means by the time you have to pay taxes, you're already rolling in so much cash, it doesn't matter at all
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 483 4/6
🟨⬜⬜🟨⬜⬜ 🟩⬜🟨🟩⬜🟨 🟩🟨🟨🟩🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1087519 yeah! market dynamics, products goin out of style, competition, all that good stuff
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1087521 what da hecc they should make you pay estimated tax ahead of time like irl
i saw a sign for elf bar the other day and i got really excited i thought it was like, an elf themed bar. but when i told my friends they were like "no man thats a vape"
never heard of it myself but I do want to go to the elf bar
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1087535 Damn I would have had the exact same reaction
okay so if i were engineering an animal i think i would probably give it multiple hearts like at least two hearts so if one gives out you dont die plus then taller animals wouldnt have insanely high blood pressure if you load balanced properly
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
given the insane caloric surplus we live in i think adding redundant organs isnt too big of an ask for modern humans
plus a redundant pair of lungs to feed the backup heart put them on the hips or in the buttocks ass inflation superpower
works for the space marines they've got extras of a few organs and a few bespoke organs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ohh yea that makes a lot of sense for combat
space marines are effectively not even human in much more than appearance once they finish their various treatments and surgeries and shit they're just soldiers
Oh boy Power outage (planned) till 5 am Guess I either sleep or use candles to read I don't even have a power bank Well I do have a battery backup actually Heheh But if i turn it on itll probably beep annoyingly
I've been having these weird flash power outages over the past couple weeks Once a day both previous Sundays, and then a few hours ago today They don't last long, with the Sunday ones only lasting maybe 10-15 minutes and I think tonight's literally being a turn off turn on outage But it's still weird that it's been happening that much all of a sudden
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1087578 If your sleep cycle wasn't on degenete hours this wouldn't be an issue
It's not degenete to be up at 23:00! I think there's only basis for that accusation if you're up at like 04:00 or something in the morning Like I'll be
alternative player for twitch doesn't work anymore :<
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what was that?
just a fullscreen player basically that only has the stream and chat, and none of the other Stuff on twitch also lets you fullscreen properly with chat on the side and a few other stuff
I guess I can just f11 and hide my tab sidebar That works as well, even if it is a bit less enjoyable cause I have to f11 and that makes me uncomortable tbh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what a scuffed stream already
well i should write some codes i might have to go to a coffee shop just to escape the temptation
>>1087607 Yeah I was looking for Canadian opportunities to see it in theatres and it seems like they either haven't made plans yet, or aren't making any plans at all Which, while it sucks, my money's on the latter Especially since I have no cost-effective way of getting down to the States to watch it
twitch stream legit just freezing at random points now What is GOING OOOON
Look I know it's the whole point the intention behind it It's all about that power fantasy. like lucid dreaming. it's like complaining that the sea is wet But I'll say it anyway..
It's not very interesting from the perspective of NARRATIVE STORYTELLING when the protagonist is just overwhelmingly overpowered from episode 1 and can do anything all the time and never has to contend with any obstacles.
>>1087624 Overlord is for edgy leenagers I'll take the fuckin Bear onesie show over that.
>>1087633 it uses the OP protagonist differently I guess Kuma Bear is just kinda uninteresting outside the power, at least that's how it is to me but in slime there's a lot more sauce in the world surrounding the slimeball
granted, slime does get REAL boring after a while, but the anime hasn't gotten there yet
When you make the protagonist a god walking the mortal plane, you basically need to have a lot of stuff for them to do and reasons not to just abuse their status as a deity to accomplish it Otherwise everything becomes too trivial
Ainz constantly reels back his powerlevel for a whole host of reasons, like wanting his NPCs to get some experience with tasks outside what they had in the game, or just wanting to avoid drawing TOO much attention from potential other players (which by now are confirmed to at least have existed in the past)
It's also fun how he very often doesn't rely on his raw power output, despite very obviously having the oomph to accomplish practically anything on his own, but takes stuff very methodically and using his PvP knowledge to rig situations in his favor, just in case After all, he was max level ingame, but that doesn't mean he's actually max level in this world
(he absolutely is beyond the max level in this world, but he doesn't KNOW that)
Actually if the edgyness is one of your core issues with overlord, you should read the AU where he's sent back WAY further in time without nazarick or his NPCs that one's way, way more wholesome and fuzzy >>1087642 You know when I heard the publisher made him add Albedo, I expected the web novels to be milder overall But no, Albedo is toned down Shalltear is toned down Parts of the web novels are just porn outright, really
They're still good, but I wouldn't have gotten into Overlord if my first exposure was the web novels
Or if you want to adjust your relative sense of edginess you could read the Overlord webnovels which can be at times politely described as torture porn
Really the alternate timeline one-off is probably my favorite single novel in the whole overlord collection Though it does have a bit of an unfair advantage in being a complete and self-contained story without the attachment to a series That and the runner up is two novels
really, the raid on the holy kingdom is easily my number one favorite, it's just not one novel I'm so fucking pumped for the movie But I won't be able to watch it until sometime in '24 probably
kirarararara have you watched cloverfield paradox? I might actually watch the rest of the cloverfields because of it Not sure yet, though, cause from what I've heard they're all kinda ass apart from the first one But this one's actually real good, for what it is
It's the cloverfield entry covering the scifi must-have: The dimension\time double Every scifi has an episode where the characters meet themselves from a different dimension, timeline, or point in the timeline
SG-1 even has all of those separately, which is why it's one of the best scifi shows ever made
SG-1 actually did A LOT of stuff with time travel in many various forms And Universe is all one big time travel series God DAMN there was a lot of time travel in SG-1
I'm gonna watch cloverfield lane too, I don't care They haven't given us more New Godzilla\Kong\Whatever movies, so I'm reduced to fucking cloverfield
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1087661 I saw Cloverfield in theaters, I think it was my only movie date.
the first one isn't all that bad, but apparently cloverfield lane is fucking dog shit
Watching Spectral right now though Netflix movie about the US military encountering some sort of electromagnetic ghosts in fucking... moldova or something?
> an attorney was caught using ChatGPT to generate their legal cases, and only caught because the AI just made up fake precedent to support its argument uh oh, marsh...
Oh, I actually have watched cloverfield lane before And I now recognize why it's not fondly remembered Whole thing takes place inside a bunker, and is only connected to Cloverfield as a franchise by virtue of its name Or title, rather
well I guess the ending does tie it into the franchise, but it's such a short segment, the movie is otherwise entirely stand-alone, like they took the pitch for a different movie and just kinda changed the very, very end of it to make it a Cloverfield movie It's really not particularly good, the characters don't make a lotta sense The concept of the movie isn't even exactly bad, it just kinda ends up requiring Dumb Stuff to get anywhere towards the end
I am watching A lotta weird sorta obscure movies Now, ARQ I think I may have watched this before, though I might be confusing it with uhhh That one based on a VN or video game, with the guy looping through time in a warzone
Well I'm gonna watch Time Trap after this, so if you wanna join in on that, that could be fun
I mean you could join for ARQ too if you want, I can pause to wait for you to scrounge it up from netflix or other sources I only just started it after all
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dont have netflix and have to do things later but mb in the future i mean
Time Trap was an interesting movie for sure I mean the ending was a bit like, unsatisfying, but there wasn't a real way to make it satisfying
I like these kinda strange movies that just have a concept and then run with it No big name actors or anything, there's just an idea and they see where it leads them, and make a movie very few people will ever see
Man the CSGO part of the NL stream was just not very enjoyable It's cool to see him and Dan give it another go, but they're both just bad at FPS Shoulda roped Apollo into it, that'd kick it up a bit
the baseball's always pogged though, a shame it's likely to be dropped from the docket relatively quick cause man the analytics on that seem to be utte dogshit I've never seen NL's chat as slow as during SMB4 There are times during it I post a message and think the chat fucking DC'd on me again, but no, it just took that damn long for the next few chat messages to come in It's weird, seeing your own message towards the bottom of the chat for long enough to process it
Yeah it was her more than anything Or rather, it IS the boat The issue is like the 3xJess, there are now x amount of Jess running around in the actual world too, because just like our Jess, every previous one, of which there seems to have been... a fucking lot, and more to come, also actually makes it Jess never dies in any of her loops So she comes back to The Real, but even that presumably loops one way or another, considering she didn't just double up with her past, and was able to kill her "past" self Considering she's identical to all the previous loops in her actions on the boat, it's safe to assume they too did that as soon as they got back, and the seagulls confirm it though, they also presumably go back on the sailboat, so I guess she's stuck in a larger loop I'd like to see the continuation of it once she goes on the sailboat the second time though, cause this is now a Jess who knows she's been through the loops already, she knows the game, and she's now gonna be the one who boards, which didn't ever happen on the steamer
she's definitely going to board, she needs to go back and save her kid She could just follow the script anyway, though, she makes it out as long as she just does the same as last time
I really love movies that screw around with time like this Where it's not just time travel or looping, but detached looping so there's copies of you doing what you just did
cleaning up the bags it's going to be quite the chore
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dang thats a lot no one gives out bags for free anymore here so i don't have that problem
they're not free here either you either /// back when they sold these bags they were 15c and if you ordered with Coles Online delivery (where I work) your order is always bagged unless you choose the option to not bag now they've recently gone to paper bags probably because a big recycling company fell through the paper bags are 25c so an inherently worse product for the customer
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1087742 They're free if you don't scan them at the self-serve.
The reviews are in, at least partially, and it seems the consensus is Super Mega Baseball 4 is a stinker, and 3 is just better And really from watching NL play, I think I agree overall I dunno if they removed it or just hid it, but pitchers don't seem to have stamina anymore in 4 Which was kind of a huge part of the game
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha so true (i don't understand anything about the dynamics of baseball)
I mean if it's just hidden, that still sucks but it's at least fine But having pitchers just not wear out over time kinda removes the need to replace them throughout a game, and that SEEMS to be what's happened though NL has only played relatively short games Pitchers so far watching have mostly been pulled out because their mojo has gotten demolished, rather than through exertion, so I think theoretically you could just use a single pitcher the whole game Might be the stam drain has just been severely reduced though
i love myself
this cammy skin in street fighter 6 is absolutely ridiculous
>>1087785 Always adds to the trustworthyness of someone when they go "GMO" without further elaboration as though the concept of genetic modification is inherently just bad in some sense
Like "it's made from soy and corn, which are usually GMO" OK I'm not insane, so I don't think that's necessarily bad, in fact there are several GMO crops that are just outright better than the alternatives, the main issue with them being the whole "copyrighted genome" bullshit But that's a financial\economic issue, not a health or environmental concern
Now you may think that image has Master in the file name because I saved the wrong-sized version from pixiv. Not the case. It's because Da Vinchi is a Master painter and inventor.
I don't have access to the work teams but I can still shitpost on the recognition app there's a spot for me to put the pronunciation of my nme on that speaker icon there
how can there be so much entertaining content centered around arguably the most boring sport
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay i guess its probably pretty riveting once you understand it just sayin the spectator experience is like people are doing stuff on the field but its not important at all they could do tik tok dance between innings and i wouldnt even have noticed
Baseball is actually really fascinating as a sport, in my opinion it's the only sport that's really fun to watch at all Unfortunately, watching it is fucking awful because Americans put an ad break in at every 5 minute mark on the TV
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh man the ads yeah
Cyberpunk doesn't even have anything to work with anymore because to surpass the raw dystopic vibes of the US they gotta wade right into the outright farcical lmao We have an add like, once every 20 minutes at worst And those are the extremes
Actually, Snooker is also incredibly good eats as a watching experience Used to watch that late at night on the sports channel back when I lived with my mom
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i am firmly in the grip of maow youtube
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man i should watch edgerunners at some point i need to build or recruit some kind of media server tho to make it not a massive pain to watch stuff on da TV
mgtow youtube
you haven't seen edgerunners yet? you're in for a great show
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
first i gotta RMA my old linux NUC
also get some case fans for my new server or maybe even a new heat sink
gah so much to do just to kick back and relax
can't you just get a long video cable and hook the TV up as a second monitor?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
man my fucking back hurts so bad and it started after i slept on my friend's couch for two nights. there is literally an episode of Seinfeld about this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Pen
can't find the one I'm looking for but I found this
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1087887 yeah i can do that with my laptop but its just not relaxing its a bunch of fiddling around with cables and mousing and downloading files and such, i want a smoother setup i can activate with a single command or a plex service with a remote of something