Have you had a chance to tackle any of the bosses in Tears yet Samu I fought one earlier and it was fantastic
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
not yett
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just some big entities lmao i fought a big cube guy and killed him and he spit out a zonai core thing the spiky rod and then my dumb ass was like "what use could a spiky rod possibly have??" and tried building shit with it or blowing up eventually i fused it to a shield like an idiot and once its fused to something you cant get it back of course so no spiky rotating spear for me
>It is possible to run LLama 13B with a 6GB graphics card now! (e.g. a RTX 2060). Thanks to the amazing work involved in llama.cpp.
dang i gotta get some nvidia card with as much ram as in the budget then i can start buildjng a simulator
i like how in the hacker new thread people keep asking "okay but what's the usecase" and getting no replies
brother people who are using GPT-4 are ysing it to code or write emails people who use a model running on their own devices are either generating spam, porn, erp, or they have a brilliant business plan and they aren't gonna tell you
It's really astounding how much density there is to Tears of the Kingdom And how little of it feels like a retread of the content in BotW
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
same same but different
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
having caves is nice although so far they seem all variations on the same theme
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
some of them have unexpected elements well the story related ones
idk there's a lot of variation yeah i haven't seen more than a sliver of the whole game really just headed to the Hedra area which the game was pushing so hard
i remember spending a lot of time just wandering around the Hedra mountains in BotW wondering what was going on there but there wasn't really much going on there at all just snow enemies and mountains and shield surfing and the occasional lynel to come back to it now with all this new plot stuff added is pretty wild
>>1086439 The small caves are fun little pocket adventures, I've noticed a few extra things that make them worth exploring The Depths on the other hand are a whole other adventure They really give me that awe of exploration feeling that always gets me excited when it comes up in video games
I could really just play this game for like another two days straight easy Too bad I have to go back to work in the morning ;_;
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
saw the menu movie and it was ok The Platform was a better version of it, esp with the social commentary
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
can't believe you switched to this thread without telling me!
man this airfryer is so great Reheating a slice of pizza in like 3-5 minutes, without the microwave making it turn hard and awful
even 3 minutes seems to have been a bit excessive
I just use a normal-ass oven to reheat pizza
I mean sure if you're gonna reheat a lot that makes sense But for just a slice or two? I mean I guess if it's the option you have then sure, but I'd be using the microwave if I didn't have the airfryer
yeah Renfield was an absolutely shit movie, God in heaven Cage of course did great, but he always does really great honestly He's just cursed by some sadistic creature of the abyss to keep accepting the world's worst scripts
Whole movie had just... a bad vibe It felt like it was written for adults, but the writers had only worked on teletubbies and peppa pig
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah very disappointing it had that very quippy dialogue that sucks
the thing is though the only thing the director has ever done before that is like robot chicken
ah, well that makes sense How come nobody competent ever extends Cage an offer? Do they just hate the guy over in hollywood? Is he desperate for parts and he'll take anything and everything? Have they typecast him? Or is it the reverse, he doesn't want the actually good ones, he sorta just enjoys the bottomfeeder movies for the vibe?
Cause that's sorta respectable if so Just knowing that yeah, the movie isn't gonna be that good probably, but he likes lending his name to underdogs, however deservedly they are underdogs
Nic Cage gets good offers all the time. He will be in just about anything that he thinks sounds fun, so he's often in bad movies simply because he wants to have fun doing them.
I think that's real admirable, even if I wish we'd end up with more movies that are good AROUND Cage, as well I really like the uhhhh Lord of War I really love that movie, it's a great movie
It also just kinda stinks that because he's in all these garbage dump movies, people think he's a bad actor, when he really isn't WAIT HOLD THE FUCK ON CA
he was supposed to be superman in tim burton's movies in the 90s i guess theyre going with it being like he really was there in that universe since theyre going back to the burton batman
>>1086494 it could never be very long before stuff like this happens
i love myself
i haven't played yet but totk looks pretty fun i saw some videos of people playing it and it seems like a great time
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
It wasn't weird because of the context But if almost anybody else said the same words in almost any other context it would be weird af And those words were >I was looking at feet videos on Tik Tok and thought of you
damn yoga sounds nice maybe i should look into it my body has become stiff and lumpy and my mind has become cloudy and frazzled maybe i just need yoga
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1086507 Would recommend. I've been going hard at it lately and my mind is almost as clear as when I was spending all day running up mountains in the Himalaya. All the extra flexibility and mobility has helped a lot with lifting too. And i like the social vibe People there are all real chill - although imI'm sure that one's not a universal
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Originally the only reason I started was to learn how to suck my own dick
my immediate reaction was that you're joking but i let the thought dwell for but a moment too long and the fact that i can't put it past you has me unable to discern for sure
Today me and a pretty girl both reached for a 2.5kg plate at the time time at the gym. I guess the gentlemanly thing to do would have been to let her have it But I didn't want her thinking I was some sort of simp so I just fuckin snatched that shit and ignored her.
>>1086525 Actually I think that's more a sigmamale grindset
A lot of Saul's character is seemingly kinda gradually coming to understand that what really drives him is selling, arguing, convincing people, much more than the money he gets out of it
>>1086534 looks fun i've heard good things from friends
>>1086535 Yeah this job cooped up in a dusty, dingy basement particularly sucks in all this nice summer weather I want to be roasting out in the sun, not growing a second skin of dust down here
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1086534 i need to find someone to go see it with my D&D group went without me because I was busy that day.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i went and saw The Cat Returns yesterday and learned about the origin of Renaldo Moon
I really like The Cat Returns It's a very fairy tale movie that captures whimsy and naïve adventure really well
i can now actually repair clothes in zomboid Not just patch them over, but restore them to their original state Incredibly useful, because you can then patch over the repaired part
Also makes our clothes last forever, so we can have real drip without issues
>>1086546 i haven't played since before sumeru i think there was still a little bit of inazuma that hadn't been released yet so i have quite a bit of content to get through i have c2 raiden already so i don't think i'm going to be tempted to spend anymore money on waifus i'm hoping the soundtrack for sumeru is as good as it was for the other zones the soundtrack is actually secretly not so secretly my favorite part of genshin impact
Thinking about making just a big bowl of macaronis for a night snack I already ate actual food today, so it's not like I'm Hungry exactly, it's more like I wanna eat, you know? that kinda feeling I don't need nourishment, I need to do the activity of eating
Maybe I could just add a buncha spices and stuff to the pot when boiling it, and that'll add some taste? I don't really have any butter I can u- wait no actually I do have some good butter
Hentai really sets some unrealistic standards for men so often it's like >wow you just came but you're already so hard again Where's the representation for all the One an' Done fellas out there
>>1086569 if you cant cum like 30 times per day what are you even doing
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1086569 you know those hentai doujins where the normal, slightly nerdy virgin guy meets a delightfully slutty girl that falls head over heels for him? and how his life proceeds to be filled with awesome sexual exploits with said girl plus other slutty girls?
that's my actual life, dude. you'll understand when you finally get your dick wet
>>1086580 well for my old job I did I'm on a leave of absence thing so I can trial another job either way if I get it or not I pray that I am not going back to my old job ... i forgor my animes are in my safe folder on my folder
phone anyway I'm trying an experiment today nothing perm I'm catching the train
there was a $0.00? fee from a nearby station that I would've liked to catch but it was kind of in the middle of nowhere and such a lucrative time window it wasn't worth it
they say we neglect our public transport industry but I don't think America has NFC tickets that also can take taps from bankcards as tickets at least last time I checked >>1086591 good morning it is also morning
>>1086592 I used a transit card for public transit when I was around the LA area back in 2012 At least for the rail lines, can't remember if it worked for the bus lines I think that's what you're talking about at least
they are raising my rent by $150 they changed the system so now a computer decides how much my rent increases instead of the property manager so i cant haggle it down anymore
i love myself
uh oh i'm feeling a little silly now radicalized even i sure love the idea of computers controlling the rent
i really like clearing the content in genshin exploring and platforming and stuff i'm having fun with all the content that's come out that i haven't played, it's been like a year since i last messed with it i'm sure once i clear the map i'll probably take another break from it once i 100% the zones i haven't been to yet, i probably won't keep logging in every day give it another 6-12 months and then get back into it
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Muh dailies
i love myself
i want kirara and yelan is that baizhou guy any good, i don't have any dendro yet except i think there was a free dendro archer girl
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I think so. Yeah. Sc likes him
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
The American sc i mean. Not Norway
i love myself
i have a ganyu that i must have pulled right before i quit last time she's lvl 1 my most invested characters are keqing, raiden, and ayaka oh and yanfei >>1086650 do they post anon or do you talk to them elsewhere?
I got a hankerin' for nuggets But I also don't wanna go to my garage cause it's kind of a long walk, and then I gotta wait for the damn food to be done and it's just a whole thing you know
But also I am hungry
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I went to visit some friends who have kids
and they clearly have a suite of frozen foods ready to feed the kids dumplings, fried mozzarella sticks, fries, etc etc so i had some of those
My friends who have kids be like "yeah we've got a suite of frozen foods (for the kids)"
Wordle 699 3/6
⬜🟩⬜🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩⬜🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's so funny to think back how my food preferences have changed i used to be super autistic about it and had all sorts of weird sensory issues
now i just stick my hand into the goop, fuck it and eat a fish eyeball or beef offal or gnaw on chicken legs or what have you
we had a potluck at work today i made kare raisu! everyone said it was really good one guy brough chicken wings that i think had me beat though. those were really good.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why no mayo?
i still can't handle tomato juice that's my main ick
idk why if i have a sauce that's mayo based and i don't know its mayo based, i still get disgusted by the sauce mayo just disgusts me somehow i think it's the texture but im not sure
its hard to beat chicken wings in general tbf
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah chicken wings are pretty up there shame they're so unhealthy
they were a little spicy but it was like perfect completely perfect honestly, it paired perfectly with my curry i made like 6 cups of rice but the curry paired so well with the other stuff that the rice didnt get too much use although my supervisor i think she was miffed that people preferred my white rice over her yellow rice
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dang sounds great a potluck with people you like hanging out with sounds nice i should get back on the cooking train
curry is a great summer food too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im going to portland tomorrow for a bachelor's party so any domestic goals are canceled this weekend
actually one of the most disgusting sounding foods I can think of that is probably still edible, and likely tastes alright
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mayo just has the creaminess you know
there's bad mayo out there tho
i made it before, im not sure i did it correctly just egg yolks and oil and mustard
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
had pho for breakfast it was so good im still thinking about it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pho is so good you know what's not good? eugenics but maybe humanity should use gene splicing to remove the cilantro-tastes-like-soap mutation it would benefit so many future humans for probably no downside just a little eugenics, as a treat
>>1086776 Can we really know for certain if the cilantro-tastes-like-soap mutation has absolutely no risk to removal? Like we know it makes cilantro taste like soap But what if there's something piggybacking on it we don't know that is beneficial?
I've been kind of exhausted lately. Work is kicking my ass. Gotta write this big essay for my post-grad stuff. Tryna get HUGE at the gym. But today's a rest day today boys. I'm not doing SHIT. Just going to play computer games and eat tasty food all day. maybe take a couple of naps. a chance to RECHARGE yuh know.
We crossed the border ad the border guard asked us were we were going Said Portland Where in Portland? Downtown Oh no, look out, it's dangerous downtown Dangerous? Extremely dangerous sirs.
I know it's silly, but seeing this circle projected on the floor from that tiny hole in tin there just makes me think how painful it must be for an artist to work out lighting and shading sometimes
>>1086808 haven't heard his stuff though I see rank and file which you've definitely shown me before your friend is Bono's lawyer that's so cool did they have fun suing Negativland
chips with cheese?? pantry is a bit bare roommate is ordering coles online for tomorrow cause he's silly just get the food from there you work there bro
>>1086831 >"fuck I hate this cunt" >aggressively dumps package over the fence
>>1086832 I think 80% of the time I really am thinking "fuck this cunt" when I turn up to deliveries then I meet them and they're usually nice and then I'm like "ah can't be mad at them"
usually it's just arbitrary stuff like you parked your car in a shit place get fucked cunt
it's focused on the soap dispenser to avoid my neckbeard doublechin btw still not much more unrestricted in movement but at least it's not some poncho cape thing
The first couple of minutes of this video are a good explanation of UIM >>>/watch?v=w9M0e42Recc#t=82 idk about any of the skyrim shit i stopped paying attention as soon as he went off of runescape. but you should watch the first two minutes in order to better understand the Ultimate Ironman grindset experience.