I have finally located the damn generator manual in project zomboid I know the location of 3 generators, so now I just gotta decide where I'm moving and get hauling
Zomboid really is a lotta fun though Like I'm preparing to move base, so I've hit up some places I marked earlier on the map, not for resources like food, ammo, weapons, or medical supplies, but for duffle bags Because I've got a lotta stuff, and it'll be a lot easier to manage my new home by having stuff prearranged in designated bags I can just drop down in a corner each
here's my question about this one, right Parasocial aspect of role-playing a date with a vtuber aside Why would anyone want to role play being stuck on the phone and watching a dumb fuckin chick flick for two hours that seems like... the less desirable aspect of being in a relationship.
I'm mean If you've gonna indulge in fantasy at least pretend to do something cool
i love myself
watch bocchi y/n
i love myself
>>1085101 i try not to be too judgemental but shit like this makes it pretty hard, huh
>>1085101 Motherfucker The Princess Bride is in no way a "dumb fuckin chick flick"
there's a chain of theaters around here that occasionally plays The Princess Bride and they call it a quote-along screening where they issue tiny plastic swords for you to duel with others during the swordfight scenes and a little bell to ring whenever the priest says "mawwaige" and a few other doodads like that and you're free to quote along with the movie, so a bunch of people shout "inconceivable!" they do it for other movies too, like Shrek, or The Room
>>1085106 I've materialized from the aether to call you an idiot, the princess bride rules goodbye forever
Giving Shadows of Doubt a go It apparently had no DRM at all so it got uploaded fairly quick
though honestly if it is as solid as it appears and presents itself, I'm gonna pay for it just so I can keep getting the updates and maybe steam workshop access down the line They just pulled the demo, is all
When you start you can choose how big a map you wanna play in too, so I went for the biggest one just to see how crazy it can get I wonder if this means I'm gonna have a shitload of murders popping off all the damn time, or if it effectively just means I'm gonna be running a lot if it's the latter I'll just restart with a smaller map, but if it's the former, that seems pretty exciting
that leftover potatobake from 2 days ago looking real good right now
>>1085133 I think they're basically just like, preset buildings, and the algorithm decides where on a block each type is and what names they have, and the floor count
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's pretty decent i bet it's hard to procedurally generate a full building with drawers and nooks and crannies that doesn't seem insane
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man i have a lot of code to write
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Shit man maybe Id hate cars too if I lived in a big city Cramped af
I have spent hours chasing shadows trying to figure out who killed this woman in the street They shot her, there are no casings, her apartment is clean, nobody's called her, everyone who's ever seen her has done so as a corpse in the street, at her job, or exiting her apartment complex I have no leads, man, I'm adrift
ah well I reloaded cause I got too daring with some guns and didn't wanna hobble all the way back to the ground floor Turns out my last save was just after finishing the tutorial FFF
I think the larger cities just eat ram and don't really do much beyond that honestly, at this stage of the game's life Like sure it's neat for the buildings to be larger and stuff, but also it runs like ass
maybe in the future, a real large city will be like, qualitatively different from a small one in the game, but right now I've not really seen anything that made me go "oh this is why bigger city is better" If anything, I think I've had a few bugs caused by it
well, as fun as the core gameplay of shadows of doubt may be, it turn
s out it's very one-note at present There's some variety in the like, details of the cases, but it does sorta blend together into a soup the concept at the root of it is solid though, so it's not like there's an issue there at least, there really just sorta needs to be more to do and probably some high risk, high reward plays I mean there are turrets in
it also kinda struggles to hit that patience sweetspot between building up and having the player gather clues over time until they finally piece it together, and just giving you the answer out the gate A lot of the murders are kinda just "yeah you know who did it already, but do you REALLY wanna turn in the thing without having all the pieces?", and the outliers are mostly ones that go "this person was shot, there is 0 forensic evidence to work with, it's outside, their apartment is untouched. find the shooter. Oh and nobody's seen this person in their life
I mean the zodiac killer type murder that sometimes crops up (and I think you're guaranteed it as your first post-tutorial murder if you're not starting right into the sandbox) literally *tells you* who did it before you leave the scene of the crime
i misspoke this is not the same place I had surgery on my toe only the first place I arrived at
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Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
On the way up to Sydney i was listening to The Trial by Kafka on audiobook And i thought it was meant to be about Faceless bureaucracy, right And it is But also The guy. The Protagonist He's a bit of a fuckin freak.
Kissing random women. Constantly looking to climb the social hierarchy and looking down on those below him
honestly the pepe silvia thing is way too real for me, because 90% of my mail belong to two previous residents, and I've lived here for 2 years now or a year shit how long have I lived here? chronology doesn't work, man
what's fucked up is some of this stuff is clearly real important like, from the hospital and stuff
I think I've got one of their new bank cards here somewhere, too, though obviously I haven't actually opened the mail to check cause that's like, MAJOR crime
I gave up on that after like half a year of going to the post office like a dilligent good citizen The way I figure it, if these dipshits can't be bothered to actually update their addresses, they can deal with it chances are they're fucking dead anyway
I just never go to the mall, where the postal thing is, otherwise, certainly not regularly enough If I did my shopping there or something regularly, I'd probably just bring the mail with me when I do
oh well it's pretty convenient for me I can just walk down the road I think you just write return to sender unknown at this address
words like few, several, many etc are kind of annoying
there's really a lot about shadows of doubt I just love the like, constantly repeating 2 or 3 advertisments on the city speakers in the background, the totally indistinct city where the idea of a landmark is basically foreign there's a lot in the game that really adds to what it's about
One of the most annoying bits though, is that there seems to be a handful of things that, if you do them, the save is irreparably just fucked forever From what I've managed to puzzle out, if the security system ever attacks a citizen, rather than the player, for some reason, large parts of the city's businesses and stuff will effectively shut down permanently, with nobody ever coming to open the store again I think similar stuff happens with the spouses of the deceased in a murder, I'm not sure they ever actually go to work again, because they can't tick off the "went home to sleep" part of their schedule anymore, what with their home being a crime scene and all
It also feels kinda weak that absolutely everyone has their code written down somewhere or other, either at home or at work when the decision has been made to make everyone only have the one code each, that makes the whole system feel very tacked on and unnecessary Like why do codebreakers even exist as a useable item?
Probably because, as an early-access game, not every system is properly implemented in the game yet
probably yeah I mean it could be very good, but it does need a lotta work to get there
Bugs and stuff aren't really something I consider a big problem, except when they're like that and break the game outright, but it does need like, way more red herrings and stuff As is, it's very dificult to get lead down the wrong path by focusing on the wrong piece of evidence, despite some reviews saying that happened to them
yea i would never do that on a site i was running >_>
You also don't run a website that provides a service that thousands of people use on a regular basis
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
owned owned i wonder how many people play probably hundreds of thousands on chess.com if not millions
Yeah I was low-balling the count as to not make you feel so minor Although honestly even a domain that gets a few ten thousand regular daily visitors sounds like a nightmare to manage A small website is probably much nicer
Yeah but works paying so fuck it Drive through all the toll scans i l please
It's a lot easier but that's the stinger I've been misdirected by gmaps once and I paid out the ass because of it it's nice that work pay for it at least
gah fuckin coles changing their hours means my spontaneous shops are a bit more restricted I suppose it means my coworkers get to go home earlier but I conveniently don't the only thing that really bothers me is they seem to be closing the doors earlier then the advertised close time also they didn't advertise the change very well
mind you show up at 8:45 looking like an asshole when several months ago you would have been a DECENT well rounded human being really makes you feel like the jokester
>>1085264 As far as I'm aware, they're only shutting down the BuzzFeed News branch of their media Which is a shame, because it did genuinely good long-form, well-researched news pieces
>>1085268 Maybe it's just my fantasy brain but I definitely had more of a traditional princess image for Irulan in mind when reading Dune I don't think I know the actress though so I'm interested to see how she goes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
seen on r/stopdrinking
>If we didn't know about alcohol, and found out about it now, we, as a society, would forbid it true >It's honestly insane that this is legal and things like Marihuana, MDMA or LSD aren't. Alcohol is an insane drug. It is way too much fun way too soon. Both in the direct sense and long term. true
comment reply >We did forbid it. Doing so failed miserably. also true
op replies to comment >i'm not talking about prohibition obviously. Can you really not make out the point I try to make?
how is that not exactly prohibition tho LOL
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah i get what they were asking still like banning drugs is a massive fail in every case
I mean chances are, were it discovered anew today, it wouldn't even be considered for recreational use at all, and produced entirely for medical use, like disinfection and stuff So it wouldn't be so much banned as people just not really drinking it for the same reason you don't drink pharmacy alcohol, it's just fucking poison at that purity
anti-bald discrimination, as always you hate to see it
I really continue to be weirded out by both this new and the previous adaptation making the Big Bad guy literally fly though He doesn't fly in the books, dude
obviously, the mechanisms at the root of them having all that money are surely disturbing and inhuman But, at the same time, there is something a little cool about these hyperwealthy freaks throwing money at entirely vanity-stroking shit with no real reason for existing other than "what if we made a big thing out of gold and diamonds and other expensive, shiny stuff? Can we do that?"
>>1085289 It would totally be a Baron Harkkonen thing to do
I'm steadily moving my way, gas station to gas station, towards Louisville in zomboid Once there, I will create a Real Base with storage, and plumbing, and all the good stuff, a little farm as well
>>1085357 Only the SMS option, to be perfectly fair and accurate And being honest, it's arguably good because the SMS 2FA was unreliable at the best of times lmao
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sms is the worst kind of 2fa so that's kind of great really
>>1085359 oh yeah the sms was garbo I do remember that
yeah while the actual motivation behind it is stupid, though possibly actually valid I just don't actually believe anything Musk says, the outcome is a much wider adoption of the authentication app method, which is actually very good For one, it never fails to give you the code which the SMS has done for me, many times
even when it was Jack's twitter it failed on me I'm pretty sure I was confused at why or how anyone signed up because the fucking thing just wouldn't send
I got a full set of military clothing in Zomboid One small issue: I was using a spiked baseball bat when I uh, sourced the clothing So they're all ruined I'm gonna need to find another soldier zombie and bash in their skull with the crowbar instead
idk if it's just an android thing but my camera likes to take a few seconds with the photo maybe so you can pick the best frame might be something I can toggle kind of annoying
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
prprprprprpr those fingers
quality+lighting doesn't help shaky hands too I'm using the macro setting >>1085394 you laffin at my hands
I have secured the gas station One small issue: No beds There is no bed in this damn building I mean my gear is also absurdly heavy, so I'm gonna have to take stock of that soon to figure out what I really need to be lugging around, but it also feels very nice to be so protected from zombocoms, wearing more body protection than like, a bomb defusal squad It's just SO HEAVY And leveling strength is very slow
>>1085416 holy ctrl+c ctrl+v This is how I design my dorf forts, man
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
except the Baron gets a fancy villa
Well yeah the officials always get an office and stuff, but I usually have those on a separate floor (or, sometimes, I just make EVERYONE have an office to preserve symetry
There's been a really thick fog hanging over my part of the city all day It lightened up a bit in the middle of it, but by now I can barely see across the road again Pretty wild for fog to stick around that long here
it's so damn nice and hot out today get owned east cost coast we don't get this often
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I've been playing Breath of the Wild, trying to actually beat it this time, before Tears comes out And I'm constantly astonished by how much feels like I've never come across it in my previous time playing it I'm sure some of it I've just forgotten, but some of it has to be stuff that's fresh to me It's wild how many little things there are crammed into nooks and corners of this game
>>1085451 I don't have any pretenses of completely 100%-ing the game, but I'd like to be as thorough as I can before the next one comes out I still have like two weeks, I should be able to manage
>>1085459 you must not have understood the question
Oh, the Leafs made it past the first round of the playoffs for the first time in nearly two decades I guess the city is going to be fucking nuts all weekend