ONE MORE LANE >>1083075 but I'm posting from my Nintendo's witch right now
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>funny how I can watch 10 youtube videos about city design and think "yeah we should fix a lot of stuff" and then click on the 11th video made by a bicycle-centric channel and decide to only drive my car out of spite for that one guy. Smug faggots oh no anti-car bros...
A surprising amount of it does come down to sheer luck though I mean for one, the entire story would be over very early in the first chapter if the green goblin wasn't such a good friend
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i watched JW1 yesterday and it was okay i feel like my expectations were pretty high and then it's like he re enters underground assassin society and kills 200 guys who have no idea how to clear a room
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if it gets progressively more insane i could see that being entertaining
1 is a really really low-key movie it had two directors whose styles were at odds with each other and the film crew only had one camera it was really low budget
2 picks up, 3 is absolutely bonkers, and 4 is probably the best action movie i've ever seen
people being good friends is a really important theme in john wick people being good to each other even when they don't "owe" the other something formally
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's a nice message maybe i'll get JW2
If you have Netflix, all three of the older Wick movies are on it Amazon Prime has the first two, but you have to sign up for Starz (has a free trial) for the third Up here in Canada, of course
I just finished the first one myself too It was pretty all right Don't think I would have ever been motivated to see it in theatres, but it probably would've been fun to watch with friends Especially if it had come out a few years earlier and I was still in high school or just out of it
Dammit why is everyone so pumped for crispy bacon? What if I just want it cooked and not actually crispy so I can put it on a burger, huh?
Crisping bacon improves the flavour profile of the meat and fat, it's the same purpose behind giving the outside of a steak some char and browning, even if you like it red or pink on the inside As a sandwich component, I think the crispiness also provides texture variety from what otherwise is a mostly soft, chewy sandwich And on a personal opinion, having had limp, non non-crispy bacon in dishes like that before, I would wholly opt for crispy bacon instead, even if it's a less convenient sandwich to eat
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1083136 guess its about time for me to learn some carpentry skills that cabinetry ain't gonna cabinet itself
Well, no bacon this time around, because the damn paper forms for putting stuff on so they don't dirty the air fryer uh, caught fire inside the air fryer Thankfully I was there myself when it happened
Guess I'm gonna not be using those anymore, that was real scary
Samu !AHL7KHofQw
what?! paper forms? what da heck
Samu !AHL7KHofQw
oh they're just like coffee filters that's crazy
>WORD OF CAUTION: I never preheat my airfryer, but for some reason I decided to do it this time with the parchment inside. I walked away for 60 seconds and started to smell something burning... The circular convection of the airfryer had started blowing the parchment around, and contact with the element caused it to burn! No fire thankfully, but I definitely understand now why there are some comments about these being a fire hazard. >My advice is 1) never use this without food weighing down the parchment, 2) don't use these if your air fryer isn't deep enough for the parchment to completely clear the heat elements, and 3) NEVER leave your airfryer unattended when using these. If anything goes wrong you'll immediately smell smoke and can stop a potential fire way before you're in any danger.
Samu !AHL7KHofQw
?Parchment paper liner caught fire, flames pertruded through vent at the back of the Air Fryer. A near fatality >should I have not been in the kitchen. Amazon refunded and advised to call them back if I hear nothing from the supplier and guess what no contact or email address! >Liners say oven proof to 250°C my fryer was being used at 200C.
woof although 50C is not really much of a safety margin you could have a hot spot in there
I mean it's a decent enough margin when the thing doesn't even go over 200
Playing a bit of rimworld, I've uncovered some advanced tech If your base is closed off enough to qualify as a "pen" (basically either entirely walled off which you shouldn't do, or the opening that exists is barricaded which is good), and you put a pen marker in it somewhere, you can set an autocutting order that'll get \\ set a cutting job on any plants of your choosing (well, of those in the menu anyway, and I think those are like, all plants that could wildly grow there basically) It's a good way to keep your stronghold free of like, bushes and tall grass or whatever, provided you're fine with the labor cost of trimming it every day Additionally, and similarly, if you cover the entire grassland you're not using for farming yourself with a grow zone, and set that to not plant anything, but leave cutting enabled, it becomes a woodfarm, effectively, as trees, berry bushes, healroots, etc, really any harvestable plant that grows there (including ambrosia if you put the zone over a spawn of that) will automatically be harvested when ready as a Grow job
My strongholds tend to be real large, and since I'm playing 1colonist mode starting from absolutely nothing in terms of resources, it's been a real pain to get myself set up and secure, so I'm still using a wooden stove for my food and stuff, and wooden spike traps for defense, so it's real nice to have some automation on wood supply. Obviously, a legitimate tree zone is superior, but I haven't even gotten any research done yet, and even then it's kinda low on the priority list, since batteries and turrets are way, way more important
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah but like a sous vide is not gonna go over 205 degrees even if it's a cheap PoS but an air fryer? who knows
This is the current state of my base All the buildings in that living area on the right are actually very new, since until like, I dunno, a year ago ingame time, I was living out of a small shack in the middle of this area. The main reason for that is there was already a partially constructed building there, so it was quick to set up, and since then I was mostly working on just getting this place secure from raids and wildfires
I've been fairly blessed not to contract muscle parasites so far in this run, the last one I don't think my pawn spent even a full month without it for like, 5-10 fucking years, gradually just making the whole base crumble, until I got raided and murdered >>1083149 I mean, it's not explicitly bad, but it does mean you have no control over where raiders will enter your base from, they'll just punch a hole somewhere at random or wherever is closest to their spawn location which is fine if you don't wanna do a killbox anyway, but a no-killbox run as a solo pawn is very dangerous unless you start with high combat stats or speedrun research to get turrets ASAP
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what happens if you seal the base off completely tho terraneum style
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
got some free wheat naan bread its pretty mid, but ill still eat it all
>>1083150 Yeah I picked up a package of whole wheat naan bread once when the store was all out of other options Stuff was extremely underwhelming Don't think I'll ever get it again if possible
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Thinking about making a Tinder profile except its just a really disgusting picture of me with my shirt off eating spaghetti and watching anime Not quite sure what the end goal of that would be though
You'd be surprised what you might find Although be prepared for trash taste
You can cheat it okay with store-bought naan if you sprinkle a bit of water on both sides and toss it in an oven heated to 400F for a minute or two Because we can't all afford to eat freshly-baked naan every day!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess so
i dont really ever eat naan unless im at an indian place so maybe four or five times a year
I make Thai curry and butter chicken pretty regularly, probably one or the other once a month, month and a half And I make enough for three or four dinners, and I eat naan with it So I eat naan pretty regularly
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn thats pretty good yeah i should learn to make a real curry
I do cheat since I just use jars of pre-made curry sauce when I do make it Could maybe do butter chicken from scratch if I had access to a blender, but by accounts I've heard, making green Thai curry from scratch really isn't a great idea unless you're committed to it I do want to try making it from the tins of curry base that you mix with coconut milk youself, instead of the jars of pour and ready sauce I normally use But they're more expensive!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cooking is such a labor of love
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think the premade jars are totally fine i probably wouldnt be able to appreciate the difference anyway
Yeah, I just want to explore more varieties The one time I had "authentic" green Thai curry I was kind of unimpressed So I'm curious that the store-bought jars that I use are inauthentic but I still like them better, or if I'm just not suited to the authentic kind And if I make it with the tins, which are imported from Thailand, then maybe I can get a third metric for figuring out my taste for authencity -authenticity or not
i do have an aversion to blenders myself idk i just dont wanna pulp stuff i'd rather eat whole or chopped material not pureed also blenders are loud af
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and cleaning them is annoying to me
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1083172 I've been doing green smothies lately With fzn spinach, broccoli stems and banana or apple to sweeten Would recommend It's a great way to eat like 500grams of spinach a day and keep full between meals
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's elementary math you can use multiple slurp juices on one head of kale
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay yeah i imagine eating all that spinach broccoli and fruit would be difficult but imagine how much stronger your jaw would be
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Yer mum says my jaw is already plenty strong
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man i went salsa dancing today shit's hard yo
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1083180 Do you actually want to learn to salsa dance or is it to hit on women?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's just to get out of my damn head so to learn remote jobs are too heady
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
shit is not easy have you learned some if it?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i can barely even do a basica
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Nah. It does look hard though
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
You know what I have taken up recently though For similar reasons Get out of my head after working on a computer in isolation And it's even more gay hot yoga
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i can't even do the three point turn but the people were very patient
oh noce yoga is based dude i havent tried the hot variant tho
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thought you were gonna write jiu jitsu tbh
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1083190 Yeah. I've gotten way into it actually Like 4-5 90 minute classes a week. It's a game changer. The classes are exhausting though But that's all part of the appeal. It's an endurance challenge in its own right. And it's helping my weight lifting too With all this extra mobility and stretching. And the people are all pretty chill too. It's good stuff.
>>1083189 Yeah. Although that one's not that serious I just show up once a week and wing it based on 14 years of anime
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nice i'm really good at child's pose
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i should try hot yoga i do like sweating
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
The official name is Bikram yoga. But a lot of places dropped that name after Mr Bikram was accused of being a sex pervert
I'm up to two colonists now, as I was able to avoid killing a very useful raider I convinced him to join me, and now the base is fucking incredible in terms of how much work gets done, and both of them are hovering between 90 and 100 percent mood they're best buds, too, would probably have gotten married by now if my initial pawn wasn't gay
Samu !AHL7KHofQw
wow you start with one dude seems like an insane task
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1083205 are you gonna get the fist of the north star boxing fitness game on switch?
>>1083124 yeah I think that tracks quite the while ago for 45 minutes of animation and a small team it probably takes that long
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
6 years hand drawn
>>1083208 I always do Really it's just more fun that way, you gotta really make stuff efficient or you grind to a halt
>>1083213 had to refresh my memory on what anime but I found this too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1083214 i havent played rimworld so idk im used to the 6 or so standard embark
Yeh that's the default Though it's worth keeping in mind that while having a full squad gives you a lot more firepower and manpower, the difficulty is also jacked up based on your colony population Generally, that evens out because the extra colonists do more than just double your labor power, since they can cover for each others' weaknesses and it's no longer necessary to have one person running all over the base all the time, but you better hope they've got some fighting skills too or you're in for a rough few fights
A dagnab mech cluster dropped in near my base Oftentimes, I will simply ignore them, and let raiders and other shit just sorta deal with them
This one's got a toxic spewing machine that will ruin the whole map if I let it I'm going to have to take it out, though I might leave the big turret alone honestly, cause it can tear raiders apart very easily
Maybe if I focus on research I can get mortars before it ruins my base's farmlands
oh no, it's not pollution It's TOXIC FALLOUT Which means it begins ticking the death clock now the entire map is forfeit unless I put this thing down, cause everything exposed to the open sky will constantly be getting sicker and sicker
I dealt with it, and as I was throwing grenades at the toxic spewer, ANOTHER fucking cluster dropped, this time in a much more difficult to assault location This one has a SUN BLOCKER which is not quite as bad, since at least it's not directly lethal, but it still fucks me up cause I need my damn crops
Holy shit, some madlads actually went ahead and did a thing I've been thinking might be possible for a while now Neural nets can learn how to play a vidya game or whatever else really, by just getting the stuff a player gets, like sound and video, and just milling through it until it craps out an algorithm within its blackbox that gives it a lotta training points, right? So uh... why not just make a fucking aimbot with that? and someone fucking did, they just trained a fucking neural net to play FPS games real well, and it basically works by just streaming your game to this thing, and it spits inputs at you you can't even fucking detect that in the same way anticheat has worked forever, cause nothing really needs to be running on the machine at all except "something that lets you stream" you could run the actual cheat on a different computer on the LAN
incredible stuff
And of course, a solution must be found, so now some other madlads are making an anticheat AI that just fucking detects abnormal machine behavior
Of course the REALLY exciting part is that, obviously, the people making the cheat AI are gonna train it AGAINST the anticheat AI now, training it to be human enough while still crushing just about all humans
The Fuse mechanic is so fucking goofy Ultrahand is cool and creative, but it at least seems to have some constructive logic to it Where the Fuse mechanic is "Put a bat eye on an arrow and ta-dah! homing arrow!"
Although the one that got me actually laughing was the "Fuse a pitchfork together with a stick and you get … a longer pitchfork' Because this was actually totally peasant army weapons making in real life, but using a magical power to combine things together to make something so mundane was really funny to me
My anime backlog folder is all this random shit that I don't even remember downloading.
Samu !AHL7KHofQw
>>1083236 its gonna be fun to explore i hope i dont get spoiled on the neat stuff right away
I'm a bit wary of the game More of the BotW formula sounds fun, but if it's just a marginally different Hyrule map with the scattered sky islands, I dunno I think I'd be a little disappointed with it being a full standalone game, more expensive than BotW Because they've been so hush on what's actually going on in the game, I don't know what's supposed to hook me into the game, and so far "More of BotW with sticky crafting" isn't quite doing it for me They could've sold me better on it by now if they'd at least introduced the plot hook of what's happening, or something which breaches the conflict of the game
i didnt really like botw that much so i will skip this one wasnt a bad game just not my style
well, that was fucking scary I tried to enable "sddm" instead of lightdm, and in the process made the damn thing incapable of booting at all because for whatever reason, sddm just kinda didn't work I thought I fucked up grub somehow, but nope
>>1083173 I got one of those l ittle tiny blenders that you used to see on tv from the store it's pretty easy to clean and good if you're making simple small smoothies and I don't really use the capacity of my big blender anyway For the past week or so I was having one frozen banana and a scoop of protein as a smoothie for a meal
>>1083259 yeah I had a good thing going until I stopped for whatever reason I take the free bananas from the staff room at work and stockpile them for smoothies usually like one at a time or sometimes there's a few that have been sitting around for too long
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what kind of protein do you use?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Damn, your work gives you free 'nanas That's hype
>>1083262 da whey protein it's good to give some use finally >>1083263 being a supermarket it's only natural along with other staples like coffee, milk, bread etcetera just grab the stuff off the shelf
physicists: nooo you cant just get swole drinking your own cum what about conservation of energy!! me: i am the most efficient banana to cum pipeline in the observable universe
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1083267 Get up every day just to prove the haters wrong
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i saw a guy riding an all white bike do you think he was a ghost
>>1083268 Sounds like doing so is a part of the proving
I read some of the stuff on her and I didn't see any sort of stuff about phrenology of the labia but I admittedly did not do a thorough job. Though I think saying she "fingered" the corpse is misleading when all she did was inspect it with her hand, which is something you do with cadavers.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the had a tweet where she had posted a grid of plaster casted labias of various women and had circled some of them as definitely being post op labias she was very up in arms about it for some reason
What if they retake ownership from him if he goes too long without paying, and it goes to public auction again And the next winning bidder does the exact same thing
Samu !AHL7KHofQw
they'll start asking for 10% down in the auction room gotta bring a $19 million cashier's check with you
Only if I can bring it as a $19 million novelty cheque
I went over to speak with my colleagues Partly to complain about how much work is coming in Amd they're both like.. Burned out. Zombies. Completely dead eyes And I'm all HEALTHY and CHIPPER and UPBEAT from a good nights sleep
And it's like oh. Never mind
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Bro fuck it. I work hard but I make a point of always going home on time Work to live don't live to work I can't be feelin guilty for not killing myself over a desk job like some of my team members
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
.. I do feel a little guilty tho Like im not pulling my weight
>>1083357 yeah I'd be upset too if I had to move to Fayetteville
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
how long are you gonna be there? it's definitely not a good place to raise a kid
my contract ends 2026 and im 82nd airborne looks like im going to iraq or poland i guess now
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
oh neat I think my uncle was 82nd airborne
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
oh wait no he was special forces I forgot which group 7th maybe? he was involved in the invasion of Panama, he missed my parents' wedding because of it
yeah 77th sf was in fort bragg before i dont think they are anymore 3rd group i think is ther enow
I'm only cumin after all don't put the sauce on me
>>1083367 pixar should be pretty easy i think finding nemo was their earliest, then incredibles, monsters inc (there's a nemo plush as an easter egg) then Ratatouille big hero 6 soul and turning red
Pixar easter eggs don't necessarily always come chronologically In fact they often tease upcoming movies as easter eggs in earlier movies
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what the heck dude they'd didn't do humans for a loong time monsters inc has to be before incredibles
>>1083372 Well if you can call them human, Toy Story did have people in it Although they definitely looked more like aliens than not a lot of the time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah but like the main charactersss
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
big hero 6 is a disney production!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe i should watch GitS:SAC
Maybe you should git a sac
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'll sac a knight on yo kings pawn
Now that I have something I can play BDs off of hooked up to a nice TV, I want to go figure out where my Serial Experiments Lain BDs are and finally watch it on something larger than a twenty-something inch monitor That BD release was a full remaster of the original work, not just an upscale And even though my TV is 4K I want to see the 1080p of that in fully glory
>>1083371 oh I was indeed wrong and you were ri ght monster inc came out in 2001
wake up have a swig of shampoo to tackle the day head on
It's a little funny just how accurate my knowledge of how well my body will run on poor sleep I was telling my co-workers that although I slept better than recently last night, I would probably be feeling like crashing been 14:30-15:00 Sure enough, it's right in that window and I want nothing more than to sleep>>1083323 →>>1083323 →
I'd need someone with a fucking doctorate degree to unpack my mess of a dream last night everything from sex with people who I'm not attracted to, to getting gang bashed by a mob for handing out parking tickets, and then getting exposed at work for not being productive enough.
>>1083404 sounds like you've been feeling insecure lately and even though you're trying to hold those feelings back by distracting yourself from them, they're creeping in through your dreams
its different it's novel it's funny we're all starved for absurdist content so much stuff is just remixes and remakes even though its literally a remix it has evidence of an insane creator and that's interesting
i love myself
oh no, webms died?
It's not even that it's absurdist or novel, there's something very specific about it that I can't put my finger on that triggers something deep inside my brain It's like it reaches in and makes the lizard brain activate its neurons
>>1083420 there's this quote or saying or something about "no new music" something about the finite ways you can essentially create a chord progression in western music so for stuff to be truly unique it has to become increasingly more unrecognizable to the lowest common denominator this made me think of that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe we're on the cusp of being mind controlled by AI artifacts idk this was still the product of a human you can see the lip deepfake artifacts
like it definitely is interesting and novel, but that alone doesn't make me constantly come back to and rewatch a short video, you know?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess idk if i look back ive become obsessed and fixated with many seeming random video artifacts in my life
i hear immigration policy is a big ticket item in canada these days it would suck if they make it even harder to move there, i've always dreamed of living in a shack in the middle of some woods in BC
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just cross the washington border on foot and uh claim some untouched land and establish a food chain (???)
>>1083436 depends how exact you mean, really 1:1? no, not really, outside of the technical literal possibility of assembling matter in the same exact way twice and letting it rip But with sufficient wiggle room, sure
i love myself
yeah i mean i was seeing it that way when i first read it too but then i figured maybe they mean "close enough to be absurd" even though they said "same exact" like i'm sure there's some dreams that plenty of people have had just slightly varied
These "dry" Monsters are both the best and worst things they've ever made
What's so dry about them
Couldn't tell you all I know is they've gone for a more sour taste instead of the usual sickly sweet taste that I don't like about Monster guess the secret ingredient is good marketing
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Damn i wanna try one now
the ampol servo had them 2 for $7.50 which isn't too bad maybe like the gold Monsters they'll actually have them on shop floors in a while so you could eventually buy them for cheap
I think I
I don't
good it's bad
Wordle 651 4/6
⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜🟨⬜⬜ 🟨🟩🟩⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 gaaaa I cleared my score again I should remedy that
what's fucked is it's apparently not that warm outside I mean it's not COLD, it's more like, chilly, but it's not warm by any stretch and yet my window is open and has been for hours and hours with no heating, and it's still 24 degrees in here
>>1083468 It's fucking real too Who the fuck at SEGA signed off on this
wow my apartment's door has a little mechanism in the bottom that drops down a sealing bit of foam when the door is closed but it wasn't calibrated right so i was hearing all this noise from outside i just adjusted it and it's almost perfect this is amazing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's like i have my own airlock i wish i had a real airlock tho that would be baller does anyone make airlocks?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1083491 yeah, but you'd need to completely seal up your apartment.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just want a door made of metal that goes zzzzzzzt
I mean like I don't know how the monkey was even relevant to the story at all like what was that about?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i don't know if that was just horror suspense stuff thrown in or if there was some kinda theme there also the method of killing the alien was up there with Signs
Honestly the entire movie after the film guy got himself eaten was kinda.. stinky Feels like they just didn't know how to end it So they just went "okay, we'll just kill the alien thing and that's the end" >>1083499 I think he got the shot, but wanted *the real shot* I.E the shot you can only get from up close\inside the creature The Impossible Shot
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i didn't understand at all why he did that didn't they get the shot then his brain turned off or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1083498 me when my whole team is respawning but i'm already at the point where four of their teammates are chillin
it's overall kinda annoying cause it's definitely like, innovative and unique, it's well made in a lot of ways, but it just doesn't make any damn sense like "what if the aliens abducting cows and stuff weren't spaceships, but like actual creatures onto themselves" that's a cool concept it somehow generating a static cloud to live in and, apparently, disrupting satellites trying to take a picture of it, those are cool ideas There's also something about the creature that's seemingly mechanical, it's definitely not entirely organic, so it maybe was made
And it's fine for none of that to be explained beyond what there was, but I kinda expect there to be something else to make up for it if they're just gonna leave that unsaid
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
naah we'll take a picture with this incredibly convenient old timey camera and then blow it up fin
It's definitely in the category of movie that wasn't outright bad, but i'd never recommend it, and I'll never even consider rewatching it I just feel cheated, despite enjoying most of it, cause a lot of that enjoyment was coaxed in expecting there to be something, like, anything but it was just a monster film where they killed the monster at the end, and the way they did it wasn't even like... sensible Why the hell would this thing that eats everything from signposts to people to horses like a damn vacuum cleaner fucking die from a helium balloon? it's just stupid
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>There’s a couple layers at play. Humans exploiting animals, in different ways. Humans exploiting humans. Hollywood exploiting both humans and animals. Filmmakers destroying themselves for the industry that exploits them. Humans cannot ever actually control wild animals no matter how much we think we can. That which we most closely observe is what will ultimately destroy us, because we lose ourselves in the observation. There’s also some interesting thoughts about reflections- like the TMZ guy- no matter how much you want to know the identity of your exploiter, you can’t. They’re behind a lens or… they are you.
i mean i guess you kinda gotta make sure it's a good horror film before this tho
No I mean I guess I COULD see the whole "you can't actually fully control wild animals", as like a message, overall, sure yeah One small issue I am in your hom- I mean, no, the issue is nobody ever actually tried to control this creature that is the Monster Which Symbolizes The Message That's not something that happened, in the movie
it's also a predator, which horses are... not I mean ok that guy who bought Lucky at the start tried to "control" the monster but not actually? he was clearly just feeding it on a schedule and that was it, and really there's NO reason to think he actually was in the first place because uh I mean would he have like 15 people in the audience for a legitimate alien creature feeding hour, were it something he did regularly? obviously not
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
reminds me a bit of rubber god that movie was wild
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
reminds be a bit of flubber god that movie was wild
Samu !AHL7KHofQw
flubber is the miracle substance powering the world economy and i'm tired of pretending it's not
>>1083472 maybe people are realising the public don't like being shown cool things and then told they aren't real, April fools or not
it's all flubber always has been
Samu !AHL7KHofQw
so i am in this brewery right and i finish my beer (sakura saison it's pink and dry and tasty) grab my work laptop and go to the bar to grab a second beer come back my backpack is on the ledge where i was sitting i'm like "what the heck this was on the floor when i left" guy to my left calls to me "hey I saw a backpack was on the floor and I didn't know whose it was so I put it up there" okay that's fine
but why?
Samu !AHL7KHofQw
is it really that weird to put a backpack on the floor where it can't fall down? the floor isn't spotless but it's not dirty either it's just a normal floor
anyway i've never had an interaction like that, i assume the dude just has a thing about putting bags on the floor
holy moly, naked brutality start in the frozen wastes in rimworld is HARD I'm currently like, making it on a very technical level, but I'm doing so because a visitor showed up and I immediately arrested, stripped, and cooked him My fungi have yet to grow to a size where I can eat them
I am being raided by one man That's uber eats right there, he's not even got a knife! If he had a knife I'd be in deep shit, because *medicine does not grow here* so an infection would be a 99% chance of immediate death
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1083515 what the heck guy knocks on your door and you turn him into stew?
No, it was a Man But he had clothes, meals, and a gun And at the warmest it is 10C here, and at the coldest somewhere in the area of -50C And I started with nothing I have my own body and a desperate need for food, and that is all Even hunting a bunny is EXTREMELY dangerous without a gun, because if it scratches me, I may get infected And that's fatal
Naked brutality is difficult at the best of times, but a frozen wasteland where 90% of the map is permafrost is a whole other ballgame, you just gotta be fucking ruthless to make it through the first WEEK
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well yeah that makes sense lol start as one naked dude in the snow
Like I've built my home over a GEYSIR Because if I didn't, i would freeze within the first day
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a gey sir?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i imagine building a house over a geyser would be quite unpleasant water everywhere mold and bacteria thriving
you do what you gotta to survive I mean it's summer and I began developing hypothermia the moment I made landfall and there are no trees either, so I have to build everything from steel, in addition to obviously not being able to make a campfire for heat Right now I've got a heater and some power generation, but that's only by the grace of some raiders walking into my traps so I can feed myself and some animals walking into them trying to get to my food, too >>1083525 He wasn't even hostile, he just showed up to trade lmao, probably came from those snobby "lives in fertile biomes" villages In fact I know he did, because they immediately, understandably, turned full on hostile and will likely raid me later But that's uber eats, baby
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just wanr to know the visitor's story lol they lived a rugged life in the freezing wilds and then got bonked on the head by a naked guy with a rock
I did actually have a steel club I fashioned myself at that point, so he was bludgeoned by a crude steel implement After being stripped, so he was naked when he died Cause if you kill someone with their clothes on, the clothes are tainted by being worn by a corpse, and that makes the colonist wearing them unhappy
It's rough out here in the tundra, man I'm currently researching geothermal power so I can hole up in here and maybe get a real life going It's gonna be rough for a long time, but maybe once I get some relatively stable food production, likely by way of indoor solar lamps and heating, I can generate enough revenue to get some animals and stuff, too This is by far the most promising run so far, but there's always gonna be the issue of the seeming permafrost, which I dunno if I can undo and make into growzones I NEED medicinal herbs, goddamn
Also yeah that's ice inside I dunno if it'll ever melt
it appears it will never melt Which is.. a bummer But I guess I'll just cover it with floor
oh hell yes I was able to buy a boomalope I don't QUITE have the food production to really maintain this, but fall has come, and temps will be low enough I DESPERATELY need the boomalope's milk the reason being that the boomalope's "milk" is uh... gasoline which I can use to fuel a generator
the generator itself also generates heat, which is handy
pushing -40 outside, I'm only hanging onto life by having a damn generator inside this can't be good for my health longterm, but short term it is the best thing for my health
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if i was dropped naked with no resources in a frozen wasteland i would simply die
As would I, but this colonist is a damn trooper her father crashlanded and died to frostbite just about immediately, so he's become food now too she's a little peeved about it, but seems to understand the necessity of the situation
we are LIVING baby we've got yaks for milk, we've got boomalope for fuel, and a muffalo for wool Still low on manpower, and security could be better, but things are shmoovin
>>1083542 Not yet But soon I may I'm just waiting for the ideal addition, pretty much, because it's important to get a good one due to the difficulty spike
I think my overall stance of blanket avoidance of sexual topics makes me come off as a lot more prudish than I actually am, it's really a lot more complicated than that, but like, it's generally not a problem for me when it's just in fiction I read
Like the primary problem has always been other people talking about their own experience It's not really a big deal when it's just like, something I'm reading or watching, even if that's not entirely set in stone either, it just tends to be abstracted enough that whatever mechanism is doing this stuff has nothing to really latch onto Similarly it's less of a problem the less connected I am to whoever is talking about it I mean it's pretty much always a risk in those situations too but it's definitely less so when it's just a random nobody i have no connection to at all
Makes it kinda doubly dangerous because it triggers a sense of betrayal on top of it when it's people i see myself as close to, so it gets really fucking bad, though I imagine you're familiar with how i can get I think I've gotten a bit better at handling it over time though, helps a lot just to be aware of it, and obviously just avoiding it as best I can in the first place does a lot
Really in terms of exactly how i behave and the details of how I feel, my memory gets kinda hazy, to the point I didn't really have the confidence necessary to fully believe I was having these reactions, I thought I was making it up for a decent amount of time Angry, but still not believing it was real
birds are cool except geese well, geese look cool but they're fucking assholes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
geese be poopin
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dont see the dnd movie it's so bad
ladiesandgentlemenwegotourhourback >>1083565 I did not know of it's existence until recently but my only reaction was that there's no way it could be good
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it has like a 90% on rotten tomatos with like a hundred critics and a 90% audience score everything indicated that this was at the very least funny and it was not
I think unless the movie is absolute dogshit it'll have a good rating for a while until however many people see it and the score will even it
im at da old people bat and theres nascar playing on the TVs and the old ladies are like "oh my ive never seen anything like it" and then she asks the bartender "do you like nascar?" and the bartender says "you know i don't really watch it. i don't really like it, anything with cars, too many of my friends have died in car accidents" and i'm like based but also that's sad and then she's like "oh but you drive right?" "yeah i drive, all sorts of vehicles" ah well i don't know what the point of this story was i just can't into watching nascar i guess
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think i need to take some time and like plan a real camping trip
Mine frozen wasteland is Poppin' I'm back to living on primarily fungus again because I got a new colonist who doesn't like it when we eat manflesh, so I'm repurposing that as animal feed, but overall things are going well
A LOT of benefit from my level 2 psychic main colonist though Can basically make either of the two happy on command through brainwa- I mean, psychic suggestion She can do it on herself too, which is incredible stuff
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
god i wish that were me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so the colonists are doing backbreaking physical labor and cleaning toilets and performing cannibalism but super happy about it
Practically the whole complex is floored with concrete too Cause I AIN'T GOT NO TREES >>1083590 Pretty much Well, the cannibalism is very indirect in that they eat meals cooked using milk from animals fed kibble made from fungi and human meat But essentially The main colonist is pretty stoked overall, her religion condones cannibalism But she does have to mindzap the other one now and then because SHE is not particularly happy about us butchering human beings
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
congrats you have invented Society
my damn boomalope only has like 5 more years on it, too, which isn't ideal The problem is 2fold first, most importantly, my power generation relies on biofuel, which it produces as milk second, and still important, when it does die, it... explodes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Archotech >The pinnacle of technological development, an archotech is a machine superintelligence that thinks on a level incomprehensible to humans. It wields such enormous power that when constructed, it frequently and quickly is able to assume automatic sovereignty over its world – with its incredible abilities used to expand further and enhance its capabilities through subterranean or even orbital computing facilities. It can even build self-replicating mechanoids to assist in its goals, designing and executing schemes that are beyond human comprehension.
The lore of rimworld is strangely well fleshed out considering the type of game it is But yeah there's archotech tech, too, basically just tech we can no longer produce (read: you, the player, don't get to make it) that's real good shit Like, limbs that are leagues better than stock (flesh), that sorta stuff Most prosthetics are either task-oriented, or the kind you only want to jam into your body if your natural grown limb got fucked up But these are reasons onto themselves for amputation, they're just that good
there are also vampires in the game But they're not like mythological beings, they're a genetic modification, which I think also stems from archotech
>>1083597 Uh, the vampires specifically are DLC, I think But the archotech limbs themselves are vanilla I don't use mechanics-altering mods except two One makes colonists actually fill their inventory when hauling stuff, so they're not making 100 trips to store what they CAN do in like, 3 trips And the other lets me replace some furniture and walls directly, rather than deconstructing and then building the new thing manually
Neither actually change the like, abilities as such, it's not like the first one there makes them able to carry more, or anything like that, it just makes them actually use their inventory space, and I consider it a necessary mod to play the game at all, really Without it, your colonists will spend legitimately 90% of their day JUST hauling stuff, OR you will disable it so they never do it Those are your options without the mod, because default hauling behavior is just not viable for anything beyond an initial tiny shack and small rice field
Oh I do actually use one other one that alters behavior, it mostly makes the colonists clean the room a little before they use a workbench, which is mostly something I have just because if you cook in a sufficiently dirty room, the food may cause food poisoning Which would be fine, but there's no way to really direct cleaning as a priority above other cleaning, so you end up in a situation where you're either cleaning at the top of your priority list, resulting in getting basically nothing done because until very far into the game, you're always bringing dirt onto the floor, which is actually unavoidable when you have animals, or they get food poisoning all the damn time because the kitchen is fucked You CAN place the kitchen in such a way that it's only ever entered to cook specifically, but that's difficult to plan out when starting out alone and naked like I always do, you just sorta have to build stuff in a brutally function-oriented manner at the start if you're gonna have any hope
But other than that, I overall prefer to not add stuff into games that really alter mechanics much In zomboid I had a mod for extra weapons and stuff, which probably makes the game a bit easier (debatable, though) but for most games I just prefer the actual game itself be what the devs published
Kibble is actually a neat mechanic in rimworld It's made using 20 meat and 20 veggies or animal products like milk or eggs Produces 35 kibble It has the exact same nutrition per unit as the meat and veggies (not the same as the eggs, but that's just because eggs have A LOT per unit and you get less eggs per day so it evens out) basically you get less total nutrition out than you put in But it's actually very handy, because kibble doesn't spoil, ever, it doesn't have a shelf life ingame at all, whereas meat obviously has a short shelf life (and most animals won't eat it in the first place) and veggies last about half a year at room temperature
So if you keep having meat spoil because you just don't eat it in time and aren't able to freeze it consistently, using it to make kibble is really useful
I've also got like 4 prisoners right now, 2 of which I've stripped naked so they contract hypothermia, and I can regulate the temperature to keep them from actually dying The primary use of this is that when they get far enough on it, they get frostbite, fucking up digits and limbs, which my colonists can use to train their medical skill by tending to Rimworld is a warcrime simulator at heart I need the medical skill, and I need to train it The only method of this is tending to wounds and such, but I can't afford my own people being hurt, they have to work, you know? Because once I do get a cut or something, and that gets infected, I really need to be able to treat it so I don't lose my colonist
It's a room on, I thought, every map that's built into a large rock\mountain, with walls facing outwards so you can identify it easily Inside can be a lot of things, sometimes it's just an insect hive, sometimes it's seemingly empty, but with cryptosleep caskets that will usually have space marines in them from godknowswhen. Sometimes those are hostile, sometimes they're neutral, sometimes a mix It's usually something you pop open once you feel confident in your ability to take a fight, because if you manage to down such a space marine without killing them, you can take their really good armor, and even if you just kill them, you can sometimes take their weapons, which tend to be pretty high quality and decently far down the tech tree Like actual assault rifles, charge rifles, that sorta thing I say sometimes cause they can be biocoded, which means only that single character can actually use it. Which you CAN circumvent by gently convincing that person to join you, but it tends to be difficult to down these guys cause you're gonna be shooting live rounds, not walking up with a big stick and whacking them over the head, so you just gotta get lucky and not kill them
Usually there's some other goodies in there too, though, like a psychic pulser or other similarly REALLY high tech thingie I rarely ever actually use pulsers or whatever though, single-use stuff I can't produce myself is hard to justify using unless you're in REALLY dire straits, and usually mood will be an issue downstream of a larger, more important issue anyway
I had a fucking raid airdrop into my damn barn Through an incredible stroke of luck, they DIDN'T actually manage to damage my boomalopes, even though they set fire to the whole fucking thing and burned nearly all my animal feed Of course, it's inside so it got pretty damn hot, and since I don't even have access to wood in the first place, it never spread outside the barn, so they just... cooked It reached like 200C in there, they had no chance, and thankfully both boomalopes and muffalos managed to clear out into the mines where it's cooler in the first place, and one hen and a rooster got away, so while it's gonna be a bit rough for a bit, I'll recover Certainly worse places they could have dropped, such as literally in my living room where the generators are
I've had Monster mocha before, which mixes the chocolate/coffee of mocha with Monster It's probably the only kind of energy drink I would willingly pay for
speaking of servo rip offs I bought a ham and cheese croissant and the dambed thing didn't even have cheese there's no cheese in the staff room like there usually is either wtf was tom green working at the croissant factory that day
>>>/watch?v=8qF_VzItbEE the emo scp has escaped and is wrecking havoc on local parks everywhere
>>>/watch?v=1NDZVpOUC4M I was wondering what this was that appeared in my youtube and then I looked at the username