>>1082546 congrat in the part of thailand i went to it's mandatory, like conscription i think that could be pretty huge if people here had to do it for a year or however long or 6 months or even just a week if it's full time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
call me travis touchdown the way i glide down to the runway
NL and Dan didn't finish Man Of Medan, but NL appears to have played through it with his waif
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay not sure how to use this factoid
You don't need to, but I'm watching that right now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oic oic
big security line in customs today i went through a bit of a rope barrier labyrinth
once you get to customs they give // make you use a machine to generate a slip of paper with a number on it then you pass through baggage carousels to the end of the room where customs officials take your slip
i wonder what happens if you just remain in this baggage carousel liminal space for like 48h there's a washroom and you could have food in your bags wpuld the slip of paper expire? would you break their system?
Crimson Tide was a pretty good movie In some ways a very competent anti-nuke movie, although not a home run
Gandolfini was in it too That man had such a naturally commanding voice, no wonder he was cast as Tony Soprano He wasn't even in a position of command in the movie, but he just projected such force, like a born leader
>>1082576 iunno probably you recognised you were in a low but it was only temporary so you were able to wait it out I'm no expert on emotional intelligence but isn't that evident of something
>>1082590 From my limited and distanced understanding of modern OSRS that's basically all discussion about playing the game is composed of So it was an easy guess
>>1082642 finding enjoyment in a pastime has its own utility.
The whole three days, if they've just ripped the pure video and haven't cut out the opening waiting bits and/or after performance credits and promo stuff, across all three stages, runs approx. 9 hours, 15 minutes If they got the highest resolution feed at 1080p, and didn't encode too seriously, I could see it being that large Although with the excessive colour variation and light shows during the stages, I could also see that properly encoding it in a way that didn't absolutely mess with the visuals meant the video files were going to be large regardless Either way, 9.25 hours of 1080p video is always going to be a pretty big amount of data
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
procuring armenian string cheese sounds fruitful to me
During the opening ceremony for the Hololive Expo, when they were bringing out all the mascot suits, they ended it by bringing out, and I quote the MC lady, "Everyone's best idol, Yagoo"
my dad got me an airfrier as a gift I don't really have anywhere to put this damned thing, but I mean I'm grateful, it's a pretty good thing to have when you rarely make anything that really justifies using the whole damn oven, you know?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh dang air fryer peepoTalk
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my oven is smol and it's convection so its basically a large air fryer
CS2 smoke animation looks a little goofy but seems reasonable from a gameplay standpoint kinda giving Valorant vibes though ugh whatever it's not like im gonna play anyway
>>1082756 I've never bought a Nordstrom product in my life! I'm not going to start now!
>>1082758 I mean it's not really that different from how it's always been in GO It's giving valorant vibes because over half of valorant is literally just CSGO but they put Overwatch characters on de_dust2
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's a girl across
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the street shooing and herding two geese down the sidewalk to the other side of the block lol nesting season is upon us we need to introduce packs of dogs in this season to discourage geese from nesting in pedestrian areas or something
nature is healing, the geese herding canadians are back outside
>>1082763 We've gotta instead destroy lawns and lawn-based parks
what the fuck i went to the ENT doctor and he immediately said "yup you have a deviated septum" my crackpot theory was right what the hell why have i been suffering this my whole life
what the fuck is a deviated septum? your damn nose is offcenter? someone fucked up when sculpting?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea its crooked impairs breathing god dammit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway im glad i can easily fix it just have to wait six months for surgery Clueless or do some medical tourism Cereal
i had to talk to my supervisor again about the fact that i don't want a romantic/sexual relationship with her this time she agreed to respect my boundaries so hopefully this is the end of it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
she probably thinks you were sending her a secret signal that you want her oh noo
A bit ago when she first started making it clear that she wanted me desperately, I told her that she should regard me like she would a cat. But she didn't take it to heart at all! Her love is totally self-serving. It's all to satisfy herself. I'm just an object of affection to her.
Samu !AHL7KHofQw
the boomer ellipsis... are strong........ with this one...
Samu !AHL7KHofQw
i bought a bag of rocks from the art store i kind of feel like a sucker but i also don't really want to go to the beach or the park and start taking rocks idk if i were out in the country then sure
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1082793 This is what I don't get about psychologists Like what if a client comes sees her like >I'm having over attachment issues and it's turning into an obsession Can you be.. Completely detached and give clinical help to someone in that position While being completely fuckin off the rails yourself
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh that's easy people are great at compartmentalizing themselves vs others
Started a new rimworld colony The bad: my colonist is an alcoholic, and is now going through withdrawal which fucks her mood up something fierce The good: she's a vampire, so if it comes down to it, I can always just shoot her in the fucking face to pacify her and she'll be fine
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1082784 Samurai I heard that you're a Diviant on the spectrum and completely crooked
one sees minkus within the pog, the fear of change, the stress and possibility of failure. yet there is pog within the minkus, the excitement, the unbridled human spirit: hope. beautiful.
apparently it's quite common to have a deviated septum to some minor degree, like 70% to 80% of people and it can be caused by physical trauma i bet i smashed into a tree or a pole at some point
read reviews foe this doctor and they're like "doctor is great receptionist is rude" go to office sorry improper form >go to office >she's not rude >wait 30 min in reception while she talks down to someone on the phone about mixing up their appointment date okay this actually checks out now im sitting in the chair and it's been 45min sigh
I've got my neighbor drying her laundry on my windowsill. I guess I don't care that much doesn't really affect me. Still. A little weird. I don't love it. Feels lke a bit of an invasion of space.
it fucking owns how clicking on the actual video thumbnail on youtube now often doesn't work cause it's replaced with a video when you hover over it instead absolutely incredible stuff
>>1082859 You should dry your laundry on their windowsill to demonstrate to them how you feel about it
Part of a trio of Fire, Water, Grass monkeys that are all named Pan___ Honestly doesn't even have anything itself to do with cooking Although in a funny turn of fate, they're all used by a trio of Gym Leaders whose real job is working a restaurant
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the pansexual pokemon league
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i need like more storage and boxes i need wayyy more containers gah where do i get em for cheap there's no container store here IKEA time?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I think what I really want is like a few dozen differently shaped containers so i can quickly associate a container to a thing that i need
>>1082883 Something I've been wanting to get is a nice tall cupboard I can use as a pantry for my dry goods and other things that I don't need a fridge for I know the exact one I think will fit great from IKEA, but it's like, 700+ CAD, so it's a hard sell for me It would free up my kitchen drawers and some cupboard shelves, but I also haven't yet needed so much more storage space
I do also want some more shelving and storage space around my desk though, which I don't really know the shape and style of what I want for that yet
i did order it at the mcdonalds where a dude died because he dropped his wallet out the car at the drive thru, opened the door to grab it but the car kept going and he got wedged so maybe a cursed mcdonalds
Curses don't real it's probably just shitty fast good
>>1082921 damn to be known in the afterlife as 'killed by chicken nuggers' guy would suck also thinking it was an auto and he was driving a stick instead would have lived
>>1082934' I mean there's plenty worse ways to be remembered Like however silly it seems, you can't really be blamed for your own death if you choked on food or, as this appears to \\\ Yeah no I would actually prefer "choken on nuggets" to "killed herself by refusing to actually stop the car before leaning out to grab her wallet" that's both a silly AND self inflicted way to go
there's this asian food place that's opened somewhat recently here and the food's real good though calling it a "food place" makes it seem like, you know, a restaurant or like, at least a building, but it's legit just a camping trailer fitted with cooking implements, in the parking lot of a grocery store
good food though so who cares, it's just something I've not really seen before
They put Nick Cage in the color out of space movie? How come I never hear about this movie?
Hell how did they even think making "the color out of space" into a movie was sensible The central conceit is like, inherently not possible to translate into a visual medium
dude get this - and it's further proof that normies simp just as hard for Sports Figures as any virgin does over egirls and vtubers - my mate, right was looking at racing stuff on ebay and old tickets to one particular F1 event in 2007 were going for several thousand dollars because it was the debut of some famous cunt, and the first time he raced in the F1 or whatever and my mates like >hang on, I went to that event as a kid went through his old shit. found the ticket stub and then HE sold it on ebay and made like 8 grand.
and I'm happy for my friend but like who the fuck is buying these things who the fuck would pay 8 grand for an old ticket
anyway.. to each their own I guess. They're entitled to set up their own Sports Colleciton or Hero Worship Shrine. But that is ABSOLUTELY the same as buying merch or donating an akasupa to your favourite streamer
camrips are a whole other fucking world of piracy, goddamn how has the quality not become better over time? and there are ADS in the damn rip for online casinos and shti what the hell man
>>1082956 john wick 4 cam rip? >>1082958 probably smart I'm gonna go tomorrow
I mean at some point movies were so low quality to begin with, it didn't really matter that much but honestly I expected the camrips to at least improve over time too
also as I'm watching the first one now When John is fueling his car at the gas station, he just puts the thing into the gastank hole, and leaves it there Is that... is that how they work in the US? You don't gotta hold them, they just sorta spew gasoline until, presumably, the level reaches the spout? Cause here you absolutely gotta hold it, and hold the trigger, or it stops
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah you can latch it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it looks like some gas stations have had to remove nozzle latches for one reason or another maybe safety or regulations? idk i never use it i'm used to holding triggers rather than toggling it just feela more direct even if i t takes more effort i hate getting confused about the state of the toggle at least in video games
although ive noticed Magnus Carlsen actually uses click based chess moves at least when playing with longer time controls does seem like it would avoid mouse slips especially for long range bishop moves
>>1082965 >>1082967 In Australia you also have to hold it. I have never seen a latch. If you take your finger off the trigger the juice will stop flowing.
just seems like an overall safer way to do it honestly
Why would you want to blow the fuck out Er, blow the fuck out vets
>>1082952 It's easier than you think Since the colour out of space is simply magenta Also I think it's a genuinely good adaptation of the original story, andand Nic Cage goes wild in it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
watching the natural selection tour on TV snowboarders do be havin a death wish
So like a year ago i remember posting something on moe about being out hanging out with this guy and this girl after finishing this course thing and feeling a bit like a third wheel so I left early we hung out again today and now they're like a full on couple.
SO it wasn't just in my head. They really did hook up after I left
or option b don't eat them out of a guys ass but this place won't even let me play chumbawumba tubthumping on the crowdDJ app they have so fuck this place
>>1083018 name sounds familiar >>1083019 I thought that was Barry Humphries who plays Dame Edna and Les Paterson I don't think I have heard of this
man I suppose I got a decent amount of shit from TB but it's still shit at the end of the day I got this tiny little burrito at GYG last night for fucking $14 it tasted decent but maybe not $14 worth