I got an espresso machine and even though I didn't do much prep it still came out pretty good. I'll have to learn proper technique so I can get a really good shot. it's a Breville Barista Pro, it has a built in grinder and the guy just put new conical burrs in it yeah I wanted to get the same bean that my friend had but it was a local specialty from a far away state. I got 2 different types at Target that are 'espresso style' and I'll see how they both turn out. yeah there's some experimenting for sure
oh, that's pretty fancy you should shop around for some beans to use, there's a lot of variety I really like the Blue Java they got at one store here, but I'm even still figuring out just how fine to grind them cause I've got a standalone grinder
less easy to prepare I mean given the option between "here's a pre-measured out bag of rice you just boil for a specified time" and actually figuring out how to do it and having to stir and stuff to avoid the rice getting burned or whatever, I'd much prefer the bag It's not like I'm exactly hostile to learning to do it normally, I'm sure it's pretty easy, but the bag is surely easier even then
that and I usually get the mixed bags that have a few different kinds of rice, or at least they vary in color, and that seems like a pain to replicate on my own, cause they don't sell like, pre mixed big boxes or bags of rice, I don't think
I don't eat nearly enough rice to justify getting a damn rice cooker lmao even beyond the cost, which I'm sure is manageable, they take up space I'm not really at a surplus of
joined a car sharing co-op so i can rent a car now and then to move heavy stuff and they have two dedicated spots in the basement lot hooray nwo i can continue hating on cars while occasionally reaping the utility of moving a couch or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1080242 nice i used to have a conical burr grinder i should get another one
>>1080255 even with regular drip coffee I noticed grinding is so much better than preground my roommate has this heavy cast iron manual coffee mill, it's pretty fun to use but idk if it's fine enough for espresso
Oh yeah, fresh ground is way way better I mean a freshly opened bag is fairly close, but once it's open, it's open y'know? >>1080258 Really even with beans you've had laying around for a while, at least the internals of the beans are still much fresher than the pregrounds in a similarly aged, open bag
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah freshly ground has all them fresh oils assuming the roast is fresh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think a week to two weeks old is the sweet spot for recently roasted beans
now when you start order // ordering a flask cage built for holding a flask on your frame that's when you know you've got a substance problem
Or you're making sure it's less of a problem!
ngl flasks are pretty neat, my friend had a really nice looking one I don't drink but some of the stuff like that is fun to marvel at
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i used to have a flask when i lived in cali because i thought it would be cool but it was just depressing to me
My dad's got a small flask with the like, soviet style hammer, sickle and laurels emboldened on the front of it Not in use or anything, it's just like, a knicknack I dunno if it's even authentic
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i started playing ocarina of time again thanks to Blue i haven't played OoT in a loooong time because i always just end up playin Majora's instead
anyway game is pretty good emulation is pretty faithful although the HD rendering experiences its flaws i gotta say and maybe this is just me making up a guy to be mad at but like the slingshot is fine who is like 'the slingshot is so useless' it is like you go into your first dungeon and get it and it's pog it exists in context, like, if you evaluate it outside of the Deku Tree then sure but as a kid playin N64 or // playing your first 3D zelda, hell, possibly first 3D game ever, you're just warming up to the idea of navigating a 3D terrain anyway tier lists can go blank a blank
what i love about ocarina is the camera work there are so many different cinematic cameras in this game, in the cutscenes, sometimes in the levels themselves the pre-rendered stills have crazy JPEG artifacts but they give the game some atmosphere
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also can i say dodongo as a boss is memorable but his cavern is not it's mostly a dark cavern full of bats and blocks to push
Geek & Sundry's L.A By Night is a really well made TTRP series, damn I mean I've always liked vampire stuff, so that helps, but the players and DM are all really good and in character and stuff too
>>1080305 I'm not entirely sure what a TV dinner is tbh Is it just any pre-made microwave meal?
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1080307 yes its an old fashioned way of saying people would set up TV dinner trays in front of the TV and eat them
Well I mean there's a lot of stuff There's like pasta in various sauces, there's risotto, meatballs and potatoes, soups, all sorts of stuff, though probably less varied than the US has
The risotto are pretty good tbh It's mostly rice so it's not exactly a lotta food for the money, but it tastes real good
I was listening to a podcast with one of the big runescape content creators and he's like "50% of a video is the thumbnail and title. if I think of a great idea for a video but I don't have a thumbnail in mind I don't do it."
like fuck man I just throw mine together in MS paint after editing the video
Although one nice thing about just doing yt for fun is not having to worry too much about view count or analytics or shit like that. I have the luxury of just throwing it out there and seeing what happens.
Although. Although. Sometimes if I've worked particularly hard on something, it would be nice to get a higher viewcount.
Though usually that only works once you've built up a bit of a circle within the same interest sphere and if it's gaming content, then building that circle involves being kind of a shithead online for a while
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thumbnail game on point
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you dont need red circles and arrows except for the most child-targeted content just do what the library of letourneau does take memes and put funny face cutouts on them
we might be revisiting disability, cause I've been missing the work program for 2 weeks straight and I'm still fucked up honestly I don't even know, I think I just kinda stopped caring at all at some point, and now I can't get going again
being entirely honest I don't think I'm gonna make it it's just a bit too much at this point like even right now I'm kinda just like, I don't even know, having some sort of episode? head's woozy, heart beating weirdly, buncha stuff like that and I just woke up cause I went to bed earlier cause of a headache
though I guess I'd probably be doing better if I actually did fully give up just go "fuck it, I'm just gonna stop going to this work stuff and just sorta rot" cause at least then I don't have the weight of actually skipping out on it, you know? Or more like, it's not an active choice each time, I'm not trying and failing to make myself go, I've just decided I'm not gonna anymore that's easier to process
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's depressing!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway check out this cool mayo i whipped up
I think I'm gonna need to get a new mouse It's starting to register single clicks as doubleclicks
order the same mouse on amazon and return the bad one
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I'm not even sure these are sold anymore in the first place
well back to bed I go Don't think I'm gonna actually sleep, but I'm just not like, mentally fit for being like, out of bed it's one of those times just feeling off
It's also just nice to crawl under the covers and lie down anyway when you've got nothing better to do
I may or may have not started browsing tiktok it >>1080400 i s pretty time consuming and evil
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
delete tiktok early, delete tiktok often
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the way the internet has taken over our lives really underscores the importance of getting out there and touching grass be it camping or hiking or travel or what have you the content doesn't fulfill like embodiment and movement do
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that said damn its still winter and its gonna snow in a few days
perhaps this is the year science fiction died all interesting combinations of robots, humans, cyborgs, and aliens have been explored and algorithmically generated by now
doubt it ai will only get better with time and more aware of human nature words are truly cheap
Yeah but sentiment and ideas aren't And the human capacity to make the incomprehensible connective leaps which found the basis of creativity An AI can certainly be absurd, but I don't think something built upon rational algorithms and following patterns reinforced by doing what it "should" be doing will ever be able to compete with the human capacity to make fucking weird connective leaps that only make sense in retrospect
Alternatively you just machinegun spaghetti out a piece of writing after a piece of writing, but in that case all you're left with is another Library of Babel, heaps of unintelligible nonsense that would take eons to find anything of quality within
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 612 4/6*
⬜⬜⬜🟨⬜ ⬜🟨⬜⬜🟨 ⬜🟩🟨🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Not a new bp but I matched the previous pb I set with a belt without using one.
Talking about jerking off btw
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 385 4/6
🟨⬜⬜⬜🟩⬜ ⬜🟨⬜⬜🟩🟨 🟩🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1080424 people been saying this for decades but the evidence hasn't borne it out at all
How has the evidence borne out the contrary? I don't agree with the premise that any AI has proven to be as creative as a human brain can be Goofy, fun But lacking in a difficult to pinpoint aspect from which creativity springs from
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
people have been writing "machines will never do X" forever and then the scope of things machines cannot do keeps receding 'yes but machines cannot feel emotions' has been written a million times and yet there's no reason an embodied machine wouldn't be able to feel something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's like no evidence that a machine could not draw from some ineffable wellspring of creativity and art and in fact lots of empirical evidence to suggest that they either already can or will very soon
I don't think there's any evidence they can either Nothing I've seen of AI produce demonstrates to me a sense of creativity They're just copying, photobashing, tracing without understanding the material they're pulling from Prove to me an AI understands the creative value of a creative work and I might be persuaded But I have not seen anything which demonstrates that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they don't understand creative value yet but they understand a heck of a lot about the structure of language and they're getting way better at it real quick they are sure to get there eventually, and possibly soon
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we got algorithms that have never seen a drum kit or a guitar before learning what a musical vibe is once we get embodied robots that are plugged into human senses they will learn real quick
we should retvrn and make it so if you defeat a police officer in combat, you're cleared of whatever charges they were arresting you for or at least the least serious one, but you're cleared of one for each police officer you defeat, so if the whole swat team is on you, you could potentially wipe the slate clean
I mean I just figured it'd been at least practiced for some time But I guess the US is real young, yeah
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1080444 There are some cases where you can legally kill a police offer in *officer in self defense. Pretty high burden though Ah Except like Killing a cop who entered your house as part of a no knock raid and didn't announce that they were police. This would only work in a state with stromg self defense laws though. Florida or Texas for example.
made mayo two egg yolks, a bit of mustard, lemon juice whisked avocado oil in like crazy it's very yellow and not nearly as thick as i would have hoped probably a skill issue on the thickness or maybe i just had to whisk even longer it's thick enough to use as a chicken salad spread taste is alright but nothing special
i looked up why it's yellow and it's because of the egg yolks duh then i looked up why store-bought mayo isn't yellow and it's because they barely use any egg yolk store mayo is a scam
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this football game is dreadful and by dreadful i mean i have no idea what the rules and stakes are but they're all just standing there and rolling dice
i ate it all it was made from eggs that are weeks old and chicken that's half a week old and bread that's several days old and starting to grow mold spots
neither do I, but this game has like none of the rules you just bludgeon the other team until you get the ball over the line, and once you're in the lead you focus your efforts on killing the other team so you're better off in future matches
I ordered some things from Amazon on Saturday Four things, precisely And two of them arrived separately yesterday, one arrived earlier today, and a final one is due to arrive sometime tonight Not once did they allow me to have them all arrive on the same day Although I guess at least one was coming from outside Amazon, but I'm pretty sure at least two were from inside Amazon Nothing from the shipment needed to arrive urgently so it's annoying they didn't let me consolidate items
neat looking coffee grinder i wonder how much it costs >$6k Cereal
looks like a damn bong
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it do be dispensing drugs
Phones need a better mechanic for letting the user know their flashlight is on I have encountered several people on the transit who are just holding their phone up for everyone to be blinded by the light beaming out of the back of their phone
phones should have a tiny coffee bean grinder add-on feature i'd buy it in a heartbeat
>>1080484 Yeah, and, imagine this, you can't actually see the effect of that light at all when you're in a well lit environment and the back of your phone is facing away from you
what if you could load gunpowder into a phone and it had like a nozzle that could help direct the force of the gunpowder after ignition and then you could put a projectile in there to absorb the force of the explosion and transform it into kinetic energy
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you could be on the bus or train or something and use your phone to prevent people from talking to you it's genius
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i saw a tiktok meme that was like 'hey why don't students at hogwarts have like mass spelling events' 'well it's because everyone at hogwarts is carrying a wand so it's naturally limiting on the amount of damage an out of control wizard or witch could do' and then the meme was like 'oh yeah. huh. think about it.'
and i was like "is this parody or something i can't even tell anymore"
once the elon brainchip is launched, we will be able to get a HUD popup in our periphery like when you're failing at stealth in skyrim "You are being perceived" And you can threaten whoever is perceiving you, cause the HUD knows who it is
>>1080493 seems kinda dumb there's one house who'd even use their wands to harm anyone in the first place, and they're all really on board with doing that, so really there should be occasional flares of mass violence like that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
https://www.tiktok.com/@quicktalk_on_tiktok/video/7200008498292329770 oh man here it is
surely this is just ironic right because at face value this just doesn't work on so many levels
I think it's just one of those guys who are really into making everyone have a gun at schools because he's drank too much fox news juice so he's "owning the libs" by saying their favorite book very clearly advocates for his "lunatic conservative" position
I mean at least I gotta give him credit for being like, the first of this type that I've seen who actually has a point that tracks Like, the Harry Potter schools are, effectively, fully armed schools where everyone is carrying around a glock at all times, and they do not have individual mass murder events in-lore, so he's right as far as the lore goes But it's also written by a dimwit who either is genuinely about the worst human being to ever write a children's novel, or she has never thought about the implications of anything she's written
dune is about being mad at thinking machines thou shalt not construct a machine with a mind
>>1080502 The blockchain will be irrelevant by the end of our lifetimes But thinking machines will plague our survival as a species until we fall or destroy them
>>1080505 I mean that's how they phrase it, but really they seem to be really against even something like a calculator They've got mans hopped up on stimulants so bad their lips are just pools of blood doing basic arithmetic because they're scared of wolframalpha
>>1080506 But thinking machines will plague our survival until we fall or we destroy them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1080507 i think the idea is that any precursor to an AI is a threat so they gotta stamp it out early maybe in their universe it's a real short distance from building a calculator to an AI due to the history
Might be one of those "consciousness is just a result of sufficiently complex computations" kinda things Like it's just something that emerges once enough Thinking is being done by a self-contained single system
I mean in fairness, you guys aren't something you meet every day well, you specifically might but I mean, you seem to run into one exceedingly rare Type Of Guy every week at the least
Like if someone asked me if I'd ever met some random type of person, my immediate thought would be "I haven't, but kirara definitely met one this month"
The most rare type of guy I've ran into is a fedora guy lanky mf with one of those like, "I take care of my facial hair, but I am absolutely an atheist" mustache, goatee combos he was wearing overall nice looking clothes, but looked like he was from the damn 50s got on the bus I was on
Unlike you though, I don't project an aura of "if you're a lunatic, I'm here to listen to you" so we didn't talk to each other or anything I just saw him get on the bus and I haven't forgotten that moment cause it's the most like "is this real?" moment of my life
well there is the Jesus Guy who's a local here though, kind of our own little town celebrity But he's not like, super strange or Rare, he's just a bit unusual and very, very saved by the lord's grace
oh i did have a guy flip his shit today i made him some green tea (using a tea bag) and he told me that it changed his life and called me a barista fuckin weirdo
should make him uh blackcurrant toddy? is that a sensible thing to say in english? it's common here that's gonna change his whole existence they sell them in bags of powder you just add hot water and stir
you could also import some gløgg or hell, maybe they sell that shit in the US anyway, I dunno what you've got though you gotta make sure you get some actually good stuff instead of the bad ones, cause there's a LOT of difference One end of the scale is water with taste, the other is really, really good Some of that is a matter of how you ratio it with the hot water, but still
gløgg comes in bottles, like uh... I dunno, does koolaid do that? Anyway it's just a liquid you mix with hot water, a lot of people add some raisins and roughly ground nuts to the cup too >>1080529 yeah that seems about right that's swedish, but still it's probably the same kinda thing I can't speak to the quality of the swedish brands though, cause I've never tried them
yeah I mean it's not the cheapest you can get but it's worth it >>1080533 I mean it's not like "expensive" expensive, but you can get more for less with the more watery brands
see if you can get a nuts and raisins bag to go with it for the full experience Though it's not like I actually add that stuff myself, you are kinda "supposed to" It also really is just raisins and a few types of crushed nuts though, so you could replicate it yourself easily and probably for way cheaper
have you come across the Titty Milk energy\nootropic drink stuff the independent vtubers seem to be hawking now? https://gamersupps.gg/products/titty-milk-100-servings
ShyLily has her own bespoke flavor from these guys with matching like, merch and stuff
I only know cause one of my friends actually does watch a vtuber who apparently was talking about it
just in terms of value, if it actually tastes good, 100 servings for $40 is a pretty good deal, really but also I do not want to order "titty milk" online
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
right? even if i was convinced it was amazing i do not think i want that on my credit card history
Right? At least there should be lines that just have estrogen in stuff Bang Unicorn not having estrogen is a crime, that stuff tastes like a damn melted candybag
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i acquired a massive supply of english breakfast tea i feel very british
today my supervisor sent me her 23andme results and it said she was 88.5% british and she was like "apparently i'm mostly british" and i just said "i'm so sorry to hear that"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
soo true i'm drinkin the tea when i get up rather than coffee seems like a smoother way to ramp up the day
>>1080545 how do you even manage that pure a lineage in the US? ...actually no, I guess the US has actually had a LOT of social forces that kinda mandated lineages be relatively pure in that way
well I mean it's an extremely American kind of thing, since for pretty much all the rest of us, there's not exactly a lot of mystery there Mine's gonna be at minimum 95% Norwegian ancestry
SUPPOSEDLY there's some Roma somewhere on my mother's side, but it's not like my grandma or something, it's way further out there And I don't actually know if it's true, or some sort of racist joke from a while back that's just kinda gotten stuck in the head of someone in her family who then thought it was true, and not just like when people say they're "a little bit jewish" cause they're greedy fucks
i'm mostly ukrainian but supposedly i have a little irish or something my dad's dad was ukrainian and his mom was irish and my mom's parents are both ukrainian
Like I can absolutely see some people walking around thinking they have some Jewish ancestry because someone cracked a joke or insulted their ancestors over their greed or stingyness And possibly it's a situation like that
Roma are also kinda used as shorthand for certain undesirable character traits
there's a lot of great greentext stories the cornfield guy and the accompanying post of seeing some guy rustling around in a corn field are both incredible
or the guy who pretended he had a mental meltdown, destroying his laptop to avoid his sister seeing his caption porn of her he'd made it's not even impossible to believe it, 4chan's userbase are fucking wild
really though, reincarnation has never actually made all that much sense to me if there's no continuity in experience, what does it really matter if on some cosmically technical level, you're the same "soul" or whatever it's not you in the next round, and it wasn't you last round
The decline of 4chan's relevance on the online stage is a bit of a shame There aren't really any other great places for people to just be uncomfortably weird in an innocuous and mostly harmless way Like you try to talk about anything like 10% as weird as some of the weird shit people would bring up on 4chan in its heyday on a social media site these days, even ones where you don't have to be "you", and you'd likely attract the ire of one brigading clique or another The power of anonymous to just fade back into the background after sharing your weirdness was a highlight of the site
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1080561 I found a deepfake audio thing of david lynch talking about that post. Think I got it on tano.
>>1080565 I mean a lot of what has really changed is less the anonymity, and more the structure of social media being one where everyone doesn't share the same spaces you form spheres of interaction, rather than being dumped in a pool where everyone else is as well so you're only gonna be exposed to, in both senses, people who share your interests and weirdness to some degree
The sorta ethereal Posting of 4chan is just kinda dead
There's of course a lot that was awful and terrible about 4chan back then too But the freedom to be weird was pretty nice
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1080565 Never thought I'd see you of all people would extoll the virtues of 4chan amd its relevancy.
chatgpt really is fucking dogshit for anything approaching factual information it's good at a lot of stuff, but it really seems to not be concerned at all with whether it's correct about stuff when you ask it outright factual questions
Which is doubly screwed up because that's pretty much all it is really able to do in the first place, as far as information goes
Like it's good at some stuff, suggesting stuff for a story or game, or generating simple scripts and stuff like that, but what it keeps telling you whenever you ask about something is it's primary function is to provide accurate, factual information about the stuff you ask it And it sucks big ass at specifically that
Really what the fucking thing needs is to be rewarded, to some degree, for simply declaring ignorance "I actually don't know, but..." is far preferable to confidently stating stuff that's just outright not true
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it hallucinates everything and so has no real tether to facts or reality the bing chatbot seems to do at least a bit of checking
it's REAL good at recommending movies, though Which is pretty cool, because unlike just finding factual information and stuff, that's something that is pretty much missing online There are sites that try to accomplish it, but they basically just use tagging to give you movies that have some overlap in tags, and rarely care about the aspects of the movie you really enjoyed
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh thats neat like you can ask it about actors or vibes you're looking for?
Yeah I think so I mean I told it I really liked Jumper, and it gave me some recommendations, and then gave me a different, more suitable list once I specified what I liked about it in particular It seems able to kinda merge stuff you like too, like I told it "I also really liked Chronicle, so take that into consideration", and it gave me another list that sorta honed in on their shared elements I haven't really watched or heard about most of the movies it's spat out, so I can't say for sure if they're good recommendations, but based on its description of them, they seem to be what I'm looking for And honestly, the fact that it gives me movies that I don't know about in the first place is arguably a great aspect, because if it just gave you already popular movies you likely know about anyway, it'd be fucking worthless for recommendations >>1080582 Oh the movies absolutely exist, so that much is for sure, and I expect the descriptions are accurate too because movies are really easy for it to have gotten consistent and strong certainty information on back when they harvested data, since IMDB exists and has an article on practically everything filmed and released since the 50s
Unlike many other things, it's unlikely to have ingested bad data on movies, at least as far as their plot and characters go
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pretty crazy that it's able to glean that info i hope it's not more forgeries lol
Like I asked it about what anime was playing in the opening gunfight in Johnny Mnemonic, and it did fuck that up. It gave me a real anime that I might actually check out, but it was the wrong one But if I asked it about the plot and characters, or movies similar to it, I think it'd do a pretty good job at it (though that one's a bit easy because it could just pull Keanu's filmography out of the memory bank and roll a set of dice to decide on which entries to give you)
in its defense though, that's the kind of question that's hard to really harvest data for in the first place, since it's unlikely to be described in that way anywhere it has to default to just skimming through what anime have been mentioned in connection with Johnny Mnemonic a lot instead, and so it just lies and gives you whatever it came up with
(I know that's not actually how these things work, but in an abstract way it does sorta do that)
Gab has really like, pulled the mask off over time too, it's really incredible to watch in my email inbox Started out like "oh we're free speech and cool and good" and over time it's kinda hemmed and hawed until it's now at "the only future we have is a theocratic dictatorship"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we must secure a future for fucking idiots
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1080587 nevermind this was just another junk mail what the heck
chatgpt is also fairly good at like, technical computer stuff probably because that, too, has a lot of very good and consistently accurate sources it was able to harvest from during training
I honestly can't stop being impressed at the stuff it excels at, despite the myriad stuff it's absolute fucking dogshit at I mean at the end of the day, it IS just a reflection, a prediction of what The Internet would tell you And for a lot of stuff, that's fucking insane, but for another lot of stuff, it's actually incredible
Particularly its ability to generate scripts is really impressive to me, because that is, arguably, creativity On some level or another, it does understand what the various parts of the code it's hoovered up does, and not just their totality And it's able to actually synthesize that into something new, something that it hasn't encountered before It usually requires a little bit of back and forth and correction, but a lot of those corrections, it can do itself if you tell it, and you don't even have to understand the code yourself because you can ask it to explain in detail what the code will do, then point at a mistake it's made and go "that part isn't what I wanted, I wanted it to do this" and it will rewrite it, usually correctly
It just seems to have a little bit of fuzzy memory when it's tasked with keeping a lot of complicated information and acting on it all at once, so you have to take it step by step through a fair amount of stuff, and go back to correct stuff it fucked up in the process But I've found that if you have it generate a script, and then just iterate on that, it turns out pretty well You'll get bad result if you give it the full rundown, but if you go "make a basic script for this purpose" and then just hit it with consequitive "and it should also do this, amend it to do that", then double check now and then that it understands what it's supposed to be doing, you can get some pretty complex stuff out of it It seems to have \\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah a billion stack overflow posts sounds like my personal hell being forced to read all of stack overflow
an easier time when it's iterating on a code snippet, rather than creating the whole thing from scratch >>1080594 It's REALLY cool, and I feel like that's somehow being slept on by a lot of the naysayers and stuff I don't need the AI to do what I can literally do with a search engine myself anyway But the AI being able to do stuff I myself can't actually do, that's actually incredible, and useful
And I think those are the things AI will blossom into over time There's no reason to reinvent the wheel, but not needing to actually learn coding to do increasingly advanced coding, that's gonna change a lot about tech accessibility
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah the part where it is able to unpack concepts and apply corrections and transformations at request is the crazy part eh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it really feels like we aren't far of f from an AI that can absorb a whole codebase, then derive meaning from the code, then iteratively make improvements to it fuckin self-improving AI
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you see any robots sitting in at a university Machine Learning course take a baseball bat to it
I also actually think it's pretty cool that there are image generation AIs that can create new images of my favorite cute anime girls I mean I'm not entirely sure how I feel about them harvesting a lot of artists' work without permission or compensation for it, but I do enjoy the finished product itself Commercially, I think there SHOULD be some sort of compensation or whatever involved there, but if it's not for profit or anything, then to be entirely sure I don't think I can find a particularly good argument against it
It's not even about "that's not how humans learn and reference", it's just that this ultimately isn't a human, but a product, and by using other people's work to produce it without their consent, it's at best kinda sleazy
Overall, it's pretty promising, to me, that the AIs that we're seeing are kinda shitty at specifically stuff we're already all very capable of doing It's a bit weird that it's like that, but what's promising is that they are good at the stuff we aren't already all good at, instead
Like, I can't code, I don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of movies, and I'm not very good at coming up with plot elements or stuff for a story ...chatgpt are good at those And it's still in the infancy of AI, we're still kinda learning how to do this stuff
I'm real excited about open assistant too It's a very new project to make an open source AI in the vein of chatgpt, I think it's gonna use gpt3 or something even, but more generalized Like, the end goal of the project is to have an assistant on your computer that can interface with APIs and stuff, so if a piece of software has an API with documentation, you can tell the assistant what you'd like to do, and it'll try to get that done for you It's obviously a long-term kinda thing, but the prospect is super exciting
Like, imagine Cortana, but actually good and useful Cortana is ultimately kind of just a toy, because it's super limited in what it can do, essentially no more than pressing the buttons on your screen with your voice
I watched Noragami a little while back, and I got like halfway through mawaru penguindrum I'm thinking of watching Road To Berlin later, cause Strike Witches is a bit of a guilty pleasure Well I watched Bocchi the Rock, too, and I've watched one episode of Onimai, which I might continue
well, one of its recommendations was "upgrade", and it's actually pretty fun the description was accurate, the recommendation was relevant I mean it's a LITTLE bit of a stretch, sure, but I don't imagine there are a lot of movies that fit the intersection between Chronicle and Jumper much better than this
the bing AI seems a lot more fun than the chatgpt too seems to have far more porous safeguards, assuming the screenshots coming out are legitimate chatgpt's safeguards are possible to circumvent too, but they're more diligent with patching holes in it
I wonder why microsoft is less on the ball in that aspect Maybe they just recognize it makes it a lot more fun to use, and ultimately isn't a problem anyway as long as it doesn't actually instruct people to break the law or something
>>1080607 chainsawman is pretty poplar it got dvd buying otaku really mad thoough so they didn't buy something about teh director saying something about making it as not-anime as possible really ticked them off it's fun if s2 ever comes it'll be really good
I wonder if\when we'll get AIs capable of generating like, anime Not just images, but actual motion pictures >>1080613 That actually sounds pretty interesting, even if I can sympathize with the complaints there
there was that netflix anime that used mostly AI images for background and stuff it made artists mad because it seemed they were cutting costs
yeah I mean it's definitely not a bright future for artists On the other hand, I think it might make it more doable for independent people to produce stuff, which is pretty good
It's kind of a thing where it's like "It's a skill developed over a long time" which is true, and it does kinda stink that it's becoming less marketable But also like Yeah, it is a skill, a skill that takes a lot of time and dedication. And with the machine, it's not going to be necessary unless you have a very specific vision Which is, actually, good I mean just at the base level, it means people who have ideas for something, but lack the skill and\or talent, can still make the thing
All automation fucks over the people who used to do that work manually, and really artists aren't particularly fucked in comparison Human artwork will, after all, at least still have a demand for it, hard to say that for the stuff that has already been entirely automated out of the job market I mean "computer" used to be a profession That's not a thing anymore, at all, literally not 1 person on the planet does that job anymore
It's easy to be very cynical and just go "they're doing this to squeeze out more profit at the expense of the working class", and it's not like that isn't true But at the same time I don't think that's at all different than any other automation we've ever done, it's just that this time it touches on something we've considered hallowed ground, sacred in its "only humans CAN do this" need for creativity The only real difference here is that this is work that we've decided, as a culture, to actually care about the particular individual workers involved in the creation of
The guy on the factory line whose job disappeared in a puff of smoke when a robot was built that stacked the product in cardboard boxes for shipping was no less fucked than the people drawing backgrounds in anime or designing logos for corporations or whatever Though granted, he probably spent a lot less time and effort to acquire the skills involved
I just don't trust people at all, really Don't even entirely trust myself, don't know if I can even build a new friendship that reaches the depths I had I mean, it does make sense that it's not exactly easy to do that, we were one step removed from dating, honestly
hell I think most people who are dating or even probably married never trusted each other quite to the extent we did we both know a fair amount of stuff about each other that could kinda screw the other one up in a big way, socially and stuff hard to entirely say which one knows the worse stuff about the other, but probably the stuff he knows about me is more damning in the grand scheme of things
>>1080625 i was put off by the concept but it grew on me emblemm ENGAGE >>1080624 >>1080627 sorry to hear that i want to believe everything will be daijoubu but consider adding me for funsies
Like I mean, when he blocked me, his bf also blocked me and that bridge is burned for the rest of time, and depending on how detailed he was in what he told said bf, there could be a thread on twitter like, tomorrow, that burns me for the rest of time and forces me to either cease to exist online or fabricate an entirely new internet persona from scratch scorched earth shit That's not exaggeration, he knows stuff about me that would fucking end me socially immediately if he dropped it Well, provided he could actually prove any of it, which chances are he can't
I mean the thread hasn't cropped up, so either he didn't spill the beans entirely, or his bf isn't the retributionist type I mean I do know the guy, or used to anyway, not like we're ever gonna talk again, and he's overall a good guy, and we got along, so he probably won't It is a worry I have though, that's not possible to entirely overlook But at the same time I wouldn't even be able to hold it against him if he decided to scorch me
I can add you though, I guess, though I didn't note down the info I wasn't exactly in the best place at the time
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>1080626 The simple plot suddenly managed to get me invested towards the end
the bot also recommended me "Brightburn" the basic gist it seems to have is "It's superman's origin story, but he grows up to be a psycho instead of a hero" which is interesting enough to give it a watch
added like I said it's not very easy for me to do the whole "friend" thing, and really the fact we already share a social circle here is probably gonna put a bit of a limit to how close it's possible for me to get, but still I guess it's nice to have more than like, one guy I talk to
there are some parts about asking the bot for recommendations that really does kinda drive home that you are, at the end of the day, interacting with a machine just pretending to be a human being Like it understands and responds in very human text, sure, but you also have to specifically tell it not to recommend you movies you told it you enjoy lmao if you don't, I suspect once you've got like 10 or so movies you've said you liked, it'll just print a list consisting of movies from that list Cause those would be accurate recommendations for stuff you might like, seeing as you already said you do like them
also holy shit it does actually know more than I expected Like I checked IMDB because I recognized one of the actors but couldn't remember his name, didn't see info that lead me to the answer so I just asked the bot "who's the guy playing the kid's uncle in brightburn" and it went "that's matt jones" and it absolutely is matt jones
for sure It'd be interesting to see some sort of continually learning AI it'd probably have to be trained by occasionally spitting one of its prompts and answers out onto some sort of reviewboard or whatever, and then be graded and corrected if necessary which would require A LOT of manpower but it would be pretty interesting
something like every prompt, it has a 1% chance to ask permission to submit it for review, and every x prompts, you're asked to grade\correct one such submitted prompt? It'd for sure be a lot slower than the sort of training they do with pre-made datasets, but with a large enough userbase, it could become pretty powerful I think There's the issue of malicious actors, though, which I dunno how you'd solve
If it's managed by a company, that's easy enough, but the ideal would be for it to be without a centralized owner
Maybe a function to display the prompts that have reached the threshhold to be included in the next training session or something like that, for community review That way you filter out the obviously stinky ones from mass review, but you leave in the ones that are likely to be OK and just need a final check
I guess to some degree, this is what open assistant is trying to create, but that's still going to need some sort of centralized steward
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they already pay a bunch of people to give feedback and help train the neural nets for chat
I suppose so It does have a long time between training sessions though, or at least so it says itself According to the bot, its training data is from late '21
I should enroll in wahtever fuckin' university Zizek teaches at, sign up for his class, all for the purpose of walking up to the mfer on day one and demanding he give me his take on the appeal of pantyshots I desperately need to know Zizek's take on this specific subject
What can psychoanalysis and whatever the hell you're up to tell us about the pantyshots, Zizek? I demand you illuminate us Why are they somehow more erotic than full frontal?
I went ahead and drank some alcohol again, so that means it's time for the paranoia factory to revv up once again . The question of the day appears to be "am I annoying? "
cool I can decimate my attention on the big screen
>>1080705 I saw another one where the car was spotted on Google Earth by someone and then they recovered the vehicle/body from the retention pond. I clicked the link and sure enough you can still see the car on the edge of the water. creepy, missing for years but a mere 20 feet from a road or whatever
wasn't there one like that where someone just fucking stumbled on an actual fucking corpse on google earth, too?
It's not impossible, but I'd be doubtful The satellite images Google has access to don't have that impressive graphical fidelity
bottom left, click 'layers' then 'more' then check 'globe view' https://www.google.de/maps/@26.6249416,-80.227541,59m/data=!3m1!1e3
>>1080709 yeah I mean a car is not too hard to spot on this but idk about a body....might not be that hard though
I can not fucking express enough how utterly shocked I was to find that this is the CGI of a show that's managed to get 5 seasons and went with the CGI supposedly because it was too hard to market the anime-style aesthetic
>Executive producer Jared Wolfson said that Zag wanted the animation to be cinematic and epic, unique and different
Miraculous Ladybug >>>/watch?v=OfygCFC6cdk This is the OP made as a sort of example for what Toei was imagining back in like, 2012(?) >>1080720 That's the one When looking for the show to give it a look, which lead me to >>1080717 I actually scrolled for way longer than I needed to on the search page because the CGI they use is exactly the same as the trash those cursed youtube kids channels shovel onto the platform at 5 videos a day I thought they were just doing the same for this show, and surely the actual show looked different
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh with the french bug lady seemed pretty generic idk why but i saw it on youtube in some memes
I mean even with the decision to not go with the incredible Toei animation, I figured like "Well if they turned that down, of course the CGI is gonna at least be competent. Maybe not Pixar, it's for TV after all, but good right?" Man was I bamboozled by my own assumptions
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
There's a lot of porn of the characters from it. And the animators are horny That's the extent of my knowledge about it.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
This was on my physics exam today. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ladder_paradox
Why does a thing have to not be mostly nothing to be an object?
By that logic, nothing is an object, because most things have more than enough void space relative to the atoms which compose them to be "mostly nothing"
Also I'm finally actually for real (for real this time) watching Critical Role 1 And uh I uh I can see why Tiberius was retconned out and replaced with Pike for the animated show
He wasn't even replaced Orion and Ashley were both players from the homegame that was turned into campaign one of Critical Role But shortly after they started streaming the game, Ashley landed a main role in a live-action show filming out on the east coast of the States (Critical Role operates out of LA on the west coast) and couldn't reliably show up for weekly sessions which started streaming at 22:00 her time out on the east coast They tried from time to time to get her on during the campaign, but it was usually in downtime between seasons of her show This is also why she disappeared for extensive stretches of time during the early parts of campaign two
I guess it's more accurate to say Pike was included, and Tiberius was disappeared, yeah
Also yeah her disappearing in CR2 had me thinking, cause it was my first exposure to CR at all, that she was just a guest player at the time
There's a pretty good reason Tiberius isn't involved at all in the animated retcon for the early parts of Critical Role Orion, who for all we know was a perfectly pleasant party member during the homegames, seems to have been brainpoisoned by the streaming element into wanting to be the big hero in every moment he can, cutting in on other players' chances to shine, rules lawyering with Mercer on a number of things, and even likely deliberately misreading mechanics of spells and magic items and fudging dice rolls He also does a bunch of other minor things which either frustrate or make uncomfortable the other players Viewers don't really know the details because Critical Role has kept pretty silent on what happened, but around episode twenty-five he did something that crossed the line and was effectively dropped from the group a couple episodes later And at pretty much every opportunity afterwards, Critical Role has written him and the material Tiberius relied on for his backstory out of the worldbuilding for their games
I mean even just as an audience, he kinda struck me as kinda unpleasant, just like, to watch, but for a while I chalked it up to his character just being kinda annoying and maybe changing over time. I mean Liam's CR2 character started off as kind of a scumbag, even if he was never actually offensive to watch or anything, the character just was kind of a shady mf, and he changed a lot and I mean him and Sam's character are easily my favorite aspect of the entire campaign
I'm on ep27 now, and this is, judging by the comment section, The Episode And I mean even before anything I can ascribe to such a title has happened, it's really apparent that the entire rest of the group is fucking fed up with the guy Constant, very overt digs at him and a high level of scrutiny, very unveiled, though not explicit, kinda like, not accusations of cheating, but more like they're saying "we're watching you for cheating" without outright saying it
It's REALLY clear their relationship broke down before this episode, and it's on life support
At a later date, in one of the few fan Q&A moments before Critical Role went kinda corporate-minded, when Mercer was asked about them fudging rolls for the sake of drama, he replied that "The only player who fudged their rolls is no longer a part of the group :)" So well If not certain they all were highly confident in Orion's fakery
Oh I mean him fudging rolls is EXTREMELY obvious by this episode Both Marisha and Sam watch every roll he makes like fucking hawks because they're sitting next to him For anyone else, the people next to them might glance over or something on occasion, but this guy isn't making a damn roll without them both looking straight into his dice tray
To Orion's credit, it did come out later that he'd been struggling with a cancer diagnosis that was severely impacting his mental health And that a lot of his social problems are feasibly moments of failure when struggling with those issues Not that it can excuse whatever offense he committed towards the group that was enough to have them cut him out so harshly, but context is useful
Additionally, he did retain the character rights to Tiberius and the worldbuilding he did for the dragon kingdom whatever it was after he left And eventually tried making his own world and game based on that material, even starting a relatively successful Kickstarter to fund it But over time siphoned basically all the funds for that for his own personal needs and hobbies, making the project defunct with nothing to give for the kickstarters
And There have been several former partners of his which have come forth with text messages from him revealing him to be a pretty verbally/textually abusive person to even those he's close with
So it's kind of apparent that while he might have sympathetic reasons for why he was being so awful, he's one of those people who's not really worth giving it towards because he just never improved as a human being and was pretty horrible to everyone in his orbit
Yeah I mean it does help explain some stuff in some way But like, they didn't just kick him off the game, they fucking cut the cord You gotta fuck up REAL bad for your whole friendgroup to do that when you've been playing games together for what, 5 years? It's definitely not just the like, game-related stuff or being kind of a stinky player
oh man he is GOING OFF about draconia maybe I'll end up skipping this episode, cause this shit is getting outta hand, but I still wanna see what the deal is
I think you can, if you want to Very little progress is made, especially because of Orion being Orion And next episode everyone is definitely much more refreshed and relaxed and it's a more enjoyable experience overall
>Vex (Laura): *talking about the plan going forward* she's not even finished, and Orion goes "As she's saying this, Tiberius is getting a half-chub" My brother under god's light, you're lucky Travis is a more reasonable person than I, or there'd be no orc in CR2, I can tell you that
Yeah Comparatively when things started getting a bit romantic in the plot among party characters, their player always went to the significant other of the romantic interest and asked if it was okay Taliesin and Liam definitely made sure Travis and Mercer were comfortable with it before even considering it
I would have, at the least just gone, in that moment "alright, we're taking 5", and either he'd have cut the shit when we come back, or neither of us would be back after the break That is the man's wife, my dude
I wonder if this is part of why Travis was real cagey about anything romantic as far as his own characters went until fairly late into CR2
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if that one moment alone got him booted off the show
Probably not Travis has talked about that the stuff that's kind of character heavy RP isn't really his thing It's why he's always dying inside when it's a shopping episode He likes combat and big "Holy sheeeeet" moments, and when plot hooks start hooking But campaign two in general was a lot of him getting out of his comfort zone and experimenting with that more nuanced character RP
well, shopping and similar segments are always boring as hell when it's not you doing the shopping, so But yeah, he definitely is more of a "I do big damag, you do the rest" kind of guy, or was for a long time anyway I mean that's like literally what he asked for when cooking up Grogg
It also let him be effectively a child in the body of a giant, meaning he got to avoid complex RP until he got more comfortable with the idea Because Grog does have his emotional and character development moments, and make no mistake, Travis is a very emotionally intelligent guy and can act the hell out of a role (Between him and Laura he's the theatre kid after all) He just needed to get comfortable with it
He does really get into his role, taht's for sure, yeah It's just that all of the people in CR2 did, cause they're all super talented and trained at it like, profesionally, so it isn't as noticable I guess
What's actually kinda wild is that, aside from their specific classes, Percy like, IS the character Tiberius is supposed to be, but the two players are so vastly different, it's hard to even notice Percy's a somewhat self-important, snobby asshole (at times) with a pedigree, too, but he's actually played well
But I mean Taliesin could roll a paper bag for a character and it's be one of the three most memorable and fun characters of the campaign, so
Taliesin is a gift to the world If only we could all possess his lunacy
> After a bad audition, his father told him he could either put in more effort for more roles or quit acting, and Jaffe—having not previously realized that quitting was an option—immediately chose to quit. Actual gigachad from childhood
I think it was his episode of Between the Sheets, the brief series they did hosted by Brian W. Foster, where he talked about basically having a mental break while in high school and how he stopped worrying about how people saw him afterwards He's been full goth since then and has only matured with age
Oh shit he had a between the sheets? I haven't seen his! I didn't realize they all did one! I only saw Marisha's, Matt's and Sam's I think Though I mean both Marisha's and Matt's were kinda heavy, so maybe I just stopped watching after theirs and forgot to pick it up again
I think Mercer and Marisha's are the heaviest, but Foster's capacity to pull out the interesting facets of who he interviews does a great job of making each episode pretty nice
I can no longer keep using the brave browser on my phone cause they made it take an additional tap to focus the address bar, so Firefox is once more my best friend
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
rene's house is very moe. soft pastel colours and stuffed animals on every surface.
⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜🟨⬜⬜ ⬜🟩⬜🟩🟩 ⬜🟩⬜🟩🟩 ⬜🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 I thought they already did this one like a month ago but I think that was another _i_ty number another product of ten I mean also you look up one word for wordle and Google thinks it's got your number
I know what an oomfie is but what the fuck is a yoomfie
you = oomfie
it's cool how new android phones will physically stop you from charging the phone if it detects moisture in the charging port, but the design is such that there is no other method of fixing that issue than "simply wait and hope"
so if you're on low power and you were in an area with an air moisture of above 0% in the last 5 hours, you can just give up that's a good feature, I like that
guess I'll just turn off the fucking phone so it will let me charge it today
it's also just... not fucking starting Am I seriously going to need to go get my phone serviced because there's one h2o molecule in the port so now it will not do anything ever again?
>>1080788 throw it into a bag of rice (jk probably not a great idea, rice dust might get in there)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
throw it in the toaster oven for 20 seconds
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1080792 You got a hair dryer? Use it without the heat on.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't get why vaping has such an insane variety of batteries and tanks and mouthpieces and then when you get down to it, they're like "yeah just fill this little reservoir with sticky liquid. it's a shitty rubber flap and it leaks slowly. don't worry about it, every vape leaks" and i'm like what is this hobby
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
"yeah i like a more narrow drip tube to better replicate the cigarette experience"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gotta get a double layered stainless steel coil for more intense flavours y'all
there must be some kind of flip side of this i'm missing i assume it's all euphemized up for various ways to imbibe harder drugs with the same hardware
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess it makes more sense if you're already smoking a pack a day
>>1080799 I can't say anything for sure, but I looked into that S bit like, way back, and at least for weed most capes don't get to the right temperature so they can't be used for that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can def put shatter in some of these
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't mean the shitty disposable ones or anything, like, the elaborate mod boxes it just seems like a half baked industry which i suppose it is given it's marketed at kids
I wonder how far they've gotten with Valheim now It's been a while since I tried it And honestly, I mean, until I got to what was then the end-game, it was a lot of fun