>>1073284 I have a white kiwi plush, somewhere a sesshoumaru plush My dad was supposed to get me a blahaj last year but never did. I asked for it for Channukah.
>>1073291 Inuyasha? damn furries they're only $20 at IKEA, idk if you have one close tho
>>1073312 are you entering a dangerous line of inquiry there? do we need to send the union boys out for a lark
https://www.glassdoor.com/Salary/New-York-Times-Journalist-Salaries-E960_D_KO15,25.htm My heart goes out to them in their struggle, and having to cutback like buying a non retina macbook every 2 years instead of a retina one every year. And the pain of possibly downgrading their $6000 a month appartment view a view to a $5000 a month one without. All the workers of the world, the shipbreakers in Alang, the coal miners in Uzbekistan stand in solidarity. Does union boys aren't going to beat me with a bag of stale focaccia bread tonight.
Am reminded now that i got the wrong kind of naan bread from the store, little miffed over that
>>>/watch?v=krnQLJYjMXo poggy the opening cutscene looks like it has much more life and foliage but then it goes outside and it's barren out there i wonder
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fragile's skin is unblemished and she's riding around with out a raincoat prequel?
some kid crashed the elden ring posse wheres the clip
>>1073327 The entire player's choice vote became a bigger dick competition between the two communities Neither of which are games I feel deserve a GOTY award It's just kind of all around lame
Friend of mine from college is moving to Texas this weekend. Im gonna miss him a lot. We've barely hung out the past few years cause he never has the energy to do anything cause of his shitty job.
>>1073408 no it's just funny to me, there's a lot of Armenians in Glendale and Burbank one of the guys in>>1073406 is Armenian and described him as the genghis khan of glendale
>>1073305 this is actually pretty good I like it >>1073306 i was at ikea recently and saw those felt it would be a bit embarrassing if I gt one
>>1073412 how would you do that not much you can offer online, besides a vague shared understanding
>>>/watch?v=wB_CDGDS7Uw >>1073414 dang you got me back to my spiritual training arc I like the gura one but the boat is derpy is there a reason you get so down in the dumps so often
does it really show that much? I think i limit my freakouts to once a week mb
cmon as if im gonna watch 0.5 A presses for 24 minutes on friday night
>>1073434 it's a technical explanation of abusing game mechanics and bugs that's insanely interesting. if you haven't seen it, I really recommend it, it's actually worth the watch. trust.
it literally gets into parallel universes within the game, unironically. shit's neat.
Dwarf Fortress is the kind of game I can just run and re-run the world gen and still find it thoroughly entertaining
I too have decided to give DF a real go But holy shit, just starting it up, I'm already struck by the realization of how much value there is in a tech tree for beginners there's TOO MUCH shit here, available off the bat
>>1073475 what, you mean you don't want to create a stockpile of troglodyte vitreous eye fluid barrels on day one?
No I mean like EVERY building is unlocked right off the jump Which I'm sure makes perfect sense for experienced players, but I can't even tell what I need at the start, hell I don't even know how it makes sense to layout the base
maybe I should just bite the bullet and actually do the tutorial
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah just wing it in terms of layout you'll have a better idea of where to put stockpiles and workshops after some time watching your dwarves lug shit for miles
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the one thing i try to to // do is have a big drink stockpile on the floor underneath the dining hall and a big food stockpile next to it
As time progresses your dwarves will strengthen their hauling skills, which will increase the speed at which they lug heavy shit It would also be likely smart to build early on an extra handful of wheelbarrows, which can drastically speed up your dwarves' ability to haul very heavy things, such as the rocks left behind by mining Although you may have to manually specify for stockpiles that they can utilize extra wheelbarrows
Late-game you can set up minecart routes which can move both items and dwarves at rapid speeds, but that takes a degree of investment I've never really managed to attain
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i thought you can build minecarts right off the bat i don't know i've never tried them they're new to me
Like all things, you can build them whenever you want But the tracks are kind of material and time-intensive, and I wouldn't really recommend playing around with them unless you have the foundational industries in place >>1073485 Time is pretty important early on in DF! If you goof around experimenting before you have a solid food and drink industry in place, you risk being left short in the winter
DF of course doesn't really have any early/mid/late game, but there's probably better times to experiment with things like minecart tracks than right off the bat
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
stone carved tracks are free tho
>>1073478 Most important right at the outset would probably be a stoneworker's and carpenter's workshop You'll need these to turn stone and wood into furniture to satisfy your most basic of basic dwarf needs, like beds/bedrooms and dining rooms If you have empty barrels (you can make some at the carpenter's if you're short), and plant matter which can be brewed into alcohol, a still is crucial, as alcohol is a fundamental dwarven need Dwarves will eat anything edible (which can be a problem if you run low and they start eating the plants you need for alcohol), but they'll be happier to eat prepared meals made in a kitchen, which makes a kitchen beneficial, but ultimately optional early on Beyond that, what workshops you prioritize are up to what you want to develop next. Found a vein of metal ore and want to start forging metal arms and armor? A furnace and forge are what you want. The clothes your dwarves were wearing at the outside have started rotting off their bodies as they walk around your fort and they're starting to get unhappy about being naked? A loom and clothes workshop are probably a smart investment
Dwarf Fortress' lack of a tech tree is definitely intimidating, but it's a kind of game where if you focus on what you immediately need for survival and then areas of interest you want to expand into, it's much more manageable.
Oh, other smart early options are a jeweler's and craft workshops. You'll encounter small pockets of gems as you mine, and all that stone you unearth can be made at craft workshops into trinkets Trinkets and valuables like gems are good to trade with seasonal trade caravans which will arrive starting in the first autumn of your fort, if you have a trade depot built This is an important way of getting things your fort might not have access to, as well as fun things like animals to abuse Additionally the autumn caravan should always be from the dwarven society your fort belongs to, and they come with an envoy who will take requests you have for next year's caravan to bring, which can some times be the only way to get important things you forgot to embark on/with reliably
I guess I'll just have to trial and error Play it like rimworld, but without the tech tree, just focus on the immediate needs and then go from there, repurposing rooms as I go maybe Still really intimidating though
I would also say don't be shy about consulting the wiki. The game has a lot of complex systems and relies on some imitations of real life things like geological locations of ore veins. The wiki can help brief you on some of those things as well as help you understand the production chains you want to explore
Also also if you're playing the Steam release, I'd recommend building a small room, like even 2x2 would suffice, and furnish it with a chair and table, and make it an office In the Nobles tab you can assign the role of Manager to a dwarf, and then assign that office to that dwarf This opens up the ability to use the Work Orders tab to dictate mass build orders, rather than queing up builds at a workshop one by one It was less of an issue in the classic app because it relied more heavily on keyboard inputs so it was easy to just repeat the same macro like ten times over to queue ten doors or beds or whatever You can't really do that in the Steam release, so setting up the Manager and using Work Orders will save you a lot of menial headaches
i got all sortsa demons and fish men and shit visiting
Yeah, travelling visitors is a newer thing to the game At least new as in "Came after I no longer had the time to plug a lot of time into learning the game" It's interesting since if they like your fort they can petition to join it as a resident, meaning you can end up with a fortress that's no longer monospecies dwarves
Another aspect I haven't really been around to experiment with is all the "culture" content that's come in more recent years Stuff like how dwarves can now perform song and poetry, or both your fort dwarves and intelligent species throughout worldgen and active history can write books and other written material Also if followers of a specific divinity gather in enough number in your fort, they will petition for you to set them up a place of worship, encouraging you to set up all manner of non-functional rooms and institutions to keep your citizens happy
submitted evidence to the provincial driver licensing entity and they were like "ok cool" within 3days and now i have a driver's license again after 2.5 years
Oh no, he's falling to the dark side
>>1073503 Got some not-insignificant amounts of pastel goth aesthetic As expected of Fauna
already worked four days and am rostered for another consecutive five more so I'll be breaking the six maximum either I'm gonna get a day off somewhere or some sweet overtime either way it's a favourable result
I refuse I'll just accept that the reply section of anyone with a Presence is burned now
The replies were always kinda stinky because it's ordered vaguely by Engagement to begin with though, so really the only big change is now it's consistently just the most mindless junk
whars the best way, not to constantly be shadowbanned from suck a platform?
used to be you could just sorta feel your way through it by not posting Bad Stuff, but now I suspect that may be moot and also maybe liking elon's tweets puts a notification on your profile to not take action against you The guy's the most desperate weirdo ever to grace the site, and he's in control now, so I wouldn't be surprised if he has actual moderation rules in place to protect his weirdo fans
Did something change with Twitter in the 4 days I was at my retreat or something?
Not to my knowledge, but I've been playing rimworld most of that time
>>1073548 I j7st ** I'm just concerned about freedom of speach being censored again, hopefuly we can have truth, and not hatred.
Oh I guess there were The Twitter Files, revealing bombshells such as the previous CEO of twitter making decisions without oversight from the 0 people above him Which is bad and awful, of course
the twitter files' tge truth shall be on there.
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1073552 tbf nobody should make decisions for the workers but the workers so elon is right that it was wrong for jack to make decisions but elon thinks that it's jack that was making the wrong decisions rather than the syystem being wrong
Well yeah, in a technical sense I saw it reported as "a secret cabal involving <everyone in high positions> made decisions for the company" which was pretty funny Like yeah, that's how companies work They're not a secret cabal, they've got official positions as the top brass, it's unhinged
I just deleted my twitter about a week ago, retard Elon can't make a consistent policy and stick to it. Can't stand inconsistencies in rules.
I really didn't care for Evangelion, only End of Evangelion saved the show a bit didn't see the point in watching more of the infinite series/movies after EoE
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
eva rebuild movies are fun takes the original story off the rails 3rd movie is a tough watch tho 2nd movie is sick
Marathoning all three of the previous Rebuild movies the night before and then watching the final one with all of /moe/ was a blast
man this movie starts so strong maybe it's worth the kaworu bits
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
my damn anvil is stuck in a wheelbarrow, so it doesn't count it as me having one So I can't make the metalsmith so I can't make the anvil it says I need
I'm not sure what to do about this
>>1073594 Make a stockpile which can take anvils and make sure it can use wheelbarrows
the wheelbarrow with the anvil is presently in such a stockpile
>>1073597 Trying this now Made a stockpile for wheelbarrows only
nope it just followed the wheelbarrow it's just fuckin' stuck in there
Can I burn the damn wheelbarrow or something?
I can't seem to find a single damn mention of this anywhere, and DF has like a wiki for each year, and nothing for this release
OK so I was able to pull it off by marking the anvil as trash, so someone took it out, then I removed the mark and waited for it to be randomly hauled back to the stockpile This game sure is finnicky
oh man that other kid couldnt even fight back that was painful to watch
>>1073601 This release is only a few days old; if it's a weirdness of porting the game into a modern framework they might not have ironed out all the weirdness yet
i forgot how this ending is like a catharsis for gendo good shit
It also serves as a proper confrontation between Gendo and Shinji, something Shinji emphatically ran away from the entire original series That everyone deserves happiness in the end is a good strong message for closing off Evangelion
i want to watch bocchi but my brain is too scared of showing interest in things and being judged, especially since I have a roommate... how ironic
That's not irony, that's Alanis Morissette "Irony"
wow you really got me there
Instead of sulking about it, go watch Bocchi And then make your roommate watch it Bocchi is good shit
i already judge u so therefore u should watch bocchi
fuck it im going to an empty room to watch it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
enjoying things is good fear is pointless
I don't think that's entirely fair There are definitely specific occurences where fear has a valid point Not this specific one, but I think there are some valid fears
That's one advantage to weights most places are 24 hours
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1073656 Why is she talking to a child version of herself?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Swimming is one kf the few physical activities I actually enjoy so it will be a lot easier for me to do on a regular basis. I will however need waterproof earbuds so I can listen to music while swimming.
I vaguely remember a lego chess game where each time a piece was captured, it played a cutscene of the two pieces fighting, and I'm pretty sure there was a slim chance that the captured piece won Like you'd take a rook, and then the damn rook won and you lost your piece This is from when I was like, 10 at most though, no idea if my memory's accurate
Elon is just a right wing psycho. The first thing he did when he got Twitter was ask a bunch of fascists to give him lists of leftists to ban, and he personally banned them.
does rolling around on a ball to massage your back actually work?
>>1073676 I for real still wonder if he actually thought twitter was controlled by a left wing cabal silencing the right contrary to literally every piece of evidence ever produced He's clearly got the brains to believe it, but it's also entirely sensible for him to just pretend because his fans like it
how are they gonna do allmight I wonder 2 actors? the musclesuit trick from The Boys?
I jyst had a deja vu, in a good way.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1073679 bubbles can be pretty isolating sometimes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1073678 i dont know if it works but it feels damn good i put a lacrosse ball on the carpet and then lie on top of it pressing my neck muscles into the ball
>>1073691 heres whatcha doe, whenyou injure ones self, put ice one it to take the swelling and pain down, heat for healing stage. re injure it ice it again and so on. When jt it** heals stretching.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
me neither i just got the ball for massage tennis might be ok too idk the coating is pretty thin or its rubber the whole way through? and it has a scratchy surface kinda well a new tennis ball is probably pretty comfy
>>1073693you can put the teniball on a wall for reflexol9gy as well. tenis ball*
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> Schmitt says his favorite ball to use is a tennis ball. “They're the perfect size for most areas and they have a little bit of give, which I like,” he says. Schmitt uses tennis balls with his patients for most areas, but for smaller body parts, such as hands and feet, he recommends using a handball or a squash ball because they are even softer. oh okay
whenever theres something important i have build an emotional barrier to my focus slips off it super easily quick difficult to remain faving the thing with a hundred more tantalizing distractions to the sides built* facing*
I have made my life a tragedy of chasing the tantalizing distractions
I just do whatever's in front of me. Most things I get around to eventually. All kinds of things can determine when it's in front of me. But I just figure if it's important, eventually it'll need to be done, so I'll do it then.
Hmm, I think that depends on how you define focus. Sometimes whatever's in front of me changes midway through! I might be working on something that I need to finish but then something else presents itself so I do that and come back to the first thing later. I let my focus wander wherever it goes. I'm not really concerned with it. I'll pay attention to whatever.
>>1073716 getting it done = the 1st step in completion.
>>1073718 yesss! tgats so important to. Not many get that point. I sruggle wiyh this but have been working on becoming more versatile. How do you come to be tis way, I might anylze analyze* the reasponce.
>>1073720 I think it's just how I am. I didn't do anything to become like this. I used to try to do it different ways, but I don't think anything works except for what you naturally do. We all have our natural organizational methods, and that's what works best for us. Sometimes those
Sometimes those systems aren't compatible with the expectations of society, so we have to find new ways to apply them but I think nothing works for us like what naturally flows out of us. There's really no right or wrong way to do it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah when i was a kid i would just do the thing i wanted to do
now ive trained my brain to hem and haw and defer to familiar comforts its a hard thing to shake off but i could do it today if i really wanted to
yeah! we get programmed to do things in the "right" way or whatever way
for me it was zazen that helped me to deprogram myself well, deprogramming yourself is a lifelong thing, so i don't want to claim i'm deprogrammed but i'm closer to my original face than i was a few years ago
Someone wise beyond words, once said, I think quoting a realitive by saying. Care not about what others think about you, rather focus on what one, thinks honestly, about one's self.
Ppls opinions are like e bows we all have them, but being a good listener helps, in the times we must focus in other areas, like helping others. So as not to be self severing.
Well, David Lynch directed Twin Peaks but Badalamenti was in charge of the music. He was one of Lynch's best friends and such a good composer. Audrey's Dance is legendary. >>>/watch?v=4b64KyEFVhg
>>1073735 I think Ikkyu gave me an Idea of what to make, to eat, for lunch (very late /unch). Maybe on 2nd thought it was Kirra, hmmm no wait probs both. okay thumbs up!
I need to find one more course to add but the gen ed requirements page is sortbof confusing and the catalog doesn't let me search courses by number of credits. Cause I'm 1 below the full time student credit minimum but I don't want to go too far above the minimum for my first semester.
its still hilarious that he's named like a death stranding character
Sam Bankman! We need you to head south to evade the US regulatory apparatus!
>>>/watch?v=VNQut2lN_Y0 >>1073749 too true if only we could get a scan of him before he hits the big house we could have our dlc
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bro we got DLC and we got a sequel coming!
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Weight loss strat: Injur your back so it hurts too much to stand up and go get lunch
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh jesus sounds like you're in a lot of pain
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Ah I'm alright once I'm either sitting or standing It's the transition getting up/down that hurts like a motherfucker
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ouchers must be sore down there
i went thru some bad knee pain months ago that shit was inconvenient af
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Did you take an arr- Nah. Sorry. I won't do it
my back hurtin too overdid it with the groceries hopefully it's just the usual pain that comes and goes
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1073757 Come join me lying prone on the floor It's pretty comfy down here
I got some cushions propping me up, kinda helps I'm good on the proning floor thing for now
Wordle 542 3/6
🟨⬜⬜🟨🟩 🟩🟩⬜⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
roomie unpaused the Netflix to watch that new Addams Family show I'm not too sold on it myself but at least I can now watch cyberpunk without being hunched over a computer
Used to be a single Christian propaganda movie about an atheist professor who's being very atheist and bad by forcing his class to stomp on the bible or something, but one brave student stands up and says "NO MORE, I WILL PROVE GOD IS REAL", which he then goes on to do at the professor taking him up on the offer, but the professor had his wife die in a car crash so he hates god and refuses to accept it
>>1073795 it's a movie with the Hercules actor the disappointed one
Basically, take the "WOKE LEFT HAS INFILTRATED X" but now make the idiot saying it specifically a diehard parody of a christian and it's not leftists but anti-christians and the persecution of christians in america That's the entire series each one of them is one of those things I don't even remember what number 2 was about off the top of my head
oh right it's about how teacher's aren't allowed to be religious anymore in the US
it's basically just like they're behind the times the whole series, though again I don't think it was supposed to be from the start, began back when fox news and the like was a lot more explicitly and specifically Christian in their fearmongering, rather than just white >>1073801 Well yes, but back in like, the early 10s it was like, VERY specifically Christian
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1073800 They've been specifically Christian for a very long time.
Like they're no being religiously persecuted anymore now, they're being silenced for having differing views, more broadly
I guess the war on christmas still comes around every year though, some traditions are hard to let go of
So I guess I can just use floors as roofs in dwarf fortress? Or will they still let light in?
Yeah, a floor a bove will obstruct light for all tiles beneath it
Additionally it's a good idea to ceiling off anywhere which has easy access to your fort, especially if residents or valuables will be stored there There are flying creatures and birds which can entirely disregard the notion of walls, while also capable of clambering down ramps and staircases
I put a little hut over the entrance to my fort proper, and i'm making a big wall around it for defense Might make a proper roof on top of that sooner or later too, but for right now I'm just worried about the possibility of rain flooding me because I just dug down in a slope next to the wagon so nobody would die while hauling stuff into the stockpile later I might eventually change the entrance or make more of them, but for right now I'm still fighting with the starting conditions and wondering how the fuck I'm gonna make food without screwing my seed pile
If you have lots of foliage on the surface of your embarkment, there should be a button which lets you tell your dwarves to forage a location for plants If it's a good location that should probably be enough food for your starting dwarves and even an immigrant wave
oh for sure, I'm above water for now, I'm just thinking like, long term, how am I gonna make my dorfs both make food and keep enough seeds for the next round easily that kinda stuff
I guess in the short term I could just go hog wild on plump helmets and just set them to use those for food as long as there's x amount of seeds in storage or something
Can I set bins to be specifically for like, the same item by the way? I don't wanna haul 5 separate bins with 10 gold bars between them and a ton of my other shit to the trade post to sell the whole damn bin I wanna just have my bins have all the same shit in them, even if that's not optimal, at least for valuable stuff like gems and gold
I vaguely remember SEEING a setting for having bins store similar items or not, but I do not remember where, or know if I dreamt it
https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2014:Using_bins_and_barrels If there was a possibility for it, I imagine it would be documented here, but the lackthereof makes me think there's no built-in way of doing do I think if you really want dedicated bins of items, your better option would be to make a stockpile specific to that one item, and then populate it with bins You'll still likely end up with your gold ingots per se scattered among those stockpile bins, instead of filling up one bin before moving on to another, but they'll at least definitely only have gold ingots in them
Oh yeah, I guess that makes sense, just make a few specific valuables stockpiles, probably further down and better defended
Honestly, aside from kobolds which can skulk around unseen until detected, you'll protect your valuables from every threat by just dooring off the room they're kept in Your fort has a maybe invisible? kind of economic score which counts the worth of all things on your embarkment, and it's that score which dictates the intensity of the eventual goblin sieges, or sieges from other civilizations your civilization is on bad terms with I think it might also determine the arrival of legendary monsters like dragons, bronze colossi, and others Once a siege arrives, they're there's until you either inflict enough damage that they retreat, or when they murder your fort wholesale
UI wise and in terms of making information available though, Rimworld is so much better the comparison isn't even worth making When I order a meal to be made in rimworld, I get a complete list of all possible ingredients, which means I can go "Oh so that's what I need to figure out how to get" In DF it's legit just "make meal" "can't make meal, no item available" And because you DON'T HAVE THE ITEM, you CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHAT IS NEEDED
I mean hell, you're likely to just lose almost immediately if you don't already know to remove plump helmets from the meal making, or your idiot dwarves will just make too many meals from them and you'll be unable to plant any, and then you're just screwed lmao I don't even know how to make flour, or what to do with it I tried to mill plants at my little wheel, but it made sugar instead I don't know if I can specify flour
I didn't figure it out, but if I just keep it running a dorf will sooner or later make my damn wheat
You dumbass dork dorf, you can fulfill all of these by stealing something from someone and then returning half of it
>>1073829 I'm not sure if there's a way to specify, but dwarves should pull from the location nearest the workshop for the activity requested at the workshop So like, if you set up a stockpile adjacent to the mill (I usually like making a stockpile a ring around any workshop i make) and specify it to only stock cave wheat, the milling dwarf should prioritize making flour from it
>>1073872 Yeah there's something kind of accurate to the absurdity of reality about it which had me choking back laughter while reading it Although the spiral of ruin happening in the last one was great too
just once I want an anime to subtly bust out a really out of place western rock hit halfway through a fight scene and Welcome to the Black Parade starts playing, it would be glorious
>>1073900 cute >>1073901 which is a subgenre of...........say it with me..... >>1073903 it's still rock either way. quality of music is subjective. some songs will give group A goosebumps and do nothing for group B, while others resonate with group B but not group A. just a fact of life and how the brain works.
>>1073911 dank meme >>1073912 fair enough I'd wager most people don't like the pop punk that I listen to, but at least I'm aware that my music sucks, so that makes it better somehow.......
>>1073915 Dance Gavin Dance Capstan Knuckle Punk Puck, fucking typo
uh... Youth Fountain The Story So Far
those are some of my favorites >>1073917 >>1073918 yeah those two are popular enough that I think most people would know them capstan, knuckle puck, and Youth Fountain aren't nearly as big >>1073919 I also listen to emo rap which is another genre most people would hate Nothing, Nowhere. is one of my favorite artists >>1073921 ngl the quality isn't that great, idk if I could have picked up what she was saying without knowing it beforehand maybe one day I will be fluent :( but lyrics are probably always hard to hear since english is the same way