I haven't been this fuckin' locked in on a book for a real long time Well, a new book An unknown series What a discovery children of time has been for me
There's just something so fresh and actually really interesting about someone taking the idea of alien intelligent life being meaningfully different from us in ways that aren't just superficial like "oh they have a different culture, they consider this thing good and this thing bad, where we think otherwise, or they're more extreme", but actually like "no literally their actual way of processing and even communicating information is outright incomprehensible and inaccessible to us in the first place." Alien, like, meaningfully, is something that's never actually explored beyond the occasional hivemind, and even they're just "a human brain, but it's got several bodies"
Actually there is that one example from a while back, where the visiting hivemind unintentionally started a total war with humanity because to it, ramming a few of its units into a few of ours was just how an organism like that would greet each other, each individual part not really being any more important to it than a single cell of our body is to us. Utterly meaningless, and killing a few is probably what we do when we shake hands possibly anyway
maam this is a marsh thread
I'll have 2 numbers 9s A number 9 large etc
>>1073292 I just wanted you to repost an image I had saved but it became corrupted somehow