there are so many KF trolls in the hacker news thread lol you cant see them by default theyre all hellbanned but HN is kind a unique site where you can turn on showdead to see all the hellban posts
do you guys ever use food delivery apps? like uber eats or whatever seems like such a rip off can just walk down the street and pick it up myself. save ten bucks
The one time I used Uber Eats, it was because they had a one-time special to cover a 30$ meal I only had to pay the delivery and overhead Still cost me like ten dollars but not a bad deal Won't do it again unless they offer me the same deal
oh it's gin, I thought it was tequila why'd they make it piss
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>Crawford wanted the gin to be truly, pre-colonially Canadian. He whittled down a list of 40 indigenous herbs, berries and flowers (“Nothing planted by Europeans”) to six ingredients, all found on the Ungava Peninsula in Nunavik: cloudberries; crowberries; Labrador tea; a Labrador tea cousin known as Ukiurtatuq, or “Arctic blend”; wild rosehips, which lend the gin its yellow colour; and of course juniper, without which Ungava wouldn’t be proper gin.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I tried to get a picture but couldn't so you'll have to believe me I saw a number plate that said "sex"
Maybe in your twitter-washed worldview a multimillionaire is an enemy of the people and completely undeserving of sympathy. But suicide can still be tragic.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wrong tweet lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont think he was an enemy of people i dont have an opinion of him i do think he was probably his own worst enemy
Neither do I Maybe he was a total prick and he got what was coming to him.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the daily mail claims he was implicated in a pump n dump scheme and subject to a class action lawsuit but lol daily mail and americans are so litigious every exec probably gets sued now and then
I opened my google docs in god knows how long and found some stuff I definitely don't remember. one of them was a list of /a/ stories I'd saved in 2012 hmm.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
have some more chicken have some more pie it doesn't matter if it's boiled or fried
>>1062072 i cant even understand what he was saying about the guy's non existent sister lol guess im R tarded as he so eloquently put it >>1062076 oh nice
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he said "i guess you'll have one in 9 months" meaning "your mother will give you a sister nine months because i fucked her"
>>1062102 haha that kind of sleight of hand doesnt work very well in a toruney setting but yeah maybe he just goes to the bathroom and checks his phone or a spectator makes hand signals or a computer strapped to his thigh or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1062105 how was he cheating? like slipping cards into the draft! ?* just straight up playing against the rules?
>>1062108 Yes Drawing when he wasn't supposed to, looking at the top card of his library, trading fake cards for real ones. But recently he had toomany rares in his deck at a sealed event so they banned him. They should've banned him years ago.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
how silly
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1062114 Allegedly he also ripped off a 12 year od in a trade and made off with a $3000 binder of cards the kid inherited.
>>1062110 still got no idea where this meme came from
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
some dude took a snap when his bro leaned over him to order
how many years till neuralink or other neural laces come out and chess tournaments instantly die
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Man I sure can't walt to get my ghost hacked! *wait
yo rei tell me all about da latest kronner drama
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1062124 Schizos are mad because Kronii played games with male vtubers and said that she would do it again. People were making rude/crazy supas amd comments on YouTube as well as tweets. She cancelled her Saturday movie stream and is takung the week off.
>>1062125 baste schizos I remember when hardcore idol fans in nippon got a 3d idol to shave her head in shame after she was caught with a gentlemen visitor afterhours
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1062129 Thats not comparable. This is like freaking out that an akb48 member was on a variety show with mape guests present.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
its part of the Social Contract™, can't be helped.
>>1062138 Neat, I heard they made M1 carbines, didn't know BARs as well You could prob get the former, but they're expensive collector pieces. Would guess 1.5k and up
>>1062148 I think it's a cool, creative project and I would like to be supportive as a friend. but for real that really does look like shit. I'm sorry.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1062148 It feels weird to me to have rgb lighting on a keyboard that doesn't even have a proper arrow key set up.
nah it snaps in soldering would have been too much im not that level of obsessed yet man its weird having everything offset by half and the enter key down there
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
So do you actually know elvish or just think it looks cool?
nah you see back when i was in high school i got obsessed with the elvish script and made a basic cipher with stolen characters and a bunch of my friends started using it too so this is like a callback to those days also coincidentally the kb preorder arrived right as the new amazon show started airing
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1062158 You're a big fucking nerd, so I can't rule it out. Ogey
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I think one of my friends might know elvish.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what does it mean to know elvish does he go to the woods and order lembas bread '
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1062161 It means he wasted his time learning a language that is mostly useless instead of focusing on learning more Japanese. He's been obsessed with making languages recently so he's been studying conlangs.
I'm sorry Samurai I've been feeling guilty about being rude to your keyboard. maybe it's not soooooooooooo bad
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what the heck dude this law job has made you soft
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its literally programmable im just too lazy to look it up later ill hopefully get around to making a custom subdued lighting setup but i think that requires actual firmware compilation
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
oh yeah but I meant the whole thing looks like shit not just the lighting.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn, savaged guess you're right i'll have to commit sudoku
>>1062219 I'm not even really convinced that's an accident on their part anymore, it's too damn frequent and consistent Especially when combined with the whole "we can always tell" thing, which really is just an assessment of how tradfem someone is
>hey anon-kun - would you like to drink cheap beer together out of this plastic bag while I wear this undersized singlet that barely contains my enormous breasts
>>1062239 You're not allowed to have this opinion.
>>1062239 It underdelivers on a lot of plot threads seeded through the series, or outright dismisses them Characters which are like half a world away from others all converge through impossible speeds on King's Landing so everyone is there for the finale Certain characters who are normal human beings are granted powers of superhuman ability for no rhyme or reason beyond being cool And there's the whole bizarre granting of Bran the kingship because it's a "good story"
I know people were also pretty dissatisfied with the cinematography of the final season, far too much darkness making it hard to see what was actually going on
Oh yeah the darkness made it fucking unwatchable at times Though to some degree I suppose the darkness itself was kind of the point, even if it was a stupid way to make the point
I think Bran becoming the king makes sense though Tyrion's explanation in itself obviously isn't a good reason, but it's not like he came forward with the idea in a vacuum, the whole fucking country, 7 countries really, have gone through a lot of shit in the last... how many years is it anyway? 3? 10? 15? I do not know how long GoT is, because again, distances and time were never communicated, at all, except ocasionally a character would just say "seven months ago I met you at x" or something Shit's entirely fucked, and it's fucked precisely because of succession struggles when you get down to the root of it, that's kind of been a running theme throughout the whole show from beginning to end, but they're not exactly ready to throw away the system in its entirety. So they need a king, one they can at least agree on for now, and Bran is... not exactly bound to any house loyaltywise anymore, he's an ascended being who doesn't even really have any want for power
So it makes sense, though I wouldn't expect it to last once everyone's had time to regroup
Really I dunno if it's even a 'good ending' in the first place It's not the worst ending possible, but just like Daenerys herself never actually aimed to break the wheel, they didn't break it either It's still gonna keep spinning, and electing heirs to the throne isn't likely to be particularly sustainable longterm, anyway They recovered, somewhat, from a fucking beatdown
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1062235 i don't wanna pay for a million streaming services, sue me
>>1062251 >>1062256 The only thing I find wrong with that is that it should be "Someone who does not do drugs take drugs and smoke" Even then Oh wait i fucked upy sentence Anyways There's nothing wrong with not wanting to date people who don't do drugs, I don't think its fair to accuse them of being indoctrinated or boring. It's also possible that they're in recovery and don't want to be involved with people who still use.
>>1062275 >swimsuit under the clothes Shougakusei desuka
>>1062274 ahkshually they didn't specify whether it was just recreational drugs or all drugs so thats pretty vague what would your reqs be r.e. that
>>1062274 that would be true in general but like i said im being a bigot and stereotyping a certain kind of person who is very much fits a common mold
I'm just a square peg tryna fit into a round hole
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im just tryna not date the same person more or less that ive already dated where i feel like there's a low chance i'm going to feel spiritually fulfilled with them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is that awful? a filtery gatekeepery mentality? maybe its the reality of dealing with this numbers game
the company im contracting at had their airbnb for an offsite canceled at the last minute so they booked a second airbnb then the landlord of the second airbnb contacted them and was like 'place is already booked' so theyre on a third airbnb now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what a cluster this is in NYC btw how far airbnb has fallen that's sorta inevitable with mass adoption i guess
I got baited so fucking hard. Hook line and sinker. It got me good. I had totally forgotten about the premise of the show. Just find it in the backlog. Started watching some comfy moeshit.
Man.. One of my colleagues visited my office as part of R U OK Day just to talk and I think she saw the clown doll that I've hung up with an extension cord tied in a noose Hopefully that doesn't set off any alarm bells I just get bored
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1062403 That sounds very cursed. Do you have any other decorations in your office?
>>1062419 Did you leave your GPS on? If not it'd be hard to ID you from the exif. Not that it matters, if you don't feel comfortable don't post the photos.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1062421 must take a lot of guys to make that much and to get them from east Africa quite expensive
>>1062421 that whole series is super interesting Though most of them open like "the african zaroom oil accounts for a 500 billion dollar global industry and sells for $5000 a liter. Makhub and his coworkers are paid $2 a day to produce 0.1 liters"
It's pretty fucking insane The one on chocolate is even wilder During the colonial days, chocolate production was kept domestic (that is, NOT where the coacoa is harvested) and that's actually survived basically until this day, only recently starting to change as chocolate production is being set up like, in the same damn country they harvest the plant Wages are being improved by an imposed price floor on the coacoa by the government, too >>1062438 desho?
a lotr cash grab sounds actually like the product of an addled mind this shit old as dirt, man
though I remember hearing amazon was working on a cat's cradle adaption, which I would be interested in seeing if true
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>mangadex is down until 2am central Fug
go for a nightwalk or play a game with me
both got that neet energy today moe/
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1062445 ugh that looks like some dogwhistle racist shit man my friends have been praising the show i havent seen it yet but clearly this poster seems to be upset at the appearance of a person of color
looks like there's one Nando's within an hour do drive, than it's all Sydney
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I don't actually like nandos anyways.
>>1062451 its a stereotype about DMV/government workers in general I felt I dont like being accused of such things but no biggie and people would call a show I just finished binge watching and very much enjoying very 'woke' as inclusion was one of the main plot points of it
>>1062469 issa van but also to add confusion this is also a "van" that we drive at work better word lawyer up >>1062471 okay?? why don't you? is this what they call pro bono >>1062476 O don't know if it's a cultural thing or what
>send in request to radio station to play The Queen is Dead >dj plays a song with the same name by some band no one has ever heard of >we're not gonna play the smiths, we'll let every other radio station subject their listeners to that Fucking cunt
the release, new by spec request. Sex N pistol. -GOD Shave the queen! ;)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
someone stole my bicycle tires overnight and i just got the damn cassette replaced a week ago FML
>>1062545 She backstabbed the faction she'd allied and intimidated into working with her by blowing then -them all up with a rocket which united them with the other combat faction in the big finale fight to storm her incredibly fortified and stocked fortress She Ozymandius'd the whole server and they still couldn't bring her down
>>1062537 I never bothered to lock either wheel because my bicycle looks like a piece of crap and have locked it so many times outdoors and not have it be stolen that I assumed it was basically unstealable but I guess maybe because I got the thing tuned up it looked tasty enough to take rip
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
think it's about time i get a nice bicycle now that i have my own storage for it
maybe ill buy an XTURISMO from this japanese company making hoverbikes that's about to go public on the japanese stock exchange while their website still has "Just another WordPress site" in their site's title
what da hecc the new airpods can use the FaceID tech in newer iphones (basically xbox kinect tech) to scan your head's shape for optimal audio quality lol the future's crazy man
I said I'd tell you when you were being annoying here's one example fuckin random ass questions out of the blue
Why do you care how I feel about the Queen We weren't even talkin about the Queen. We were talking about Gil - the least desirable truck in the depot.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Okay, I felt it wasn't random because its in current events and you're in a Commonwealth nation. But I can try to stay more on topic with you in particular.
Don't forget it's actually predominantly composed of nitrogen
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Friday morning ...
I have a bit of faint numbness in some of my fingers on my right hand Kind of like when you sleep on your arm and pinch a nerve and end up with your hand all asleep, but not as intense and specific to only like my pinky and ring fingers Also I've been up for like three hours and haven't really been in a position to pinch any nerves
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
You know the worst part about the Queen dying is that we'll have to reprint every single bank note in circulation to update the face
Here I think the only note we'd have to reprint is the twenty Although all the other bank notes already feature dead people so maybe they'll look at it and figure "Eh, the set all matches now" The cinch for me is I'll miss seeing Lizzie's profile on the coins Doubt Charles' will look nearly as nice Though well I guess they won't simply take the older coins out of circulation and it'll be a long time before newly minted coins come anywhere near the quantity of ones with her face on them
I've got an idea for a reality TV show It's like Big Brother Except half the contestants are priests/nuns and the other half are prostitutes and they all have to somehow get along to solve puzzles.
What do you do when some of the clergy start getting fucked by the prostitutes
It's actually sound this time and not just radio waves again? Though I gotta say I'm skeptical of the idea that we even have the technology to make out the movements at the distance we're talking about here
I'm sure there's a degree of extrapolation involved but devices designed to measure deep space objects tend to be years if not decades more advanced than what you can get even at a professional level
my friend just invited me to go on a road trip with him and i said yes this friend does not like my girlfriend because she is a little socially awkward around other people girlfriend doesn't know this i wanna bring my girlfriend and i know she'll wanna come how do i manage this silly little scenario
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oof I've been the friend in that situation Although I didn't hate his girlfriend for being awkward, I hated her for breaking up with her fiancee (my other friend) to date friend A. He would always ask if he could bring her to stuff and I would always say no. Apparently a lot of people stopped talking to her after she broke up with her fiancee. Anyways Your friend sounds like he could be a jerk, but also he invited you and not your girlfriend. You should ask him if he's willing to tolerate being with her.
everything sucks in texas
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1062617 get your girlfriend to bring a friend then your gf won't feel like a third wheel and it will be an easy sell to your friend
>>1062625 err. This is getting too hard Maybe some sort of sport or physical activity in a social environment gets you meeting people. gets those endorphins flowing. Maybe you'll find a new PASSION and there are so many sports and activities there's gotta be at least one you like.
yeah bro just find passion when you work some lame job where you cant save any real money
>>1062637 I actually asked the GP the other day is there a way to reduce the emotional-numbing effects of the prescription I'm currently taking and she's like ..Not really. That's how they work. You don't feel too sad but you don't feel too happy either.
>>1062633 Sup dude? >>1062640 Huh, I've been on a lot of meds, but I don't think I've ever been on anything that makes me not feel happy. Maybe there's something else you could take. Although be aware, some meds make it hard for you to cum.
>>1062656 I think we need more of it. More and more blood.
would you go back in time and be the girl in school who listened to MCR and papa roach and talked about blood n stuff but wasn't in the goth girl circles
>>1062684 Well Honestly I don't eat enough fiber in the first place. But also, I rarely eat freeze dried parmesan powder in the first place. Wait Fuck I shouldn't have ended both of those with "in the first place" That's poor writing
today's puzzles must be pretty tough how was your fridgey nite
>>1062686 as a perfect writer who never writes poorly, I forgive you
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1062687 Meh Had an Italian beef sandwich which I enjoyed a lot But I stopped by a store on the way over and blew almost $20 on junk food. I am obviously happy in the moment while eating. But I am not happy I no longer have that money and understand that I shouldn't be eating so much crap.
You wouldn't have to buy junk food with it You could get organic and healthy food which is usually a tad bit more pricey anyways than normal options
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I guess maybe you somehow didn't know this. But I'm a NEET who lives with their parents. I don't need to buy groceries in the first place.
holy fk i never knew that!!!!!!! mind.blown I guess maybe somehow you didn't know this, but money is used for goods and services You can also save it, like by getting your food paid for. They wouldn't stop you from buying for for you parents to prepare either
As an example, say they give you $200 a month or however much it is You spend half that on caviar and whatever else fancy snacks you want Then you spend the other half on packs of chicken and hand em over to the parents to cook And they would be appreciative of the money saved from their wallets
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>they would be appreciative No My parents would be angry at me for taking money from the government that is intended for people who can't afford to feed themselves. I think there's something wrong with you that you think this is an appropriate solution to tge problem of me wasting money on junk food.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Not just angry, they'd be appalled.
> taking money from the government yes that one NEET with no income getting a few bux for food is the problem, as they spend trillions of dollars on corporate welfare and wars
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1062703 EBT is done by state governments so its actually from a pool of money that funds roads, education, public works, etcetera
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1062700 You've lost me. Explain it like Runescape
>>1062704 >The federal government pays the full cost of SNAP benefits and splits the cost of administering the program with the states, which operate it.
Rei you know I like to razz you, but dont take anything I say in a mean way, even if I get overly argumentative about it.