>>1046956 oh yeah someone's already greenscreened the cat, I would just have to install some software and figure it out
>>1046959 Videopad is the cheapest one for green/blue screen edits or I guess blendr but its not as intuitive. Adobe will always be the best midrange and if you can handle turbo autismo black magic is the professional tier.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1046960 my roommate has final cut installed, that any good?
some roofer in las vegas has got my email address which is a couple characters off of the full name of someone who appartently owes 2k in roofing services and is demanding in all bold medium size font that i call to discuss the invoice
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if they send the same email a third time im replying with my_specialty_is_roofing.jpg
Why wait? Take the initiative!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah they havent earned it yet i did send them two replies saying it was the wrong email no response for an hour now so probably this episode is over
>>1046996 Oh, last I checked that many deaths hadn't been announced. I'm really sick of shit like this. I think there's a certain amount of reasonable gun control that could be implemented without violating the second amendment but right now I doubt any gun control stuff could pass in congress.
>>1046999 the 2A(and the rest of the BoR) doesn't really exist in spirit or practice anymore, and guns are just the equivalent of expensive funko pop collections for boomers anyways.
>>1047028 Yeah They sell it here too when its cold.
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ohhhhh like firewood that makes sense
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Speaking of fuel for fire, I think my dad got a new propane tank today. We're probably grilling on memorial day.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1047024 yeah i mean even the bad ones were actually quite instructive in the long term at least but that requires the bad trip to end + a fuckton of processing
>>1046965 it's a fun little thing sam put in when you're making a thread you the option to enable the [dual] mode by selecting the flip option in that little box in the left hand corner when that is enabled in the thread you can select what side you post on when you make a post
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
for instance checking desktop mode, I can see I am posting on the left
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but if I hit flip before I go to post, I am now posting on the right
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's also vapor mode vape or wave
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fires going pretty good despite waterlogs just needed that o2
>>1047066 I had a really good keq image for you but now im on my phone so i cannot post it
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Moe is making me seasick
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no thats not good
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lets just push the weird shit up the paaaage
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
being an alcoholic today i stopped by a bar downtown and this bartender was pretty hot anyway i was respectful and whatever its her jib to be hot at one point she's delivering a drink and its a really long reach so im like "wow thats really far" something lame like that and she's lien " yeah my back cracked" and she did the subtle ahegao face what the fuck
I'm pretty curious how someone does a sublte ahegao face
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its her job to flirt and earn tips so i didnt really go anywhere from there but that was weird >>1047074 like rolling her eyes up a bit plus sticking the tip of her tongue out i dont know what thats supposed to imply probably like "you wanna crick my back out back? ;)" is my autistic guess
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
prolly just felt good and wanted to express that idk ahegao is not something to be done irl bcuz it just looks bad
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah just like "it felt really good" kind of communicated i guess
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel like such a weirdo incel typing this shit out lmaooo
i might just get a newer mobo at this point rather than try to upgrade a bios
>>1047078 all social cues are weird as shit, putting them into words even moreso describing what you think someone meant is like trying to explain a dream
>>1047078 You know she's posting on her insta now about how she was just trying to do her job serving drinks and some virgin freak approached her and started talking about hentai faces
>>1047088 god i wish i had had the mental acuity to be like "nice ahegao face whats ur onlyfans"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and by wish i mean it would be funny to see her die inside a little bit (not actually funny)
i did have a funny moment with a kid who was playin Megalovania on the saxophone outsidei n the park and by funny i mean i watched him die inside a little when i acknowledged the meme
I'm guessing she was mad about having to pay the sales tax or whatever
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
No taxation without representation.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I'm not sure what the go was gst has been around since 2000s I'm assuming she had been waiting around long enough to be ffind something to be petty about besides the wait
do receipts in the US also list what amount of the total is sales tax? they do here, and I never really managed to figure out why they do that
I can't do anything with that information, and it's not like I have to prove I "paid the sales tax" either, cause it's not technically me as the customer who has to pay it
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1047130 GST isn't meant to be applied to essential items
>>1047131 Can't speak to the States but it's shown separate here I'm pretty sure it's mostly for transparency; especially since it's going to drive up the cost of whatever you're buying from what it's listed on the price tag Although it might be the case over there that the price tag already incorporates the taxes into the price of the item so it adds up neatly But in most of North America, the tax only gets calculated in once you're at the cashier
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1047132 are you tellin me kfc is an essential food according to the government
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1047131 Yeah >it's not me as the customer who has to pay it ?
technically, the sales tax is paid by the entity selling the thing it's added to the price, obviously, but the requirement of paying it is on the seller, as far as I know
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1047136 It's the portion of money you give them that they pay the sales tax with.
>>1047133 Oh, I see Here it's just part of the pricetag and it says "of which is sales tax: x.xx,-" in a corner or something If you can do addition, you can just use the listed price of stuff to fully calculate the price you pay at the cashier
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he'll yeah I need my 80 pack nuggs
There might be some tax season bullshit you can play with where sales tax can be played with for credit or some other nonsense So in that case it would help to have an accurate calculation of your sales taxes paid But I am not a tax accountant so who the fuck knows this is just speculation
>>1047137 well yes, but it's just not like I really have any use for the information it's irrelevant on my end whether they even pay the sales tax, after all, and what amount of the price I pay is the sales tax is equally irrelevant, it's not like I can go "actually no i don't want to pay the sales tax" or anything
>>1047141 Oh, maybe there is something like that Like you can list the sales tax you've paid on your tax forms or some stuff like that and maybe get a deduction or whatever
Though very few people in this country manually "do their taxes" in the first place, that shit is done government-side and you just get charged automatically You CAN go in and manually adjust the numbers if you have a reason to, but that mostly applies to people with a lot of money in stonks or other similar stuff And presumably very wealth people can have a Tax Guy go over it so they can get away with lower taxes using obscure laws and stuff
I know here in Ontario, we get a GST/HST credit back for the year previous Although I don't know if it's calculated from some data the government knows about your transactions (highly unlikely) or just a generalized credit based off your tax return (more likely) or just a flat credit everyone who files their taxes gets back (most likely)
>>1047144 I'd wager most people who file taxes don't manually do their taxes because it's exhaustive work Most people who have to submit their taxes just use some kind of program which handles all but the information privy to you and the government and the rest is handled by telling the program how many dependents you have and other information If you really want to milk the tax system for what you can you hire a tax accountant and they know all the little places you can squeeze in expenses and other write-offs to maximize how little you have to pay in taxes
>>1047145 Yeah, basically that's how it is here Though like I said, if you never want to interface with it, that's fine too Most people only ever really go in and check what the government has generated just so they don't accidentally have an extra 0 somewhere or whatever Even that is mostly not important because later in the year that stuff is gone over and you're paid back what was overcharged if anything
In NA it seems like "doing your taxes" is like, a thing everyone has to do, but that's not really a thing here It's just a website you log into and check what they've got listed here, and add or remove stuff that's incorrect
Of course, if you've got stuff like stonks you have to manually add some stuff, like your losses\gains and whatever
Not knowing anything about your tax system, I think part of why there's an expectation of the individual here to do their own taxes is the distinction between tax deductions and tax credits here and just how many there are But they're predominantly things the government aren't going to be tracking for you, especially since a few are going to be extremely specific and niche things The government is giving you the option to apply those credtis -credits and deductions and as long as you aren't blatantly lying about them, or at least not blatantly lying about the ones they can prove, you don't get audited
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Concept: Cum trickshots
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I wish to subscribe to your newsletter
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I wish to unsubscribe actually
Not me spending like two and a half hours agonizing over whether to buy a new case and basically just have a whole new PC or not and have to gut my current case to upgrade it I went with keeping my current case Mostly because it's really big and still perfectly functionable It's got great airflow and no shortage of room to put in new drives without having to trade out the old ones And it's not like I would get improvements in drive bays and other features like having a front panel USB-C by upgrade to a new case without making concessions on airflow and other aspects Maybe I'll think about it again a year or two down the line, but as is there just isn't enough of a reason to get a new case
Why hasn't anyone made an e-reader with a clamshell design that you could hold and read like a traditional book I might be better persuaded to give something like that a spin
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
i love texas
life is fucking crazy and then you adjust to the new normal and then it gets crazy again and it cycles like that for a little bit and a month later you're teaching for the button to slow things down but it doesn't work and it was never there and it's too late
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it do be like that
i love texas
yeah it's kinda sick tbh like I'm having the time of my life but you know when you're taking a flight somewhere and during takeoff you realize at some point the plane is now going a speed that cannot be lowered to a safe level until the flight is over i think my life is starting to approach that speed as long as the co-pilot and i don't do anything really dumb it's gonna be fine but there's that lurking fear and anxiety that have to be kept at bay but also flying feels really fucking cool and right now my life is flying crazier than a Blue Angel
Man if I miss the early bus getting off work the next one I can catch is another 13-15 minutes later And I often can't control how fast I get off work because there's only one elevator we're allowed to use to get out of the basement I work in I just want to get home
>>1047172 Man I'm not going to afford a car or gas in this economy with a job that pays like mine does Not to mention it seems the store owner is kind of miserly with parking spots because "They're primarily for the customer"
I don't really mind buses too much Granted I much prefer the subway and wish more of my route involved it But this is the longest regular transit I've ever had to make, going from where I live to where I work, and I don't enjoy it Do -So many people have good work from home jobs and I'm stuck with an hour of transit
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
get a moto maybe a scoot
>>1047177 sometimes the bus can be a wonderful blast!
Could someone tell Tilde to either use a name or start ending his sentences with proper punctuation again? He ignores every post I make and its harder to not accidentally reply to him now that he's stopped ending his sentences with periods.
>>1047178 I've been thinking about it, yeah We can even own e-scooters which can go at a decent clip without a license The big trade off is it's only good for a few hours of city travel and any kind of scooter or light motorbike becomes much less charming very fast once the temperature drops below freezing and all but unrideable once it starts to snow A light motorbike would have broader use but I'd still have to consider better options for winter travel, and I'd have to do the same hoops for a normal driver's license
>>1047199 i dont know how Civ it is tbh its got like land ownership for groups it looks like or at least protection rules and maybe you make alliances to keep stuff protected? i dont know what the meta will be like
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's some travel show playing in the background here >ywn travel with a couple of milfs >>1047204 you ever played civ?
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
https://www.twitch.tv/morbius247 someone is just streaming the morbillion dollar movie on loop
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1047205 nope never i do have a copy of civ ... 5? 6? on steam
>>1047210 nope morb calls him Milo for no real reason it's literally not his name
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hmm ur joshin me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow he do be morbin
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
stream died the instant the movie ended lmao twitch tv mods wanted to watch the ending
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lmao >>1047212 >>1047213 I think Milo is the name he gives to the kids he works on then when the kid dies he gets a new Milo I could be wrong I ain't seen anything other than breakdowns by YouTubers
just lemme know if he says it's morbin' time by the end of the movie cause I need to know
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I think he says "I'm venom" at some point confusing as fuck
I mean they can be fairly cheap, the frames anyway The actuall glass itself can be a bit costly, but technically I guess you can reuse that
they don't open at the glasses place for another few hours so until then I guess I'm just gonna wait
I probably should get a new eyesight test soon, but I'm gonna maybe arrange that when I'm there for new frames The backup pair I have is really just for like, emergencies, I don't like wearing them all that much
>>1047242 Well the thing with easter is pretty much every date is calculated at runtime, so you end up with wildly varying timespans between any two given days Christmas is like "It's the 25th." Easter is like "the second monday after the first full moon of April" and shit like that
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's true none of it's close at all to the actual dates not that there's any way to know
I mean in fairness, the actual dates other than those prior to the crucifixion probably never actually took place in the first place, so they're very vibes-based
>>1047247 That doesn't mention the thing about the red light cameras making the city like a hundred million dollars in tickets from false positives. Although the new ones also suck They just have a bunch of cameras and track your car, and calculate the average speed of your car between each camera and issue you a ticket based on that. I find that to be really intrusive.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they're the company who do the speed cameras here though they were bought out by Verra Mobile whoever the fuck that is last year probably because they were up shit creek from what I read from another article
>buy a safety razor because I want to see if I can get a better shave >don't realise 15 minutes before the shops close it didn't come with a blade why wouldn't you include a blade guess it can wait til tomorrow
Fifteen minutes could have been a close shave You might've made it
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I could've been that guy that rushes in at the last minute and so often I am but I didn't feel like being that guy tonight
henlo its lunchtime i need to pack for a bachelor party up in a ski resort (but no snow we just be chillin and drinkin in the village) what should i bring
>>1047279 Hell, I've had a four day week and it's been a long week for me After a couple weeks of relatively lighter workloads it's gotten really busy real fast here I'm pretty exhausted too
Other than a bunch of stuff that's just like, stupid, it's not like I have a big complaint beyond the whole thing just... having nothing new to offer The beginning of the movie's actually kind of OK, but by the halfway point it's all just kinda stinky overall
I'm still not sure what that fucking mist trailing him when he was morbing was supposed to be, or if it was even supposed to be visible, or simply something for the audience of the movie Why'd bat DNA make his clothes leave a trail of mist?
Also whoever was in charge of the lights at Horizon was a fucking moron and should be shot The lights ALL turn off BEFORE the next one turns off What the fuck kind of design is that?
Especially when the person for whom the ENTIRE THING is funded is a guy who, due to a chronic illness, walks slowly, meaning he's gonna be in the dark for longer than normal speed people, AND HE NEEDS THE LIGHT SO HE DOESN'T FALL Whole damn place is funded for the benefit of a man using two crutches to walk, and the lights just go out over half the time you're walking the halls? WHAT THE FUCK
Like I know why they did it, from a movie making standpoint, they wanted the flickering spooky approach, obviously, but they didn't even properly execute that and the sheer stupidity of it made the SpoOooOky factor completely nonexistent cause it was telegraphed so well you'd think it was a video game miniboss
Also the battocks feel a kinship with him due to him having morbed, but the only time that's ever touched on again, he's using them against a Morbed One So do they feel a kinship with him for reasons unrelated to the morbing?
Also just once I'd like to see a Marvel capeman get his mutant powers deliberately There's so many examples of people splicing their DNA and becoming a powerhouse in the marvel universe, surely by now at least a few smart mans have gone "Yeah, I'm gonna splice my DNA with this animal just to see what kinda super powers I get" rather than it always being unintentional
One guy spliced his DNA with sand and another with water, and you're telling me nobody took a look at like, I don't fucking know, titanium and went "I've got a fuckin' idea..."
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
didn't sandman get fused with sand by accident in some sort of hadron collider accident?
ALL OF THEM ARE BY ACCIDENT, but yeah sandman was something like that Hydro I don't entirely remember how happened Also there's a guy who's just like, a rock man He's called Tombstone Where's he in the MCU? I wanna see Tombstone make an appearance, he was one of the few relatively normal dudes who could actually go against spidey in a fistfight
Hell, why didn't Osbourne just replicate Spidey's origin story on purpose? It was his own damn lab where it happened, he can just do it again, he even knows that's how it happened There are so many untapped What Ifs in the marvel universe
Hm, maybe not Still though, he's got security cam footage and could probably put two and two together about this kid showing up for a thing, and then shortly after the first spidey appearances happen, and then it turns out spidey is that kid I'm pretty sure he outright did go "let me guess, radioactive spider" or something Or maybe that was Stark
I'm also honestly a little bit miffed about how Mysterio was just a fucking tech bro with drones He had magic cubes and wore a flashy suit and a fishbowl in the cartoon, he was cool as hell And they just fucking iced him as soon as he appeared
Mysterio has always been a tech guy with drones who pretends to be magic The cubes were just technology He's always been a scam artist
Well yeah but they were cooler when they were cubes
I also strongly desire a spidey movie where he goes human-sized big scary spider mode and the rest of the avengers have to reign him in That bit in the cartoon stuck with me more than anything Let Spidey be a baddie >>1047370 too late for that now, he's a CEO
I'm rewatching and Tilde is kind enough to watch with me. And then we'll watch season 3 when it airs in June.
ah I see
I'd never seen it before and it was on my list of things I'm interested in watching but always forget about So when Kirara invited me it was a pleasure to agree
I mean it's possible that's what happened, but it's a strange bit either way honestly Lening over a railing like that on your toes is a really awkward way to stand
I'm pretty convinced two years of Covid stay at home isolation has made a bunch of transit etiquette This one motherfucker today was standing against the subway car doors, not even off to the side of them, like, dead center And then when several people were making clear motions to get out he just stood there, didn't step to the side or temporarily get off He was a pretty big guy too so it's not like it was a small thing to get around him
lazarus got off my lap in a weird way, felt unstable, dug his claws in, and gave me four massive skin tears about 3cm in length that won't stop bleeding thanks buddy you're so cool and good
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
on my foot too on the day that i walk ten miles for work
samurai commute downtown 99% of the way to the front door of the gym and then actually go inside challenge 2022 (IMPOSSIBLE)
bro just go in
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i keep finding excuses im in a cafe right now i ate a breakfast croissant i think white people designed this particular sandwich
i cant wait to be 70 years old so i can have a low center of gravity and also spend 50 seconds at the till fuckin around with coins and old receipts in my change purse
>>1047466 noice, hung out there back in 2019 neat town as long as you don't mind touristy stuff not sure how much there is to do up there now, I can't imagine there's enough snow to ski/snowboard
Minecraft 1.18 is kinda weird cause it's SO much more tedius to get diamonds now The elevation change isn't a bit deal, but it's changed so that elevation doesn't have coal or iron, so you end up burning through diamond picks or you gotta go between two shafts to get the iron and coal you need Hell you need the coal for light anyway, so you inevitably go back and forth
though I suppose technically you can just not put down lights in the shafts It's still a bit overly tedius though
I really hope they end up making season 4 of Honzuki It's been good so far, but that's when it really gets going Though I wonder if maybe it might end up being very abridged unless they split it in two
that's how it tends to be yeah I'd really love for the entire series to be animated, but that's a long shot considering how long it is and all That and it's almost finished now
wanikani's turning out to be real helpful not just for the kanji either, it also serves as a bit of hiragana practice when typing in the readings, though I've already got a very good grasp of those by now
How do translators decide whether a name is spelled with an r on an l anyway? There's no l in Japanese after all
Technically there's no R either The consonant is pronounced kind of a hybrid between the two
well sure, but the sound is there Or at least it's far closer to r than l
>>1047486 I do really like that Wanikani is uncompromising on you knowing the kana already It's something I've intentionally incorporated into when I'm talking about Japanese because I find it so useful
>>1047487 Honestly, I think they ask the author Or also, if's pretty common for LNs to have a handful of colour illustrations where they'll likely spell out the character's name in the roman alphabet, especially if it's clearly a world which takes heavily from European proper nouns
>>1047490 Oh yeah, that probably helps a lot Though not all translators seem to follow that path, since honzuki s3 ramnizes Myne's name as Main Which is kinda strange really, since both of those are "correct" in their own way Myne is how you'd approximate the actual pronounciation, but Main is, I think anyway, how it's actually like, written in Japanese. ma i n
It's also kind of poetically funny Since the real world time period approximation of Honzuki's world often had a consistent problem of there being no singular way of spelling things Like even Shakespeare signed his own name like three or four different ways because the dumbass couldn't be arsed to learn one way of spelling it
Oh yeah, that's actually a SOMEWHAT strange part of Honzuki Myne's dad is considered impressive for being able to write his own name, but obviously there are actual correct spellings for each person's name, too I mean for one, magical contracts presumably require you to write your name correctly, though that's not ever explicitly stated or demonstrated by the point I'm at I wonder if that's gonna be something used at some point, someone signing a magical contract with an incorrect spelling of their name, making one party think it's binding when in reality it isn't? Well, there is the blood part, too, but obviously the name's important or they wouldn't waste the expensive magical ink on it
What if you're looking at it backwards and agreeing to a magical contract where your name is written on it attaches you to that name
I mean, I guess to some degree that would be a possibility, but it still ends up with the possibility of misspelling your name later on purpose It's definitely possible though
Yeah but that just means that second spelling is also going to be attached to you It's not like people can only have one name
But it's stuff like this why names and magic always are kind of weird And why so many fantasy magic systems invoke True Names which hold power over you because they are your identity condensed down to a name You couldn't mispell your true name and see an effect because they are both so unique and so specific that you're not going to just stumble over someone else's true name by messing a syllable here or there You either get it right and the invocation works, or you don't and nothing happens
True Though if that's how it works, I'd imagine at least Benno isn't aware of it, or he'd insist on something akin to a kanji be used in place of the sometimes long and expensive spellings of names. (Really, I can almost confirm it's not known to anyone, even the high priest, if that's the case)
You did sorta stumble on an upcoming plot point with that speculation though, which is very funny to me knowing what's coming next
Well it's not like this kind of stuff is new material to fantasy No offense to the author; there's nothing wrong with making some good plot out of some tried and true tropes I'm pretty well read on fantasy so I've seen plenty of the weirdness that comes out of names and magic
Though actually, it's very possible you're right now that I think about it Due to Stuff That Comes Up Later, the nobility would have no reason to experiment with magic contract names, and naturally wouldn't know if you could essentially write anything and have it work And well, it's FAR too expensive for commoners to experiment with, not least of all because they can only get the ink from the nobility in the first place
Tonight's sure been a slog for me I finally got to upgrading my PC with all the parts I've been sitting on Although I had to hold off a few days because I had to get a new fan I conservatively estimated I'd be at it for six hours and I think it took me around five Was pulling my hair out towards the end over PSU cables But I think everything's working The new M.2 drive I got for my games is much better than my shitty HDD with downloading Now I just need something to test run this 3070 and 5800
one of the runescape video makers I really like was streaming on twitch. and I sent him some Bits because he seems like such a genuinely nice guy who loves the game and in the text I said something like 'favourite person on youtube' as a nod of appreciation BUT THEN he took it as a question as in "favourite person on youtube?" and he gave an answer.
Are there some sort of slight variation to how you pronounce hiragana vs katakana? Cause sometimes I see japanese character names spelled out with katakana for some reason, even when they're usually in hiragana
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont know the connotations but its a different kind of emphasis like using WeIrD CaSinG on words doubt it changes the actual pronunciation
Not quite WeIrD CaSinG but you've got the right idea Japanese text will sometimes use katakana to express that the word is being said with unusual emphasis I think the most normal application is when the syllables of the word are being stressed Kinda like the difference between "No thank you" and "No. Thank. You" But another occasional use for that is when you've got like a gaijin or something and they're saying a Japanese word in a kind of funny way Like with a lot of Japanese language, the immediate context of the situation is pretty important
my friend and I started a new minecraft server, and very close to spawn is this incredibly scenic location with a village close by, a mountain overlooking it, and a naturally formed cave entrance, as well as streams of water and lava from the mountains It's incredible I just walked over to the place, went "OK this is where we're gonna build, it's decided", and then I found the cave, and then the village Blessed beyond words
>>1047549 I mean I guess that could be fun, but I'm not actually skilled enough to grab power in a minecraft server And if I can't have power, why even participate in a politics-based minecraft server?
Though on the other hand, getting in on the ground floor may enable me to stake my claim
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats why you bring friends idk how the systems really work with block protection and all so realistically id join an existing nation to learn ropes first then start some precarious anarchist collective
I guess it's worth a go, I'll give it a look when it launches at least We could maybe join forces and manage a small nation state
Regardless of how the systems work, unless it's heavily modded, just knowledge of how to acquire resources will enable us to build capital, and capital likely equals land, which in turn equals subjects I'll float the idea to my buddy too
From what I already know, apparently grabbing hold of any mesa biomes will send your economy into a good spot because they've got more gold or something
maybe not the case in reality If nothing else, it's got resources that are unavailable in other biomes. aesthetic resources And those should give you leverage in trade negotiations and stuff
You wouldn't want to lead the nation that doesn't have access to the nice looking blocks, after all
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
build Lichtenstein
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i doubt its quite so scarce as say a game of Catan i wonder if the map is jnfinite or do they cut it off
if it's default near-infinite size there's really no fun in playing a gamemode like that Why lead a nation of 5 people on a server where the nearest neighboring nation is tens of thousands of blocks from your border?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont think thats the way it works you have to like maintain the chunks that you control or somehting?
Yeah, usually they have an upkeep cost based on the size of your claimed landmass I just mean like, if the map is infinite, there's a heavy incentive to place your shit far away, and so nobody ends up interacting at all The playerbase isn't infinite after all
>>1047539 I spent a solid five hours in high tension swapping parts out of my PC while desperately hoping nothing would go wrong without being able to know until it was all put together So riding the energy off of that I was able to keep kicking for another four hours or so
The floor wasn't initially going to have lights in it, but the roof lighting wasn't enough to brighten the place up enough, so I had to improvise This was the only OK looking design that worked because below the floor is a spattering of bedrock, which for obvious reasons I'm unable to replace with lava
I basically just had to tear up the floor and look for some sort of relatively intenional-looking pattern I could make while avoiding the bedrock It came out fairly nice, all things considered I considered a column of lava in each corner, but it'd look kinda stinky
I wonder what I could do to make the room look a bit better though Maybe tint the glass a darker color so it doesn't stand out so much? And reddish for the roof ...though the roof's gonna be a bit of a pain to change since the lava is above it lmao
I was able to forget about my friend's suicide for like six hours while I was hanging out with some other friends but when I was getting my stuff together to go home I saw the package of tissues I had with me at the memorial service and I remembered everything.
You never know! I have pretty full facial hair, so I just use the same type of razor that I use for my legs and armpits, which is a Gilette Venus Smooth something.
I wonder if I'm sick Been way more tired this last week or so, can't sleep for long at a time either
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what are you feeling besides tired? do you feel achey
No, just low energy and way more tired than normal No pain or anything similar
I guess my moods maybe a bit lower than normal, but I'm pretty sure that's just a result of being tired anyway That and my mood is overall a bit chaotic anyway and drops for periods without any particular reason So it's hard to use as a measure of anything else
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all your friends abandoned you for the [[Slime]] you are?
/moe/ i decided that i am going to start a business my own private practice at the end of the year i'm gonna do it i have a lot of work to do to prepare for it but i'm excited about it i'll have my own office and i'll be my own boss and i wont get in trouble for not being christian
thanks' if i see the number of clients that i do right now, i'll make an additional $8000 per month more than i do now if i see a third of what i see now i'll make the same money i do right now so it's hard to imagine it not being more successful than i am now cuz my current boss is making like 10k a month or more off of me while i only bring home like 4.5-5k
really everything about the original one seems like a fucking fever dream, like talking about it as though it's a real movie with a real production process will make people think you've actually gone insane It's a full feature length movie, edited like a trailer for itself It's actually kind of impressive
>>1047686 it was pretty fun, not particularly good way better than the first one at least
This weasel character has me wondering if it's standard in the DC universe to imprison... animals? It's seemingly not really sentient, just humanoid
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1047694 Is he in prison or at arkham? Also the alternative is having him on the streets or put down (probably)
well yeah he's in arkham but like... they put down a gorilla in the real world cause a kid got into its enclosure one time, and they put a... large weasel creature in a psychiatric ward in gotham?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1047696 Okay he's formerly human https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Weasel_(DC)
Today was rough boys... Can't really get into the specifics But i got raked over the coals a bit I think the person was.. Unreasonable. But I also made a couple of mistakes that really didn't help Then other stuff happened too Just Ugh Beat down Defeated
I've been given root access to my friend's miney crafty server, so I've added some food-based mods we've got spice of life, giving us more max HP if we eat enough varied food, permanently until we die, and diet, which tracks what kind of various foods we're eating, and if we maintain a well rounded diet it gives us some additional buffs I may end up just editing the numbers on that and removing spice of life, though, cause I added another mod that drastically increases the amount of various foods available, and spice of life isn't actually capped, it just counts each food item and ticks a milestone when you satisfy the parameters for each one Which may become way too OP
I kind of want to keep it though, because it really incentivizes trying out all the different foods, which vanilla minecraft absolutely, categorically does not If you're eating anything but cooked steaks and golden carrots\apples by midgame you're playing the game wrong or doing so just for fun
Minecraft has a ton of different food items, but there being a best food that not only is the best, but is also infinitely renewable as soon as you start building your base makes it all kind of hollow Sure there's suspicious stew that gives you a buff of some kind, but you're not gonna be eating that often, and besides even getting a mushroom farm going is kind of a hassle A steak farm requires 2 cows, a bucket, and some fences And it also gives you leather, which in itself is a very useful resource
I' I'm gonna need to pump our hunger multiplier a bit just to counteract the absolutely mindboggling power of the croptopia recipes Hamburgers give 16 saturation
Of course, it's a little bit counteracted by default, since hamburgers only contain grain and protein, leaving 3 other food groups unfulfilled, so we're still gonna be eating other stuff as well but doubling the hunger speed by default might still be a good idea
idk maybe there's better choco and pb out there every time I try reeses it's horrible maybe I'm spoilt by not having butyric acid ( I think that's it?)
Turns out using the diet mod to increase default hunger just gives you the hunger status effect Which means your food bar is permanently green now Not ideal
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I think it's time to get ye old space heater out
put my feet on the space heater once and my mom called me a day later screaming about it
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's when you tie her feet to the space heater and give her a real reason to start screaming
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but 4real once you start paying the bills who cares how long you keep the space heater going well who cares except you crank that shit