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well it's fine for me cause i have like no shows on thursday nights might put you guys behind though
if he shows up i'll still be around
Hi sorry I'll be right along in a moment
Cue! Episode 5-6 Futsal Boys! *Hakozume *Koroshi Ai *Leadale no Daichi nite Saiyuuki Reload - Zeroin Shikkakumon no Saikyou Kenja
I was going to say it would be okay if we just did the four shows that air for tonight But there's no Tokyo 24-ku this week or at least out tonight So I guess we do the three shows and then Rika and I see where we're at
I do however feel well-rested for like the first time in a week and a half Aside from sleeping half my weekends away I've been getting between like two and four and a half hours of sleep a night for a while now
We got Chateau's partial backstory last episode Time for Ryang-ha's
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this show is so edgy and serious that every time this OP starts it catches me off guard and every time they do a cute or comedy thing it feels awkward i do like the OP though it just always feels like a dramatic shift from the sequence before it and usually after it as well
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oh yeah it's the murderer's mystery cruise
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murderers' *
Hey he might own the ship too you don't know
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i love lappland
oh for some reason i thought chateau was putting on one hell of an acty i was extremely confused
She does kinda have Chateau eyes Chateau doesn't seem like the kind of person who's good at acting though
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the blue filter makes it hard to distinguish colors too
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>>1027798 no absolutely not that's why i was so confused
Poor Chateau's boss This isn't what he signed up for
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ara ara
And the male equivalent Hora hora
Angry Chateau burrito!
Everyone's getting paired up except Secretary-kun
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wait so what's with this cruise again did she really contract him to go on a date with her
Secretary-kun is going to be the one doing the murderin' before long
>>1027822 I think she wants a bodyguard and him pretending to be her date is a good way to stay close But she also seems to kinda like him a bit?
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her ringtone is kind of annoying
It's probably the default that came with the phone She doesn't strike me as someone who customizes her phone
I like these glass roof hallwally type storefronts that japan has well we changed scene but they were in one it would ben ice if we had places like that here
Yeah, you see them pretty often in shoutengai And I've fanboy'd about shoutengai a fair bit I think When I was in Osaka last time in 2017 I visited the longest shoutengai in Japan and they had stretches with the glass roofs like that Although some parts did also have opaque roofs
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i thini've been in a mall like that before
Uh oh don't die Boss-san You're like the only rational and normal person in this show of murderers and other people disjointed from reality
Oh fuck
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i love lappland
He's also got a butterfly knife stuck in his neck
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i definitely did not expect that wowza
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i wonder if she's gonna pull the trigger and it's gonna click because song did something with it when she almost fell asleep with it in her hand
Surely as a trained assassin hunter she's practiced good gun smarts enough to not make such a rudimentary mistake Surely
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i can't tell sometimes where chateau's inscrutability ends and her airheadedness begins but it's definitely the kind of mistake i would attribute to her to not check
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so far she hasn't really given me much faith in her competence she's lost just about every engagement she's been in some of them embarassingly
Oh shit a meth dealer
Also I guess the bit about them all getting fired last episode was just a bit and nothing more
Oh here's another shougengai with a glass ceiling
I think this one might be based off one I've been to in Kyoto
Hah hah I guess the car incident hasn't been entirely dismissed
She is kind of a terrifying person when she opens her mouth
Minamoto can definitely be a weirdo at times
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thi sis this is a setup don't fall for it
That or he's reading more into it than she's actually giving
This is where Minamoto shines though He's really good at interrogation Oh maybe too good though Using information he shouldn't
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i've heard that if you're being interrogated by japanese police that you're basically already guilty also they have one of the highest conviction rates in the world because once you're charged with something, the court process is almost just a formality
A surprisingly nice guy for a meth dealer That's not that drug dealers are all scum, I've just heard meth dealers are particular among dealers for nipping their own stash
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>aren't (_____ criminals) pieces of shit? oh kawai
I'd say it's stuff like that which demonstrates why she's not a good choice for a cop But honestly cops probably like having people who think like that
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i wonder how many people who have their job are not a good choice for their job it's probably a decent number human society has almost never been min-maxed and perfectly efficient
I'm fine with never achieving perfect efficience but I'd rather that not come at the price of people's unhappiness
For all his concerns about keeping his job, Minamoto is pretty lax about getting shouted at by his superiors
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is minato actually being really cool or is he playing kawai like a tool
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she didn't have to shatter any bandits on her way home
Maybe the word is finally getting out
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the guild lady's voice was way higher pitched than i expected
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haha what
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was that supposed to be her getting turned on i'm confused
She hasn't seemed smitten by any guys so far Although there haven't really been a whole lot of guys that would probably be even in a hypothetical strike zone for her Unless she's a shotacon
Just casually asking the trees to move aside
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fried egg on toast is a 10/10 meal
What a convenient little fairy
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that's the tv fairy the blu-ray fairy is somewhere else
I'd give Mye some gentle guidance if you noamsayin'
This is a cute monster
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reminds me of kanna
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uhhh haha what
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yeah it really was that
She's very casual about it And Mye is very excited
Cayna please I am slightly concerned about that expression You don't need to fight everyone strong
Oh two other players have found each other And they're old friends too How nice
What did he do He was just trying to synthesize a potion
even for a player, cayna is super op right since she's a skill master will those players know who she is instantly
Yeah, they haven't gone into too much detail, but I assume the Skill Masters are like, endgame players who rank on a PvP leaderboard or something You'd think people would recognize her
But at the same time maybe the scale of time messes with things Like those other guys this episode said it was only after Leadale shut down that they ended up in the isekai world Who knows how long it kept running after Cayna died in her original world And then they've been adventuring in it for ten years The scale of time here is weird
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i thought to be a skill master you had to do a specific set of things that made you a skill master and that she was the 3rd one