Hi hey hello Give me a moment and I'll have the list together
Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku Cue! Episode 5-6 Fantasy Bishoujo Juniku Ojisan to Futsal Boys! *Kenja no Deshi wo Nanoru Kenja Kimetsu no Yaiba - Yuukaku-hen Saiyuuki Reload - Zeroin Shikkakumon no Saikyou Kenja *Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jutsu
Kimetsu will run a bit longer than a normal episode, but it's not a double-length episode I think when I checked it was around thirty one minutes I figure that's probably within a comfortable range for five episodes still but just in case you're concerned for time
shimatta i got stuck in a trip down memory lane i'm here now
i'm too young to be nostalgia tripping so hard but it's not my fault The World God Only Knows had such a good OP or lucky star or hidamari sketch or...
The dyed hair with her eye colour is nice though It does give her considerably different look
i love lappland
Yeah I figured the main reason she died her hair was that whatever racism this world seems to have to her people is really bad where they're going
For such a small, petty kingdom, he sure has a lot of people trying to overthrow him
Still on the fence if this is a girl or a shota
Oh that answers my question
i love lappland
wow his talent for bullshit is incredible
i love lappland
oh she's the prince
Meanwhile Wein is stuck with the highest eschelon of the religious people
i love lappland
oh does the king seek to eliminate a strong political opponent by turning him into a holy elite
She'd be kind of fun if she wasn't also a religious nut
i love lappland
the elites seem like they could be copmetent enemies for wein
i love lappland
maybe they have something to do with the rebellion at home too
i love lappland
I wonder if the Elites are all working in tandem or if they're more segmented than that, or even kind of all their own thing I was leaning more towards the latter but maybe they all want Wein defeated and Natra a vassal-state of ... whatever this religious nation was again
despite being like legendary cuteness, i think the kenja girl is cuter than this one
Well beauty is in the eye of the beholder And you kinda have a thing for silver/white-hair
Plus the legendary cuteness also seems to be in part a geass she affects on other people
Hah hah well They incidentally turned this random town into a holy site for the goddess of night
I think the ultimate comedy for this series' resolution would be they defeat the Maou or whatever reason they got summoned here, get to go back to Japan with Tachibana back in his normal body But because of the charm curse cast on them they have earnestly fallen in love with each other and end up gay married back in Japan
If only we could all have as such a lovely guardian angel as Nezuko
I thought Tanjirou being okay might've been something like that I guess Nezuko has some ability to purify demon agents like that Kinda like how she countered the suicide nuke from the demon siblings
Oh Well Oh she's not dead yet I thought the imouto demon might've been a thing he created with his demon abilities But I guess with them both on the cusp of death Muzan saves them
It's hard to not feel at least a bit sympathetic for these siblings But it's not uncommon for monsters to be born of such circumstances
These two are somewhat sympathetic but they're also kinda naturally evil and seem to have been somewhat demonic before even becoming demons
I think it's a bit unfair to call them naturally evil The onii-san's only real intrinsic "crimes" were being born ugly and into poverty Not that it excuses his actions, but put almost anyone into his situation and you'd be hard-pressed to not become bitter and twisted to the world And it seems like he passed down that bitterness to his imouto as he raised her
Nezuko is still being restrained with just a rope Since she bit clear through the bamboo bite she's been restrained with
swimsuit under clothes is a very powerful summer technique
Guys swim trunks don't quite work as nicely under clothes But you can kinda just wear them as shorts I guess I'm not really fond of wearing shorts though
This pond doesn't look like it would have particularly sizable fish Ah yeah I thought that would happen
This countryside is really almost beyond my suspension of disbelief
Yeah kinda Especially since there's a private girl's school only a decent train ride from Tokyo located here Like where in Japan could you get to a few hours train ride tops from Tokyo that looks like this
This is why you never bring your friends home Your family will embarass you!
Wow you can't just start calling her by her first name The show's name is Akebi-chan!