Thread #102618
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paging anime friends
Yes anime.
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i went to /v/ today and found out they're still really fucking gay
alice tsugumo that's it?
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okay give me just a sec
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I managed to do all of the third palace in Persona 5 in one go without having to go back to the real world. It was tough. okay let's Alice okay let's start!
OK!>>102628 arigatou
sanae did nothing wrong
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Oh yeah we're in drama mode.
>>102632 this is how this show is
i heard something amazingly horrible is gonna happen
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I'll drop it if they kill Yukari.
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>>102635 nothing that bad i think
wow the car's floor is stained with her tears gonna need to take it to the cleaners
Or just blow it up;.
that's a really inefficient way to clean a car
i guess it won't be stained anymore if you blow it up though
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its nice they're having a touching family moment right now but a little girl is getting abused and drugged up far away from her home right now
Kakkoii onee-san.
I just got finished watching this week's Uchouten Kazoku and the Arms lady in this show has the same seiyuu as Benten.
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It's kinda rude just going around telling people they're flat.
Zouroku kinda takes a lot of things in stride.
go grandpa
grandpa anger threshold approaching
Oh her leg's actually intact. Probably. Still is probably a really painful feeling though.
>Age 72 Okay wow this guy is actually really old.
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Well he is an old guy after all.
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He's so old he's even old in flashbacks.
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ten years ago he was still 62 he's been an old man for all of sanae's life
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zouroku is so cool this crazy magic girl who nearly just killed him is trying to hold him hostage and he's just like >shut the fuck up >i'm trying to talk
And then completely acts like she's not there to grandpappy Sana.
This chick likes to be a big damn hero.
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bureaucrat Shiki comes to save the day
Like look at that smirk. She's enjoying herself and she knows it.
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i have to wonder why miriam didn't really fight back was it because of Sana or did she partake in a little bit of that sedative beforehand
thanksf or anime>>102664 i would think her powers got nullified by sana
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>>102665 that's probably right but i'm going to imagine that she's just really fucking high right now and doesn't want to move that much total couchlock
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thanks ika let's watch that tsugomo thing okay let's start
Tsu gu mo mo
haha she had the same reaction to that line as i did >I'LL USE YOU
this seems like it's probably a stage in the game
The music in this adaptation is actually pretty nice.
Landed gods are no small shit.
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I don't think you can use an obi as a drill.
>>102675 you can if it's a MAGIC obi
RIP mask.
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she so smol now
Yeah it's kind of even too small on the scale to even be called a loli. Though even still the landed god is even smaller.
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the implications here are a bit much
you cannot deny the loli pudding
I mean in fairness how do you react when your itouto goes about asking you for your preschool clothes.
>>102684 in any way except deciding now is the time to seduce him probably
just go to a thrift store damn
do they not have thrift shops in japan
Dunno. Wouldn't know what to look for anyway.
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well the nurse outfit almost looks like real clothes!
Dark waters run deep.
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I've never heard that term before.
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you've never heard someone say "listen here"?
Oh I guess that makes sense. He must have jumbled the syllables out of nervousness
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>>102695 yeah that's what i assumed anyways he just got flustered by his friend thinking he was into loli
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A bit of a dull show.
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the onee-san is the best or my favorite at least this show is alright at times it's fun and at times it's dumb but it's almost always at least a little funny thanks for all two anime(s)
>>102696 I am still mad about what they did to kiriha in the manga.